-" V yx? mmrr ' .' MilPt! we j."' n rXAtinW "" . I y EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHI A, MONDA, e?U&E 12, LOVE SLAYERS MINGLE TEARS IN MOYAMENSING i 1- 1 Y bjv JOM1; 0S7 PLEADS FOR AN EARLY TKlAt '.h 11 ' 'k-m ?'J3 SilW 1 n , n - a-vw .' WlWiB IMSSmm?,M MK -r-r vw' 1 'KI fj, , &VA. 18 1922 . . , 11.. ., 1 i i i i j ... r v . ei f r VTJJI 'IvVman Who Killed Husband and Pretty Typist' Begs Lawyers te End Legal yS$ Otnhhlina and Let Her Tell Jurv I iSVery That Caused Tragedy fM$ PICTURE OF VICTIM PASTED IN HER BIBLE TO COMFORT HER IN PRISON Even if Acquitted, She Must Face Con test te Break Death-Bed TV ill te Save Her Heme for Herself and Her Infant Sen "IXTHILE her lawyers have astfed again ant again for a postponement of 1 her trial for her life and Jiherty, Catharine Rosier sits wearily in her little six by ten feet cell in 'Meyamensing Prison and cries for a decision ene way or another at once. "Why can't I tell my story te the world new?" she pleaded with her mother, Mrs. Sue Reid, last Friday. "Why can't I go home te my baby 7 Why must I stay in this terrible place?" Catharine Rosier, apparently, is unaware of the complexities and the maneuverings of the law. Her lawyers may have the best teasens in the World for delaying this woman's trial, but they arc nothing te her. All Philadelphia knows the Rosier tragedy. On the 21st of last Jan uary Mrs. Rosier killed her husband, Oscar, in the offices of his advertising agency in Walnut street near Thirteenth, and then slew his typist, pretty Mildred Rcckitt. She shot them both. "I did it because I loved him se," Catharine says ever and ever. She believed that Rosier and Mildred were in love, and that she, the wife, was te be cast aside. As evidence of her love for the man she caught unawares and shot down, Mrs. Rosier turns often te the inside of the front cover of the little Bible which is her constant companion in that Meyamensing cell. On the inside of that cover is her husband's photograph. "Every time I visit Catharine I find her se," said Mrs. Reid. Always en Friday Mrs. Reid gees te the prison. She is net per mitted te enter her daughter's cell. Instead, she must talk with her through a tiny opening in the heavy iron deer. Mrs. Reid has been faithful net only in her visits te her daughter, , r 'J fcf but also in caring for her daugh ter's infant son Richard and Rosier's ten-year-old son Oscar. Sobs for Her Baby Bey And Husband's Other Sen "They are killing my daughter by j keeping her confined in that prison," said Mrs. Reid. "She wants te come -' r .home te her babies and she wants te trr ... i try te make amends, but she can-' net de anything as long as she is kept in jail. "When I saw her Friday she aeemed te be en the verge of another breakdown. 'Mether,' she said te me, 'tell me the truth; are they , going te keep me here forever ? 1 1 nave been in this cell for months i and I can't stand it much longer. "My attorney tells me that every-1 thing .will come out all right in tHe ! end, but I want that end as quickly as possible. I can't stand the anguish of net having my baby. My Twe "Leve Slayers" Are Cellmates in Meyamensing MRS. ROSIER'S six by ten feet cell in Meyamensing is being shared by another woman, who, tee, ehei and killed when she thought the man she loved was about te leave her. Mrs. Clara Woodward, thirty five years old, who killed William )fppcnnan in her apartment ,rf 111 North Ninth street en the night of March 28, uas put with Mrs. Rosier because the authori ties thought they could help te brighten one another's moments while awaiting trial. They take turns cleaning and mopping up their cell, and in one of her talks mith her mother Mrs. Rosier said that Mrs. Wood Weod Woed uard was a wonderful companion and that she hoped the woman would seen be giien her freedom. Km&mmm 41 J i: s B ; ;st & uftft V, && jjv Wa- b,A 'm am mmn $ "K', .KjllSJ fvi iTO1 'irj'rr- V1ES3 a& wWfakfiv il nuram W. 191 WfUlt? I! Ta ,l:y ft WMJtt m woman, according te Mr. Spelter, ilecc net enter Inte his consideration of the ease at all. Weman's Lawyer Premises Te De His Best for Her Mr. Scott, who will probably conduct the defense because of the Illness of Mr. Cenner, who originally was In charge, will make little comment en the case. He. like Mr. Spclser, has worked for months, preparing Mrs. Hosier's story. "I linve been greatly handicapped In the preparation of the case," he Oscar Hosier, Jr.. and brother, Dick half- Deathbed Will by Slain Man Enters Inte the Case i WHEN Oscar Rosier lay dying vr en the operating table fit tht Jeffersen Hospital, he gasped: "I want te make a will!" His associate in business, Bib Telins, who was standing by tht side of the dying man, pulltd forth a little book and, at tht direction of Rosier, wrete: "I leave all that I have te Arthur, my brother, and my boy, Junier." Doctors, nurses and police officials were grouped about tht table and watched the ma with, in the shadow of death make tm, attempts before he finally tut' ceeded in affixing his signature te this death-bed document. m w : W "" Catherine Rosier a study in remorse 55' 7 p J I' iL ;nr .xy&iteM here tee, nnd since .January has had the care of hep daughter's -en and step son, and her own child. Baby Sen's Sickness Added te Her Grief heart just yearns for him and he Mf, ell ms n tQn needs me. They went let me have bedridden fur .-It jenrs, but this did him here with me, yet they won't net deter her She had the boy brought give me a cnance Deiore a jury, when I knew I would be set free. What am 1 te de? "They are geed te me down here. They let me have my Bible and one of the matrons pasted Oscar's pho tograph in it se I could have it with me all the time. Without this little Bjble I knew I would die." Ever since she entered prison Mr?. Rosier has been mere or les? urdet the care of a physician. Finally they decided that perhaps compan ionship would help restore her health and they assigned Claia Woodward te the same cell. She also is charged with killing a man because she feared he was going te leave her. Shares Tiny Cell With Anether Leve Victim JK IV ". The change has helped because it affords Mrs. Rosier an opportunity te tell her troubles te one Uie is in a similar plight. The prison laws are strict legaiding conversation between prisoners, but in this cuse the lines are net drawn closely be cause even the matrons, hardened by years of experience, haven't the , heart te enforce a rule that would prevent these women from sharing, t and thus lightening, one another's sorrows. Sii lines has left lf mnrk in th little household in Stonehurst. Fer -.eral weel.q following Mi". Knsier'i nrreM her hahy Klchnrd win eriuudy ill Mr- KeMer kept asking te see the rhlld I The infant hnd heen taken down te , me jail shortly before he fell ill, nnd i when Mrs. Itcid appeared at her daugh- I ter's cell deer the following week with- out the. baby, Catharine seemed te ' knew by a mother's instinct that her baby Has sick. "I Rii'hard Mek" It. he dead? Whre i hi'':" she asked her mother, nnd all nf her questions were in the i-anie breath. Mrs. Tleid told hrr daughter that tlm child was nil right, but that the prison ntitheritic had forbidden her te bring him "That is net ".e," ried Mr. Rosier, iicferding te her mother. "They told me I could have him every visiting dny. Semethlng has happened te him. Tell me what it lR?" "I could net tell her because I was nfruid bhe would die," said Mrs. Ilcid, "nnd T kept putting her off from week te week until the rhlld finnllj recovered, I guilt." She paid no attention what ever :. the crier rend off the indictment. Remorseful But Sure She Will Gain Liberty She Is remorseful, et "die has confi dence that the jury will see the circum . stances which she say caused her te cemmlt-thU double crime with the tamp' c.cs with which she views them. Her mother, tee. believes that Mr. Rosier will be sent home te her family. With her shattered health and Inn ' bllity te work In the event of acquittal, 1 Mrs. Hosier rcali7es that she will hnve ! n fight en her hands te share in her j husband's estate. Rosier, en ills deathbed in the Jef Jef fereon Hospital, penciled n will In which lie left ecr thing lie possessed te hl, hiether, Aithur Jehn It K Scott nnd William T Cenner Catharines ntternejs, hae already begun steps te prevent the pre- I bating of the will and hae tiled cueats both here and in Media, the seat of 'Delaware County, se that In the event ! of Mrs. Rosier escaping conviction they will be able te fight for her share and that of her son Richard. "It Is a little early te talk nbeut the will or the Rosier estate." said Mrs. Hosier's counsel, "but at the proper time we will contest for the woman's right te share. Of course, we realize that in the eent of a conviction en the charge of murder. Mrs. Re-ier will hae no claim whntcver te n share " Since the double murder the Rosier Adwrtlslng Agency lias pnssed into bankruptcy, and nil that Is left is an equity in the home, en which a fore closure Is imminent, and about 520,000 in life Insurance. Arthur Rosier, who was named ns the beneficiur , has en Kaged counsel nnd Is determined te fight te have the deathbed will recognized District Attorney Retun, who Is showing deep Inteiest in this trial owing te the mnny delajs. 1ms assigned Maui ice Speiser te icpresent the Com monwealth In the prosecution New nc find that If we attempt te start this trial, which I understand will occupy nt least thre; weeks, cver.uhing else in the w ay of u prison case w 111 be at u standstill." Thousands hnvc been spent en the incidental work of preparing the case. County Detective .fumes Mc(Jettignii who is In charge of the murder squad in the District Attorney's office, Irfls " lsjV , ;fA'l M hlkLj -' jsm V7 $', ?T.' . ""t,. .'V: "Xr 17 Hi .&, V' am & & fe ftt VS8 An V M: k"H, -L ,xsis 't V',U'V rr j.,:: iit.1 IMPWw'J."! - & W The will death -bel of Hosier said, "by the Illness of Mr. Cenner, ' who was stricken n row weeks after Mrs. Rosier was arrested. He hid full charge of the ense and had inter. viewed many wltnese. "Of course nil of this was Ien and we were unable te pick It up uin until Mr. Cenner was In a condition' te talk. I am net In the habit of rn judging the eases where 1 am engiI nnd I will net violate that rule for thii trial. All that 1 can say Is that w have been up against n stiff handicap becnuse of the fact that we de net actually knew when we will be itt down for trial. "Of course It is nccesnry that ererj panel of jurors drawn by the shH for sen-Ice In the Crlmlnnl Court bt investigated. I don't knew- hew nan; times this has been done In this caw." "All that I would like te knew new is what date Mr. Hetitn will set for ' Mrs. Heler'B trial." Mr. Scott was reminded that two , dotes had already been fixed and that the matter had been set back nt his re quest. "That is true." said Mr. Scnlt. "but T fought te hnvc a further delny the first time becnuse I felt thnt en effort wns being made te railroad this woman. The Idea made me fight for her and I fought for justice. Putting this woman en trial for a double murder within a month nfter the commission of the crime wns mere thnn I could stnnd. J'W's ceeded In having the case postponed" lie T could properly examine my wltneww. Seme of them had te be brought from points ns for distant as the Paclfle Const. "The second postponement was'iin was'iin aveidable. Mr. Cenner wns Mrltken with n dangerous Illness. As n matter of fact, his life was despnlred of and it iv as utterly Impossible for me te hare nnnt. nn U'ltll tlin trlfl! ll'ttlmilt Mill. .1 "Se then I appealed te the Supreme 'j Ceuit. which snw fit te give me tne ex tension I believed I was entitled te. il This delay has enabled me te acquaint myselt Willi tne many iieiihh m ,i 1 V t ..-l .1.1.1. ! m ,. l case nun new i uu ui uun ii -ther delny Is necessnry ns far as tne defense Is concerned." It Is said that n plea of emotional insanity will be made in the defendant i behalf, which, If used, would be for the purpose of showing that Mrs. Rosier! mind was inflamed te a point berderlni en Insanity by stories said te hnvc been told her concerning her husbnnd s con duct with ether women. KKKtPWRKK&9KtB09HSM.f. ' mm Wm B VH H aiaiaB inaaa iW WH B .'I taaaaaa! aan naaaaB nti.l thnn r inn'.r Min uirli mi- te nrl.nn. Catherine Ites.er ferliinnteij doesnet f ruthnnne maip hU(.h a bL.,.nP that It wns decided liest that I should net take Richard te the jail any mere. My daughter tried te keep the child. She said he wns nil she hnd and thnt she Delay After Delay Has Marked Time Since Crime Spelber hus spent several months in preparation of the case nnd fully ex pected te have started the trial long before this. A n matter of fact Judse Rogers Hct the first date ns February 27, but knew thnt her pretty home en Kent read, Stonehurst, Is about te be taken 4 away from her She does net knew that the interest due en the mortgage '! net been paid, nor does she knew that, payment In the building nnd Jean' association hns been delimited. -and has, here- forecles- .tfevtaVeut reached u point w femi "inevitable. ism Thla hns been kept from her by the ylec of her counsel, who realize Mitt her bunion already Is nbeut as eh us she cm stand. ,- Wben Airs. Hosier entered her hus- Tf. ?m4n office .that afternoon nnd killed persons, her mother hnd n pretty at In. Atlantic City. i Mrs. 'Held wns told of the the hands of her e Philadelphia te nUtflliM-.W tV--v7' Witt wanted him with her nil of the time. Even new when I go down I must nl wnys frame n suitnble excuse when she stnrts te talk nbeut bnby. Last week she said te me: " 'Richard 'Ih nil I have. Of course 1 love little Oenr (her stepson), tee, but .Hlchnrd leeks se much like Daddy (her husband) that I want him with me nil the time, can see every line of Daddy's fuce In Richard's features.' Mrs. Hosier doesn't seem te realize that when she Is railed upon te face n jury riie will be en trlnl for her life. Wherf she was taken into 'court te plead W-MWMkatuariMBlnir'toTiiren the I :l1. -i' u'il -.!.. .. SMitmmAmA " arm wr wm wmr "-trr 'net Mr. Scott get n postponement. He i contended that the District Attorney was innking an effort te railroad the cuse. and intimated thnt some one wns plnjlng t the gallery. When .Judge Dnvls set n date In , March. Mr. Scott made it lurtner nt- i tempt te get n postponement nnd de clared that he could net locate his wit nesses. Furthermore he announced thnt the Commonwealth was tnmpering'wlth certain witnesses. Finally Mr. Scott went before the Supreme Court, and that tribunal ordered that the Dlbtrict Attorney set a dnte net earlier thnn May 15. Since that time no date has been announced, although It wns rumored thnt Mr. Rosier would be listed for trial this month Mr. Hetnn. however, sold that U Is hnrdlv likely that (he ense will be renched before fall, owing te the pres sure of ether cases. "m "We ure new trying te clear the lists of murder cases," nald the District Attorney," and the' Rosier case will have te wait Un turn. This office has made every effort pqsMBle te try but portpeBenaeata vtte forced en . .Mrs. Hosier at Central Station bien handling the witnesses, sterol seeie in number, who will testify for the Common wealth. MLficttignn lin dug in deep in ordu erdu ordu te solidly the State's case. lie has per sonally interviewed evciy one who hti been connected iu any way with the ihoetlng. Stntemcnts hnve been obtained from nil, u nd these whose testimony has been considered particularly important have i been interviewed by Mr. Spclser. lit The Ausistntit District Attorney has devoted mere time te this case than te any te which he has been assigned since he entered office. He Knows, wdl thai it Is u difficult task te convict n weuinn of n capital crime, nnd for this reason has left nothing undone te assure the Commonwealth every iota of evident a that can bu scraped up. Associates of "Jerry" Rcckitt have, according (e the District Attorney's of fice, milled strongly in her defense aud will be n power in her behalf nt the trial. Hosier's brother Arthur, who was bitterly assailed by Mrs. Hosier's counsel when he testified nt the (ir (ir ener's inquest, hns been en almost daily visitor nt the District Attorney's office, IViink Hcluenk. who WHS Oscar Rosier' I personal counsel. Is engaged us privuU prosecutor, but Is lenvlng everj thing in the hands of Mr. Speiser. Mr. Schrcnk is prcpurcd te show that at the time he met his. death Hosier wns about te begin action for divorce and thut he had infeimed his wife of hi purpose. This was the actual metlyt ferAhe crime, it is said. The fact that tuc deieaaant la is .te'MSi mm. .' V m mC , - - , i 9 te m Id ' WI'M 11 m ffff vm'A ' --" K -ilA f. i iy. -:m -& SJ .'S.J 1 . ' & A' ;2JW7XJ ' 'f v , 1is M )J. il H .U ,;t '.t,.int 8tf ''Si-KU ''-: y' tte i(. Hi 'yl Clara Woedwafi also a " lore layer" S'K. h '. Hi m. m. m 1A'-"- i$& Wif tf j TFT- "?fMfl fvv: t. i r. f , .A Mra. Rosier, her lawyer and guard, leaving priien V :-v s.U.'SiV fi ws -' ' ' it tMZ'TKir-;' 't mrr-i -Afr.rT" 7" "Tt flPa"1r i,Jt. i. j 2 l?1"!. .) jVfeAtetA "..'?. (..J j iMA. i 'txMMmi iSaiiSii