mF?mm H WX -i5- v" " ' V. r &&? & m 28 EVEOTNG PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1922 -&? wb BSHMf fl& h-"!-' ar I a' Kf, i- .yy- vans ste rrti'v UM. tv ; CKfc w it; V ! f I Sir, I h m I :'j, -w ft 1 , - f.ji'rtivr a && &v ;K.. v 0 '&, h aL " i .V .Ua. Jafls'a.aC:---- RmiMRR RKS0RTS DIXYIIXE NOTCH, N. Hi 1 he Balsams wpncville Notch, N. H. 23w i Strtn Miles from Canadian Berder peer or White -Mountain iteserta. A reef hotel uneaualcd for Mcturesnue (Sieeitlen anion? majestic hllln unit beautl i4fefsa lakes et scenic New Hampshire. Excel- ,4 Mflt 18-nele golf links: Fishing nm! all out- 'iui ear una inaoer amusements. i;xciusie clientele. Culalne and sertlre unsurpased. Attractive rates. Open June tu October. Alse Garden City Hetel Garden City, Leng Iitand, N. Y. ern.v AM, Tlir, VKAU J. J. LANNIN CO. IIAK HARROR. MK, BAR HARBOR MAINE One of the Meet Nnfible Snrety the Meat nentitlftil of All NEW ENGLAND'S SUMMERLANDS The air la tilled with the tonic of plnei And sea. Delicious milk honey, butter And fresh eegs. J no. jLgrrame llnr Harber, Maine OPEN JUNE TO OCTOtlER Tlan NOW n trip lit the way by RAIL, MOTOR or BOAT Fer these ehe really love the tpert of living GOLF TENNIS DANCING HORSEBACK RIDING BOATING FISHING SWIMMING Complete Information en Jteutes. neseratiens ana nates R..T,. Sturn. Manager Visit r-BAR HARBOR-. i This Season Unsurpassed ocean, lake and mountain scenery. Unequaled, Invigorating cli mate. 1HE GATEWAY TO Lafayette National Park Nature's Wonderland Bar Harber prexldes either club nnd social Ufa or quiet and rest Yachting, Oolf, Tennia Tour preference In maniien, cottage, bungalow, hotel, club or lodging house. Write for Illustrated book lets. Ask questions. Publicity Committee, Bar Harber, Maine The Malvern and Cottages BAR HARBOR, MAINE Opens June 30th ERNKsT (. OK Oil. Manager Xew Yerk address. Hetel Woodstock. 127 West 43d bt. K1NEO. BUS. KINEO, MAINE ON MOOSEHEAD LAKE Mount Kinee Heuse OPEN'S JULY 1ST. WITH A rEFI NITE FOLICT TO ESTABLISH EX. CLUSIVE PATRONAUU AND WITH REDUCED BATES. Kinee Annex new open for Sprint Flablng. Rates S te S day. OutUta available. C'ettuces te rent. Booklet. t. W. GREENE, Manager. PORTLAND. ME. COME Y TO A PORTLAND, MAINE The Lafayette IS THE HOTEL in Maine's Largest and Most Beautiful City EUROPEAN PLAN. BOOKLETS hOL'TIIPORT. ME. SHORE LODGE Southport, Maine On the CeaMt Estenalve lnipretemrnta. Accommodates 100. Reems with prlate bath or running water. Hates reasonable GOLF at tht tuw Boothbay Country Clab JOHN A. THOMPSON A HON. I'repa. COVE COTTAGE INN ff f.'VAft A beautiful spot en the Main Coast. A fciSi?i& summer home for persons of rellnement with T.fcjyT, B1ilfc fc,V. ,iV.,l,tbl ,"i,ttM, fc. ,,.M,I,IIB, .IVBOir, tieaumui walks tnreugn tne pint SELECT JULY It's the Ideal Menth" A. T. in KB. Prep. ' MAINE sVIAINP ALL-VEAK VACATION L.VND WaaSi'SC. j,.er ij00lgtg en Ki.iun,, camp. Ins, Reserta. etr. write STATE OK MAINE PUBLICITY BUREAU, 10 Longfellow 84.. Portland. Ma. OAKLAND ME MUSQUEMOOSIE CAMPS In a Birch Oree." Bathing, Beating, "tteblrur. Table the twat. Mineral water. Inf. . an request. IIAKKY K. TiilKW. I'ren FrivatA cabint; central dinln ar.d ItvlnsT room nvertoeklnar lake, flah Te a.iiA-an ;' a- ;i ". i l.'.l,:: l "yjrvj MslUlll nKi ueaiinii canoeing, uainin. I '('.jiiuie tennia; excellent culilne; booklet. wlt-yy-WtmrJ A. n. A N J. CAYfOIlD. FroprUter POLAND. HIE. HOTEL BRUNSWICK S PORTLAND'S NEWEST HOTEL Central location. Reems single or en aits with or without private bath. Rates reasonable. Booklet U PKEBLB ST.. PORTLAND, ME. BELGRADE LAKKg, ME 11 a Pa anna cabins. BaUilna. ar .. eeatl beatlnff. canealna:. baas, panate. plcksrel, trout, salmon. I latgrsaaiMsji. a . rvsuiaa. 'httc HTMSrEn RKSORTS VllttllXIA IIKACII, VA. Natlen'a greatest historical evente and every eiaentlal for a delightfiilSprlng irginiaBeach jfift&&'- Aa Ideal Sunnier Resort s 7?& in f 1NI.I 70 miles frcm Norfolk, en Atlantic Ocean. In tha heart nf th III II UtB, BAXB, liAHt.1, UABINU. f INK I8-UOLE GOLF COURSE AT PRINCESS ANNE COUNTRY CLUB. PINE SURF DATHINO EXCELLENT MOTOR ROADS. Excellent steamship eervlee from Baltimore and Washington, via Old Point Comfert and Hampton Reade. Ooed train schedule from Norfolk ever Norfolk and Southern R. R, WRITE THRSR HOTKI.S AND COTTAGES FOR RATES. ETC. Albemarle Hall Caartaer Terraee Hyiala Pseaheataa rvif"i Si?'Iw!J' Mlewklle Saalawa.a A rata CkaUnate Flfiaala 'T".h . Ta. Waverly Celaaial (Jreeaweea' Keailwerth ... . Per farther lalaraiatlaa AHrrea Hate! Ceamtttae. VIrilala Baaah Ckaaiaerel Ceaiiaaree OUEnKC. CANA 1A sA Canadian Pacific HotdAte of Old Quebec? jfledern Remance Atop Ancient Rampartd Historic ramparts, these. Walk them, and you command an Old World while in the New. . . . 5oe years age, French soldiers built the Fortress of Quebec. Put a quaint French town below, cannon atop. Then kept the French tricolor waving for ioe years. . . . Today, this famous battlement still stands. Still lords it ever St. Lawrence and the 17th Century town. But its shot-scarred stones are new a promenade. Its garrison a pleasuring throng. A band plays Broadway airs. . . . The castle is a Canadian Pacific hostelry. Its reign is one of hospitality and cordiality, of modern comforts and modish cuisine. . . . Come up this summer. Geed meter reads. Or overnight in a Pullman. Make your reservations npw. Apply te Canadian Pacific Office, 629 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, or Chateau Frentcnac, Quebec, Canada. CHATEAU FRONTENAC .MURRAY II W. 1'ltOV. tlUEBEC, CAX.VDAMURRAV HAY. PROV. QUEBEC CANADA Manoir Richelieu Hetel AND COTTAGES MURRAY BAY, PROV. OF QUEBEC, CANADA An exclusive summer resort where the leat American and Canadian fumlllei en eir after ear. Ocrloekti the tidal wnters of the lower .'it. Law rente, whire the sea breere mingles with tlm Pine. Culsln unexcelled eery cemfurt pre- Mded ralt-Miter awlmmlns peel, tennis, I Write or wire for booklet te W. K DETLOR. Munaser K THUS. HENRY. Supt. of HeleU Volute u I'lc, tine. fi Canada Steam. Lines, Limited, Montreal CANADA NTKAMMIII' I IS'Es. LIMITED 133-) ChcHtnut t.. I'lilladelphlii peaks inland, me. Peaks Island Heuse ?. ACCO. 'UU, f00 feet from water, en sllcht eleva- I tlen Wide piazzas. 15 minutes te Portland by ferry. Of easy accent te all surrounding resorts. Alt 1 water sperta, The Avenue HeUSe .' f New manauerrent. An Ideal plucn fur a acotlen Unusual water lew. liathlns, beating and fishing Hatea en application. UoekUt. DKV1NB LATHAM, Preps. hOUTHPORT. IF.. ' LINKKIN. .MAINE SPEND VACATION IN .MAINE at wannameisettj: J.ODOB On Llnekln Bay near Boeltibay Harber. Srw tlal ratei for June und July Salt-water bath ing, lloexiei, AU'iresa irs ai xaviusan. 2S S. High at.. West Chester, ra hOUTH HARI'MWKI.U ME. MERRICONEAG HOUSE Pentb Hurpawell. Maine. Hetel of 40 roema Oerloeklng Caace Hay and Islands floexiaL B. L. KCHEW A BON. Preps. V1RCHN1A BEACH. VA. pocTahentas Vlrrvn Ocean front! geed table; American plan. Oef ft country club. Mrs. A. B. Williams. BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS. VA. Vacationing In the Blue llldge Mts.j for d .rrlume liKlt. & list et hotels A brdg. houses 111 Blue Ridge .Mts. write en. Puss Agent, w.itern Marylalnd Railway. Baltimore. Md. S 1 1 ERW OOP yOREST. MP. SHERWOOD FOREST Near Annapolis, Md, An Ideal aummer home community. Oferlns combined advantages et shore, country end club Salt-water bathing, beating, fishing, colt, tennis, horseback riding and ether eperts. Open te all residents of the com. munlty. Cottages at reasonable rentals. Fer Information addreas Sherwood Ferest nmcaa. 411 N. Charlea St.. Baltimore. Mrt, BBTTEBTON, MP. HOTEL BETTERTON Right en beach. Bathing from hotel. Fresh agetablas. Oarage. J, T, Crew. Bell phone Btlllpend 7AF21. PAfiriC NORTHWEST COOL SUMMER CLIMATE Trout and salmon fishing, golfing and the most wonderful natural scenery In all the world, reached by rail, steamer or by 15,000 ml'es Wt splendU Klchways. offer you an Ideal vaoatten Is. the Psclfte Northwest. Oregon. mm ivinuia. rer sree laiormatiea about write te - ik mmmmmwjmrvmmtim " HPMMBB RESORTS VIKQIN1A ukacii. VA nlacea. Vlnrlnlm llearh hu vacation or week-end outing. qUKIlEO, PANADA sad lie hercea, billiards, etc. New prhnte Kelf course for the Ruesta of the Hutel. Complete Immunity from Malaria and Hay leer. Hetel r"ache 1 hi" fannda. Steamship Lines' Steamers 'eserntlnns should be made well in ul- ance Hetel open June 'JS. FOX POINT. ONTARIO. CAN. island VIEW .- -, : son Cap. riO Ouldea nnd aupplles furnished. Central dlnlnk' room. Rates med. T.t-ulmen. LAKE BOhSEAU. ONT.. CVN. Grt away te happtnts away te the nerve. reitlnff, rine-cented,ilefiTivinf eirofMuikekuLakti There fcetfustefcai you win nna -ju new, geed feed, golf, etc. "t.ryr'.Am. fli.,lr.l Ac. I tiht.t. Royal Muf keka P. e I nke Retttiu, Ontario I DON. EVOI.AND A'e visit te Europe is complete without lunching and dining at ROMANOS World's Famous Restau rant, Strand, Londen The meccn, of the epicure and economist. Beautifully appointed salons. Finest American bar In Europe, TOURS FRANCE BY AUTOMOBILE Purl a Versailles Pbntalneblrau Tbe Chateau C'euntn Blanits The Ptreneen CiircusHenne Nlmes The Rhlent Chamenlx Mente Blancv Luke Geneva tStranburs yrdun-rPfneWe Ts Alps The Ilattleflelds. All-induiive Pries for 52 Dajt Firit Clsu Throubeu $745.00 Exclusive of Ocean Fare FRANCE IIEIXJIUM ITALY OENEVA THE PASSION PlJaV Bailing July 1st Returning Kept. Dtb All-Inclusive Price New Yerk te New Yerk 71 dura $925.00 Send ter particulars te French Tourism Company 8l Firth At, at SOUi Htnet, New Yerk City rin,if.'""f"gsg line j M.Dvrrjev n, TOURS a laaigVYBVHBaaav wBliaaafaTaTt'aaiTTTaaeaairTrTa,WaaaaTaaaa1aaaaaTa aaaaEBBtBBaaMfVaQ aaaaM I IhIKH HIWUUnBISa SaaaHaa&V aaiKaaaaaallaaall I lpr' lmMmmmm'mmwl k JaBaaaflaaaaaaaaaaaa Ml I I JHCZly I Semi-Omtennial of YHOSRmf I The North Cape Cruise Frem New Yerk en the S. 8. "Osterley" An Incomparably delightful Ray-mond-Whltcemb Cruise, en a Brest liner especially designed for such a voyage. With regular officers and crew thoroughly familiar wltb Northland waters. Over storied sess te plcturestras lands sat In gorgeous ness and unrivalled srandear Rates I7I up, Ineladlnt return. Immedl ste action Is absolutely necessary te Insure completion of arrange ments before sslllng data. We have a few Booklets and ship's plans left. Sailing data Joey II European Tours Your opportunity te gel Europe this Bummer rsesdes as the season ad raneea. Besldee the "Passion Play" maay ether attractions are open te the American traveler ter the first ttrae.ln years Because of this, de sirable accommodations are sesree. But Raymond-Whlteemb have pro vided for you. Take advantage of The Best In Travel" In Europe this Bummer. Boek "-wltb Raymond. Whltcemb before It Is tee late. Illustrated Booklet ea request . Rsriiiend tk Whiteemb Ce.. 1338 Walnut St. Tel. Spruce 8663 Mrnv man eir 1 Raymond & 1338 Tel. Sp if . " " V 1 -ssHBassTWMgUmS- ,iM -M 'JZ-l C'" W Nowhere in all America can you find a vaca tion trip se rich with romance, se filled with scenic grandeur and the thrill of adventure. Frem the deck of a modern steamship you can beheld the mighty panorama which struck Jacques Carticr speechless with amazement, four hundred years age. And Spirits of the mighty men of old Carticr, Champlain, LaSalle, Rebcrval and his lest legions still breed ever these vast solitudes. Every Saturday, from July 8th te the close of the season, the luxurious steamship Caps Eternity will leave Montreal for Quebec, Murray Bay the Newport of Canada Tadeusac, where Jacques Carticr first land' cd, and the world-famed gorge of the Sag uenay River of Mystery. Six golden days amid scenes of beauty that have been famed for centuries deep into the storied past: a veritable Voyage of Discovery en the read te yesterday. Come and see Quebec, rich in imperial memeries: the plains of Abraham where was CANADA N. Y. K. Line NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA OFFERS NEW. MODERATE PRICED PASSENOER SERVICE SEATTLE te ORIENT AND FAR EAST Via 18,000 tens commodious steamships Kaga Maru Shidzueka Maru Iye Maru Yokohama Maru These steamships Are furnished and equipped with modern appliances and conveniences. Cabins are . located en Bridge Deck and meat of them contain only two berths. Excellent cuisine In European style. Refreshments, beverages nnd mineral water at moderate prices. Deck chairs for passengers free. RATES OF PASSAGE Te Yokohama $210 Te Manila and Heng Keng .$275 Proportionate Fare te Intermediate Telnts Fer Information and Literature apply te Railroad and Tourist Agencies or NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA Maritime Bldg,, 8-10 Bridge St.. New Yerk Cslemsn llldg Brattle LET US PLAN YOUR SUMMER TRIP NOW Bermuda, Jnmalcn West Indies Perte Hlce Great Lakca Piiluth Chicago CRUISES N'ew Yerk Halifax St. Jehn St. Lawrence River Quebee Fer rates and information apply te STREET NATIONAL BANK - Foreign Exehanas Le4ers .el ! CrsKM TraTslss 'Clssefca' ' r iessuksi Travel tHatSWni TOURS Yellowstone Park c This Year Many dlserlmlnatlng travelers have already Inure4 their comfort, con venience and enjoyment en their Bummer trip te "The Vocation Lands of the West" by booking with Raymond-Whltcemb. Boek new with us and Insure year com fort, convenience and enjevment Oepartnres In nne, July. AnsTral and September. Including Yellow, atone and h. Oeysses. the area Lakes, the far.faraed.Padne North, wreh Canadian Reektes. Grand Canyon. Short Tours te Oreat Lakea National Parks. Colerado In July and August Early registration Is of prime tm. pertnnce Netei We 0Tf enedrrafe ssppty of the "fir ranfif eriawrsi oeoKiris. Ynv man air 0 mpu en eppllcafles Raymond & Whiteemb Ce. 1338 Walnut St. Tel. Spruce 8663 m Enjoy this Wonder Cruise On the Lewer St. Lawrence and Saguenay Six Qlorieus 'Days Without Change of Steamer I shattered the grandest dream of empire ever conceived en this continent. See the miracle-working shrine of Ste. Anne de Beauprd; the Falls of Montmorency, higher than Niagara; then the swelling climax of the stupendous gorge of the Saguenay. See Cape Eternity, unchanged since Carrier's day, and higher than Gibraltar: feel the solemn spell of Cape Trinity, whence the statue of the Blessed Virgin leeks down in compassion uperi the dark waters below. Take thisunfergetable trip this summer. All the way in comfort. All the way in safety. Fer full information call or telephone J. W. Canvin, District Passenger Agent, 1341 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., Telephone Walnut 4624, or send 2c in stamps for illustrated booklet, map and guide, "Niagara te the.Sea," te Jehn F. Pierce, Passenger Traffic Manager, Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd., 116 C. S. L. Building, Montreal, Canada. STEAMSHIP LINES Ideal SUMMER. VACATIONS Dayj'fixnnNwTfer 8 Days $83.00 OTSiU, Coel in Summer Ne Passports All Snorts Modern Hotels hl'MMER SAILINCif" TWICE MEEKLY tin LiKiirleua Tnln 8re tenmrr. Snd or Sneclnl Bummer 3'oure Booklet FURNESS-BERMUDA LINE 31 Whitehall St.. N. Y. Furnemi, Withy & Ce., Ltd., Bourse Bldg,, M'hlla.. or any Tourist Agent. Red Cress Line 1 9 l)AVALL EXPENSES $1 Ofl.OO SPEND YOUR VACATION HEEINO FOREIGN AMERICA. NOVEL, DE LIOIITrUL UEALTHGIVINO TRIP TO Halifax NOVA SCOTIA st. Jehns NEWFOUNDLAND NO TABSPORTS NUI'IJED Ne hotel bills, changes or tranafers (you IUe en the ship) Sailings June 17, July 1, 13 and every Haturday thereafter. Fer full particulars apply te B0WRING & CO., 17 Battery Place, N.Y. FRANK'S MEDITERRANEAN Cruise de Luxe, Feb. 6, 1923 -jK.te.,,,l,r Chartered New CUNARD S S "SCYTHIA" m Turblnt Oil-Burner. 2X.B0O tow. menthft. 000 nn.l up Ineludra aher "VJ!' Jtamiz. ucurwpni nna su ezpen ...-. V5"jaA. tmZZw. wiZZZ '- "si" J CTWkt St,S, CO;...'; RERMUDA mail TOURS I aBsew 7""sBSae' I TWO Cruises Round-the-World Hawaii, Japan, China, Burma, Philippines, India, Egypt Te go Roundthe-Werld tilth Ray-mond-Whltcemb is te Ge with all the comfort which civilisatien affords Ge en the finest ships ter nnund-the-Werld travel Bee everything worth while Visit the respective, countries when they ere at their best Eliminate trouble, worry, hurry Get full mensure of essential travel value Get "The Det In Travel" Rates 11050 up New Tork te Kew Yerk Complete Itinerary nnd ships' plans may tie had en application Mediterranean Cruise rtaymond-Whlteemb have charter, ea the famous Helland-America LlnT "Rotterdam" for the Medlter. ranean Cruise eainng from New Yerk Feb 10. 1!!X Ench year In. creaslngly popular the Raymond Raymend Raymond Whltcemb Mediterranean Cruise premise te be record-breaking In ita achievement next year The rates are 1625. and up. Including return. Full Information en request Raymond & Whiteemb Ce. 1338 Walnut St. el. Spruce 8663 The CALL of NORTH WALES Visitors te North Wales are en en HiuMastle In thelr commendations of The Charms of the Country Rich In scenic splendeur and abounding In historical associa tions. (Jie'llne Resorts of Rhyl, Celwjn Hay, Llandudno, Conway, etc , present n strlklnar contrast te the ennrnble ruins In tha leuntry around. Plan a trip te Oreat Britain v sit North Wales nnd the many plates Df interest reached by the 7.'95".IJ9. 4 NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY, the l'rmler Reutu for Travel In the United Kingdom. Booklet. The Charm of England ;ther lltcrniure nnd Infcrmstlen free en application te: JOHN FAIRMAN, Agent Londen A North Western Rnllviny 200 P Fifth A-rnue, New Yerk Sim AsisssTfl a-iwifai wwawiiir' i te BOfl-AM C Cad ana - laalmsl tsaisjts Bjll Mrtrlc. M Yes, Veiri'a OrcheitrsConcerte-Ceol Comfortable 8tteroems. Leave dally Pier 14 N. R. Fultan St.. tn n m r...ii" V. !;' '" H-W J9B"lr?RP. .IH-Te New n. life. ,4 niA .!.& . .- .. sa .. tjl:. it 1 jiraimi di msrtnss Vlna-Yard and Nantucket. Lv, dally ex.8un.frem Pier 40 N,R. Ft, Housten St.0MP.M.Davl'i Tlmi i.iili. fA.Jl I4KWLONOON MMB-Ly. daily es. 2V!fIW? rJ" 49 N. ft Heasten ft. u r usyiigen Ttmsf" i mmM sBMsssaasssa aa sbbssbssbkss : 'i -. a BBf&aMslUskAakaVr' ra EC. TOCRS .WiCP J&JPBSL w - - - - -i-. .tSSKl: msM JtrVS Jx rrftr-zzay WrWMi 4W?- a . I iui -a a - . as as f VHbssbbbWPHbbbi s . I ejC I i""JL. -". k -w m m a f fcniIuiWekly from lirffal(Niag-a Falls) ClttilM.,B.triHtlii. ) 7 7. - .. . ' t. aa..LI...UI fls.siealaii Raw IMtM 11-.. .t ! Trips of overaeco Miles of Beautiful Scenery. Shere tine, Island; i n.'.fH..m4n.M TMKnmn1etimeatrxnntsc4?intere8tto8eetheJe'nfs iBSfiifiaSit 'lOliets in rarier a"S""Ci 'lOliets in rarier iuu "j j" ";": s .. . n wa aa .mmaaai aaaatasi -aa-hei-asB-niaBBrir an State Reems. inspectea.eTery, lew kw-.. era a j h ta.ema.g-. aa nw-aBsTwaaang-wi. utnraBKTOmsauu.--- "TOSartaTrslI reuUeg OAwluaJt. Call or torlte for pamphttti any Kmthemy JUkfT (WWee iej regsaey, er t Vacation Trips" lm aML ssa 1$ HftiOxV A aafltllHiKSuiBaa IWarTnTliMCimTOUSBBBBBBBBBBBBBrv-aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrML ugg;f,l.iwpi mii isas ii i r ..mjgffmwBffmS, -3(tr 5pJfcSS'i&4r " . . fTstW-wl-a- mtKr of 340 mite and op accerdiif te sc commedttleai itlsctsd and Dimbcrel dsyt frsa New Yerk. All steamer expenses included Write tot illustrated folder Clyde Line Standard Coastwise Reute te all point in the Carolines, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and Flerida s imrmuttmiHi FRANK'S TOURS EUROPE. Independent and Escorted Tours France, Chateaux, Riviera, Italy, Switzerland. Belgium, Helland, England, Passion Play, Eta Our 47 years of experience has made our refutation world-wide for hnndllng Tours most satisfactorily. MEDITERRANEAN Cruise De Luxe, Sailing Feb, 6, 1923, Returning April 9, t7 Magnificent Cunard CJ. S. SCythia & , Tw'"'Scre'v Turbine Oil-Burner 21,600 tens. Egypt. Hely Land, Constantinople, Greece. Italy, Spain, etc. Rates, $600 and up. Including shere excursions and all expenses PACIFIC COAST Independent and Escorted Teura, visiting National Parks, Canadian Reckies, California, Alaska, Honolulu St. Lawrence Saguenay River Tours Independent and with Escort, visiting Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands. Lachlne Rapids, Montreal, Quebec, Neva Scotia, eta Steamer Tickets Everywhere Choice Cabins Regular Rate Call, write or phone for complete information. FRANK TOURIST CO. (Established 1875) 219 S. 15th St., Phila. fSruce" World-Famous Cruise en the Great Lakes Transit Corporation Palatial Steel Steamers ha&L "TIONESTA" JUNIATA" OCTORARAV ,J Buffalo te Duluth and a uAuniuua minion, ucauuiui scenery ana eaucs- JLt tlenal value. Cruising LalteErie DetreItRiver ! Like Ot. Uair Lake Huren Straits of Mackinac--Lake Superior snd numerous ether bodies of water making the Great Lakes group. Passenger service exi clutively every three dsi, stepping st Clevelind, Os- JSqA iron, macKinac island, Oault Heat dining aeivlce and alwulnc V$" world Included In fore. DANCING UAMES OHCIIEHTRA ami reservation) at , W. II. Zellff. Tuiu-lsi 2r"anadlan war v ui se s New Yorlc-HftlifvnieV.w afi JUChtiriC CTUillPM vlfi Pnletl.l ..,! N lea? atiV-ev frfvin-ncrew a. 3. rum MAMILIOIN" Sailing from New Yerk July 8-22 , Aug. 5-19 Htepplng One Day (each wavl at"i" Sni Twe n t QuVbec u".1.,0 fnlry' "mD0,h water, cool v-eather. Orcheatra fenDunclng. Rensd Trip 12 Days, 1S0 ..d B One war te Q,.k S .art SM aaa a. Vnw ui.....i.V - isiupai U9 lltBtantaaaa tls..t.... J .. X". sr rtefcefs rwiwi TOURH sppPrw i m -J M j "y, 1 I -'WJ Vt r ti m 'Aj.' - m win saaissiiissi ui s sail nuassu Sl IA alfa aTCM Phene larsst ItTIbT'tIT BTneJ'eM l , ;.niiii st VXZZPffZZZZZZXvTXZ ing. Concerts. I !AH I .. r-nA rmen Air PlaTwvaU. swuuaasi ssuu -- stun asauaanav uansrsa. vi( 8-9-10 dayi 2000 miles en the water. a Th trtainerAKtvi5e firs alfa " HERE'S a te enjoy the ' -1:,1 . .kn- iimi .-:.. X X iUMU INI uiai jruu (Jl U111I3CJ ,; veurself everv vacation time. Relax -t , ce-npletely andbreathe in the tonic 1 cool ocean breeze. Interesting voyage of 1650 miles along the" Atlantic Coast. Then a day and 'V two nights delightful daylight and .s searchlight trip beautiful ST. JOHNS, of nletureaaue and luxuriant acenerv- VI birds of beautiful plumaje, marvelous water foil age, overhanging Spanish mess, alligators, novel native settlements and fishing camps. Large oil-burning Clyde Line S.teamers noted for their speed and comfort. Leave New Yerk any Saturday and get back Sunday a week, refreshed and exhilarated. Other failings Tuesdays and Thursdays with extension of time for Interesting stopover and side tries, ' S. A. M0NTEITH, 629 Cseihmt St., Pails. Tel. Lembard 7122 Return 2230 Miles te. Marie, Houghten. urrnnimnduiinn. i. ih. Q, A. 4SS The Uauraa. or I t Itallread Ticket Offleel .. . .. .. ...... .. i c.j.'m i.j ri Juiuif 13. 1W l "'I DriifKira TUP UnRLD. Superb SS "EMPRESS . el FRANCg 1 18481 Oroee Tene, Sflf Cbsrtersf ,'J muni ns briuiab wwrTLi" sa Including- Hotels, Fees. Drives, yKrp i m..i, r.i.i...."4 Rn..i ha World WTO , ttV ClarV'a IBtW (nilu. ITaWuary .R 'J ius MEDlTERKAWl - r" rz-r.r - ..v. a asaptueue S3 "BMPRESl. ! i asn urese l eas, . MDAYSCXtJ UeMlM.HstekFs. ivasrsf at k'fm lb' HTM Tj-skVMIMsa Tas 'KLM S TX -t - ' Ci 'Llm ., ' V?-' dJ-A UntfUAaai