Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 08, 1922, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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CmUS H, K. CUIITIS, Pbiidnt
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'AfJtL !U'Jehn"C.Mrtln, Vlc rruldanl nd Ttminrtri
, ten. Philip 1 Oeilun. Jeim li. wmiim. .inlm .1,
Wi fpurffen, Clteica K. Cieldxmlth. DjvIJ K, Bmller.
a f"rc"'r'
1jVV,AVID B. BMlf.KT Kdlter
' "'"-'v "1J' c- WAUTiJCt. ..uenyrai iiu:nn Jintucfr
IMVruDllahra daily at rcirie i.tceu uunuinx
Indepndpnc8 square, rmiaJelpma.
aNTie Cur Prex-Unlcm Building
w Tear ..104 Madisen Axa.
aeir 701 Kerd llullJInr
Lecia 113 ainhe-Drmecrat lliilldlnf
oe.',...... leus Tribune liuujinf
f??,XKWYeiK Dt-RHf 'Ihe Hun ItulMlnr
vi'XeNDOM UciU ..Trafnltar Ilalldlus
Bi'nsrnirTinN ti'iims
Th tllKVItil 1'llilH! J.lUlhK 19 BrM (O lUh-
jcrlbra In IMillidMphla nd Kurreumllna- town
t Hi ralK nf twfUa (IS) csnli ixr wean, taauU
te ih M(rlr.
By mall te pelnta eutalda of Philadelphia In
'ih- UMIed ,1Im, ranada. nr rmtrd Klatra pb-
aaalena, peatata frr, fitly ("0I ctnta pr month.
Ilx ($0) dollar ir ar patnhle in advance.
Te all reirian munfrlfa one (Jll dollar a month.
Notieh Huljirlhfp wlshlna: aillrrm chanted
Muat sla old hi well as iiv addiesi.
tVELU 3000 TTtlMT
' tTTXAi rrss all rommim(ftlei te Xvmtng Pnblta
L'tlatf. InJitundrnct Square. J'lillaittlphUt.
Member of the Associated Press
Hft iiiuf.rii'uh nnvbv i- r..Bi...t..
lll AA4UI.IA. ni i i.nan n biuiviv n
t; fflfCu re tne ihp or riiit7Jicuen or nil neilis
IT ' tUtatehtH errilitnt te It ut net etherwtie crfdtttd
' ' f! "l 'u;"r' '""' "',d "" 'ecal nr"" IxiMii'd
XII riot e rpiiM(fdf(en e a.relal dispatehtt
mtrttn are alto ifttrved.
PlillaJitpkll, Ther.J.y. Jene I, )2
rTlHK members of tin Ucimliliiun City
JL Committee met (.Meulin, mid illil in
they weie teM.
They tlrit clecteil "I'liclc Ii.nr" l.nuc n
honorary preHideut Then thc re-elected
Themng Watsen hs pic-ddent mid made Mrs.
ArchlCnld Hnrmnn ns henuriir vice pre"!
dent. In nemlnntliiK Mm, Miirmen. Onincllinnii
Hall cald Unit slie rerei'iited "the hone
lid sinew of riillndelpliin womanhood."
hile there ere idlier women In pelltlv'H
he Hketl te get their nniiie- in tlie neWM
piipi'rfl and nttend pink ten nnd cotillen.
The committee nrtnnged te ergntile
Semen's reramlttees in (aril ward, 'Se that
there would be no doubt who Is the woman
chairman of the wnril." Mi. Harmen Is
te have charge of this work and. of i eiiff.
he Is expelled te .( te It that the wind
Committees are mude up of Vare follewei
What the commit Ice did net de is per
linps as interesting as wh.it If ai'lnallv did.
Hefere the piiiimrleH It violated It (iwn
rules and Indorsed the (iindidacy nf Ml
Alter for the soeiiieihlp. Il will ulti
mately Indetse the nemin.. ion of Mr
JPlncbet there is no ether oeure open t
It, If It wishes te ictaiii its ieKu!ailt.- but
It has decided te wait until the Hepublkan
State Committee has been organized. This
1111 hnppen next Satiinlnv The deslie of
Sir. Pinchot te have mething te iay about
the selection of thi chairman of the State
Committee was described as uwrpatlen.
whereas n similar deslrp b Mr. Alter. If he
had been nominated, would have been
' taken as n matter of cemsp.
The committee Is Htlll (differing from tin
blows thnt it received at the primary, when
Its candidate was defeated, and It seems te
take delight in exhibiting in bruises. The
members ought te be better sports,
CONSlDKUINCi tlm tmt that iuui.li of
l'hlladelplita hliu between Sixth street
and the Deluuare leiihtitutes n miifeuiu of
architectural antiquiile. manv of them of
compelling grme and clianu, it Is net mii
prising that ihc tonstructien of the gre.it
Interstate bridge huuld pies Severely upon
historical mid sentimental sensibilities.
The appeal of the Lutheinn Mlnlsterlum
tit Pennsylvania for the preservation of pit .
turesque old St. .IeIiii'm I'liurch en Itace
street above Fifth Is a cne in point. If the
bridge engineers can devise aeme prnctleal
xueans of saving the structure, considera
tion would be well bestowed.
4Taere Is little progress, however, which
does net involve some sacrifice. Xe ion ien
Tcnlent site for the bridge approaches could
have been found which would net have con
flicted with preservation of treasures and
shrines of the past.
;Te an extent net always appieelated In
America the great capitala of Europe have
effaced memorial 'n their march of 1m 1m
frevement. Such action Is altogether un
pardonable without substantial overbalain1 everbalain1
iBf compensation.
There are, of ceuriv, structures for the
less of which no claim of metropolitan de
velopment needs could be deemed valid,
fcit painful as the process sometimes is. an
adjustment of values should be sought.
The bridge will Inevitably result in the
rasing of numerous quaint survivals of old
Philadelphia. It is conceivable, however.
that lamentation ever damage wrought
would bs even louder than It new !s had
tie Pennd.vlvaniu end of the span been
placed near Locust nnd Washington Square,
according te one of the designs
This city 1h among the comparatively few
large communities In the 'country which is
occasional!) compelled te pay the penaltv
for being venerable and objectively rich in
Ithe backgrounds of hlsterv
Wanton destruction heuld uerer be
.. countenanced. What is necessary is a reali-
'atlen of the difficult) uf the pieblem uud
the utmost care, la safeguarding what cun
"be protected without halting operations
nlnlsterlng te the welfure of the whole
Considering the subject bv Itself, nebndv
wants te Fee Old St. Jehn's pulled down '
But, en the ether hand few person are In '
favor of suspending the nlreadv well
advanced operations en the bridge.
' kcB THE chief Jtepublican opposition te
jn. the Ship Subsidy Hill cemes from the
representatives of the Western agricultural
States, it seems as if n spirited campaign of
fii 4fiipii(lnn ipre nenilwd
& 'The agricultural Stutis appaiently 'are
flSnet aware that the) ure us deeply Intel
i Jac 1 " " niuTiiun mere mint marine as
,9UVpfiliA Atlnnlte unit 1'fir.ltir. f'.i.i.it U,.iAO mi...
fciWS. whole Natien will benefit bv n lar He(
r'fyttl merchant vessela operated under the
American ilug. This can be demonstrated
With great ease by expert In national trade.
There Is an Immediate saving te be ef
fected by the subsidy bill which may have
a were effective influence en the sentiment
of the farming States, The Government
pent large sums In building ships during
the war. If they uinnet be operated at a
profit by Americans they will have te be
Old at a less. This less is estimated at
l , ,000,000,000. The thrifty farmers would
uii$n -like te have this sum saved. They are pie-
& 'ffctlenuts aim tney can be leld that the
'!( iTivJCtajar assueiuj iuwci; i iic- cait-jiaieu et I lie
VrlaP7 0I protection te tlie merchant marine,
Tl AtfcJFW.-. D.ut.l. kl.....t I. n 1
tyfrtntti abat we cannot put the American
wafsTcaani " 0BLI' " tie seas witneut ios ies
fA'tartag shipping in the same way the Gov Gev
'riment festered the trans-centinental rail-
a tifty years age. These reads would
.hare been built without assistance from
! Federal Government. They have (level-
.'.I . LA( ..... - A I. M ,
n Taa, ,( ui territory ana nave in-
Mtieaauwealta by many times
te, tar railroad projectors.
Hi'.SSS.'' Pr'
dent's shipping program. These Congress
men who profess te support the policies of
the President are likely te Dnd greater po
litical profit In following them Ihan in
dodging a vote en any one of thfii.
Mayer Moere Can Trace Seme Really
Dangerous Radicals by Clues Found
In His Gambling Raid
IN A safe found In one of the gambling
dens raided by Director Cortelyou's out-ef-lown
police were two cameled checks
which nsteunded'CUy Hall. They are said
te represent lenients nf graft te some of
the politically elite, if Mr. Cortelyou's
bread implications are te be tnkeu at their
face value.
Here, then. Is mere political high ex
plosive of the sort that blew Mr. Heldleman
and the Hnrrisburg machine Inte the high
air only a few months age. It marks the
beginning of a troll which, of course, the
Ma.ver will fellow te the headquarters of the
banditti who seem te be the real rulers of
The quest may bring Mr. Moere face te
face with his m.vsterlnus Four Ccrtnln Men
-men whose names he wouldn't reveal when
he uttered his famous phrase, though they
were known te everybody who knows no
thing about the wu.vr of factions In this
einmiinity. Jt mny show thst police offi
cials supposed te he honest have been cap
tured, trained and put te work by the
creeks they are sent In calch.
Neither the Ma.ver nor the Dlstrli I Attor Atter
ne.v nor the Director of Public Safety bus
a legal or moral right te shield such groups.
Neither part) Interest nor a desire for com
promise nor personal ieaens nei even Hie
welfnic of the" Administration It-f could
justify reticence or pusv tooting In cases
like the present one It Is useless te harass
III tic criminals while big criminal bask In
immunity. "
Ne one In authority can encourage that
sort of thing without siemltig te give official
anctlen te systematic outlawry. A rich or
influential cioek 1 no lens reprehensible,
lertnlnly, than a peer and skulking one.
Vet there persist in this cltj and. indeed.
In many ether pnrts of the ceuntr.v a feel
ing that it Isn't clubb) or ethical or even
quite right te expose criminals who happen
te be socially or pelitlrnllv above the aver
age And these are the uiuilimls who de
iiiehi of the harm.
Mr Moere.and Director CWtel.veit and
Mr. Iletnn knew that tongs which presume
te govern Philadelphia from ward club
rooms nnd from the back rooms of saloons
survive largely because of the laws of polltl pelltl
ml ceuitesy, and that when political and
non-pelltiiul creeks leek alike te elected
officials factienlst )eggmen wilt have te de
some honest work for a living.
Thus if Mr. Moere had fought his Four
Certain Men in the open, bad be been less
sensitive te the subtler lilies of the political
game nnd a little mete willing te make
better rules of his own, he might net new
he e baffled, thwarted, cheated executive
fumbling desperately with machinery filled
with menkey-wienches and hardly knowing
whldi police assistant he inn trust.
The political heavens and the political
earth hereabouts will be moved te keep the
light of da) from these two canceled checks.
Party and personal Influence will be used
te divert the Muyer nnd the District At
torney from the course of investigation sug
gested by their discovery. If the chase is
net pressed, the gang that was stunned
slightly by Pinchot n nomination will
emerge from the scuffle a little meie arro
gant nnd reckless than it was before.
And this community, like ethers In which
thugs and plunderers are permitted te con
trol the police and administrative systems,
will have drifted a little further toward a
state of political anarchy.
When people outside of politics organize
secretly te frustrate or openly defy the law
they are called anarchists. They are de
ported or sent te jail. Quite properly they
are classed as enemies of the state and a
menace te public order.
When people Inside politics organize se
cretly te frustrate and defy the law and
te conspire against the s)stcm of elcctid
repiesentatieu and legal authority, they arc
ailed The Beys.
Familiarity with the work of political
I'orrupllenlsts has hardened the American
conscience and made resigned acceptance
the general rule. The fact icmalns that
none of the ladlcals of whom se much was
said and written during and after the wnr
was half se dangerous te American institu
tions as some of the men who cull themselves
respectable and get themselves elected te
office or chosen as leaders.
The sub-bosses who actually managed te
take control of the police department out of
the hands of the .Mayer nnd the Director of
Public Safety are anarchists according te
every rule of logic and the dlctlenary'a defi
nition of that generally misused word.
ALIi the Implications in the Supreme
Court decision in the Coienado coal
case will uet appear until the full text of
the document lb available.
Twe points, however, seem te be clear.
One Is that the Supreme Court holds that n
labor union can be sued for damages caused
by a strike, and the ether is that the suit
can be prosecuted in the Federal courts.
The case grew out of labor troubles in
Arkansas. The manage! s of the Dnche
Denmun group of coal mines in Prairie
Creek Vnlley derided In 11IH te inn their
mines en the open-shop basis. When sev
eral of ibe mines began te be operated in
this way the workers In the Coreiiado Ceal
Company's mines struck. Nen-union
miners took their places. Violence result
ing in murder ensued, the working of the
pumps was stepped and the mines were
flooded with water.
The strike was ordered by Dlstilct Ne
21 of the United Mine Workers. Suit was
bieught under the Anti-Trust T.aw for
punitive damages. A verdict for $200,000
was obtained In the Western District Court
of Arkansas, which meant that the award
was $000,000 under the prevision of (he
law that the guilty parties must pay three
times the amount of damages caused. This
decision was affirmed by the Court of Ap
peals of the Eighth Federal District and the
union appealed te the Supreme Court from
this decision.
The Supreme Court has reversed the de
cision en the 'ground that there was no jus
tification for the assertion of the original
plaintiffs that there had been an Interfer
ence with Interstate commerce, The case
is sent back te the District Court "for fur
ther proceedings in conformity te this opin
ion." L
That' thrtet waa just In the opiaier
"IW --
of the Supreme Court Is indicated by Chtef
Justice Tnft's remark "thnt the circum
stances are such us te nwnken regret that,
In our iew of Ihc Federal jurisdiction, we
cannot iiffirm the judgment."
The greater part of the opinion available
Is devoted te n justification of suits against
labor unions, even though they are net In
corporated. The unions have obtained cer
tain legal lights. These rights are pro
tected by the courts. They may protect
their label as u manufacturer may protect
his trademark, nnd their right te repre
sentation In arbitration proceedings ar
ranged by law Is recognized. "It would be
unfortunate," sa.vs the Chief Justice, "if
nn organization with as gieat power as this
International union has In raising lnige
funds (euld assemble Its assets
te be used (In strikes) free from liability
for Injuries by terls committed in the course
of such strikes." And he insists that it is
net free from llabillt).
Whut relation this decision may have te
the previsions of law that labor unions shall
net be considered ns combinations in re
straint of trade does njat .vet appear. Jt
nay be that the courts will held that these
previsions merely menil'tlint n lnber union
is net of Itself n combination In restraint of
trnde. but that If It does restrain interstate
(enuneice It becomes liable te all Ihc penal
ties provided for such inleiference by whom
soever committed. The decision, however,
that n labor union can be held responsible
for damage growing out of n strike which it
has ordered, just n any ether group of men
can be held responsible for the consequences,
of its acts, is certainly in accordance with
the principles of eqult) nnd justice.
ONK hundred nnd thirt) -nine years after
its authorization an equestrian statue
commemorates one of the most decisive nnd
strategically Important buttles of Geerge
Washington en behalf of American Inde
pendence. The monument nt Pilnceten which will
he unveiled by President llatdlng tomorrow
has a curious hiMery. The resolution or
dering the construction of the memorial was
passed by that pitifully Ineffective Congress
which had been driven out of its official
legislative quarters at Shth and Chestnut
streets in the spring of l"(s't. Its refuge
was Nassau Hall nt the College of New
lersc.v In Princeton.
llefeie the sessions In exile closed. wed of
negotiation of the definite treaty of peace
with Kngland hnd been lecelved. nnd Con
gress, though Impeveiished and without tax
levying power, had somewhat tecevercd Its
nerves nnd 'was enje.v!ng a pleasant retro
spect of the bright spots el the Revolution.
Among these the sharp and brilliant bat
tle of Princeton was unquestionably promi
nent. The engagement, n swift seauel te
the dating surprise attack at Trenten enlyv
n tew days before, liberated New Jersey
from the British and compelled Cernwallls
te fall bnck upon New Yerk. Its impor
tance proved strlkingl.v illpropertlonatc te
the small forces engaged en both sides unil
te the value of Princeton ns n base of
Mr. Wells in an ungual ded moment in
his "Outline of Hlsterv" has described
Washington ns 'indolent." Could they
have anticipated this nscrlptlen, the retreat
lng British at Piinreten en January U,
1777, might hnvc been tempted te question
its nccurac.v.
I.ethaigy capable of winning such vic
tories was accepted with some enthusiasm
by an exultnnt band of Continentals, who
found the inspiration of Princeton stimu
lating for months afteiward and of service
as a spur te hope a .tear later at Velley
The puttering Congress under the Arti
cles of Confederation may at lenst be ac
credited with laudable Intention when they
realized the significance of Princeton and
plunned. though with no funds, te memo
rialize it In art. Mr. Harding will have the
privilege of making geed a long-deferred
The Macmennles statue Is in the vigor
ous nnd stirring style of this line Amerlcnn
sculptor, a worthy tribute te n little battle
with epochal implications.
TIIH General Scale Committee of the an
thracite mine workers has weakened the
case of the miners by it icfusnl te agree
te the proposal of the opeiaters that Presi
dent Harding be asked te appoint a com
mission te ascertain nil the facts en which
wages and the pi Ice of (eal depend.
The committee Intends te make a counter
proposal for the submission of the dispute
between the miners and the operators te n
commission, provided it is assured that no
suggestion of a reduction in wages be made.
It Is asserted that the price of coal la net
affected by wages, but by ether elements,
and that by economies and reduction of ex
orbitant prefitK the popular demand for
cheuper coal can be met.
We shall net attempt te pass en this
question. But It might be usked, if the
miners are se confident of the justice of
their case, why are the) unwilling te have It
examined bv such an Impartial commission
as President Harding would appoint?
The public does net wish te treat the
miners unjustly. The.v are entitled te a
generous wage and te a humane working
day. It was the mineis who welcomed the
interference of President Boesevelt in the
coal strike in 1002. and the President had
te held ever the opeiaters the threat of
taking the opeintien of the mines away
from them if the.v withheld their consent te
the inquiry by the commission. This year it
is the operators who nie asking for'presi fer'presi
denial intcrfcreme; and the miners, who
hnve forgotten the award of the Koesevcit
vuiiiiiiiBmun Mi-enc ,ippu: tiieir union ami
put it in me wv or controlling the labor In
the anthracite mines, aie lalsing ebjectli
The truth will hurt no lust ennae if
miners wish te ictnln the sympathy of the
public they will have te show n iHnnlU,.
te submit their claims te the judgment of
an impartial tribunal commisMened te as
ceitnin all the facts.
ii- ... K v e r y centenarian
Chi ken? t,b' ,f, ,h l,0n'' nmI
inn hen Korv of long years has
L. . , some favorite wav of
accounting for them. Imblt, diet or 'wha
net.Mmt II remained for a Bridgeton N I
ancient te credit his wealth of dayH te a"
cold disdain of daylight-saving lime. And at
ethers ,'xP,m",tl0 " Reed as some
A New Yerk fish dealer
arrested for trespassing
, . A. en e rni.reau was an
neyed by the singing of a drunk who was
placed in his cell; , he silenced the singer
by spying him and soberly went te sleep
If It can be proved that he ever called ei
hla wares while he peddled fish they e,.K
te hang that guv. "ugni
Fishermen's camns are altered i,. ... ..
spensible for most of the forest fires which
l!?i 'y"gCd ufSffi "?' Kerthweste",
Minnesota. Which seems te eenflrn, rl
Jehnsen a judgment concerning the Identliv
of the party at that end of tb? red nnd line
furthest from the worm.
An Atlanta, Ga., man was en the birr
that granted his wife a divorce. There wS
at leasfene man en that jury who
thoroughly conversant with nil ice facts
If Watsen, of Georgia, had the neces
sary energy and courage fa might Present Iv
discover that Herbert Hoever waaJthT man
Kwbe struck'' Bily Patterson. ,,M ra"n
iAstf&BiHJSffiaas x-am'-- vrr' - -.. ' -"!
Chief Justice Ven Meschxltker and
IL. I .A. 11.- II.......1 .. Cw.
nc baic uueiice mea.rcaai ,- ,
amplet The Minister Who
Fought Cardinal Richelieu.
Dr. 8chelllng en
Students ,
THE late Leuis N. Megargee once insisted
thnt Judge Rebert von MeschrJsker, new
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, change
his name.
At the time, seventeen years age, (he
distinguished jurist was just beginning his
upward march te the highest honors in his
"Is he nware thnt he Is driving theVpfficcrs
of his court and the lawyers who hove te
nttend there te alcoholic habits In efforts te
properly pronounce the unpronounceable
name?" declared the editor and publisher
of Seen and Henrd.
But the future Chief Justice went sercncl)
en his way, as was proper.
He did net change n letter or reform n
syllable as a result of the journalistic
Guy T. Vlsknlsky, one time a well-known
journalist In this city, new nn editor nnd
publisher in New Yerk, native-born Ameri
can of European ancestry, answers te n
name nlmest as difficult of proueunclatlon as
that of the jurist.
What does it matter anyhow?
one of Judge von Meschzlskcr's predeces
sors en the Supreme Bench.
ne aieu April 28, 1018, and Edward ,i.
Fex,of Easten, new Special Deputy At
torney General in charge of the invcstlga- '
tlen of juggled accounts In the office of I
former State Treasurer Harmen M. Kep- '
hart, was nnrjelnted te fill the vacnncv.
Justice Mestrent nlse bore n name whose
(errect pronunciation was always a mat
ter of discussion.
He came of a long line of Huguenot fore
bears. One of his nncesteis was the fore
most Huguenot scholar In France.
He lived four hundred .venrs age and was
known and noted for his skill In contro
versy. Cardinal Richelieu told him te his face
that he was "the boldest Minister in
Mr FRIEND. Dr. Geerge William Lin
coln, communicated the following In
teresting discovery te lne concerning the
antecedents of Stephen Leslie Mestrent.
who Is remembered ns one of the most
courteetjs, polished nnd learned Judges that
ever graced the bench.
Colonel James M. (Juffey was responsible
for Judge Mestreznt's seledlen te the
Supreme Court. He was then the lender of
Pennsylvania's Demei i m v .
Let me present what Dr. Lincoln has le
siy en this subject of nanus and nationali natienali
ties: TN THE middle of the year 1017 Arnoux
J. the Jesuit, who wns the court chaplain
nt thnt time, preached two violent sermons
before Leuis XIII In which he attacked the
"He openly accused them of misquoting
(he Scriptures, garbling quotations, putting
it false Interpretation en them and being
generally ignorant.
"Coming from such a quniter an attack
of this nature could net be overlooked.
"It was promptly answered in n pam
phlet, 'Defense of the Confession of the Re
formed Churches of France against the nc nc
chsntiens of Mr. Arnoux the Jesuit.'
"The style nnd the learning of the reply
nf once attracted attention nnd n violent
controversy sprang up. Paris was in u
turmoil; it rained pamphlets.
"The Sorbonne took a hand in the frav.
"The Parliament of Paris ordered the
arrest of the writers,, who were four Protes
tant ministers of Charenton : Mentignl, Du
rand. Du Meulin nnd Mestrc7at.
"The council summoned them te appear
before them, and the court In the meanwhile
was using every means in Its power te hush
the matter up.
""DL'T It was te no purpose.
JD "The noise of the storm reached
Richelieu, who was then living In retirement
In his diocese of Lucen.
"He had been banished from the court
after he hnd been dismissed from his posi
tion ns Minister of Foreign Affairs after the
assassination of Cenclnl, the Marshal of
Anre, and for being Involved in the intrigues
of the Queen-mother Marie de Medicis.
"He weh practically in exile, ns he was
forbidden te stir beyond the boundaries of
his diocese.
"At once he set himself te reply te the
work which had come from Charenton. In
three months he published his nnswer, a
printed book of 2."0 pages, entitled 'The
Chief Points of the Faith of the Catholic
Church defended agnlnst the writing, ad
dressed te the King, by the four ministers
of Charenton,'
"Jenn Mestrerat, who was one of the
four authors, was one of the foremost
Huguenot scholars in France.
"The interesting thing for Pennsylvania
is the fact that this dauntless Huguenot,
whom Cardinal Richelieu thought a foeman
worthy of ills steel, was an ancestor of
Stephen Leslie Mestrezat, who was Judge of
the Supreme Coin t of Penns.vlvnnln from
1000 te 1018."
University of Pennsylvania made a very
interesting observation one day recently.
It was that the class of students coming
under his observation nt the University this
year are bringing te their work higher ns
plratlnns nnd greater earnestness of pur
pose than any similar body that he has seen
in recent years.
FPlw.t, iiiia n((nnrlln tlm f Ti.lnAnuUn h.1.1. ..
,..v ....v..u...K .... etitiripuj Willi U
real purpose In view. The.v me earnestly
desirous ( fitting themselves for the battle
of life.
There Is less tendencv te yield te the so se
called "college .spirit," which generally
means absorption In the social nnd fraternal
affairs of student life, rather than the mere
piesnlc work of "boning up" en their
Dr. Schelling attilbutes this change from
previous years te (he awakened spirit that
followed the World War.
Yeung men then get a broader view of
life; a keener perception of what the future
holds In store for these who are willing te
Indeed the whole student body, according
te the learned doctor, Is aroused and work
ing us no similar bed), perhaps, has ever
done In the past.
There is an iiudettene
Here and Boer of ndinlrutleu in some
of the stories printed
about the Hammend. Ind.. waiter who was
tee busv te go le Chicago te have a Croix
de Guerre pinned en him by n general sent
ever by the French Government; aeme slight
bint thnt he had done something commend
able. But lc mH'r tuilt the incident
merely demonstrates thnt a man may be
brave' without being either courteous or in
telligent. A Western lady who shot her gentleman
fiiend is being overwhelmed with letters
from ether ludles commending her course.
But before you condemn the sex for mushi
ness just wait until you can cast your eyes
en the gentlemen of the Jury who may later
return her a vote of thanks.
Perhaps Senater Watsen, of Indiana,
was denunciatory rather than argumenta
tive because it was easier te show tbatthe
British and Italian Ambassadors had been
indiscreet than te prove the worth of the
tariff schedules of which they seemed te
"I have the toothache today," said the
Vice Chancellor in the Chancery Court, At
lantic City; and every lawyer present took
the hint. Court adjourned. Justice may
be blind and yet travel straight! but Justice
with the toothache may al) unwittingly gum
il.lJ .. A jTO - '
imufta r .
; unviviwfi s'
jr y '
Daily Talks With Thinking Philadelphia en Subjects They
Knew Best
On Art Works, Real and Otherwise
THERE has been a tremendous Increase
in the interest felt In nrt mntters In
this country with a corresponding guln in
knowledge nnd appreciation of the masters,
according te' Prof. Pasqunlc Farlnn, one of
the most distinguished nutherlties en the
subject in the United States.
"This increase In Interest relating te nil
matter artistic." said Prof. Farlnn. "has
been especially noticeable in the last ten or
twelve .vears. It has net been strictly con
fined te appreciation, for there Is an ex
cellent class of young nrtistB springing up
nil ever the country, and" In this Important
matter Philadelphia is well in the fore
front. The younger generation of sculptors,
however, is showing mere real tnlcnt thnn
are the painters, net only In the execution
of their Ideas, but in the boldness nnd origi
nality of the ideas themselves.
Many New Art Museums
"Anether way in which this Interest Is
making itself npparent is in the great in
crease in the number of nrt museums. In
the western part of the country they arc
springing up nlmest like mushrooms and
some excellent ones have either been started
or are in full existence. These nre valuable
in teaching the worth of nrt things nnd In
showing people that It is csscntinl that these
things should be a part of their lives, in
order that they shall reach their highest and
bebt development,
"Of course, with all this has come the
collector of nit works of all kinds, but es
pecially of paintings, and with collections
have come the lcnl and the faked 'master
pieces.' Great paintings command such
large sums that the material rewards have
led manv dealers nnd pnlrfters te counterfeit
the old masters mere or less well In order
te sell these works nt -e big figure. Un
fortunately this device hns often proved
te be successful, and ten lete the collector
learns that be has paid a real 'old-master'
price for a modern painting. Usually there
is, little or no lcdiess for the fraud nnd the
collector hns te pocket his financial less and
his chagrin at being deceived together.
Difficult te Detect
"Detecting n spurious art masterpiece,
especially n painting, is frequently a mntter
of great difficulty and calls for expert
knowledge in all the details of painting.
The texture and nge of the canvas will net
often tell, because in n skillfully executed
Imitation nn old ennvas will frequently be
used with tliis vciy idea in mind. In this
(ase the former pictuie is painted ever,
attempts te clean the (anvns net often being
innde. There are in the world many
thousands of canvuscMbWhlch fnr (W0 or
even mere pictures, us I have found in ray
restoration work.
"The infallible physical test Is the nature
of the pigments used. The modern paints
differ radically from these used by the old
masters, and there is no possibility of de
ceiving the expert Ju this matter. Of course.
the physical nature of the pigment deeH net
siij thut the puinttng Is u genuine Rem
brandt, Murllle or ether great master which
it purpeitN te be. but it will tell infalllblv
ns te the period when the painting was
"As te ibe genuineness, thai In for the ex
pert, because nil the details- nf the work
which has made the muster famous have
le be considered the tones, the brush work,
the drawing and the thousand ether elements
which make the work of the particular mas
ter under consideration distinctive from all
Qualities of a Collector
"Ft net Infrequent!) happens that a work
of greater merit than the one en top re
veals Itself when two pictures have been
painted en the same cnuvas nnd the upper
one is taken off. 1 had a case of this sort
in restoring u painting for n Philadelphia
collector net se veiy long age. The picture
had fallen nnd a small crack was revealed
in the canvas. Upen exniuinntlen, I found
that there was a painting under the upper
one and Btrengly advised the collector te
hnve the top one remerci, in order te see
what was underneath.
"The upper picture hnd been purchased
by his father and he wanted u copy of it.
This I carefully made for hltn. as n wns n
model n painting, ami tljcn proceeded te ic ic
ineve the upper picture. Of course, I didn't
knevv what we were te find under it, but
we were both delighted te find that the uadfr
painting was a beautiful piece of work, of
coellderably higher artistic value, tbaa ts
r X V a" a
fi M
i i f "
VlraBN -BBBHsanw
one which I lcmevcd. This Is only one of
many like instances which hnve come in my
personal experience.
"A collector of paintings should possess
a natural artistic Intuition, an Innate geed
sense of the artistic, n refined taste, some
knowledge of the history of art, a general
knowledge of the biographical data of ar
tists In general, especially with regard te
period, and a mere specific knowledge of the
characteristics of these artists whose works
he particularly admires and of which he
desires te make a collection. But- nbeve
all, he must have n sincere love of the
beautiful In nrt.
The Boastful Collector
"But te these who collect works of art
because it is the fashion te beast of pos
sessing n collection of them, It mnkes little
difference whether the pictures they secure
nre representative works of the great masters
or pnlntingH produced by some inferior
painters. These usually de net knew if
the works aie worth having, whnt their place
Is in tlie history of painting. In relation te
the period or the school te which they belong,
or whether tbey arc of special quality nnd
therefore should be retnined en their own
uittstlc merits.
"It sounds incredible, but-often this type
et collector actually does net even care te
knew whether the works he owns nre origi
nals or net. 'My expert, a reliable dealer
in nrt, get them for me,' he will say, or
'The greatest authorities en authenticity
stated thnt these are genuine paintings by
so-and-se. mentioning names such as
Rpinbrnndt. Velasquez, Hehbema, Itejnehh,
Chnrdin. Frngennrd, efc.
"Collectors et this type, nnd there arc
net a few of them in tills country, become
fully convinced that they have a veritable
fortune In the nrt works which they own.
The opinions given out by dealers or by many
of the se-called experts me frequently
strengthened by alleged decumentnrv 'evi
dence' or 'pedlgiees,' which they claim is
absolutely authentic nnd hence indisputnbl)
Price Ne Criterion
"Moreover, the high prices paid for such
well-authenticated' works seem te 'this
t.vpe of collector te serve as n guarantee of
authenticity; but this is unfertunntelv net
the case, as many easily discovered 'fakes
hnve been sold te the unwary collector for
very large sums.
"But the real collector is the man who
eves these works of nrt, who lakes such an
interest in them that he will study them and
nbserb their characteristics until he himself
becomes nn expert. This Is 1C mnn who,
when )ou visit his gallery, will point out te
jeu Hie artistic merit, the plcterlul t.uali
ties, the manner, the i.mlmi,, ,.t 1......1. 1
drawing, the temperamental mood, the lnflu
cnee of school or of ether masters things
which te the ether type of collector Is os
unknown as Chaldean or Sanskrit. The
latter type tells you of the cost; the former
of the beaut) of the picture."
Cengiess has authetlted
the President te ask
the luaiitlme nations
Waste Net
Want Net
10 join in ndentimr
measuies te end pollution of navigable
streams by the dumping et oil refuse. "OM
en the tieubled waters" new reads "oil that
troubles waters." Net (he least damning
cemmentarv 01, the habit complained of Is
the fact that the waste that poisons fishes
would Improve our highwu.vs; 'that the stuff
thrown away hascemmerclul value.
Without violating a confidence, cdl cdl
teriallv wheezes Toddle Tep, we are b
le publish Plnchet's Fount of Ju'v " , ?
diess 111 iiihurKC.IIeie it is: Milferd, Pa.
Secretary Wallace's grandson, seven
.vcuis old, has just had his first tide behln
u horse. This is simply another " way "f
pointing out hew the times have changed.
i. ,ronr.Tpl?.tlen ?f reanlzatlen Victories
In the City Committee gives birth .1
thought thut every time the corn?n th.e
swatted it gives anelher vvilggle. P ls
A man who insists thnt the held-m. i,
singed was n Jeke has been sent ie'sIm
Sing for five cais. He ought te 1? ,.1
te explain tlie point lnjhjffiue. ' "bl"
Klng'sft " ft '?. 'S
! t
Well, it can't be alleged for Jaat'i
youthful days that tbey are half-baked.
Miss Alice Kraft says we should rtlu
lhythmicnlly. This happily damns all fra
Lark of harmony in the party li new
ascribed te the clashing of a major and 1
The Contractor Gang presumably wwili
prefer a General Operator te a Geniral
Ferd says he is willing te run for PmiI
dent, but he won't spend any money. As As
ether flivver.
Ceck-fighting is said te be spreading Is
the eastern section of this country. Spun
te endeavor, ns it were. .
A six-feet alligator has been seen la 1
Massachusetts swamp. It ls probably there
still or somebody's still.
It may be said for the Sherman lit
that in the thirty-two years of its exiBtenn
has nt least demonstrated Its limitatleni.
The inventor of the helicopter dnl
the published story that at a recent teit II
proved n success. Somebody was getting a rl
rise out of it.
. :
rVhn PKIlfilAlnV.lM xtl.. l-.t M..il. ,
turned out 120,000 $20 geld pieces. Smiling t
Mny was evidently preparing te buy preiti 1
"i .nine UIIUCS. '
The really .wearying feature nhnut It iB
is that when a Indy kills n gentleman tdie
always feels it necessary te tell the world
the whole sad story.
Within two hours en Tuesday the New
l0fk police arrested Alexander Hsmiltea
nnd Geerge Washington. Patrick Henry,
however, the world will be pleased te learn,
still has the liberty he demanded. v
What De Yeu Knew?
Who discovered Brasil?
Name tliree comedies since Shakespean
acknowledged as classic.
Who waa Drace?
Where and what was Gretna Gren? .
who said. "He serves his party !
who serves his country best"?
What is a scintilla?
Is it correct te speak of n fashlerutiw
gown or a smartly dressed person ti
Where Is Flrenxe?
"er wnem la tne suuiotlne namea;
What nation has the motto. 'Levt 01
i-imeiiy ureugni us Mere .'
Answers te Yesterday's Quiz
Old Sarum ' Is n nlnrn tun ml Ina from
Salisbury, England, nn anelent Celtic
nnd, later, a Jleman fortress. It wu
long noted in England as one or in
most notorious of "rotten bofreugni
there being net a single house wltnie
Its limits when It wns dlsfranchlirt
in 1832.
ZeilehtfL WflN n fnmnna fDnpen nf PAlmTTti
n grcnt commercial city east of Sjrlj.
man "Emperor Aurellan in 271 A. R
I'nlmyra was besieged and capturw,
the following' year and Zeneblft "
ureugnt captive 10 Heme, sne tucu
A carom Is a shot In billiards In which th
cue ball strikes each of two oe"n
Luca. della Bebbla was n noted lt'g?
sculptor nnd artist In bas reliefs. !
died In Florence, of which city he
a nn f ijt. (m 1 J BO
Quinquina 'is a- Peruvian bark, yleldin
Eurasia 1b the Continental mass mM W
ni Plirnna nnrl A-utn
Faustina waa the wife of Marcua Aurj-
nus, the famous Reman Emperor,
luled during- part of the second
tuiy A. D. She accompanied her w"
muiim uii many ui me iiihh- .Hi
tlens and wen from the soldiers wj ,
line -uemer or me cumim. .,-.
Aphasia Is less of speech ns a rewi ,
cerebral affection, ,;
title ".Mether 01 the camps.
un T in ma wwu iiih-ive - -ir&a 1
because the word Is Imported irre 1
the Italian, In which language It!
before "I" is net sounded, altiieufl 3
It does affect the acuml of tny j(J
ine pronunciation or me " -jm
lilnf-lli. lu I'lm.lirnl.l fl ' JM
Olie, meaning a 'mixture. K'Jl
or medley, Is derived from tha spej
'Alia unArMa." fha. nam for Sri
composed of meat -and yfSHfi
lamea f tewea or s-eiwe "---?;
x-e4irtatt menllrfMtM rffl
i v-' j f "? .
. i ', ...
A 9 Su
l&hhm&&mll . iu
j''UfcrlV .
11 lf
UWiWMf-timaZJim2XE..i..JJ! :: 'LI