mm rex iwt; SHCfv,".!' I i-3aKW?W'(JW-'ViJK J wraKwS'xv' JC.IJ6iWJfc ffllKlaXliYf , '! ; r , 1 .ir.Tt mi "j-,iiiiMii'iV i. . .n fia -im$$&r - ?W ?1MB tfl i ? f ' ij "V . vwM4 v ! ?' ft i It .-vrsar -.'... iw&m EVWTNG PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, "5RIt)AY, JtjKB 6, 1922 '7 " vJKM llIN m ANDERSON BIER Vftfc$& s?'3Li E VEILED LADY T NINE NURSES TO GRADUATE Jay Coraen. 3d, Jehn Barclay DeOeur-i-y. Jr.. ltWrt Alexander Elchflbenrtr, fMMMw iiatiari f dtiiitn .Inhtt Tnrltt Mercy Hospital Exercises te Take lumlnll. Samuel Jacksen Itnndall, 3d. Pl.r. Tnnlaht ' Henrr Oault Slrirlt. .TnmM Donald . , , .. ,. ti i. i e i i Kerkelejr Tayler. Chnrln Augustus A. I exercises of the Mercy Hep!tnl Scheel Uh,f( Jehn WiUlnma. 8,1. for Xurrj ulll tiike plnec tonight nt the I Fitzwater street KVOIXTION AKO OOD Bllf In both It net Impeaalbla. Th qt.llen ( human origin, alwara a aubjrct f hfAtM urmim.nt, It trtcd by a arreajt authority In a n.lM, lntnaW InUreMInc artlela. toad th Tl.wa at Dr. William Wit llama Kn. rhlldlphla'a noted uraeft. aa or tna Honour Aiv. clven in tna Maitaaiti. section l't'Lic Lanaaa. "Maka u a Habl la. ssas Vrt fact Lever" Buried in Kan- City With Military Ceremony mim r-lMimme nne itt uncDlTAI if? f . 'Aceenpanltd by little of the glamour romance that featured hl life. F. Warren Andersen, the "perfect lever." eh of Frank Anderen, of Colllnrt Celllnrt Colllnrt weod, N. J., and victim of Peggy Heal, mamered mir?c and the last of M 'fifty leres," was laid away In an un ostentatious grave In a Kansas City cemetery yesterday, with only the phnn phnn teaallke figure of n mysterious woman, tattling In silent prayer, as his mrner. nrougheut the simple services, eon een iacted bv the Iter. Jame Small, in tat (uniform of an army chaplain, ierered a woman, dreiwed In deep meflrnlng and with her face fully hid Sea by a heavy veil. When n guard f four khakl-clad airmen lifted the casket Inte the hearse she followed si lently, and after the body had been towered Inte the grave she remained antil lone after the funeral cortege bad left. Who she is the authorities de net knew, but Rhe resembled the woman wheee presence has flitted through the I last chapter of the dramatic tragedy et Andersen's death, Tlslted tne unaer taking parlor and a"Ved that his bwl te kept from a pauper's grave. She left raney te cover expenses and called upon the Rev. Pr. Small, chaplain of the American Legien, te arrange for the nlllUry e?ort. She would reveal ethlng that misht aid te identify her. Perhaps she wii" the wemun for whom Mrs. Beal, according te her story, filed the fatal shot which ended the life of the 'Terfect Lever." that "another heart might net be broken." I'crhap ahe was one of Andersen's previous leres. A curious spectator approached her. TVhat was her name? That did net natter, she replied, the buried man a aeldier "a geed one. tee," be wa be net "entitled te some alight errlce?" At the hospital where Mrs. Real is slowly recovering from her elf-Inflicted bullet wound, the &?a)ei refusi-d te ad kilt any one te her room. Nurses aaid She wept throughout the day. Mr. Beal, nurses said, still maintained her attitude "no regret of the past, and ae fear of the future." Cameren Orr. County 1'roswuter, yesterday issued a "held order" te General Hospital authorities for Mrs. Beal'a detention pending institution of formal charges against her. CHURCH SCHOOlTfIGHT ON IN HADDON HEIGHTS Objection te Graduation Speakers Is Cause of Rew Owlne te difficulties between the ses. Ien of the Presbyterian Church In Bar Bar Itagten and the Beard of Kducatien, tbe graduation exercises of the eighth Ed are te be held In the Borough U In Hadden Heights. Fer many """ Tears the exercises have been held lu e church auditorium. The session did net refuse the use of -, .ae church, but objected te three names f speakers en the program and re- faceted the Beard of Education te ,, either take the names off the list or et te circulate the program In the church. The beard tiatly refused te change the program. The Moderator of the session, the KeT. W. T. Pannell, against whom a Ktltien has been sent te the General esldent te have him removed as pas tor of the church, was the objector. The petition is new being Investigated Vt a commission uppelnted by the pres- went. whom the ob- I Union Baptist Church. ' above Nineteenth, at :'W. There nre nine members In the class. The address will be gien by Dr. II. It. M. I iindls. director of the cllnl- leal and social service departments of 'Henry Phlpps Institute and president !of the Whlttler Center. TWELVE GET DIPLOMAS Or. at Lewis Perry Chief Speaker Chestnut Hill Academy Dr. Lewis Perry, principal of Phillips- Kxeter Academy, delivered the chief address today at the commencement ex erclsen of Chc-tnnt Hill Academy. The list of twehe graduates follews: Jehn ft ZrtT'ZZZl "' Ji i aaaeaHaawaaaaeffsgsjaaa i j j, i a mm .asflaasaevaab- bbbbbbbbIbbWbbbS bLV afl MfWw& bhbsH OUR STORE ORDERS Buy Anything Anywhere Oar rtuumrrs r net cenflned te lh. fork of nnr en store, but nmy dlrldr thrlr purrbnws iinnm Ihr Irndtn terrs nt llilU.. lhe arttlnc hr lt nines. Fer fifty years we've, hern estennlna rredlt le theasnml of (Siunrd ruttemrrs, WRITE FOR DETAILS TONICHf Marriett Bres. 1111 CHESTHUT STREET DIRECT FROM FACTORY 135 flOOO) EimLIOlCOMMNY A Iwaetimi represlnrtlen of the Queen Anna rerleil, mA of nnr lertnl genuine American Walnut, eara fullr flnUheit and et superter cabinet work. Bhlaped te no by en et the leading facterlei (for which we aa the Philadelphia rrpresentnlltea) te aell nt a apeclal price of 1133.00 delivered te rear home. This nelle mill Boeenl te the June Ilrlde, (A Fine (Weetlfln of Suite In Tarlena rrrieai pie nwei rVAefesafe Diitributert of Furniturm of Quality 114 SO. 2d St. I01-:e3?anle"street Neit te roatefflro Open Dallr tt Snlurdny a te A Alse Anr Brenlna by Appointment zurdtri Aefaf unflf dttirtd for dtlivry trot of ehmrge.i Ofllee enJ ahawroems i lent. The three names en mi ! Its h ieetien was raised were these of Jehn 8. Roberts. Mayer of Harrington : Mrs. Walter Menlede, president of the Teachers' Aasnclatinn. und Oscar Mc Daniel, member of Council. WILL ENDOWS CHURCH Imlly L. Royal Left $5000 In Trust for Lutheran Institution A bequest of $5000 te be held In trust for St. Michael's Lutheran Church, Gaeatnut Hill, la contained In the will of' Emily L. Royal, of Bethlehem pike, which was probated today. After pri vate bequests hare been made from the estate of $14,500. the residue is te go te the Lutheran Heme. In the will of Patrick Cullen. who died recently in the Chestnut Hill Hes- "ipltal, also probated, a bequest of $200 la made te the Church of the Most Frecleus Bleed te be distributed among the peer orphans of the parish. The estate la valued at $7000. Inventories of personal estates filed are in these of Henry Bell, $3tlS, 910.80; Jehn G. Srhaudt. $14,043.87; Careline Farr. $l.'il.'47.35, and Clo tilda Kehn, $23,050.0!). DIPLOMAS FOR NINETEEN Graduation Exercises of Friends' Select Scheel Today The progress of prison reform was cttasTuased by. Helen H. Maxwell, at taf graduation exercises of Friends' Satact Scheel, held today in the Park way Building. . The address te the class was made ar rreaertca J. Ubby. Elliabeth M Wflfht and Elizabeth F. McCer a Ne Itf m -,.- ME lMtrtide " BaasaWataf list of graduates follews: 'ae, . . a, . ; ,Pt tmtMinTwi v. Aiaen, r,isa Andersen, Andersen. Cnthnrlnc f. E. Theodere Bushnell. Pmh. W. Cernell, Agnes K. Dickel, root' la. FlnHeUpn Fteenn. nkmbv tiaSl 1. Havllnml tnlin V. 1I1.I.' SVPrj. Ll, Elisabeth F. McCoy, Eva- ItBBA.II. MBttaeb. Helen K. t.Ta-.ll llzabeth M Lealaa N E. Paxson. Marr F. HImen. Tal Stiner and CAMDEN SCHOOL CLOSES L'l l Oartiflaataa Are Awarded te Qrad. I w V ' i-ij uaxes ay mentis fevVCItaiaf exercises were held by Cam 'Via rrlenda' Scheel this mernlne In Kf :. Bbtetlax beuse, Seventh and Market tVcr'BBHPJtB. au uuiw uii iron ui me s--B9BBrH in me war-aerastateu regions a or n iiiism f rice. Olara Adams nreaented certlfl. . M Irlria Hulten, Ida Heelherst, uueiunr, ivieaner iteaaell, Schmidt. Jane Hchmldt, Helen Clarence Faulkner. William VM Ueerge lest. 41 rsiRMt Hill Paster Ww. TH. Albert Cheatham, new jf..tne i'reepect Hill Baptist be Installed thin evening Addresses will u. Kraaa, H.A.WEYMANN&SON VICTROLAS JiW& Why delay? Once you realize hew easy and convenient it is te own a Victrela, you will have one. Come in and let us show you our selec tion of Victrelas. Our payment plan is made for you. )-9Vtrythin musical ainci jebt 1EYMANN 1108 Chestnut St. awQaSBBBBT "laBBBBBBBBBm U "'"aitTSeiaasaiBBm They come from Geed Stock I Bleed will tell geed breeding shows at all times. And it's just as true in shoe making. The Walk-Over trademark is like a pedigree. It is a mark of trustworthy qualities a thing you can rely en, no matter what. Fine White Canvas $5 All the fine leathers the world affords . $6.75 te $10 Harpers 1228 market Wak6ver Sheps 1032 CHESTNUT Darlington Hair Nets, 85c a Dezen . .. . aaaaBaaaaaaaaaiaaaa'"a"aaMII'"'MMM'MI"",,'l"a 26-I28 &&Uhu&Jt mmmitwmmmmmiwummmkwmmmwmi-miimmmi . - - . , um Summer Gleve and Neckwear DRESSES for Women for Misses This is a Dress season and Darlington's have, the Dresses I Every day customers tell Us thft they are surprised te find se many excellent styles in really worth-while Dresses at such Moderate Prices. Instance after instance is brought te our attention where the same model and material is being sold elsewhere at $5.00 te $10.00 mere. Specialized groups of Women's Dresses at $15.00, $17.50, $22.00, $30.00 and $36.00. Wonderful values in the famous Queen Make Heuse Dresses at $3.85 and $5.85; net all sizes. Misses' Dresses of dainty, cool cotton ma terials start at $6.50. Betty Wales Silk Dresses for misses range in price from $22.50 te $69.50; in cotton materials from $15.00 te $25.00. Graduation Frecks of Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Voile and Organdie in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years $15.00 te $35.00. Every Dress sold here is made from trust worthy materials, generously -cut and carefully fin ished. We never sacrifice quality for price. VVbuBbbh laam (Kv yJmmm Hark. Vwlffifffl JHIkX x'l vd iBI'flHI IIUIRI Hnll jul Hit lil''fllll liilil Itf fH 111 III Dance te Teday9 8 Most Popular Hits Stumbling Fox-7rerl Ray Miller and His Orchestra Who Tied the Can en the Old Deg's Tail? Fox-Tref The Columbians. Seme Sunny Day Fox-Tret Ray Miller and His Orchestra Georgia Fex- Tret Ray Miller and His Orchestra 3ygenes Fex- Tref Knickerbocker Orchestra Under direction of Eddie Elkins Peer Little Me Fex- Tret Knickerbocker Orchestra Under direction of Eddie Elkins De It Again from The FrenchDell Fox-Tret Ray Miller arid His Orchestra Levey Deve from The Rese of Stamboul Fox-Tret Ray Miller and His Orchestra J Ask any Columbia dealer te play these records for you. You'll knew then why Colum bia leads in dance music. A-3611 75c A-3603 75c A-3602 75c A-3595 75c Columbia Records Columbia Graphophene Company, New i'erk Khaki Knickers and Middies Very much the vogue this summer and unsurpassed for camping or general outdoor wear; sizes 6 te 14 years. The Middies are $2.15 each; the Knickers $2.95. White Graduation Dresses Silk and cotton materials; 6 te 16 years $7.75 te $22.50. Beys' "Olheneeds" 95c The ideal undergarment for little fellows of 4 te 10 years. Beys' Suits $2.95 Beys' Washable Suits in several styles dark blue Palmer linen, Sailor Suits and Oliver Twists; sizes 2 te 8 years. Sale of Mary Ellen Dresses Werth a d7 7C Sizes 2 Third Mere U te 14 Years Mary Ellen Frecks are the finest girls' garb obtainable. Every one is individually designed and individually finished. Beys' Pajamas $2.25 Batiste Pajamas with low neck and short sleeves; trimmed with pink, blue and orchid silk frogs; 2 te 8 years. Children's Bathing Suits Twe - piece combinations for boys and girls; light and dark shades; 4 te 14 years; $2.50 te $4.75. Girls' Princess Slips $1.15 White Princess Slips, trimmed with embroidery ruffles; 6 te 16 years. Rompers and Bleemer Dresses 85c Plain or checked gingham; I te 4 years 85c each. 1H ' Women's and Misses' Suits and Capes HALF PRICE Our end-of-the-season stock of Suits and Capes is net large, but every remaining garment must go and this drastic reduction should move them out quickly. Remem ber that you can' wear them net only this summer, but in the autumn as well. Be here early tomorrow morning for first cheice: Misses' $35.00 te $110.00 Coats, Capes and Wraps new $17.50 te $55.00. Materials are gerena, veldyne, Belivia, shawsheen, twill cord and tricetine. Misses' $22.50 te $25.00 SuiU and Capes $1 1.50. 1 weeds and Tweed-e-Wools. Women's Tweed-o-Weel Suits $1 7.50 Suits $8.75 $22.50 Suit $11.25 Women's Suits of Mixed Materials and Tweeds l .3U Suits $8.75 $25 00 Suit $39.50 Suit $19.75 Jftse !u!t $55.00 Suits $27.50 Women's Peiret Twill and Tricetine Suite '"JU euua aM.D $55.00 55,,,'t.e n?8oe Suitie s'- $12.50 $23.75 $65.00 Suits Economy Square FIRST FLOOR Misses' Summer Dresses $4.25 and $6.00. Women's Summer Dresses $4.85. Misses' Tweed Summer Suits $7.50. Women's White Gabardine Skirts $2.50. Women's Weel Sports Skirts (net all sizes) $1.50. Girls' Middy Blouses (net all sizes) 85c. Odds and ends of Women's Sweat era $4.85 each. Night Gowns and Chemise $1.00 each. Waists $1.35 and $1.96. Heavy Turkish Bath Towels 38c each. Bureau or Buffet Scarfs, linen centers, lace trimmed 98c each. Krinkled Dimity Bed Spreads $1.65, $1.85 and $2.25 for the various sizes. EXTRA Utica Bed Sheets, first quality, size 63x90 inches $1,21 each while thev . . K n r .. iA . Jmt , vm prc a". n i Sports Hats Charming new White Sports Hats made in our own work rooms. Prices from $4.50 te $12.50. The one sketched i$t.S0. lestume Slips Pretty styles in ba tiste and charmusette; shadow proof; all sizes and lengths. Plain hem s t i t ched $1.50; filet lace trimmed $2.95. y J 'J Vacation Needs Hat Bexes, Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, Trunks at surprisingly moderate prices. Deris Cleveland Pullman Robes (made by the Betty Wales concern), also Crepe de Chine Negligees, plain and Paisley trimmed $8.50 te $19.50. Excellent Bathing Suits at $5.00, also Bathing Capes, Shoes, Caps and ether accessories. Gossard Summer Brassieres $1.00 Twe very geed styles at this modest price. We also carry the wanted num bers in De Bevoise Brassieres. Gossard Summer Corsets $5.00 Medel 5 1 3 is a great favorite. Made ' of cotton mesh reinforced by long tri angles of figured batista which prevent y Stretching and flatten k Mnman.' As V Wt taU clinaUar at aifBC' :"l "" ' '-' Vh.r.- MT.v'? . M.WZi4i wJ.s.ii'W.. Wr - tvria IwmmmEm,