WJISnB!rfHilBTOFTOrw',,nPOTv v ' T ssmKBBBBmMiKMKtKMuMmmr: f "-'iT1 flBittssWLV'iWfl ." ':;... . :;, : wmxmfs -'y .r,. ME PEOPLE'SFMUM mW letters te the Editor . .-!--.' PartrtsrthlP ffiriM. dvA-Vhinrrlage Hceitfe Ir net n 85f"Z2Ktl&rt and' It te netn L2eoKlhehe.dVtee8, te a UPrJ..;vBtton8Breworththccdtngl ""i-ll. .,inr 'nnt tinaticccss- LSu Huty and obligation tire f?n one partyilnMd of beln a "Marriage should net be thought aes iwuj "viiifr" . iSffi-SdiS. a-Si 1"'" Wffl3FKa.rfcC Mt popular. . i.vmm his. own in lKMSinUt I. far! from lucecw- fSen he coiifes In' contact with n 'ae."."..!.! -.nctsm woman. PVUI' .. L nn- pnmmnndmenta. ilJ"" i... mnttv StrtinrO WBTS ,01 f.iptmnnv nan - i Starting itself, but meHt important HRtf "- of partners. . hiddptita, JtmtfB, iua. . . rVflriitait Weman In World i'ir... .. .t. r...ln PuMle Ledger: IftS ..... T.l.,lnlmrir lit nlietdl N IJiMt " f, .. nil.. i..J. P.hnn. 82 f S 1 the greatest woman In the . i u tuiir - . rn. . ' " -VlTln 'Wt UreaU jeu. Mr. Editor, plea af,k i,WOumj" . evnlnln lust what E 'g"c O" hn. done te be regarded Ri n.ns the "greatest, etc."? She rj"M" ' . ii. im mtiitMnti ami l"e.te 'h-Y1lV:-k ter fill from these ethers who ere trnrr ..".. it IT, a member of the measly Inferior -. It occurs te me that if twelve really 52e.it" men can be produced from all (ft ". J?' J51T- iW hptnS t.er some iiu " ayeu !; What a great man tf e Inlen?" Or what de -u Mhfijg.ln. either case, Jiencc Uls re Shi request for Information from 5i. Hlnnkcnburg. VA.ra Bcncrnl preposition, nnwmr. 4fta 'Alice Robertsen assays mere real Erthite the square inch than the entire Mrs. Cntt Included, .renamed or ll1-"rrcat" by Mrs. B. UM great u, WISHER. Oelllngaaie. in., dm u. - '. ' .Troubles Make the Man it iMUer at tht Evening Publle Ltdeer: " fiiiiI ran across this jewel of wis- Mb in a trade publication : v When jeu get the right slant en fceubles, you discover that they are litter useful, after all. The- pay "lieBt half your salary. Brf writer's point -was tuat some one mi'M found te hnndle your Jeb toabettt half the money you get if it Mre het for the troubles the thlngi that 'ta wrong which you are pre-MKd'-te meet and be is net. It takes WMnn. nntience. tact and ceur- im tA meet troubles and half of the jay ef the -high-salaried man gees for tiMe-quBllties of his, net for the reu- tiae work he bandies. 'Lloyd Geerge is a fairly geed illus tration of the point. He would never dim hern Britain's Premier if Britain ted net fallen se far into a mess of troubles that she needed a iiiuya OMrge te get her out. What is true in this case is true in tte case of every man. It is bis capacity te welcome troubles, meet them aid Hex them that makes him worth Maething. The greater that capacity, tit greater opportunity he has te put til talents te work and the mere money at get A utile man wmncn aoeutnne trou treu ites if hip job. the obstacles in his way, le irlefs with which be has te con- tTOd.'r He utays little. A big man leeks upon the troubles as problems te' solve, the obstacles ias something that will be fun te get ever and he laughs out of existence the grief, lie grows bigger and bigger. "Tnereis no better proof of the quail ttn Qt.a man than the. way he meets Hi troubles, and the discovery that Sli is se is net. a discovery of thin t. Back before the days of efficiency arid system mngnzlnes. house organs aad'.-trdde journals, Thomai C.irlyle tnle: . I.Dinlus. . . . means . the , trans Madtnt capacity for taking, trouble, ' fret of nil. VjTadt was written' less than n century Jp, but if one were te search aksldu Mly In the proverbs of Solemon or tie wisdom of such far-seeing Orientals u;Lae-Tze. he 'would find just about u (me thing wr.ltten when the world n a geed deal younger than it is le ! H. F. c. Philadelphia, June 3, 1022. : Shopping for Weddlna Gifts TtktEHter 0 the Evening Public Ltdeer; JOiitThe June 'wedding crop gave premise of abum'ance. nnd let us hope. Of hannlnCSS. I lintlneil Hin ntlin,. lnv .story that In sending out Invention's tt a i wedding, but net. a Philadelphia "waing, ict me odd, . the prospective pride .and brldegtnem took time te nn nnce tlint thev had nil the household "weieniii nnd turnishings they requl M. and (suggested that the weddli r- eddlng vraenia take the form of rnsh. itu ips thls,wns a bright Idea, but Jt'ean be surmised in most cekcs here fJBt"; at least, it would net work any &. Tlle glvlni? ' lnen(?' asn wed ?'nlnrf,8ent. would net commend Itself te many. The trouble with tcn-dellnr .S 'i1'1" thc-v a" leek ""he, nnd one IE? ,U c,I,w? URt as much affec wen as any ether. But. If one gees out Un a ten-dellnr bill te buyn present. !" nuy. n.H 1'ke as net, come across 2S!ii ""llnK ebJect thet will answer E"')' be worth ten or twelve, but Wppened en thntwy day te be merked trfft-i . iw B,!rcly n hPPcr te entitled wtne advantage of such a stroke of S?. .luine n8 tlmt Neb"ly I" any the tactien eT"y one 8,0WB with-sntls-wSSPS? l81dc,i8hted wtb her pres- nf. prLde, ln five 0,1 generosity. vnrt iff' 'ransactlen temls te Im ESli,, W wb. tnke pnr.t ,n n8 f'e efflSnFIV' usert,,d tcn-dellar bill W never de. The giving of wedding eaik fh. ,heyJ,n'J t tnke the f ' 5th. 5JPert of buyin essential ffi? t MARCUS M. !f"!ad:lphla, June 3, 1022. Objecta te Mlauae of "Qun" 4 whJ I"" ' nm l'cr "nil won wen Wd ali n,mnny nuP,ai'er reporters na ?tw rs M6r hwe the word md whir.W?' be rlbt-) I often $&? $&? .' caroled and . a ' tiill in iiiH nil lnAlAr T-i KTiVMu w"t kil!cu ev, I" New TOieyIMwiandlt,d attSff aiVMte ttJTBKK. Bywequuid 1 !.".&&?' ?UJ war dafly fcfc ' J witness In a murder trial be allowed te call a revolver a gun 7 New.'vMr. Editor, I weuldlike te ?id P5,i5.d,e,Pb,n8 who can remember the eU'VVllwn gun store nnd armory en the south side i of- Chestnut street a few doers east of Fifth street. I have been H.l'iln5n5uhi0 alaty-Bve yearn and 1 worked-in thte armory during the Civil ;Vn '' waking rifles (mfazxte leading! for the union army. In working over time one day when we boys went te be home we found the frertt deer en Client ,m l trtt locked and we all climbed out of the eeend -story window into a rear Ollcy that took ua outilnte Fifth street. In doing,. anything like this new I suppose 'we' would 'nil be brought before a magistrate, makcSan explanation. ' niin '.. , t,' . -J ,w-' HAZEL. Philadelphia, June 7, 1022. Mere Biblical Light on.Llauer Te (hi Editor ofllf'Kytnine Puttie Ltdeer: Sir "J. C. .If.' recommended the r.pisues or the Apostle Bt. Paul se highly Jn his letter that' I have been reading1 (he one tq the Remnna, and In Chapter, jtv, .Terae 21,,, I read that we should nor, drink wine or "de anything whereby our brother ts-made te stumble ,f becenie weak, and In his Epistle te the .Corinthians, In Chapter vl, and Terse 10, I read that drunkards shall net inherit the Kingdom of Ged. Yet "J. C. K." is striving te bring back a business that does cause his brother te stumble' and that does produce drunk ards. He la equally unfortunate in his ref ref cren,ce. te the Wedding Feast in Caha of Gelllee. At that feast the Wine was exhausted. New, instead of bavin the master of the feast patronize a tavern or' saloon the Divine Mether of Jestis requested help, and from water was mad" wine se different from ordinary wine that -it attracted the notice of the ruler of the feast, and although the wedding guests were se bountifully supplied, no one was intoxicated. That is the oppo site of saloons and taverns where liquor te sold and drunkards are manufactured. But when the Saviour wns thirsty He went te the well of Jacob and requested th'at water be drawn, and when He fed the 6000. He did. netglvc them wine. Ab te prominent persons of the past using liquor, "J. C. K." picks these who are gene and cannot open their lips against arty sort of aspersions that may be 'cast atainst them. Hut of Hie living celebrities be might inquire of c any ArDucaie as te uie Dencnts et drink ln his career) H. Philadelphia, June 0, 1022. The American Flae Te tht Editor et the Evening Publie Ledger: Elr Ii the American liar n emblem? CHARLES R. HUSTON. Penford. Del., June T, 1022. Tel. Questions Answered Ne Plot Agajnet America Te the Editor et the Evening PubHe Ledger: Sir Pleai'e permit me te atk a few quel quel tlene. Ii It true' that Japan Ii aecretly erganising- ether Governments acalnat thla Oovern Oevern mentT , la It true that Mexico. Colen, Panama. Central and Seuth America. Culm, the Ba hama, the Hawaiian Iilanda, Ruaila and China are all with Japan In thla ao ae called movement? . la It .true that Enaland and France are In aympathy with Japan a movement? It anr country leac. Ita governing- power, does It leae It power ever ether lalandi which It rules? Why de the aliens ln thla country aay aeme 'ether Power will have te alt In Wain Ington te aettle the colored question that thla country la unable te de It? v LUCIA ABENSIO. Philadelphia, June 6. 1822. Meat of the foregoing questions. Lucia, un leaa they are aaked In Jeat, are the reault of the vapering of badly balanced mlnda which are perpetually conjuring up bugaboea, diplomatic-and otherwise, -.for the aele purpeae of disturbing' nerve-Ja Individuate. A decided negative I the only aniwer po pe alble te the Interrogation regarding aecret alleged dealgna agalnit the peace' and dig nity of the United State by Japan and the ether ceuntrle you enumerate. There la no cenaptracy among the natlena of the world te upaet the Government at Waahlngten. Our relation with the capital of Ada, of Eu rope, of Mexico and of Central and Seuth America are et genuinely friendly character, and all talk of malevolent organliatten agalnat thla Oovernment I iheer non lent. The ame 'negative I returned te your queatlen concerning what you aay I the Idea of "the alien in thla country" et Waahlngten' .Inability te "settle the colored qucitlen" without foreign Intervention. Such Intervention in a purely domestic matter I f Inconceivable' and rldlculOu. Fay no atten tien te aueh remark by "the alien In this country," who would be better employed In Informing- themielvea en the genius of the Amerlcan Oevernment. A country lealng Ita governing power at home would llkewlie aurrender It control of lalandi formerly under Ita sway. Poems and Songs Desired J "Ye, I'm Guilty" Te the Editor effhe Evening Public Ledger: Sir Will you pleaee print the poem of which the flret veriei are! " 'Yes, I'm guilty.' the prisoner ald A he wiped hi eye and bowed hi head. . HARRY LEBOW. Philadelphia.. May IT,' 1822. I'LL PROTECT THE SON OF MY COM- RAUE JOB "Tei, I'm guilty," 'the prisoner ald A he wiped hi brew and bowed hi head! "Qullly of all the crime you name, But this lad I net te blame. It wan I alone who rained the row. Judge, If jeu please, I'll tell you hew. Yeu ice tnla boy, he a pale and mm; We call him 'saint.' but hla name ta Tim. IIk'h like a preacher In hla way; He never drlnka or awcar or play, But kind e'weepa and sighs, all day. It would break your heart te hear 'him pray, Why. air, many and many a night, When grub wa scarce and I wa tight, I eaw ttiat boy In darkneia kneel And p'y euch nerda aa cut llke at eel; It aeemed te warm and light the room -And aorta chate away the gloom. And made me think that Oed, perhaps, Sent him en earth te aave ua chapa, Thla man that equealed and pulled u In He keeps a place called Fiddler' Inn. Where fake and inlde nnd such encamp Te connive and cheat with lawless- scamp. Well, Tim and me we didn't knew Just what te de, or where te go. And ae we stayed w"h hm taat night. And this Is hew we hed the tight. They wanted Tim te take a drink, But he refused, a. you may think, And told them hew the foaming bowl Centalna the fire that kills the eul. 'Drink, drink,' he cried, 'this foaming beer: It will make you strong and give you cheer; Let preacher prate and erean of iln. But give te me that geed old gin.' Then Tim knelt down beside his chair And offered up hla little jirajer. 'Help me, dear Lord,' the child began. Aa dewn-hie cheeks the big teara ran. 'Te keep the pledge I gave te Yeu. It will make me atreng and geed and true. Father and mother, eh, Plead for me; Tell Christ I long with you te be.' Then, like a brute., he hit the lad, Which made my bleed Juat boiling mad. I guess I mvst have hurt his head, Fer I atruck hard for the man that's dead. Ne, the boy ain't go( no folks, no friends but ,me; ' . Ills dad was killed in sixty-three. St et at the front, where the busting rhelf And cannons sang their songs of hell. And muskets kissed wlh fiery breath, Aa brave men fell te their tone of death. I premised his fnther before he died, A the life bleed rushed from his wounded (Id, ' I premised, him. air, and It gave him Jey, That I would pretect-bis darling boy. I simply dh what hla father would And helped the weak, as all men should. Judge, If I de"' wrong, send me below, Hut itun tha ion of my comrade, Je. AVhutT.', Yeu .'forgive, him and ma, tee, en.r net v vf . a ' , (ictTbid dims W'futtti . Tim, ; t'HVi w,""V ); ,(, j3t" V IP ' ' V " ; ; ' . thf, nhn YAna t,m ami'k - - tv: . ' .".. ": J.: - im-igigimiii, 1BpiW iF HbTi1 ' iVE3(H ' ir ir iHuB The Doe Dads are new In China. Of all the strange people they have met the Chinese appear te them te be the strangest. Here you see them en a visit te a Chinese Village. Old Dec. Sawbones, Flannelfeet, the Cep, and Percy Haw Haw, the Dude, are having lunch ln front of a Chinese Tea Shep. On the balcony a muVclan is singing that famous Chinese sole, Muka-hl-kO-mO-o-e, and strumming a Chinese guitar. It sounds very sweet te, the little Chinese Doe Dads but net se te their visi tors. Flannelfeet Is stepping his ears te keep out the dreadful noise. Over the bridge come some of the Doe Dads who have been out joy-riding in a rickshaw. They are RADIO IN THE HOME By HENRY M. NEELY mlm'mm f INCOMING WtAK S!Natf2L2!2n$ 1 I volts flln ' rl T I-J I i I urn im i ... i Tf Bute. I yv55ttt!SII! I BULBd X 'TRANSFORMER dtP Here is a detector and one stage of amplification. The incoming weak currents are multiplied ln the detector valve, are again multiplied by the .transformer and still further multiplied by the action of the second valve , Hew the Amplifying Bulb Works Everybody who is installing n radio set wants one or two stages of "am plificatien." They knew that they can net operate a leuu-BpcnKing nern or phonograph attachment without build ing up the strength of their signals te such an extent that they will be un pleasantly loud ln the ordinary head telephones.- And se the "twe-htnge am plifier" is se much in demand that many companies are putting out neat little cabinets containing the detector bulb and the two amplif j ing bulbs with the rest of the necessnry nnnaratus in closed. If you understand the operation of the ordinary audlen bulb, lt Is a Per fectly slmnle matter te understand the operation of an amplifying unit. We hnve learned, in our studies of the nudien bulb, thnt comparatively weak currents of electricity that come In from the ncrlnl and are transferred te the grid inside the bulb act as n trigger which alternately relenscs and steps the strong currents of the "B" battery In the head telephones. New suppose we tnke these greatly atrenirthpncrt hlenals nnd. Instead of sending them into the telephones, send them Inte the grid of another specially designed bulb. Again they will oper ate it still mere powerful trigger end deliver te us added electrical strength from another "I" battery. If we take this added strength nnd nut- it into a nnlr of phones we are using what we call "one stage of am plification." If, instead of using the phones nt this stage, we take this amplification and transfer lt te the grid of still another bulb we get n yet mere powerful trigger effect which permits us te ndd the cur rent of another "" uattery te our signals. That would be two stages of amplification. And te we can build up until we" finally receive signals sev eral tneuxami llliivn " niwit un iuueu which come in through the ncrlal. This strengthening effect Is further added te In practice by the use et what we call "amplifying transform ers." We will net new go Inte nn ex- Planntlen of hew a transformer works, t will be bufflcient te knew that you enn put a comparatively weak alter nating current into one cell of a trans former nnd It will come out from the ether cell with its strength multiplied a great many times. And se In ampllflcntlen we keep mul tlpljlng nnd multlpljlng the strength of the weak currents brought down te uh by our ncrlnl. FlrM the nudien detector multiplies the current by menus of its trigger ac tion. It Is again multiplied by the first transformer and sent Inte the first amplifying bult. Here It is again mul tiplied by the trigger action of the bulb nnd n en In multiplied by the t-ecend transformer, which Rends It Inte the second amplifying bulb where the trlg acr action still further multlnllt-rf it. Ana w we can ieepen Dulldla m 'usJtU.tre get a deun or mert ttaferet-1 4-5 volts amplification. This would be sufficient te make the sound of a fly's footsteps audible all ever a large auditorium, but I de net advise any beginner te attempt te operate a dozen stages of amplifica tion unless he desires te head himself for the insane asylum. In fact, I de net advise the beginner te attempt amplification at all until he has thoroughly mastered the opera tion of the detector bulb nlenc. Am plification, unless dene by a skilled man, means the distortion of sounds and this distortion can be se bad that it would make Fnrrar's singing of Butter fly sound like the waitings of a mel ancholy cow. Beginners hnve rushed wildly into the market for two-stage amplifying appar RADIO DISTRIBUTORS WANTED Raceny Plug "Radie Without Antennae" Applicable te Any Receiving Set THE RACONY PLUG eliminates the necessity of outside aerials and clumsy indoor loops. Uses ordinary house wiring as aerial. Screws into any electric light socket and connects with the aerial pest of any receiving set. Ne current used, no costly lightning arresters, outside insulators or heavy ground wire. Used in conjunction with any existing aerial increases signal strength. Absolutely no possibility of shocks, or short circuits. Nothing te fear from any outside disturbance. Nothing te wear out or renew. The last word in simplicity and safety. Perfect transmission of the message or music. The RACONY PLUG is equipped with four binding pests permitting fourteen adjustments te fit the various capacities of wires of different lengths. Retail price, $3.00. Immediate Stock Deliveries. Write or wire for exclusive territory preposition. Technical Dept. GASTON & CO. 165 Broadway, New Yerk having a race. Over here near the lamp-pest, some mischievous young rascals are getting a couple et Mandarins Inte a pretty be v. The Mandarins are dis cussing some problem .of high finance, for they are the millionaires in China. Here a Chinese juggler is amusing some of the Doe Dads by Ills clever balancing. AH the time his companion Is supplying music by beating en a tom tem tom eom. De you see the Chinese sight-seeing car? It Is being pushed along by a mule while the driver, through his megaphone, calls out te the passengers the various sights of interest. Sleepy Sam is en the front sea doling away as usual. atus since this craze started and the consequence is thnt a let of people are becoming disgusted with rndle when they should merely be disgusted with themselves for attempting te handle delicate apparatus which is far beyond ti&rllity of n beginner. Jwn't be impatient for amplifiers and leua ,?.jcnkcrs. Yeu won't get satisfac tion from them until you have learned te master the moods and mysteries of your detector bulb nlenc. Copyright. 192, bu Public Ledger Company catl)s .. BECKETT. June 7. THOSIAS. husband of J , L',e. il"y D- Beckett. Relatives and ii:. i"? '"X"ea le lunerai. axon, morning, at Jv , ?a' Solemn requiem mass St. J.ar& Church 10 A. M. Trains leave Bread U. '1,atJ?n ar 7.03 A. M.. dayllght-salng time). Remains may be vlewed Hun. eve ning, from 8 te 1(1 o'clock, at realdence of Geerge D. nice. 0231 Vine at . W. I'hlla. .."IHWKLL. June 8, CARRIE, wife of it. ! . i"uwn. ienuica ami rrienda In vited te funeral aerv'cen, Monday. 2 P. M.. realdence 2501 Amber at. Interment Green, mount Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Sunday evenlmr. t BCIECILY- June 8. ELIZABETH, wife of Julius X. Deegly. aged 48. Relatlvea and friend Invited te funeral aerWces. Sun . 1 S.. ,2Jcci"8ly; residence of son-in-law. William K. Pennington-, 2722 H. Colerado at. Int. Hillside Cem. Friends may call Sat. eve. P.VJKIAN M c City. N. J., June n. HARRY D., husband of Margaret Rurman. ""iS.CIi'S! of tne 'uneral will e given. CARROLL June 8. RACHAEL. Idew of Jame Carrell. Funeral Men.. 2 P. M . from the residence of her son, Mr. Thes. Cellins. 114 Fern St., Darby, Pa. Friends may call Sun. evening, from 7 te 0. Int. private. CLUFF. June 8. 1022. JOSEPH F.. be loved husband of Mary E. Cluft. Relatlvea ana rrienda. also emolejea of P. R. T. Ce.. are Invited te attend funeral Men. 8 30 A. 7A:.trem. nl5 ,Ate residence. Olie Wheeler st (03d and Elmwood ae.) Solemn requiem mass at the Church of St. Harnabas. nre, c"l!Lt l' A M int. Hely rr0s Cem .,OO,L,TOn,Ju,n0,n' LYDIA C, wlfe of Jo Je leph Coe. Relittlea nnil frl.-ndd Invited te funeral en Monlay. nt 2 30 P. M . from tne residence of her een-ln-lnw. Arthur E. vL,5.t,ln,3i13 J.a?.pr. at- Interment private, NeJt,n J?pdar Hill (Vmetcry DALEY (nee McClaln) June 8, KATH .?F.Jr w" ?f L,eul" " Daley. Relatives ana friends, also members of St. Jeseph's Sodality, are Invited te funeral. Men.. 8 30 A. M.. late residence OOWi Jeffersen st. Solemn requiem mass Church of St. Rese of Lima 10 A. M Int. Hely Crnsa Cem DARE. At Wlldnned. X. J.. June 6. 1032. ETTA DARE. Int. Sun'., private. ' . DELAND June 8. 1022. at Dedham. Mass LAURA CARLISLE, daughter nf the late Therndlke and Elizabeth M Deland. Int service at Cem of bt James the Less, lnll of Schuylkill, Sat.. 10 A. M. eI!!?y??.B,T70n Iu10 ,?' EDWA.RD. husband of the late Margaret Devlne, Relatives and a member, Invited te funeial, en Monday, at SHe A. It., from hi late realdence, SIS S. 23th at. Solemn .nun of requiem at St. Antheny'. 10 A. M. Interment New Catne- "'DONAlluK'-June 8. EMMA Y. DONA HUE. Relative and friend Invited te fu neral aervlcea. Men., at 8 P. M., at reil reil ilenre, 634 Oaul it. Int. Tue., at con venience, of the family, at Wtat Laurel Hill DUNLAP. At her residence, G847 Angera terrace, en June 8, 1822. EMILY ELIZA IlETH, wlfe of Wlillam H. Ounlap, In her 02d year. Relative and friend are Invited te the aervlcee, en Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver II. Dalr Oldg., 1820 Chtnut at. Interment private. EISENLOHR. Suddenly at Pert JITt- en, N. Y., en June.?,- LOUIS, II.. RISEN LOHR. aged 62. Relative and friend In- vlted te funeral ervlce en Saturday at 2 P. M., at late residence. 4200 Pine (t. In terment private, ..... . EYNON, At Wlldwoed. N. J.. June 8, WILLIAM D.. husband of Martha J. Bynon, in hla ?nth vinr itelatlvra and friends, also Harmony A. C Ne. 283t Kensington Com Cem mandery. Ne. B4, K. T..' are Invited te attend funeral services, at hi late residence. 200 H. 18th t.. Wlldwoed. Sun., S P. M. Further service Men.. 0:80 A. M., at West 'Laurel Hill Cem. Chapel. . . . . FMHERTr, June n jiANi,iis riV1" HEHTY. Relatives and friend, also Dlv, 47. A. O. II., are Invited te attend funeral. Men., 8:80 A. M.. from the residence of James McNerney. 8858 N. Darlen St. Solemn maaa of requiem at the Church of JH. Ve ronica 10 A. M. Int, Cathedral Cem. FLEMING. June 8. MARY B... wlf of Jehn Fleming and daughter of the late I ellx nnd Helen Menan tnee -anyj. ,em"v " friend are Invited te funeral. Men., 8.30 A. M.. from her late realdence. 1484 Mont Mont eose st. Solemn mas of requiem at Bt. Teresa' Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress CeelvLLAaHCn. June 8. 1022. MARGARET A., daughter of Franc! and the late Char Char eotte Oellagher. aged ,20. Relatives and friends Invited te funeral. Men., 8 30 A. M.. from residence of her aunt, 3217 Japer it. Solemn requiem mass at the Church of the Ascension, 10 A. M. Int. Hely Sepulchre CORAY. June 7. JOHN M.. husband of Minnie dray. Relative and friend, also empleyes of the Building and Construction Dcpt. of P. R. T.. Invited te attend funeral, Men., 2 P. M., residence. 0300 Paschall nve. Int. private. Friend may call Sun eve OUNDERMAN. On June 8. ELIZA I1ETH widow of Jehn Oundermann, aged 08 year Relative nnd friends Invited te funeral services en Monday at 1:30 P. M.. at her late realdence, 1040 N. 3d St. In terment private. Hillside, Friends may call Sunday evening, .,. HALLMAN. On June 8. 1022. HENA JONES, wlfe of William J. Hailman. Serv ice en Monday morning at 10 o'clock, at the Oliver H. Dalr Dldg., 1820 Chestnut St. Interment private. HALLOWELL. At Wayne. Pa., June 8, MARY E. HUNTEn, wlfe et Frederick F Hallewell, aged 50 years. Funeral pri vate, at convenience of family. Kindly emit flowers. HANDSDERRY. June 0, ELMIRA, daughter et latn Jeseph and arah C, Hands berry. In her 80th ear. Funeral services at hrr late residence, 6222 Oermnntewn ave.. Men, 8 P. M. Int. private. .... HAU8MANN. On June 0.1022. CHAnLBS It., son of Matilda Wndell and the late Charles H. Hausmann. ngd 45 years Rcla- fltBH mnA frlanla el.n n.im Trlh Nn. 113. I. O. R. M.i Charles Klein New Year Asso ciation,, and 48th Ward Republican Club, are invitea te tne services, Tucsaay aiiernoeir. at 2 o'clock, at hla lale residence, 2205 S. 24th at. Interment private. Viewing Mon day evening. HERITAGE. June. 7. SUSANNAH T HERITAGE, daughter of the late Gerard and 'Mary Weed. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeral, from the resi dent of her son. H S. Heritage. West St.. Olassbore. N. J.. Men.. 10 A. M. (daylight-savins- time). Int. Blackwood. N. J. . HISER. June 7. WALTER, husband of Mary Hlser, aged 04. Relatives and friends are Invited te funeral. Men.. 3 P. M.. from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Mabel Fuesher. 451B Smedley st. Int. Northwood Cem. Friends may call Sun. eve. HORNBEROER June 8. WILLIAM T.. husband of Kathcrine Hernberger (nee Myers). Relatives and friends, also empleyes Ph'la. Electric Ce. nnd all organlratlens of which he wea a member, are Invited te funeral, Men., 2 P. M., from hla late resi dence, 8310 Longshero st , Tacony. Int. East Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may be vlewed Sun.. 7 te 0 P. M. JARVIS. On June 7. 1022. MARY A., daughter et the late Charles and Mary A. Jarvls. Funeral services Sat.. 2 P. M.. at the Oliver H Pair Bldg.. 1820 Chest nut at. Int. private. JOSEPH. June 7. 1022. ANNA, wife of James H Jeseph. Relatlvea and friends In vlted te funeral, Menriav, 8 30 A. M.. resi dence of son-in-law. 1231 Alrdrle ave. Sol emn requiem mass at St. Stephen's Church 10 A. M. Interment Hely Cress Cemetery. KURZ. June 8. LEONARD B.. huseand nf the late Anna Kura (nee Hoffmann), aged 70, Relatives and friends, also members et Canstatter Velksfest Vareln. Phtia, Ledge, Ne. 30. D. O. H.. are Invited te services, Men.. 2 P. M residence, 122 Seuth st. Int. Fernwood Cem. Viewing 8nn. eve. LAWTON. June 8. 1022. EVA LAWTON (nee Wlngcrt). beloved wife of Heward Law. ten, aged 24. Relatives and friends are In vited te attend funeral, Monday, 2 P. M.. parlors of William H. Strlnaneld. 3001 W. Susquehanna nve. Interment Mount Peace cemetery. Frlenda may call Sunday evening. McCAUL June 7. CHARLES McCAUL. late of Atdara. County Denegal, Ireland. Relatives and friends Invited te funeral, Monday.. 0:30 A. M., from his brother's residence, 2020 Swain st. Solemn requiem mass St. Francis Xavier Church 11 A. M. Interment Hely Cress Cemetery. McDEVITT. On June 8, 1022. JOSEPH J , husband of Ella and son of the late Jehn and Hannah McDevltt. Ralatlves nnd friends invited te runeral. en .Monday, nt P 30 A. AI., from hli Inte residence. 30?n iSnlmen st. Solemn lequicm maai at the Nativity H. V. M. Church, nt 10 A. M. Interment Hely eepuicnre i emetery. McDEVITT, June 7. MARY A., widow of James McDevltt. Funeral Men , 8 30 A. M.. from her late residence 2220 Aspen st. Sol emn mass of requiem at St. Francis Xavier's Church, 10 A. M. Relatives and friends, also II. V. M. Sodality and Lndles' T. A. B. Society, are Invited. Int Cathedral Cem MERS5. June 8, JOHN H., son of Harry una v 101a ierz men lanninyj ueiauves and friends are Invited te attend funeral serv ices. Snt.. 2 P. M . at his parents' residence. 110 W. Clarksen ave Int. private, Hillside com. METCALF. On June 8. 1022, ELIZA nETH THOMPSON wife of Jehn Metcalf. Relatives and friends are Invited te the serv ices, en Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late residence 3713 Cuthbert st. Inter ment at Fernwood Cemeterj. Viewing Sun day evening. MILLER. June 0. 11122. MARY R.. wife ei a. juiiud .Miner ami uaugmer or tne late Ambrose and Theresa Relber. aged 53. Relatlvea and friends Invited te funeral. Men.. 8.30 A. M . reldnce. 0027 Wayne nve . Germnntenn helcmn requiem mass ueiy uress unurcn Mt Airy nve.. 10 A. M. Int Helv Sepulchre- Cem. MONTREY. June 8, nt his residence. 4011 N. Franklin st . RAYMOND A., beloved son of Arthur I. and Anna M. Montrey. nged 2 yrs. 10 mes Funeral services Sun . 2 P. M . aV the First Prcsbterlan Church. Colum bus W. J O'DONNELL June 7 1022. at his late realdence, Bread st and Chelten nve.. Oak Lane. THANK J., beloved husband of Cecelia F. Brennan O'Donnell, nged 48. Due notice of funeral will he u'ven O'NEILL. June 7 ELIZABETH L . wife nr the late Tnemas J u .-seni, sr . aged Ttt Relatives nnd friends fire lrulted te attend funeral services. Sat . - P M . at the rest. :enc9 e! her son. Merris M O'Neill. (130S K. -Jlst st Int. Mt Morleh. Remains may be viewed Frl. eve PARR June I). 11. F , husband of Mlllan W Parr, need 72 funeral sen lees nnd interment private Men , 2 P M late real denre Treese, Tn, I'inUlY. On Tliursdnv, Inne 102; nt Washington. D C MARY OAM.OWAY KARR. widow of Sentnn Peru- n.id dnuahter of the lat William M and Mary Whllldln rarr or I'hllailclphln. ra RECKEWEd. June 8, VERONICA M . wife of William A Reckeuec and daughter et Philip and Matilda Hammer Funeral ervlces Men . 2 P. M at hr residence. 211 10th a., Hadden IIelBhts N J Int liar lelnh Cem Friends may call Sun eenlnB I lu-.u.l.l. un June u, 22, MAIIC1AUKT K . wlTe of the lute Rebert I Rellly, of Wnrifntnn Vn, Netlm of funernl Inter Pt'tAnnt. In Tnne ( in'JO AW.V HOE1IN, wife of Frank nichards Funeral stivuei en Memmy et -J I' M , ut hr late reaiuence i;t- tlrnnil view rnnH Anlmnr. Pn. Interment Fernwood Cemetery Friends may call Hunday evening, 7 te I) IUI.kx. sueneniv. nt HrneKljn, N Y. AMANI1A 13 RILEY (nee Mack), ulilnw of Charles II Riley. Relathes and friends In lted te attend funernl serv'ces Men, 3 P. M.. at her son's residence, 2417 N Marshall st. Int private Northwood Cem Ilrmnin. mav be lewed Sun, 7 te in P. M rieiir-ij-s. -Jn June ti, ig-.'-.' EMMA I. , daughter of the lata Ralrh and Leulsn Rob Reb Min, aged 81 years. Rclatlvei and friends nre Incited te the services, en Mendnv after noon, at 2 30 o'clock, nt the Ollser II Hilt lllilg . 1820 Cheatnut st. Interment prl ate RODnnAUOH On June 7, 1(122, ANNA, wife of Harry Redebatigh. Relntles and friends lnlt ii te the ser!cei en Hiuidav, Bt 2 o'clock, nt hr Inte residence, 2nin Hum mer st. Interment private nt I,eerlnKten Cemetery, trlends may call Saturday ee. ntVrHSCIin.n. Tune 7 nt Rochester. N. Y SARAH ETTINOKR wife of lata Henry Rothschild aged 0 Funeral at the convenience of the family. rlCHANZ June S, JOHN v F. husband of Mary M-han (nee Martin) Rclitlven and friends also cmplees of llrldesbure Lentlier Ce., R II. Foerderer Leather Workers' Asse.. ln Ited te funernl. Men H in a i late residence. IS28 E. Paclrtc st High mass nt St Jean nf Arc Church 10 A. M. Int. nt jlf.iv niirnre uem. SCOTT June fi JOHN J,, son of Jane Rhlle nnd the lute Jehn J. Scott. Relnt'vea nnd friends Invited te funernl services Men !! P. M . mother's residence, 2830 Jarkseii t. Interment Fernwood Cemeterv. kvi.nj. mav call Sunday. 8 te 10 P M, DHirii, June n. iiiji riiJ.A M., daugh ter of Jehn and late Margaret Smith and granddaughter of late William end Sarah Mclntyre nged 20 Relatives nnd frltnds. sle II V. M. and Hacred Heart Soeletles. St Michael's alumni nnd empleyes et A. T. & T UNDKKTAKEKS f DIAMOWP WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S.. SONS Members Philadelphia Real Estate Beard 1546 North Seventh St. 2019 Columbia' Ave. We Offer for Sale the Following Proper ties: 4040 N. Bread 1826 N. Franklin 18 rms, 12 " 1511 N. lftth. 1810 N. 12th 1488 N. 7th 11 822TW. 8anem 11 1202 tt. Hutchlna'n 10 1385 K. Montgem'y 10 2157 N. Camae 10 2130 N. 7th R 1640 N. Alder 1017 Euclid ave 8 1815 Memphis. 3 Sty. 1582 N. Fawn 7 1248 W. Hagrard 7 2007 N. Warnock T 2058 N. Philip T 1841 N. Darlen 7 2038-2035 N. Heward 2082-2084 N. Hep lflld N. Camae 6 1562 N. Darlen 6 1141 W. Oakdale 5 Ambler ave., 8 dwg. 1604-1800 Tulip 4 017 N. Franklin 1287 N. 1 2th 1218 N. Hutchln'n 1900 N, 8th 1855 N. Camae 1051 N. Marvlne 1012 N. Alder 1204 N. Bartaln 880 E. Almend IRS N. Darlen 2000 N. Warneek )tl Mamnhla. 8088 Melvale 7 1750 P.O. N.R.R. 7 Iflll N. Fawn. 3 ty. 2568 N. Waterloo fl 604 W. Oxford fl 1425 K Oxford 5 618 Edgely 8 1354-188(1 E. Berks 4 220 Wlldey, 11600 STORES Cerner Frent Susquehanna Ave.. 40 ft. front, 89 ft. deep, 4 lore and 1 dwalllM. 808 W. Nerrl .0 rm. 2001 E. Nerrl. corner I 2448 N. 2d " "SIBLEY BUILDING" AT AUCTION LOT 62 x 106 1214-1220 X " WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21. 1922.' AT. 12 M. AT THE REAL. ESTATE SALESROOMS .1519-21 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA Full particulars ln handbills. , ' By order of Ames H. Sibley, Executer of the Estate of Gideon Sibley, SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO... Auctioneers 1619-21 Chestnut St, Philadelphia CENTRAL FACTORY LOCATION AT AUCTION 17,000 SQ. FT. WITH RAILROAD. FRONTAGE S. W. COR. 5TH & WILLOW STS. (FRONTAGES ON BTH WILLOW CAL1X)WH1LJ JIANDOLH STS.) WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21,. 1922. AT 12 M." . AT THE REAL ESTATE SALESROOMS 1519-21 CHESTNUT ST.. PHILADELPHIA Full particular, plana, etc., la handbills. SAMUEL, T. FREEMAN A CO., Auctioneer 1510-21 Chestnut .St.. Philadelphia "AUCTION Property 1712 Vine Street $8,000.00 $22,000.00 JS N. E. Cor. 7th and Arch Streets .... $65,000.00 . $66,500.00 , 901 S. 16th Street $3,100.00 . . , $4,625.00 306 S. Frent Street $14,000.00 $16,100.00 In the present condition of the market "Auction Results" are unusually ,f oaf ififnptnYnr CAN WE SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO., Auctioneers 1619-21 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAN HOMES FOR $5800 COMPLETELY MODERN Six large rooms and bath. Twin houses. Lets 22 ft. by 80 ft. LOCATED IN A VERY DESIRABLE SECTION OF PHILADA. within one block of trolleys and all conveniences. These homes can be purchased en very reasonable terms, WITH CARRYING CHARGES OF $35 PER MONTH plus a small additional payment te reduce second mortgage. Fer particulars apply LEHMAN & SNYDER YORK ROAD & ERIE AVE. v TIOGA 9283 HEATHS Ce. nre Invited te attend funeral, Men., R 30 A. M . from her late residence. 1(100 N. 2d st. Solemn requiem mass at St. Michael's Church. 10 A. M. precisely. Int. New Cathedral Cem. SMITH. Suddenly. June R. 1022. IRVING O . Jr., son of IrUns a. nnd Ellrabeth M Smith (nre Robinson), aged 1 enr nnd fl months Relntles nnd friends arc tnvltd te nttend funernl. Sat . IP M . parents' resldence 322 Franklin ave,, Cheltenham, Montgomery Ce Int. i.-jwnvlew Cem. SMITH June 8 1022. MARY A , widow of Augustus W. F. Smith. Relatives nnd friends, also members of P.ethlhcm llnptlst Church nnd Science Council. Ne fl2. I), of I. Invited te funeral services. Men., 11 A. M nt late residence. 2100 N 17th st. Int. nt" Oreenmeunt Cem. Remains may be nRNnn.-" 87. Mn w sterner. nged 01 Relatives and friends, also Decatur Circle Ne. 85. II of A.. Invited te funeral, Sun . I P M. (standard time) late residence. Trevose. Ta. Int, Ferest Hills Cem. Train for Trevese leaves Reading Terminal 11,17 'tHORNT: June 8, nt Rrlstnl, Pa, VIO LET HELEN, vvlfe of Leitcr D Theme nnd daughter of Marv Ellrabeth nnd Inte Frank H Welk Relatives and friends Invited te funeral, from residence of her mother 217 Woshlngten et Bristel, p-j sun. nt 3 P I M. Int private, Itrlstel Cem i VAN ARTSDALEN Suddenly June R nt Wlldwoed, N. J . EDWARD, husbnnd of Catharine Osberne Van Artsdalen nged (11 Relatives and friends, also police of the 3,1th district, are Invited te -ittend funeral serv ices Men.. 2 P M late residence. 5422 Mascher st OIney Int St. Jimes' M E. , Oreund. Frlenda may call Sun., 7 te 0 ' P. M. i WALLACE On June 8. at the Prreer Heme. Oermantewn. -MAUl.A-UET ELIZA, i IlETH WALLACE Funeral services en ' Saturdav nt 3 P, M. Interment prlvnte. . WEAVER Entered into rest June 7, 1022, MAROARET II . widow of Edward O, I Weaver, and daughter of inte William R. nnd Emmn K. Olbsen. Relatives nnd frlenda Invited te funernl servlces. en Monday nt I P M . at residence. 1048 Pine st . Darby. Pa Interment private Greenwood (K of p.) Cemetery. Frlenda may call Sunday. 8 . te 10 P- M. WEISEIl On June 0 1 022. WILLIAM P I husband of Sallle F, velser (nee Legar.). I aged 17. Relattves and friends, also the organisatiens of which he was a member ' Invited te funsral services en Saturday, at J P M . at his residence 22S N 7lh st Camden. N J. , Int private, Ilnrlrlgh Cem Friends may call Friday 7 te 0 P. M YOUNG June 7. 1022. JOHN, husband, of Sarah II. Yeung (nee Cuckle), Relatives snd friends are Invited te attend funeral Sat , 2 30 P M from his late residence. 430 I Cottman St.. Cheltenham. Int. Lawnvlew Cem. Remains mav be viewed Frl eve HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 1835 SPRUCE SJREET Id feet frontage, doctors' suites and modern apartments, 13 rooms, 3 baths J. CUTLER FULLER 10 S 1STH ST. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS "iinft Dickinsen 2345 Moere 1247 8 27th, 7 rms, 143d S. L'4tb. 8 rms, 2114 Mifflin (cer.) 1430 8 21th. 8 rms. 2016 Mifflin. 0 rms. 2223 Thv nut Cc and let us talk it ever, SIMON WEISS, Realtor 1020 PT IWKKZK AVE 504 SOUTH 2D STREET FOR COMMISSION MERCHANTS DOCK arilKI-.T HKCTION MAGEE AND RODGERS 1200 IXiCUST ST BPRlTcr: I1207-02C8 FACTORIES Ware Houses. loers, Factory Sites. J. L Stevensc &Sen,J? C.UTiiiS mii HrW ,UVMil with garage 1814 N. nth 1928 N. 18th 2028 N. Rtli 2127 N. 19th 1220 N. Hutchlna'n 1825 N. 12th 2147 N. Camae 1803 Memphl 1711 N. Marshall 1788 N. Marshall 1983 N. Alder 1885 N. Darlen 472 N. Orlanna , 1018 B. Montgem'y 2220 N. Lelthgew 211 N, Darlen 8408-8410 N. V t. eftla PS. riauAhln 14 rm. 11 " la . 10 " 10 " 10 " 8 " 8 " 8 " 8 " T " I :' 8 " 6 " " n " IS rms. 18 ' 11 " 15 " 10 " 0 " " 8 8 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 2 itV. 811-815 E.Frement 6 " 247-240 Jiffren, S atr. 1602-1604 N. Bedln 8 ' lana.lKes Cadwal'r S 1 228-228 Plerc, 2 sir. FT. TO HEAR ST. FILBERT ST. RESULTS" Assessment Spld 6-7-22 SERVE YOU? SAMUEL T. FOX & COMPANY S. E. COR. 0TH AND CALLOWHIL1. STS. SITE FOR AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY 252(1 X. Ilread St.: let 23x177 ft. 10 Ins. through te Carlisle st. 1407 Cumberland st . corner of Carlisle at.: deslrnble location for auto supplies and repnlrs. S W. cer. 17th and Master sts . . $12.(100 1715 Master st.. N E, cer. Beuvler O.Oim 1015-17-23 Sharswood st . ... R.nej 4114-HM8 Kensington ave .. 0,(IO 1237-30-01-03 N. llth St.. S E , cer. llth ami Thompson sts 18.000 1428 N. 10th st , through te Alder st B.oen 320 Iximbai d st 5 000 iraiii!iii;iiiiiiti"iiiiiimi!raiiii!!iiiiiiiiiieiiiiiimiiraraiii:iiii!iiiiiiiBiiijiiiiiiiiijl FRANKF0RD STORES g Tvi well-lecited stores en Frank- ig ford nve , one n double front and ii the ether a Blnale front, offered at s5 prices which make them renl bargains and worth looking into Write, phone or call at our Ileulevard office. Wemlng 0800 Sta-txtT0RS--,O' Reulevard. Cerner Rising Sun ave. 1518-20 LOCUST STREET Let 40x120 te Latimer st : hardwood floors, electric light, het water and het-air heating tiled baths, rapidly improving neighborheod: for shops, of. flees, apartments, advantageeua terms 1 C.F.Simen, 112 S. 16th St. 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiNaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiitiiiiraiiiiBiiiri 1 2008 WALNUT ST. g Let 23x204 te Chancellor st. : B-story irmuriitr, u ruems, oatnreotns, steam heat, electric light, elevator, pump and tanks; especially adapted for professional offices and apts C.F.Simen, 112S. 16th St. llfflllM '!!llll!llllllllll!lllllllllllillilllilllllll)llllllilllllllirailllll!lilt 13-15-17 S. 18TH STREET Cerner property ment. ilpe for improve- J. CUTLER FULLER 10 S. 1STH 1ST. JlllMlllfflMDttMIMItnM'fflMmmil Valuable Central Property 112 S 20TH ST. LOT 23x80 FEET MAGEE AND RODGERS 1200 Loeuet st. Sprue 0201-flJO umiirjiimiiiHiiiiBiiiiini 1631-35 LUDLOW ST. LOT lx40 C. F. Simen, 1 12 S. 16th St. 1207 LOCUST STREET Adapted (or pfflc building wsll enusMsV' fiW MAliLL AINU KUIAjUO .MtfJ n : n Si i &l 'l 71' 0 i t s I 5S3 Tf f ;ti w iT yj'j ciiri tp-rt m a m M fl, JSPJ tas. , i ?? I S 1 1 1 ! 1W Locust at. prmtmf4m ""rfjj' km , . 'j V1j "wV"1' AW mfu ta&K.'rt . .tkwAt'v -iu...ra :x A J' N -&kus