dm GSRBHR3H ttts , ' - f TffAKiyw.? 'Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm'mmmmm a Ww-ws '. n-iHRiTftTIT.T.41 . JHis:WKsa;r T?, i jcyjH.-cj i iE' v . ta'-w.wVVVS?IT . ,ji sm&iAHJiw,fMar1eCTi hhw. t J- '2aS'.w I.' . . ' ',' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIUADELPHIA; FRIDAY, JUNE 0. 1922 ' MS rfnH XYTtBH EW '8 ht frWIll 1 I HI I LIHul' I IIIMi ': i -iriinirf ' yauunuiunuiiuiv Frem Factory 1 i e i J p. i C V Oil Ql 'n ?,'"rA,J Direct te Yeu 1U ..uui. Market SU. Till 9 f. M. Itdtlphla Girl Among Twen- fene Americans Presented te King and Queen WEN'S TRAINS SHORTER d.' The Largest vS Furniture Stere ,1" East June Brides Loek Out Where Yeu Can Save Meney our rricr arc lrr htrm than, rltrwnfr. Ily the Associated Pwm Londen, June 0. The first of the three court functions of the wnsen was held In Bucklnchnm Palace Inst erenlng. It was a brilliant affair. Although intended te he mainly for the diplomatic and official core, there were bout 1000 fueHa present. In the diplomatic circle there were about sixty persons above the normal attendance, wlnjr te the creation of new States la the rearrangement of the map of Earepe. All the state apartment were opened for the occasion, hut the. actunl presen tations te the King and Queen took place In the ballroom, the largest apartment In the palnce, and which en auch occaslena becomes the throne room, although the King and Queen did 'Het occupy their thrones. Twenty one American women and girls were presented. There were nearly 450 diplomatic and official 5 mentatiens. Kin Oeerje was reased In the uniform of a colonel of the Life Guards. Queen Mary were a magnificent raed!eal-style gown nt pale blue and geld moire brocade, with a train of Indian silk of blue and geld, bordered with a geld galleen with rai rai breidered lotus flowers. She were a diamond crown and diamond orna erna meats. Princess Mary were an Ivery silk aiarquiiette gown, lightly embroidered with crystal and pearls in floral de de alies and a geld lace train. Mrs. Geerge Harvey, wife of the American Ambassuder, was attired In n meke-gray crepe georgette, with the bodice covered with diamond trellis work. Her train was gTay elvct trim med with feathers. There was n striking change in the dress of the German representatives. Formerly they were the most gorgeous of nil these attending such functions. night they were plain evening! dress. A new regulation, curtailing the length of the court trulns, proved welcome. The long trains formerly made the presentation ceremony cum brous afid slew. Miss I.eulse Thompson, of Philadel phia, was one of the Americans pre aented at court last night. MARY BAKER REACHES LONDON MYSTERIOUSLY Intimates Marriage te McCermlck Will Take Place In September Londen, June 0. Miss Mary Haker , arrived in Londen from Paris last Bight, presumably te remain here until her wedding te Alli'ter McCermlck. He did net accompany the party, but Mary did net seem te be worrying " about that. Bhe eluded newspaper men who were . waiting for her nt the Victeria Sta tion, her mother and ether traveling , , companions bearing the brunt of the reached the hotel without being seen, probably by fllng, but none of the. party would discuss the mystery of her arrival. She is new with her mother nt the Cla'rldge, tired from her trip, and is remaining In the seclusion of her rooms. She said "he lind no plan", that she will be here Indefinitely, and Intimated that the marriage will take place prob preb , ably in September nt Weybrldge. Paris. June 0. Giving her fiance. AllUter McCermlck. only one kiss. Mls Mary Landen Haker departed for Lon Len Lon eon yesterday, accompanied by her mother. Chirac". June 1. "I don't believe anybody gives a darn whether she ever gets married or net." suld Alfred L. Baker, millionaire father of Mary Lan Lan eon Baker, who failed te appear for her wedding here te Alliter McCermlck. aBd who has changed her mind and plans repeutedly since thnt occasion. "Every time I pick up a paper I see a story rlieut her," continued hoi gather. "It makes me sick. I don't be lieve she has broken her engagement te Alltster and I knew she is net coming Berne. Her mother Is with her and they are going te stay for eme time." AUTO HOOD CARRIES BABY Coach Scooped Up Frem Read. Little Occupant Unhurt Maple Shade, N. ,!., June 51. Car ried in Its coach en the heed of a speeding auto for almost WW) yards, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hareld Herman, of Leneln, was jolted from the car when It reached Maple Shade at night and the driver of the machine Increased his speed and escaped. Aside from a couple of contusions, the child Is uninjured. Mr. and Mrs. Herman were pushing the baby conch along the highway while en a vMt in Moorestown when the aatelst sounded his horn. The couple attempted te drag the coach from the read, but It was scooped up by the machine and carried away. Open Evenings 4mfr aaaf itMm Itffl lllv - Sbbbb! 2rS'IaeBBBBBBBBT '" Value Jl 1CU1 Ordr Jt V ... . .. - ... . ir Our iEBaffr FllUtl .aiMfcaV Value Bedroom Salt, WtUtt. Ivry. JUheBy PrtC Msfi RaIM nV rUaaVaw "hit t.... v.. is .w awiI SaJ. larva flklf Davenport iMl 73 Pnllman Ge-Carta, $12.98 up 55, 4B3M Kriler tmAmmmSSmLit Rtfriitratert te itltct fresi $9.98 ap r.TT" KTTII Ve"' iMStSSSKSM Every H, ,?, $32 up fil222aTK2a sVTr-rrw. alAs3 Purchase IK11-J .tasaBaBaBgaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalEBsss'" aTaraQaaf Jy mJJtLaa VB "fjff Jbb IsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV 'O sJBfcaavMV aas v- v s aaaaaaaaaaaPRf U, 1 JIL JILirMFCnr ChMtnut atllOT S9 Im MV7'S&X:i V :;ttSk WV. . ". Will tMl$Mte.r-wZ'i.L-;' i ,c SIbbbWBI r iTiffenf i amAtnic PWAirv fc MLmE::nmm:Vfm8mm rl 1 J . Bar . JV U If W W I a 1J- faaaTV " s V BBBaaaaV' . , . ,ir 74BafB aaw JM's )SSbJL&tMM Less Than Cash Prices llfl E9r Waaftl.tSv ' .illvH'tlslm Pay at the jj Confidential f I fS T&m i rate of I Convenient M I WrSt''''Ultmim!SLL' a Week Credit f mmBiwAjKBSUSlf Credit that is unique in liberality Un- 1 El faaaaaaaafSMsalaiPVsB j 2qualed. The first payment of P JL If I saaaVQrT; a 'l9 i Gives xeu Immediate Possession H mT7r -' , ', ' M" "V.'A J mm Inl BBT SlmHMf Ss t I ie,'l I I Uaaal T d W sffig&K S' Mr'TM' " '' ' WY 'A 1 'sgaiBaS n .sXirvOrx H Jr.( ....',' . a ly .1 s) I w CSJ mm-smv j$krr 'CBj A WEEK U &4df ?.JalP aaaaT Jll' . rmV laf 1,1 e -vv aawx t i x.- . i'jsiBf-.'-aaawf-?' .?. en-ii :,afi.:!.:..i i 'vinA f.m u i L?jm&mmktf'yF.m&& if ntcRiicd - aaaaaaVi. M aaf55?.- -aaaaaai 'f ,," 1; ' 7 3 (I iniiirnriiiiii niiri nM iiun .M .'Baaaalitti in Kw ?s '.sBaaaa'' i '.. e-'-'.t'".m',.'.: te ' & (SH1 1 ';;,r;,!tfma5sa J -ajja-i w it, i. i, 11, -jT Vs bbbbbbbbbbbbbI i lEil I "aVaBBBBK Q .v y - BBfsBaaVi -v . . a ais t i w V a i rVl I bbbbbbbbbbI II IBM I bbbbwIf . . JvV B raa 1 aa' Jsl .3. iLvWP SL I f I -' 'IfWJ sr i n in; cc-ar. j aaa ,,mi.i i ?vhi "" 1 fe 111- pSSaH watch Z5JJ iOTraik s a n v lullU r ELggtJj lll M -karat WhlU,Ss j JaPmRaStB " W " af fMafZlaClf I JsSv. BaSs;Sa jewel. JV& fanV)atS-M raf 'I aV al 'eJWaVJSBy NS. Foentoia Peaj and Pencili; -AH Stf? W s aBfcalBwiBsafWwlBr I Fosieoily Fine tfaitl SZ&r c i pen Kt Z4xr eciiu . , Saturday 5: for our Free fm T'vJWaig JISbbSs. H Evening jAJJ&sSSs Boek of Gems I?Eaf 65rSS snF OOR-TREDS" INVIGORATE ImffkBSr llil3llfjygifsji Villi SaVJafJaV SlJgHI V1bbbHbb 1019-1021 Market St We Are Adding the Stere at 1017 Market St. The Addition Will Be Ready in a. Few Days Philadelphia's Largest Clothing Stere Is Still Grewing. These Values Tell Yeu Why! ! QPOOMm's PYetwgMen 's Tomorrow at Even in the pouring rain last Saturday thousands of men crowded this store te share in this ANNUAL SUMMER SALE. And, eh Man, why wouldn't they? Yeu never saw such values before! Mr. Hill has been hustling this week getting in new shipments direct from NEW YORK and ready again tomorrow with even better values and greater varieties. Don't miss this wonderful sale. ssgaW aw aa . TLaaHsal sP Jf mM Slaf Bi- fe Finest of Coel Cleths Richest of Summer Flannels Summer Hemespuns and Hundreds of Others Hundred of Styles Patterns and Colorings There isn't a stvle. nattem or enlnrintr that you could want but you are sure of I finding-it in this sale. And what a collec tion what a variety-i-nothing like it has ever before been shown under one reef, Every man can be fitted, no matter what his size slims, stouts and stubs aplenty. Come early 1 First choice is always best 25 & $35 Silk Mohair """' Suits Thousands of Them I? rw , : he SHOOR-TREDS There's Health and Deuble-Wear in Every Pair Don't buy any old kind of shoes for your child just be cause its summer playtime. One wrongly shaped pair of shoes may badly distort grrewing feet. "SHOOR TREDS" strengthen the arch, poise the body weight correctly and make for muscular, healthy feet and a graceful sure tread. II li Br11-.. lit lTsi. v -. br I im This Fine VICTROLA Jl mil ttylt Wtlawt t Mi. Ktlinr CwmIi. $160 Ne Down Payment w. i m r $k PAY AS LITTLE AS 1.50 Weekly Rafter july ieth, 1922 V'Oar Geld Hend Guarnntee FAaaarinx FREE Mechanical rice With Every Victrela Sisea Oxfords High Shees1 6 te 8, $3.75 $4.00 8K2 te 11 , 4.00 4.50 112te 2, 4.50 5.00 22 te 7, 5.50 6.00 Cs Sizes Prices 4 te 8 $2.75 8J2 te 11 3.25 lP2 te 2 3.75 The suits of the best summer ma- I terials are embraced at these low prices. They are genuine Priestley i Mehairs, Gabardines and finest of 1 Palm Beaches the kind that have the snap and go you would expect a custom tailor te put into them. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBal S 3Baaa --Jaaf , gg J! 1 :' lljHCJtSt n At Absolute Savings of $10 te $1S Tomorrow at Fit, sw B, TODD Smart New Instep-Strap Pumps In White "Kid-Kleth," which leeks like Buck, wears sx better, holds its shape ?v longer, is cooler and cleans J y easier. y y1 Sizes S C S 4 te 8-$2.75 r 8V te ll$4.00 J 114 te 2-$4.75 ( 2 V& te 7-$6.50 FINE BLUE SERGES WORSTEDS HERRINGBONES HOMESPUNS SCOTCHY TWEEDS MIXTURE CHEVIOTS RICH FLANNELS A Sale That Is Umtiatchable ! a And Man here you can buy that cloth suit that you may want at prices and savings that show why THIS IS PHILADELPHIA'S LARGEST EXCLU SIVE CLOTHING STORE. Buy them new for immediate wear buy them new for cool weather wear. The savings cannot be possible again. Every man can be fitted no matter what his size. SPORTS MODELS SINGLE BREASTED DOUBLE BREASTED FORM-FITTING SUITS CONSERVATIVE STYLE STOUT MEN'S STYLES SLIM MEN'S STYLES A wonderful assortment of White Footwear for dress and play leather and rubber soles for Chil dren, Girls and Beys. Plenty of Famous "KEDS" 1230 Market Family Stere LyJ5SeONaYTlN i3na Chestnut Family Stere Alaa a Qakk-Sarrk Man's Shep at 19 Sorts 11th Men's $5 and 6 PANTS Cheese from tweeds, hemespuns, blue serKcs, flannels and worsteds in nil patterns and colorings. A size for every man. Men's White FLANNEL PANTS Fine quality pre-shrunk flannels, made in the best possible way. n Ml ' 1 and 2 Pair Pants Suits FOR BOYS-- fd Average Savings Fully One-Half A new purchase brings these special val ues for the bev. tee and narents srmiilrV hurry in and take advantacre nf Hipsp Kin- cevins J2J? SS WIT? T PAIRS OF PANTS in the new sports models, fancy weisteds, cassimeres, cheviets and novelty hemespuns. Pants are full lined. Beys' '2 and $2.50 Sample Wash Suits, 89c Open Evenings THE Phflmdelphla's Largest Exclusive Man's and Beys' Clothing Stere !" m e egagaBM a gSBBsa BBBBBaaaPVaaSaUcaTal KbbbbbbLBbb1 5 Stere Orders Accepted BxlBBBBBTaSlaBBTnE9BE Philadelphia's Largest Exclih Men's and Beys' Clothing Sters t Mi 1 iH MV rt frefrieHaJy FUt4Thr 0aaf BrHhtn . c WffK Ka5 M, 1Q19-1Q21 Market'Strt t m tmmm&rr&.& At'.'.V. , A I vVI'ii ilJJfrA i V jiVl A f'Mxt W V WfyifyU&4t&itt W?V;j iT7.,f T',flf-WF- HJiSU 'i&hvt&i W&ki$S l' i rf