E' ii" ' " " l'W ewer e maQinarien t t. "iJaT R.W m ww 2JITHJ m 1 '$,- jver i i . " i T 1 B t t v v i vien ,' (I t .ft . .' , -fc V Vx ft .-? Vu : f- . mn PJ a. f. & A 7- H! LS HM v WMi c&r :X ZV. ?r- S0KPB! V WFJEfi mm m LxTrr- -f". ' i ' . V'ifr 'I '. -r-3 Utar: : f ' " ATi H ii ffisfr.,r..AMk& . v -a- ii ---- s- - -. w., l .r, WHEN the People of the Primeval Ferest gathered around the camp-fire, who strengthened their hearts against the fears of the night? The story-teller, with his pictures of mythical heroes who had conquered the fees of .weeds and cave. When the medieval knights gathered in the castle hall en the eve of tournament or battle, who strength ened their courage for the morrow? The minstrel, with his tales of legendary deeds, of the triumph of courage ever cunning, of honor ever falsehood. In the present-day world, who is of greatest inspira tion in the battle of life? The professor with his lectures? The preacher with his sermons? The writer of article and editorial? Unquestionably these have their great power. But the greatest power and inspiration of all comes from the .writer of geed . fiction, as it has in all ages. Why? Because geed fiction is the truth about' life, the interpretation. of. life. Geed fiction is honest and searching. It shows what forces underlie accomplishment, what insidious temp tations lead te compromise and defeat. It punctures tawdry pretence. It reveals the nobility in humble lives. It proves that rich and peer, ancient man and modern, scientist and priest, sea-captain and captain of industry, housewife and clubweman, are bound together by common humanity. : i-.. -1 M 1 i 'A ;V s ? r V " SLwwav 4.- i,m r-- & vm r'i"- ' v ,r -.j&i fef&VLp-rt hrCj.4 9J k.1".! Americas Greatest Magazine Contents of July Cosmopolitan Point! His Children's Children 6j Arthur Train Keep Men in Their Place by Eliner Glyn Cleveland Peem by Edgar A. Guest His Wife's Meney by Ida M. Evans The Stage Today In Artgrazure Thoroughbreds Cever by Harrison Fisher The Bey in the East by G euvcr n cur Merris Broken Barriers by Meredith Nichelson December Leve by Rebert Hichcns Reminiscences by Lillian Russell Gentlemen Once by Frank R. Adams MostJustAmeng Moslems by Achmcd Abdullah On sale at . all newsstands The Gelden Honeymoon by Ring W. Lardner A Human Pest Editorial by Geerge Jde The Purity of the Turf byP.G.Wodcheuse Stories that I lave Made Me Laugh by Montague Glass A Law Unto Ourselves by Rita IVetman ar ... j , aa i f, jj.ti.jaiE -,"-. LJtekxd tjf. i tikiti'lirt.li .1 t 'I '' .1 in J Cfi ' Vfc,, . jvH ? 3, VJ jifH UM Q urn 1 MS ' .3 ;' 3S ,M J9 r-ij