IMliHBBiSHIIBHMM - vfrvraas t wmmm$ B?if FBIEfAY,' JTTKK 9, llffZ , I V X(T,Mi.TAl - v-.-w , SSpIrS SEEKS RETORN I10 OF CARPENTERS' UNION Union withdrawing from the depart ment a year age. Ne announcement of any terms of prospective settlement preceded Mr. Gompers' appearance, but his speech reopened the dispute for general dis cussion. Fer two days Mr. Oempcrs and ether leaders' had been conferring en a settlement, the carpenters having quit the department when the Heard of Jurisdictional Awnrds derided that the metal workers were entitled te in- Aute iU .. .. Deemker In Building APP Trades Controversy Q Cincinnati. June 0.-(ny A. P.)- '?', ne role of n penccranVer, Samuel 1? flempcr., preWnt of the Amerl- Federation of Laber, "wen expected ', 2 .neeiir today before the nnnual 1 ln of the building trades depart- . iTf the Federutlen In en effort te mnt ln" a- for settlement of the , -. g yat led te the Caryntera' y Maxwell-Chalmer's Great Disposal Sale has created an- automobile buying stampede un paralleled in the entire annals of automobile selling. Thousands of dollars have been cut off these prices. Cash or your own time te pay. Never in the history .. U.. .: k-iv iam cVir-wn mir.ri a varietV of makes. eau uw&b nun iiruii, u iiiiiiiiiijn( The approach of the opening session next Monday at the annua! eonventlen of the Federation was marked by the arrival of Increasing numliern nf lahnr leaders. models, prices and values. Ne matter where you live or when you intend te buy come here come prepared ind come at once. 1 l! &3&i IMW HI v (iff V This Little Burner Takes the Place of the Ceal Pile Het water, without coal, ashes, work or dirt, is assured if you have a Gas Water Heater, The heater here shown is the Circulating a the kitchen boiler. A mere highly devele; . m. u 4ma irnw hAlnv riUHflnnvitAi k matic Dr -; " " -.,.w.... Term raymenis. A representative will caU upon request THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. which is connected eped heater is the Auto Aute id at all our Showrooms. -- "iilTTsTsJsMatsiirsiisasaaasjTsliMssi si is "-j New Is the Time te Loek te Your Reef! Write or phone for our book let illustrated here. It treats of AMINCO Built-up ASPHALT ROOFS and will help you solve your problems. This kind of reef will rnt veu no mere than continued repairs te the old. Get the Booklet TODAY! TcUphent Tiega 8700 x ' V( J-'iii I X-J : :( --4 '. ' .'?:!wWTjZr.t..-"i .' .T:.:..' :.:: ,.$?&;?..; WiE. ,'.'.'. ".' ". vW:,.ij5:.s'-S:-:' V ' A'.'."' . 'tiYi'iniiin Tin in . . " is ,i,iiiiillTwriTTTmTrrTTTTrMrrTTrrrTniigiw Roberts Ave. and Stokley St. imiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimwil 150 Bargains te Cheese- Frem EVERY CAR GUARANTEED Every Used Car in our stock rjsust and will be sold. Ne cash offer refused en balance of this stock. Eight Months te Pay Ne interest no extras during this sale, days mere. Be here for the final wind-up. OPEN NIGHTS 10 O'CLOCK Only three Maxwell Chalmers Sales Cerp. 216 N. BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DEftDMi3i'r) T WE BELIEVE ONLY IN QUALITY! TO WIN RIISlMFSSt THE ONE SURE REMEDY $ NS.Ef-uTLN: OOUOIVONS 4V0IV UUtt05Mt Your Grandma and Mether Used It a Real Reason for Yeu, Toe! Ne article stays en the Market and grewsin Sale without Quality. Our Sales' Growth Proves Our Quality Idea as Right and Satisfactory. At Grocers and Druggists 15c, 35c and $1.60 Your Last Chance We are en the homestretch with our Whirlwind Sale. Cars of the following makes are included: Paige, Buick, Overland, Dedge, Cadillac, Hupmebile, Hudsen, Essex, Ferd, Ree, Chevrolet, Peerless, Chalmers, Velie, Lexing ton, Chandler, Briscoe, S. G. V. an ethers. All carefully overhauled and in tip-top condition. It is your chance te own a really high-grade meter car en terms that will be a positive revelation. Drive your old car in and we will make you a liberal allowance en it toward the purchase of one of these renewed cars. . This Is the Final Windup of the Greatest Automobile Bargain Carnival Ever . Attempted in Philadelphia Frem the opening mementa of the le down te the time this ailvertlnement eei te Vitus our Showreomt hSe been one cemtant tcene nf activity. Frem every conceivable point, buyers have ruined te examine the valura and a goodly number time driven nwny cam. It la Impeailble te convey anything like an accurate Idea of the values en hand, all we can say l: If you Intend te buy an automobile, come here te this sale. Teu will find a car te suit you at the right kind of a price. Fer the Wife and Kiddies Don't deprive them any longer of the joys, comfort and conveniences of a car. It means MORE HAPPINESS, BETTER HEALTH for them, and wonderful times you'll have driving out in the country, going en trips and picnics and then think,-tee, of the BIG HELP a car will be te your business. Every Car Yeu See en the Street Is a Used Car Your banker, your doctor, your at torney, the big and little men of the business field, all drive used cars. Just the 'moment a new car is placed in the hands of a user it becomes a used car. Many of the cars we have en hand are still in the finest kind of condition, both from he standpoint of appearance and mechanically. Any Cash or Time Offer in Reason Will Buy Any Used Car What kind of a car de you want? Small car large car open car--closed matter what kind of a car you want, it is here and at less money than you will ever and this is your last chance. car touring car readsjter. Ne buy the same quality for again, This Is Buyer's Day We have talked with the man who is out of work and cannot buy we have talked with the fellow who is looking' around for his uncle in the country. We have had a number of the boys who drifted in just te leek around, but from new until the end of the Bale our time will be devoted te buyers only. Satisfaction Drive the car you select five days. If at the end of that time you are net entirely sat isfied, bring the car back, we will gladly allow you every dollar you have paid te apply en the purchase of any renewed car in sieck. CASH OR TIME YOU DECIDE The ineclinnic or luberlntr' man Is an welcome here as the btiBli cm or profehslenal man. Your dei.llnBH nre r,Vnfl.intiiil nnil dlKiiltled. Yeu can select any car rcnard. f.Mflef price? and tirma te ault your convenience arranged, TRADE YOUR CAR NOW ON A RENEWED CAR Every time jeu ree a new or reduction In the paper It means that the price of your car has Kone down ale ae rlnht new, while sour car Is running, trade It and trade It here where the quality In hlsh and the prices are low where the values are Incomparable and the prices and terms are the lowest and most liberal known. Ne matter who ou are where ou live or when or hew ou Intend te buy a car, come here i this nale new and make a selection It means CAHII IN THIS hank feii Kvunr ijuykii. One Minute, Sir- We Still Own That Suit Ne. SIR you cannot buy a Jeseph Hilten suit and-ask us te give up title te it Yeu cannot walk out of our store with a garment, np matter hew pleased you are with its value, and assume that you own it completely. We own that suit! AND we intend te own it until it has served its purpose te the very end Throughout its entire life, from the day you buy it te the day you discard it, every dollar veu in vest in that suit is held in this store en deposit It is'yeur deposit net our money and it remains your deposit te be given back te you at any time throughout the life of that gar ment when you think you are en titled te it Who is the jury te decide that question? Yeu are and always will be' Every Jeseph Hilten Stere Sells Clothing at Cost AS business men. you'll appreciate what it means when we tell you that without exception, every garment you buy is the price the store pays for it and at sale times even-less! There is nothing miraculous in that It is simply a policy of manu facturing our own clothes in our own tailoring plants, selling them at wholesale prices te our own stores It is in the wholesale prices that Jeseph Hilten profits are made, depending upon wholesale volume net retail prices for profits. NOW, in this store, you will find a beautiful array of summer suits in every desired fabric, every weave, every color lined, semi-lined or skeleton lined the exact model you want conservative or tending the ether way if that is your preference. Here, tomorrow! See what $ 19-50 $24-50 $2930 and prices up te $55 buy at Jeseph Hilten. And remember when you leek at the price tag, it is at least less than any ether store must charge! The Convenience of a Charge Account Gladly Extended te These Who Prefer It Jeseph Hilten 1332 Chestnut Street Next te Garrick Theatre Our Only Stere inPhiladelphia-we have no connection with any store operating under similar name ! WH VM ft m Vl vi m 5 HI I. m. )J II U illiv mmm c ss.-a Ne Cars Seldi Ne Cars Sold tPaige Distributors te Dealers te Dealers BROAD AT VinE, raiLADELPtllA '& r,$ .' AHi.r-Mt a'M t'J PBT'tOHbsbbbIsbI