M'iVti U yKJBl Wi-Hiu 1 i.1 KM ', " I Mm Ftf llP' K7j'. wtiwr ftrJSWPTW' , $ grT'JWI usSIiJW-l MA "f. itir:irrf.i ... 7f' ' V-JSuV' Wtf" nh 'V. PSfe itn-f J" " r VI rial" v - f " f Euentng public "n NIGHT ;i THE WEATHER W nanerally lr nnclfcentlnued warm tonight and Thursday gentle variable WlnM .. ,T KAt'lI HOUR it ggBgnymrnrgNiMiBi PRICE TWO CENTS. $A Publlihed Dally Except Sunday. gMejIptlM PrlejM t Tar by Matt Copyright. 1022, by Publle Ledwr Company V0L. V11L-N0. 228 Entered aa Bacend-Claia Matter at the Pettafflea at Philadelphia. Pa. Under he Aet et March S. UTS PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1922 meager Ul BBBBPi .! Lf ' V-s f. u -i- bbbw j. - Ki"- f ' DEFIATGANGON IcHipsmp frleMis General Miner, Man In rSiBW .. itnxl. Lit- Sympatny vvun m Ideals ttPFS ODDS AGAINST HIM, If" BUT WON'T 0. K. BAKER f Would Rather Lese Fight Than Submit Tamely te Besses . SENATOR MOSES HIS GUEST ' Ferester Returns te Grey Tow ers, but Will Be Here en Saturday Miner Would Bend All Efferts te Unite Party i-TJpen being Informed today that QUfefd Plnchet had written an nea letter te the Republican State Owimlttee suggesting his name for U Republican State clinlrmanshlp, General Asber Miner gave out the following statement: "I am net a candidate who is asking for this position, but I con tented te be Mr. Plnchet's candi date In the hope that it might unite tit party. That was Mr. Plnchet's lie. "Of course, if the State Com mittee should decide te comply with Mr. Plnchet's request I will de all la my power te obtain the (Wemphant election of the entire rJAet. The success of the Repub- lUean ticket is assured, no matter who becomes chairman." Gilferd Plnchet's bold and progressive thrait against the continued control of .tie Republican State Committee by the It V- .. M . 1. .! It van-Leslie -Kye combine mrcw me Inte confusion today and they (ear the tame result as that which v narked the historic primaries of Mayl6. k In an eren letter te the members eT . the Republican State Committee, the r Republican nominee for Governer, , whom a majority of the Republican mw and women voters of Pennsylvania fl6te as their leader, suggested Gen eral Asher Miner, distinguished veteran ef the World War. as a candidate for tbitrman of the State Committee te ineceed United States Senater Crew, who bai virtually retired from political uarlty. Jhe Iwue between Plnchet and the , betw will be decided in the reorganiza tion meeting of the State Committee attheBellevuc-Striitferd Saturday. Plnchet does net nrofeses flint- Ms frlttdt control a majority of the State Oanmlttee. They were busy en elec tion day nominating Mr. Plnchet. But M the Plnchet blast against Baker tkeri Is net the some confidence in the UM of the Combine. Leaders say ty have the votes te elect Baker, Wt It is a question today whether these TOtetwill stnv llltnlmil Jte Committeemen hava te depend M" State Administration for their WlUcil sustennnce and the Federal pn pn tenie, controlled by Sennter Pepper, weut all dispensed. It would sur sur sur WHnoene familiar with State poll pell HSLJr committeemen ,erlginnlly ratndly te Baker slowly make their WIT tO th Minn. !.,.. t.fnn sF!Hler, former State Bank-M T.jM'rnlV,B10ncr' who withdrew as n wwitete for Governer in the interest litinchet,wln "nt r,ln ' State tWrman. His friends, including Jo Je "W . Grundy, will Mippert Miner. Odds Against Plnchet M- ef10!" thnt ,h0 nMa "re "gainst JS'r?c ,l J?a!(1 tllnt ' would rather W a hard fight for the mnn of his S!-lthu whom h" -eu1el work In "meny, than submit tamely te these in 1 supporting W. Harry Baker. ihK nc"?f pel,,t', out that It has SaH.v.Vl the custom for ,lle h,n' "t "c"t te name the campaign dl- 1 tK ed t0 r1t'",rc,ient the majority TtteJ" rBth thnn one chosen But k. .t Mere lefcated at the polls, jffi e1Umt'nm' "Otter of SSfS :l J nnt ,0, ,,cfcnt t,,e nmb- eC. ..'?y man or faction. Mr. Piu gji statement te the committee fel- 0raeMh?UbJ'rn" ""'"'nntlen for the "?jeraer8hlp 6,,vn rise te tjifl principal ' T! 'w Pnr.r. Column Five YERKESGOfjpPEOPLE' AdmU. 11 ... . " nimaelf In Barring S2S y .B'0t Frem E""cheen WW Vi ik the .IVnce U- M"rtln , WteiL 'ftta Wire," astlV..."?.e.n.u '"' te unfertunutu 'l?'?.w Reed ncone." i.u PES.irS"1 today when mi,n , vVi .iVii,nrveS ,K,ke. of dies- ffV from a WHter"ns whlsky ""' SilbhrI..elleBKCr' . IIc wants L.-,' uis name nnnnr n 1 .., nfr ? js bubiieeniii.il n, .... FWe Brt ..'.:. ' ".w"1 nt de Cen- rr- wiuipn Y..un . ..: " v "m, likes ,tettlek ViV CBK0 "ml he in' 5Sl?r,BrS!nT,,c,ted before .Tudg-3 "vfrrt Vjjfc11' p1" Crlmlna f&n JfJ'Y."'8 -r"ty. en the 1?1V from Vi?00 ?J,d n bnrret 12. .0! thl. S.. 'c. ."!. Constantine. SiB,,tniten whii. ,,um ' rrcs ed khaaM.. " w"" transnertlnir ui.ui liSfl?!n ?D1 WOO and cestH. he. : .wua a. and .u . t -.-- Etttettaca.:; Mf Han., t "i? nev;r re- J "TlH'ii- k-i-ji i J - Bali urn liiatinit TTr lint W'TI" """ Fw itewMfav ! '.cwieai. eeaw l 'mMmmmwh.;i,m.. taa smimMmn Hint Mrs. Warburton Cools Toward Baker Mrs. Barclay H. Warburton, vice rhalrmun of the Republican State Committee, la believed te be recon sidering her support of W. Harry vBaker 'for State Chairman. In view of Gilferd Plnchet's open declaration for General Asher Miner for the State Chairmanship, Mrs. Warburton was asked today lf her opinion Is still unchanged. "Net n word te say," she replied. She would net comment en Mr. Plnchet's statement. Mr. Baker, new secretary of the committee, also declined te discuss the nom inee's declaration for Miner. "NOT TRUE" BARRETT, REPORTED TO BE DEAD Knockout Victim of Tendler Unable te Walk Bebby Barrett Is net dead. He ad mitted that he wax nllvc, although utlll cilnl. ..! f. ....I.. h Wftcl. nt ,l.n 41,1111 nil'lt III1U III I'lllll UB U ivcuil VI UIU knockout in Ills bout Inst night with Lew Tendler ut the Phillies' Park. Barrett, at his home" In Cliften Heights today, seems te be suffering from the effects of paralysis In Ills right leg, and he is unable te walk. He may be taken te a hospital this afternoon. Throughout the day a rumor was Hashed nil ever town that Harrett hed died following the solar-plexus punch landed by Tendler In the sixth round of their ba'it. The report went like wild wild flre throughout the city and hundreds of calls were made for verification. Seated in a chair at his home at neon, Barret said: "It Isn't true: please dney that report for me. While I am still In pnin and can hardly move my right leg, I feel much better than I did last night." About five months age Barrett was strirken with an attack of rheumatism while training for a bout with Jimmy Ilnnlen and he had te cancel the con test. At that time Barrett was ad mitted te the .Tcffcrsen Hospital, where he underwent an operation for the re moral of his tonsils and adenoids which, it was believed, were the cause of Bar rett's ailment. ACIDHITS HUBBY IN ROW WITH WIFE Tree Street Man May Lese Eye; Weman Arrested As the result of n family argument during which blows were struck and furniture strewn about the fleer, Ed ward .Me.Mnnu. 747 Tree street, was taken te St. Agnes' Hospital suffering from severe burns of the face. He will urebablv lese the sight et one eye from the effects of acid said te have been thrown into his fnee by his wife Ella. She was arrested by pelice of the Fourth street and Snyder avenue station. According tn MrManus, he came hen.e about r:.'!0 o'clock yesterday afternoon and was scolded by his wife for a trivial matter. He attempted te pacify her, but was pushed from the room. When lie attempted te open the deer he says he was almost hit by a chair which his wife hurled at him. Then he grabbed her by the wrist, but she broke nway and In another moment had taken n bottle of acid from a closet and thrown it in his face. PLUNGES FROM FERRY Camden Youth Leaves Nete Blam Ing Weman for Broken Heart Leaving letters saying he was heart broken with grief, n youth, believed te be Jehn C. Murray, of Camden, plunged into the Delaware River from n ferry boat just after it left the deck at Knlghn's Point. , The beat wns stepped and a life pre served thrown te flic spot where he disappeared, but he did tfet rise. Har Har eor police are Kenrching today for the body. The letters he left were found en the deck. My henrt is broken, one note be- gnn, "nud x am seriously 111 and rnerc is no cure ter want you nave none. Yeu hnd It all planned for. The peer, sick and Innocent carry the weight of life. I love you, Anna, but evil came and steed between us. Yeu chose evil because it was strongest here .en earth." The ether note wns addressed : "Dear father, sister, brothers, relatives and friends." It rend: "Please don't think hard of me, for I really couldn't help it. I have steed It ns long ns I can. Please bury me alongside my mother. Cloed-by te all, with special geed-by te Maud. Anna Is the cause of this. I am going te see my mother, be goeb-by one and all. Your hen, Jehn C. Murray, Camden, N. J." ROB HOME OF JEWELS Thieves Get $200 Diamond Ring In North Eleventh Street Heuse Thieves entered the home of James Wallace, at 15400 North Eleventh street, last night and took n diamond ring valued at S-00, numerous pieces of fcmnll jewelry, and ?1C ln ensh. They had the silverware packed and wait lug, but were frightened nway by the return of the family. The occupants of the house were out scarcely an hour, and It is believed that the rebbej-H watched their opportunity until the pluce wns vacant. They entered through 11 rear window, en which they broke the screen. STINNES AND BERLIN BREAK Industrial Magnate's Newspaper Ne Lenger Government Organ Berlin, June 7. (By A. P.) Huge Rtlnncb Deutsche Allgcmelne Zcitung hns ceased te be the Government's of ficial organ, It wns announced yester day. The break between the Govern ment and the industrial and shipping mngnnte, which has been Imminent for borne time, is new definite. The Government considered thnt Stlnnes, ou account of his Industrial re lationships, wns net always an enthu siastic btippertcr of its policies toward big business. Stlnnes, en the ether hand, felt thnt the official connection for n long time had restricted his expression of views and had been an editorial Incumbrance. Wall crumbles, two hurt Twe plumbers were slightly Injured when part of u wall through which they were running u drain fell en them today at 230 Wilder street. They are Jehn Denehue, '2312 Seuth hre street, and Jcph. Jacfcensfta sus werris weei, HTES DODGE o.k.enpuot Combine-Controlled City Com mittee Delays State Ticket Indersement MOVE SEEN AS SCARE TO BOOST BAKER'S STOCK Watseji Re-elected President and Mrs. Harmen Succeeds Mrs.' Altemus The Varc-contrelled Republican City Committee took the unusual step at Its reorganization meeting today of defer ring nn Indersement of the State ticket nominated last mouth, because It Is headed by Glfferd Pinchot, candidate for Governer, and also In the vain hope of scaring Plnchet In his fight against W. Harry Baker for State chairman. it wns announced tnac rincnei weum sooner or later be Indorsed nnd that the stalwarts would support him ln the Xfwemher plppHnn. hut the Varte men, particularly Chnrlle Hall, did net like te surrender all nt once. Therefore It wns nlanned te have n committee en resolutions draw up rese lutiens of indersement wnicn win ne adopted nt a meeting te be held' nt the call of the chair and, this Is the im portant point, some time after the re organization meeting of the Republican State Committee next Saturday. On that occasion the issue between Bnkcr, the choice of the Vare-Lcslle-Eyre combine for State chairman, and General Asher Miner, the personal sug gestion of Plnchet, will be settled. It Is believed by these informed thnt the indersement of Plnchet wns deferred with the object of halting the progress of the Plnchet drive toward the State chairmanship. Practical politicians, in cluding some of these ln the City Com mittee who are tired of the Vue tactics, declared that the Vare leaders would legrct their slap at Pinchot. Hall Cuts Loese Councilman Hall voiced the feeling of disappointment ever the outcome of the primaries, in the course of one of his explosive speeches, in which he warned the forester ngalnst "usurping" the functions of the. State Committee. Further, he wnrned Plnchet against be ing as "foolish" as Mayer Moere, who. he said, had tried te be the political boss of Philadelphia. Hall spoke almost as n brother te Plnchet when he wnrned the candidate for Governer against trying te be the political boss of Pennsylvania. Mr. Hall said that he and his friends were for Baker for State chairman but Just the same they would net deBert Plnchet for Governer. "Big Tem" Cunningham, however, declared that it was going tP be a job te roll up n big majority for the for ester. All this was part of the play te held the Vare lines taut for Baker for chairman. Other than the Pinchot dodge, the committee meeting was distinguished by the selection of Mrs. A. W. Harmen, who is Vare leader of the women, ns honorary vice president, te succeed Mrs. Dobsen Altemus. Mrs. Altemus aftci her election as vice chairman never did work with the Vare organization and In the late pilmaries wns a sup porter et the forester. The iiest of assistant secretary which wns held by Mrs. Jehn Wanamakcr, 3d, was net filled. It Is proposed te fill this office after the followers of Mrs. Ilnrmen have been sounded ns te senti ment. Themas P. Watsen, City Treasurer, was re-elected as president of the com mittee. He and all ether officers were chosen unanimously. Everything worked Continued en Faae Fnur, Column Three AUTO MAN MISSING Owner of Accessories Shep Leaves te Buy Supplies and Disappear Edwnrd Bnrtkewsky, owner of the nute accessories shop at 3884 Terrace street, Wlssahlcken. hns been missing since Saturday, and his wife fears he is a victim of robbers. Bartkowsky took .$100 with him, mostly ln dollar hills, when he left home Saturday morning, presumably te buy Inncrtubes. Bnrtkewsky Is described as twenty seven years old, 5 fet 4 inches in height, weighs about 135 pounds and has u light complexion, light hnlr and blue eyes. He were a blue serge suit and a straw hat and no cellar. BECK INQUIRY SECRET Army Beard Taking Evidence In Oklahoma Murder Case Oklahoma City, June 7. (By A. P.) Secret investigation of the slaying here en me nigiu m iiri -m ui muu tennnt Colonel Paul Ward Beck, upon which will be bused a report te the Avar Department, wns continued today by a special Army Beard composed of five Testimony of the two principals In the tragedy. Jean P. Day. wealthy law vcr and oil man, and his wife, was obtained yesterday by the Beard. Lieu tenant Colonel Heck was slain by Dny In the Day home here. Day testified 8t the Corener's Inquest he killed the army man accidentally when he re turned home nnd found his wife strug gling with Beck. itnnnl members would net reveal their exect program for today. CRYSTAL HAMPTON, DUPED IN LOVE, TRIED SUICIDE Said te Have Lest Most of Fortune In Film Venture Crystal Hampton, who nttempted sujelde In New Yerk last Monday, was despondent ever love for an actor, It Is declared by the police of that city to te day. According te her friends, she was married wvcral years age te Harry Schulz, Allentijwn, Pa., but obtained an annulment in this city when she found he hnd another wife living. Later she became enamored of the ncter, nnd became despondent. It Is said, when his nffectlen cooled. She had been living at 70 West Fiftieth street, New Yerk, and had at various times been assistant treasurer of the Casine and the Apelle Theatres, She lest most of her private fortune, it la .ill. In organizing the Crystal Hamp ten Comedies, a film company In whjch .he hnd hoped tear.. She is In the Repert Diva Divorced GANNA WALSKA Reports from Parte ay the Pellsli opera singer has been granted a di vorce from Alexander Smith Coch rane of New Yerk. It Is said she will receive $200,000 Repert Diva Accepted $200,000 Settlement Outside of Court PARIS DECREE WAS SECRET New Yerk, June 7. Frlend of Gannn Wnlska Iri1 this city are inter ested ln renerts from Paris that the Polish opera singer has been granted a divorce from Alexander Smith Coch ran, New Yerk multi-millionaire. The terms of settlement hnve net been made public, but It Is believed the diva will receive $200,000. The divorce was granted ntteut two weeks age by the Paris courts, but the hcttlement was reached out of court, the reports Mate. Every eirert was mane te ueep tne ease secret, but these efforts were only partially surressful. Tt Is known the suit was given only a brief heurlng ln the French court and the documents were finnllv liculed last Friday. Mr. Cechrnn did net attend the hearing. Grounds for Iho action arc n matter of speculation, although friends of Genna Walska stated some time nge her mar riage wns nn unhappy one. Surprise Is expressed here nt the small settle ment which the singer is believed te have accepted. Alvln TJntermcyer, representing Mr. Cochran, returned te New Yerk from Paris n few days age en the Fame liner ln which Dudley Field Mnlene, the diva's ceunM'l. took passage. Mine. Wnlska originally asked MOO, 000 as settlement. It was intimated last year, after Mr. Cochran had mndc. her an offer of approximately $10,000 an nually for the rest of her life. The couple were separated early in 1021, and there was considerable dickering before the agreement really began te take shape. Three weeks nge Mme. Wnlskn's friends heard thnt the terms of settle ment hnd been fixed at .300,000 cash nnd ownership of Mr. CechrnnV man sion In Paris and nnether in this city. These reports, however, could net he confirmed. Mine. Walhka hns had a picturesque career. Her first marrltgp was in 1014. when she was but seventeen yenrs old, the husband being Captain Arch Arch adle d'Elnghem, from whom she sepa rated within a few months and later ob tained n divorce. There was some question about the legality of this di vorce, according te friends of Mr. Coch ran, who intimated that this figured In the Cechrnn -Wnlska divorce proceed ings. CAPT. EDDIE RICKENBACKER BEGINS 15,000-MILE FLIGHT American Ace Will Ge Over Every State In Union Mlneela, N. Y June 7. (By A. P.) Cnptnln Eddie Hickenbaekcr, leading American war nee, took off from Mit chell Field tedny for Detroit en the first le of a flight intended te carry him ever every btate In the union. Hlckenhacker carried n letter from President Harding te the convention of Shriners In San Frnnclbce. The filer expects te be gene three months and te trinel mere than 15,000 miles by air. making a survey of the country and landing fields and report ing tn the nrniy nlr service. In the cabin with Itiikenhacker when the all-metal plane left the ground at 11 :15 A. M. was Eddie Stln.sen, who last winter set a new record for con tinuous hours in the nlr, and "Steve" Hnnnigan, mechanician. Ihey expect te stay in Detroit tonight nnd te fly te Chicago tomorrow. BRICKS THUNDER, ROBBERY Window-Smashing Fur Thief Has Technique All His Own Here's btratcgy. He had a noiseless, upholstered brick but thut was net enough. While he steed poised for hctleu en the front of the store of Leuis Siegel, 201(1 Co lumbia avenue, he heard a storm coming up. It seemed te be getting nearer. He waited. There was a flash of lightning, then n peal of thunder, first plune, then erndually reaching crescendo and when it icached that volume the thief threw the brick. , m He waited for another roll of thunder nnd hurled nnether. That made the hole larger. He reached in and toeK a fur coat valued at 30() nnd lied. A woman who watched him told the police. 8preul Names Northampton Judge Harrlsburg, June 7. Governer Hpreul last night appointed llebert A, Slots, of Has ten, as Judge of the Court oivvjieramons, j-ica- ier nenusmjH uwaawex-em j asses t,;.w 1" . J 1, -i-r- l-.'.d- iuvViJt!' " mw -.v.'-'W.,, " 'bbHubH ... , ' .BBBBBBBBnBB j Y 'A'V btbbbWbbM .'.. , VA';':i' HbHHHt i,.' ''- AAirV'-jbbbWbbmP IP'-' liilBflilrf LBHk'' - ' wJaf HSBBBJ '-"'JIbI Hk? "' V'' !i' BBP BBBm'1- '-JSfK GANNAWALSKAAND COCHRAN DIVORCED Ml UN H Reject Arbitration, but Express Willingness te Continue Negotiations SAY CRISIS IS NOT REACHED YET IN WAGE CONTROVERSY Limited Submission of Issues te Commission Possible, it Is Stated By the Associated Press Ilazletnn, Pa., June 7. Although the anthracite Mine Workers' General Scale Committee unanimously re jected the operators' pronesal for the appointment of n commission te arbi trate the questions en which the min ers and operators have been dead locked, prevision wns made for the continuance of the negotiations by the appointment of a sub-committee te draft a counter-prepoal. This sub-corn-mblttee, consisting of Philip U. Murray, lntcrnntlennl vice president; Themas Kennedy, president of District 7; C. J. Gelden, president of District 0. and Wlllnm J. Urcnnan. president of DIs trtet 1 worked until Inte Inst night framing its reply for submission te the Scale Committee today. Crisis Net Reached Prier te the meeting of the Scale Committee, members of the sub-cem-mitce declined te discuss the nnture of their reply te the operators. They in dicated, however, thnt n crisis ln the wane nccotlntlens had net yet been reached, and that there wns still room for further conplderntien of their de mands. Arbitration for the present wns out of the question, it vus stnted, but there still wns a possibility of a limited submission of the issues te n commis sion, provided assurnnccs were given that there would be no consideration of a wage cut, which the or.eraters hove demanded te the extent of 21 per cent. The miners were ready te debate the demands ns drafted by the Shamekln Trl -District Convention, Mr. Murray bald. Claim Cut Net Necessary Leaders of the mlnp workers contend that wages are net responsible for the high price of fuel, nnd that the cost of coal can be reduced without a wage cut. Asked whether the miners would be satisfied lf the operators offered te renew the contract which expired April 1, District President Kennedy declared that was a matter which had net yet been reached. The miners nre 100 per cent for progress and 100 per cent ngalnst nny backward step, added Mr. Kennedy. Before the Scale Committee went into session some of the members. It wns Intimated, may propose that a referen dum of the anthracite locals be taken te authorize the committee te turn the suspension into a strike, if necessary, lf n crisis develops. Referendum Quicker According te Chairman Kennedy, the referendum method will lie used te act en nnv final recommendations of the Scale Committee. It Is pointed out thnt a referendum would he quicker and less expensive than a tri-distrlet convention. International Vice President Murray declined te discuss the text of the reply te be given te the operators, but gave out the following statement: "The mine workers are perfectly willing te continue negotiations with the understanding that the demands of the Shamekln convention become the basis upon which discussion shall be conducted. We deplore the present suspension of the anthracite mines and believe if the anthracite opcruters would sincerely take up the task of solving the problem that a new wage scale could be promptly agreed te.'" Mr. Murray amplitled the statement en the Shamekln demands by explaining that this means an upward njid npt 11 downward action en formulating a new wage scale. He said that a referendum en authorization of the Scale Commit tee by the rank and file te act in any emergency will be considered in resolu tions nnd that ethers will cover the action of Imposters nt Philadelphia col lecting funds for anthracite miners. He said no money is being solicited for re lief en behalf of the hard-coal men. WAR ROMANCE WINS Wedding te Climax Leve Affair That Began In France Alexander E. I.ovelb, a salesman of Hedlield. S. D., Is ln Philadelphia te marry tne gill he met while they were lmili servlnit their country ln France. She Is Miss lieidn hweue, wne lives with her guardian, August Kaufman, nt 233 Seuth Sixtieth street. The girl arrived from Londen two tin) a nge, and they will he married to te duv by Magistrate Renshaw, A Chorus Girl Who Became Emissary for a President IIP IN a choir left, years age, a beautiful girl cracked pea nuts while a temperamental tenor icna singing. Next day she was told she no longer was a member of the choir. A few years later the same girl was hailed the world ever as "The American Beauty" and the "Queen of Musical Comedy." Triumph after triumph marked her career. Married four times she finally found happiness as the wife of a millionaire publisher and became a recognized social leader in Pittsburgh. Finally she was se lected by President Harding te go te Europe and study immigra tion. These arc high spots in the vivid career of 'Lillian Russell, ,kn Aied uesterdav and whose life story will be told in a full- page article m tne trventng rue- lie Ledger emarrtw.H Jugeslavia Welcomes Marie as Future Queen Princess Is Given Bread and Salt as Token of Loyalty Showered With Hely Water for Geed Luck Weds King Tomorrow By the Associated Press Belgrade, June 7. Princess Mnrieef Rumnnla wns mnklng the final prop prep prop nrntlens today for her mnrriage tomor row te King Alexander of Juge-Slavla. When she arrived here yesterday and put feet en the bell of her future king dom she wns given brend find salt by the Mayer of Belgrade In token of friend ship nnd leynlty. The Princess upon her arrival were a white crepe de chine dress, trimmed with slhcr nnd geld, which she made her self. She and the reynl party, Includ ing King Fcidluand, Queen Mnrle, seven lndles-ln-wnltlng and the entire Rumanian royal household, came uy beat en the Danube, and were escorted Inte pert by Juge-Slnv airplanes, Brit ish, French and Rumanian destroyers and a fleet of .Tuge-Slav warships. Scores of beats carrying Juge-Slavs also welcomed the party. While she was traversing Rumanian territory, the Princess was showered with holy water, Incense, rosemary and tlcc for geed luck, nnd when the pnrty arrived at Belgrade their vessel passed under an arch bearing the legend : "Leng Live Our King nnd Queen I Lentf Live .Tuee-SIavia! Lenir Live Rumania!' while a chorus of 1Z0U sang a wedding hymn entitled "Queen Marie." The bride wns met by King Alex ander and his Cabinet, nnd wns con ducted In n precession through the crowded streets te the cathedral, where a thanksgiving service wns held. The precession followed streets newly paved for the orcaflen, along which the old buildings had been demolished te make place for reviewing stands. A new palace Is ready for occupancy of the royal pair. It Is shunted within n stone's threw of the old royal resl dence whMi hus bM. unecctfv.cd since LAST-MINUTE NEWS GREER LEADS BIG GOLF FIELD . PINE 'VALLEY, N. J., June 7. Marcus Greer, Llanercb, led the early starters in the Philadelphia amateur golf cham pionship here today with a 43-4082. Charles Deeph, Lu Lu, and Max Marsten, Meiien, were tied with 33 each. HOOVER AND DAVIS TRY IN VAIN TO END COAL STRIKE WASHINGTON, Juue 7. Secretary Hoever in a report te the Senate today disclosed that he and Secretary Davis had aeujrht te present recently suggestions which it had been hoped would lead te a settlement of the existing coal strike, but se far their efforts had been without lesult. ROTAN WILL AGI i! O-..J.-I IAIIII DI- .-. lj:. I vuriiyuu win nate dciuiu mm Papers Found in Raided Poolroom Safe SMASH AT CLIQUE SEEN All evidence in the Big gambling caudal in which police connivance i suspected it te be laid promptly before District Attorney ltefan by Director of Public Safety Corteljeu. The contents of the two safes seir.cd last Thursday in the poolroom of C'hnrles Moseeni, Seventh street below Mnrket, the Director believes, will prove n smashing blew te the clique which linked this city with various race tracks. Just before ceing into nnether con ference with Mayer Moere. Director Cortelyou announced he will turn ever nil the lists and ether pnpers found In the safe te Mr. Retnn. With dramatic force In view- of the Enmbllng disclosure's which threaten te shake the police burenu, the Mayer to day warned new patrolmen against al liances with lawbreaker". Majer Wat us Police "Policemen, go straight!" the Mayer declared, addre-slng n group of police rookies" assembled en the City Hnll plaza. , "De net permit jeuiself te be fooled I by the notion thnt ou can be a geed policemen nnd serve the creeks," the , Mnvnr added. I Mr. Moere referred te the gnmbling ! disclosures of the Inst week and men tiened the reports thnt police officials nmy be involved. Frem this lie drew n lessen for the Ijeung u.eti nbeut te start en their ca reers as patrolmen. Twe cancelled checks bearing the In In eorsement of a man formerly a high police official ere snld te have been found in one of the confiscated safes. The exact contents of the strong box, which the Director said were of "an nstnundiug nature," will be Jealously guarded until the Distrli) Attorney enn build up an airtight case for the Grand Jury. "I will net reveal the contents of the safes nor will I sny whether Ihey contained checks with the mimes of prominent politicians," said Director Cortelyou. Might Injure Case "Te make such revelations new would Injure the case, of the Department of Public Safety when it comes into court." The Administration, apparently, is determined te rln nut ersanUed nam- rjiltnc root and branch from this city. HUNBvJK IUU Olggcnl police tinUD-U(m sKy..!'.!. III... ' "0-" T , j" M.iJiTTE . aMMTMfJOSic'.. W.i . iW, ittliiiv wv ... ...lmt nl'!S.Ttt IN POLICE S ANDA the nssnsslnatlen of King Alexander and Queen Draga in 1H0. The Ser bians, believing the old palace te be ac cursed, hnve begged Marie never te cress Us threshold. Among the most netnblc presents mnde te the bride are n tiara and neck lace of diamonds and emeralds fien King Alexnndcr. These pieces of Jew clrv are heirlooms from Empress Mnrle of 'Rubsln. grnndmethcr of the present queen of Rumnnla, nnd new by fertui teus circumstances cume i " 'v; ..i,i. .,ie Kin? Alexander dis covered them for sale nnd made ths purchase. . , ,, , , King Ferdinand nnd Queen Marie or Rumnnln gave ns their Joint present u mngnlficcnt string of penrls, and Queen Marie likewise presented a golden tea service Inherited from her mother. Frem members of the royal family and aristocracy of Rumania came 11 large number of rare Rumanian em broideries, sapphire pendants nnd nm ber necklaces. The Duchess of Ven dome sent n Sevres lamp nnd Lady Hamilton, of England, an antique tan. Ira N. Nerrls, American minister te Sweden, presented a silver tea set. Every country in Central Europe Is represented ln the list of donors. One Srevtnce in .iuge-iavia presenceu tne ride with 100 horses, nnd there were numerous gifts from .Tuge-Slav peas ants of embroideries and pieces of pot tery. $20 COUNTERFEITS APPEAR Twe counterfeit notes en the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, each of the denomination of $20, have made their appearance. The front of the note is poorly executed, especially the por trait of Cleveland, but the back of the nmininrfAlt 1u tiecv ftsanHtFa Ttin nlarn nmnberH nnnenr te i.uvc been made with 'pen nnd ink. SEE LABOR'S HAND Unions Fellow Farm Bloc Tac tics in Backing Brookhart's Senatorial Candidacy R. R. STRIKE ONLY GESTURE By CLINTON W. (JIM1ERT Stuff Correspondent Ktrntnc Public I-nlcrr Cot-vrieM, 1911, !i Public Lttlerr Company Washington, June 7. The Brookhart victory in Iowa is significant ns the first impertnnt success of the labor unions in politics. Mr. Brookhart was as much the enndidnte of the railroad labor organizations ns he was of the farmers. The workers applied effectively the bloc idea of working within the domi nant party te secure the best represen tation posslble In Congress. rircumxtances are forcing the labor unions Inte pe'ltlcs. Among these nre the opinion just handed down by the Supreme Court In the Colerndo case and the recent cuts In wages ngalnst which strikes are proving nn inadequate weapon. The Corenndo opinion, which appears te be a mere dictum of the court and se net necessarily binding for the fu ture but which nevertheless points the direction tn which the court Is llkelv te go in the future In holding unions responsible financially for damnces caused by a strike, parallels the Taff Vale case In Englnnd which brought the labor organizations In England Inte politics and led tn the formation there of the British I.uber Party. Immunity Is Seitgfit One of the objects of American labor will be te secure legislation which will render them net liable for such nctlens in damages ns.the Taft opinion seems te contemplate. And the object of Inber will be te Control enough members of Congress te hnve something te sny nbeut the Rail road Laber Beard and the Interstate Commerce Commission. These two bodies, through the fixlnp of freight rates and the consequent adjustment of wages, are political stakes of much im portance te the railroad labor unions. An effective minority In Congress, like thnt which the farmers have there. would powerfully influence railroad legislation nnd also appointments te these Important bodies. The Gompers policy, which amounts te little mere thnn conducting a union labor lobby at Washington nnd nt the party conventions, has proved a failure. There never wn.s a time when the unions had less political influence than at tires, rnt and at the snme time the strike ns Ceatlnac4 Pa I rear, folema Tws ae utwul wrav WA PRIMARY Mtatb emawKfli amI SSrSJBBBB) BUffJJs IBM "f 'latTaaf'fssl WMMUNh-IMM .V,sWlr,t,v.i SfeS T Mi , It M T ,i IN HEAHLD v . -vOt' '. Mrs. Hattie Beyle, of Greve, Linked in Warrant WrMi: Slaying of Man and Girl SAY SHE KNEW DEATH PLAN OF THE ACTUAL SLAYER Rey Eichelberger Was Murdered by Farmer's Wife, Who Later Killed Daughter and Self CHARGE PROVES SENSATION' Prisoner Released in $1000 wn4, Gees Heme in Collapse With Her Husband Mrs. Hattie T. Beyle, of West Grer, was arrested tedny charged with bela Implicated in the murder of Rey Elck elberger, a prominent business raaa, nnd Ruth Dunlop, a twelve-yeareM girl of West Greve, May .10. 1020. Mrs. Bevle is prominent In the rtani munity, and her arrest caused a sensa tion. She was released from the county prison at West Chester under $1000 bail following a hearing before Justice of the Peace Pratt. Mrs. Beyle Is charged with being an acces sory before the fact. The charge te -based en an admission that she heard' Mrs. Frances Dunlop say she was going te kill Eichelberger and her own daugh ter Ruth some time before the crime wns committed. Mrs. Dunlop killed" herself after the double murder. Mrs. Beyle was en the verge of col lapse nt the hearing. "I saw the revolver which Mrs. DuB DuB lep hail." Mrs. Beyle said at the hear Ing. "She told he that nlie was ffeuag.' te kiii r.iciieiDerger. and tnen Kill aff u m 1 1 1 ! hi 1 1 n Pi 1 ft llllllrllr MlimikK iiiiiJiiLi muiiuLitim -aag vim ' jf unuRiuer una ucrseu. 1 uiun t laiumt-.i'M very much of It nt the time, and I ket .&a , 1-. , I T ,!,,. .1- -!.. the information te myself. 1 MS ni.i ...... ,eii ....- t,..uk ,.,.i? .ia . ') Justice Pratt. .'Ps "V 1 ,Uin'i tell I, In, T ,lnt ta . " 1 him cverj thing." . " -' T.i T.1.1 nf UnMuIn n.lara ' -. Mrs. Beyle hnd Il,H0 made xtvtrUkknk admissions thnt she bad advance knemujjyii m ..rivnituav bt;iv n,.n edge of the crime. , A few weekiratw jtf Mrs. Hichceiberger nuccl Dunlop we . J jl pint riAii ... .,.- , .. - i ' fi After a pemcwhnt involved trial tha case was compromised, a tul it In. aaht 1.n T-i. t?l..l.ll. .,....- .j..l..l 1fh IUU, I Mrs. Bevle was one of the vrHnrnnra v.Vil'i nnd said then that she heard Mm. DraT i let say she Intended killing EicktH i berger and licr daughter. At quest before the Corener after tragedy sue made the same statcra Hubert . Dunlop, husband Dunlop, swore out the warrant ferMrvi Beyle 8 arrest. He contended that 'Brv ndmlssiens warranted such nctlena. Dunlop hail considerable trouble obtain ing the writ, as It was the general' belief that the action was somewhat extreme. After Mrs. Beyle hnd been sent te iall her relatives became indignant.. They started action immediately anal figurathely pulled Judge Heuse away from a cemmeiifcment niiair te taa the necessary action te assure the re lease of Mrs. Bejle. She burst into tear, en being freed nnd was tuken nema by her husband. Tangle of Shattered Romances The nrre.st of Mrs. llejle is another angle of the arrest of slintcred re mance of the Kichclbeigcrs. r.lehcl berger and his wife became estranged when it became apparent that Eichel berger wat Intimate with Mrs. Dunlop. lie left home for a time, but rlnali. j f returned and the couple put died UJB their dleqrences. But the treubft'i started anew. Mrs. Dunlop, it is said, tried te in veigle him away from home ngala. One nicht a woman entered the Eichel berger home nnd shot him as he lay beside his wife. Ne one ever knew for absolute certnintj the identity of th" shiver. A few hours Inter Mrs. Llun- 'A lop and her daughter were found dead from bullet wounds nt the i)linleS home. After the triple tragedy Dunlop said. h s wife hail been driven insane ey IBB attentions of Eichelberger. whom B denounced in strenc language. It developed during an lnvestlgatles , of the tragedy tiint .Mrs. r.icnciDergs' had taken legal steps tn sue Mrs. DuB" lop for alienation of her husband's af fections some lime before the sheeting. Eichelberger and his wife, together .. itl. Mu Tlimlfiiv inmln n HittlluaBC ' the day the case was te have come iy As In the case of the Eichelbergera the Dunlnps nlsn had a stormy marital! career. T.hev were married In New. Ynik In 11)00. divorced in 1010 ansy remarried ln 1017. CAMERON GETS POST Appointed State Backing Commit siener te Succeed Fisher Ilurrkhnrir June 7. (Ik A. p!) Peter (. Cameren, of WeIleb8re.iat4Ji Deputy Bnnking Commissioner, asfM wns appointed by (Inventor Spreafl Mtntc liailKlllg v.uiuniiHMUiier, 10 NnspsUd'U Jehn S. Fisher. !?4k1 KING BARELY MISSES DEATHg Victer Emmanuel's Chauffaur Uatfjvy? . V I- L1...I.. Ult. M. 'V. nerved am irin nM m vwrrigjrtr- Reme, June 7. While proceeding JfcfriSi'j nn iiiitomeblln veatcnlay for Pak l"H?.'3 where he was te lake part ln ths i nHij-.tf-fc meiicement of the new harbor wsMUi. IIM-llvriiMii, " . ..... ... wwwfQ ..V-, escape from deatlt. The automobile WssffJ barely missed by a passing train eal'Jli! iviiie irier .iiinniniii.-i imu mmwwww, in grade crossing near Anxie. , j. The King cnngniniiami inn ensu nn his snlendld nresence of mis getting the machine acre the tm ahead of the appreuvlilng train. "1 chauffeur, new ever, was completely! nerved ey me incmeni anil was i nhl te continue at the wheel. T showed the least ceacern et aar i la the carwHU.majf vjj-.; -(Sti ?.," '1'iiiisk V I i J niiiaV Vt! Si L4Vt B tJ - "-1- ' - -'' Jl sasn1 M1" -i-m Vlfl m '.it Wm -VSftA ISI rvs ;$. J JV V f3 Wm- ? ' ""X fter tin, '- tereejffv, fffl A? m ft "i , t aS !. f.i : i.&