wmm ' wma itf"TC ' 7 i 4V ')-M..r rt "a .a "J 'rJ wi 'j; -A ' &fy&v. y iuvi. iii i V"tW-f i rrtT &r WM J if 1 ll ill ft s re ' i i m Vb T i K "N, R. tih ? ? t f !$ i t ?.. '. SV .it r" . fflO' W !- FINANCIAL , . VfW TH CNIO!. TIUHT COMPANY Ft? f Flttsbureh. P.. Jun 2. I22. ' LlV , NOTICE TO HOLDER: OF ., ff BtANDAKO TANK CAR 8' CAR TRtST itfv - CERTIFICATES. HKIK A D-ited Jair in. VV SPtee July 1st. i"W, under wnicn re ! i uuu u iiuriuu ui uuitinrt 'ffiffisT. n IflcftiVr -" C-"""'iTOl" '" '""t three'menthg there have 'T&'1& - .-aS . CM . K-a -.. TV...-. fhaeelindr. did. V.vJy. :V.'1-".J '.:." ".n""li .1 ,.f th-ear jt1 SWJrid te therein at the pric epecined if'il. said Tnijte V.UI apply rfitrtb ,t pr apaaWfll Vldi an ' iiA. i ..m ..i. in ih. nMin.nl and tmollen en Julr III. Wit. Vpn th lMnd imylnw dtp nl ecciir-lnu net IfM ian thirty dayi after th rfipt f '' K5f,,.ndn0eU?;,.0n,dln1 undir ,V.d" T?i'.; ra!?iai ?.' ihTpViVoVe rand ttn dioie.oo) deiisra for pch certin- ti. piua inp amount 01 nu eni"r",t ,":. iua in. ameuni 01 an ann.r"'. i"; rtUlla llumn nilnrln. m nt bofetP JUI? lit, 1022. upon which date aald cartlflcatei M dividend warranta rAiall lremi due and parable, and from and aftr Fld date am- dendl en aald rprllflcalpa will ceaae. irmn th t.rannifinn nmi urrpnder at nV..PntirIh. IvnVrhanla. en or ff fair nt. 122 of aald certificate maturinj ea or arter January lit. iza, le-jemar wm. - ... ileductlnr the usual dlviilends en lwth nfatu'rVnTen .aTfr''V-". "' hC?7 rPn"l0n '" T" W'8, reCC?t,JM clas W "e'f preferre"l I stock ". This" com th uauil ewnerihlp cartifieata rpgulred un- pelntwl out ns a caution signal against I pared with 59,721,000. or O.SS per cent, tKrf wll U int led W clv. the aum if en thousand ten (Itoie.oo) deitara. Plu n amount or the dividend warrants inereen Biaturina July 1st, 1922. The certlflratea materlna July 1st. IB"; will b paid en aald date at the principal taefeen. upon preapptallen and aurrender at aald.efflee of tha Truatea of the reapeetlv thereof with tha auirtenda nrcniea aanlilratea and dividend warranta. THB UNIOV Tni'ST COMPANY OP PITTSnCROH. VTruate Titu itniJiERs or TitK nriHT mert- qa iaui! (iril.M-lMil a i-r.n ukst INKINri Ft'M (ini.tl nOMIH OF TIIK & hmnvtii. nu.iiiRV rfiii.av (Vnflea ! hppehv alven br Thn rntnnlal Trust Company. Trustee under Mertaase of lh Colonial Colliery Company, te The Colo nial Trust Company. Truatce, dated January lac. lftlfl. that nurauant tn the ornlnlene of th said raerKare. they will reeelte. until eciera neon. r.iMirni ninnuun imp, nn anraa Itth. int. tenders In wrlllnc at the office nf Th Colonial Trut Company, situate at SIT Fourth avenu. In the Cltv of Pitts burah. State of Pennsylvania, of benda for pnrehaa and retirement out of the mnntya of th Slnalna lind. which new amount te ll 2ST.C-S. Tha rtaht la resered tn refect anr tnd .all tinders in wnela or In part. Ne tenders W .D" rvwiraB aurr June loin. ivn. at 12 o'clock. Kastern Standard Time. All Intereat nn benda, the tender nf which as accepted, will cea nn Jiip lath 1022. I tME COUJNtAI. TRUST CnMPANT.Truate Rr James C Chaplin. Vice Prealdent I THE 1. O. WIUTK MANAOEMENT , CORPORATION 4S Eiehanre riare, New Yerk Manaarre ASSOCIATED OA.S A ELECTRIC COIPANY Th IViard nf Dtrpctnra nf ASSOCIATED OAS A ELECTRIC COMPANY has declared a dividend of Elthtr-ellht Cents (R8c) per alharp en the preferred atnek of the Company for the qunrtsr endln June 30. 1SI2. pay. able Saturday, Julr 1, lBtt. te atnckhelders of record at the close of business Thursday June 15. 1022. D. E. MICHEL. Secretary. Dividend E. W. CLRK A CO.. nANKERM Oftn f th Uanaer Railway and Electric C. tenser. Me. Prrfpned stock dividend Ne. 43 Common stack dividend Ne. 20 The Heard of Directors of the Rancor Rail- .v nd Electric Ce. haa declared th rti. i n.erterlv dividend of mm anrf --- I quarters per cent (IH'fr) upon the preferred roee.K.ocrkh,oD,d.crropf"fj'ia't" Ty cVe.ef business June i. i22. Th Deard of Directors has also declared a, dividend of thref-flearfers of en per rent t4) upon the common stock of th com 1 p.iur. payable Annul I, 1012, te stockheld ers of record at tn close or business Julr IS 1022. Checks will be mailed. HOWARD CORNINO. Treaaurer. CTLONIAL FINANCE CORPORATION S00 Madisen A Venn. New Yerk 11TII DIVIDEND AND PREFERRED DTH DIVIDEND AND COMMON The Heard of Directors en May a 1022. declared a quarterly dividend out of the sur plus of th company te preferred and common ateckhnlders of record June 1. 18M, at th rats of 9 per annum nn th pre far red and at ttie rat of 11.00 per har per annum March a ilkl. en th common, -mock usuea netween J 1, IDZZ ana June 1, iva. win recei dind from th date of final payment. i;necK wm im inaur.i ny tne Treaaurer .- .. k.i.n tutu, an ia r , D w. renyx. Secretary. THE EI-ECTRIC TORAOE BATTERY Allegheny Ave. A lth Street Phlla.. June t, jn?-. The Directors have declared a dlldend of Srentr-nve Cnt. .M .Per share from ths Accumulated Surplus of the company en the rww Common Stock without nominal or ear value, and the new Preferred stock nf 123.00 par value, payable Jely 1, ion te stockholders of record of both of these classes of stock at the cloae of buatnea. 7 June 14. 1022. and te these who ubsq.u,ntw become stockholders of record of the.. elasses of stock by conversion of old atek of I10O 00 par value Inte th new ateck rsiecks will be mailed. ":. WALTER O HENDERSON. Treasurer. COLUMBIA AVEXrK TRUST COMPANY Bread at. and Colombia ave. Phllailelphla, June 8. 1022 At a regular meeting of the Deard of bl bl acters, held this date, a semi-annual dlvl- 4ahA Aaa rftt sat IRCT.b area t-j ail Jely 1. 1022. te stockholders of record rvna .v, Ar.A, '..awna. wui um iriaii.ea. i WIIsLIAM A. CAIiULH. ' m Trfmurer. ( At ml5eTRih?Tir!F.0 ' MM M?4r auaVrVMX"8!:: , um per crnt mm declared, payabte Julr 1 1M1. te atorkheldera of rrne.l ,.H ... . . ' , .i. ' . "-.'" v" in) rxjuka Jim 18. H22. Chyck. will b. mSlled " """ii a. HOPKINS Philadelphia. Pa., Jen 8. 1B3S. ' Propagate raernsAui fob an ET.EMFvrTwT Hjcuoel ireR upper DEraSrcLi;1 township. euMnKfinftlr4' COUNTY, N. I. . Sealed cropeaals will be received a ih. Offlc of t architects until It i"leek neSn m Jeb 19. lB2t. for th ractleVand S? '?tf'"n.L.h?r nanwrr aeboei for th, PMvnntsli ahatl K snKMtit.j . . 'i for th building, th heatnur and ZZ!,f,..T lmi ,n.?Lumi'J& .nd. ""JWV .work- A eurty bend, or a certified cherk u.1.1 te 8 per cent of th. aggrgat .mount of' t whh w.u, ...m ww...vu cn proposal. guarantee acceptance of contract If awarded. A surety company bend equal te 00 pTr oset of ths aggregate amount will be re quired et tbs successful bidders FU tans may be obtained at th office r?J THS Breniiraip. isr.u.r. t.nurcnman I Paul, 81S Oili Building. Philadelphia, u application, acoempanisa ey cnecK for 110. a aepesii. wnicn wm p nnurned upon return et plans and specifications te said cine. etM Vt..' Ttnard nf Education of TTnnMC n.. fiefd Township reserves the right te reject ra uoexu Id Tewnsbl .w a. .11 bpode TjRKHER. CHURCHMAN AND PAUL. Architects. Y MEDICAL SCHOOL. WALTER imnxAvi. nimriiaj., al. n aled proposals in triplicate, will be ?"..tnvuKrr'bvCe"j?'M sM Munltlena Building, llth and U Street. nMi ".tt.' "-" w eTQern atUB r. ... sun s, i.i, ana men opened f thi Mrionei . an Army Medlc.l trwi. B..w aimiiii.iHiii. in. ee OD from tha abev efflc spun ths deposit en. Ons st en exhlblilen at K.h following statiens: CMBc of Construct Censtruct Construct duarUrreaster, 80 Whitehall Htreet. New k City; Offlc Quartermaster Supply I BKr. IV, vaicasu uenerai jninrrnQiai UepeC. West Pershing Reed. Chicago. Ifllnelsi of constructing vuarurmaitir. Frask Arsenal. Philadelphia. Pa. PARK CONCERTS 0. K.'D Finance Committee Indersee Pro Pre ' ' peeal of Pemmer Enthusiastic Indersement of the jeeject te hare Sfty musicians of the nUsdelphla Orchestra play In Fair Fair xaennt Park every night In summer was voiced at a meeting of the Finance Oeeemlttee of Council yesterday aft- t taeen. Details of the plan "vere un- ----- tfaevtjatlmsin TMvrttTAt Te aa v,;vt4-aM a ten-week season coating $5000 lM,week could be arranged. Mr. Pem- SHsT " eamsmsaaa AtM"lia Vift nallaf it n Nnnrnnrlll fMHe et $50,000. trlv$ I WM pi""1 hTB the "' ."i.jVBMUlclana play three niihta a week and $ MRday afternoon at Belmont, two ' 'V alffcta at Strawberry Mansion , and .,' iMlHr nights at Lemen Hill. w WSAV S1BJISV mtlMA ." m'TT"rm-W - --- .., . bows eawsa irem sucn iraineu sela ag neagis, sess ana eicaa. ferslea news paga up, te data en last arsei nation, new in ucwy ens seaiore 01 . GOSSIP OF THE STREET It 1 the opinion of mnnjr competent nnlpM anme lie"? thi. market la likely . 1..1 -i .t..iit.Aaa haa. -a.aa..aa .1 ll.a. --.-.. r9 II "'" ."" ei-..nr ,...,.-.,...,- w. - slackening of pecultlve activities. On enrh nnrn.lnn mm. m.niuw'h.1 .levelnn- -i uvcnpiun sonic uncxiwcicii uirn..r menf trnA u.. ..1,11. nulrklr funned , ., ' ..... ... the speculative enthusiasm Inte a new flame. There are peu.lb.Utlf. In a nu,nhcr of ,hc ""PeniliriK developments containing just such n rejuvenating t Cieineni, ,. ... Alum ,l i Pnnnrpni. 0' ""' reason, tne bear contingent, apparently, is reluctant In taking any .'... . . nierc-slvc nositlen. dpsulte tne material decrease in speculative Interest se con- aplctieus In the latt few davs. The ".V h V U evMpnt If Innna r ."iX D"t ') ." ." IUpnt llnan arc. .......j ""t.iui.i uicic in tun n ka.uu deal of money left for the stock mar- ket centlneent fe nlnv tvllh "m "" ' B . pla ?"n, , ""'"! . n, Hcnerniiv nsrrau rapidly when stock market leans an nreach thp ilnnffppnna nMnt l.,.f .1 I preach the dangerous point, but call I 'money, the last few days, Instead of growing scarce has become mere plenti ful i.. .-. i- ii.. i. .i . - ' " , . " '"V ' " ' . e , , ..u ""; ' " ; iii. uuiiir ijiiitcq in nucrui amennts nt .1 tn 1 1.1 n.. nt I " " " v' w.. Ticker Wrong for Once It Is net very often the ticker gees wrong in foreshadowing dividend ac tion. In the case of Klcctric Storage Battery, however. It proved te be verv badly off the track. A week age it looked almost like a nlne-to-ene shot the dividend rate would be established en a 94 basis. Instead, the director stuck te the rate paid en the old stock , and gave the holders of the nrk . ,..... .,.. . .1 ... .!.'.":. ' "-rf -" ll, " uuuic iVr iuv iuuricr. or l.i a year. It was another Instance wherein It was proved established rules and precedents count for little In the cur rent market situation. Business of the company is excellent, according te the statement given out after the beard meeting, but apparently was net of the same rosy picture which had been painted while the stock was being jacked up. Important Dividend Meetings Several dividend actions are being keenly awaited In stock market circles because of their bearing upon the lm niedlatc situation, particularly apply ' ing te the transportation outlook. They Include the Northern Pacific. Great Northern preferred and Chicago, Bur- iniKiuu uuu wmncy, ie change Is ex pected in the quarterly dividend of Northern Pacific, which was reduced at the previous meeting from 7 te a 5 per rem iiHsin. .mere is some Question. , however, as te whether the Great a,""" 'ZzT ,i p v.cn,t rn,,c- I he directors changed the distribution . from n Quarterly te n RPini.nnnunl ' basis. Burlington Is cxneeteil tn mnlm the usual semi-annual payment of 5 ner cent. As these lines arc closely allied, the action of one is naturally expected te have influence en the ether. The mere optimistic expect the Northern Pacific te restore tee 7 per cent rate and leek for no chnngc In the ethers. ' Mera Exchange Henecleaning The Stock Kxchdngc authorities yes terday bulletined the sale nf thrpp timm. ' "Rhlps reprcHented In the, tlrm of W. I n . Cehen A fn nn,l tliaVu-nn. ,... erellv nnsumed thW nrtln,. ...ltnu.i ...liin 11..1 i.j 1 i . selllnir taat had been In progress for itch haw np led. It hail mere than a week, but which has np uurcuuj new eepn cunciuaeu. been expected with the completion of I mis iituiuuiiwii mc uiurKi't eum re aume Its upward movement and nd- I venccs would be In order during the remainder of the week. Although Heme steckH did move up, the ndvances weic without vigor and gains made at inter vals during the day were either reduced or lest before the close of the market. The absence of pronounced strength under the new conditions wnst attributed by Heme te the mennce of Government litigation and legislation dlrect"d ngainst various developments In the petroleum nnd steel industries. The Htrcet has become arciistemcd te tbi exertion of such disturbing Influences, and action such as that new In prog ress has net bad a lasting effect en he- curlty trading llffalrs. . Clllde Oil IroduftIen Production' of crude oil in the United & -Tu5 -Averaged f 1 450,000 barrels a day. Temblned with nvurntrt Anttv Imnnrtu nt J.'ir. fsAfl iSficfAlsi "'"? f'-v" ., vw, "' " from ileiice, making total available eBSofe8?l:5atKnrea8enr ,S taW excess ei oil at nreseni. According te latest figures, censiimp- tlen Is running at a rate of 1,370,000 barrels, indicating an excess et morel than 000.000 barrels a dar. Total stocks crude and refined oil en hand in United States amount te 330, 000,000 barrels. Hurplus crude in stor age ameuntB te 200,000,000 and refined 64.000.000. Oklahoma la producing approximately 300,000 barrels a day, nbeut 100,000 ' mere than a Tear age. ' A year age crude In storage amounted , .. .niuuinnn 1. .1.. 1 " -a 1 i-r nVJCvi ' uu"':,0 "uu u J'-' 000.000. The weakest point In the oil fcltua fcltua tlen 1h the mldcentlnent, where new flush production continues te he ob tained In large volume nnd where Rtor Rter age Is well filled. THE TRADER. NEW PROFESSOR FOR PENN Or. D. W. Wilsen, Jehns Hepkins, te Occupy Chemistry Chair Dr. D. Wright Wilsen, 0f j0,n, Hepkins Unlvernity. will succeed Dr. Marshall In the chair et chemistry in the medical school of the University nf Pennsylvania. This in the eldest chair In the school of medicine, founded by Dr. Benjamin Rush. The cbnir wus originally called the chair et chemistry and toxicology. It inter branched out Inte two seats of chemintry, occupied by Dr. Jehn Mat- hhall and Ltocter 'layier. Jt will nev return te iW original one department basis known aa the chair of phyMel- oglcel chemistry. THE KERNEL THB PIRATeS LAND UPON LOVT ISLAND WITH THE CHEVT OP OLO A QUARREL BETWBtN IP HOWS AND DIR, REVXTa IN A. "1TIC COMT ' PA, COVtCSALED IN THE tXX, TAKE ADVANTAGE or THH OPPOR.TUNITV EVENING PUBLIC XEIGER-PfilLABELllU, RIDY.JUNfi' 9, 1922 READING EARNED DIVIDEND Net Income of the Railway Cem pany Equal te 16.31 P. C. en Stock A net Incemi; of $rt,4(lO,(XX) nfter chnrgei was shown In the minimi re port of the Philadelphia nnil Heading I Hallway Cemt.flny. This was equlva inn t. in fii ..ne ppnt nn the rnnltal ...a - . ..-. ..v..- - -- . ' stock, all of which in owned by the ..railing- company. ims iiniiw with 21.21 per cent In the preceding year en the benis of Federal compensa tion and guaranty for a total of eight months; $3,0.5,O00 was appropriated In physical property, $53,780 for Pink ing and reserve funds. After payment of $5,733,000 In dividends there wen a surplus of $3.3S0,032, n. against $10, 113.114 In 1020. There Is scarcely any change In nny of the Items composing the Heading i tnmnn- nvn ....... ti.. ....ni..s eftcr n charges was $fKi4rt,000, or 0.03 . P01" crnt en the common stock after , n-eAm. i ,7 , mntTr,i "' RC Wn, ' $1.0(2,000 In dividend Income, mere In 1020. The only mnterlal change was Safest Funds for Travelers Avoid the risk and worry of carrying currency by using our Travelers' Letter of Credit issued in Dollars or Pounds Sterling. ' It is readily available at the offices of our 3000 correspondents throughout the world. Send for Booklet Brown Brethers ST. FOURTH & CHESTNUT STREETS New Yerk PHILADELPHIA BROWN, SHIPLEY Feaaderi Court Letkaary Londen E. C. STEAMHIF NOTICES JL. -jlJ? UWkWitUI i tfllKrJI nKFiil! rnilA -. iJl T vViV Ji1WlWI lflHYll fA ' 4liiin ?jr&BaR&3m. .ffllUMlL ft.Vl '"'aaaaasssssssssssssssaaa'JsBgsaaaw.' .PZfreTZ:- Exnpress"Express Reute teJEXJK.03B Via the St Lawrence te CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON-HAMBURG The magnificent, new, oil-burning "Empress of Scot land," 25.037 gross tens, is the largest ship en the St. Lawrence. Reseat public rooms, a palatial Ball-room, cabin accommodations from sumptuous suites te rooms at moderate ratio. Plying with tbia ship is the well-known "Empress of France' Montreal and Oucbic Enjoy the de- Ouebec te Li verpoel " Bmpnm et tlfhtful. old-world atmosphere of these Hn(ain," First. Second and Third Clasa. quaint French - Canadian cities. Mentreil te Liverpool. Glasgow, Seuth- Via the St. Lawrenca then only Pour smpten and Antwerp by splendid One Days of Open Sea. class Canadian Pacific Steamships. Rtl and all Information en reouesf. Ask for doaerpfre booklet A. C A N A D I A N PACIFIC R. C. CLAYTON. City PaxMnger Art.. 620 Chestnut BL. PhUIpbU K. T. 8IEBBINQ. Oca. Aat. l'aaaenirr Dept.. MaeUaae Avenu at 44th Strset, N. X. 0 Fnr Vnnrnrrvp Kr Virtnris R C SwneamVScte.'' Sut , npatcni from iMniedeiphia about June 20. 1022. Fer full particulars as te cargo space, etc. apply te T. H. WARREN A CO., Agents Brown Building, 328 Chestnut Street Philadelphia OR TO POTTER TRANSPORTATION CO. 11 Broadway, New Yerk Baltimore International Steamship Ce. Mumey Building Baltimore. Md. rCOMMERCIAL sitsmanir kinu (Overating V. H. Oevt. aHp) PHILADELPHIA TO CORK. Ill J1I.IN. BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY S S "Balsam" late June BALTIC HCAND. PORTS Aa Carge Offers S B "NAT1RAB" . Middle Jane MOORE and McCORMACK, INC. 444-46 Bourse Bldg., Phila. Lernb. 0585 Main 7."13 "BETTER SERVICE" FOR YOUR rREIOHT CONHIONMENTH BALL & CALDWELL Expert Freight Brokers 472-478 DREXEL HUILD1NO Philadelphia Cable. Edclar Iirn. BI17.1 S iJ Special Sunday Ezcuriien All day en the water te beautiful Irewoed Oree en the Cbesapeake and Delaware l Canal. Heme early " venln. Erleaann ;'? $& &inu$Xi,ti&ril.0SlSi I rare 11.25. they've cone' n .. NY CHANCE I ISUANO U tI; A3sT J?F ( Lsar ' f br&t saBsaBsassaaaWW MZ& C "b slS err? than hnlf of which wits' accounted for by the smnllcr distribution of Phila delphia and Heading Railway stock. An Increase In revenue from 'ether sources, however, brought total Income up te $10,028,000, compared with $lfl,()(W, 000 In 1020. There was a surplus of $0,540,000 available for dividends, as against $0,721,000 In the previous year. At the end of 1021 the Reading Com pany had a profit and less surplus of $3r,077,000, as compared with $33, 000,000 n year previous. Reaerve Banks Discount Rates Official rediscount rates at the twelve Federal Heserve Danka are aa follews: Treaa. . Lib. Cem'l nkra. ctra. nende Paper Accept. rioiten . . . New Tork Philadelphia ii-iiS a 4tt Cleveland .... Richmond . . Atlanta Chlcaae Ht. Ixiula ... Minneapolis . . Kanaaa City . Dallaa San Krnnclace McCall, Riley e Ce. Fall New Yerk, June 0. An Involuntary pe tition hae been Mpd Jn United Blatea pla trlct Court aaalnat McCall, Riley A Ce.. ateck brekprs, 20 Uread atreet. In which liabilities are ptareit at 1160.000 and aaeets 00 000 Henry H. Kajfman wa. appSlnted . recclver under lnd of 115.000. ISIS Bosten & COMPANY OSes for Trivtlirs 123 Pall Mall, Londen, S. W. STEAMSHIP NOTICES ewYetk te Seuth America onlLS.CjevcrnmentSfups Fattest Time te Itle de Janeiro, Montevideo .nd Buenes Aires. Flneat nhlDS Ameri can FenMce American feed Ameri can comforts. Sailings from I'ler 3, llobeken. American Legien . June 10 Pan America . . June 24 Western World . . July 8 Southern Cress . July 22 TertnlgbnTy Thereat Fer Aucr'iptivt booklet, aidtin Manse SitamshipLiiies 67 Wnll St. New Yerk City Phnadclphla fmVe. Dreael Bids. V eeuitraaaT Opmnten yer tJl S. SHIPPING BOARPJ zjkd! ERICSSON LINE FOR BALTIMORE ' 82 One War, S3 Round Trip I PIER a HO. DEIvUARE AVE. ' Dally ut 8 P. M. Batnrdny st 8 P. M. Ne Sunday Steamer , DAY STEAMER Will Begin the Season S A. M., June 17 I 4 it S ft H H 4H 4J4 4 4 4 5 4S 4VS 47 4$ 4V4 4 4rf 4V? n n k n ft s a s a rt & 5 4K- 4H A 4M - mrm I ' B7JnBt 'JnffSi 9 Ci.1. TEACH YOU TO SHOOT AT ME WHEN MY BACK I TURNED ! I'LL TAKE A I I Tlr- y.r t suawf re c AM LEAVE VOUCH O.S -) TO STARVE! itnrcAneNAi. Ilath Hhm VfAWniNflTON, D. C. i HIROPRACTIC Inrn thU new. meat premUlns of all prareaaira in vt annincien, in naiiana rnDtlal, Varivaled aaraniaiea ,iar jetMapiwrtlni m atadeats. CeeducaUaaal. Addreas, the Ketlatrr. RILEY SCHOOL OF CHIROPRACTIC 1118 T Hlrret, Waahlntiea. n. C. rirE celcmbia tniv. or PHYSICIANS. Inc.. City sf Waahinsten. Tw Csarats Chiropractic Payiie-Tkerapy w Each of faculty ls'dettd In aublect fieV teach. Nlaht school Is cnntlnueus. V assist you In aecurlni renaenlal rooming and beard t reasenabi prices. Sent. II. 1022. Writ. rices. war acni school beilns Write for booklet. Kiel. sia i4th st. PR. L C. WITKBMAN. LYNcnnrne. va. LYNCHBURG COLLEGE LYNUHDt'RCI, VIROINIA A standard American Collea efferlna un usual opportunities te yeuni men and women from the North. Hatu. 1350. Fer cataleru and particular address! t. T. T. HCNDI.EY. Pra.. I.vnnhbnra, Va. Consult Public Ledger Dureau DAYTON. VA. SHENANDOAH COLLEOIATE INSTTTCTB and 8chel of Mesle, DarUa, Va. Junier Cnllece. Co-educatlenal. Rates. I22S t 1300. W have a number of satlaflid North ern students Eacentlenal advantaie. Fer catalerue and particulars address Shenan doah Celleslate Instttut and Scheel of Music. Consult Public Ledar Ilurean. Yeena Women and Olrla CHAMRERSBfRO. PA. PENN HALL Scheel for alrli in beautiful Cumberland Valley. Large campus. Build Ints medr.rn In every respect. Roem suit nf two with bath between. Larva sym naslum. til peel. Reruli-r A special courses. Oolf. hockey, ten nis, basketball, horseback rldlnr. .cneln. May each year spent at seaahers: work net rvMaTfVawr rssrt. fhnmberahnra, Pa. HCNTlNnnON. PA. Juniata Celkf. uM Oeneral Science ID. S.). Music, Scholastics and Rellslnus Ideals emphasised. Alse hlah arade Academy. LOWELL. MASS. CADEMY OF NOTRE DAME. Lewell, Haa. Afnilated with Catholic Univ.. Prim . Inter". Itlvh Scheel. Music A Art Depts. pe,. c " sddress! The puperier. Academy of Notre rifime. Ixinell. Ms. Consult Ledger nureaii NEWTON. MASS. MOl-NT IDA. SCHOOL FOR nniLs. na Hemmlt St.. Nfwten. Mas. Consult Bureau. MANAS-SAW. VA. Eaitern College Conseryatery A1A.AS9A. VA. Fnrty-flv mlnutei from Waahinsten with I frequent week-end excursions. PeUr years' Acidemy course, fully accredited. Junier College Courses. Fer cataleru address 1 Ti President. Rex 7.. Manassas, Va. 1 Consult Public Idaer Rureau for Particulars ! rETERIRI'RO. VA. I SOUTHERN COLLEGE Junier Cellere and Flnlshlnj Course WOO. S'atlnnil patrnnaae. Sixtieth Year. Historic InrMlen. ARTHUR KYLE DAVIS, A. M., 300 relleae riace. reterabura. Vs, WASHINGTON. D. C. HOLY CROSS ACADEMY Afnilated with the , Catholic University. Practical and ReHn- ing Education Standard and Elective Courses. Address Slater' Superior. Hely Cress Academy. Washington. D. C. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION OKOANIST desires substitute work for the summer months. C 800. ledger Office, BEI.IfllOCS NOTICES Preabyterlan 8V8QiraiANNA AVE. PRESBYTERIAN C1URCII. cer. of Marshall Rev. Richard F. Jenea V. D.. pastor, will preach Spe cial Sermen. 2:ae, Sunday Scheel. 7:48. Popular 8ervlce. Exercls by Sunday Scheel scholars. STEAMSHIP NOTICES tt white Star Roem atlll available at nil ratea en ttii following steamers V Y. TO CHERBOURO SOUTHAMIT'O" MAJESTIC (new) ..June 17 July J July 2 OLYMPIC June S4 July 15 Aug. It HOMERIC July 1 July 32 Aug. IB NT Y TO COBII (QUEEN8TOWN) AND LIVERPOOL CEDRIC 'ea 17 July 1-1 Aug. 12 ADRIATIC lane 24 July 22 Aug. IS CELTIC July 1 July 29 Aug. 2fl BALTIC 'a'r S Ana. S Sept. 2 NEW YORK TO AZORES. OinHALTAR. NAPLES AND QENOA ARABIC .Julr 8 Aug. 20 CRETIC Aur. a hnpt. 23 PHILADELPHIA LIVERPOOL HAVERFORD . . . .Jane IS July 22 Sept. 12 I1ELOIAN June IB - PITTHHUROIIstecWpIane 22 July 21 Aug. Si MEDIAN Jalr I - Cabin and Thlrd-Claaa passengers carried. I.EYLAND LINE Tmir.ArKI.PHIA MANCHESTER - --- -- --.z, a .,- . . ,4uns le .iieuan xuiv l Julr 29 1 Mrttonlen Red Star Line N. Y. TO PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURO AND Y. TO PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURO AND -A i rmr LAPLAND 'un 17 Jnly 22 Aug. 26 tHITHlvinairCTi sups uir i triwi.ASli Julr 1 Aug. iifvriu.AvrvdlrMt) June 24 J ..-..--.'. . . --. S - .. " T- . .iuiy a Aug, e nept. tf I 7.EKLANII uix 5 "Aug. is nept. 10 ' KROONLAND , . . -July IS Aug. IB Kept. 23 PHILA.. HAiinURO. LIRAU. DAN2IO SA5IIJVND (Third-class pass, only) Jane 21 PHILADELPHIA ANTWERP I Maryland . Juao Nlnlan June 10 Mahenac ... .June t4 Manhattan ...June2S Michigan . . . .July 10 Mackinaw , . . .July 20 American Line I N. Y. TO HAMBURG VIA PLYMOUTH I AND CHERBOURO MONGOLIA Jnne 21 July 28 MINNEKAHDA (3d class). . .June 28 Aug. 2 MANCHURIA Jnly B Aug. 0 . ST. TAUI Via Cebeh Julr I2i Aug. 18 I'HIJL.AI'E.UrillA I1AA1UUHU Mnrrlead . . .June 0 Missouri Jnne, 22 Manhattan . . Jnne 28 Michigan ., , . . .July 10 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE PHILADELPHIA LONDON Nlnlan June ie Manepue Jane 24 Mackinaw JSlytOVj' HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE f PHILADELPHIA ROTTERDAM BREEDYK Jane 21 IILYDENDYK July 12 International Mercantile Marine Ce. 120 STEAMERS. 0,800.000 TONS Pasaraiger Office. 1819 Walnut Rt.. Phlla. Freight Office, 408-414 Beiira Itldg.. Phlla. KERR. LINES Operating U. S, Gov. Ships Sailings Frem Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG SS "Weitera Sceat" (USSB) Jam 12 SS "Morriitewn" (USSB) ...Jel, 8 HUDSON SHIPPING CO. Inc., 4gnrt 328 Cheitnut St., Phila. Lembard 5264-8 Main 7311-12 imCCATIONAL Bath Sexes Hrhaylklll Hem.. Reading's It. Cel., Resdlna. Pa. Prep. A Jr. Celleae courses. Three It. if cellese work alven. New athletic field, dlnlna hall and administration bulld'na. Year lte; Tear open Sept. II. .. WARREN T. TEF.L. A. M.. H. rrn. Th. Tayler Scheel "JJ, Sff'sl! ereaa Shorthand. Teuchtyplna. noeKKeepinar, APcnuntina. Becretarlal courses, ninren n- STRAVFR Tn fieaSMl & - - - aer cni5rjjni'-. r.U.a faettlaa twaran'd. Enter new. Iar ae ataal SI'MMER Tutertnr fir Csllea. " " Law. Maher Prep. IIS S. la St.. Thlls. WAYNK. PA. ST. LUKE'S SCHOOL Wara (Mala Una P. IL R.). Pa. Healthful location, homelike . bufldlnss. MVntal and physical Instruction, high moral Influence make unusual appeal te parent and boys. Prepares for cellere or business. Charles nnry Strent, A. M Headmaster LEONIA. N. t. OLD ORCHARD HOME SCHOOL NtTaV SERY. Fer healthy, normal children and naoiee. Health nrst, Writ te Anns O. Ni Selected ters. Neroa. Leenla. N. . Consult ledger Bureau, SELINSOROVE. PA. Saaquehanna Unlvenllr, Sslinsrrev. Pa. Co.educatlenal In the Arte and Sciences. Beautiful and healthful environments. Ad dress for cataleg: W. T. Horten. Registrar. Bummer Scheel opens June 28. NEW YORK CITY CntttmViU Preparatory Scheel. Beys and V-OIUmDia 0rt reparation for All Universities. West Point and Annapolis. 801 WEST 8STH ST. Certyr West End Ave. WrhuvUr OTSO Yoeng Men and Beys . THE WILLIAM PENN CHARTER SCHOOL Tha examination for the award of the Foundation Scholarship, Riving frea frea tultlen In the Senior Scheel, will be held at the Penn Charter, Ne. 8 Se. 12th Street, en Saturday, June 10th, at 10 A. M. The competition la open te alt pupils of age and training; suitable for admis sion te High Scheel, without restriction aa te place of residence. The Scholarship Is renewable tit grad uation, provided a high atandard of scholarship and character la maintained. GEORGE SCHOOL Co-idacatieaal witk Sap. Demltsrr Bldfi. College Preparatory, also Manuat TraJIng and Citizenship ceuraes. 227 acres en Ne shamlny Creek. Athletics. Friend's m'at. 0. A. WALTON. A. M.. Prln. Be 18S. tieerge Scheel. Pa. Bellefonte Academy n,'J nnd up. 117th year. Ath. Held and swimming nnnl. Med. rates. Catalog. JAMER R. lirr.HES. A.M.. Headmaster. Brtlefmte, Pn. BALTHBUBO. PA. "KfSKI" A scnoeL FOR BOYS Klsklmlnetas Spring Mthoel permltu bera te grew up out of denra,' 200 acre highland overlooking river. Special preparation for college and technical schools. Precepterial system. All sports. Rate IR30. Catalogue. Address DR. A. B. WILSON. JR.. Presides! Bss SSa. Kaltsbunr. Pa. CHESTER. PA. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY . COLLEGE Known for mere than a century for b.lgh Ideals and standarda In education. COLONEL CHARLES E. HYATT CHESTER. PA. MERCER8BCRO. FA. The Merceffcburg Academy 1MB BOYS Hereersbar, Pa. Sana fne eatetnaila tn Wm. Ilaan Irvine. Ph. D.. IX. Du rteadmaster. Beg 120 BORDENTOWN. N. J. nORDENTOWN MILITARY INSTITUTE Thorough preparation for college or busi ness. Efficient faculty, small classes, Indi vidual attention. Military training. 88th yeae. Fer cataleMi address Drawer C-22. Cel. T. D. Landen. Bordentown, N. J. Principal and Commandant BROOKLAWN. N. J. BROOKLAWN A reimtry horn for junior boys. B te 10 years: 21 minutes from Phlla. Healthful loca tion. Rest feed, memer car- Supervised play. Educational advantages. Address Director. 507 Chestnut street. Brooklawn. N. J. NEWTON. N. J. NEWTON ACADEMY Mllltsry country school, boys 10 te 17, Mountain ana laks I refle 183 J. en. 2 hours from N. Y. Eatahllehed 1832. Catalog. Bex L. Jfewten. K. I. WEST NEWTON. MASS. ALLEN CHALMERS SCHOOL Fer Beys. West 'Newton. Mass. POOLESVnj.E. MD. nrlarley Hnll Military Academy. Poelravllte, Md. Relect College Preparatory Scheel for Mera of Character and Ambition. Fer catalog aaeress CanL 8. I. Ledre. M. A.. LL. M.. Wupt. Consult Public ledger nureau. WAYNEBBORO. VA. FISHBCRNE MILITARY SCHOOL, Worm-a-bero. Va. Oraduates admitted te West Point and Naval Academy without examina tion. Rates, 1000. R. O. T. C. Wa Department. Fer catalogue and particulars "- T . - . ...... -. . i addrasa: arajer Morgan n. nuaaina, i-rine , Waynesboro, Va. Consult Public Ledger Bureau. CHATHAM. VA. Chatham Training Behoel. Chatham, Va. A Beutbern school that will appeal te Northern people. Rates, 1565. Fer catalogue and particulars address: COU A. II. CAMDEN. Chatham. Va. Consult Public Ledger Bureau. ABHEV1LLE, N. C. Bingham Military Scheel BANITATION HAFETY QUIET Oldest Bchoel for Beys la the Beuth. A Scheel that will appeal te Beys In th North. Fer Catalogue and Particulars address: COL. 8. R, McKEE. Supt. Asbevllte. N, C, Cenrult Public Ledger Ruresa. BUMMER CAMPg Yoeng Women and Olrlg Pine Tree Cmmp for Ulrli J- Jj; PMwdu.Mi!eU.nV:d&hK,l;. IN MEMORIAM 1 OEIOnn. In remembrance of Lewie p, ueiger, aiea June v ivu, I'll AT Kit. iDeatljs DROWN. Slx-menth 7th. CHARLES L . husband of Catherine R. Brown. In his 84th ear. Relatives and friends Invited te fu neral. Bevtnth-day, 1 p. M., from Frler.da' Meeting Heuse, Moorestown, N. J. Int. at Wentfletd BUnNH At Moerentown, N. J., June 8. 1022. EDWARD F. BURNS. In hie 86th year. Be.-vlcee at residence of his son, Reb- rr. uunii. .ui u.. u.k av. aioerestown. 74. J.. Krl . 2:30 P. M Int. at Mt. Helly Cam. IIYJINE. June, te. JOHN J., husband et Inte Miry Byrne (nea Dully). Relatives and friends, also Dlv. Ne. 6, A. O. 1L, are In lted te attand funeral Bat., 8:80 A. M, msldence of son-in-law, Charles Currsn, 814u Mere Strategy DKATH8 Merecr st. Solemn requiem mass. Cnurch of Nativity. Hi A. M. Int. Bt. Anns Cem. CALDWELL (nes Lyens) Juik I, ANNIE J., wife of Jehn J. Caldwell. Relatives and friends Invited te funeral servldes, Sst.. 1 P M. precisely, st residence, 901 S. Rlth st. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. Friends may call Frl.. S tn 10 P. M. C On June' e. ALLEN 8. CLARK. n, N. J. Relatlves'and friends, mem Itaska Tribe, Ne, 2S5. of Pitman. ciahk. un ji at pitman, N, . alie Junier O. V. A. M,. Ne. 277. of Kwan. N. J.. Invited te funeral services, en Frldav nmrm m iibbkk .r.D. nut v. wa . ..... afternoon, at z:se. i nis. iaie riunc.. 11 8. Broadway. Int. private. Friends may call Thursday svsnlng. ,... CLIFFORD. On June 8. 1022. ELLEN, wlfi ot-'Jehn CllfTerd nnd-dnughteir nf 1st James And Mary Enrlght. Funeral Sat.. 8:89 A. M residence. ESS N. 49th St. Belemn reaulim mass. Our Mether, of Berrows Church 10 A. M. Int. t. Denis1 Cem. lit la tlvn and friends Invited. .. -... CONNELLY. June 0. 1B2S. CATH ARINE, let of 2182 Pine St., wife of Jehn J. Connelly. Funeral Sat., 8:30 A. M from 1700 Race st. Solemn requiem mass 81. Patrick's Church 10 A. M. Int. private. Hely Cress Cem. DALET June 8. KATIinYN J. (nee Me- Claln). wife Of Leuis II. Daley. Relatives and friends, also members of St. Jeseph's Sodality, invited te funeral Monday, 8:80 A, M.. from her lat residence. 60O Jeffer Jeffer eon st. Solemn requiem mils at Church of St. Ress of Lima 10 A. M. Interment Hely Cress csmetery. ..... DARE At Wlldwoed. N. J.. June 6, 1922, ETTA DARE. Int. Bun., private, DELAND. June 8. 1822. at Dedham, Mass LAURA CARLISLE, daughter of thi lata Therndlki and Elisabeth M. Deland. Int. service at Cem. of St. James ths Less, Falla of Schuylkill, Sat.. 10 A. H. DEVINE. On June S, EDWARD, husband of thi lata Margaret Devtne. Relatives and friends, and all societies of which he was a membsr, lnvltd te funeral, en Monday, at S0 A. M.. from his lata residence. 010 8. 6th st. Solemn mess of requiem at St. Antheny's, 10 A. M. Intsrment New Cathe- 'dOUOHERTY. Jam T. BRIDGET, wlfi of ths 'ate Frank Dougherty. 'Relatives and friends or Invited te attend funeral. Sat., 0:80 A. M.. residence, 2207 Lembard st. Sol emn high mass BL Patrick's Church 11 A. M. Int. Hely Cress. . . EISENLOHR. Suddenly at Pert Jeffer Jeffer eon. N. YV. en June 7, LOUIS H. EtBEN LOHR. aged 62, Relatival and friends In vited te funeral services en Saturday at 2 P. M.. at lata residence. 4200 Finest. In trmnt private. EMMITT. On June T. 1 022. LOUISA ., wit of William Emmltt (nee walker), aged 81 years, Relatives and friends are respect fully Invited te funeral. , en Bat., at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 4621 Ed mund st., Frankford. Int. North Cedar Mill Cem. KALLIN. June 7, at Jacksonville. Fla., ELIZA, wife et lata Ira Fallln. Funeral ervlces Frl., 2 P. M.. David O. Franken field A Sens. 822 N. B2d St. Int. private. FLAHERTY. Juns 8. CHARLES FLA HERTY. Relatives and friends, also Dlv. 47, A, O. H., Invited te funeral Monday, 8:80 A. M.. from the residence of James McMerney, 883S N. Darlen st. Solemn mass et requiem at th Church of St. Veronica, 10 A. M. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. FLEMING. June 8, MARY E wife of Jehn Fleming, and daughter of the lata Fell' and Helen Meehan (nee Fahy), Rela tive and friends ars Invited te attend fu neral, Monday, R:30 A. M from her late residence, 1484 Montrese st. Solemn mass of requiem St. Teresa'a Church 10 A. M. Interment Hely Cresa Cemetery. OAtflER. June n, 1022. THERE.SA OAIBER. widow of 'Jehn Oalser. aged 71 years. Relatlvea and friends Invited te attend funeral. Saturday morning, at 8-80 o'clock, fiem her late residence. 0176 Ridge aw., Roxborough. Requiem mass at Ht. Mary'a Church at 10 o'clock. Int. private, at West minster Cemetery. OILI.IOAN. June 7. CATHARINE, widow of Patrick Ollllgan. Relatlvea and friends are Invited te attend funeral services. Sat.. 10:30 A. M.. at her late residence, 2013 Aramlnge ave. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem. Friends mav call Frl., after 7 P. M. HARRIHOM At his 1st residence. 230 Cedar lane. Highland Park. Delaware Ce , Pa.. June 0. WILLIAM II. HARRISON, aged 72 Relatives and friends, also empleyes of the Penna. R. R., West Phlla. shops, and Veterans Asse.. ar Invited te attend funeral service, Frl.. 2 P. M.. chapel of Andrew J. Hair A Sen. A-ch and 10th sis. Int private. HELLER. June 7. 1B22. JOHN, beloved hueband of Edna A. Heller. Relatives and friends, also employee et Jehn II. Stetson Ce., are Invited te attend funeral services, Bat., 2 P. M. precisely, late residence. 163 W. Palmer St. Int. Oreenwoed (K. of P.) Cem. JARVIS. On June 7. 1022. MART A daughter of the late Charles and Mary A, Jarvls. Funeral services Bat., 3 P. M.. at the Oliver H. Balr Bldg.. 18Z0 Cheit nut st. Int. private. JONES. June 6. 1822. ROSE, widow of James Jenes, aged 74. Relatlvea and friend are invited te attend funeral. Bat.. 80 A. Mi. from her lata residence. 2310 N. 25th st. Solemn requiem mass St. Oelumba's cnurch 10 A. SI. Int. Hely Cress Cem. KEKNAN Jim. S ITIliNCra ,r,t tha late Michael and Bridget Keenan, of Conny Cenny glenn. County Tyrene, Ireland. Relatives and friends are Invited te funeral, Sat., 8 A. M.. parlors of W. H. Celeman, 4071 Lancaster aye. Mass of requiem Church of Our Mether 'J'?Irow B A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. KIJRZ. June 8. LEONARD B.. husband of the late Anna Kur (ne Hoffmann), aged 76. Relatives snd friends, also members of Canstatter Velkatest Vareln. Phlla. Ledge. Ne. 80. D. O. II.. are invited te services, Men.. 2 P. M.. residence, 122 Seuth st. Int. Fernwood Cem. Viewing Sim. eve. . LANODON. On June 6. AMT C. wit of Jehn Lansden. Relatives and friends In vited te funeral services, en Friday, at 11 A. M.. at her lata residence. 2017 Poplar St. Int. prlvste. LAWSON. June 7. 1022. RICHARD, hus band of the late Catherine Lawsen Relatlvea and friends, also T. C. W. U.. Ne. 2. ar Invited te attend funeral. Sat. 2 P. M.. from the residence of his son. William C. Lawsen. 2020 D at. Int. Oakland Cem. Friend may call Frl. eve. LONEROAN. June 7. 1022. ISABELLE A., wife of William E. Lanergan (nee Arm strong), Relatlvea and friends are Invited te attend funeral. Bat., R:80 A. M., from her late residence, 110 Rryn Mawr ae.. Cynwyd High mass St. Matthias' Church 10 A M. Int. Westminster Cem. LONOflTRRTH. Al Tanmn Wash An June 7. 1022 HEN.tY LONQSTRETH. for- merlv of Phlla.. In his 07th year LOUSHLIN On June 8. 1822. CORA BELLE, wife of Geerge F. Leughlln. Rela Uvea and frlenda ar Invited te aervlce. AFrl., 12 o'clock neon, at her residence, B708 Fler. ence ave. Int. at St. Clair, Bt. Clair Ce.. Mich. JM3!&-7MBr 10- at San Pedre. Calif.. GEORGE S.. son of Heward and Lauretta Lynn, agjd 2 yrs. 6 mes. Funeral Bat.. 2 i..s,ii from hla grandparents' residence, 2087 B. Semeraet St. Int. private. North North weed Cm., Philadelphia. Pn. MACKLE. June 0. ANNA T.. -vldnw of Daniel Macltl. Relatives and friends In Uted te funeral. Bat.. 8-80 A. M.. late real dence. 1324 N. llth st. Solemn requiem mass. 8 1. Malaehy's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Creg Cem. MALIN. June 8, 1922. MAROARET. wife SJi Jm" w'. Ma.lln.aesd 83. Relatlvea and friends are Invited te attend funernl. Sat.. 8 A. M.. from hr husband's residence, 1)77 N. Hutchinson st. Solemn mass of requiem Bt. Mary'a Church 4th and Spruce ata 8.30 A. M. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem, MANNING. Suddenly, at VII anea. June 7. 1822. FREDERICK A. MANNING? OH A., pref easid cleric, In hla 23th year. Rel atlvea and friends ars Invited te attend the solemn requiem mass at St. Mary'a Hall, ylllanevn. nn Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Interment Vlllaneva. MAXWELL June 7. 1022. FRANK E. MAXWELL, husband of Eva Maxwell, Rein, lives and friends, also Wawatam Tribe, 63. Improved O. H. M.. ere Invited te attend l!!5J,'"l8.a.,'& 'i9.0 ,': M.-: rrem hl" lll,e real- dance, 4744 Smlck at,. Manayunk. Int. Iv Iv erlnrtnn Cem. V,1?.;"-J.u.ne 8v J0HN " n of Harry and Viela Merz lne .Mmminni ," and friends Invited Ie funeral services Sat- '!2nX- "L. '. -M" "' '" """"' re.Hnn..,.. J.1.?. w' ,9l,rk,en BVe- Interment prlvat. lllllslne t'einvtery, MONTREY. June 8, nt hi r...-, 4041 N. Franklin at.. RAYMOND A., be be eved son of Arthur I, and Anna. M. Mon Men trey, aged 2 eara 10 months. Funeral serv. cea Sunday p M.. at the First Presby terlan Church. Columbus N. J. " McCANN June 6, PETER J eon of Rese and the lata Peter McCann (ne Fex) S1"""!' te which relatives and friends, also Yonah Tribe, Ne. 44. I. O, R. M and em. Z?"nPhj!lWt'M. Iniu'""-. a'r'e invited. 5 822.'!'' rrem "' melher'a resi dence. 2238 Tllim st. Solemn mass of requiem at Church et Bt. Charles 10 A. SI. Int. Hely Cress Cem. McCANN. June 7. 1022, EI.IZABBTH C.. beieed wife nf Geerge McCann? Relil: n.Vra,aS.tfrl8nA 'ff "Jv" .'"" & neral, Hat., 8 A, M.. from her late resi dence, 81J8 Alabama 'read. Falrvlivr. Cam. ." "'i.' "01mn nigh mass at St. Jean of Arc Church 0:30 A. M FalrMew. N J Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem. "'"'"' McCAR.NET. June 7. THOMAS, huahnn.1 y.1IaAnotMe(?5rn,,'e n"lvi and friend" h1.".0 ? U,01? 5?ms Society and ether msIi ties of which .he was a member. Invited te attend funeral. Sat.. 8:80 A. M.. from his lat residence, 833 Shedaker st.. Oe?nian! town. Solemn requiem mass at the Church of St. Franell of Assist 10 A. M. InL nrl. VB1?' JiPjA'Wlehre Cem ' M lnU p"' Mckenzie. June 7. Richard, son of Andrsw J. snd Alma McKenile (nee Lnr Lnr sen), aged 8. Relatives and f rlensd Invited te funeral. Bat.. 10 A, M,. residence nivth. ev. Drexel mil. Pa it. Arlington C.m Frlenda may call Frl, avs. ' . MILES. On June 7. 1022. NEr.rtP jj HICKMAN MILES, wife Tet Carsen Wii..' Relatives and frlenda are InvlUd te "thi services. Ft . 8 P. M,. at the OlliS. ir8 Balr Bldg.. 1820 Chestnut st. Int : KSv.tl" MUNOALL.-ATHE'niNKl ' C. "wftew' Zt Wm. Munsall. FlinAral Hi.. i !.. '.."' ut residence 10B0 N. Lawrsnc. "it 'tAV.'-Si may rail Frl. rl. evening, 7 te ft. .. xdi&TXiZA ft, A.".? M-w .": Ice. s'.'t'1 jrpnVn.i,e.V0 "ra. asfvl If'.. "' ' t lata res denca "Ilk 5.'. .i'..Ji?" ,"r-. Int. ML MerUh Cam rirnua limy call ffTI,, H IB 10 P M O'NEILL-Juni 7. ELIZAilETlI ll . wlfi ,','h.? 'V.JJ,em.. A- O-NellLSr:: igJd 7w! Relatives and friends are I Sat "p "lua. ,0u en .viiviui nervicvs. I enct of her son N. 31st st. Int, pe viewed mri UNDERTAKElia IMrHllTLER W wjmr mmeAh Aha rl JlEATHS i-AMK, June n, WALTER, l,,.. "" Sarah H. Park (nee 8lele. 'nJ"'S rriends. also empleyes of p. r ji '"1 sheu. see Invited te ntien J..'."'..cr rl Bt n P. M., residence. 1605 uii .III!" FrankfenJ. . Int. North Cedar Vim1!.' viewing rri, eve. ui nlt.vnv . t.-n .. i.1.""-. :s.'V.v t'.'.""-' . ner reeia fnv n. 4iu si.. June T MARY C tern. wir or . cane van iie nii..-u friends Invited te funeral service? mil A. M.. at Bt. Peter's P. B. Church Ii"J SIC I late rsnvii rilii ID U V l nist-trifjfi iiiHk a ? T.. dW. CLUUf FHANCIST widow of ESKa'J rilnv (tie Dotan). aise'ti. v. M. Beaauty, league of ih 1 Heart, Alfar. .Besary Heclety of the? !'" .-" .-S-.:.:,.." ........ nnn wm "'!" and fM.'a drl. are. Invited te attend funeral :se A. m.. irem nxe N. leth st, , g requiem mass at the Cathedral ii v" Int. Hely Cress, A. ROBERTS. At Wnetlhury. N. J !.. i ROLAND UROWfeiNO ROBERK.i9J ROBERTS. At Wnetlhur; Funeral Sat.-. 2:30 P. 31. rrnm !.V: . dence, 70 Aberdeen place, WoedhiVv nee, 70 Aberdeen place, Woedhnrir V nebeilAUOH. On Jnn. tai,,.? M-lr nf ll.ttv rtn.1b... t.r...'. 8 tmlmnAm lnll.il n lh ... 1- ZUV?S 2 o'clock, at her late residence. iXfS mr st. Interment private at Lever! r.m.u.v. ITrUnda maw all e-i.?J"nl niis: ; : "",ra,r KUW1.KI. jun T. MUI.MAN P.. ha, nf lata Cvnttla Alice Pewlev ...IS',1 tlvei and frlendi in. lied te attend m services. Fl.. 7:8t r. M' residence S en-ln-law, It. Llnferd Mever. 126i AlUehanv av. Int. Valale. il x "' BlMPKINS. At West Berlin. N j , fl 0, EMtt.Y J., wife of Jehn BlmDklni' uK ev. cervice .,, r, m,, ist resLtZej West Rerun. N. J. Int. Herlln r.mw,8l J8IXX:UM (Mellen). June a SARAH, wife nf tha lata Wlnl.-'. Relative! and friends ar Invited tn mf, e......i ... a a u e. .V l0 ti et Mrs. Mary knnbi. 311 libaS I'luvi rw are aaisiSB (( llir , Mt. Carmel Churcli 8dt0 A. M. IntJ Cress Cem. " SMITH. June e. lazy. EDNA M.. s.afl ter of Jehn ana late Margaret amirs TTSm Kl ranaaaugnier or iate wmiam and Sa!S'l l,iV,uT.Vi!".n,.;5Z Mctntyre aged 20. also H. V. M. and Sacred Heart SecliS St. Michael's Alumni, empleyes of A T T neiauves and frttafll iaI..C?I .u. n.v .i...-:!. .v Ki.eiiu lunerat day. 8 A. M.. from her lat rM...'. N. 2d St. Solemn requ'em mass at at i.a.i.a rlm,i, .n a t .....".-?- Bb ment New Cathedral Cemeterv. SOKIER. June 7, .NIC. SOKIER. Vn-mJl Sat.. 11 A. M.. residence. 5041 BpniSisi.I BprtVi;l int. Ml. -.lurian Lim, SOWDEN. June 0. 1022, lune 0. 1022. Dr. FREDbW.I Funsral services Frl,. TWA at the residence of Joki-M Mn lane Dnikn.., g JI 8 I u. HUWLir..'. n M. precisely, at AIOUIUKI MA.......IW. M , Witt. II ItnilSr AtM ere Invited. Int. private Friends call -nS eve -.isia SOWINSKY. Jun Jun 7. CARL MJTChWI Sewlnsy. HelXH'S ml tn attend fii-...i,-"P, nn nr Jennie Hfl' friends are Invited A. M.. from his mother's resldnH ft N. eth st. Int. Hely Cresa Cem. ' ? STERNER. Jun 8. JACOB W. STEBifBal Jt A. T.. I. .la... .a... ....J . .-.'K! Circle, kn. RS. B. of A.. ImIm'SH";; Sun.. 1 P, , M. (standard time), late reMd2.SJ Treveae. i-a. int. rnrcst inn- cem TmLI for Trevoae leavea Reading Termlnii 111 A. M. T(l STEWART. en June 3, 1022 MlMi'tl BET. wife of William 8tewart.' OaeiSlI nr nanlel anal Mary aienarev lein..i -".l Denegal, Ireland. Relatives nnd 'frl alen II. V. M. Sodality. Invite . iH en Sat., at 8:80 A. M.. from reaMa-,. ... a .!.. klak vi..-7, s anace i ewir.,.ii mail mass or tBMMBa I at St. -Agatha's Church 10 A. M. InVBgJj TOOMET. June 7. MARGUERITE. disaVl ter et the late James and MarsZl - atav n.. fVT1am.V T.alla.1... .. a V-R I are Invited te attend funeral. Sat., jal it from residence of her broth. r.uj.! Bernarde Seaul. 0200 Catharine st. of requiem Church et St. Carthage H , inT. privair. WALLACE. On June 8. at the Heme, Oermantewn, MARGARET RL BETH WAI.I.AI--K, Funeral services Ssturdav. nt 8 P. M. Interment private. T WALP. June 6. 1022. JAMES WSLR beloved husband of Mary E. Walp. M tles and friends are Invited te allenija rerni aervitca, dw-.. iv , .-.., reileeaSL 1342 Parrlah at. Int. Northweed cm! rrienes may .n-r ii-iiin.na ri, eve I if. Invited te runerni rvice, nn Mnnday. at t M . at rrsldence. 1046 Pine st.. VJH. Pa. Interment private. Greenwood (K. ". P.) Cemetery. Friends may call Sunday' J in p. M. ".. WEIHER-Gn June -J0?2' WII-UAK If husband of Satlle F. elser (nee Legu, aged ui. iteiaiiven nnu irienas. alas Oa ...... .e aahlak k.. a-... ." . erganiBaiiuiia w- ....... ..-. "- metaj invited te funeral .ervlce. en Salurasy. Camden'.' N. J. . Int. prlvaie.liaflelih Caa Frlenda may call Friday 7 te 0 P. M. j WOOD. On June 6, 1022. IIENBirta, widow of Oeerse M. oed, Relallvei sa. friends Invited te funeral servlcei. ea M day. at 8 P. M.. at th residence et mZ son-in-law. Edward L. Powers. J0 Itafc at.. Camden. N. J. Int. private. EvertrS Cem. Friends may call Thursday, 7 11 O. M -a" WOODING. June 8. 1022. MARO, r . nif nf Rebert II. Woedlna- and dat nf Catharlnn and tha lat Jehn O'Neill t Downey). Relatives ami rneima are 1st te funeral. Bat.. 8.30 A. M . from th i ..m -r hae mnther. Mra. Catherlna rvs 847 N. 12th at. Solemn requiem mass at n I -a. a. . .1-. A .....a-aa.fn-a 1. . . a. . unurcn wi n- -....v... . a, a, ; Tr.lv frna. I YOUNO. Juns 7, 1022. JOHN, httttall naia itlsiul itnta !,Wa" or Saran M. xnung mee uucxiei. Htittlf and friends are Invited te atlend fnin Sat.. 2:30 P. M.. from his late residence. 4 Cottman at.. Cheltenham, Int. Lssuikf! Cem. nemains mav ee viewea rn. in. l PARCEL POST if The Lightest Motorcycle ii America Any one can operate It. . ... Only three moving parts In the meter.' Runs 80 te 100 miles en one gallon ei gaa at 8 te 80 mllea per hour. Me economical nnd safe. Write for Catalogue B Come in for tfcmonitretlos YfE WILL ui-Mn vtifCK BLUE PRINT WITH MEBCHANWSe cim .ttfui USSR. mfORvresntr ' ". ...f Baaaa-ia This set. under geed weather will detect messages 300 tlens, DUNN'S Department -.. , . . S 1127 W. Glrard Are., Phil rJ Furs Sacrificed $60 $60 $32 $25 $44 Extra line aeaJlty. '.Jl riniinuin sszimr Beam Marten ther. S selected k'",-rfck.. Haum Marten Cheaif. i Hemrthlns handsemj. , Stene Marten CneWC. !.'!&- rhaker. Kutern Mink Chek-r. r-Al. MA . $12 THESE OOOIW WF.RK M-IT , OUR MANDJ --nraj,, nv a &'".!.. SIS51S) Fridenberg's Lean 0ffl 37 North llth hww n COIN MACHINES Bill, Fruit and efbiri. car" Beels (1822 Medels). J a e jt P Poker Card. Dsweysl 10 n'w, and rabulU. All bsraalns. -,, IVJSAVf.lt. r.mrrru into rest, Juas ,1 1022. MAROARET H.. widow of kdwirtt Weaver, and daughter of late Wllllanf and Kmma K. Qlbsen. Relatives anit laj i aila.r.ll -.888.81 .BBBaJ I 7B.-al -" V wWrftSr )uu i 1 VSBUSS t)mt mr rut tn ..a.a.. atal Bl. ""t y ., . -i . , , - .' ' rir j; tv . r - ' ' J rr urv ik"W Jv. ,' J V. v e i ,A ,4V. v,. , t r.A4feEitee4 &m ,,mM,.. L ',. Mi M&MdjJ&BM iiMmm 'iurv ' ifs v, f" 'U. s T ir,ri iJiji.iJfe'Laral's'UK-r i n Mki.V.,lZiaaWcH:.M.CsUagc.iagl'.''lA tkliv... A rifcAAraiKiiHeivrrTiwsiw M:dMMtI3MaMWJ r