Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 06, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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    f W,1 IJBT"
lf m ww m ii ii
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"-ir,2!Wi tarlaMe
.iwsmi --,, VArti unit
rfeg-fariTT 170 IW I III
mmiMmmmiksmmmMmm 'mmmmmmmmm WMmmm,
.asw Ki-jmLmmu'tHmL'' x.pi 'J: .at'Ji '. ''' c .mte 'rtiyA,:: WtMmkL. ' jB'VTJMlif 'iiVr'W!VV - - "uiv s rfwnr w '.tw m
.T n'.i7TiiYT(iff - 'wmraTT rai' a;"r' ,ktb,, v i52-siwk
p S r , , . All
knlfrid ni Sciend-Plnti, .trailer at tli iWnfnci t Philadelphia, Pa,
, Un3r lh Act of Msrc S. 1170 "
l'ubllihpd Daily ntppt Uuniby, Snbcrlpllen I'rlr In ft ir by iau.
Cen right. 1022. by Tubllc ketSwr Company
pfi" ALL-SET
(' "j i .
Ller-Reed Coalition Is Detr-
p?' mined' te Win Despite
r&vt'. Opposition
BOLD COUN I tn-J inure
Backed by Pinchot
V ,. .
Li. A
? .
ff ' 1
. a9Lak.t.k AMAIMI-
a..... nnntrei oiaie vvmiihi..-
w tee and Can Pick Man
fr Frem own rtanKs
,., , rtl evmpw -v-in
Noted Actress, "Queen of Amer
ican Opera," Succumbs te
Illness Following Fall
Selection next Saturday
Vr- . -.. . - x
lr.frrter IS blieni en vuiiieai,
ih i (
but Favers General
Asher Miner
yi. Hirry Baker, of Dauphin
County, present secretary of lite lie
'jttWlciti State Committee, lias been In
toned by Senater 1'eppcr and" Majer
r.Difld A. Heed for State Clinlrman.
Hit l powlble the gang organiza
tion jpembcrs will jam Baker through
.despite all pretests of Clifferd Pinchot
,iixt his friend?.
ii i conference In Washington es-
"ttrdiy between Sir. Pinchot, Senater
1 Pepper ami Majer Heed, the latter ele-
,dtw te consider the name et i.cnctni
Aiker Miner, presented by Sir. Pinchot
for Stite Chairman. I.nter in u letter
tbVjrtmc out for Ilakcr.
Mr. Pinchot, it is believed, will meet
U!i iltuitleq in a most emphatic way.
Uetilh he declines te outline his plans.
Ills decision of SIcssrs. Pepper and
Red hj'i complete rctcreal of n prcce
tats In, the State organization.
i Itlhti been ab invariable custom that
tie leader en a State ticket be uccerded
tie Vllcfe et selecting a chairman
wke'.Vss In accord with him. Sir.
Biker fvas'net only net in accord with
Mr. '.Pldchet'! Ideas or his candidacy.
buttie stepped aside from ills ordained
duties as iccretarv et the State Com Cem
uittee te wage partisan warfare en Sir.
Plaehet and the ether candidates in
fittr pi Lieutenant Governer Bcidlc-
,ExhlblUn of Gang Politics
II Diila language, the whole nrer-ccd.
I.i.Jna, completed will be an cxhlbl-
H . - .v "" lv..i..e .m.. w mi mil
it it will lie nnspiblp for tlm Stnln
alttle'te eteet Sir. Baker its ehelr-
Ml If thr tvikKilu fcl lllltp fu fint'.ti.t
I'HHtlen. Tliey control the lemmi'ttec.
frills i? due te tlie fact that wliile the
(lumBg Republicans of tb State were
wuig ter tur nomination or Jlr.
.Piseiet the orgnnizHtien. bccntlng de
"feitj'esrlr en primary day. Slay HI.
'tooted their attention te the election of
Btlte'cemmlttccmcii who would take
;At the conference In Washington
"ir.t Pinchot. It is iiiiderstencl. ten.
tiHtelr suggested the name of General
Aur Miner, of Wllkea-Barre. nmeng
W. as the t.ipe of n Itepubllcnn
wn he would suggest for State chair-
But Senater Pepper and Slnjer Reed
eril lllner has been a llfe-leng Uepub
MMi.man of hlgli Klnndlng in the busl busl
"jssiwerld of Luzerne County and n
Hp!(d Kternn of the World War.
Jl. ne0t pr?,b."b!;' 'lpsP,,, 'e dis
!ffi& '.""" ,V.afh ?B,0M- ,,,ul "'erf
&"hTP. flgl,t 0,cr ,llc
Jindldite. tt,,ee,er he nmy be "a ,d I en
Siie,r,?.mlt,cp ln we,k nut the dc"
111 1 . --".. itun US. I If in.
Whom Pinchot backs for Ntalc
chairman in place of W. liuiry
Had "Very Satisfactory Talk" With
Latter, He Says
Gifferd Pinchot, Republican nominee
for Governer, conferred for an hour to
day with Sir. Barclay II. Warburton.
lec chairman, and W. Harry Baker,
secretary of the itepubllcnn Stntc Com
mittee. As he was leaving the Stntc Commit
tee headquarters, 500 Seutli Brecd
street, Sir. Pinchot said:
"I have had a very satisfactory talk
witli Sirs. Warburton. Other than that
I have nothing te say."
Sirs. Warburton later remarked 'that
"everything Is satisfactory te every
body." Sir. Pinchot called en Jehn Wuim
inaker this aftcnyen "te pay his re
lancets" te t lie merchant, lie denied
the call hud
Famed for Youthfulness and
Beauty, Was Footlight Fa-
verite Over 30 Years
Call Dr. Denver Toe Laic
te Help Lilliqn Russell
Dr. Jehn B. Denver. 1tJI Walnut
street, the surgeon called te Pitts
burgh te consult in the ca'-c of SIr.
Alexander P. Moere, formerly Lil
lian Itucselt, the actress, left this
city jesterdny, but arrived tee late
te be of assistance in tlie battle for
her life.
When Dr. Denver le't he snld :
"I .have no information as te the
exact nnt lire of Sirs. Sloere's Ill
ness, the telegram rnlllng me te
Pittsburgh giving no particulars."
AIB' J''iA v.. 3iallHffialaBalHlat vtW"'1IIIIIK
viaaaB v 'ifMHaaaaBiaS9aaaaaHBMBBBBBiii MBsBMBBBBMaN
IPm i mHCJeMiraNiKsJEzlBHayalSwlS
Noted opera slii).tr and singe faerlle who died in I'lttsburgh early
' today
U. S. Beard Cuts $60,000,000
Frem Pay of 400,000 Shop Shep
men, Effective July 1
Patrolman Throws Club, Trips Fugl-
ttve at 18th and Spruce
.Miss Agnes Slulhnllnpd. 100 Seuth
Fifteenth street, was held up and robbed
just ns she bad reached her home at
III: I.", o'clock last cven'ng b " Negro,
who whs litter chased by a patrolman
mill a crowd and brought down by n
thrown club.
Miss Mulhelland was about te mount
rtf nifnm .
i .xA. .H
v, . ITJ
tin- steps of her iiemc when the robber Rumer Canceled Papers Mad f&
Meb- up behind her and g.anb.d away j Qut tQ Fermer Bueceat Ar ' A
her handbag, containing "i " pair
of i ovary bends and miiiic trinkets. The Found in Poolroom " ' '
Charge "Ne Consideration of
Human Needs" and Vindicat
ing F.'ailway Propaganda
By the Associated Press
Pituburgh, June e. Lillian itusscii. Stage Beauty Says, She Met, Testify East Green Lane Riding
in private life Mrs. Alexnndcr P. Sloere, ...... - . ......
died at her home here early teduy. she Wed Montgomery en Frt- ( Master Premised Rides .
had been 111 for several vceks fellow l Haw. 13th I for Robberies
8 Others Injured as Truck Plunges
Over Bank at Westminster, Md.
Baltimore, June . (By A. P.)
Twe soldiers were Instantly killed: two
suffered injuries which the phjslciarn
belicte will rcsult fatally, and sk
ethers vtcre less seriously hurt when a
truck carrying ten soldiers from Camp
Holabird, bound for Buffalo, went ever
an embankment near Westminster. Sid,,
The dead are Privates Parent and
The truck was the last one of a con con
eoy which left Camp Holabird yester
day for Buffalo te bring back ether
trucks. It stepped for a time and the
accident pceurcd while It was speeding
up in an attempt te overtake' the main
body. Most of the soldiers were caught
beneath the truck. -
lug an accident suffered while en ship
board when she was returning te till
country from Europe. i DENIES
it was believed, however, bv her nhv- :
sicians Inst Saturday that she had. """ ,
passed the crisis and would iccevcr. , i.;,elli Md.. June (I. Pretty Peggy; Twe be tc-tlfird before Sl.igistialr
the Der n at the Mniinuuii; police station,
ml today that llauy Wilfong. riding mns-
wed ' ter. who ha- a school en Kast Giein
lane near Kali mount Park, had bribed
tliem te steal for him b premising
them ridlnc In.sens. and I hen linil gene
any political signir.cance. j She g-"M'leuuntli the end. which ' ,..,, () ,
I Mva. Mnnrn wlm una ilie w nt C'ccell Ceutitv Court here eteda.v a
B the Associated Pi ess
Chicago. June tl. Over the strung
pretest of the three Inber rcircsenla rcircsenla
tlvesen the United States Unilrend La La
eor Beard, a new wage cut of seven
cents en hour for railway shop mechan
ics nnd nine cents for freight carmen
the beard today
The new wage reduction hieiiglil an
estimated added -avlns of S.V.I.t!(i!l.S47
annually te the railroad, following en
the heels of a .',0.1100.000 cut in the
wages of maintenance of war laborers
last week. The hop ciafis decision be
comes effect ic Jul.v I. th- sjiinc dafc
as last week .s order
cutting 400.fMM) shepmen appiexlmatcly
0(K),(MK) a car, wns ordered by
mini tuincil anil ran imi nnwiin
street. ' ....
.Miss Slulliellaiid K'lcumed for help.
Patrolman I lever, of the Fifteenth and
Locust streets station, came en the
run. A eiewd formed quickly and took
up the chnse. The Negro led hi
pursuers fe llightecnth and Spruce
Pnlielimin Dcvcr drew up en the
fugitive, and when he was still twenty
feet away threw his c'ub at him. Tli
missile struck the iiiati en the legs
and tripped him. As lie went down
Deter cellared him.
The thief gave his name as Eugene
i Allen, eighteen .tears old. of Seuth
street above Twenty-fourth.
Relnschreiber Second te Get Death
' Sentence In Parr Slaying
1 Henry Urinchrcibcr wns sentenced
te death In the electric i hair tedav by
Judge Rogers for the nart lie took in
llhe murder of Sirs Sarah A. Parr,
i eighty-live tears old. UOSfl Granite
Proprietor Advised te Get War
rants if Forcible Entry
Is Attempted
Withholds Cemment in Case
Until He Learns Fur
ther Details
The minority report of the labor i n'Vi i i
oil of firs.
members pointedly stated i lint the ma
tnrlll' ilpelilfill tvfiu liiiifl.i tilfi ,,., r.iii
..,.i .... ..... urn .. ii i.,n .... ... i"fls( W'T M SI'
sidrratleii of liuiuun need" and charge' ,..m,i.,. "i.
.1...I 1. f..!l.. -- ..... .1.- r .'I.... 'I". ".
Illtll II lilli IV 1-1111, Mill I 111' IlllClldll '
of the beard te -el a "just and reason
able" war" .
The t"ndeii" of Ihl- declieti Is te
vindicate the iiepngauda of the rail- l
.reads mill i'iiuciiiciitl.' condemn such
f'niitinuril r ii I'.ier JJ'sliler'i. (nlemn Flp
tlie publisher of the Pittsburgh Leader. ' told tearfullv hew 'lie met nnd
ni--11- . " "'Tn "."'' ve?,er,a; dehn W. Slontgemery. of De'lefeeiile.
afternoon was sevwrll that members of , , . , , .... .. i
the family were summoned teMhe bed- ' " wl'" ls hringlng suit te hnve their
side. Her physicians, however, refused i marriage annulled. He c'nims he can
te gite up hope and early In the evening, net remember anything nbeiit the cere- back en his word.
weie se eenndeift that she would survive money as he was tee intoxicated. , T)ir ,)0VS Br(, Willlnm Grifliihs. tnii -
nnt they arranged for n conference te Peggy, the former lellies girl, wepl . . . ., .,., nllll
i. i.m.i ii.i .....-!- ...:.i. m ti. t. . . V ii.. .i ..i. .. .. .... ,i. ...it. ' teen tears old. -1104 Pechin street, ami
u. .vii. i.i-, i.nri iiiii niiii Lilt .luilll II, i iiiuii in I itv inn, ciii; i.i-. i.ii nu v ,
Heaver, of Piillailelphla. : nes.s stand. Slie was clrcsseilc In a
The accident, which Dr. Schilldecker, I black gown, simply inndc. and were no
one of her nhvslclan.s. snlil wns the 'lint mrr her lilnek mnrcelled tresses.
'primary cnue of her illness nnd dm Hi. I Her dress wns verv short, indeed, nnd
j occurred when bhc was violently thrown the jury nnd spectators ctaned their
en ine snip during a storm. necks as slie steed te ue sworn as it
witness. Tlie meinenet slie snt down
Krienih Unaware of Decline
she burst Inte tears.
Harry Sloere. fifteen years old. "
Siarkle street. They eenfes.-ed ' tiuil
they had been concerned in the thef
of it saddle and bridle for a pony, owned '
by little "Jack" Straw bridge, grandson
of Sirs. Geerge Strawbrnige, of Wi-
sahirkeii nnd Westview avenues, Gcr
Harry Sloere said:
".tililptv llinl mnn livil1 Wlltln nn.l
IIami li.fl tinnii nrAf.cttnil nn till slnild . . . .
atvare of the decline. hf' j-'w: sicAlllatrri ' marriage "'" ' MrnYbrd pincjc.; a,.tL Ue
Am, niiniitt nip iu iureie was cprj nL Klkten, nild MfAIIIHter Had " n 1111c. jv.ue wns inc jitnesi. - i - -
TiWlertaken'-nrthi'' request of Secretary i BveirrfnItitKi-estlnRileWltitIeiiMf 'thr VY6itrawl -ttVhfMMble .ifnHeeatc'thc. -npunced' today.
poSe:abefr 2k?wMjz; ?-" iS?i J? iSSSS itLi& ffi i r"e nd r)r,h,r c, ,a,i e'Th"e evernn
among prespectlte cmlgrnutH te the ' ",, 'vc.; ,nnik, hp id. but they I n,c, Mp- Wllfeng broke in and get the mately $600,0(
'I lie efTeets of the injury were net. pCggv denied everything. Te begin
immediately serious, nevertheless, nnd ,vlth. Hhe told. of having met Slontgom Slentgom Slontgem
nlthough slie steadily failed in health 0rv Friday, the Flth. and of having
i.iii'r in'i i"i' iiuiii.. . .in xiiiisc me'i married Him thirteen iJii.vr inter,
1-lOSCiy UMMlCinifU Willi IILT WBTC 1101
Sherlock Helmes Toe Old, He Says.
Successor Net te Be Detective
Atlantic City. June 0. Sir Arthur
4l t. t ........ nn.l t mini' t It II I in
HSeut te create whaV hi "beiie esViM . -Uvely InJcreMcd In el,e ff..r ,
uAPtliv siici-ser le Micrec: i """ "' "' " wiii.-u
United Stntes
Sirs. Sloere. who
known throughout the country for her
Interest In civic matters, wns in great
demand as a public speaker and only a
short time prier te her death filled a
number or sucn engagement''. isnc was
Charles Shafstall, Fifteenth street near Cumberland, was
held today en a charge of trying te victimize Mrs. Edward Keat
ing, of "Washington, wife of a former Congressman. The sum
of $25 was sent Shafstall because of his representation that the
missing son of the Keatings was at his home here.
Twe ciinceled checks made out te a
former policeman arc leperted te have
been found In one of the two i-nfes
Mixed lnt Thursdiij In a raid en a
poolroom en Seventh stiect below .Mar
ket. Charles l.i..,.ni iu .1... ..it
flfrvlnn itmrilnt 1,1 I lir. k'lliwt mnK.lni. .. . I. - . , lllllgcil
! ;' '. 'I" i.-nii ill l lip nillCC.
'iitenced te electrocution jes- The poolroom was qtiiunntincd" to te
fudge Patterson. dnv br the i.nllee T..A i... ' '"
l..i,l.e ii,..,l.. ..n .,,..1 i!,..,r.i ...... .'i .... ."" '"" """ " were
,,'' :." ""-". .... -nn i Here, i ney entered, hut were or-
Slett. alleged compnnlens of the con- dcred out nt once bv Sloscenl who
demned men. are in SIe.tainening Prison locked the poolroom deer. The blue
awaiting trial. I lie men aie said le coats remained outside
have beaten the nged woman te death; Slosceni sought his' iiiioi-ne.- lnl.
;M Jul,, while He, were burglarlrJugll. K. s-e.OUp f ind IhI lawter
'"' '" ' ''Ity l! ,,,,,1 wns udvlseil ,,, ie wa?-
I i.ints rer the patio men if they tried te
enter his plecc.
, Ciiptnlii Vim llui-ii. who supervised
the whole-ale gambling raids, refused
I his iiftcrnoen te deny the report that
,"" I ks lind been found. The can
'p,l paper, il is believed, would fur-
iiisii ii direct clue te some one m-tlng as
go-between" fei police nnd profes prefes profes
iennl gambler.
..TI",..M!!'C' we'''' "l,ril last night at
it.t I Jail in the prerencc of Captain
un Hern nnd Cnplnln i.f Detectives
Souder. A short thnr curlier iieIU-p
lecened n ruling from City Solicitor
mi.mii mar tne snte.s were pviim
i.i n
Helmes, whom the gie.it Ihiglish netil-
1st tliinks has grown tee old te be et in
tcfest te the present generation
In addition te her husband, thcie
were present nt her bedside during bei
hi,.i.,i.. l.n.i i,i.nn rirhknc. When s-kiuic uni Drlillc lie ureuelit it out
wns tery well ' i..i. ...',. ,.tn.i tn ii, , i... tnwilr snlil .,. n..f :t .i... .. .i. i ....... r.. i..i.
mnn ..ii-. 4iri-.i ,-. -p-- - : ".i l'i,i i. wun un 1 1111 jii ,. 11 iui 11 .. nnr
.McAllister, he turned te i eggy ami j ,, ,,, cnrl.iP,i 1( ,,-. nc premised
""Wl'infs jour nameV" ' '" Uv ,ls li(,lnS I'"'""' if wvM help
, .. v. him. We didn't ever gel the riding
Booc? c.s: Ne i. ,ii..
Peggy bad replied, sd SlcAlllster. ,p;; '."; , , , , ,
Vhv. veu ought te knew." Then 11n.llp ;rlfhths corroborated what the
Jack 'had' answered: "I'm net se sure , elder boy had said. " U-, rut s right,
de," according te this witness., , h; te 1; the mnghdra ;; "1 ,a,; the
Tut lest iiiiiniv iintiarent v naci un- ' " . "". . "i"i
WASHINGTON, June 6. Majer Leen Frnzer, chief of the
New Yerk division of the Veterans' Bureau, will leave seen for
a European tour en behalf of the bureau, Director Ferbes an-
He is te make a survey of foreign beneficiaries
Government's war compensation law under which appiexi-
1,000 is sent out of the country monthly. He also
is te complete arrangements with European nations under which
reciprocal treatment is provided by the allied governments for
the care of disabled veterans.
in Inur mnmnntu lmr l.iufhtnr Ali-u linen. .... .,i-i...i..-.i !.. .... ..,... lO nniniinir in l llTHIlir. ?
beirnoV'knew' lver'fer " & s'nibit. and hrr"n The heys said they hml stolen a bl-
mv t luJbts la'ltvnvi "wait "or an In h" A- Mnrtin- SI,P N ''",fj"vitcd ,"k,c , ,fCP persenallt for her name, she ic tr" '", i?wr(,t,l'i'"- "' "oxber-
m?iit ,"- Jni, sir vrilinp It t e ,1 hy two sisters. Sirs. Su::niinc West ford , ' s,Vfi "l lud told Mm. "sh and nken it te Wllfeng. The blcy-
d t" c'craA if had te wer nbe M Alle... of Netv Yerk City, and Sirs. ' ,PV w' s no. r king In that party '- '"! the saddle.,,,,,! bridle were in
wha.ns v."elb..r... of Schrnec ,,', (VP,.. 0 , ... stlc , v;n(lmyS, '- J"
make i, .entract. When 1 feel in the ' N- sisted. "I mw no liquor anywhere. If JJ - su Y."f nnTWlvl'mn of
snlrl of the occasion I wilte. and Ihc-i I Funeral Sertlees Thiirsilay there had been any there 1 would have t,,'"eVi-.V...,ni. ....... ..." ;"I
dftcr the finished product. I will say, ,. . .....!. ..m i, ,,,,i i u,yscen It,
.. ' . . r j i tit lllll "l ill ptniivs i in u" H' in in.- , . ,
tint my next cnaracier. i icci sine, ttui .rni... i.'s,.en church Thursilav ' nen sue ttepi ngnm.
net be a detective. I will b,eak new , ". ,, X "ft. vlV,,,,;;,,V1",Vttl The,,, with deimne meln ... down
S''0Um1, 'I" vault until .. suitable mausoleum -al e.te- s he eh of le ; '
. . .. Moere. hotel reef in this c t.t that I. .1 up te the
- ". - - : - - ; . , . ., ...i.ii ..i i. n i At mi iirncn.
miiiniiiiiij r ll i-iii-iuiii; ill I 1 1 . ........
II Vallllin Vl .-, ci --
her, had been piopeeil te by .Montgomery ,. S.UM,
was arrested.
A third boy gate testln.eny against -Wlireng
also. lie is Alfred Hewell,
nineteen ci,is old. n Negro. Kill Duval
stieet. He is .icciised of having stolen
a lire and rim from the garage of K.
H uni l. . ,' ii'w ti, s actic
Mlf?,'.",,0: ' l"H home
MA it ' "'" '
'Plii until the
kj possibly net
niUli; PflYSI TRIRII I h- During tlie clay iminy
I "" T i iiiiw i i i 1..I-.. An . ... ..l.n.l M Mitmn iiikI t
-. ........ K....M. . M'Uiuiuiriii l- irni-iivii .n. .hhifh. mi n
TO LILLIAN RUSSELL members of the family from all parts three or lour lines , e '"r ."",, loe. declaied he had been urged te steal
f the cinintrv. Thev came net enly1 ue nan tm.i n' """'"-" ;'' by the rifling masicr.
Bean nn Mission fee from leaders "in the theatrical prefes- was. she iiisMeil. but 'p ' ' " c ' "He said te me." the .teuih testified.
Been en lyilusien for n nMfh Mr- Moerp wbb ,en , ,,()illB UP ,, ,. nntl ' ..,, ,1P ,,, ,m , ,!,. 0 ,,,,
of Laber When Hurt striking figure, but fiem Government after the show was. off tin i ea I. lie ,0 )ne .,,, B r, Mvt,ii,g nnd I'll
i....n it .n.. n t ..!,. i.,,u .....i inniiepsi in sneiptv w Im were insisted, slie -aid. nun iinnnj sue con- .... it r..,,,.. ,.. ii . m, .
W ..'.." '.r,,l,f" le Phlla-
. :;r. ,,,x: luner
Forecaster Says It Should Be Old Penrose Adhei ents Angry at
Fair And Yet It Rains Rowland's and Sellers'
and Rains j Election
Actress Had
1U L lit f till
Tribute was paid te the memory of pleased te number her among their nejiteu.
Sirs. Lillian Uiisell Sloeie. who died friends. Twas Merr.t Parly
early tedny nt Pittsburgh, in a stale- Among the messages wine, cnnir ceny , , ,. hotel. '
pair of wire cutteis nnd steal tires
trem niitnmeDiies. lie Mini I didul even
need te bring tnem jn. le hide them
Knreca-'ei B'i ..ii iiiTiiuii,led In
hi "'iiiri ami Iii-i,-miiichi nnd iictiire
of t fT- n f . n" i' mils jeiliiv in hi
et"- nn tne ten line, if the l"c lenil
I!'' !'i: i nd g.i.eil sleitiillt nut of the
A lgii!liciiui iniifcieiiii,. w hi. h niiii
nd in ., .p'ii-nfr , , !,....
In'publieins finm ilie Yhw .i-snniii-lien,
was held i hit In the ni'nti nf.
tne of ISi.-ii.lt-il 'e?tnlii i.i,.,, ,.c
. .-Hill n
1101-t- ef !.
iiiii. rriiinv i inei.t issiir-ii i.icnv uv necre.arv e, ,.n- .were neil s.ni.e in-i -!- mm uiiu u.rn , ,. ....... i .. i.i,,iiiteii. n,, . . .- ..-.,,., m- u im' i....i , i r. ,.. .,i... , .,.,
ISP KPI.PtlfM ,- . . .' ..-... , .-. . ... . .... I i,. . !.. U ft SHIM. lllll I " ' '' - - -.' " ... VI 11 rt.i ..in ren ll.A... " - ' 11,11, I-' ' 'I '- I I II I.I' I'.l I 111' I. II 11 I I I l ll .... f i i e
a Krrs '.TJffifrarfa a"asa.s STtrirfTjcVi Sl - tftfix vssv cts: im-.: ;:; :'fc ;'1;A S:r -:
s?KSi -1: arr , ;szr, wW&SSU'x g; r?jIt-. s,:':tt:!'&,;r;'V;; .t,;;;! mst. ,xri;;j ZL ""':;'
I ""I lute full cli J Vt" ,rmmlt- ' ,'Mr!'' I,oerP u'ns ew of ,l,r nb'cst- l ,,ll,, S""0S ,n,'"'P C ' ' c Tl,"n we a I lia.l a glass of wa er. I plltv1Ifl)11P , ,,, . , lVinil , ., and here It Is raining ,eu 1. shouldn't ? .' ,f 'J11' e H-n.,d. ,.
WP- The puctcm nf fi . he cam' nieat patriotic niul sincere women il . . ."..,, wiimi?,..,,, "te went le a Gieck i, ,, .,B V J,!' ".P10'- '","' ,,", be." . '' , "" 0""- ""ll Arthur KM or.
iwtj will bVln hi" ni'Sif,ckei,n lf'Slin r'tr bppn '"' l,,(,asu,,,? te ,n,,(,, ,'",ln" ".'i5.50"' I'"10 Vn, f ,,1.u'1" p. ,1 V, I ? n decent arty." ,JI0",:,1 hey '" 'W b"," ".' '.' wl,nP" "" wn '"-"l,l1 "' ' m.br'M.ei. Vt P,ft ! f""" r Hle-- ,efe ml
.l ban.ll Ine if ."" "', Hp ill She alttnjs looked ter the geed iu pre- lean gpern." in private life .Mrs Alex- "tnuin n. It wa n ,u)ar,- , I he two youngsters who declared the.t that mnjbe etertthinj wa nil right. rh V" u .""n..r. n r.,IW- f
" ir .llMrbwIen T.1'?'6 fl,n,Is ll ""'' principles and was nlways an.ler P. Slnere tv e of the edl or and She ndm Ue al ha .11 rkcj tie ,, t of ,,lM. ,.,,,. ,,,0(s nft(,r n '; ,' b"'i' .,, Inl. "1',"""-1,i""- ,n '- Tl.lr-
"en that se mm ' ... . l1 for thlsiitrlvlng for (he highest in her tterR. publisher, of the Pittsburgh Lender, for shoes off at ! hi i l " '. WPr no, ,,,,,,, nM n ,,. second U nrd. in.l Uew'n-,.l .lefr-n,,.,.
"IS." 'e the place i""-.once at- Her death Is a lns te the penplc of ."' than iiiny .tears sinneii ,i ta- a.i.n.nr. ' ' Ve n ,m i ha he hnnf. ' " ' The old rh.t me urn- i" i . i , 'WV" '"' '"
It ierMnii..i . I ,i,n Tinlieil s!(ig " , ions operate ie es In the I ni ted State In r. I. at that sunm1,. inai ine . nam- ...n., -j.. , , '"R In lis pe'lticnl nllrciini
Mifi.7.7""'1? 'n. which ,.. ..! the United States. e , .npirai n. . ..,..,,. table Carlisle Editor Dlei "A'onfce.e nl ulnhi ,. Ac ,l,n,l,r,r, Kertv-secn.,. v, n'Kian
.."ui M'nmMti.n vhme iui' - x iiiiiiiitkiuiiii - '-. ..-..... .... .. ...
it ni in in i- nini:iiik iiiuv. .---' mi im tinii i i ii in iiiii ii ii -.---- it ---
md therefore could be forced open.
Police sny two telephone; tv
found in one safe, telephone bcltei
U glte n direct communication with
a race track. Poker, chips, stuss beards
mm mrn in.teuts i, se were fennil im, '
I he an,e stres )0x, nccerding t Po Pe
ll, e. ,fs
The ether safe yielded two piMetft,
and a smaller quantity of gambllaM
'niiipheriialln. When police tried ti
move the steel reccprncle Inst Thurs
day" It was found' rt'iTe"-"vns connected
ic the wall by two wires. Police cut
i he wires.
A vigorous fight against the encnln
of the safes had I'ctn mn.le by Ste.
.nil. imp of tlie alleged gambler held ,
, '-st Triday.
Air of Tenseness nt City Hall
There was nn air of tenscne at
police lien.ln,uareers In t'itv Hall today.
Majer Sloere conferred for neatly, an
hour with Sunerintendent Slill.
Neither Director of Public Snfcty
C'orteiyeu nor Assistant Director Tem,
liest was preent at the ennferrnit.
Tlie.v were net nt thel- offices en 'the "
second flenr nf C'il.t Hall. J
After Ills Inns talk with Mills Hit
.Mayer hurried away with the remark:
"I have uiiibiii: te sny ! present en
ganib'ing or police change. I hay
hnve -.nincthiug Inter."
Sir. Slnere, accompanied bj Director
el Public Werk Cut en. went te a .
"we- break lep.irled f, em Twe'fth nnd
c eiirllaud sticel.
A petition wai tiled ibis morning with
.liidge A, idem led iu (Junrler Session
Cnuri asklii1; for the retuin of tin
afe. Tlie petition was pii.'M'Mled hj
Kphiium I.lpsrluilz.
One nf the iiielien said In he
uppermost iu Mn.tei Mimic's mind 1
why it wns nceisi,r,t te hid special
itetlgniers in the gHiuii'lug probe.
I5epi.ii en condi'iens iu some of the
I'oelioonis , niiicl lat tt.ek had hem
mi file nt poll, e bea.i.iiaiiers for n;
leat ciulii months.
One tiics,eu thin lilil-l hi' ifted s
whether l lie icpert were eer brought
te she iiilcntleu nf hli;l, nllici.il nf the
Pnliie I'llienn ei whether thet were
allewid te gutlnr dul in Ilie tiles.
An uliiiniuiini rhn, g.iinlileis nm,-t get
nut nf l'liilndcl'iliM or the pn ici who
fail tc ei ilieni ,niii go, came from
Mn.tnr .Moere l,,t night
"I am gem In 'iiui the gambling
biislne in thi cut if it i- possible."
In said '.,,! the g.imbleis, nr the
police who fall 'ii gel ineni, must leav.
"We wnni speedt trials fur the mn
.inc. led lai week." aid ilie .Mayer.
i'wnaten. the VflPnlr'" I
. , . . ,v.-t-
tne icrem nt
.""eric, MIlt.c
".' Btite &SI? !.ff ,bt' n rii Sen of Federal Cenv
EirPIRHI.1.1. . . -
nieanlng the
let Leaves the
VWlCter nunl.i..
lHt of the
fw' Akseclatl
N negatite.
"'111 Bfnilnr Willi 1 ".v United liciite.iwiillll u,v .iiiusi- i.iiii.nr-, i n,u
'"Urte en, R' Crew f01' the nl" and has been dlschnrged ti em Hie
.' w. trouble hn , . . Kplseepnl Hespltnl. where lie lay for
iwiimlnr sinclnir actresses en the Amer
lean stage. Still famed for jeuthfulncss
uud beaut after slie retired from the
stage, she tinned ncr native mm, ttun
a lectuie en
I mn net accustomed le sitting at
the same table with ciiauffeilis." die
S"1""I. ....,,, -,
This chnuffciir. tllliim Simnii, a
taxi driver, gate some daiiinglng testl
(.arise. I'a.. .lune (1. Iinvl.i it
Thompson, for mere than ihlitv tear
editor and publisher of tlie Carlisle
.Sentinel, died iiddenl.t ni his lim.i..
Itere last night at the age of sjtty-si.
ilrlinlit .
Ilnmlxtic it thr mttnunii n Ihr wnei't
train in j."
Ibis was no eenct atlmi at all Tlie
tfHWtnt f ti, V:Jesen" GrundV. ' "Bucky" Deree, five-jear-eld son of
'WUMri' Avtm. ... "nr-Wvn,la .Mann- Kdtvard Deree, notorious- I. W. W.
SMed n..ii. ,1 v .. n,'s internesed n leader, who wns sentenced it, lllis m
ftte' Ceniin : ,"e,h.as defied the ten .tents In the Federal Prison
Htltti 8p. "?. ,cn,IL' by Uni led Lcatcntterth by Judge I.nndls.
son at Kerf
is well
h chirrt ' i.tJi?lr,nnn Crew
'many weeks finhllnc pneumonia
Kiickv s rather miiie a record- ireaK
tv ,rlt, l.'npft fpniii tlie tieull en. tnri In t.t... I. ..I . .... n mnttel nf enr. iei'1 npi. ltnt
Pnninnl. e '"-nn.. V - . ... ... .. .. ,,,, , ,, ,, , ,,. ...
-- i'.ih.i uinus. i April when n was tneiigni ins uey i.i nn ICii'Miis nirecr was e ex.cii
IIWIV IU 1111' il llllllllll'll
vp,,r''- . mi t it meny against her jesieriiay. upenine rer initie nn iwemy-nte teius he hone prophet whoel. nndthe ferecastd
During the war Miss It. twell was nc ,,,. ,Inv nf (hp ai. when he tes- was super uten.lent of the First P.es- does net lean toward ImiiililKh
live in Bed Cress and Liberty Lean ', a plInP of ,,i.p was plated be- l.yterlaii Sun.lav Scheel he.e and was , nf . fl I , e lin kS
eampagus. giving free y of her vnlcc fen. ,.,,. ,,d that the bride active in mnnt kinds of community and what lir hh I . f , : jlX
and dramatic tnlcut te both these - religious work, lie is sunited it hit urn, diets ,,""h'' K" ue'"
causes. ' fentlinipd si. r.. Klableen. Column Three j,ett nnd fite children. ' l "Iiupth.
t.. .. ..ntn ilie niihlle Unnivs II 1 1 In nf - ' " "S'all W'li.ni. " II. Sn.
. ..M
All ni!s ,,f leiiri.uis .lie
si, ereil lit tin. . ni,f... .. . ,
ii I , . '"-. mm ii i. mn.
derrd ninbahle that nn,e .,, 1)f ,
Jlie'r-n1'1,!'" "Un nl "" " "-.'
lie t itr ( cni'iiitree mmnnnw tu fm.-e
Hi- seutins of Fi-emIi nnd MintHe,
"ii w n ter- "and if we aie alie te u iiniinpl and
ce, in thi dintic irtitiu gaiiiliiiu: il be wined
nil iu Philadelphia ttiitr.t dcla.i. We
1 1. nn ..,., want uni. k in lien nuu'.e'll seen show
.-' II . lllll- , ..!.. .l. I i
these Kfirlemeu that we nir.in l)ikncr.
I hen I gning le lie no lei -up en
lnee pei pie I hate taken up lhl
hchi i,Kiiiut iii ni bit ii k in the Inlere-l
nf nnfei tnn.iir wite and child, en of
nn n who unndcicd money in games of
i hnnee."
the ancestors of Its ulage favetiie. The
leal names of lite grcntesl ftnrs nri
known te lint lew and tne places nr inc.,'
aff p "'wmpalgn ft
i " viiunnr .. s . . . .... . . . -- .. .
"M iUavi J.. in ' erKnnl.ntInn would die. lie Mail mil een his son tlennlly brilliant mni mere are coin-
"tlie ninnWi l,ufrai contributors s,u-'e ll and wiien lie did arrne was
i'i vU0l,c,aii campaign ticasurv. allotted mciely a glance thiuugl, a
parity opened deer,
Bucky Is icciipcrating al tlie home
of relnthes near Thlrt.t -Hist and (l
ford st i eels.
"-"Na en I'... ..L.- -r-
,i IT" "lWn, Column H...
IvNEQRQ CAUcn t-r,...
l. i "-u mum muh
' Hl,j
', ?r AttePt"ng te Attack
'Year-Old Whi. ...
CentlnuH en V.zt Eighteen, Column four
College Student Injured When He
Olved Inte Swimming, Peel
(irete Ct. Pa., dune tl (By A.
I'. I Three donors, assisted by stu-
, n i.i. ... .
1M PV UU1I. .V. r 1 .. ... . . M ....... -,A ..,. IA.I.U D.m h
...I.K.. .. - ... .inn,, ii i it.. . i iviarw, .,u .wnvi.1, i, .,b i ,.bua,i ... . .. .... .:... ......
,'ki' i? W IH1IU.I.J i ' v,,,.', icilis ei univr it)- i enege tniini
a11 an eLldee,?'1 of tteminlnrf Werk Start In Legan umiiuucd their efforts te keep the flniiii'
,W?' 'iflcl nt C!ui f"0rdnVr.?-U. w,r' Sla.ter Monre and Dl.ecter of Puhll. '! 'If- snl.u In Kdwln Leslie, prrsi-
Sael'Vgd inm a mrf. -Ih., ",ftrr , W'erVs Caten today Inspected the dent of he sonhenore class. wIiem. neck
Mii't?. l,ch lat Xl t t'L' I WHiZelitickliii; sewer, jthere It collapsed F wl,pbi: ,", -lin-
,W.nhb" ffm the Iliel, itf.t.?.,1,,iU,Vl nlenB Ceurllnnd slrect, Legan, between mil". I"'"' Jlerday. hi le the .v.nmg
ffl;i defended ttlti .i?i"!,J.'"1; CnniHc an, Twelfth streets; 'Muili-nJ ' unconscious this morning.
p. Ait "iiy lilt.,... v- mmi vi , 'I'lin unit m fni'iil In MiiIih
attcmnt ,1 .. !.
V"t mild fpn, V "Ie K"'1 ''
i - Pf nf Pftllft. t.T ." "0I,U u
'i. .lp.""?...I,'ckweWcr an.
3?' Ui,?h Pem J P".,1C wan
It.. " l0,nt w" milet enrlr
Kl&?-' n . U, ,
ra..ar i"
t n.v niter- itii-"- ."'.' -V "..... i"i, ni(
neon for a distance of 100 .turds and said, they mid never iiearit of Sn,i
.resident of the slice! are fearful lest
'!.. l,. . Iinpi. ,1.1. I.nttm.l II. .... I ...
t- . HP.- ,..i... .... ......... ,,.., i nil..
the foundations of their houses cel
lapse, (,'ent i actors are new at work en
the sewer shoring up lm side?.
rur in ,arril-ilt.. Pte ft '-&,- Alv, il
Irnzlh of lime,
An X-iav picture today showed the
lunkcn neck and the doctors declared
(his explained vh the patient, al
il.ni.sh eonKlens most of the time, teas
unable In spunk.
British Envey Discusses Criticism
by Senater, It Is Believed
Washington, .lune tl. l By A. P.) -Sir
Auckland Cicdde. the llritlsh Am
bnssudpr. who with Senater Ulcel. the
Italian Ambassador, nnd reprcseuta
lltes In tlie I'nlted Stales of ether for
eign GsncrninrnK was ciltlclned In
the Sennte te'slerila.t by Senaler Wat
snn, of Indiana, an Administration
leader, called at the Slate Department ,
today and had a conference with Sec I
rcary Hughes.
The Ambassador declined l. stnte the
purpose of Ills cfinfe'cnrc, hut uhm
intiiiuiletl Hint the crltlclm by Senater
Watsen nt some addresses made by thn
Ambassador .luriiiR recent sneaking
trip was i11scuh.-c.I. Tlie .Indiana
Senaler. speaking cm the Tariff B.'l,
declared that the American people iiiiisi
ebject te being dictated In by accreillted
icprcscntntltcK of foreign tieveriimenls,
tot or nmlhlnc pI for Ih. hnunp? Ptr
linns It's In Ih .''or Half ruliinui lu'luy en '
e.gp 2T tlc.
Hew Would ) ou Like te
He in This Mans Shoes?
flew would veu like i (je
known ns the " fiercest lever" in
public life and the most eccentric
member of Congress?
If you were a membt r, of the
Heuse, (tie conducted beauty
contest and carried en fervid
correspondence with the entrants;
had get mixed ii)t in fist fights
with irate parents of these en
trants; hud been sued for breach
of premise, wlial would you de?
"Lonely MauueV Hereick,
Oklahoma Congressman, has had
these experiences. His trials and
tribulations will be related in a
full-page feature article in (0.
moireu$ Evening Public Ledger,
n l wrong, he miiiteie.l uinedilv
.son neie is a pneiu llial IS n poem
ll urns like this;
"I'i "iifn7 ire niirl meiniiw iitni.
$nel siiiii nf n (, rfn:
I. ciiuiti gi ii it mill nuiiiiiuu in.
Ilnin will fall nn tl,, tracilci's
i ' ,Vn,M ,l,1.r,'p ,K n l",,," dint i. some
thing like. In- exclaimed, "rhiuic nnd
mete, and ever) thing. Ami l lie semi
turn, is se true. Getrrned lit ntnies.
innii' I'lin.iiunns jeu Mietv
May Be Placed en Calendar TIM
He was urged le explain. "Will, tun
ce, it h this way. That ether poem i.n'i
Fraud Charge Only Wa.t
Theie s ninth siieeiiiml,... ... ....n.i...
sS:,io!!s,,?si,,,e,lh;; ;r,iB,"K WILL present soldiers'
....Kin annul, i ,,,.. ,lc rl( f( M
tlithte elected bv the Warl Ceniiulliee
11,111 be seated if . presents tlie pinper
eerllticnte of election. The eul.t tint
1. Willi h die lemmitlee ctiiild ' nrdci
another election iu the ward iu il!putf
would be ti.v hnnging chaigcs of ftniid.
The ceufetees who ate eiideatnl lug
le ica.l, a plan of solution n. .,,
Weglein. Sir Cuniiiiishani. Thmnas
Watsen. Vnie leader of (lie Twenty
set end Ward, and Charles Hall. Vu'te
leader of the Seventh Waul. Thet
several iieurs iitent I
llnallj summoned Fresch ami Slininie,
III the hnne ,.f irpttlnn ll. ui . I......I i.......
. ... . .' , ....... ,....),. ,,, , ... . ...... ... .-.. - ...Kin ui.nr-
pi'ii-iim..'. . iniuoew ju-t show ihui maiien Hint iniiiit alii In finding a so se
i.iin is falling while thi sun , sliinlnj. luilen. The situation is eeiiiidie.iicd
I he sun shines en lie raindrniis .....i fiipibftp In tlm ,l..l,i.-.i. t .,-
i t. .. .. . ... " .: . : .'- .' ..ii.
I'leM'h that lie would net leturn In the
Cll.t Ceinmittee eten If he hail nil op op
pert unity te de se,
"I will nei have am thing u. de with
l teiumniec J l lie .'it.t Cnmniiii..e
inerr .ten nine i a rjiiimr it... i.
deesirt inrnu an.t thing. Xcthlng at nil.
".Vew the nl her poem ,ee, jt i
binctl upon ntmeHpheii. nmlitieiis,
i pper atmospheric conditions. 0t.
when the area of barometric pres
i sure "
Ilie feiecastcr
Tariff la Out of Way ,
Washington, .lune 0. (By A. P.)
Formal presentation of the Soldiers.'
Ilenus liill te tlie Senate en ThurMsy
Is the present plan nf Sennter .McCuni
bet. Tlie bill will be accompanied by
the usual p, luted leperi, and. In addi
tion. Senater SlcCumbcr c. peels te Mi
di ess the Senate btirlly un the utj
je. I,
The nienstite will he sent in tlm Sea
ate cnh'hilar te i email, until an agree
ment is lind te call il up. There ap
pears te be Utile incisure for early
i onsldetalien of the bill, nnd .some lie
liubli.au leadeia aie of i tie opinion that
it will net be taken un until after Hie
Administration Tur'ff lllll Is out e7 (lit
The arlff measure will have te ha
a .....iiuiie. I, ue .ii. ,, t.el iHltlef.j.'kctl till- meiitli for suvililt im-
which is cent m lei bj the atcs." ,id pntiant apprnprlatlen bill.s ami confer
.Mr. H'esch. tie hava the waul or- cine reperls, ami theie h slreng ennnV
'M. 4
' a. ixrfi
IP .
vli 2F
kt'jr u 9
.. ?2
Aii! ,.jV
Weill s
. t ;
V v p d
iwst r. f .i .
, -..-, ntiiiMHiin'ii .uni nn inn i-iiii' i iiiii tin. biiuin mn inn iiiiiiiniiv mnn ..ia,
..! .- . (an... ... i . S ' " ' riii.'ii "ii i . ,- iiiii n iHn ,
' twilnued nt rnse Nabtfrn, ('aiiimn in. '.'I emmiiiee mig HI dt . All ni,t ilenal de'iir in li. uuiih derutleii of ttet'i-i .
- r- - -- ;f money tvns used 'ii), In the wai'il and meatrure. Tlh
, AIMRTMTK T.I Nl'IT KVK.RV PIIRHK," '" '""' f'' any one n deu. It." , -, . . ,-. ' J(J"'J
..X&J"t:XlXaVrUMn.XLK.l!SV!& Ne en? PPr te fee.1 the teM,lt of no yv want A -i,lir'im.iiK aA,Jj
3. 7 ; :pMvt -. wl vl-' KtS
wmnf- - - i i i f wraTBiiiMli J --'-'-'A Hi "ni