r -T' ' -v V ISM . i I II m UMHWlIf IM'B IIIM'I Hi i ' 'I 111 l III I IWII lllil I I jl l 111 i I III I l H II II III Willi ! MIMWI M II FM .r, ' -, T .1'HHHIIHMH r '&'?rR5fl ffi 'ySKV,.. . ' vflvmjJQly MONDAY1 JUNE R1 THEPEOPLE'S FORUM tetters te the Editor Reckleit Aute Driving Te thtT.dlter of the Mtnlne PubtioLrdeer: Hlp-Wliln Superintendent MIHm niul Cnuncllnien continue te argue our lm w rU qtiertleii tliejr lye no .illrii it en ffihcilraOTt dully crtw ilm out of lives br fnstMlrlveii automobiles. l'n" ihlnc tliat ninuscd me was tin ,.rtt e H"Prlutendcnt M lis t nil Should Lei rinrtlcll In the nulo nule nulo mebllo law nml.lic InMnncM niitomo niitemo niitome Knot bchiR allowed (;. pa.-sHtnn.line trtHw cars when the latter arc held X? for any reason. Dees be net knew tft tMHl the only, big city In Hie euntry where autos seldom halt became trolley cars are standing? In Camden irrests are made often for UUs effenw. Hare veu ever heard of an arrest In rMlnblaforrtbl.Fcause?nxseNi riillailclphln, June 7, W1-. Deepwater 8aller'a Advice Te the rjlter of the Eienha l'nblle Ledger! Sir Ulltti K. says she feels she heuld hae the Inst word. I einphatl lall) agree te that i she obTleusly knows mere nfienslve words than 1 ever heard of, She ought te take them way out In swamp fcemewherc and bury thnn deep, all of them j don't keep any, even Mibconsdeusly. Then If she but prne prne tire Military nuto-suggcstlen she may get well, peer child. Sbe evidently has had a terrible experience. I nm only an old sailor, deep water, "Peabody Packet" te every seaport In the world and I never saw such things tn she mentions, and I de net recoil tier having heard of sudt conditions is xhe secm te be familiar with. Well, well! Times de surely rhnnge. nm thankful the flowers are still pure nmt suret and beautiful. Consider tin. (lener'', )21len E.. read the Constitution of the United States ns first written and weep for the sins of this generation. CAPTAIN JOHN J. ni.ll..ti.lr1ln Inne r. 11111. Weatherman'! Aide Correct Critics te the Editor of the Evenlne Puhlie Ledger: Sir The "Concstega" letter Intro ducing wcHtlier proverbs nnd the news paper article that called forth the let ter both indicate soine ridlruleiiB con ceptions the public has of the work of the Weather Uurcau. Surely an Insti tution whose records arc in constant demand and whose forecasts are twice dally given the widest possible distribu tion deserves te be better understood by the millions of people it serves. Te tuppose that Mr. Bliss or any ether Weather Bureau official ought te be an authority en old weather folklore or that he would quote an nncient weather proverb with any thought of it being mm-IeusIj applied Is just about ns fitting us te mppe.se that a tailor ought te stub medicine or quote Shakespeare uhen talking about the cut of n suit. Heing one of Mr. Bliss' assistants and hurlug been in the office nt the time he was interviewed I knew that no such ridiculous lemrrMitlnn as was reported ever took p'uee. Mr. Bliss did net quote any weather proverb. He was nsKed about a rainbow proverb nnd certain (uperatltlens concerning rainbows. He dispened of this proverb and tbese su perstitions in short order, making ref erence te what he termed a better proverb en a red evening sky, which he laid was considered a .geed sign of fair weather, He explained that this prov erb lias the merit of Indicating a con dition that Is an evidence of widespread fair weather. The version of the prov erb in the paper was net Mr. Bliss' ; it was the reporter's. In the conversation as related in the newspaper. Mr. Bliss was ridiculous!) represented as attempting some six- lime's te sny fcemetlting about it certain "area of bnroraetrle pressure," while the reporter was almost desperateh trying te find out something nbeut the recent rainfall. As published Mr. Bliss' part of the conversation was just about like what you would expect from a lunatic. As it actually occurred, the conversation was one of much in terest in which he was asked for In formation that he gave explicitly, with out the slightest hesitation, and with the manner of the class of highly ener getic nnd competent men te which he belong". Again, Mr. Bliss was spoken of ns 'sarlng gloomily out of the window." ilierc would be no such uncompllmen uncempllmen far representation in newspapers or elfewhere, If It were generally known Init his ethce collects telegraphic re ports of wenther conditions twice dailv from 141 stations well distributed throughout the United States and 'euthern Canada; that It prepares. prints and distributes nlne different periodical publications, three of whfeh are issued daily, besides printing four periodicals for ether offices; that his office maintains twenty-one different 'nailing lists, has charge of K50 co operative stations, three storm-warning iispluv btntlens. "seven rlver-gnuging nation., the distribution of weather rerccuMs and the collection of cllmu cllmu teirtghal icterds for all of Pennsyl "ilia; that it compiles volumes tf leinl ncerdx obtained from sixteen dif ferent Instruments, prepares dally six jpejiHi , harts for forecast work, mani folds and distributes four bulletins dallv ;?.ri",iwnpnt)cr1 Prepares five ether spe. al daily bulletins for public instltu ' "ns. prepares daily two large public display maps with crayons, stencils and l.ei C00Tal that it attends dally te ?,"'' 1f ca,,S ,n Persen or by letter iei (-en re and Information and 1fiO or ei W f0M calls; that It handles ,.; ,lncs,ef rk tee numerous te mention tui,i nnnri,,A .. ,.-.. , I lnti..... -"luv.in Ills UIIUirN in N ,r1' n manner that mere thnn loll ;""'" MtuiK or printed forms "" niiers are required. I.I IIIMZKl AV uml U. N. Dcpt. of Agrici , 'flw Bureau, I'lillndelpliia, June 0, MINDLINO. iVgrlfuJturc, 102 Questions Answered Interstellar 8pace and Heat Theory hi M("'or 0 '' v"',,' l'dar: '. P.li 'J"1 P,WIM explain in thf pBe IhreuaV hm ,h?w the ,un'" h"1 n tiav.1 of f, lhe ln,,en,e cl of tin upper trat eirth-Lani1, J" or "lx m""1 al"" l'ir or uVn " n.,ln'' ,h ,,ery ,n,1 of n ft,u Inilrum 'U ,up 42'0,l) fc,,( aJ ""'J his ll wTTh" ?,?Er""U." "" "l" rn. , rht nueMien Is; I the hmi lin ii. .... mni-h u. . , K "" ra"n. new neon se S" Sir . mU' V" ,,nr,h "'' 'll " "" ar te celU ul lilgh altltudei? '"r.rein,.N. J..JUc:..I;KD- vB lha lnf.1..6,,f,nln wl,h any 'h0'-lt' hy ii,J '.. 'r,'e'lr Pa! are ceM and Th.rJ ?."',0,,,,hre " rth U warm. I a r, um". by mn of clone that heat ( .?! ,Vf m?"" ani lhat the t!Bt aiiiiOBiiifrt nr th nn,n, . i.ii. " f 1 ill T cf ,hn Bleb- Thi ' e have L,m. hn," ,0 b" Bml In enter ave of "hi ',''ub"""-" Ihmuirli wlilrh th( i "..". v" !'". i no reiunesa or Pa( ....! lni..i , r'l""iilfil licat i"l lhe lhcer. that t lie fy kii lAiiiiiitia iln.i ili,. I ait ,,..i.. . u. .""-"" Ha ...... '" VU H lme li.) i-rred earu, 1,,eir" ,he lcner ntmuaphera of tin i "'itiiaily IN till lh lnrreiiilne. .I.n.n... .., ' VMnUna : Pni,;, im "or lai page of I'm .eldVrV M,.m Vh", ?"' M,"hy " ' luJ, H n it- i.? "' dte, ,he "Uifaie thnn It ii en thfl surface. rieVl iVm..'. JU ll",.,",0, " havlius "! STttvJ teniperaliire of lin ilrgrr, k l1ew fro wh-ii t the aliltu.l.. nl.mrd, "Thcn ''J,1;" "" I:1 cold experjenrp, en lhe Bleuml. iviih slmuh hi a stratum ut nt- irk'tej. '" """ ,,CI'1 '''"' I & ? Secretary Weeks and'the Navy TeJ!'c r"T el """ ''f'"e fnellr l,r,luru .Hlr Kindly liifi.nii no nhcller th- men ent secretary of War enr a rvcl In the navy of the Undid Mati-s, y I'hlladetphln. .Tune 0, lnsi;. . frrcCel?-rI wffK" ." Itrniluatnl nt the United atatee Naval Academy In 1891, iml ter two eira thereafter wrv1il n n mid. hlpman In the United HIhIpb Navj. Unattachable for Debt Te the Editor of the Eicnlne riibjfe Uttaer: fir I have seen It atated rainewhere that the Hiilun of n I'edrral emplnjn latinet he iittarlied for debt. J'le me tell nn hMhr thla Ik retrrcl. ' CttUlJl ruil. I'HllndelpKa. June (', 1(122. The etattnent la correct. The salary or MiKcti of a ridernl ilimlnjc rniuiet 1m lit tni lied fe- deht. This Is ent for the Iwneflt of Ilm debtor, hut te MMild IniiHirlnff addi. tlenal ilutliH and rtspensllillltleH umn the ulsliunliiL officers of ths Uecrnnicnt. "He ul -r." f'amdei, N. .1. VVrlle te lhe circulation department of this newspaper for ciples of b-ick numbers, p.nd If liny are en hand they will In sent te M)U nr two cctiti a iep. Poems and Songs 'Just Tell Them That Yeu 8aw Me Te the Editor of the Evening rnblie Ledger: Hlr Mava ou the words of the song "Just Tell Them That Aeu Paw Me"? T remember try father hummlnit the chorus jeara age when twits' a small be. lit ran! , "Just tcdl Iheni that ou saw Inc. And IJicy will knew the rest." 1 greatly appreilate seclliK tli Henst.ln print. IIAflOl.U hlladelplih, June 0, 1012. JU.T TKt.t. Tltr.M THAT YOU SAW AtK Whllj strellliiB down the slreet ene day, upon mere pleasure bent, 'Tiies after biiilnrss uerrhs of tha day, 1 met a gill who shrunk from mel In her I reeegnl7id Jl schoolmate In the village far away. "Is that ou, Madge?" I mi Id te lid, Hh nuh kli itrued auaj. "Uen't tuin uwny, Mailge; I am still our f I lend: , NiM wrl. I'm gelns bick te see the old folks, and I IheiiA'it rerlmps n misriK'i son would llle te tend." ' CIIOIIUS "Just tell them thit nu low me, and they Wjll Itnrw the rest, Just tell them 1 nm looking well, you knew ; Just whisper. If ou eel a chance, te mother de'ir nd sns I levj her as I did long. Ions aee." "Your c)es sre dim. jour cheeks are pile, ceme, tell me where veu'-ve leen. ---. OUR POIITY HIGHEST QUAUTV MERCHANDISE LOW PRICES CLEANLINESS COURTESY OUICK SRRVIfC "WHERE ECONOMY RULES" Specials for Philadelphia, Reading, Lancaster and Vicinity Pure Cider ft VINEGAR 12e ij iutK viiNbGAR made of apples is wholesome and the quality we. offer is absolutely pure and wholesome and gives that decided "braccv full iirt (,(t m fact, it is the BEST the market affords. Tryabettle.it the special price offered. Tall Can PINK SALMON Red Salmen .. "leaa" Cera . . "IW Peai .. "leaa" Peaches .can 25c can 10c can 15c large can 29c A&P Sweet Chocolate "Encore" Olive Oil . . Baker's Cocea "Red Frent" Cocea . ... '; lb cake 17c . .8 ounce can 31c ... .Vz lb can 20c . . . Vi lb can 13c WESSON OIL PINT CAN If you could see the manner in which we produce "Red Frent" Cocea if veu knew the purity of this product, the ritfd sanitarj conditions under which it is manufactured the rc piven in hrlncr it in ih cm, -ir.lt. t.A ,,., nn.i,i...... i ,.j ... . ' " ' . !i u iJ .--.".- w",tlll. uc.uunuea .inu required veu would no ether and, besides, our price is se much less than all ether advertised brand. use 5 KIR KM A ITS SOAP Cakes Puffed Wheat pkg 12c Shredded Wheat pkg Jlc Hartley's Marmalade jar 27c Heney (pure) 5'2 oz jar 15c Fels Naphtha Seap 5 i2c Arge Gless Starch pkg 9c 20-Mule Team Borax pkg 14c Ln pkg 10c France-American Spaghetti can 10c Kingford's Cern Starch pkg lie Kellogg's Krambles pkg 13c Red Frent Baking Powder f. .lb can 20c H9 CRACKER SPECIALS Velvia Sandwich Fluted Cocoanut Bars Sugar Wafers (All Varieties) lb 29c - lb 21c pkg 7c Going Stronger Every Day "RED CIRCLE" COFFEE i !J.;.uu. - -1 Specially Selected m Coffee TneCKfL & li lVjle.ifi' II V u JI And it is still 25c a pound, while all ethers have had te advance their price or lower the quality. Preparation our buyers continually en the spot where the best coffee grows buying entire produc tions se that varying fluctuations of the coffee market de net affect our price. Fer as we buy, se we sell. We require only a small profit, because our great volume brings the neces sary results. Aa uramf jftVAnr hnmaiuiFA utrKrk fAn1 lLi .J a. t X. . .... wr"' """"' " - "us auverusement te Knew Circle lies the most satisfaction the biggest coffee value for the land. When ImI vt met Jeur cjcn ulioiie clcur "1 1-rlKlit. ceme item Mili me n J go back; IIkj chan4 Mill de .veu Keed. lour inrllifr UondeM vllce seu nre to te iilhl." "I'd lll( In .rr. (hm nil asiln, but net Juit ( (rl, rim ,, It i prlrlu Hlutie Hinl'i kpnK me nMH. Juki Ml ihi'in net (n worry. I'm all rlirM. '""i t Jnu hnrm? Tell tnnilirr I nm cernlnc liome fome flu " Aaks an Old Peem Te the I'diter ut the ,i cvlu I'ltbll- I rdurr: Mr Ihore In nu old mm r-Mlltd "IlK! ' . .". .' " K" or '""l0 WemUrfiil I.eclt," "lllill lirslnii "Till nii.le beUBlm luilf hid ilie heucc, I... ' "x,'(1 lenrly wlde. Urhlriil It tend Oie cIiebUiuI weed, Defero it Hpread tin mnileii . fclifl nnd no tnenry In hgr till And was tee peer te torrew, Galvanized Beat Pumps Tft 11 lf li (! I In r. Iirrcrr te.. Bl) N. Sil . Matn mil ttnrket nsm Mill I I Hill IW il l lllllllllWiiIMB mmuwvmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmm r ' m ' 1 r And with her In me Irtt Him could net beat He no ena thcrd her Hnrrew." 'Hint Im nil t knew of It nt nreienl, hut would .veu please nk If -our rendr enn eunply U7 It li rnther tee lenit te print, hi 'veuld nu plenne mall It te me If a reader suppllsn 117 . O. T. I'hllnd'lpliln, Jiinn t, 1922. The reenlf"' Keram will nnpear .dftllv In Ihr Eteti n Public tdjerr. and nle In the Kundar Public ldter. Ittera dl"ilnrr timely tallica lll be nrlnted, 11 well n runiMted pnema. uml iiieMlena of renernl Inlrrent will hr nnnwereil. HAVE YOU A SWEETHEART, Hen. UatlKhtcr, Uretlirr or Hlhter If be, vvrltn u today te wnnl jnm rui'l! the Allen' roel'Knte WnlUlnit Hell, One DrilKB!',t vvrllrji. "Thmc Knot Knet Knot Kape WalkliiB UelN nre a Serrani. Mnn tweplc hem are using thdn nt hanaiintK ird festlvaH as table ilcco ilcce ilcco ralienn, ene dell te n cevir. Hcnil iib nnother nuppl.v." The Allen'n Kool Keol Koel j:aRC Wftlklngr Dell. RilvrrtlMriir Allen'n Koet-Rasf. thn Antiseptic, Heatlnj,' l'evvdcr for tender. Hnmrtlnir, swollen feet, la the cleverest nev'llj of the ticayen. Drep a Postal le AIIpii'm Koot-Kase, Ie Hey, N, Y., and get a Dell K1UJE. Adv. (TSlS"EI5IEaiSI5ffll5I35lfflaiuLlIi5 ft. i Wire Your Heme High-grade work by a reliable house guaranteeing safety and Mtw faction. Buy your Lighting Fixtures from the manufacturer and save in between profits. Original and dis tinctive designs. a DJKuiviuiMJ & sujn. inc. 2337 GfiRMANTOWN AVE. Celutnbla 1041 Open Every Evening Until 10 C.t I 1899 JL Si x .I'lnl Q y. iMiii. S. tJIT V li IS. mm 11 YEAR TO PAY IF DESIRED Presperityand Savin Alurjivc fin TTjuiH in Hsinil . V v , m -!f (NE of the best indications that President Harding: was right when he recently said at Washing ton that "business is reviving," is shown in the number of new de positors manufacturers and in dividuals that this bank is adding every day. Mere than 28,000 ac counts at the present time. Your account here will mean much te you. Open Monday and Friday Evenings 6 te 9 o'clock m0y JL jfct Philadelphia G'S'sisjajsji ''Will'llllillllllilM Economy Basement Specials for Tuesday 49c chemises, 79c June Sale of Undermuslins Has Brought Prices "Way Down' Women's 89c Undermuslins (Jewns, envelope unl btcp-in bloomers. Women's $1.29 Undermuslins. . . . Envelope chemises nnd gowns. Taileinl 01 trimmed medcK Women's $1.79 QQ Undermuslins OtC Gowns, envelope chemises, princess slips, skirts and two piece pajamas. Tailored and trimmed models. Women's $2 Extra Si.e Undermuslins. . fJewns, envelope chemises and skirts. Alse sateen bkirts with double panel. Women's $2.50 (I-J AQ 2-Piece Pajamas J)AtcJ Cut full, of Windser crepe. SNLLLENBUROS l:-o"emy Baacment 98c STORK OPKNS AT J A CLOSES AT ::30 P. . M. CLOSES AT ::30 P. M. NELLENBURGN ENTIRE MOCK-NIRKETU2!te 12? STREETS L J Beys' Serviceable Play Suits At Liberal and Timely Savings Beys' Slip-ens 41c Tan, brown and blue. Sizes 3 te 8 years. 10,000 Crochet and Satin-Finish Bed Spreads In a Great Price-Lowering Event! Geed, sturdy bed spreads in pretty patterns. $2.95 Crochet Bed Snreads. $1.49 $3.93 Crochet Bed Spreads, $1.98 S5.00 Crochet Bed Spreads, $2.49 $6.00 Satin-Finish Marseilles Bed Spreads, $1.50 RIPPLETTE BED SPREADS $2.50 Spreads, 63x90 Inches. . $3.00 Spreads. 72x90 Inches. . $3.50 Spreads. 80x90 Inches., Snli .-2X2 Beys' Overalls 48c Uluc, denim, with apron front and shoul der straps. Sizes G 3 Mi Beys' Playalis 81c HI up denim and tan khaki. Sizes " te S years. bMELLNbJRuS Kcoiiemy Kasemcnt $1.95 $2.25 $2.45 J RiJS rconemv n.iscmriit Women's $5.00 Smart Slip-en Sweaters at $1.95 ea- Attract blue, , l-f ra J Is butr, orchid and 'ether prettj summer shades. for sports and jrcneral wear. Geed- Leeking liuthiiiK Suits at . . . Jf .'if vUuJ Twe Special Offerings! Women's Coel Bungalow Aprons Werth Much Mere Than 79c ea- Percale, trimmed with nck rack biaid, sash and pocket. Women's Extra-Size QQ Bunjiahs Aprons at 0C (in Uh.nn, (inihfd with iii-K. link bund, ah and pocket. 5 Nil NB':ijS '"'"-""v Hiseninu June Corset Sale Exlraerdinry Values! Sncllenbuip Special and Pansy makes. Girdle or medium bust models of plain and fancy ceutil. $2.50 Corsets, $1.00 .$4.00 Corsets, $1.59 C B Summer Net Corsets $1, $1.50 and $2 M'dium bust or girdle lop medi I . 79c Bandeaux at 39c Pink breclie. Heek back. SnTM hNBJlcS l-conemj Rascment A Special Sale of Children's Underwaists and Bleemers 29c n 1 oemern m a d e e f- cress - bar m u 6 1 i n. Have elastic at waist. Sizes 1 te 12 jears. "' 39c aists of t i ii a - bar muslin with b e n e d button. Kai nients in sizes at -k Or Sturdy little 4 te 12 years. Twe pictured Children's Muslin Nightdrauers.'. . . Made of cres-bar muslin, with drop seat. Sizes 2 te 8 years. Children's Muslin Nightgowns 1.0 ripi'k aril slnut slee.n lli, Diettilj tiimmeil. Sizes 1 le 14 t ar. ' -i "? 1 i i li.i-jeuipnt 49c lin, with years. 49c $2.50 j i- nt Wonderful Purchase of 500 Girls' Coel Summer Dresses At Less Than Half Price! Girls' $2.50 Pretty Frecks at &-i Lingerie and erpandie in white, pink and light P JL"" blue. Many splendid styles. Si7es 7 te 1 J jcars. Girls' $3.30 Airy Dresses dg 7v - ATLANTIC & PACIFIC THE LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS IN THE WORLD . .. .-- ' x , 'WE??, .. . Sk jf!y i i i r- that in "Red I 7 T ', the money iu ) fw-'1 "v- v f&i. 7 Jr 'ii''ii I t m J -I T I , V I T- -Tl " M 1 A lT I 1 SL ii . t I W U i I TEA Jk' saSSSSTlii'nnldMM " wh -- i y cdir CO. : w-ls 3i.oe KA $1,93 -. I M ft .V tilJrlCV'A v -.'pM'i 1 bNELLENBURflS $1.45 Winsome mf (led styles of or gandie in pink, canary and blue. Sizes 7 te 14 yea is. Girls' $5.00 Summer Dresses $1.95 Hest.s of charm ing ntylcs in or gandie and voile. Sizes 7 te 14 years. Economy Basement Save 50' and Mere en These $17.50 te $50 Weeden Beds at $8.75 te $22.50 Tin - 'a Is aic odd piens taken ''. in i ji 'pkti .uit, and aic e lellenth made, with liigh-grade finish. The let consists of full size beds, in s-uch desirable weeds ind finishes as oak. maheiranv nnd walnut. Just about 40 of them, and all are- wonderfully geed values. Staysneat Mattresses A leal iien-tretihab! mat tre-s, iiKeitntceil for te i , eat -.. Made of w bite i ottei , puie white layer felt, pun Java Kapec (mII; (le.s-.) and long Seuth American hair. Permit us te demonstrate the construction of this mat tress, showing the non nen ftretchablc features. PRICES Rell Edge White Cotten Mattress, One Piece Rell Edge Pure White Laver Felt f1 f nr Mattress, One Piece t0luUO Pure Java Kapec Rell Edge Mattress, CO A TC One Piece tM4. D Ixmg Seuth American 45-lb. Hair QQ RAs Mattress, One Piece DOtJ,DU bNELLENBUKaS Economy Bawnnwit!' I CW r. lVn iM : I ;: ir vf I I hi M' I, fy $14.95 Wi P "1 I.Gi FiSU1 w,l 'i; '" u7 ,,',! Lm I 1wV AV 1 I i 'rUl frAi ' "m v ? j '4 "S t m m VMva vmt tyit .i .-rv ' n WWm 11)49 SN. SNELLENBURC & CO VtV ' - , i m cnniirnvmiDfi .. " ' ' w. $te&mm&2&. 4 " uiumJSjn.vvrH svi H" V ik Mi iMJJ iV. ,i'JJSfeA4w(, j. . . . V-.