raWivWBBP.;.;; W&TJxZf M i&DSCT&t Z7i::-'T. f w . ain'wiBWrf r FlWs'ftVWaM -7 v. vw fc 'y w " ffVir3'Y j " fl.' JT.Ija".k'i',ia TffMHMKI'j:"1 . V.'iV '' 'wy&ww tTrflg V f"' v.' EVENING PUBLIC JLEDaER-ifefiltAt)ELPHIA;'teDAY, .JUNE 42, 1922 " VHP!,' , Hia.; ? mmmmmmmmmm - nm&&. fi&wmM2mmmMwr8M ,2, " ' : ' 1 : !.S. K2fiSl. n m fcv W ; ohm 15 uHvmv 'yAu ' wuil.. i-n di,.e n. iaj..,.ii n Lwi-VnY,VUII DIUPVt'l J II tiuuiu wu &W Ne Geed, Customer Says an litep' tiji ,' ft'tffr- r MA''S ' MOTHERS FEEL SAME WAY 'tin victim of flic crnh nf Chan- nr "rethrrs ft Ce. eTp'nlned tednv nil nre'-pp-'lii-K rn-nlnsl Vredprtck T. Chandler. Jr. find K'trl Mendenhall, members of the bankrupt brokerage nrm. The two rdltrr n'e Anten M. To--relle, r, (.",2 t.a'e' weed nvenue. n mem ber nf the Ph'lndel-ihl.t Orchestra, and Oorrlen S. Ca-rlsnn. n stock broker. 6866 I.lnce'n drive. CJermnntewn. wh.) wre two of the nrlviite tTisecute's. Mr. Torrel'e 'flld thnt he could "se no use In havinj Chnnd'er go te jill." and verified the ttnteinent of AsslMnnt District Attorney Fax that his c'nim had been sntlfied The Finnlflrancc of Mr. rorrelle ttltudc reflect thf general npnthv of nil creditor. nf tli" firm 'n the fnllure te pre for tiroccutien. lawyers. nv. Chandler wa nrraienrd 'n-t .Innnnrv 7, churprd bv Mr. Torrclle with cm cm bcislnnent and f r.itdiilcnf conversion. Mr. Torrc'te n'hl settlement was made with him In Mny Mr. Carrlgnn swore out warrant for Chandler, Mendenhitll nnd Clarence N. Williams, manager or tne hrm m Phila delphia office, en October lit lust. Hp alleged thnt he had 'pt SSii,.. Magis trate TeiirIiIH Issued the warrants. Are you E''nC te Press theie war- rants?" Mr. Carrlg.n was asked las, n,"V. , ,. . . . n"V..lnr sen" "' irying te mrt nnrbflfv?" lie answcrei "1 ten i Mint eny geed would come of It I don't he- L'JIJ:. '.I" nerter " Crr.f?n was then Informed that . Mr. Fex said the claims of four per- I sons nmj irrn euin .ion iuuC one ei thew said lie was sattstlcd "Well, of course, that s different," Mr. Carrigan replied. "I shall see my lawyer." At leat three ether men swore out xvarrants for Chandler. Mendenhall and Williams dur'nu August and Septem ber last. All three wurrnnts were is sued by Magistrate Teughlll and turned ever te prlvafp detectives for service. Se far as can be learned they never were served Ofcar I.eeb swore out warrants for all three, charging they had drfreude him of .s.rj.,. uaymeml .M. l-.mblgh swore out warrants for nil three, char?- tide, and tne sewer eut'et being in tin ing false iretens( and Intent te de- viclnitv . detectives weiking en the the fraud him of $24121.2.". The third hatch ery that tliex hnd crawled into it, ei warrants were swe-n te ey .101111 r Parke, making the same charges against all three, the sum inve'ved in this cast being $02.",0. NEW IRISH CONSTITUTION SATISFACTORY TO BRITAIN Objections Raised by Treaty Signa tories Adjusted by Revisions Londen. June 12 (P.v A P.l The articles of the new Irish Constitution ' have been revised se sntlsfacterlh Evening Star n'serts tedn . that Ar- I thur (Jrifflth wl'l return te Dublin with them tonight. "" Winsten Churchill. the Colonial Secretary, announced in the Heuse of Commens this afternoon that it would be mere convenient ,ind In the crneiul public interest if he deferred hij,.stute tnytt en Ii eland, which it had been ex--ffectpd he would de'lver today, until Tuesday or possibly Thursday. The whole l points inied bv the Peking and Tokie Changes Suit U. S. Ontlnurd from Tntr One by General Wu Pel Ku. borrowed mnnev from Japan and took office apparently with the Intention of still finthcr put ting China under obligation te her Island nPlgliber. A victory for General Chang Tse I. In would have res'ilteil In till further delivering China ever te Japanese Influence The present Gov ernment of China stands for a China for the Chinese. If nreLnb'v hones fur tinnncinl nnl from the I'nlted States and unless leans are forthcoming it probably will aKe fail. for China is In bad straits timin, mlly . The failure of the lat rather pre-Jap-nnese Government piehaldv sicnitinl that Japan was unwilling te haz.iid the geed will of the I'nlted State, te the extent of increasing China's finnm ml obligations te herself It Is te be assuuud that there will be co-operation between the government of Uaren Kntn ami tils government with regard te China. Kate liacing been the chief of the Japanese delegation heic at the Wii-hlugtnn Ciniferen. c aid having iigrc'd with Mr Hughes about the policy of the Powers with respect te China. Ne l". S. Interference The statement of Minister ScluiriiHin is no doubt put feitli te ni-sure die Japanese Government thnt though things have taken en an American turn ie China. It lias net been due te inter ferenec by tills Government, and tsai Ithere will In future be no undue intlu- rnce exercised nv this l iev eminent nt British signatories m tlie Angle-Irish v . ' V . Atlantic city Realtor Blocks Traff c iienrv itnss Mrs C II Incebs Mrs ' the ground that the se ect en of a con- w. Treaty- in "connection with h"-framlnB T hyTenZ7ur&T"Mutrel Whe" Seld y Brain Attack "inrry Tappen" tinV "her 'eu.ineiitM Mnbuiary efii.er te head the prohibition JODA .8 MARRIAGE LICENSES of the Constitution have been adjusted. ?tni Vmeterv Willi.,.,, Klin,. ., ..,i,i , .i . members of the parish. foice would result in mere effective cu- m,"l,lni.J ,Nlc.h0l"e- At113 N s,Uh "' "nrt ll'mrrn.''T ;'"" T P"t "1 J'PcsJ Me'de.; e t l',, " , , S,e of the rain the HtS 11. tlnt'nLTn VI0" "p " "' "l M r8' Sarah R' Corde ,,ero '' I1"1"'" "" "l "" ''"''vrcl ill the old church build - '" , aT'lC is i undire y;..hnt Wllfla'm A uTrlch'"'-'! Wl.i!S?, "I-. . H Eteon d Vae?a ""' ( """ "" rnl. R. Corde. widow of ,hc automobile M-erday afternoon, daze,' inc. The Rev Dr Jehn C.ordeu. of ' -f "J vr lu lrJV' Bni rn.edttncU. the newspaper ndd,JR"VTnr,M V" nodairYea ??v W1" """ Ne"" is believed te be lnrelv due te the nt the home of her son-in-law. Kred- ,li. w.ls V- " '" ,nn Atlantic ( ity lies- M-ter. epenc il tlii'Mi Mces i Prajif ,ell x, cl() of ttl.Uurgh, chief Samun 1). Strain. MU l: TleBn m ami tne l-erd rnier .lustice. who ins been '. " ".. e, ,..,,., --.-,. , , . , ... . ,, ,,,,.,. The locemimr 1 cister the Rev i ', ": "i''ln url" "inuj; as act- .nargarci i; iiipp. msu n. tilth s) nl.vine n nrnn.itmn, ,,,.. m ,i, e.. .wars old and death was due te the -'ti"". "iitiil Mr. Kline in his ma- nmi lei l iti li en ug p. s ei. ii i in i ,, (,hfif ()f . . mder Piehlbl-i JI-":'.n.- -M.ann. ine: w. Oakdai. ;:.Viu ' Intirmlties of her ace Mr Corde wa "'"" "' u, "'"idle et uwge avenue ai Aionze i. winicis. win. nm m- . ni..,,,...... ii,.i He Ims slml i.. ..""" "'.,.ry ' "r""- --'-'l Dlame t,,t,ena- , I , , ,, , , ,( , ' c"; Manatnwna avenue. ,,e,.riuc nbeur ln .i fermnllv installed Tuesday evening. .'" . , "' ' ' "'". 1.. l'1"1 '" Fu,r.,.r.3' " .A'1 ".''". y . "th . W,3 I'eklnr. T nt. -. . i . - . i . . . . A 'nPAinrtr aduaiiintwui it li u',.L )..,,.... "(i ';; "" ' " "', "iisiuimieii t Conference treaties by Jaeau under ' L. Ifftrnn KnlO. I, llI.S nil nlim lini.n nor- i In.y'ra - ---- --": - " J .- , jW fectly rnnlideut that Jaean would ratify ' 'vfu l .' trP"ll,' Ailil the new premier1 iX tnnes an espccini tuteiet in them. w he ' helped in tlielr negotiation. Only the hesitation of France ever the 'naval treaty and the doubt whether she .svlll ffirrneh ft. 1, .. , I mnrti, ,, . ,.... ,.,,., . Mtlen appears tu be delaying net Ien by tke ether Powers. Freight Conductor Dies of Heat . tyarrisburg, Pa.. June P (R A. v.- .-tj-T-inuiiien jkociiieru, smy-iuree,-'.tPwiliaylvania Railroad fi eight con- &.... .. JuAlav tens i.tpt'eninn he lin.i. It, tlm l '."11...I ...,,lu !,., ,..i..,l i .n... i aawfutiii .....r. nrir j, ri-ir, nil,, tui.l 111.11 s-aViv'llK Ktnrm which fnlleue,! .. .In. ,.f jve neat, wind wrecked a grand at Kllr.abethvllle. carrviiiL' a nor. ,0f the reef 100 yards away ncruss d t neks. The ciew of a train few minutes later removed the p before the train could proceed, 3ES &I6 L I'PW C?':Jm l?jft JtJHT AH IT IIAfPFVln ctiir make evtry atnry mere cer. . Iev ue et th vldnc it bears of """ w .". vnt weai.n m bf wea of pleturtd werli J..-0! ?.?; .your iMwipl LENINE'S CONDITION IMPROVES STEADILY i , Premier Is Able te Walk In Garden and Dictate Letters Moscow, June 1L'. (Il.v A 1'.)- Premier l.enine's condition continues t'e show improvement, It s tt,ited in of ficial circle', nnd he Is new able te walk In the garden nnd te dictate letters. Contrary miners still prcuiil. but the pessimistic attitude of the com munistic circles ten dajs age, when the Premier was admittedly in a critical condition, has vanished since the specialists have pronounced his ail ment curable. The Pctregrnd Soviet In n letter ad dresied te M. henlnc asks him te fel- lnU fllil tllli.l itt.'u rK-ilrtf... Lt..,llt ,,,,.1 t.i S,H,,I( Mm, of Ills tilm, ln t1(1 ,-(,1(ls ' Mi.,.l,n.. r n.uir .....I M Ts-'urupeff continue te enre ' for the teehuienl duties of the Premier's effiep. while Wnr Minister TretzUv and l.ci I Kumeneff, president of the Moscow ' Soviet, are repotted Te be acting ns nil! advisory directorate. I Dili the nbselute conviction that ' I.enine is forever out of netien would imiI te the appointment of any one te i succetsl him ncrmnnpiitlv. and II is new , the feeling in official circics tliat. unless unexpected developments occur, the Premier will 1p back in thp thick of .the nation's nffairs within a few months i at the most. EBERT VISITS BAVARIA Heavy Details of Police Guard Pres ident Against Hostile Outbreak Mlliilnli Itfiifirlfi .tititn t'J l ttt A. i P.I President Kb'Tt. p.iyiti,: his tir.st official sjt t Haarla since his elic 1 lien us liead of the State, nriived here ' this morning. Although it hnd been feared that the Nationalists might make I the viflt the occasion of n he-tlle dcin- finstrntlen, the President's arrival was - -" t - "" "" "' net marked bv I.ercl.enfel.l nn,l ,he. .nf.nl.r.r, ..f ,l,p I ,.i,,"V . .i.- '.. ..""V ' .. L'.. . . nihcials I " "". ". ". jiuiiiu "".I ceiiuurti tn III- hotel. t e alt- i . , . . i .. . varmi!' .ernln? fTn id -VllZ '"" I A" precautions were taken te main- ,..ls nf police pa- """" "" -tretts. .... AUUAIIU HUNT FOR THIEVES N. Y. Detectives Have Thrilling All- fcjiL, c-u t " a ' veu I wil New Yerk. June 11. A thrilling all l night wnterfrent search for two bandits he held up a Wet Side peult t mar ' ket. ecajicd with .51000, jumped into I the North Itiver when discovered en a pierhead counting the sitelpii money nnd were believed te have taken refuge in n sewer, was abandoned jestprday t Dy senres ei police Tin. inhhers lr.me,i n(r ih,. t.inn t. piungeU in and Joined n the neiintle hunt Deaths of a Day MRS. ELIZABETH YARR0W Operation Following Illness Proves i:ve,y'! Ta,t,!!.50- "f Pntersen. N J.. r - , came te visit the ranch one day began Fatal te Society Weman l romance which culminated In their Mrs. i:ii7.abrth Yarrow, wife 0f , xxpddlnjt at Putersen. After the cere -f;eerp It. Ynrriiw. nf "ice iVnlmn i I110I1V Helt hnd te :e te Philadeltihln nn thanf .1I...I i..h...lni ...n.i- i . .t,ie!S:3ii o'clock in the PreshvteWnn ttn. nitnl. after an nner-itl'in follewin- nn 1 Illness of two weeks. Slip was" thp i imugnier ei tne inte w liiinm and .Mary Vranees Kemble, of this city. Her father was prominent in traction fields. Mrs. Yarrow was a member of the Co'enial Dames. Daughters of the American Revolution, Century Club, and ether organizations. She is sur vived by her husband and three sons. William, tlnrry nnd Walter xnrrew Baptist Church In Mnnnvunk. retlilng ten .veiirs age and making his home m Hadden Height-. N. J. lie died a j ear age Mrs. Corde is survived l. two ens and two daughters. Service-, will be held tonight at s o'clock I'urial will beat New Brunswick. N J. Jeseph P. Connelly Jeseph P. Cenneilv. tvvi tii.v -niiir vnti-'. old. n veteran of the World Wnr. who we- gns,.c livers, as. died teilav a: i ne home nf bis par"!!!-. Mr. and .Mr Peter Connelly "".". Wright nvenu" ' .-linden Connelly hail been a iiiembe. f the I'.flTth l-'leld Artlliiiv. He had been ill ever stii... returning from Trail'.', whole he v as gassed in 1 1 1 Aigenne Perest. and had visiii s,. . ml hespitn's for tientment. Arrnng nients for i he tuneral hnve net i.i ,. en mad1'. Merris G. Reichard Punral services will be cominetpi tills nfl'Tiinen for Morns G. Ilen-hiird. Iifiy-seven venrs old. wlie .Ije.i Kmliiv .'t Ins home. 24 Snut.i Thirty -fe.ir'i street. Caindeii. He was for iniinv ea.s in empleye of the Public Scrvic Itai. vvays Company. He fermerlv lived ti PdiisviIIp. He will be Inill-sl in Atiiiu Atiiiu ten Ceinrte'.v . Rebert Flnley I'uner'il -ervices will be hi ,; tomor row afternoon for Rebert I'iiilcv. suij., eight years old, vvlm died S.iturilnv .it his home, .'ill Point stieet Camui r, He was for many years janitor .it tt'. police hendqunrlers in Camden He win lie uurieu in narieign t einetery. Mrs. Louise Brlcker After nn illness of one vear from heart disease. Mrs Louise Rrh-krr. wife of Dr Chnrles R Rnekir. died " I r. . ... . : . Mitunliiv morning. tie vvns tirtv eight venrs old. Funeral servi.es will be 1.....1 V..l 1 1.1 ! or e ,, e.wi.'s.ii.,. , nun I III ernieill in Laurel Hill Cemeterv Mrs. Rricker wns born in this c.tv nnd was the daughtei of It rn Cook, who 'was a prominent tailor here for many l vcars, Dr. Rib'kcr is th eldest I police surgeon in the -itv . limine held turn position ter tne int mirty -seven veaiM. Resides her husband Mrs. 1 Rlieker is survived by one brother. Chntles K. Cook, of Haddetifiehl, V J, Dixie Carrell i Pittsburgh, Pa., June 1.!, i Ry ,. i P.) Carrell Rlalne Cook, well known iiineng spnrtNiiicn of the country, es peclallv au'jIei'K, as Dixie Carrell, a name under which he had written for newspapers nnd magazines for ncarlv ten year", died yesivrdny at his home in Chlca',0. Cook was born In Great Rend. .Susipiehnnn.i County. Pa., en November US, IS.1. Henry F. Keffer i Reading. Pa.. June 11!. llenrv F. 1 Keffer. aim-live vearf. old. n Deme- cratlc leader for many years and for- nierlv .scuoel controller nere. tied ves. tenlay In tenlay in bin home at Germant. ".qjIb an 4-i In AND MAIBIHO aavnuie. bm ,-t I; .. A i t m feiM... ..ii .i. ,ii. f ... . i... . .. .. ... nrp.siiiinr m imp iidum n ir in , . - - . " ' s. nvu uh . MCONNELL ENTERS NOT GUILTY PLEA Forty-six Other Defendants in Rum Cases Plead Likewise EX-DRY HEAD NOT IN COURT T'lpni of "net eitlltv" were entered t0(,aj. ,)(lferp Vpiprn Incise Dicklnen In the I'lilted Slnte DNtrlcl Court by I ("""er Prohibition Director Willi; McConnell and fem-i ether am C. de- ''"dantM. chnri;eil with vhM;y fraud ,l"'' emisplrncy. Mc( oenoll wns net In court, plead- '"B thrmgh his ntterney. It wns plea !m-v "'"' 'In room wns- thronged with lawyers nnd defendants in the 300 or mere eases of offenses apnlnt the red- vrui .srniutcs. nil readv te make tlielr pleas at the bar. Council for MeCeniiell n-knl the court te f.et nlde ideas until Tie had nn opportunity te arctic the enc. This Judge Dickinsen refuved. IMen must he made, he said, hut leave te withdraw the plea en ii laipr motion would he allowed, he inld. Assistant I'nlieil Stntcs District At torney Jours asked the court te et aside a time limit within which mo tions may be tiled, se t,P entire case could be tiled In September, but the I'euit refuted. When the name of Jacob O. R o e IV, .rr: ,ferler enforcement efheer for i niiaiicipiiia was called, his attorney former 1 nlted States District Atterney1 MeAvey. Hied a demurrer, te the effect ' that ccn though guilty of the offense' "nrged. his .dicnt .had committed no . r""1'-. ."''. ""'I-Cd te nrgllP tills at i i ""'''' '"'ics was nor renuy. it enre- nut .Mr. .lone ii? iiiHiKt-ti 111:11 iinnuer u h n ,,, fr,,L no .. r h. fl.nl, ;,,,'""";''" . l"" f''"" & "n i ' " . . , , . ,, " n un- filed by Mr. Carter, a bottler, at Sixteenth and Kit- tier streets. One f t1P ,lf.f,i,,,J Hebert C. Cetfricd. was neither present nor lepreeentpil h. counsel when his "a'n Wils c'nI r'.1- If !'" leis n't appear ....,.- . .tti t i nr, ii iiM iieuniinceu a bench warrant wi'l be Issued for his arrest. BRIDEGROOM MISSES LINER. BRIDE SAILS WITHOUT HIM Daylight-Saving Time Delays Hon eymoon of California Rancher New Yerk. June 12. Mrs. Shrmnn Helt is en the bro-id Atlantic, uneanl the liner tieerge Washington, sailing te Hurepe for her honeymoon, while her husband is at his hotel here, ntm'eush awaiting the next liner's departure anil ni I'l'iii in I'Miiii nun nir urmt lis UIMI us lie can tij radio, tils predicament Is nil due te the vagal les of daylight 1 saving. i Helt has an angora goat ranch at Snn Hcrnardlne. Calif., nnd when Mis.s ineiin ntifl nrt'iui'v.Hl 1ft mci.tr I.I. I. ..l.1 en the nlcr nt Hoboken .iut befeie th ! vessel sailed, llut the bridegroom L-et mixed up with daylight saving time aui1tw111 be started immediately en the new- in Ills huiry get en the wrong shi,, the bride sailed away without him! lie will fellow his bride when lite Piesident Adams sails pu Wednesday. CnilMn nfl7Cn IM AIITn hUUNU UAtU IN AUI0 FROM MASTOID STROKF rnum IYIHOIUIU J I HUM;, bewildered manner, vviiile a long line of .ars lienked behind him te get out of tableness. Ce-operation and Lonsccru Lensccru their way tien." A tele-ihene message te his home at The old church, founded in 1S.'!2. has 021 Atlantic avenue brought his wife two daughter churches, the Kirst Rap Mrs. Kline told the police her liiisband tist Church of Grrmantewn and the hid 1. ft bis I'liiae yesterday mernii.z ' Jenkintevvn linguist. ter -hurt dlive. He was sufTerniL'. she sai.i. from masteiditis, nnd believed ln p.esuie en his brain had effeite.i his mind. N'n charge was preferred aguiiisr !um hy the police, NEW HONOR FOR HOOVER Belgium te Have Special Medal Struck for Him Washington. June 12. I Rv A P . -Herbert Hoever's wartime ieef work in P.elzluiu seen 1 te b( further reeec. nl7e.l bv the nward te blip of u special ti.eihil by the Relgian Government. Thi decision at Rrussels was an nnunee.l ledav lu the following state inent of i be RelgUn Kmbassj : "The Relgian Ambassador I, a.- been advised thnt his Government has ei -dercd a special medal struck ar P.riis sels lu lie offered te Mr Herbert Hoever in recognition of the invaluable service tendered te the Relgian clvi Ian popu'atlen during the war by the Cm. mission ler Relief in Relglum. of which Mr. Hemer w:is the eiganlzer nnd chairman." HELD FOR CORONER Testimony Favers Motorman After Collision With Police Motorcycle K. (! Wnlther, motorman of ihe trolley car which lelllded with the motorcycle of Rdward R. Keck, a no- llieinnn, en Sntiirdny morning nt I Twelfth and Diamond striets. causing ins death, wah held today bv Magis riate Relierts in tin- Twentieth mil Rrrks streets station te awiiit tlie action of the Corener. Wnlther, the nioteriiian. ha been ii, il liighlv nervous loiidllleu -ince the in (Idem. He say s be will be unable ei again te run his car evei the siuip route . ir...Tiis lUtIM lun II 1022 MAKV Ide.v nt .I'B9 I. lir'm I'une al srlies Tlks'Iie -' P M. it her Mtn rKldenre Newtown Square fa. Interment prluite IICi: June ll MMtUAltllT wife f (eilille J Hue llebitlvia and friends In lted In funeral VVedn'-edav s 30 A M . , from hrr IMe ieidrie. 1H2.1 H Uhnn ai Solemn re.mieni mass ni the Mut Illeased Ssrramir.l Chureh. II A .l Intel mcnl New Cthf-Hral Cemeiers MONTAN'VK - Jun- 11 CSTIIKR n ' v itlptv nf llirm.in V Mnnutnye, ni:ed Til. i ll'-.avllt, m and frendK Invlie.l .j furei.i , WnJnrnlay ,'i , M elnvllprht aivli. fnni her 'ate residence. Jrhnm'llle p,, Inierment "nvnte Tialn fur lehnv lie leae Hadiiu Ttrmlnal 1J la V. .11 OUIKKIN June 10. HAItV A.-, wife of ' Jehn Orlffln tle'atlve and friends, alai , Sacrnl I of Si ,nu Church Inv.ted tn funeral Thumdav S 30 A M., firm ber ime resmenre .-.us; , enar ai fteiemn refiulem imi ai Hi Ann'a Church 10 A. .11, Internum Si Ann' Cemetery. AflHCHAFT. Suddenly at Hedehore X, J.. June II ADRIAN IXJCKE AHIICRAPT. In hi JStb ear, Itrlatlvra n.nd frlendi (n- vlled te lunerat ervlrea at tba rea Idenre of I . '.". tin, Sweaaaborej W 3:, Wtns4aV, Jun lUfVuH' BALE arecarr and. fruit ater,T : IV M. tntermant Iaka nark Cemettry. v 1 .ie ChrlMlari at. Cheap rent. v I l THEY BROKE GROUND FOR CHURCH; ma. -. v. 7TllllllllHut"BIIIIIIIIIIIHRIIIIIIHIlKX'N tHHFy.TBHitv . AIHblH mSM i- '"fBvKVBvavHBVBvava mm i v.:..iiAMV.3iivBsnKBim 'H . sti AavBwaWBAwMBnKawaw fcHIL i !! i " jtlllBKSlHlBsntB KIWia ('. Hu.ssey. ninety, and Mrs. Catharine W. Parker, eighty-two. They turned the first sedi for the new Oak Ime Itaptist Church. Mr. Ilussey lielpcd brcali ground for the present rliurrli OM LANE CHURCH WILL COST $95,000 Impressive Ceremonies Breaking of Ground Dr. Gorden Officiates Captain William (!. Price, Jr., in HISTORY OF EDIFICE READ,c,,are "f "", "'n-cau of investigation of the Pennsylvania Stute Constabulary. Ground was broken for the new Oak l.nne Itnntisr Cliitrfli Mnl: T.rlnp fivrntllt and Twelfth street, last niglit, with Impressive ceremonies. ( onstructien. building, which is te cost SO.'.OOO nnd it s expected te be completed 1 Mr - rrmber The two eldest members of- the con - gregotien were the lirt te turn (he r - ground. De-icon E. C. Hiissey and .Mrs. i "." Vi i ' ""-':,''.'' nieiuiiieu Catherine Parker. Thev were followed,""'1 the Hepublican State organization. Kv T.. J. Schumacker. 'chalrinmi of ti. and ptebubly could get the indersement J)nr(1 of I)e.,(,0Ils . ,,ehn Ai Worst, "' Chairman linker. The nppelntinent t. i i t .1 - p ri.. ... ....iiii iiur t ri iiii iiiiiiii- mil. hhmii it rtreii n June 27. deliveied a serinnu en "( hurl- WALES SAILS FOR HOME Prince Leaves Egypt en Last Lap of Journey Pert Said. June 12. illy A. P. i The Rrltish battle t miser Renown, bearing the Prince of Wales, sailed from bcie today en the lust lap of the Prince's eastern tour. Only short visits at Malta and Gibraltar will hrc.ik the remainder of the voyage. Previous te his depnrliiic from ('alie. the Prince received the timer et .vjo .vje hammed All. the highest Kgyptlun honor, which was conferred by King Fuad. McSPARRAN HERE TONIGHT r, sr,tir r.anrfldate for Governer Will Formally Open Campaign Jehn A. McSparran. Demeeiatie candidate for Governer, will be here tr,nicht te eiieii his campaign He will address a great liinss-iiiectlng in Noi Nei ulsb Rite Hall. This meeting lias been 'arranged by leading men and women .members of the Democratic Partv in this etv. Ir. l.llen uunne uavis i who Is candidate for Congress from the SSiweml District, will preside. Other candidates, Including Rebert K Pattl Pattl sen, nominated for Lieutenant Gover Gover eor, will speak also. sTi:.ytsiiir xeticks . C Famous "Santa" Steamers s-v-s.. . Aua. w fel-'fcWU 'wniiiE )ia Panama Oum l.n've uw Aiie i rhliin etferlnit meat tern fertnb'.e ecromniedRttoni lU.ect rnuie .n n'mui America I'nextellid rulalne. S:mtuKllsii,.lune 11 runtu LuUu, Julr i (iKCK LINK, Inr. 10 Ilunnirr s.i,,.,V, r i.eriil Anrent PAJtrKI. I'llST SLIP COVERS madk te ennrn Willi Vnnr Malertill or 1VIII Furnlah It. U lllllOlfiterv week anllclletl nrnss iemi iteiuriiiifrril, I'nONT. WAI.Vl'T tUIWI FOR HAMPFFS CROWN UPHOlTERING CO. Barked )T 49 Yi-trs' Ksn'Henre. MO.St.84 IVAI.NIT HT.. - Owner: rmi 1 niHr l SsXU.rJ t IB 3 SEEK POST OF CHIEF OF PROHIBITION FIELD FORCE Twe Officers of State Constabulary Among Candidates Washington, June 12. Several can didates lave appeared en Ihe horizon fei appointment as chief of the prohibi prehibi Mark """ '''''' ,)n'f' '" Pennsjlvanln. Among I f llClll ) A Majer William V.. Mnir, of Harris burg, deputy superintendent Pennsjl ania State Constabulary. Jehn N. KnglWi. of Pittsburgh, formerly prohibition, agent attached te the Pittsburgh office and one of the "dry" crusaders In Western Pennsyl vania, i . It is.understoed'all three will be con- , ,,;,'"', V i " ..", "' "m,K1"K I u recommendation te Prohibition Coin- I "".'".""..M'Vnw. Majer Mali- nnd K aptein I'rlcc are said te have been IMlll IfVhllfl lis- llilikii,i.l.i ..1 1.. !-l.-dJt I PROF. SUGGESTS BRYAN MAKE STUDY OF EVOLUTION Course In Summer Scheel Advised by Protagonist of Theory Morgaiitewn. W Mil. W Vlt. June 1" Bv 1 i' s!.n,,,Vl. T."f ' . R. t . Spnllgler. professor A. IM -Dr of botany at the Wet Virginia Culver sitv. today sent a letter te William Jennings Rryan suggesting that betli of them go te the ('diversity of Chicago summer school nnd tnke a course in evolution and modern Christianity. 'I lie letter is one of nn nvchang.) be tween the professor nrtrk Mr. Rryan (.lowing out of liis offer fir $1(10 te the mini wee could unrmetiize evolution and the Rible. Prof. Spang'er claimed I the .sum, and Mr. Rryan awnrded it under pretest, asking u scries el new iiiestiets. ln his letter tedny Prof. Spangle r s.ud; "Yeu should take the trouble te inform yeuiself en some of the com cem iimn f.ids that prove evolution te be the truth, as well as te learn hew te mterpiet m cording te modern views of Christ, aniiv and the natural laws of the universe," IM 1 I 111 k III III I III1 III I I t'l IISNIl-llllll'IIT I 1111.1 rl'IH I I .1 H .-V 1(1 lllfilrl u LUNA Silkleth An Exclusive Fabric Mm mtmd Buy Eagle Shirtt By the JACOB REED'S SONS M-24-1426 Cfaestet SftirceH DEPARTMENT STORE HEADS SEEK LOWER LIVING COSTS "Efficiency In Retailing" Keynote of Atlantic City Mtlnfl AtlnnO City. N. .I.Junc 12, m' men who control the purse strings of America's d-'puilmciit sletes are seek ing ways te reduce the cost pf' living the eel. of commodities at the conven tion of the Contiellers Congress of he National ltetull Dry (ioeds Association liera today. ..... , "Efficiency In retiilllng"--lhe lower lug of prices by lowering the expense of selling and thus vending mere goods, Is the keynote of the convention. IVP rcsentatlves of mere tlinn'iKO'dry goects nnd department .Meres. Incltit Irig prac tically all of the larger establishments In Philadelphia are present. The means by which the Conttellers' Congress Is ntleiuptin1; te lower prces Is by systematizing the accounting 'ftf Mere, se that store heads can instantly tell when expenses are going tee high ami hew te take means te step it. ln opening the convention today Carles H. Clark, of Detroit, chnlrnliiii of the congress, told hew the controllers have co-operated with every banker in the country te standardize the account ing of every retail store, se that till mav benefit by the system. Hunkers nre working with the congress, since thev believe Its syctem mciioe um stores are better customers of banks and safer risks. Kvetv college nnd business school in the oeuntrv. including the school ei hiiLiiinci .imiiii.ti-iitinii nt Harvard nnd that of New Yerk Cnlverslty. bus been shown the standardization system anil the two Institutions named nic sending delegates te the convention te work with the controllers. Niutieteus ac counting firms i.lsn lane repi"sent:t ttves here. union headTeniesplante move offices te canada Ne Such Step Contemplated, Says Jewell Speed Up Strike Ballet Cincinnati, June 12. (Hy A. P.) P.. M. Jewell, head of the railway empleyes' departm-nt of the American Federation of Laber, denied emphntl cnllv today that the railway sheii crnflH unions have under consideration a plan (te none their headquarters from Chi cago te Canada te escape any suits Irirniirtdl iipnlti.it tlietn mulnr ftin fV.rti- naile decision recently hnnded down by the I'nlted Suites Supreme Court. "We have no such move under con sideration nnd I have heard no talk among our leaders of doing such n thing." Mr. .lewell said. "We are net running away from any fight. We nre net seeking a fight, but If forced into one will battle te the last ditch." Strike ballets te the HKl.nnO railway shepmen, sent out from Chicago, weir, accompanied by the following letter: "Kvcrj possible effort should be made te obtain tile vote of every em em peoye eligible. This ballet will be tub ulated us seen ns possible and there must he no stoppage of work until you aie properly authorized te de se. "This is the tinip for action and net talk or unnecessary delay. The railway empleyes department desired thnt every ballet shall be in Chicago nt the earliest possible moment and in no caci inter than June 30." DENIES HOMICIDE CHARGE Letter Carrier Is Arrested In Con nection With Drowning of Weman New Yerk. June 12.(IJy A. P.) Albert l.ewls, a letter carrier, was ar rested today en suspicion of homicide in connection with the death of Bridget Sullivan, forty years old. who. It Is alleged, was drowned after being thrown from a deck in the Hrenx. He denied the charge. Hp told the police lie had seen the woman struggling in the water and shouted vainly for help. st nil m I . i. nrt ' iriim: A.mls. New erl Clt. nnd .Miriam I hen. S3g lUed t, William J. Kickeniicker. 229 i:. rambrla nt nmi I.uiira Klrkputrlck. 220 K Caml erliv ut. ur.irvv lioizsieve, 21.il N. .'ith t nmi , CllzuU-th l.alHlcft 1318 N. Hepe hi'. (.oerRe H. Cox. 4724 Orlseemb st . nnd I'lanccK M. Hchatdler. 2J3U .suauchanna i-iiwaril A. .Mrsianus .11 Sni.lsr ave nrt I I , Il'Sl"n M Urne. f,j i)ll(ipj. 'Jefenh A. Conned. Tl'ia I'asthnlt i Anna Mnurt 21 la H 07th " ...film 1 II. ...... -. (1..II . I ale., nnrt I'uimii! i Krter. aiOe'N'. P.irk ave.. audi . Otte 214.' N, Oariea at I.OUlH' i.-.nnri .111 r . .MUI Mirlnune ll II le a ,,. Ilcrltia it. JnneH. .'ilOl Hiirlnstttcl.l ave Chnrlcs J- Prl.e. 22.1 Ashdnlu at.. ,ln.i Helen A lluiilln, 1117 Centre st I J. urv;,. K. Mellunln 2117 I'lne st ami , Viela II Hemer. 2.-.I S. 2UI Jul, a (J. Ileurne. 2748 N 2d si . and Inn. II. Hnerlns, 2H.-.H i:. Orleans M ' Jnj.il. Pepe 1237 Hedman at . nn.l Ituth Hierfl. 72fl WnllnrA t " 1'liniil 11 KiflHleV. SiMl Tinlniin f. wiiii.,,', ' r. ffi. T ,'s" iu.2 ",'.', , .it i .. . . .,..-:. -" "l nut llflrn .1. Si-hlnnfrer- ."i47 v a,i . r!Af.ra ii .-...-.,.;.. V "vn """ .1 . iiiimia, l.t iiatirecK Hi i.,. ,. l- ..'"' ..-",."".:'"- '. uii'i .,,. '.r ... "" a '' " neriier at Mil en It Treppe. 54 1 N lltli at . nmi ,e,,;rau"",,t0,;'lllhar'1, ,:""t Oreenvllle, I'., V Mlam .1 Dunn. 1212 . 21 at at. an Isathrjn V Deeney, 1231 H. 2lat at Jehn VV viu 3522 N lilh at. un.l nn M Herbert. 21b lacunar ' t. Ann" I riirilt Ha.dBi.n. 1325 Mt. Vernen t and Klennnr Hsnn. SII5 N, 23.1 at .Inent. Verieknn .157 N' 2d St., and Heith . Speeter. ('01 .V. 3d tt. 'lth.i Wjstt .1 llenten. I'h.la. Navv Ynrd nn.l Mnrjeri. ) Nmvlgi-r. JlroekDn. N. V. Wc aic displaying Lun.i silkleth, an exclusive ci catien fiem the mills of the makers of Kaglc hhitts. It represents the highest degree of weav ing craftsmanship. It is highly lustrous and ex ceptionally durable. Clever patterns in all sizes at $6.00 Fabric Name in the Label mm DEMOCRATS FIGHT Fi Benniw'ell and McCullough , Ge te Mat Today at Committee . Reeorganizatlen BOTH CLAIM VICTORY Bv a Staff Correspondent Ilarrl.sburg.Pa., June 12. The Democratic State Committee will enact evertignln today the role enacted Satur day by the Republican Slate Commit tee In Philadelphia. Hie question which faces the Demo cratic Committeemen and 'women ar riving here for liln rDnffntiI.ifan ft lib islnte .body this afternoon js wlnv ther the gubernatorial nominee or the Practical iwlltlclnns shall name the mate chairman and control the party machinery. ' Jehn A. McSparran, the nominee, has ?"' Ktt' "'" PTMnnl friend, Austin I'.. McCullough, for State chairman. ?.m. !u.',?p. Eugene C. Ilennhvell. of i niincicipnla, Demerrac.v'iT. most pic pic fiiresene nnd fighting figure, has put himself forward. Reth sides are claim "ft victory by margin of tc.lt te twentv. hairmnn Rruce V. Sterling said he expecled every place te A filled when tne feintiittce met- nnd expressed the opinion Hint MeSpnrrnn'n ihelce would win. . McSpnrran put forth a niniiifeste last nlglit: declaring that Tie was backing Mef ullmtgh te get nvvny frrim factional ism nnd bring about harinebv. Rut the effect of his declaration was te de just what he claimed he was trying te get, away from. .Frem the best Information that can bn obtained the situation W-thls: 'Rennlwel! get en the job earlv and made a thorough canvassef all the membcra of the State Committee and claims te have the pledges of a ma jority of the 115 members. The State Organization ppupip or what Is left of the old Palnur-Mc-Cetmlck leadership, made no canvass out is relying en the oratory of Me Spnrinn, which was geed enough In win the Indersement of the famous harmony slate committee, te swav the meeting. McSparran get away with his ora torical stunt before the Slate Commit tee because the women were in the majority, hut If the Democratic sta tisticians are te be believed tbeic will be only fifteen women entitled te vote today. McSparran is In much the snme fix ns Plnehet wan In his ticht. only worse. Judge Snniuel Z. Shull. can didate for I'nlted Stntcs Senater, nnd Rebert Pnttlsen. candidate for Lieu tenant Governer, are openly fighting for the nomination of Rnnu'iwcl! four years age. when Reiiniwcll broke the slnte nnd wen the guber natorial nomination, he demanded the election of his enmpnign manager for State chairman. The lenders refused te accede ami elected tlielr own chair man. Rennlwel refused te go near the meeting, and the committee then Indorsed all of its party ticket except Mennivvell, while Attorney Oenernl Palmer and a few ether potent lenders denounced Bonniwell en the fleer el the meeting. One thing helps Rennlwell. Ne one in Democratic politics ever heard of McCullough before last week. He Is n Lancaster newspaper man and has never even figured extensively In the Democratic nffiiirs of his home ceuntv. Rut Lancaster normally has such 'a small number of Democrats that he may net hnire figured it worth while bothering about It. OR CHAIRMANSHIP . Introducing An Important Silver Service of Leuis Seize Motif most artistically carried out in tea and after-dinner coffee services, vegetable dishes, platters, lay plates, candle sticks, bowl, water pitcher and tray. J. ECaldwell & Ce. Jewelry - Silver - Statienehy Qiestnuj and Juniper Streets URETurkish tobacco hfl PJw wM ki CfXLDa is the only tobacco used in Melachrine Cigarettes because ; Turkish tobacco is the only cigarette tobacco which can ' be used in its pure, natural state, and does net require ' artificial means te bring out its exquisite taste and cate aroma. MELACHRINO ewes its unique and distinctive preference, the world ever, te the fact that it is composed only of the choicest Turkish tobacco grown im possible te imitate or equal. ' j9ICaia9eflMiH H!""" SI ttV.t jgS5U2rs WBHInTifl' i Z&&Z&2Z7; MELACHRINO The One Cigarette Sold the WerllOvM j The secret of goodness Yeu knew hew geed Heinz Pickles and Sauces and Relishes j are. Heinz Vinegar is ene of the quality- ingredients that make , them se geed. Sold everywhere. Four kinds Malt, Cider, White and Tarragea In Heinz sealed bottles. HEINZ PURE VINEGARS BOLT KILLS YOUTH Plalnfleld, N. J Lad Victim of Lightning at Greenwich Plillllpsburg. N. J.. June 12. Ar.' llngten Staats. seventeen years old. ten of Mr. nnd Mrs. Geerge Staats, ( Plalnfield. was Instantly killed during a heavy electrical storm nt Greenwich' near here, last night, when he w struck by lightning. With it nnrt.v of friends. I, , , -en a farm when the storm started, and was returning ie tne neme of .Mr and Mrs. Jehn Perter, where he wag guest, when he was struck as he step ped en the perch. On the fnrm of Heward Wolfe, near by, four cows were killed, nnd nnnih.- wus killed en the Gramnna Dairy Farm. RICKENBACKER QUITS ,, Trans-Country Trip Halted When Plane Crashes In Omaha Omaha. June 12. Eddie Rleken-' hacker's arnund-thc-reuntry fiinht ended abruptly curly yesterday when his targe all-metiil plane crashed while at tempting te tnke off from the air-mall i field here for Denver. Nene of the Rlckenbackcr party wn injured. deli ' v. .-'J 8BU . M KW hMMikM i.iiAtt.i''..T"it''i.Krzx. j-i'n . V iMiMlMl &VAvVMi&sik2.1t; A.,?. -Aui) t.v'x . "ftl