J"A V : mr. wrmym 1 "(, HWsmBtWWsWm l.JJ ,.'.-.. . ;.-' ' ...ML.'sa a.1 w . Rnrilll lUIADTED $1 1 1 Hll UllfilllLll t 'HI I Lil fen1 i Mielatic Honors Will PJWtrded This Evening fi itWHherspoen n.n F4 GUMMERE 'TO PRESIDE fe:asi5 I SSiS "header, will -present llfeS'le he forty-nine grad- UMH ":r i,ni will be awarded nt OTSS.hiS.i the inre net limited !&?& XE teWh they t&'tt feMhe ycar-Secunda lWer for . "l flViflr.rd. Williams. ! V 'uar for 'je"r Stifled,' William. Sf. Hecunda: Brewer. hZn. ?r & : Briw.;; ! ' nrelf, nichardaen. Slean. " ?.Vl.. Frame. Upper SffS" 'IKS'' n .in... !!. Prr"L B '.man. p :;.. na iii. euuiiiui -,.... iinrp'i.,1,.1 n ncKX. m"""i.i ...--., Br Lii..a ' iiv'iii. "-.;-.-. tMMMAti MCUCn. ' a".' Therns: l-w F,rt! . A Sl. MP'- T?-K. Second Preparatory """' -v wnir. bchi. v'-,ii,.'-r: .v MS- f..,t Thl Beta Kappa: Arm l?C WSriiintt. Gate. Jenes, Staf- Wl!lm'l-I- orimlnntlenn will v?SjhStil at the whoel for the Foun Feun Foun .Ahelnrsliip; the winner of which Pl fjSTiltlen at Penn Char- tSSriatffl50. iffi'BrVJway Brown. William Budd. WIN lax gnrZ!iMct Jr., Jeshua A. Chrls- ?Cw Clark Kenneth n. Clarlc. Je- IUl Jehn W. U". """g' '-! Ill TVnnlf K SVffi T'h-Sp Kvan. Jereme 6: I" L3u,i;. Tt " farr. William W. Farr. 2. t 67 rarrlnuten. James w, uage, . awj. f;. ... vnrmnn A. Indahl. Jehn ' fiJJ Henry W.Jen" Henry K. Kirk. ' I W- &'nlvecman. Jr.. Jhn Leenard, LiAa H lSw"?. Albert B. MaeKaln. r. lew " 'trfV's. Meader. Daniel S. SHwryS. Miner ef. Armand V. Mor Mer 'IT aiiiferd B MerrH, Heward F. Park. ,l,Wl'5?,r, uiwi.h. Henrv D. Paxton. wlmam Sfklnl. Jr.. Menard H. Reeve. .Ktr'S. 'YA"01??.'. Wchird 6. BtafTenT & V Btren'r .Benjamin F. Theeblld. sfc W'S!.! taid l and" Henry' J. Wll- atnw itmue h been elected bowl mnn of p duatlng clflRH. Streng jK-t.e SfiDr.O. A. Strenu. head of the Enllirii Apartment nt the tchoel. He tee bis letter In basebnll, trnck nnT football, and is president of the grad utlnx elms. JAN'S BODY FOUND AFTER t.ATTtMN IU WhtUR IKAIN j Irvin Tlei, Wired te Track, Fall te Derail Any Cara 1 Iknlalien. Conn.. June 8. (By A. ip.) An attempt te week n northbound -.tftln an the New Yerk, New Haven and Hutferd Railroad; wnx made late last .iltht between Wnureunn and this place. Beren lies wnicn were wirrti te me track were struck by a Xcw Londen-to. Wnrcriter train. Ne cars were derailed fejtd the train was brought te a step tluln i short distance. ' iTbe mantled body of n man about ljuty years old was found. State and .railroad police were caiicu at ence te determine whether the mnn was dead Were the train hit the tics. PARCEL POST HOT WATER IN EVERY SPIGOT A nice cool kitchen in sum mer and warm in winter. Yeu can regulate it accerding: te the weather. A size for every purpose. Before Installing come te aea W. We can aave you 30 per BJ w? are out of the. high nt district and with best quality goods. MORT SUPPLY CO. Fourth and Girard Are. Philadelphia RaidwuM, win u m I .Tl?mb?' ' StmeUee. rataii. OIU and Glaaa. laBOrEN animr KTKVlvn- 'MANOS ,!5e,ui, HOWARD VINCENT. r M" t" 84B N. Hh t in ntn ., tun Htrfei aSEM.S SfMfK Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agenciej and Lest and Found Advertising will be found en Page 28 TJ i H aniiffit IT ? ,ii-i i,: H6W tAN WE 6ME SUCH BUILDING VALUES? When. Caire Diamond Key method are explained It la clear. , Heuse and oungaiew 01 me nil assign ana eon' struct Ien at prices you hava been wait In for. Easily erected anywhere, but net portable or ready cut. Writ (or a" ' TUB BRADLEY CO. Colonial Trust Bldg.. Philadelphia, Pa. Phene Spruce 6468. lU. IW10RS,ATTENTION! U1T-19-21-2I-25 Bummer it. 120 ft. Summer at. te ill ft en Winter at. 7M-Be-88-e0-e2-94-e9-8-T-T3 N. Tar- ler at 2083 Falrmeunt ave; 3209 Falrmeunt aye. Hamilton Ce. ,1807 Arch St NEAR 18THSt SPRUCE STS. doctor or private famtlyi will finance. MAGEE & RODGERS 1200 Lechit .at. Hpruce 0207-0208. 1207 LOCUST STREET Adapted ter office bultdlnt well flaanced. MAGEE AND RODGERS 1200 Lecuat at. Spruce O20T-0XM 1QTH AND OKUKN. 80,000 aq. ft., near Parkway and 8eaqul-Centannlalt ault- able for mf. of any kind; caraie aerr, una; saraae aerr. tauen. mevini SesM'Fmm" tatrlctlena. 208 IIWCOI.W HIJJU. 1928-30 SANSOM ST. 334 SOUTH 16TH ST. PAUIi H. STUM. Merrla Blda. Spruce 182t FOB CITT AND SUBURBAN REAIj ESTATE J. LEE PATTON. LINCOLN Bf.PQ, Bulldlna Jte. Faeterr HlUa. Kte. 27,000 SQ. FT. Let 122 feet en Market at. by 320 feet te Ludlow at.: 8 mlnutea from City Hall: Ideal alte for wareheuae, sales or factory bulldln. REYNOLD H. GREENBERG MORRIS BLDO.. 1431 CHESTNUT ST, RIPE FOR IMPROVEMENT 28 acre west aide of Canter Jd., north of Cottman. J. LEB PATTON. Lincoln Blda. FACTORIES. SITES FLOOR 8PACJB AT WATNB JUNCTION Spaea for rent. Address Mr. Darllne. J. LEE PATTON. Lincoln Bldt. ' Factories, Wareheneee. Mannfaeterlnt Fleora ONPENNA.R.R. N.Y.DIV. N. W. COR. TACONT A LEVICK, STS. 10,000 Sq. Ft. of Fleer Space NEW 1 AND 3 STORT BUILDINGS ENOINE, BOILERS. ARTESIAN WELL 50.000 SQUARE FEET OF OROUND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION J. L Stevenson & Sen"0 2 TO 9 ACRE LOTS at grade (net filled In). Penna. R. R. trnckace, near Frankford Btatlet and Oithodex at. trolley; water, sewer and paved atreet. W. M. WILKINSON. 1814 Chestnut at. Factories, Warehouses fie Sites 1 J. LEB PATTON. Lincoln Bldt. I WEST PHILADELPHIA Superior Values 628 8. C4TH ST. A rare oppor tunity, main at., 13 rma.; perfect condition; bound te appeal te most critical. Blatant corner. In restricted sec tion, entirely medern: exceptionally priced at 19000: arrante te Inspect. 6000 block Ellawerth at., larte story house, A-l order; desirably lo cated. . 5409 Norfolk St.. 6 rma. and tile bath; elec. llthts; excellent order. JOHN M. ENBURG . B207 BALTIMORE AVE. Ikniunu 69TH ST. SECTION 4 BEDROOMS Third fleer finished. Incleaed perch, ca rats. It la a atone house, thoreuchly modem. Price $10,500. Act quickly aa this Is an exceptional opportunity. Financed se as little cash nsceesary. Price includee screens, shades, etc. Own er's object la slmplya quick sale. Only one square from 69th St. Station. Apply only te WALTER A. McCLATCHY 70th and Market. Lansdowne 2084. SAVE MONEY BUY AT $7600 PRICE WILL ADVANCE JUNE 15TH Apply today. 5407 Wllklna ave. Selection of paper and nxturea Shertlidge. 31 J S. 56th St. SHERWOOD 230P-1 NEW STONE HOUSES 8 AND 4 BEDROOMS 3 BATHS AND OARAOB 65TH ST m VJllS kit. OVERBROOK NORTH OF LANSDOWNE AV. Central-Plant Heat At 'a cost leas than your coal bill MOSS fie TAYLOR RIPE FOR IMPROVEMENT VALUABLE PROPERTY B225 WALNUT ST. 1BFT. 0 IN.XI17 FT. MAGEE AND RODGERS 1200 Locust St. Spruce 0207-0208. 4312 SPRUCE STREET Colonial; finely appointed house In beautiful vcuen ok wen rnii. owner leaving Cliy, MAGEE AND RODGERS 1200 Locust st. Spruce 0207-0208, ?, L, , RADIO RALF w ': ' iiM ,' '" BV Jack j80" :WLSORSALE (rMG0.N6T0BUIL0) f WOULO 1 ill I 6-E-e-e! ) Hpf & rJo-fMe-Ho.'l ) Jl rJe! HE ISM'tI j II piiiiiiMiC'TV A PAOlO OOOTri IM PAY A JITNEY ' . WY GPAMOPOP W0OUO ,- f YOUR Qr?Ar40-P0P k&k Cr?e2Y! - HE'S fji I I I I I ItJTZTT" OURVARPAM'CHARW Lmcae A 1 ?AY . ITBrt TH0U5AMD , nj IU MOST 9E OPA-ZV !! PM M OPAnll III II . 5AUSTM RAOlO? CZDCD ' WLLAffS TO HEAR f fl JU J :1 ffi n J -- . i ' . ' - .- I I TrjarTmx . . I "" -r"7 - -v- . ... . 3T7- - """, "" ..f-JL, c X .'JlW?f., , 'I .& tiV.i. . t I &,sh?Mh. .... - VitAV v r. .. - ir . l hs 1 Mi&r:wmti&'M&P Tir nmmt-wpmuAtt Make Your HOME at Haddonfield Estates Thousandsjef Philadelphia people are facing the East, like the men who started the idea of the new bridge. They are crossing the river and coming te live in Jersey new. Hundreds are coming te Haddonfield Estates te make their homes. They are doing it because they can find just the location they want at a smaller outlay. They are geed people, with limited means net millionaires. They are coming te a fine social atmosphere and congenial neighbors, te comfort and every city advantage in a setting of grass and bloom. They are coming te live as men, women and kids ought te live where there is plenty of room and a fine American spirit. De you want a kitchen garden, and posies? De you want cheaper living? De you want a lake te swim in and a nearby country club? De you want wholesome friends? De you want te live where you can get home fast at night? Then come te Haddon field Estates. Come and see it. Words won't paint the picture. Your eyes must tell the story. A few minuttt en the P. R. R.er Haddonfield trelleyt from Market Street Ferriet, Camden, will bring you te the fast growing centre of Camden suburbs. Come and see why ethers live here. If you prefer, send first for our illustrated booklet HADDONFIELD ESTATES HADDONFIELD, N. J. 30 Minutes from City Hall WEST PHILADELPHIA OVERBROOK SECTION These 2-story modern homes offer the maximum in value. 1200 Atwood rd.. 18-feet atone frent: twin perch:' arae. I700O 8818 Lebanon ave.. Inclesed perch; aaraae: extra llchtlnc fixtures: weather atrlpped, 19100 1188 Marjyn rd.. most attractive home In beautiful block. $7780 N. 84th at., semi-detached. .4 bedrms., southern exposure, llvln room. 10x20. $0050 FRANCIS J. LAMBERT 408 N. 83d st. Belmont 8777 69TH ST. SECTION $500 CASH 4 BEDROOMS Oarate. Inclesed perch, breakfast roem: $47 monthly expense, plus lis te reduce merttate. WalterAMClachi, 70th and Markst Lansdowne 2084 Cerner residence with established dell catssssn atere In basement, wide main atreet, Sherwood district: 4 rooms and bath en second fleer; llvlnt room, hot het water heat, electricity, hardwood floers: attractive residential aurreundlnta; price 112.800. Near 49th and Chestnut: ripe for de de veeopment: approximately 00 feet front ate en Cheatnut at.. 140 feet deep, open Inc onto alley; excellent epenlnt for auto salesroom and repair aheps, ate. HermonAndersen4whK5,i5n,dtoi,0l0ve- Exclusive Location 228 S. 4&TH ST. 8 chamber!. 2 baths, built-in ahewer, billiard room. Inclesed perch, hot het water beat, electric lltht. 3ar aerate. Open today 1 te B P. M. W. J. Seymour & LOGAN 8000 N. 11th" at. cer. Mlllett built. 5081 N. 12th at. Let 85x84. 8025 N. 13th at. 8 aty.. excellent oend. 4910 Marvlne 3 aty.. poss. June 1. BO04 Marvlne 8 rma. A b.: 1mm, poss. 4018 Caroae 8 aty., 10 rma.. 1 bath. W. D. CHAMBERS bCVsV. TgpJIdlnt Leta BUILDING LOTS Cerner Terlt read and Lenex read, below Jenklntewnj IK aeree: old shade; at trade; M5.nlrt0dniTe?S Ciub,,0",1OD: GLENN, 213 S. 15THST. OLNET LAST CHANCE ONLY ONE LEFT Falrhlll at. at Olney ave. 8800 Bleck Bea-itltul 2-aty. house, complete In every respect. Fer further prrtlculara apply te JOSEPH FELDMAN. 200 Lincoln Bldt. A REAL BARGAIN N. B. cer. Chew ave. and American at.: 4 bedrooms. Inclesed perch, het-water heat, electricity, tubs: tarate for 2 cara; near train and trolley, schools and churches; must be eeld. OLNEY REALTY CO. WYOMING 5250 5510 N. BTH ST. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN OVERLOOKING HUNTINGDON VALLEY Modern dwelling, containing 10 rooms, 2 bathe: all conveniences; garage; running atream: old shade: few mlnutea' walk from statien: $10,000. IIERKNESH ft STETSON Land Title Bldt. , mew rm bkt amitmBAW EARL R. LIPPINCOTT Offie en PreMrtr 301 HADDON AVE. PENNSYLVANIA HUBURBAN OGONTZHILL ESTATES JOld Yerk & Church Reads) YOU may have observed the attractive houses en Otentx Hill. These new homes are belnt vtilted and talked about In Yerk Read vicinity. Artistic, erltlnal and unueual complete In every way. Each with 8 bathe and 8 bedrooms. Indi vidual tarate with let 80 feet frentate superb views from all aides. Breesy and comfortable elevation. $28,000. Terma te ault. Immediate possssaten Inspection solicited. Open Sunday afternoons. GILBERT S. SMITH 69th Ave. and 10th St Phene, Oak Lane 10 SB Oak Lane Stene Colonial residence In exclu sive locatien: center hall, llvlnt room, dlnlnt room, billiard room. etc.G chambers, 3 baths; every modern appeintment: large ta rate: nearly one acre well-planted. treuna; near station. iffial "f e t A.HAVENS CQ S 1 LAND TmCBLDS. BuUdlnt Ixits iMnniiiuiiiiiiii FERGUSON'S BUILDING LOTS HORSHAM HEIGHTS Beating, bathing, flshlnt: Just above Willow Oreve Park en Doylestown trolley; also medsrn homes, with cenvenlsncss. NESHAMINY FALLS Beating, bathing, flshlnc. The. everyday sum mer resert: 17 mi'.cs from Reading Terminal: commutation only 20 cents; right at station and creek. NORTH OLENSIDE Belew Wlf Wlf lew Oreve Park; right at train and trolley; 10 miles from City Hall. 3500 Choice Lets, $50 Up KABX MONTHLY PAYMENTS Free Title Ins. Takn advantnes of the DAY LIGHT SAVING and let us take you up after work In an automobile. FERGUSON, Frent fit Yerk Without any obligation en my part, kindly aend m free booklets of Far- gusen'a Building Leta and plane for emet. HAMB ADDRESS iiaWwmiiiireiimiiaiiM LJMikmwsM-ismu ISBflflailv pf JSMiexeaMsl kajkAL A iHCiA REAL ESTATE SERVICE Equipped with the knowledge and skill acquired in many years' real estate activity te handle ANY of your problems. D. E. DAftfeAM 709 WALNUT STREET REAL ESTATE AND MORTG kGES APARTMENTS MIS GERMANTOWN Walnut Lane & Wayne Av. Overlooking the Park The most modern apartments in Germantown offered at very attractive rentals. 50 of them are new under lease, and te make sure of obtain ing one, we suggest an early appointment. Occupancy September 1st SMULLEN 1206 LIBERTY BLDG., BROAD ITlKIIIfWWpwTDPl SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE PENNSYLVANIA SDDPBBAN BR00KLINE ONE FARE FROM (I0TH A MARKET 8 MINUTES' RIDE $945ft Oil? tl00 cash required te "-v-'VJ purchaie: a larte perches: llv lnt roem: stone open fireplace; dlnlnt roem: breakfast roem: k'tchen: 8 (arte bedroeme: tile bath and shewer: hot het water heat: electric lltht; basement laun dry. a I O OOO Sm" amount cash te pur 3IU,WAScnaM. tlnB, colonial reel dence; let 80x125; first fleer. Inclesed perch: 22-ft. llvlnt roem: stone open fire place: larte dining room and kitchen: second fleer. 3 larte bedrooms and tile bath; built-in tub and ahewer; third fleer, unfinished ; larte storeroom; shades and kitchen linoleum Included In price. , DREXEL HILL 4trV000ny ,800 cneh te purchase; H,OJUU slntle residence: let 40x150: llv lnt room, dlnlnt room, kitchen, 8 larte bedrooms and bath. i J. H. MECKE. JR. BOTH AND MARKET STS. OPPOSITE THE TERMINAL Phenes: Sherwood O508. Lansdowne 1289. Open Saturday afternoon and Sunday. LAWNPALK BEAUTIFUL HOME Three atery. detached, het-water heflt. electric, hardwood floers: a really fine home In an exclusive residential section en a let 143x135: cer. I.evlck and Has brook Me. KUHN 8c LOWERY Bth and Rockland. Frankford a-e. & Paul MORTON :LANSDOWNE: BALTIMORE AVE., 132 E. Modern 9-room cerner: reaaenable: let 42x160 ft. BARRY & BARRY REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE you aeld that property? 2 and 3 story homes wanted at once- If your property is priced reasonably I can Bl you quick and satisfactory results. JOHN M. ENBURG Baltir.av. ' REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 2025 N. BROAD ST. Docter's Office and Residence Semi-detached: let 30x130: 12 rooms. S bathe, laundry, electric: metal weather stripping. W. H. Ball 8c Sen title bldg. FOR RENT NEAR THIS OFFICE Houses, stores, stores and dwellings, business buildings, shops, etc. ARTHUR B0SWELL 233 N, 13TH ST. rectories. Warehouses. Mannfsctnrlng Fleera MOimMllfflMimiiMMIIIMIIUIII -FLOORS- IN THE 10-STORY BUILD ING AT THE N. E. COR. OF 1 2th & Arch Sts. Thl space Is new ready for occupancy. Admirably adapted for general efflcet or light manufacturing;. Celllng-a are high. Abundance of natural light. Fireproof construction. Ivewlnsurance. Reasonable rent. PEOPLE'S TRUST CO. 12TH & ARCH STREETS jMimiiiiiiM Bualnesa Properties and Stores 252 N. 17THST. Clese te fair grounds; suit electrical supplies, auto accessories, office or any Mint business. J. E. LUTZ. 240 N. 17th St. APARTMENTS CENTRAL CITY 2310 Pine Street Te desirable tenants, we offer 6 attractive, thoroughly modern housekeeping apart ments in this conveniently lo cated apartment house. The rentals are low and long leases may be secured thus protecting you against the increased rentals during the Sesqui-Centennial. Call at premises or our offices. & BARRY & CHESTNUT STS., PHILA. IBIiilllllBMIlffllllIlllMWJWIIi3 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY Baelneja Ptepcrtlee and Stores CENTRAL STORE . 14 N. 11THST. ' In the Heart of Retail District HEYMANN fit BRO. WIDENER RLPO. OaTFICEW. nrSHfEWa, BOOMS. TO. jjjMMMWIIIM !HO WAUNUl M. 1st fleer space along Bellevue Court Bldt., suitable for brokers, 1615 WALNUT ST. 2d fleer front. 1O0O sq. ft.; suitable for tailor, offices, etc.: elevator service. 210 SOUTH BTH ST. 4th fleer. 1SO0 sq. ft.: modern, fire proof bide; suitable for corporation offices, etc.; moderate rental. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 Walnut at. 5iiiJ!raniiirjiai!ie:!iiiiii:i!isii!ii.iiiiiiHiiiii(iiiiiiraiffliiiiiiii; 1210-1212 ARCH STREET REDUCED RENTALS DESIRABLE MODERN BUILDINO $1300 $2000 f350O 80300 $8500 OFFICES BUSINESS SALESROOMS CRESSE. 1328 CHESTNUT ST. VICTORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut Street Made New Frem Cellar te Reef Several desirable offices for rent Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 1BTH AND CHESTNUT STS. OFFICES REYBURN-BAILEY BLDG. 1211 CHESTNUT ST. HEYMANN fie BRO. WIDENER bldg. OFFICES , EMPIRE BLDG. N. E. COR. 13TH AND WALNUT STS. HEYMANN fie BRO. WIDENER BLDG. OFFICES DENCKLA BLDG. N. W. Cor. 11th and Market Sta. HEYMANN fie BRO. Wldener Bldg. 1807 CHESTNUT STREET Offices suitable for any Una of bualnesa and one apartment. 3 roema and bath: reasonable. Fer further particulars ap ply te JOSEPH FELDMAN 200 Lit coin Bldg. SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street JUST A REAL GOOD OFFICE BUILDINQ WEST PHILADELPHIA 49TII ft BALTO. AVE., suitable for de alrable business district office, halr dresslng establishment, etc.. vacant Hermen Andersen alh Mffrfc Business Properties and Stere 69TH ST. SECTION STORFS Rentals OlVIl-aJ$60and$125 LET'S TALK IT OVER TDalterAffiClatck 70th and Market Ph. Lansdowne 200i MORTGAGES FIRST MORTGAGES wanted In any amount en Philadelphia real estate; central property preferred. H. H. FRITZ, 713 Walnut St. 1ST MORTGAGE lay Amount en Central Properties y WILLIAM I. MIRKIL WIDENER liLDQ. u , $750,000 for investment In mert gages en central properties JOHN H. SINBERG 1218 CHIiSTNUT nBnTsTBeWniiwwiBJiWnOTi illflMllwlsMIIMMMS MORTGAGES First and aecend In any amount; immediate settlement. WEINBERGER fit CO. 28 B. 17th St. Race 2028. THIRD MORTGAGES Heady money aettlementa In 2 days; no VU lea PC. WEINBERGER & CO. 28 8, 17th at. Race 2028. i.C.( Real eatate security. Immediate VJV aettlement. Interest en estate! TO bought. Cash at once. w $2000 EDW. M. MOLLIS,,. FIRST MORTGAGE FUNDS S VARIOUS AMOUNTS LrlAj. W. MlLLbK me'nw'.slth Hdg USED ATTTOMOBILES AMERICAN 6 touring; beautiful Jeb; erltlnal paint, new tlree: $250 dewn: bal ance In 1 year. See Mr. Themas, 820 N. Btead St.. Philadelphia. CADILLAC 8-cyllnder touring car, new top. geed order demonstration. Estate of Dan- lei Duck. 181)5 N. Bth at. CHANDLER coupe This la a beautiful Jeb: cannot be told from new; has been left with me te find a buyer: will give 1 whole year te pay. See Mr. Thai, 818 N. Bread St., Philadelphia. CHANDLER Chummy Roadster Leeks and runs like a new car: $200 and balance) In 1 year. Royal Motecar Ce., Inc.. 018 N. uTenq si., rniiaqeiprua CLEVELAND teuring: used very little: can not be told from new; $250 takea It: bal ance In 1 year. See Mr. Thai, 618 N. Bread at.. Philadelphia. FORD aedana and coupes These are almost new, with electric starters; can be pur chased with $100 down. Royal Motorcar Ce.. Inc.. 020 N. Bread at.. Philadelphia. FORD coupe; d'-meuntublu: pnlnt. tires like new: $233. Oarage. 140.1 Weed at. , NMITCIIEL 6-cyl. touring; cord tlrea: aeld rer storage; $177. Oarage, 1403 weed. NASH readster: latest medel: a beauty; can not be told from new: $250 takes It. bal bal unce In 1 whole year. See Mr. Thai. 618 N. Bread St.. Philadelphia OLDSMOBILE Little 6. thoroughly over hauled; leeks like new car; will sacrifice te quick buyer; leek this ever. See Mr. Bredy, 020 N. Bread St.. Philadelphia. . PAIQE sedan Prartlcally new: thla la a handapme Jeb: cannot be told from new: will accept part cash and balance In 1 year, flee Mr. Thai, 618 N. Bread St.. I'hlla. rAIOE touring car. Little 6: almeat new original nalnt. ulll .ncrlflcA te nulck buyer: ... 'I - "-.. -. -. . T ..n. fc. mis is a uenuiy. Mee .Mr. ivoisey, Bread St.. Philadelphia. 620 N. STUDEliAKEK sj.rcln.1 0: late model; hand some car: has been left with me te dls dls Pesb ef: 1 whole ear te pay. See Mr. Ton Ten Ton derf. WIS N. Drend at. . . STUIJKDAKKR. 1U1H. roadster; big bargain; i $HB. 140.1 Weed st. . BUICK 0. teuring: will sac. for quick sale. ee air, nunter. miuix Agency, eon n.uresq CADILLAC, SB. COUPE, perfect running; terms If desired. BARON'S. 640 N. Bread at. 1821 COLE suburban sedan, like new; West West Ingheuse talr springs; sacrifice price; term te ault. BARON'S. Bread and Wallace. 1022 CROW-ELKHART 6 touring, disc. wheels, steps; red upholstery; side wings; 3 bumpers; $2.10 down. Baren's. 640 N. Bread. FOR HALE Klve-ten Selden truck, equipped with special refrigerator body for Ice cream delivery, an m geed conditien: will sell complete or body and chassis separately. Fer full particular addreaa P. O. Bex S03, Newport News. Va. 1821 HUDSON 7-pasa. touring, model O-IJ. like new; condition perfect; terma en year. BARON'S. 640 N. Bread at. 1821 KISSEL coupe, priced very low; $380 aewn, eaiance in one year, bake.vb, 640 N. Bread at. MlllVlfl '"-' 4-Passenger sport car: a "''' beauty; eargain: terms arranged. Baren's Aute Exchange. 84n N. Bread at. OAKLAND roadster. $350; Just everhauled: owner must leave for Aela. Can be seen any time at Apgar ft Miller Garage, 22d and Arch sts. . 1010 PACKARD. 7 passenger, touring; per fect mechanical conditie! : bargain- terms. BARON'S. 640 N. Bread sU 1020 PIERCE-ARROW, perfect condition; 6 cvllnder dual valve. sllp-ceer seats; $4001). P. O. Bex 120. Bala. Pa. 1821 ROAMER 4-pass., like new: sport car; Perfect cend.; no reaaenable offer retuaed. terms 30O down. BARON'S. 640 N. Bread. STUTZ touring and roadster, all medern: thoroughly overhauled and reflnlshed; ex ceptionally low priced; caah or term. See Mr Hunter. Stilts Agency. 680 N. Bread at. BUICKS. all models, aa low as $150 down. Broadway Aute Exchange. 441 N. Breed street. CADILLACS, all models- open and closed 1920-1021. 18-17-16: terma te suit. Bread. way Aute Exchange. 441 N. Bread St. FORDS, Maxwells. Dodges, Chevrolets. $150 up: ceme In and took around; aak any question; under no obligation te buy. Broad Bread wny Aute Exchange. 441 X. Bread st. FRANKLIN BROUGHAM, very late model; can be bought right; terms arranged Broadway Aute Exchange. 441 N. Bread st. GRANT COUrE: wonderful conditien: $150 down, balance 1 year te pay. Broadway Aute Kxcnanse, 441 ;v. urea ad at. model; a JORDAN TOURING. late snan: $U00 down, balance 1 year. Aute Exchange. 441 N Bread at Broadway LlbERTY SEDAN, late model; come In, leek It ever; cannot be told from new. Braodway Aute Exchange, 441 N. Bread st. REVERE, sport model, wire wheels, class test car In tewn: cheap. Broadway Aute Exchi tige. 441 X. Bread st PTUDEBAKER. 1021. sectat 6. used. Broadway Aute Exchange. Bread st. slightly 441 N. WINTON SIX limousine, model 22-A, In geed condition; suitable for funeral or hncklng work. The Wlnten Compan 1404 N. Bread street. Te Hire TO HIRE B and 7 pass, touring limousines, II. BO per hour up. Pep. 1617, Park 4180. Wanted. Will exchange let at Stene Harber for automobile; alue $000. TITLOW fie CO.. 1513 Arch St- PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS KELLY ft CO.. 832 Chestnut st Suite 2-22. second fleer, ever Chllds' Rest. OWING Edith desperate. Can de nothing with her. She calls for you. All of us answer. New position assured en your re turn, Let us knew where e can leach ou. MARY. "WANTED Olrl Miitc overcoats, hats, sheee. etc: JVA OU11S w. pay merei ca!. anywhere, any time, city, country. Write, call or phone Ore. 6155. Frlednan Bre.,1444 Seuth st . FIDELITY STORAGI WAREHOUSE CO, M 1809-1811-1813 MARKET THE FINEST SERVICE ARE adding a large addition te their' bulldlnga. ALL OF FJRfcPnOOr , STRUCTION. which wfll be finished by next. WE shall be pleated te receive order for 8TORAOB. PACKING and MAtftV'-iJ,, l,iM INO. and will give them prompt attenHda. ' Cf jl WE have! a larte fleet of meter van a?,y"nvt1 experienced men, PHONE LOCUST 1470 MOTOR VAN SERVICE . ft TO ANT DISTANT POINT '" if Weekly ssrvlee for small ahlpmente between Philadelphia and Washington The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. , 87th and Market ats. Baring 1201 V.'" ONE MONTH FREE. ESTAHT.IRHHD lMrt THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. 1420 N. BTH ST. ' PHONE DIAMOND 2471 SEPARATE ROOMH: PACKINO A MOVINrt Liiuu -. ...... -. ,-- ...... .w.- STORAGE, mevlnt and express, ready at all times: special rates te seashore points; regular Baltimore, Washington. Harrlsburt, New Yerk and. Bosten: Insurance. Watsen. 640 N. 17th st. Poplar 0534. VICTORY STORAGE teea snr.niCRT. Phnna Belmont 487a for estimates. Moter van. Packing and crating. The Jehn Rhoads Ce. vSSiV,. Sterate. Packing. Moving. Carpet Cleaning. MONARCH STORAOE CO.. 8870 LANCAS't TER AVE. AUTO SER'ICB 8TORAOB. PACKINO. LONG-DI8TAN( B MOVINQ. WALLACE 258 CHURCH'LANE. OTN. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Heward Vincent PIANO REDUCTIONS ntm ENTIRE STOCK OF BRAND-NEW AND SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS. PLAYER PIANOS AND BABY GRAND PIANOS, MUST BE REDUCED AT ONCE AND PRICES HAVE BEEN SLASHED. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY. TUB LIST BELOW WILL OIVE YOU SOME IDEA OF A FEW OF THE MANY HUNDRED MAKES WHICH MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE: 5 Chickerine uprights $76 up 8 Lester uprights $90 up 7 Cunninsrham uprights . ...siiuup 2Edeuard Jules uprights. . .$110 up 2 (Vincent) Weberfield up.. $175 up 3BIasius uprights $115 up 6 Heppe uprights $110 up 10 Steinway uprights $175 up 2Knabe Players $325 up 4 Emersen Angelus Players. $185 up 5 Knabe uprights $150 up 2 Chickering Players $295 up 2Kranich & Bach uprights. $155 up 4 Schemacker uprights $95 up 4 Heward Vincent Players.. $415 up 2 Masen & Hamlin uprights. $135 up 6 Heward Vincent uprights. $150 up These Instruments are slightly used, but In geed condition and can be exchanged If desired within 2 years at price you pay. Send for catalogue. HOWARD VINCENT 830-838-842-844-846 N. SIXTH ST. Open Monday. Wednesday. Friday evenlnga FOR SALE DESKS, TABLES fie CHAIRS . AT ONE-HALF PRICES They are going fast. Oct here quickly If you want them. Second carload has Just arrived. OAKWOOD CHAIR MFG CO.. INC. 1057 RACE ST. , OFFICE FURNITURE Large let of detka, aafes, riles, cabinet and gsesral office furniture, atere fixtures. 3?eb.uy- sell and exchange. . --?ATTliN FURNITURE CO. LOCUST 4070. 1127 ARCH ST. RACE 4288. REFRIGERATORS, meat grinders, scale. cash registers for grocery, meat and ether atere; large stocks of above goods, new and 2d hand. The Howe Scale Ce.. 4 IK Arch St. BILLIARD headquarters, billiard tables " new and second-hand: bowline alleys and "Pbl'aa. Brunawick-Balke-Celtander Ce.. 1Q02 Arch at. ANTIQUE mahogany 4-pest bed. chests, cov erlets. French tapestries, etc. Apply all Diamond at. SILK PONGEE DRESS, blue taffeta and lac dress i and organdie hat: splendid condition. Phene Preston 3446 J. ' SAFES, fireproof, closing out. W slightly u-w, wii aura, styles, manes. 7U r. reurtn FOR SALE Ladles' black riding boeti. "SC. reasonable. M B34. Ledger Office. THEATRE chairs, $l.r.O each: geed shape. -uair r.xcnange, cer. Btn and Vine. ''ASK'.11 6UIT. chairs and pictures. 1802 K. W. Venango at. iK..,' pe?"es and cutters; big bargain. I'hlla. Printers' Supply. 14 8. Bth st. SASH. doers, etc.. for aale. Apply P. H. Kelly Construction Ce.. 1013 Chestnut t. MONEY TO LOAN QUICK LOANS ' UP TO $300 TO HOUSEKEEPERS FROM THIS LICENSED. IIONDED. BANK ING DEPARTMENT SUPERVISED COMPANY Very easy terma and payments arranged te suit your convenlenco Ne feci of any kind chatted, only Interest at the rate provided hv law. Our manv satisfied customers find i,,i.1..ti31lr advantage le use our MONEY 8ERVICE te All their coal bins. An Inquiry puts you te no expense. Write, or If In a special hurry, use Hell phone. Locust 7B87 S,Y, AIiV..JrCUR SMALL OUTSTANDINGS BILLS AND OWE BUT ONE CONCERN. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 246SOUTH 15TH STREET S-rend Fleer Roem 20 i. Cress Building. Member of Phlla. Chamber of Comme roe. DIGNIFIED LOANS $300 OR LESS AT LEGAL RATES TO PERSON HOOD REPUTE WITH OR WITHOUT SECURITY REAL ESTAT1B PLANS LONO EXTENDED PAYMENT MTUICTKHT CONFIDENCE LICENSED AND SUPERVISED BY STAT UANKINO DEPARTMENT. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS GIRARD INVESTMENT CO. 1435 Land Title Building Bread Street Entrance .4- MONEY TO LOAN 11O00 te $100,000 M accounts recilatU. notes, acceptances or mortgages, quick funds; confidential plan. STACLT.N. !-:0 Penns. llldg. Spruce IStt. CARPET CLEANING Telephone Kensington !441-2381-a07 QUAKER CITY CARPET CLEANING CO. 1123 te 1J37 E. Columbia ave, Cleaning and Dyeing Ladles' and gents' wearing npparel house hold goods. Oriental and domestic rugs, car pets, tapestries, blankets, curtains. Damp Wash Laundry CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20th St., above Chestnut Oriental and Demestic Rugs and Carpets Cleaned, Scoured, Stored tiummrr fltoraee Frrfc Phene: .uu.t luiiinum jtace nwiT t .") WALLACE 1826 N 20TH 233 CHURCH LANE. OTN. DOGS AND BIRDS PARROTS, macaws, canaries, foreign bird of all kinds: cages In large varieties; se sml all !'t supplies. Htappen Pat Shep, 217 ii. 10th. Established 1880. Send for price list. GOLDFISH UOLDFIrU! aquariums, spawning trass, Plate glass and aquarium frames. Win. Maprn. M.ii ?t. juiii. r.stauusnril tsue. MAHBI.T. nnuiivna a "" ' " w et-rf . "-(. ilMtiiUi-: anil browtuter c!rHhr, tpMrtT ... . -.w. www i Mm,jii. jv v . . -.U7v1J rii OF a tfVl n I iCi m. 'MA ' 8Mi te" $m ms tid -.&:. uy':','v.j ' iiinfit wt:tv 'iuli ii.. Jr . a. "... ii.-r ' r ,. trvtfah-.i .mi , - m, sr st .l.iicMt.ri j nu-intwr. i .'mKji i axt" r i rituiKVi:5scjjf,'rif 'ff: "r- a mur -r. :y .l,t. .tr. x'rb.:iv. i .. ttK fsiWAva-siiiVM .. i.Ha.:r. " . . saflttlttMi mmwms:t .... '-tfmmffa - swbJiMSm dd i?." .r. .. . ....,,.-ifwKr.aggMasTi(j.'J. j tsv .itfjm ff'-?'abWM.i' ijafi'