www'KwmnmmmaimKrv ? i& " wv 7.wm;sjWrJ wsjjwsem mmu hull juebet reMN: www, "':?'p KWS4 r'. . y.'siSi. 'Wl: fA"iKM. I? nVj.V iff-vrcj' y- P 4i" ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, " JUNE 9, 1922 J pmerican Legien Athletes Compete in the First All-Service Track and Field Meet at Shibe Pari! highly ijcemmended by Manager Me. Gaw, of the New Yerk Giants. Claimed by Death ICE ME t Amateur Champien SAVANNAH GIANTS HERE Program of Events in Legien Meet Today Southern Team Makes Ita First Ap pearance With Cuban Stare, The Savannah Giants, a colored tenin. with many of the best nlayars Pillory Entera Latenla WIKAT GOLF Jehn A. Brown and Dr. Stokes Eliminated Frem City Championship Ctetiaaau, June , n, T. Wlleea'. 100-rard daah B, V. Schwarta. I. rti. run the Latenla special race June & I1! cording te a telegram reeeUed Sere bV 'uit nn. w, I. ;---wi"' :!-: - .m,,'-.-"s ... iiiiMniw ram 'wnv. .. in the game, have reattied here from J. N. DrUepil from Philadelphia Navy Yards J. W. rutdtlt. F, U. Preebfldg. M. K Rebing, H, Cost!, A. K. Parkins, from Hampton Ilnndti T. ilrernnld, V. 8, , nsllef. Nsvr T&rd. PhlUdttuhitl W. r. Andrews. , vvinn, maaaaer the Seuth and wiu make their first ap pearance against the, Cuban Stars at Fifty-eighth and Walnut streets. The t.lsnls are managed by G. A. Branch ami controlled by Jee Oennlng. The Cubans will also present a new r layer for tne approval of local fans, le is. Bury, an outfielder, who batted .450 In the Cuban League and who Is 'P'ery Will. ( t the Kentu r Cemes After Leng Illness That Became Acute Last February First All-Service Meet Scheduled for Shibe Park This Afternoon j tfW.S J. A, wslstrum Mid C. U Itshn, from DO OC TJBB A NIDLtrK & l Third Cerps arsat . ddlphls Nsv Tsr u. J. Bmlth, Phils- Then you are a follower of the nehi. dalphla Nsvy Tsrd tlah sport. API. T1 11.11 tMta.A.1 ak -I. . Te keen posted en all m'tllSz i aheuld read the TiL"!' iie-srd hisrdl -J. Darnell, cam ra miraie y. Darnsil, came D w, M. Kldd. Hampton Reads: If. Di! peninge. ynu I, you should rei i written with a i of th apart, bv l articles written witli a thorough um.B, ttandjnar of th apart, bv Prank McCrart!l,; which appear regularly In th meYmn.' AS- ' k - Savant, R. 8. Whltsfnrd, J, C. Stan- ue LsDeaa. "Make it a Hawt." Aay.- WILL BE BURIED IN IOWA THIRD CORPS AREA STRONG STARS DELAY TOURNEY 111, CLEVELAND iiLlIB OWNER, DIES , SERV NIN MARSTON-GREER LEGION TRACK MEET :MifHl eY MSST lesBu. i fssHlsr7iiiiiiMiO'i ? sf ': ; . . v,v.jBBKBxiKaa Itfl I St (M 3 !iW ft 331 PI 17 IrlJ I ti Mi! U i A III w ; i .IAMBS C. IH'NN Chief nu-nrr mid prraldrnt of the Cleveland AmertMin I -Ague Base ball Club, who died today BEGIN MATCH PLAY Chicago,. June 0. (N.v A. I'.) Jam C. Punn. prcMent anil chief owner of th Cleveland American League Ilnsebnll Club, died here nt 9.10 o'clock thin morning. Sir. Iniin'! ilenth enmc nfter n long illness which first Nsm ncute Inst February. Fnlllng te respond te treat Went given hlin here, he went Seuth , tnd when he returned there wns a noticeable Improvement In hi condi tion. It did net Inst, however, and he had been confined te hi home here for some, time. He I Hurvivcd only by his widow, there being no children. At Mr. Dunn' beilile when he died were his three niece mid his wife. The end enme quietly, his physlcl.ins re ported. f While definite nrrnnRCtnents hne net been completed for the fnnernl. It lm been decided t cemplv with n la.st re quest made by the hnvebnll miignnte and bury him In Miir-hiilltewn. In., his Mrttirilfim nnit fhi. ilfv nlwiiVN r.'ferriHl te by Mr. Dunn ns 'my home town." ' A combination of complication. , 7Q QpnPC PADTIIDCO MCrtAI mostly Internal and involving the heart1 ' eUUttt UAr I UHfce MtUAL and ether vital organs of the body, caused the Cleveland club owner s death, which occurred at his home hi're m DEL HONORS TIIK first service man's track meet In the history of the country will open the third annual American Legien track and field meet this nfternoen ut Hhlbe I'ark. Thirteen events are en this after noon's program and the entries are closed te members of the Army, Navy 1 nnd Marine Cerps. Considering the fact that the different pouts of the kcrrlce , are se widely scattered tne entry nsi for this afternoon Is a generous one. The meet this nfternoen li the first of the two-day program. Tomorrow the cream of America's athletes In the ICust will be en hand te compete for 1 the handsome trophies that have been offered. The sports this nfternoen will be ' nncned with commemoration exercises for Frederick W, Onlbrallh, com mander of the Legien, who died Jut one year age tedny. The Navy Band will be en hand this afternoon and to morrow afternoon. The entrants for the meet this after noon all survived elimination trials In their respective areas, and are rated as the best of the service men In the country. With the growth of athletics In the different branches of the service during m.. fi, ,j ..i 1 " war nnu inr reniinuancc 01 11 unnrr The first round of match play for . meer. who . ntM.t- , -..ii... "Speed" Brown, Springhaven Gelfer, Opposes Bud Macln- tire in First Round Mr. Dunn, besides being owner of tlie the golf championship of Delaware Klnce that Jlme. the service men nre Clerelnnd club was n railroad con- (vunty began thU morning at the I said te have developed te the point tractor nnd widely known In this line T.nns,iewn(, Country Club, when three ' "here they can compete with the best Ot Werk. ' itlvlnlntiH linrnn rtlnr "DiuiJ" II........ pttili nililvtpM In thn lnn.l ...... ....... ,...... .... , ,fm 1, ,,1.. ....- ....... .... ... ..... ....... medalist, teed off against his clubnmte "The death of .Tim Dunn has tnker. Hud Mnclntlre, Ban Jehnsen. p.cMdeni of 'V. Headle of lanern en! t.l.l1 la a ..t.1 IF"' "?"':? ,.".. ?" ' T.i "V . PIment uiaiui i?:i nt nun nun itsii 'i viiiib "a we American i.eague. taw in.inj wmn , .,,, r, ,,,,, Afi1(,ph,, , .; . ttHSSrfV?l.r BnUC,UbOWn"l'n,nk- Warrcn A- Tn-en. winner of had died early today. th(, ,,. inst ,.... H,nrtp,i nlI. tn .,.,. Real Sportsman Inate Karl Crew, of Llanerch, while II. I athletics In the Third Cerps Area .11. .iiirciy. pringnaven, met Ad Majer 1 I 11. .. .l.jl ..' The Third Cerns Aren. with the larg est entry list, expects te carry off the cup for the area, having the greatest number of points. The Third Cerps athletes arrived last night, led br Can- tain Charles L. Onistein, director of l!i ilTI .. ... l a t-- JlIM WHS mil III lilt' IIlllC. INMIUIIir . a 1 1 club owners In the game because he ""qJIL "i Ti""." ' playel fair nnd square with every one. '. ...?.??. n "T .. His players loved him nnd. the public loved him. During his five or six, years as owner of the Cleveland Club he made himself a big brother te every one In the game. His death is an Irreparable less te the American League and te base ball as a whole." " Mr. Dunn was born en a farm near Marslialltuwn, Iowa. In his youth he played en the town nasermll team, later becoming Interested In engineering and Ocneral Charles I., llnltev. I commanding officer of the Third Cerps of Serlnshaven. Area. N expected te see his men In ac- Joined the Trophy Winners' Association ' tlen this afternoon. The Navy Yard by earning the medal In the qualifying . contingent, after n month of practice, round with an unbalanced card of "S. I prepared te give the visiting nth He started In n hnxe of trouble that letes a keen tussle for the champion prevailed for three holes; then he ellm- ships. The sailor nnd marines nt the Insted the jinx through settling down yard have been priming for the soldiers, te the business of leading the field for I and expect te upset the dope by bring the low score honor. Ing In the championship. Even fours te the turn for the re- Tomorrow's program will give the mnlulng holes brought him te the hn'f. athletes a busy afternoon. Three serv- rercl. Third Cerp awa. naltlmera. One-mile ran N, M. mcHIWm, Camp Dili J. Tebln. Pert Jar: W. . Ptur Ptur sen and S. P. Ituitn, Hampton neadti D. Bttvans. c, I., neillns and w. B, Iiroeks, Third Cerns area, 440-rard dh N. A. McEiwM. Camp Din J. Town. Fert Jay; w. II. Chan cer. Philadelphia Navy Tard! J, w. nattiUU. P. U PrMhrldce. Hampton llaadss T. DreMmAtld, Phlladalphla Navy Tard- D. T, nhtl, I W. llrewn. J, C. Htanferd, L. n, Hodten, A. Devera, J. P. Mrert, ft. 8. Whllfferd, W. P. Andraws, J, A. Walitrum, Third Cerpa araa. ttO-rard dash 11. P. flehwarts. t. Dar nll, W, ailleiple. Camp Dlx: Vf, IL Chancer. J. N, prise .11. Phllad'lphla Navy tard; J. V. Handalt, P. L. l'rfihrMp. M. U Reblni, H. Ceattt, A. Perkins, Hampton Reads; T, Tlrenflld. Philadelphia Navy Tardi W. p. Andrews, J, A, Walttrum, C. U Hahn, Third Cerp area. ttO-yard hnrdte j, Darnell. Camp Din H. W. Reward, n. 8. Whlteferd, J. C. Stanford, Third cerpa area. Medley relay race Teams from Pert Jay and United 8tatet Armv, Hamp. tnn Itnnd iCavy team, J, w, R4rs dale, P. U. Presbridee, M. Ik Robins, H. Ceaei. A. D. Perkins, J, W. Klerstead; Third Cerp area, united fltates Army, first team, W, P. Andrews. It. S, Whlteferd, D. T. Tlerhtet, T. fltevena. A, Dsvnre; Third Cerps area. United 8tats Anny, second team, C. L Hahn, U K. llrewn. I 11. Itodsen, C. I Rol lins. K. J. Meceret. Pele vault 11. I,. Oeldemlth, J, A. Lynch. D. C. Poete, Edward R. Rob erts. Illfh Jump R. t. Oeldemlth Pert Jay; V. M. Kldd. Hampton RORde: R. I Hutten, 8. A. Denten, 8. H. Humph ries and I., l:. Oxley, Third Cerps area. Shet-put Oeenre Rutler, T. Henry, Camp Dili It. U Oeldemlth. Pert Jay; P. W. Hyne and W. Tenter, Phila delphia Nnvy Tard; O. H. Yeun. Hamptnn Reads; Edward R. Roberts, 8. Orresen, A. Lauttrell, D, C. Poete, Third Cerp area. Jatelln threw 11. P. Heed, Camp DIs; Edward R, Riberts. II. W. Seward, A. Lauttrell, M. Klnssbury, L. E. uir. inira worn area. no. camp It. DeAUlleu. A. Karewtkl way mark In 41. Then around the nine-hole circuit again In the satis- n...,lnn .!, ... I .,. -,ra, I """'.',"" '":- " """." l"V "" jTi ii. ' "'""' -" ""f"t tying ngure 01 ,ii and Uelfer llrewn was of Marshalltown contractors and later tialletl a medallNt. going Inte business for himself. His! mil i..i.r, ,.-..'u. ..)... t r ...... .Mi.i,i.. i .1.. .......... -.i n.1.1 ' :;: -.-"i .J"-" " "n tihlllilirn in kii Luunii ui.iiuii lie. 11 VBf ried him te Chicago, where he formed the Dunn-McCarthy Construction Com pany, specializing in railroad work. r Always an ardent baseball fan nnd admirer of the American Lengue, Mr. Punn often expjresed a desire te be come a club owner. HI opportunity cama in February, l'.tlrt. when the Cleveland club, then owned by Charles jf vievcimiu riuu, men ewneu ey VllHries yf' Homers, became Involved In financial t v4if9cultles and was purchased by Mr. JJunn and his associates. Bought Trls .Speaker One of the first things Mr. Dunn did after assuming control was te pur- Ice events nre nlw te lie contested for. Including the hulf-milu, thrc;-in!le run nnd the one-mile relny. The national and local American Legien champion ship and n long list of A. A. V. open dewne, nil but had the cigarette cuee hnndlcnp events are listed, In addition that served as a medal In his pocket ' te the marathon race, through his sterling golf in the early ' The Legien in Washington expects te Btages of his qualifying round. Out In have two teams entered tomorrow In even fours, a slip or two en his second the Interstate relay event. The Quen round, he steed en the eighteenth tee ' tin Koeseveit I'est will have a team with the assurance that a par four en entered. In addition te one from the the home hole would clip a stroke under Washington department. llrewn s card, reiten s second halted at the edge of the green and then his putter threw him down. Four shots from the green's edge then transferred the credit from Lansdowne te .Spring haven, The Delaware County chamntonshle. although running In opposition te the i chase the release of Trls Speaker from I Philadelphia titular eveut, brought out i tha Bosten Americans for SSO.OOO, u a big array of talent. Ninety started ' record price Ht that time, announcing and three slxteens were qualified LEGION POST TO HOLD TEN-BOUT CARD TONIGHT Pre- Feraythe-Oldham-Qrlffith te mete Shew at Fex Chase Lending amateur boxers, including Mprnrnl A. A. TV rlinmnlnn. will item- ft !lf.:r.e llretZ?LKlnV KlVe ' : r.rjV""ZAm. Hentrate their fhtlc wares tonight at the He fulfilled this preinl.se In when the Indians, under the leadership of Bpenker, wen the American League and world's championships. Fer the first time since he became owner of the Indians, Mr, Dunn wns unable te attend the opening game this an. recent rnln the ffnen vnrte nn.f .! I 1020, , scores mounted. Frem Brown's card INDIANS' GAME OFF of Dunn's Death Cleveland, (., June Trls Spenker. en reeetv I of 78 te Jee Ooednll's round of 118 the I members of Arunitnlnk, Springhaven, Llanerch and Lnnsdewne found places In the brackets fur the match play that started today. Warren Tyson, winner of the 1021 teurnev. landed snfi-lv In the firaf ,11. . , ..... ......... ' vision with his round of H Northeast Shrine Club, formerly known ns the Fex Chase Ball Park, Phllmere street nnd Huntingdon pike, when the Fersythe-Oldham-tirlffith Pest, Ne. 407, American Legien, holds an open air show, proceeds of which will he used for the building of n clubhouse ut Jenklntewn, Pa, In nil ten bouts will be' decided. Among the top-notch amnteurs te np- Smedlcv I Ward. 1021 medalist, failed te repeat when he accumulated 82 strokes for the . .. double circuit. neakee Pnitnanei Contest Because 'i-i. .. i i l... n. .. . .r .... . , , .inr i-iiuiiiuiuiiDiuu uxiure wuh ginnea i n.in.. i......... by W. Vernen Phillips, president of ' Penr nrc """ ". "- n Mnnagcr I ,.une""'vne. wen lie uonuiee a cup in wim ciiuihiikiu , iiij " .-vi ing' a mecsnge annually played for by the members iKMtWelght champion; Dnn Oartln. !?-u.?iT,z5 f'f the four Delaware County golf clubs. I " "... ... .. . ,, s vii ii mi",, . B..,,.,,.,j rwelght chumplen. matches will be put en "ti'rJ'CJlb.H.-!feaherweIgh, from Chicago that Mr. Dunn had died T'h;T0uVnmm th.s morning, nnneuncpl that today's AtrofXeJatlng" "hU h.Mne'duTO h I Hewitt, welter, agme between the Cleveland and A ash- the ,'rephy for u yenr nnd three wins The amateur lngten teams here would net be played FINAL POLO MATCH FOR MORRELLTON CUP TODAY Fauquier Quartet, of the Plains, Va., te Play Philadelphia C. C. Fauquier Country Club, of The Plains, -v. Va., and the Philadelphia Country Club ''feet In the final for the Merrellten Cup this afternoon ut the Philadelphia a c. On Wednesday the spectacular South erners conquered the Bryn Mnwr Free booters, and en Tuesday the Country Club's hard-riding quartet wen ' the Bryn Mnwr l-exhunters by a club trophy representative retires the as follews: Flrt heut- Phll Oillecher. 8hanahnn. v. Save for thp rnllnnxn of the nffinlnl ' Jehn Walnh, Scotland, bsntamwelaht. aave ler tne ceiinnse ei trie emcini 8oeono t,ut Manuel Trachtnb-rs. U. of ble en the club house perch, the , p., v. Al Reller, West Philadelphia, middle. tnbl qualifying round wns run oft without i weight. a hitch. What May Happen In Baseball Today NATIONAL LEAfirK. Clet. New Yerk Htuhurah Ht. IxmU . Clnelnnall from ' Itrneklyn . . Iviiirnee . . . Keeton .... Hv the ratines of nole the I'hlladel Phlllle phlans concede only one geul hnndlcnp te the Virginians, who are rnted at Cuh fourteen, against fifteen for the Coun- New Yerk try Club, Play "tarts nt 4 iIMJ o'cleek. m. " w. 9 IS M 11 2.1 21 20 IS P.C. .1117 .301 ..1.11 .310 ..110 .4.17 .433 .333 Win .01.1 .000 ..110 .12 10 ,4M .447 ,34H Thir,i i.mt ler Murphy. Seuth Philadel phia, ve. Jimmy Meflurk. Phanahan. llKhi- Veurlh bout Jee Rice, Wt Philadelphia, v. rieerae IXrn. Vlllanera, fealherwelahti. Plfih bout Johnny Duck. Pox Chase, ve. Sammy Novla. Shanahan, bantamweight. S1th bnut Sammy Hewitt Meedowbreok. ve. MlVe Mahoner, North Philadelphia, wel t frwf'c ht al Hev'enth'beut Jer1 HHrnar, KnttrprU C. C. v. Harry Olmbel. 8han.hn, ban tarn- T .ItOL wan ni '?7? a. 'Z ... .. .l f Inn (t Alt V T J nldllMTTlBl A-HIIKICAN LKAOl'K Following are the line-ups and dlcaps : I'lin. c. han- PAl.'QLMKIl C. C. nucp. lenera! IVthel,... 4 flnrx Karle, Itaymnnd nimeni,4 rre line fa. I.. A. Heard. S K. 1, Hlnk W, P. llulbert.... 3 W. 8. Htnlie... Team total 14 Team total .. Washington W. 31 2ft 2d rlevrland 21 Detroit M HoKten 21 Athlellr 10 Chlcuce . . .20 I.. ts 21 23 21 W 2.1 24 20 P.C. .047 ..10 .810 .411 ,40 .431 .442 ,408 Win ,0A4 .ftM ,4SO .4(1 .433 ,42U O'Mally. Mendew. .110 brook, v. Paul Dennelly, iJineaewne, ugnt- 'jJIS'tNlnlh beul Dan Oartln, Meadowhreok. ;Jj v. Willie Ambre-e. Kayeula. feather .421) weight. JMi After these amateur mntche have been decided n professional contest be- lxe twecn Snm Blnckisten, former amateur 1 champion, and Oeergle Starke, of Fex ... Chase, will be pdt en. A big crowd is expected te come out for the show. Ilroed Jump N. W. McKlwee. W. Oil- leeple, T, Henry, C. Creesnn, camp ni J. K. tlAAUlleil. A. Iarnwek( Fert Jay: if. Weed. Philadelphia Navy Tare: a. it iiumpnries, , a. ucn tnn. J. A. WaUtrum. C. I,. Hahn, II. J. Smith. Third Cerp ra. niirtu threw O. Butler. D. P. Heed, Camp Dlz: Cdward Rebert. D. C. feet", a. Jarrett, A, Lauttrell, Third Cerp area, EXPECTS TO REPEAT Polkadot Out te Duplicate Victory In Second Medel Yacht Race Bayslde, N. Y June 0. Granted a light brerae tedny for the second riict In n series for the International Medel Tncht Cup, E. A. Bull, Brooklyn am ateur, expects his Polkadot te duplicate Its triumph In the first contest ever Kndenver. William J. Daniel's British challenger.' Yesterday's run, ever a leeward and windward course, began tediously und ended In n thrilling dash by the defend ing Polkndet In a bent home before the wind three-quarters of a mile ahe.id of the Kndenver, but with scarcely enough time te cres the finish line before the expiration of the limit. Today's race will be ever n triangular course. Turner A. C. first ela. away, E. Trainer. 2330 Wet Turner street. ny SANDY McNIBLICK Pine Valley. N. J., June 0. Owing te the late arrival of several of the stars tn the Philadelphia golf championship ever the links of the Pine Valley Coun try Club the tournament was mere or' less upset today, much te the disgust of these who were n time. , Oeergc Herner was scheduled te play Cameren Buxton In what wns regarded as the feature match, but Hecner ar rived two hours behind time, Buxton was entitled te claim the match by de fault, but with true sportsmanship he declined te de this and the pair teed off. Butten rather, nettled and Heffner excited. The result wns that both played rather poorly. Buxton was 2 up going tn the sltth hole. The Plott brothers, "Weedy" nnd "Zlmmer," also were delayed and get a late start. In the lower bracket Max Mnrsten, Merlen, defented Dr. 8. E. Rtekes, Moercstown, 5 nnd 4, and Marcus Qreer, Llanerch, eliminated Jehn Ar thur Brown, Cricket Club, 4 nnd 2. The result of this match brought Marsten and flrecr together In the semi final this afternoon. Here nre the cards of the Greer Brown match: Greer Out..,. In Brown ?nu.t:::: 8345450 II41IH 38384484 8 41 8 8 6 6 4 8 5 CARPENTIER AGREES TO BOX BECKETT AGAIN IN LONDON French and British Heavyweights Will Meet In October Londen, June 0. Geerges Cnrpen tier, according te Sporting Life today. hns verbally agreed te a return match with Jee Beckett, the English heavy weight, whom Cnrpentler knocked out tn a fight In Londen two years age, and will sign a contract seen. If the ar rangements go through, the' newspaper snys, the fight will be staged In Londen In October. Bartram Park Trims Hatch Moter lytty Auld's pitching was tee much for Hatch Moter, and the meter boy had te be eatlifled with the short end of a S te 1 ecere. ndm'nlatered te them by Rd Hatkell't Partram Park team, lait night, at Party eventh and Spruce atreet. Tonight liar tram will be seen In action en It home ground. Fifty-fourth and Qray'a avenue, with the TVeatlngheuse Electric team as Ita opponent. Coghlan C. O. Wants Qames The Ceihlan C. C. ha ercanlaeil and h everal well-known local and out-of-town player In the line-up. Claire are aeuahl wun nrat-ciaa team. Aaere -"Jck llaten, 2220 Sydenham street. UK0HG1E MELMAJl Middle Atlantic States bantam tltlehelder, who also wen In the recent Intercity tourney at the Garden, New Yerk City. He will meet Harry Glmbel In one of the Forsythe Oldham - Griffith Pest, Ne. 497, American Legien, bouts at Northeast 8hrine Club tonight leugh I GIL KEYSTONE TELEPHONE HAS FAST BALL TEAM Well-Known Playere Included In Line-up of Club The Keystone Telephone Is new rep resented en the baseball diamond with one of the best semi -pre. clubs In the city. While only traveling gamee are being played nt present, arrangements arc pending for the use of a home field and In the future fames both at home and away will be arranged. The team llnea up with Almyer, of Stratford, first base; Campbell, of Prospect Park, second base; Clark, of Harry Davis Club, shortstop, and Trout, of the Bank League, third base. In the outfield are Mueller, of North Phillies, center field ; Armstrong, of At lantic City, right field, and Cllne, of Pheenlxvllle, left field. Street, regnrded as one of the best geml-pre. cntchers. is behind the bat, while the hurling Is being looked after by Sheridan, of the Mackey Club: O'Neill and Compass, of Stratford and Hess, of American Legien. Humes have been arranged with Itecklcdge A. A Seuthwark Men's Club nnd Frankford Yellewjackets. Contests nre sought with Wcstlngheuse, Merrill. St. Columba, Columbia C. C. nnd teams of this caliber. Saturday, June 10, and twilight dates arc open. Call A. Kraemer, Keystone Telephone Company, Bare 1100, Siiteenth and Itnce streets. Bank League Seeks Field The National Hank and Truat Company ttaaeball League ha eight poatpened gamea te be played oft after the close of tha regular eaen en June 20. Mr, Dtiey, of th Qlrard National Dink, chairman of th Ornund Committee, 1 dealreu of procuring suitable greunda for these game, which ar le ne piayea during tne wees, le atart at 8 P, M. the oenteats .4 Aft .411 .431 .400 nAsmwx TeiiAT atse v. m. SVrinvtl. I.KAI1TK I'AIIK PHILLIES va. ST. LOUIS rieat en Bale at tilmbel' and Hiialdlng' C. Hrtcp. "1' i . lUVWUITinUAt YV.illll, ... H' ,.-...,......,....... ....... , 4 I W. L. P.C. W. I- V.C. 4 , Baltimore SI IS .804 Reading.. tS 2 .41. KwhretM 31 l .810 Ver. (ity 14 IS .481 15 Terente. . 11 IS .840 Syramae. 11 SI) .411 I UufTale. .. 18 14 .810 Newark.. 14 5 .18 I KANTF.HN I.K.(lfK i n.i.. .... . . . n. i.. i-.i-. ... ,., ' y, yi ?! "? ni " " .41? , "s?" ,;: j:,:'v ', Herse which seem best at Latenla Wn'terbuVy ii IS Isie ilanf'Srd' Ve '.W I MATTT ItHOOKB v. WTAWUtT WIM.M Wav are' llridgepert It IS .8SH Pltehhurg. 18 21 ,3j :. Beets and Saddle CAMBRIA A. C. .fXfuf: ilf'J First race, Singopere, Iteckv Meun- .jjaln, Cencentrnte; second, Hopeless, wnurrer, .tinnirure ,)ini(i; ttilnl, elerea, Lugs, Itih Grass; fourth, Ali!( "WHWiMci. ''!'. i.isiu iieec; nun, lr. ' teHMTi yClark. Bit of White, Mlnte II ; sixth, IJi T lew null, i.rinir, i,rriir , rcvt-nill. .:i. iArravan, lekferd, Nordeck. re' ' liJ ' At Itlne rtnnrii.t; Flr.r rae V.ll. Wth Jewell, Iladiant. Tlppnwa ; sec- ead, Franc Tirleur. Mem Kit. Wild 'lower : third. Perklemen, Fair Mac, fAInrdl: fourth. Parisian Diamond. t Ifare.itlnr ilfrli Suder. Ynuell IC.IHe . -?-.""' :: --. --- -"-. r.miuirer, Star, YESTERDAY'8 RE8ULT8 NATIONAL I.RAtlt'K IMtUbargh, Ht. i. Ii Phlllle. S. Ln.il. Si Dntten, 1, Jlith, Bremella, The F f ealm; seventh, Mell C ifeyAt Belmont Park: Fir Clnelnnnll. ll Hmeklrn. 2. New. Yerk. Ill Chleaca, 8, AMKICICAN I.F.Ani'K Detroit. Ii Athletic. 8, Waahlngten, Si rleTrland, 1, New Vnrk. Ii thlrage, 1. Heatnn, 1 St, liiil, S. INTIttlNATrONAL IJCAdUK Reeding, 4 Newark, 0, llaltlinere, 8i Jersey t Ity, S, Rochester. Hi Terente, 4, lluffale, 3 1 Srrneuee, 2, I KOL'TIIPJtN I.liAfll'E nirmlngham lie f 'fialtitiuwiv fflHl utpurHe. Haller. itmi), ' J atalMaAle. ah a A aTe - - - 4 g a liruiiiwimmi iu viitiivijiit 1 (Mvcejnl POLO TODAY, 4.30 P. M. AT PHILADELPHIA COUNTRY CLUB riiiMnEiJ'iiiA, recNTiiv ci.vn PAt-QVIER COl'NTV COUNTRY CLCH Ticket. 28, SOe. Sl.OO Take Park Trelley t Woedelde Park vt :.imm f'Vfaat,' rLiaV" '' '!" ri- ISTj'T Belmont Park: First race. Soviet. ler II, Jlad liverj second, Violin- Horelogue. June Crass: third. 11k, Klrkllevingten, Whisk; fourth, iiSg, cnesternroek, Hilly Mc (kiln; fifth, Vender, Vice Regal, ecenne; slith, Pravus, Ite, I'rlnce of Umbrfa. Lord exnerts who are attending the lie, Ky races declnre the Latenla mere nearly anpreacnes tn Perpy than the Belmont Stake. Ml. t that tha English classic mmmm geme, Nai All Inning: 1 Innlega), aahvllla. Ii Atlanta. A Iflret nnuil. ----..-.--.-.,-- -.--. ..... ,. Aiiania, isaanviue, Memehl. Si Mahlle i. ...'- .'V. i." uiue neea-n l.'V. , Orleane, net scheduled. AMERICAN AHHOCIATION Indlanapelle, Si Teledo,' t, Nt. Paul, Si Milwaukee, 4, Knn City, Si MUwnapell, 1, Culumlni-IulTllle, rain, TODAY'S SCHEDULE NATIONAL I.KAOl'K Ht. Iul at Philadelphia, PltUburgti 4 Flo tan. Cinelaantl t Rnaktm. Chktaga at New Yerk, t'E Al OI'P.N-AIR BOXING 10 Bouta All Champien Sam Blackislen vs. Geerfie Starke TONIGHT 1 (ewrMl game. T t'ndev auplee American legion. 1'eat m " ' ' , at the hall park. Pet thaee. Take ear Ne. 50 Slh Ht ride tn end of line. Aamllen Sfte, S8c, 11,10 ?8 AMERICAN LEGION FIELD DAY Hhlbe Park, Today a Tomorrow, SiSO P. M. Army, nary and Marin Cerpa alhlatea today In full program of event. Legien championship and open handicap tomorrow. Champien and record holder In ascltlng renteet. Ticket en sal at Otmkela' and Spalding', 111 Cheat Bine a I Li 'WW vmtm mtm mats. , ttttjp M4n wmSm ' , , iseitBBHI E ...V . pleased mere men's taste HIlcS CONGRESS CIGAR COMPANY M BI-Vt aBaaaayACrlSHaCiPlV Mtg10ll($ - . aShsMm .BaSB . a 1 UTl'V&SSffi! IAa",s" 21 t0 25 rth Second St., Phila. Aft LLl B.I C aSVeaCVfBBBHafleT VeaieaL 1 1 11 jVU mfifMBBU IfWBFM ft el. 7T Ife W&xgR ' Rememher It$ Imported Java Wrapper ,a-, i 1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVIL J'jtmrff iV' gVrgffrTT1"Ta a'Vr"r V 'TsMsTeT iiSff 111 J'rdBwKflacVwHveBaBieHBl WF)x4i&ttHi-7 .nWA M-JsWIU..eiJe..lU l 'i ' . 'J.-.. J. l..i Ti iinii ?:...'l jniMaWaWaattesj ' ' ' Hamburg, Pa., vi. Marshill E. Smith & Bre. A.A. BASEBALL, 10th Butler, 3tl8 P. M., Saturday, TOMORROW The snowy whiteness Knit Union Suits WHITE BALBRIGGAM $1.85 WHITE LISLE $2-50 of theee garments gives you cool and comfortable feeluur the moment you set eyes en them. And when you wear them, yen fin they actually are even mere comfortable man they leek. Marshall E. Smith & Bre. Mmtft Fumhhlngt (IlWSfPOfaM) 724 Chestnut Street ytrmvrfa CeWs V y i, i !,$ ! iyea w&j I;:ii::H:;:.-"alBak:1 J"ilrJ m''rVV1 7wB'lwlffla .? The old question is up te you again It's het again, and here's the old ques tion for you te answer: Aire you going te wear Palm Beach Suits and be cool, or wear wool and swelter? Yeu knew you will be cooler in Palm Beach Suits. Yeu may net knew that you can buy well-tailored Palm Beach Suits and have your choice of a large variety of patterns in dark as well as light shades. By selecting your Palm Beach Suits at a geed clothing store, you can be sure of the satisfactory tailoring you are accustomed te. Every suit made of genuine Palm Beach Cleth carries the Palm Beach label. Loek for it. Gelf Knickers made of Palm Beach are cool and geed-looking practical and durable. THE TALM SEACH MILLS COODALL WOKSTED CO. StUmt Jtm: A. Xeheat, rvrt Aeeavt, New Yek Clf PALM BEACH SUITS at Ceed Clothing Stores hbdldmUfluthcCaiuiM MmMr&te(ii$!vlWii mm$. iMmmmmmmmmmmMm J3-Jiu mMatmimmmizmmma2mmata?ir ifJVAH4tiJfir.'i