itw hi' .1 i n u riw Fiiwmii Ft' immwibiw ' '' 1 1 i 1 1 ' 11 I'm m i iwiiiww" mt i '"i i'i ' ym I1. t'Wvri.Y.wv'asa.sirnm'.'fwwmaxBnMwmrmm w3SrfHP!vS PJ&ES&mBM 'eKBWaK'W ' ' lOTrS' V rWOTM111 rTpni , w-yirrx$Viayr-i. -ffifw v t ixpxmrfrtymiw f 'pv; - -.v? ; . - , - , ,vvwr 7 ?"" " w?wTrF;w ( '."( ? T EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHlUADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1922 - . f&" bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbka sr .'iifjrcwwimHHBHHHHHMMHSHiHHanKm . umtjmmnmtmwKmrmmmmEJTY'i wrv a or' -fii THE PEOPLE'S FOR UM Utters te the Editor abdsmi Sparing the Red M tMeT ' Kventng rubUe Ledger: ale It waa Cincinnati Judge who i .iker day refused te punlnh a school &$ who had applied the "birch" STene of hl PP- 'hf meth.c4r ?em Siteed te the court and sought dam- .t boy," aald the Judge, "was unduly punished. My mother 'S.Ati me ten times as hard as this fif was struck and I am no worse, but Shir better, because of It. Discipline E schools must be maintained, and tfbW required discipline." ftn It be we are going te get back M lenslble view 01 mt mma na j.lli 01 th' scnoei lenyiier mm wic Sfiittlena that rests upon the pupil iTbVhavt while under the jurisdiction W V a.... Th.t narent nznecta tne -fh when he or she claims the beneflt 3 in education for his or, her children -lUwut admitting the right of the ...i... n command obedience and ob Siinee of established rules. Bltnnden, Pa., June 1, 1022. Pry Law Vlndleatea Itaelf ft IM Bittf cf the Evening Pnblie Ledger; glr The wiggles of the weU are Mdilnff, If net. Instructive. Why does X "I H. n.'' sign his full name If tali proud of his stand with the wets? W would like te knew why he la se nllclteu about the matter. We bus Met he l interested financially. But whatever the reason for bis advocacy, tit fact remains that this question was feniM for nearly a century and finally mb In fair fight by an enormous ma jority. Ne ether amendment te the jvMtltutlen was fought for se long rilnit se strongly Intrenched interests er wen se derisively, and most of the talk against It new Is pure bunk or went. Men with red bleed In their ntfl accept defeat when they are fairly eaten, but n welcber whines, and tee bibt of the wets are In this class. Her did net obey the laws before we adopted the dry amendment, and they de let propose te new. It la probably true that much art and literature, ltke many dry after-dinner mernea. can be better appreciated if tte Jndgment of the Judges Is well wet ip; but the world will be better off if we itt rid of such rotten stuff and sub stitute a quality that will stand the dir Judgment of people net partly irnnk. By raising the quality of the demand we raise the quality of the nppiy. If "L. It. B." will oek about him, U can find many evidences of the geed el the dr law nnd mnny violations by tie wets. If he stnnds for law nnd or der, he should get en the dry side. This talk about the less et the "peer man's dub" is slander. The peer man new red out with his family and they are ill hannler. The allered "club" was simply a trap te part him from his money while his fnmllv suffered. Fortunately, many laboring men nre iwikening and the labor leaders nee thrlr held sllnnlng. Se thev franti cally are asking for drink te again muddle the minds of their followers thnt they may lend them te the advantage tf tie lenders, even If the lending is bad for the led. This seems te be the rational excuse far the action of some labor leaders. The bread and Indisputable fnct thnt fiMlihted men nee In that erganiza tien leads te war. We need lows and conditions fair te all. net a let of "bleei" eneh Reeking their own advnn ttte. C. K. DtHlYKA. Philadelphia. June 4. 1022. Asks Werk for Crlpplea t tin Editor of the EveMnC PubUe Ledger: Sir Why Is It thnt the City of Phil idelphla or the Public Wclfnre Depart ment tllll net nM rrliinled rlflione In obtaining some sort of employment In- nwe ei sending them te the Heuse of Correction when they ere found en the street trylns te honestly earn n few eenti by selling some article? Surely tb would net de this were there any ether way out. ' Everywhere In this fair city gambling Ijei en and is tolerated nnd the victims ff any se-called raid are quickly re leued. Net se with the cripple; he lM te Jail nnd stays. New, why net mak some attempt te nd some work for him with wages te ntly keep him? Did net these same wpplea work during the war? Were ww any seen selling pencils or solicit Of aha. at .that time? Why none? AM they received wages, thnt were nde Mte te keep them. New if one ap- r wr employment It Is always the aane old story : t ',l.ri' erry. but I'm afraid you Mrfdn't de much." We have a Public Welfare Dcpnrt Mt here, but Its chief function seems "nil iT'if ,.'"! We-talk of a ,i,v!!JMut,'u, But city fair en Ittatf0 f0Ul beneBth ,s en Bbem- iS!?,,'K?,r IPPlea te find work !2Jfi Mn '0ce, te commit the WWW crime of selling anything en the .TOHTJ MOAT.r. Kdlidelphla, June 5, 1022. Poems and Songs Desired Asks far Turn niri .. n'dUer of the Xvtnina PubUe Ledatr: Ml u?tM J ..e0" Jrum And an old iSi !? 8enc of th Thru.h"T AUe liit i.KM ;mnl" Oka this: i.hi. ' J "umUred X had a itrance nS7. ??."! ,0'' I '' h.n a bar." "u .V; rS ' weuM p- "uaa.iphia, Jun 41022. e rinrriin. .J"1 ,0 Mr, J- K-'" iu- ''" fr ?k" V'Jl'V ,hat " oh eh oh Beei.ty fn',h,h,..Cthe"e Church Satenalen k.!.0.r ,h United Btti of Am.,i, H Chlca!. " " l8 Ne,th Wabaih ave- W . "Cu?I ' i ,h PP'' Forum, a fcmtluJtW.8h,l, Net Rln Tenlsht" " M M5.htU,t " ,0 '0n' '" r" euM,?". Mern. W7t PhlladtlDhla. n. ,. -- (iiv wnril a. -. ". . ""r W ta n" J't."' mrn"' wh0 " stiens Answered Nr. ....... . . m. ;;v,""": Ier cmprr . Ir Win vnn j4e htderr: Sf" rtlculr.U k,nJly I,r,n, ,n J'01"- "nn S W te Le"neVnin a "i-wk eamp- eiplMn ,,TI", Un 'eun ,nenT 'm the arneunl of feed. te. n'ldtlDl1i, ANQRLO M. PEltni. 111.... """ ' "" ihl Mle fnmpln nd woodcraft, slvea . 'UU of . , -""" eamperi -wear i-n. ancL. in " ihlrt, ""rchlef . "". nnuKranif, oellon ? Iraw.V. T"""' Carrjr iwealar. ???. lew.i . . pa,r ecK, buckakln 2!' Dlaai.r 1 .p,,r meceaalni, aur- "l !,,M;'!: blnk.t. iubbrblankt, S"' wateh k. "' jnoiqulte depa, com. "WWw iJ?V. "hl"ih. comb, .mall r,. tun Vr.nlu.' fork and apimn. The !'.' anieu.i ' .. na wen. iWT. neunt of feed h. feed h prenerlbri for one DWI'I irui 5i'J appear dllv WP- aM fa, UM op V. rjs I w yjjlt's rtfii Wpstr-iti " .:..JrA-J!y..A "jptuii . man for one week la aven peunda of flour, nra pounds of rerk, ene-ntth prtund of tea, two pound of beans, one and a half pounds 2 ,Iuar' enhalf pound of flea, one and a naif peunda of rnlilns, one-tenth pound of lard, en pound of oatmeal, bakln- powder, matches, soap, peppr, salt and tobacco. Three, allotment! of feed are for en man with a healthy appetite for en week, and aiv an accurate Idea of the amount neces sary for ten similarly binned who expect te spend that period with outdoor nature, "Treasury Decision" and Holidays Te the Editor of the Evening Publte Ledger: Blr May I submit for your Inspection a decision from th United Stale Treaeurrf Trsaeury DwUlen 82,048, Volume 21, Ar ticle 1180, reads! "By A Joint resolution of January 9, 1888, January 1, February 22. July 4, December SB and such ether days a may txi deslr nated by the President are mad Federal holidays. By Joint resolution of February 28. 1S8T, Memerial or Decoration Day Is mad a Federal holiday, ny Joint resolu tion Jun 28, 1894, the Hrst Monday In September In each year, designated aa La. bnr'a Holiday, Is mad a least publle holi day. "Th national holidays art January 1, February 22, May 80, th flrat Monday In Beptember, December 25 and such ether daya as may be dedmated by th President. If a holiday fade en Sunday, th fol lowing day shall b observed." j, r - Phltadelphla. June (5, 1022. The "Treasury decision" offered above aa a contradiction of th People's Forum's statement that there arc no "national holi day," does net abresat th fundamental law of th land. Congress by Joint resolu tion or th President of the United States, en his own motion, may recommend te tu various States the observance cf certain daya of th year aa holidays. This recom mendation Is tantamount te a declaration, but actually it Is only advice thai generally but net Invariably Is followed by the States. Each Stat et the Union Is supreme In Its control of Us domestle affairs, and proclama tion et a holiday by the President, whether at the Instance of Censreas or otherwise. Is followed by similar proclamations by th va rious Governors of States) and It Is this Utter proclamation that establishes th holiday In the political division ever which th Gover Gover eor has Jurisdiction. Tlis expression "na tional ,heltday" Is a misnomer, though fre quently It Is employed aa a "courtesy" deelg deelg natien. "Legal holiday" la the correct rhrase. In soma of th States, deaplt th "Treaa tiry decision" offered abev by the People's Forum correspondent. May 80 (Memerial .or Decoration Day) Is net a holiday, lel, "na tional" or otherwise, these States observing another Cay for the same pious purpose, and In at least en State Thanksgiving Day la observed by public compliance with custom els-where and net by statute lawr as wai stated In reply te a People's Forum reader June 3, flUMMKH tlKSORTft Atlantic crrr. W. J. 4iehla?8Ui A.. nap hh amd IliMnlBlb AtltntO CltVa meat tkMudfuI het! ertifiti. roeTtnltM te ft) chsirfhef , plfrt ed ttitrj ntetatirn id vtvit aaiui, open urreunainvi. an chMrfel ciUld view rooms, nwlj furnUhtd and oeertt4 thruetit, raniKt accommodation! ana aceritn innjeai, rami for moteriiti. Het and lUAt RVNNINa WATER IN ALL ROOMS Slnale or eniultr.prlrete bathe: tlettrlellghte, eltftter lerrlee, leinrleua tan parlor, eperfeQi ttraetlfe muile and danea room. ana vaair I Is a speelil feature; wonderful home roeking, fraah vegatabtea. Beat tna market atTerda. white atrrlee. American nlan. tl &0 un daOet I M op dally. Seerlal weekly. I ltiena ml J. Ownarahlp management. j milFORT WITHOUT BXTHAVAGANCB S .HOTEL, VI IOJERTOlN KtMurkv Art,, nintr beath and BeardwaJh renna Unt te Catholic aad Prottsttvet Charrheii thoreufhlff ran or at d and Medern In rr datallj epn aurnwD 'n: private baths Het and sold RUNNINl WATER IN EVERY ROOM electric light; elaealer: aun parlor; epaetege perehaaj f'rae bathing from hotel; wemle rful meala (borne cook at), American r'an (with meala) tl M and op dallr. peelal weekly: 12 00 and up dally Lurepean plan; re fined patronage. Br ateppln at the Rllvcrten yea are aasured of a wonderful time while eUiting Atlantle City. Write for Booklet Ownership Mananeneat. SI.KF.1' WIIERK I.IFK IS SAFEST llrlrk, Hteel nnd Stene Conatruetlen Ocean and 8. Carolina A v. 1. intent iiieUiinK rat heus of modern lariie city cuiiftrurtlen. n 1 ana Celd Kunning Water in all Reems Private llnlhe F.lrtnler French chef. Excellent table. JVhltn service. Orchestra. Dunrinx. Free tintheuaea for gueata with DenrdHnlk entrnnce. All wlndea screened. 13.30 and up dally, Am. plan. 12 UP. Hu, plan. Special weekly. Ilneklet with autn read map mailed. I'h. 4nl4-13in. PAL't. C. neSHCRA NM. Owner It Proprietor ALBEMARLE Virginia ave. nr. beach, block from famous Steel Pier. Improved at a coat of 185,000, making this heuge atrlctly modern In eery senae. Klectrtclty thrueut, RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Spacleua eelarlum; aun deck; private baths: elevater: 8,S0 day Am. plan: tl.,10 day un Kur. plan. O'nerahlp mgt. OAI1I.H DBV1TT M A Better Medamte Unto Hetel " WELLSB0R0 KENTUCKY AVKKUR NKAR REACH CeTr beuaa. epen itirreundlnts: oantre of all attrae tsna and Plan . Kannlna; watar In roems: prlrate baths, fro batblntf priTlttges rromAetal, KUetridty threuf b- oej; iviaTater te siref. laaia anaictuea. hhui ter te atraat raiiy, spe-aai woeair. Anmwi pian. SlieMalaU WeMklV. AMdrsietaUl NqiU. Dudnv. Oftraga. Pbena IfW. BoeklM. New Owaanblp Haaacat V-RALPH MBCKIaBf R IO GRANDE NI.W YORK AVg AT.BEACI 100 Koema with Kunnlng H liter J9 up (Europ. plan) Special wkly, Fireproof, lllevater, aarage, New Ownership Mnnagement NONE SO INDIVIDUAL AND DISTINGUISHED A3 Jke SENATOR VIRGINIA AVCNUC SOAPtOWAUK An ocean front hotel. Brick construction. Newly renovated. I-argeat perch overlooking ocean Kicellent meals. It coats leaa te atay with us than It does te stay at an Inferior hotel further removed from Ileardwalk. Writ for booklet. LEWIS Illinois A PaclHe Ave., near Ileach. NEW OWNERSHIP MANO'T. Tlunnlng water In roems: prlv. bathe: med, it.thTn. from tmial. Oaraas. June ratea la.fiu day up, IIS week up. Amer. plan: 12 day up i KUrep, linlt, UfltAji vauw, turmerir pre I pricier jpiruee ...... OLMHURST HOTEL aaa Ave., t Beseh aad Banl ran a. OaBaetty get, rrlnta Alkerl I. Deraell ALTER HALL U. Carullna ae. nr. beach. Running het and cold water and elect. In all roema. Sped. early aeaaen ratea. Am. and Uurep. plan. MRS. K. RTAN m. ITHC rwrrLsaajwiTM hemc coMrevvs MEW IIOLLAIMP Ocean end flew Yark Are. Kaaentl Yark Are. Kaaentlally modern, running water, electric HghU, line, (home reealnii). Ilneklet. igement. Cliaa H,WueI.Jr,Mgr. J I'rirate balhi tlnateelled cu 'rlrate batha, n Inetcelled culalr Ownerahlp management HOTEL CARLTON Chelaea ave. ft Ileach. Reems en suite, with prlv. bath. Every room het and cold running water. Med. ratea, Owner, mangt. J K. Zanall. liene Atlantic City ell.VW HOTEL CONTINENTAL jr.r.,r'.;ppnheniw'r' y feEM' CTasat PITNFY Nw Tern At, nr. nrach. R rillvba rurniafcd and rdceratd, Ka rellent accommodations with horn cooking, IS dnll. Hpeciai weeaiy, J. iiiuhail MILLER COTTAGE JV,,,Sr, for It. table. 13 up dally: UT.R0 up weekly. 1 aih.ea.iin Emersen -Crouthamel. Mar. T A artD INN Ocean n4 Conn.etl.ut A. I AeUK mil ia, loeatloni large, air tumi cHnt aWl 3th waaeBT owner gigml. fprlna rate. I. r. A, a. uaa. THR PI.A7A Bt. Charls Paefla. JM- ... . . . BbM reuedlngew Open all Tear.' B'OUIt COMFOBT-OOIl SUCCESS" ill Dmrr.Kr.iJ Mreeaarlra Plaf. Ah baths, tea aasrasleaea I aaeseH JCMMBIi RKSOBTS ATATticciTTf. 1777 HOTEL OEOL THE "CECIL" ta the hob of Lrmcfea for business or pleasure. C Visitors have the advantage of the right addreas with a reasonable tariff. O, The service is rulet and unobtrusive, ret always full efficient, nothing is lacking in comfort or convenience, and the cuisine I perfect Write er CaUe Sfte Hump for tWaartfC CaMesl CeeaMs. laalw." 14 i'iS? sOB ' . r eH luinSMBeQiaOK saatakw I yV aKKIIIsflDlMfl ffllaWiMKA V JMaHBD fflillfllllKiT j-jjUBsmSSmBk Hi ml Tymwoei). n. j. un.nuoen. n. j. gagagWgaBjBtlnoiea CQa.9 t --- -' -ggei. ai i inaat- vacatiehh s; CT"" Visit Wlldwoed by the Ses, where every sort of Summertime Attractien.awaita veu. s Safe, level bathing beaches, gradually sloping into the m warm water of the Atlantic Ocean: the faarfnatlmr TtnarHwalk. .nil III"" SUJW lined with throng of premenaders enjeing the cool salt air and the many forms of entertainment; inland heys nnd water Elf ways ier nsning, oeaung ana sailing; tennis, dancing, etc. NKW M.1IOLK GULF COUllSK OI'ENS JULY 1st Fer farther lafermattea. addreaa . eOlHTWaiCHT SMITH Managing Director Wltdweed Beard of Trade WILOWOUO, N. J. fe ATLANTIC CITY. N. J, BOTHWELL Virginia Ave., second house from Boardwalk and trteel l'ler. Kvery appointment. Highest atandnrd In cuisine and service. Booklet. Htwlal weekly rates. J. Ilethwell. Prep. KENTUCKY Kentucky Ae. nr. Ileach. Cap, 900, Running water. Prlv. bntha. Orch. Dancing. 18.80 dly. Special wkly. Th. allltV-W. King a) Earhart On Ocean front at Mentpelltr ave. Suite with bath, running water all roema: elevater: Spring ratea 14 day up, 124 up wkly. Amer lean plan: alae Kurop. plan. H. M. nKBVKA WIIP.N flOINO TO ATLANTIC CITY CLARENDON" Vlrk'lnla ave. H blk. te bch. A Hteel Pier. Run, water In every room Menree Hutchlna. HOTEL SOMERSET Arkansas Ave., two doers from IJeach, Hun nlnv water. Hlectrlc llghte. American plan. tH up dally. 115 up weekly. N. J. Kerihaw. niiiiut Ai, iimr iieiich. Itunnlnit water In uverv roeMi l'rlvme hatha. Peraenal direction LINTON H. AH.NOI.D. RIO " Yer'' Avf nt "nch- 10 room with running water. Kurop. plan, (If GRANDE ,l Sped, weekly. New Uiyrnityc Ownrr.hlp .Management. UraXPI IfAPTAM 0 S. Mt. Vernou a' " srk"" a v w.i. i.wu A mer. plan 13 day up. $17 wk. up, llalhlitg rem hotel. Htl.NN I NO WATP.It IN HOOMS, from SKereham Virginia Ave. near Ileach. onercnam Cip 2S0 Amer JlB tJ M up dally. Ilathlng prlvllegea. Aleis Oruber. TPArV 112 he. Tenneaaee Ave. near a W nrh. rata. Mra. I.KWIS formerly of MBLTtOlIB HALL IMPPRIAL Maryland Ave. near Ileach. linrcninie nunnn, water. Private hatha American plan. Special rat's. B. HKVK83T UP AI Y"i OCEAN" KENTUCKY AVaT "C,WI 'Running water In roema. updally;SpeclaJ weekly. 17th aeaaen. CHESTER INN :L Tf ,k AT- wrai a -. mhi bear! Amerle.n ni. I All convenience. MTtH D. KNAUEw' ' Westminster Kentucky Ave. nr. Beach. i vveunn.r KlevMer( prat. ,,,,, running water. Open all year. A V. KOPP. -MARTINIQUE irRuAe?,. ft 11 nn up eanr. lii mu riuran TiaertaiL RFI.VEDERE " Carolina Ave. nr. Beach. OtLYCOtnt. ,llln w,Ur a)1 rm p lathe Klevater. Amer. plan. (Ilnnettl Urea, Neeur' Clarien Kentucky Ave. juat off new UanO"!,.!!!, p. K. Ilonlfaea. Ralston. Aahbroeke 128 B1 Jame. pi. aiSten'nauutuwacXnlfr t Kurnp, P,nfc WlLTlWOOn, N. J. HAVILLA Krke Ave. near Reach. Under imtiuui nw manic.m.nt. Ooed table. Homelike, rnmfnrtahle rma. Mr.n. A. Heward CnP.CTfN HflTFI. Hpwlal Spring J1",'a. weal inrni.. .mir. ... ... i.umina, "lgr. WASHINGTON N,w management. Can wAaninuiuiitril Thre ,, rull erean view. Ooed table, g. J. Blnnamen. Mar. BREAKERS "eardwalk. Het and unenrtbtw co)(1 runnn water. Prlv. hatha. Oar. Ilklt. flee i. iv. mr nnamen. Owner. KEYSTONE 20th " Jlunnlng wat.?! TEMPLE HALL ,"n,1,r sw mat. a. a Kiur bb unuu ,. ,,r av CeminlnU plan. Hf week up. Aute met train. rRESiONT. 148 B. clielllngar. IJ.BO'day; Am. nl.n Rltnt. tahta. Mra IB u.v..! """ r' ' - mmv..W9Wm '' lrlw nt hknv i.. n 1..k ..... ... ---.--. ..... m x. . .w.UB Ideal ,SB E rir"' Fur- rn"' wl,h nr with- out neuscKpg. priv. Mrs, r. Downey. Arcadia Picturesque. Unusual environment. nrcauiB Mlllfne,, nt pacinc. MRS. r n. MAXWRLI, t ' Lvndhurtt 2,n, Cedar, 4 doera from Board Beard LJUU" walki run, water. Mra. Ol.m.M Cedar Hall Crdar Ay' " Bsa. Run- vtu" " nlng wat.r. Mr. U. Olark.. New Colonial Ai! a's'l rooms. Prlv. a cw uiuutaa pub Mn, T K Byren.Prep. FENWICK ""ta" and R.staurant 6TE r uiltivn Penna. R. R. atatlen. RoekUt BeTlwvn Olenwoed Av, nr, beach. Rual C'"fy" "'" "" Bklt. Mr. Meu.l.y wimwoen treht. n. j. MT VCRNnN hR " ? . 1111. luiutvit Kiceuent labia, DklL B. Johnaten uwnr. OCEAN CREST ""'usive aectlen. VJVElv vnii Running wat.r. Med, rat.. Ownerahln Mn'g't. O. T. KINO. JUSTICE APT3. "f aaa aata. amustmants. Med.rat ttrre. Bathing treat gauss. Larg brassy perch. W. A. Justkae' fiAlfLYN m. PH Ti Mat ""T!w".e. asaaarata eenaax .Wi. 'fgiaaWrL.ljraf. - ..l....:,:;i. .,. - SCMMF.R ItRSOliTS ATLANTIC CITY. N, J. H 9 (INR OK TIIOHR ! Splendid hotel and nearntng n,euee accom modations te meet ev. erv mirae. cottages, bunsalewa and apartments te rent ier me aeaaen. SH E L D O XT WIMwneri's Finest Hetel xl Amer. plan 14.00 Per day up. X i Igft per week up. D. J. Weeda WILDWOOD MANOR Wlidwoed. N. J. Cap. 400. Ocean front. Aniar. Plan. Kunnlnsr watar. Dandntf. Tannls, tI? esina. r,,tAfer, urehfttra, "" eeai ,!. lairvniwr, vrrciivairaaa Oelf-ALhlX. McMURRAY A hON HOTEL DAYTON Wlldwoed'a meat ntnlern hotel. IM.OOO en lmpree Btcnu thla rear. 8iiceua da te calilne and eervie. Capacity art Booklet. K W. McMnrray. Prea ARLINGTON Fine location near Beaeh. Capacity 200. Hub nlng water. Prlv. ba'fia Med, rates. llklL Hetel SAVOY Heschfrent. Cap. 150. neieunvwi nunnlng water. Prlate baths. All nutalde roemn. Booklet. W. H. OEHWTK1.. Owner A Manager OCEAN CITY, N. JUNE VACATIONS Special weekly rate. American plan. Superior culalne ana er- tlte. Runninir water, rrivtie l.nll. t'rlle for nl lee. INCO OCEAN CITY.N.J. V OCEAN CITY'S 1 m i5rmaiaie I OPENS tanorsJcMefOceaniBMru lC-P6crty600 BS!g3 'am 'mstzi DOIRUTDN Ttn and Avnu. Open DKlUtllUn Jun, 2i. All rm. electrically lighted. Roeme with 01 without bath. Het and cold running water. Elevator service. R. B. BOOY SEASIDE 0th Btre.t near Boardwalk OPEN JUNE 20TH Everything new and modern. Running water In all room. Private bathe. American plan. LA MONTE Sth and Ocean Ave. Escellent table. Med. rjjieaDenenyear. MRB. M. It. THOMAH erABRnRntir.H Ocean Ave. near 8th. Qwnniv,wv." Enlarged. Runninir a- at er In eery room. I). B. McAlllater. UVrtMINI"! Sth A Ocean. Enlarged and WlUminU r.medeled. Uunn'ng water la ev.ry rm. Heme cooking. M.A.Mtlner a Ben. DAinr.H Nw "P". "t and cold ma-E.lura runnlnr WRter In all rooms. Jun. rates. MRS. MARTHA STEWART. THF IVRANIC n,h and Wesley inc. sjv,cvii-Sl)teU, Iew ntta ter Bienth of June. A. E. BAKER. ST. GEORGE Sth st. nr. beach: renev, W. rain l'eter. Proprl.ter K iij iril PUll Tl T10 Moerlyn Terrace. Kurp. ATfll FN 0th a Central, Running water la ftlULEil u rmli xm.r. plan O.H. Henry CTRANI eih W.aley. Running jraUr, 9 1 SSJWtL Mus JOHNSON RONET. HOTEL HENRY '&4n ,.'.; The Imnerial N?ar Beach, bpeclal June . .. , rate. A. M. MeOREOOK QWANNflA "n and Centrnl. Amer. and 7tn ami t-entrai, Amer, and I Europ. plan. cettaa. ii. r.nip.i vs.. ...... TTT- ROSLYN "I" Csntral. Fttr. room. Near -,, RUJlein tchi f. O. BUELL. I Jr MFI.RO.SE "th and Aabury, Hew open. ...-. Hate. 1 TOHN U VAN TIN K. Halcvea Hall Am,T ". it'" w. w. naicyea aiu Uy ,Vt M ,. n Maw.ii RKTAYNE Run'g wtr In .ry room. rIJV VC noeklet n BI.irNDlN. err.N CITY. N. . "Amerlrn1. flrenteat Family Reaert" TENEYCK-LOKAINB (Ith and Cmr.l ate. Near beach. F, E.TENKTCK. IIAMF lN'N Fiirnlahed HoeTn. Ceittraiiy located Mid Wealey Avenue. REACH HAVEN, N. J. I the ;engleside,w; Private Ixitha with aea and freah water) five tennla ceurt: booklet. R F. ENOLK. i aigr. aiae tne Lnvingten. weal muaaenella. n MII.EM AT HEA HOTEL BALDWIN sach Haven. N V. New open. fleeclal rate, for famlll.L N.w JsrJt-S-nlefj-lliO Broadway BREA1 aven pf Real. Beating, ttfUPRtt ff aa JUvW aaaavakai a a. . i.J V77 lrailiiaiiii iiialiliitMaLi! ", ' i' iK., ;;! JWMMKBRESOBTSJ . CAPK AlAV, N. . HCXMXIMBIA Newly renovated. Reems with bath and a suite. Culsln and service uneaeelled. Large perches. Elevator. J. W. MBCRAT A BHO. New Stockton Villa On the Beach. Open June let Unusual raise for June and July. ff ). DAVIB. HOTEL WINDSOR '$ 5 Capacity 800. Het and cold running water In every room. Private baths. Klevater. Ownership directions n. HA I JIM. Pf)l ONIAL. Directly en reach. Amer- Private baths, Elevator, Blectrlelty, 20tk eeasen. W. II. Cliuncn. Owner a Prem. Hrte4 Vtrcrtnui Jacksen at. near beach. notes Virginia 0ptn(1 ,une ,6 ,, B0 np dally. Elec. Igte, prlv. bths. J.J.Bhocker.prep. STAR-VILU nnJ a,SJft. vatert ownership management. C. , Chereh, LAFAYETTE Nw mgt. Open June 84. " a DAVIB A TATIXJn. THK MARCY, Cape May. N, J. Furnished renma. Single. Idp; Deuble, llOJe lis, ENJOT RATniNO AT CAFKMAT. N. T Fer Booklet, write Heard et Trade. ' AVAI.ON. N. j. THE PRINCETON AVALON. . NK1V JKRHKV Rgcellent culalne. nunnlnv waftr. hatha. Near beach. JOBBP1I T. DILATUni. Pre. iir.KjiiviiT u. nnKi), Manager. MKA IRT.K CITY W. f. Surf HetMaa Central! located en Bsm1i " i-0W f t,... TO swine in sae Ptinucii ai nOTKL HTRVKNS Directly en Boardwalk, rer. ai trarep. pian. it. t. Btevene. rrea. HKA ISLE CITY. N. . Tr Information write City Clerk. City flea Aa-DCBY PARK. N, J. The West End Atbury Park, N. J. Facing Ocean, Modern Throughout. frt a day up American Plan. t3.R0 a day up European Plan. Reduced Weekly Ratea en Application. L. TenBreeck Duane HOTEL WELLINGTON 0TH AVE.. ASRURY PARK, N. t. Right at ocean, running water In every room, electric Uinta; capacity 32S; mualc, dancing) booklet Hpcclal early rate. C, W. IIABT. OwneralUp-Management PLAZA HOTEL AHI1URY PARR, N. J. Only Rurepean Hetel en the Ocan front. Headquarter for auto tourists. JAier din nera a apeclalty. m CORNISH ARMS 0,! KnZUy au 0-erloeklng Ocean Running water In room. Exceptional table. Special rate for June and July. OEO. II. COKNISH. Owner and Manager JOTIOTtlrl KV SZKIONMi.-JiSlXncX taxkmS, Ocean Hetel' Running water; elevater: white serv. Ratea i8? up.-0. KWELL A CRAWFORD. lli'Jiil?0. Owner a Managers LORAINE ; 8 Tnn JTa'hway. Full Ocean View. Tnble a feature. Phene: Aatmry 2IP4.W. Commedore 8,h Av- North Aabary Running water. Batha. JOBEPHE. POTTEn VirTflDIA ?," Ave. 80 yard. fr. B.ach. llllUlAlA "et Celd running water. ' 1VIW'" n. A. a M. W. BUTTON STIRLING 205 SunMt Ave.. Anbury Park. snn cola water, prltatn buths. c. R. VI;.ST Hetel Thedford Or?r,,00,n" a- Run- w water In all rooms, Prlv. bth. Bklt. Harry Dufflald. Own, m Prea. G&8D 100 Third Avenue. Running e'er. Half block from ocean. Herace I- Franc aanrtaiv n.nv ivmaumnu ,. ...".?-- -."..n... ,... iivnrwii- Addrese City Information nurejtuanejteard. I NORTH ABnfRV PARK. N. J. Hetel SntJNQJAJiEJIKAt'lLNjJ, TOeviiTen On the Ocean Spring Lake, N. J. Surrounded by Green Lawns and I Gardens, at the Edge of the Saa. Cnpailty, 330, Gelf, Beating, Tennis, Riding Miiliaement. ANDREW J, Ml'RI'HT ownership, WILLIAM B. 8TUBBS BY, i uinut.ip.MT hetm. OPENS JUNE 22 LUKECLENNONMS new yerk erncc sazrirTHAVE ROOM 110 Til. VANPEnilT 1BOO THE ALLAIRE SPRING LAKE REACH, N. J. Directly en The Ocean front. M. HULMF.g ocean ium:.N Jl, GRAND ATLANTIC Bearh and Main Area., Ocean flreve. N. t. , Het and cold run, water In rma. Europ. plaa ' wltti cafeteria .rating i-'0t attached: ijuallt: i rvtc. Tel. 14T0. M. J. VOn:UINO ' Ocean Greve Hetel I Main Ave. Overlooking com, Amer. m European p'an I'lmn. Aabury 20ST, A. M. and L. M. Orlgg MAJESTIC HOTEL Directly en the Bench Elevator ervlre, running water In moms, , Vuder new m.nagemeiit. WM. T. BAYERH. ' HOTEL WHITFIELD Fireproof. Ov.rloeklng ecean: central te all mu. Med, imprev. Chap. M. Hirnga. , DDCAIsflTDC 4 SURF DlfkHllLlleJ AVE Dibnni.ii3 ave. At th ernftti Ttl.Anh Tark L'Kat.I.V.Aluntferte Ardmore-Summerfield 6-a Ocean Pathway Running Wkter n.wly ,n...n.H n...n vl.w Tel. 7Ml K t. Sh.M v - " -r-- - - ..--. OCEAN HOUSE V."V.n..VS,,, he?.7 lat-iaa ramtly netl. I W, Pan. IIP K. nune.n y.ll.y New Centennial A,m,r' J1'": ca- x. new vtunuawi NeR, and Audi. tnrlum. T.I. ph. Wrlie for Inf. I, M. Wnile "A OOlin PLrK TO ROARII" LA VAHSAH IIOl'hE. Oceitn (ireve. N. J. annri oieaa irem ocean, tow rat THE QUEEN " Ocean Oreve, N.J7" Ocean Pathway Directly ." -MJSSSfSd mm Directly en the m.ean. , " WR?. r. meller en front. Drean Frnnt Hnnaa Olrectly en the r ucean rreni nouie WRS r MK, , rOINT rLKAHANT. tt. f. FINE BLUFF INN Point Pleasant, N.J. Asseag tb plaea ea Ik beautiful Manaaqeaa Rrrer shore. Kvsry aitreeilea of there, rlrer.nd country. Allouideorsport. Orehn Orehn tra.Newnpen llenklei 11.8. BKRaneWRH, MONMOUTH REACH, N. J. MONMOUTn REACH INN., Monmouth B.ach. Lena Branch. N. J. Thoreuehlv med.rn: elevator, bathing soot, t.nni and oey aeasHarg in Lf iW1: yyvv,inH Ly fifftMffllv-r"1' iln-y The .-r TaJfaflilW'T'Br. Ullf' OPENS JUNE JVVIlV l'lARCEST ON NORTH JIRSE1TSH0RE " J r MnDTU AAntlDV dadk.m.i1 Ki aBBBJ BBB BBB SffiV9jisaL 5r? 1 yZK ifTg-TrfflV- --11 -Tjlllliaii n" tte, J riw ajtATIHTrN. it AnneuntHnff trie? opening for te aecenrf ttuen of aSockten .TeaGirf.NJ. On th Ocean flrenl In th pine and holly aectlen, one mil aeuth of Spring Lake! a charm ing hotel accommodating 200, with Ma own. boardwalk, its own private beach wfid batrrneuaes; elarht acre et ? reunds: casino and tea heuse: dane sg, tachtlng, tnnls, gelf: high-class accommodations moderately prlcta, HAMT! OWJTKRWHP A riTR WAMtKN, RPRINO IARB. W, II. Htubbs BltlJIArt. N, J. MPI HOSF INN Directly en ecan. Nwly H1CLP.UDL inn renevat Hungarian culsln. Kosher. Music, Dancing, Ilathlng free, special rates $25.00 per week jt Our meala the beet en the reaet. BKAHIPB PARK, S. J. The Manhasset Ptn nnl revltr en.tbf eeenn front. Cnnaelly IBS. iKiet. . ' OPB TFHNKW. Owner-Prep. TKa. Oladwvn Twlxt Dr and Oceaa PKLAWARK WATER OAP. PAt Tha GlenWOOrJ Delaware Water Oap, Pa. IBS UiraWOOH New 0w) Capacity 400, Oarage, ballroom, orchestra. Oolf, ten nis) all amusement. Fer booklet addreaa HILT IIROS.. Mar. KARAMAC KAMP Wh"r ,v" "" "a rwiruuTiAi, intur a fni (lme n,,hlllf free beat, tennis, hikes, dancing, entertain ments, oeoa tnings te eat. nates lis te 20. Write for booklet. L. FKINDT. Director. RWaf View Heme !Srw?", " Centrally located. IJeatlng. bathing, fishing All mdn. Imprmts. Mrs.Lliile T.La llarr Kat DELAWARE HOUSE gR,-. home cooking, farm preduat. Indoor and outdoor sports. Roeklet. Frank L. Yarrtck. Ferrest Heuae Centrally located. Prlv. re"Ml raeuaej htthti ex.enent ublt m rlc. Beating, flahlng. A. L. MAR3H, HILLCRICST Hew, modern, centrally located; bathing! running water, nfederat rat. BoefcUt. F. C. HOWARD. THK LAUREL RITK1E, Del. Water Oap. Pa. Heme table and produce. Mra.W.Bhcllenhergcr Re11ewtte Cap. 180. Xtun. water. Dancing. pcaicvuc Nw n Kelly 4 Burke. Kittatinnv Delaware Water Oap. Pa. New open. Spec. Beaen Rate. MTAWNEE-ON-THK.nKLAWABK. TA. $msmti fie Ideal Country Hetel et America SHAWrv ON OELAWARC.PA. none ettih SMMmu (ewtntt cum. NOW OPEN. FIRE PROOF. BUCK WOOD INN COMPANY. , . NVOHTHINOTOM. Prwaldarvt, NORTH WATER OAP, PA. Cataract Houa North Water Oap, Pa. faiBTBCl nOWeHem, coeklns, medrn. til indoor and outdoor aperta. gerag. rat reaaenabla. Booklet. A. V.. Wlnegard m Ben Pine Terrace "Ih Leda-. Bungls. ; atrtatk a-ine a errata modern, all outdoor aperta. ewn farm prod. N. Water Oap. N T. Traneee MOI NT POCONO, PA. rWF ELV1N "' I'Ot-ONO. PA. Ua- iiu LLvm lcW culiln am reason. Running water. private batna, Bbewer en acu fleer. Booklet. A. J. MLUTTKR. HAWTHORNE INN "ft Non-Heusekeepln cettagea te rent In ran re; t en Willi Inn. tnnklei.i.. Mjli:s'(j.ER DEVONSHIRE PINES J,1 Htwcial Hprlng Ratea. Fishing. Bnthlng and Beating. uoeKlet. ll. u. Humpnrey. The PENNHURST ew op,n- tin uiniiwiwi e r n. ezrelleat table: qul.t and homelike. Ml Mary I'rlea. Pecene Mt. Heme Man' lmf.r"- ments Kort Kert fnur years Ownerahlp management. Bklt The Clainnent Elant locution. Ijtrge IRC viuiruiuill ,aHn, Hnmellk- I'scel- lent tame, i, i ri FukyTEWNNTmi. Pecene. Pa lent table. (L. BMITH. AUt. Inurlat hdar : geed table: el.aa.nt aur. reunding: raoie. Ilklt O. L. -Megargel. OIpti Garriff Modern, ace. I Vjlgn v,aiT'1T n ;n.hkit e .1 8.1. garage Armstrong BTROVD'inrRO. TA. HIGHLAND INN J- -..j. -Med. .rA nrlv.te b.thn. Outdoor annrte- am and private batha. Outdoor sperts: aoe'1 resd. etrn... own garnen ana nnlrv Med irnte rate. Vrlle for nklt Wm P. Morten KAHTMTH0l'Slll'Rl.IVi. TURN VILLA m I,uh,i' p. BunKa IUIn lbU ,im, n.i'ilng lench. Ren. nnntil. rule. Oueil Cneklnir. Homelike. Ilnnk. let. L'tidr miniigenient M. II. Turn Eatnig. "llie Maplehurat Inn, U. Hlr"Ui1abui"r. V. Arc. SOO. Spacleua eranrtn. eligely lawn: farm. garage MR. nnd MRS. W. M BURNETT MOUNTAIN LAKE llnuae. mdrn.. horn. Ilka, ewn farm, beating, paining, geed cooking. fay Huffman R K.D S. I!. Blrnmlaburg. Pa. Oak Greve nu"s Tari. aunpiied from en UBK urevc ttrm Homelike. All (nu m.nte. Med ratea. Rklt. Mrs. E. L. Wyckoff. "" MARBHAI.L FALLS HOUSE '.able auPBlt'd frnm out own farm. Heautlful ecenerv en Bnahklll I'lke Nerman Heffman Sunriae Cettaee "na i"a''- hem com. eunrisc i-e".: for. ,,,,, leclll0n 0oe4 feed. Booklet. MRS. J. L. BIBUINU TANNERVII I.E. PA. " POCONO HOTEL '" an yr. ied. rvrwwiiv . w . " Rmi ratea. Run. water Oar. Teurlet Caterer. E. I LOW. CANAUENMi. PA. LAUREL GROVE INN "ft; Hnderni geed table i g.rarai IIS week: bklt. t The Meuntaimlde In roceno: med.ra I ue iiiuiiu.ii.v eenv.n,, rnmferUbl. Hatea re.annahle. riAnklet. Wm I .en, aggr fine IUied inn ' '?'" "?.' ' Own farm product.. OEO. W. CRAJ.E! niencalrn Villa "m. comfort, geed nan. -.-- mK in Ilklt Mra. M. II. Mnlr CRESCO. PA. MAPLE LAWN """&Jth,lyr , ur Ooed table Mnd.rn. roeklet Renaen.M rnf. V. "EOVI KEN. The Old Inn A rffln family heteu con- a lie wiu .aau ,,,nly nciel: nell.aup. riled Mhl: rate, en .nrllrnllnn. t I, Btaprt MOUNTAIN HOME. J, MONOMONOCK INN i Mountain Heme, Pa In the Heart of the Pecene.. Roem with prlnte bath. Write I for booklet. rMe. and reeerntlnn. New MeUDt Airy Knji'sly remodeled med lmpreetnent. Ilklt. Hurry K. Heller WAYSIDE INN ?!" iJ.. oed ,,.,,,. n...n.hi. fjjtb'-' Reaaenabl. cooking; cool and com. H. T. HM1TII LAANNA, PIKE CO The Lancaiter ftr'Vec"!,''- ?",' , information, nauahan Tvt?: .,nif HEKCIINLT fOTTAOE. in th. -p07,riu it.: horn, coeking: rat.. 114 per wk up tiaii a. '....'' tsa. t.e,, . -... tl B.r.nn. T aairaeiei lilt., i-. n. WERNKR8VILLE. PA. The Highland esiiantruiiy tmuat.d n ine nniiimm BeJlh Meunlmlll 0erleklng th fameu Labanon Valley. Tna Meal place te spend Memerial Day titmilut, Rale moderate. Open June lit. Writ for booklet. Highland Hetel Company, j IB iWARO. FRIES. Pre.ldent ' SUNSET HALL ,,, abeve sea level; overlooking beautiful .nil nlaterlcal Lbnen Vallr. Med.rn Iniprove Inipreve Dienia. Su:rler table. " 'u,r iife. k nn.. u.. HlUtide 2aglful View.. Modern gar.; "'""" Term, medernte. fi.rh,, GALEN HALL 'Ti-- w Open -- iiraiiKii.L-.r,c BI'SHKILL. PA RIVERSIDE h".h.'T, me''-' "" siwr.i On the llalawara cut.'ne: aanrTnat'SlTrJK! Anklet. Knta? Urel! The Lnurelten FJ,!"ni'' ""'a, ort,, root remfnr.. hnm.tlk. i Arr nnnvrurd te nn.hklll ' T0RiTfTNNA7"PA ' Chickeiter "s.00On, elevation. Tee? .7 . bsnna.Pa, Mr Chlrheet.r. Bklt '"" BWJFTWATER." PA." Th Swiftwater Hwlftwater. Pa. New nnen fn. h. Blst aeaann. JOHN H. WOODLtNO. aCalTTIOritTltXK. TA, s5 "? "ma.. - r.l. ,...?Au.t Weal lajaj; RUMMER RES0Rri "HWARTIIMORKr PA. HARVART) Single room or en suit. ZKIOLKRHVILLK. PA. HIGHLAND TERRACE INN In beautiful Perklemen Valley! Ideal place te apend your vacation. All outdoor amuse ments. Parties. Tea, Manquel catered te. Chicken dinners a specialty, Med. appoint appeint ments: med rates. Oarage. Rklt. Zleglers vllle 8ta Reading Ry Delphi P. p. "I'liene Hchwetikavllle IQ-R-g. A. F. Hchuler. Prep. ORATKBFORIt. PA. firalerfnrrl Hetel, Along the Psrklnmee. uraicnera Ame p4rl,i,. Chicken dinners. Oar. Airy rms. Ph. Oellegevllle 10 R-2. K. R. OIX)CKER. Pre . art. ciBicTNA. ta. Hetel Conewago a:. Open Jun 94. 11)33. Fer ratea address m P. L. Wr.t.VTKW. Prep. VAIJ-KY yOROK. rA- WA9IIINOTON INN Chicken and Waffle Dinner BANini. J. VOfinilKKS. Prne. COOrEBSTOWN, H. T. Leathentecking Corporation aMnewrwes fhal Wt)z -teaga en OTSEOO LAKH. COOPSRSTOWN. NEW YORK Win open for the teuten em SATURDAY, JULY 1st VrMr the PereeiMil Manaatmenf of MR. DAVID B. PLUMER BOWDOIN.PLUMBR, AjlectejM Manager New Yerk Ofiaa "THB SPUR." 42$ FIFTH AVBNUB TetepfaeiM Vanderbllt 374 LAKE OEOKOE. N, V. Hetel Marien enJsAca C3rc?er7,N.TI openerika ijftMr jct A pUtgy&r refintd cultured duetls . JOSEPH H.flAWVtL MT. KIBCO. N. Y. IlYRfMLfKEBi5IIS, f .. T .CSTl.' i'iiV.V I?.1a. IDEAL FOR REST ami RGcvrraiATlu.1 Central. Preferred by a An hour from Urnnd particular patronage. Sperte. Heme-grown produce. Medical attention, Special diet. At tractive rreee. n. i. umce, 191 I., oetn at, Plera 40TS. BRIARCLIFF MANOR. N. Y. IWwdiffJJW.eri" lTatH-t SoeaaiiiTY or Ctua Lire VJ.HJLZ CesviMitNct or AflOTCL r J PtasonuCeriFoaTSorArlont- BRIARCLIFF MANOR. NY , new yerjk er'ice aaa maoisen avi 1 -ARE PiaCIII. N. Y. WHITEFACE INN LAKE PLACID. N. Y. Open Jan IS. Modern In ail Its appointment J. J. BWEENEY. Munagrr New ierk Office. Hetel Cnlllngswoed 43 Went SSth Btrrrt Winter. Hlihlnnd Park lintel. Aiken. B. C riNE HILL. N.Y. The Cnrniah Hntise Ace. I.'.O. Election ine v-orniae neuie Qnn tt Me,, m. prevementn. Jen lab diet. Ilathlng. Hehlnr. rowing, music and dancing. Booklet. F. Ilerkimltz. i'lne Hill. Cleler Ce.. N. V. STAMrORII. N. Y. Malt Ktnmferd-ln-lhe-Cntftkllls. N Y. Far Ilklt. and Information write Cham, of Cem. ADinnvpArK mebntai: iiyw. N. T. edrt und Inl nTee'if. Plal far new ADIRONDACK booklet und Infor mation addreaa (rn. . nrulil ee". Platte. burg, N. V. Fer MONTHEAL-tlURHEC TOUH iikii. naaree. Teurisu' II nre nil or Montreal, MO New lltrk. nide.. Mentrrnl. Cnnnda. AMAHNBETT. LONU ISLAND, tt. Y. INDIAN WELLS INN AMAOANBETT. LONO IBLAND. N. T. ne.utirully aliimted en Loek I.lnnd. All eat (oereport.. Dtni In? Onner.hln minng'm't. OREEVWICll. CONN. t f m w I py tOUrt Heteln ll w Greenwich, Connecticut On a high ridge overleoklnc Leng Ialand Sound. Bnth with, ever) double room. Milk from our own Ah'erney henl vege. lalflea from our garden. Tennla court. IMarnnnda for children. Motorcar meet all trnlne. New open. N.KW CONN. THE (.KISWdl.D. Euatrrn Point New Lonilen. Conn. Open June ITIh NnnAQNtETT rrmt. r. i. The Imperial Narragansett Pier, R. L OPPNt .lrNE J4, An betrl 'r dlTlmlaaS dlTlmlaaS leg people nt one nf Amrrlrn'a. Flne.t Sen aide Rrnrt.. POLO. Oolf. Tamils. Bnthlng. Danc ing. Well kept Btate Highway for metering. Far reeervatlnne addrea JAMES E. (.AI.RREY. MANAUBH. Narragunsett Pier, Rhede Island. 1'OLLTNEl. V, The Colonial Inn in Ure.n iria. f.O-acr. arreuml. Bhade. eperta geed tnbl: near It. R and trelley: ISO gueata Rend for beautifully uiu.. trated boeklet: modern Imprmemente: lit. 00 i ise llei I 0. LFOWRD. Mgr. MANCHESTER. T. EQUINOX HOUSE OPEN JUNE 10 ainnrhrlee-ln-the-Meuntnln, Vermont N. T. Benking OITlre. J Eiiat 4'ilh t. JEFFERSON. N. H. EIOHTr.EN HOLE OOLF COl'RSE NEW WAUMBEK Hetel and Cottages JEFFERSON, N. H. In the heart of the While Mountains TENNIS, FISHINO. DANCINO, OARAOE. FRANK F. BHUTE. (.enrrnl Mnnngrr. ' B e.t 411th Hlrret. New erk TOI'Rt EUROPE Qur nrrangementa for travel te and in Europe are un rivalled We plan apecial itineraries for individuals or small parties te align with their ewrtiideas as te time and expense Escorted tours of limited membership vta North Atlantic and jvieaiterranean routes leave twice weekly dtirinp June and July. Itineraries include the chief points of Interest in addition te special features such as the Passion Play at Oberammergnu (for which we are Official Foreign Agents) the Battlefields of France and Belgium, etc. Tours vary in price according te itinerary,, accem. modatiens en beard and ashore, SUMMER CRUISE around the MEDITERRANEAN by specially chartered new Cunord-Ancher Liner CAMERONIA, July 5th te September 6th TO THE MEDITERRANEAN THE 1923 GRAND CRUISE DB LUXE by specially chartered new White Star Liner HOMERIC, January 20 te March 27, 1923 67 days AROUND THE WORLD - GRAND CRUISE DE LUXE by specially chartered new Cunard Liner SAMARIA, Jan. 24 te May 31. 1923 SteamshipTickets By All Lines Full Ptrlieultre en Requtet THOS. COOK & SON 226 Seuth Bread Straat : pwuw& ..u. t Vi 'i-.-,.l "1 , jv" H M rntTK MOUNTAnm. K. .fJeLWt BRETTON WOO! WHITS MOUMTAIN.N,es. tae MAtiiav mt gaaaaif. :OHNSJunt BOV 'ClOSMSpCTOWMM THE MOUNT WAHI"TOH.-0ri1f Cleus meet Oct. -.CJ.sweTtMi new vewh eoemwe eesicg, iajLa wtiMstKR iwtw Maptewoed Club MWZifM .s .. ka.. q.M.i ..!.. te.avbelakea ahifl.r.Mc7f'9 Clothier Stere, or N. T. eftVe- a W. eiatgl 4Cry, he I'rellle anil feltugr. Francenla Hi Nat'? Ite ateuntaln. N. H. Acrommedaf MUOSEUKAU LAKK. aUt.. ;nilAW MT. INN MOOaRBBA v '-i'3yt . ..-.. ........ ajgKBb mm. i lakk, aim,. Modern, Restful, Quiet, Fisning. snjssg WeAjla fralai ll. af eMHk uatiiiiili vinniai a savaaw ,e. .. Bex A ST. Ore. arlll tH. Ma. SOUTH MAKTrttTKLL. MB. MERRICONEAG HOUSE tffM Sleuth llnrpswell. Maine, Hetel of 44) i Overloeklna Caace Hay OK K and laianua. kekew a bow, rrwpe, MAINB j$m aa a iKir. AI.I.VKAH VACATION LAM iVLrMiic y ikjekit en Flahlng, Cama tur lkekiM en rianiiw. uswaw , In. Reaert. te., writ BTATK OF MAINB PUBLICITY BUREAU, 10 Longfellow . ' Portland. MV. BHERWOOn FOREST, MP, SHERWOOD FOREST Nenr Annnpells, Md. 1 An Ideal summer home community. Oirenasr combined advantage of ghere, country anel club. Bait-water bathing, beating, flahlng. ' golf, tennla. horseback riding and ether perta. Opan te all resident of the com munltr. Cettagea at reasonable rental. Fer Information addreaa Sh.rwoed Fejgt Offlr.e 411 N Pharlee at.. Baltimore. Md. ' BLUE RIIM1E MOVNTAINB. VA. , Vacationing In the Blue Ridge Mta.i for de- acrlptlve hklt. A list of hetele A brdg. houses i in Blue Ridge Mts. write Qen. I'aaa Agent. Weatarn Marylalnd Railway. Baltimore, see. VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. POCAHONTAS Virginia Beach. Virginia Ocean frent: geed table: American . plan. iinlf a country club. Mrs. A. ll. William. VIRGINIA BEAtll. VA. Fer Infer. wrist Hetel Commute. Chamberpet Contour). PACIFIC NORTHWEST COOL SUMMER CLIMATE Trout and salmon fishing, golfing and th meat wonderful natural scenery In all the) world, reached by rail, ateamer or or la.ets . mile of splendid highways, offer you an Ideal (.n.ttnn In t. t.mie. VaHIiwA.I fl .!. . Waahlngten and Ifrltlah Celurnbla. Fer free Illustrated booklet and Information abeat njtj, rednrtlen In railroad fares writ te HERBERT ri'THIIEIlT. Kxrenttve Beey. facihe Northwest leunat Aisec T C. Hmlth Bldr.. teatlle. Wn.hlnrtea. IjtKE ROBHEATJ. ONT.. CAN. 0t away te away teth. nerr.-rearinav plne-e.nUd,ale.elrlnralrofMutliekal.aka.Th.rej UowlMusteka! you win nne. -jiia Ilet.l, fvl feed, golf, et. I e-rr ream a Si. I ri. At U .i... ker.i.iu.kiik. P. i ., L.h. a.aa..u, OnUrte. TOntH UNEi "AaaUfaAWnir- te BOSTON Caaa Cat) anal Raw Instant! Paints ally farvlca All yaar husJ Orchestra Concerts-Coel Comfortable Stateroom. Leave dally pier 14 N. R. Fulton St., SJO P.M. Daylight Tim. HBK BCDFORO LINE-Te Hew Bedford and the Islanda of Martha Vine-Yard and Nantucket. Lv. dally except Sunday from Pier 4n N. R. Feet ofHeustonSt..6jnop.M DayllghtTlme n.rt Lunuun UNK-Lv.dally ex cent Sunday Pier 40 N.R. Housten 8t. SJO P. M. Daylight Time. INFORMATION and ticket, at plr andConselldatedTlcketOfflcea.Phone Bryant 6700, Cortland 6IO0,Sprlng 1901 Ideal SUMMER VACATIONS Dayj- from New Yer 8 Days $83.00 W$ Coel in Summer Ne Passports All Spnrta Modern Hetalt SUMMER XA1LINOS TWICE WEEKLY vlti l,iiiirleiia Tnln Srrrw ,.r imrr.. snil for Spreinl Bummer Teurt Booklet FURNESS-BERMUDA LINE 34 hlteiill ht N. V. lurnrna. lllu A ( e., Ltd., Ileurie Bldg.. rnlla , or an Teurlet Ag.nt. 72panadiatt DAVX V tit & Q .? New York-Heliftix Queb&cS . ,-..,.,,,,.; cruieea ia l-.ilntl.l twln-wr.w S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" Sailing from New Yerk July 8-22 Aug. 5-19 Stepping One Day teacn way) at Halifax nnd Twe Day. at Quebec. -Magnmclent scener). amneth water, cool weitner cirrheatra for Darning. Round Trip 12 Days, $150 and u One war le Quebec S day. $80 and a Ter Min. trut.rt literature addrea FURNESS BERMUDA LINE J "I'Mclmll St.. N. V. riRNEB. MITIIY a d ltd.. Ilnnrae Bldg.. Bl'lillia., or nny Tnurlat Agent, FRANK'S MEDITERRANEAN Cruise de Luxe, Feb. 6, 1923.' b Snerlally New CUNARD S S "SCYTHIA" Turbln. Oll-llurner. 21 (K) ten, t mnnih. 1"n nnd no InilmU. .hnre eirur.lnna nnd all ripen?, Y.tnpt. Hnly Ijind. Cnnatnntlnnpl. Oreere. Ttalv. nin. Ffe. nil... . ... r...-n- ?., r... . FRANK TOURIST CO. 219 S. 15th St.. Phila. (Eatiib. 1B7S) Hell I'ha Hprure IX? I-J WRITE for boekl.t en England, Londen am Nciithw.atvin llwy.. MO Itb Av. Tertj (balaw Walaul ft.) 1 1 . f.-iwirfirwffl rairaj TliWTaaHSsjJjl RERMUDA mp &m '. u, ' VI iJ Jfc 'i-ym m Sfti? u.vtt wiirWj Wl H '21 f'l ?'J Ml '1 " i,l i.-l -A :-"M : i 1 n aJ man n MA BTifevll GaSSi" mm