m fiPPPPPiP mwmm '"iwffl?W$5B '5S8BRR8 rwwS s.iif 1 .."' IVd r ar :'iwffl If "r.j.T - e,- v " "r EVENltftf PUBtitd fliBTOE ' r1 -i ' KiMlphia; Monday; : jtNte 5, 192' , . THE letters te the Editor ... .. - ihj rklr' ..lighted Win ry- ;--" ''CTnmKatet. ferthet.blc.re- ' Slr7a ?,? the fair project nppcnrlnn Tilenlnj 'fV'Vn,t Friday. Have Kent T IK nr llel" te my brother, 'this lnWn,.n"i't 1 hone that your trhe H I" ..f'"P"" . " ...I It far mill " . ..J... -...1 :..!.. w" V.. w 111 thus Mini It inr "V '" rini. Slates ami te let-emu cu .. tel" ,', It iHflMlb. Utitkt. MM ''nf fl.l Hn intcrcrt. Thank you BtWllS" '" 0!lht "eW "U'St bt' 'the fair-" ai-STIN UAKItY. lOcwnCity. .TmieJl. !-- The Gleem Are Heard Frem ft "''''":' 1.; .hat the Seoul- Bi n iuu aiu'w . .-. .- . 1. D" . '...111 ou knew that the, peer property ?,"! le Hindu .till poorer, while De ) man ?"":""..;, -ewiiIhk class win reap SfifgKater ......a. nc,l Increment '"'.. .1.- fnleV as a :u1lVtl-hl.m.elphwin kilin harvest em .or nu ";. Jcfckrts and ho'l-yp-crlmnate In .: Inn n the remit of the fait t it . the n:i ckpeckcl titien n Bli,tenn:.r- ;- te thc ilnf w.n.r.s fair In history should init.U"f-.':-j'i?- I.Mvcnlhi.e.. te i" ""Sy; hoot. the.pesV'" : t.. e 1002. 'rDiiaueiiiuuii """ -1 Thanks Frem Senater Pepper . sir I wlfh te express- my apprecia tion of nil il.nl Kviwise Pcblie IraeEn said tiuil did for me (luring the Rrlmiry emnphlgn. I'leane accept T flnr0,e tm,U"h . pp.ni.Kii. Washington, May 31, 11W2. The Drug Habit Evil tt'tht Eililernt thr Vvtnlna Public l.edeer: Sir irauic n. mum -......... ...mB inntars te be inrrcninR both in coun tries under pinhlbitleii and these It.-., iinn. ii- U te he enfilv obtained. The cravlne for narcotic druns has lit tle connection, or a riiMiiecuuu ..m llr traced, with the taKtc for alco holic beverflKeH. Orug users are rarely drinkers. One they ncffulre the druu hblt the'- find little solace or frtlmtiliin In ordinary lLitinr. Herein te whisky it as cognac te lnser. Thc Inrrc'tn' in inc nnnii may ei- Jtntin nnrt te the war. te the fact that dMOerntelv wounded nnd FUfferlns men live been given drugs te eae their pain. and. their pnln net completely tenpenrlng. thev have acnuircd the libit of thus veclting ease from phy ileal distress. In ethers it mnv be thnt the struggle of life under modern con ditions has made them wlllinc cneunh te tike n drug that will liriiiK them ferjeifulness for a while nnd perhaps noble dreams of ginndeur. Tn Emrlnnil I linvi' renil itl the HOWS dispatches, corroborated by nrtlcles in medical journals, the traffic hns in creased te such en extent thnt it hns bfen proposed thnt enders of these drugs should be punished by Hogging. Imprisonment fnlN te cure them of their evil buslues nnd lines nre even less effective. Flowing is objected te en the ireun.l that nubile opinion would net tolerate the Hogging of women, who thus would Lp glcn a monopoly et the business, nnd it is known that women ar alread netlw' in It. Moreeter. Hogging would net cure a drug nd'lict. International action will be needed if the curse is te be bejisheil. As long as one nation per mits the mnuufni lure of these drugs for ether thun medical purpebes, ns lese as less drastic rcstiictlens are thrown about the b'ihliu'.ss thnn these that control the printing of paper cur rency, just "-e long will there be n surplus which will finds Its way Inte the hands of the dealers., and eventually will be secured by the addicts. They occupy small spni e and sell for high prices. The I.cnguc of Nntlens hns a commission for the purpose of con trotting the snlc of opium, but nations tilt are net members of the League w united htntcs Kusbln and tier BUJ are net ieprt"-eiited upon it, unil "trmany is the home of herein. le MM with this evil is n tremendous till, and it ii ii he done nnlv ttlirn nil utlens net unanlmeusiv. M. 11. MISSKU. Reading, l'a., Mu30, 1111!. Disease and Doctors Disappear Tttt Editor el thc Kunliia Piitille I.edatr: 8lr Speaking by the cmil as he did, Jr, Ress V. Pattusen'H discussion of uenume.ienl insufiiclcncy of the coun ceun Ts medical staff, Tuesday Evkm.ve '"viituiii-ii, must attract country- ddt attention ll.lt lm Unmnrl Ann. tw entirely meihuks disease is van- ISBInf, I'hilaillln1ll'il iinm.nl .lnnh wtejur 10(H) of population buying tie f""4 approximately 3It 1-3 ptS- cent S. ?no,a ?cntllr' nd I lie Pennsylvu alt 1021 death inte (12.2) belli the lowest en record lit- a n "non i, TOeral meditnl prncilt loner will be In extinct bifdes dnss. Rfu, , un- GLASGOW. Bstel, Tn., May :u, 11)22.. Radie Weather Feraitlni, HvCJUk!"" "" hv'",'W Public l.cdeer: .r-At lirticmi, i.., r. -. .. pending lnrge sullls of louey ,n llB.,f",t:7.,fercr"',,H b telpgrams te r-.;. i me country. The Uevcrn r.i i ."'"casicc .. ."riti it t nun iw.rr nn t nn i ..i . .. . ' Tin a fi.. " " '" .ii.. . vum vu" hundredi rl.. nf tnln lm , ..... ..,.. ... iv.y- fcttes ... . "'' y (1IU nl"' '"at Ills C"ce ravs iu i...,..i .. PUTT Ml 1 i ""'""" -miii.v btrtnf..T ' t I'"ok" Inte nwttern mere ...... ''i ' "111 Mile the t.nverlimnnt 5ifrii.,lun.lm,ef ,,0,,arH hl Vn lultUMl nml weather bureaus. Htm h I? l ' ff!vL,u,,Jy- "nt te Imv,. .. . .l".. L .' 3 mnllnt0k ""0 UlL' "' 'la tie' bi" n "Uu,,!'s. nml slft el't t ..'. .lu.ll. would be mere nreiimtr. Klun't th.,r,,mlv' ai"1 "l,'r- Whv It's ilmnli ,0"H"t leek at that? ."iiartelphia, Iayl, 1022 hi... Her Last We""d -.... v, , llrn0 Jiving !.!.-. mlZZ ! .... tT2utt h ,h(;rc iii a. mun a,,i,nd' Bmed Tin Lave.bcen. 'be fellow who rwtwem i u"lnole, bush. He cernlni inn ,,,reue"il tne meaning tt, ':'," .?,w years nf nn...n..i...,i Ell.l8h', e f?r the wond.eus Wly thi. t' .."i l'xn'a'n. It means pm eufd .,,; .i: T" rettL'n maah hTiei he ,n I,6 K,.anluch of u m take fit .' 'tN- mice and se en million Hiea tw0 Ul(,re ,s Krn1"' ked ut: les. .tll1t. ever wh sky- nait suicida iv i m finl(1(,',! that l snuS0 h? drewnliie in the Wr. Kt9 the fflti,.,,mt ,e,v,rybedy spits m SeVrlWP i,0r" ,lu,t kt"ni1 iirse tilings ImlV ui nil th nn,i ! rl "C.'P te make un the t..ti Suu"n thereof I .-i, ' r-iv v; ' .. ti I. lien ,.... ! there is th verdigris in thfi 1 reenl.-. -. - : nln, Pi.hiH w"JPPear dallv ."Bai P7.IV.1 WFr. and ilu :ii''Ka..'L iriii? PEOPLE'S FORUM faucets, the, worms thnt died in the hops (providing It ever bow n hop), all hIms, large and small, all hhades and colors. JSe individual cups. im necessary, ns all the poison nnd filth lie In the beer that lien in the cup. New then, If this is net explicit I will refer you te n neat little pamplilet thnt Is entitled "Hell's Kitchen." If the rilble tenches me te be temperate In this sort of a mixture 1 must wickedly de cline. On the contrary, we knew the Bible Is prohibition from cover te cover, and only te be temperate In things that arc clcnn and wholesome, My pen is tired nnd wants te lie dewri, but first I must mention an lm lm pertflnt'ltcm in u column of thc Forum Mny 2(1 by Jehn Porglsse. He says 1 nm a fit nubjct for the' Insane asylum. He cnlls mc that old chestnut ut a name, a fanatic, because 1 said one drink n dav the week threueli u-nu nu bad eh seven en Haturday. Net sol 1 saui it w-ns worse eecausc et the in fluence. Thnt makes nys a double fa natic, I Mippee. I hope se. I would like te teke old Barleycorn by the fore, top nnd ndd a few drops te the ocean, If It wasn't for disgracing the ocean. Geed night. Come again. ' ELLEN E. Philadelphia, June 1, 1022. "Nlghthawka" Disturb Calm Te the Editor et tht Evgntna Public Ltdetr: Sir Fer the information of Mr. H. 0. Leahy ns te these birds that nre worrying him se, permit me te sny that they nre "Nlghthawks" (Cherdellcs Vtrglnienu.) They utter thnt shrill, rasping cry when In pursuit of their prey, insects, mostly at sundown and before dawn. Ihey nre net. however, true hawks. but belong, te the family of geatsuckers! ., Ihey .re often mletuken for the W Illn-nOOr-wIll." lll,.li Knln ,.. the snmc family. n. .. .... ! KELSO YOUNG. Philadelphia, June 2, 1022. Questions Answered "The Heuse of Wlndaer" Te the Editor e lie Eventne Public l.tdeer: Hlr Kindly Inform me through th Pee-ple-s Forum the date vn which the Kngllsh Heuse of Wlndier w established. Philadelphia, June 2, 1022. A proclnmntlen dated at Whitehall. Decem ber 11, 1017, began "(leert the Klfth. by the Brace of Oed First of the Heue of winaeer." ana -may therefore be said te mark the formal establishment of the royal Una under Its new name. The "Black Death" Te the Editor of the Bi'cim. j PitVU- l.rdgir: Sir Te what extent did the block death decimate the population of Europe In the fourteenth century? q, Philadelphia. June 1, 1922. The terrible placue Is said te have car ried oft mere than ene-hajf the population. Hecker estimated the less of life at 2.1,000. 000. ) Poems, and Songs "The Cowboy's Prayer" Te the Editor of thc EveiUj Public Ltdetr: Sir I read, with much Interest and pleas ure the poem about "Yeung Charlettle" printed In Sunday's Forum and which you explained was written by an unidenti fied cowboy. It breathed, as you said, the untrtmmeled spirit of the West of a genera tion age, even If It did lack the literary finish of the trained writer of verse. I have In my collection n poem called "The Cow boy's Trajer." the author of which was Charles H. ClnrV, Jr.. and am Inclesll, It for publication In the People's Forum If seu hae room for it. MICHAEL S. BUIIK1S. Atlantic City. N. J.. June 0. 1022. THE COWBOY'S PRAYER By Charles B. Clark. Jr. 0 Lord, I'e tever lived where churches grew; I love creutlen better as It steed. Thit day you finished It se long age And looked upon jour work and called It geed. 1 knew that ethers find you In the llBht That's lifted own through tinted window panes, And set I feel you near tonight In this dim starlight en the plains. I thank veu. Lord, that I am placed se well. That you have made my freedom se com plete, That I'm no slave of whistle, clock and bell. Or weak-eyed prisoner of well and street. Just let me live my llfj as I'vj begun. And uhe me work that's open te the sky: Mnke me a partner of the wind and sun. And I en't ask a life that's soft or high, I.et me be easy en the man that's down. And make me generous and square with all. I'm careless sometimes. I,erd, when I'm In town. But neNr let them say I'm mean or small. Make me us i)lg and open as the plains, As honest as the horse between my knees; Clean en the wind that blows behind the rains, Frr as the hawk that circles down the breete, Fera-ive me, Urd, when sometimes I forget; Teu understand the reasons that are hid; Yeu knew about the thing that gall and fret, Yeu knew me better than my mother did. Just kep an eye en all that's done and said; Just Hwhf me sometimes when I turn aside, And guide me nn the long, dim trail ahead Ihul stretihes upward toward the Great Divide. "The Read te Merrow" Te the Editor of thc Evening Public Ledger: Sir Will nu please print the amusing .leises nbeut "The Read te Merinw" and the I ":r", 11 "-"-.- "i" trouble It caused a would-be traveler who wiiiiiuu iii ir hi iiirr iisiav.' ---.. . , TOURIST. Allentown, Pa,, June 1, 1022, , THE ROAD TO MORROW I started ru u jejrney, Juit about a week age, Fer the little town of Merrow, of Ohie; In the State I neer una a traveler and really didn't knew That Merrow hnd been ridiculed a century or he, I went down te the depot for my ticket and applied Fer tips regarding .Merrow, interviewed the station guide. Said I "Mj frlen.l I want te go te Mer row and return Net later thnn tomorrow, for I haen't time te burn." Said he te me: "New, let me see If I have heard you right; Yeu want te go tn Merrow and come back tomorrow night. THE KERNEL -!. OtfeCTWJES arc en -rue -rrirxv OF StP AMD OlK. FEAR.e&S AMD -TRftCK THE OANdeBOOS OOA.RR.V . Lbiqs.. AfcTtBewtMif. : r W xC 7U M, v.J r r l u-f s- jTk cT nan ; wem. v-.' a v- it yn r.v . -v.v v.. -x & ttSft 5 a T V. if, K Utrni J- f nV'. s)aV Te fe fretnrhere te Merrow and return Is quite k way, Yeu shssjld hae one te Merrow yesterday and back today, Fer If nu startrd yesterday te Merrow, don't ou see, Teu should have net te Merrow and returned today at three. The train that started yesterday, new under stand me rla-ht. Today It irets te Merrow and returns to morrow night." , Bald Ii "My boy. It stems te'me you're talk In through your hat. Is there a, town mimed Merrow en your HnsT J?w tell me that." "There Is." said he. "and take from me a quiet little tip, Te go fiem here te Merrow Is a fourteen hour trip, The train' that nees te Merrow leaves today, elcht-thlrty-nve: Half ufter ten tomorrow Is the time It should , arrle. New, If from here te Merrow Is a fourteen- 'can hour "ride, you se today te Merrow and come back' today?" he cried. Hald Ii "I want te go te Merrow. Can I go today And set te Merrow by tonight. If there Is no delay?" "Well, well," said he, "explain te me, and I've no mere te say, Can you go anywhere tomorrow and come back today? Fer If today yeir get te Mef row, surely you'll agree, Teu should have started net today, but yes terday, ,jeu see. . Se If you start te Merrow, leavlngehere to day, you're flat; J Yeu won't get Inte Merrow till the day that fellows that. Y'New, If seu start te Merrow, you will surely land Tomorrow Int.. Merrow, ne't today, you un derstand, Fer the train today te Merrow, If the sched ule Is right. Will get you Inte Merrow by about tomor row night." Hald 1: "I guess you knew It all, but kindly let me say. Hew can I go te Merrow If I leave the town today?" Said he: "Yeu oannet go te Merrow any mere today, Fer the train that gees te Merrow Is a mile upon Its way." . FI.VALE I was en disappointed I could only wildly tare. The tnln had gene te Merrow and had left me standing there. The man was right In telling me I was a I hew'lng Jay. I I didn't se te Merrow, se I guess I'll go to day. NATALIE TALMADGE AND BUSTER KEATON HAVE SON Film Stars Have Been Married Year and a Week Les Angeles, June 5. "Buster" Kenten, well-known film star, is the proud father of a baby boy. The new arrival will be christened Jeseph, after his daddy. The mother, the former Nntnlle Tal madKC. sister of Nerma and Constance, Is doing well. "Htistcr' nnd Natalie were married May 31, 1021. and since have been en one long honeymoon. They have made their home In Hollywood. Mrs. Keaten was the last of the famous Talmadge trio te be married. At thc time she became engaged she and Keaten had net seen one another for two years. Although they had been sweethearts for years, they were net married seen because Natalie and her younger sister. Constance, entered into a pact whereby the elder sister was net te be married until after Constance bad embarked en the matrimonial seas. KU KLUX HOLD CONCLAVE Thirty Thousand Frem Four Statea Gather In Illinois Jollet, III., June 5. What was de clared te be the largest gathering of the Ku Klux Klnn ever held did net end unfll approaching dawn dimmed the fiery ctess high ever the assem blage yesterday. It was said every city north of Springfield in Illinois and mnny points in levvn. Wisconsin and Indinna were represented. The number in attend ance wus estlmnted nt from 30,000 te 50.000. While bonfires flamed from sur rounding hills, mere thnn 2000 candi dates were "naturalized" Inte the "in visible empire." The meeting was held in n weeds. PROVES FUTURE LIFE Camllle Flammarlen Says He Has Demonstrated Seul Survives Death Parts, June 5. Thc soul survives the body, says Ca.nllle Flnmmarlen, the astronomer, In biimmarls'liig evidence presented In his latest metaphysical work "I prove that future life exists." nhnimarlen asserts. "I de net say the soul is immortal. I de net knew. I knew only thnt it survives the death of the body. 1 don't knew for hew long, but some enses cover a period of several jcurs." Flninuiarien said he Investigated 48(H) en set during n peiled of thirty jenrs, but that he presents In his work only a few hundred of these which have been verified. MILL GATES OPEN IN VAIN Whistles Call 25,000 Manchester Strikers Back, but Few Respond Manchester. N. II.. June .1. (By A. I. ) The gates of six of the cotton mills of New Hnmpwhlre were opened today for the first time in three s mouths. When the whistles blew le cull thc 25,000 workers hack te their places nieusiinds were near the mills, but only scanty hundreds responded, according te observer. There were demonstra tions ut nil the mills. The strikes were called because of a wage reduction of '-( per cent. nnd nn increase frum forty-eight te fifty -four hours- in working schedules. Thousands nf strike vmpatlilri's filled the streets for n mile en either elde of the mills nnd would-be workers were ieeied and hooted. Twe nrrests were made en chnrgc of inciting te riot. i7 aw. --ti3 tT M )AfH He Bc? f L m VI . V v 4BT V & T " r . 1 ,WX1 iTJ . E i - V -x. tfli . l- .Btv Ul n BVMIk rua, .TEVi!at.V RADIO IN v '"S'fiVliENBY r'UMEl TOPAOfc MOTTCpW UXSOrJ. Nn ut. l:-:jwa J - 4r".nffM I 2CV- - CIL ' Kj9 IWiMBL,' '''w III NOICATOR' -1" .. " This Illustration thou a what la known as the "Edisen effect." When the filament Is lighted the measuring Instrument between the" switch and the dry, cell proves whether a current la flowing from the plate across the open spare te the fllament. The current will flew when the pinto is connected te the peelttt pett of the dry cell, but net when It Is con nected With the negative pest The "Edisen&ffect" Made All This Possible Radie would net seem bait se" com- plicated te the average boy or man If It were net for the scientist's love of big words. It sometimes seen as if he deliberately hunted around te find the longest pecslble name for the smallest possible object. ' Today we are going te meet the smallest thing In the world nnd learn hew it Is that this little thing which Is se tiny that It hns never been seen by man even with the most powerful microscope Is responsible for all this radio craze and when you reme, right down te it, really runs the most pow erful machinery that It lrf possible for man te build. The tiny inities name Is electron. Yeu hove all heurd 6t molecules nnd atoms. Once upon a time scientists thought thnt the molecule was the smallest pewlble subdivision of mnt ter. Then I hey began te see that some thing was happening inside of the molecule and, after long and 'careful study of It, they discovered that each molecule was made up of a great many still smaller things te which they gave the name of atoms. Then, for it number of years, they went ahead en the theory that nothing could he smnller than an ntnm. They even made a close study of nil the sub stances thnt we knew' and computed the weight of one single atom of each subBtuncc. They took the extremely thin gas known as hydrogen and used the weight of nu atom of hydrogen ns standard, just as we use the pound ns a standard of weight for things In everyday life. They count the weight of nn atom of hydrogen as 1 nnd they print In their text books lists of various substnuccs with the figure ufter them which Indi cates hew heavy they are compared with this atom of hydrogen. Thus the "atomic weight" of hydrogen Is 1 nn.1 that of lead is 200.4. 'A table of atomic weights of this kind gives the "dentist quite a clear idea of any subslnnce he may be discussing. New the atom itself is se Indescrib ably tlhy that even our microscopes will net show it te us and nil thc things that are known about it are the results of deductions made from leng'and com plicated experiments and mathematical formulae. He, for a long while, everyr body was satisfied that scientists: hnd found the verv n.niillest thlnv time I leumi ine very sinunesi minj; tliut matter could be divided Inte even In theory I But new the atom Is found te be nnll.. bl ,.,...,r,e.u ..1.1. ,i, ..in .,-... ... .,, .M.,u.a-.M, r.nu nit. 01,11 Miiuncr particles wmrii compose it. These particles ure known ns electrons. Scientists new believe that the atom !... a. . .. . . . ..ut. n cenrer or nucleus ei come Kind surrounded by these tiny electrons. Perl.nn rnn tvlll n,wlne .hn, M.I. .-- .w..,.v. ......v ..,.e lessen In pli.vslcs has te de with radio. . The answer In veei vlneil., Ir lu ,1... .. , , , - , - ... , Which makes possible the l' lamp" of science which we BUillen bulb. It Is in fact the, - - ---. . . -- , electron "Aladdin call the audlen electron which Tims our telephone and telegraph system, our trolley cars and the huge electric plants that are devel- eping millions of liorscpewur every i hour in the big steam und hydraulic ' systems nil ever the world. It was the study of the curliest type of electric light made by Kdlsen which first gave scientists the suspicion that such a thing us the electron existed, Veu have nil seen the durk yellowish Drewn deposit union gutucrs en the Inside of an old electric light after it u- i i - i . i . . nun uvre.. useti n long imi, jr in ne- . lleved that most of this brownish color nis cxnerimcnts nrote.1 a verv remark- Is caused bv n bembnrdment bv mil-1 is a varied cm go m wnu neasts, , """ A ,""""r !. , , nr.. lnrlt'', "r-.y.!, 'Awir.it .un, yke. 2d. son ..r Hen. nnd mllliSns of electns shot out , -nnken nnd bir.N including few of , St.sUnJ:'.., "vw. SS?' Iti'Z utfti by the white heat of the filament the love birds of the genus Ivnglis from chantvllle, N J Mas St I'cter'a Chur.-h ice n Tuesday sfum.en at 2.10 o'clock Edisen, iV, hU ex .erlments." ece'en- ' I-. !- " ' '.ght te ' VaiuIieu" 'tiZ TmaHy whit- if xtt UVJ QXrV closed n plate of cold metnl Inside n thta iininm . 'I here are uImi m.i. e ele- all. ion of David w and Eiizaban "nt am.ps -lu'ne a i..v oeden 1Em' bulb with the filnmenr nnrl ennneetJ phailts ami --0HMI man-entllig bilbboena, I ' Oarrlgues . aaed 47 .neral serv le-, wife ,f Carl Ogden and dadihl. of HenrN ouie witn ine niement nna connected , .,. ,..,. r,.l..v liniie.iiisirleii.ix i w"l : ' 5I '" 'r" "f rt.retM,.r & Sens, and Esther Karr, HeufiVH ,n frl-nds are the plate by wire with nn ordinary XtiSn" unn-m c",n "' K"n,u v """," t... ni fu".'.''.."!.-''pawn's battery. He lighted the fllament an 1 i-mY"011 ' '"'""""''i". h .-Mini tniiras and rue ... ie .e 1 l ,Ii)V ,,, res.iiene, lim n 33j -. Me... 12 n.n. able thlnir which noheilv vvn nhln , . ",u,t "'"'" emuiue.i me ...iiuci.... nes and frl-..d tr- nv.,el te attend fii nuie tiling wiihii muiedj was 11 Die te j)V ,H.m.triiting nnrts "I India that hud "-lai services .Men t p i ,t the rest explain for mnny jenrs afterward. nVver been etnlertil hefere bv white li,n',, r heT au'" Mr ' Mr"" 'iu',! (1r- JtivervlHMlv knmi. nf enurKe. ihni 1 ..v .. ., .. . , ,..i a current of electricity of moderate power will net jump across 11 space be- ivvecn two conductors According te this well known fact, no current of electricity should hne flowed from the plate te the filament in his experiment. And, when lie hnd the negative side of I his. battery connected te the plate, no current did new. Hut when he connected the positive side of the battery te the plate he was astentscd te tlud that, when he lighted In.. fli. 11 I . "K",l-U the filament, his mei.s.irlng tnslruments showed a vcri decided curient Hew in: iicress the epeii epn.c from the plate te the filament and. when he tinned off tin electricity in the filament the current from the plate stepped flowing across In spite of the fact that the plate was still connected te the positive side of the battery. 'Ihls proved that the lighting nf the filament. In uitim u mu.ln ,1,1., ... - - '" ....... ,,,i..,. ui.n n,iivt- """ ."" iiiumi'iu nun ine (.inte a i JBd conductor of electricity, providing -vUe sweatFF suspects tJllS OF KNOVMIMG tAene -tau vae'S 'eU.tHQ4Oj eVT .-VrS6 KeRpv!s, 0SAPPErAr4CC. A HfcS A, THE HOME M. NEELY tKmr SWITCH EFFECT I the electricity were what we cnll pesl Mn Km, .,.. if i. . a "'"'"" " " ",r iicRtinw, Scientists Who heard about tills called it "the Kdlf.ni. effect." It was i net until mnnv ,... nfti.rwnr.1 tl.nr ! It was studied separately and began me career that bus produced the mnr veis ei radio as we knew them today. Cepvrleht, nu. bu Public l.eduer Company I , I Today's Radie Program I'hllnitrlnhlii Station (WFI) (htniH bridge a Clothier) P. M, I', in ir I.Kparii rad e news , 1-10 bulletin ll.l.i A A inn t, .- t .! i. i",?."'l. -" necitai ey ine hirttw viiK $ f-lethltr Male Quartet (Jehn Owens. Recital by the Straw- dersloet) assisted l.y ElUabeth Perter Earle. soprano and Wntu Kerk. Dlanlt wuart.t, "De.p itiver"; eoprnne sole, . call Tuesday evening nliiilS, t"?' 'I1'. Earle: tenor snle, "Te COX Jun 3 MHA vv .fe of Frank Cox. l.n,,2"' . 1,aHy,c. '"!. Piane sole, "Oa-' .BP,t 03. nmeriil Tues., 2 P M let resl IlHnfl Plf.'.'..K?.rl': ,,:arJ.,en" ,hnl' "Tne dence. Burlington pike nnd Hilten read, Si "Mn i ,"i5n. H,.-,re!'l mf'r"l!, euartet. . raimira N J. Int Arlington Cem Friends t?ner loin" "."rhM"ir'' a lb) "Kentucky Babe". ' my rB Mun. eve Aute will m-ct Tren r.0riZ?2'j J.h" hnA 'n '. .":: .ten trolleys at 1.3.) P M IC(. Ijewls n n,tn B,.tA nf... ... t.r...... Jjeretta Kurk. soprano sole. Elizabeth Perter . .u.' b"r,"ene ""'e "Fuzzy Wuzry," Har H U""""1". ,'iuartet "en the Hea.- 5-5R '?, '' '" M Baseball scores. d II J ' "llk hy '' N F. Ken- Philadelphia station (WOO) (Wiiniimeker's) . 1- .... te 1 1 M, (duvllirht.saUnir tlmel I Arlington time signal. ...! te ,, Piane selection. , '.eO Concert by the FailH of Schuilklll I ..jaie i nerus, Jeseph Smith director, and si "'"i. ;i.s uuve u. vviisen, soprano, '"" Hertha Ker(ler. contrnlte. Israel Sas- i ren, violin, Ijirry Ilswden. i.lnnn llnw.r.1 Wall, banjo, Richard Haws Laftje. Miss Helen Jennie, piano Plillndelphla Station (WIP) ((Umbel) 1 80 P JL Selections Olmbel Orchestra .-..?.,' ,M T"r Andrew Knox, baritone, et Philadelphia Operatic Society, will sing several numbers. Mra. Frances Babcock at the piano. 3 P M. Varied musical selections, , :0S P. M. Final baseball scores 7:18 P. M. "I'ncle Wlp'a" evening story for the children 7:2(1 P. M "I'ncle WIp" will "call roll" of children writing te him Newark N. J.) HUtlen (WJZ) (Westlngheus) (1 P M "Business and Industrial Con ditions In the United States," n observed by the National Industrial Conferente Beard 7 P. M. Stories from St. Nicholas Maga zine, courtesy of the Century Company nla and the Davis Cud Contest bv ju Inn S m5Vi? .idemf .h iTt,? 'K'f " 7.30 P. M "Development of Lawn Ten Lawn Tennis Assoehi.len. ! H te D:SO P M. Cencurt under the direc tien of Charles I). Isaacsen musical direc tor of the New Yerk Evening Mall Oper.i 2. "The Story of the Oissra." told In run' n'nK fishlnn throuh-heut the rjerfermane bv CnarlM D. i,nncsen. chairman. "The Barber of Seville " by aloacchlne Itealnl. Comic opera, In two parts Caei Resin. 1 soprano. Count Almavlvn, Alexander Tren- "ft", tener: Figare, Alberte Termsl. barl- '"n: Dr Ilartelu Den Busllle. Na'ale cervl, bass. Remn Taverna, conductor at the piano.. Act I A street In Seville out- side of Bartole'a home. Act II. Inside the nnus 1 :S(i P M lelnl recital l.v Florence I tUxI.er.u lnllr....11.. rnK.V. TTt n a ..Innlat -;,"" 'U"-T",'"' w'""Y " .7iIpr. " " . Massenet ".Serenade." Plerne "Simple I Aveu," Themas, (lyps Uve Seng." Victer ti, rtiert I lie ,swnn, i r.ens, "Remance " Rubinstein. '-Remance Sans Parele " Van (leens. "Where J Ct-.ivsm , Ulll.r vnie vl.rriiii ej.--' -- , " '- Has Rested" Ihr. '"Believe Me of All hub nesi.ii. ...nr, neiiei.- ..in i.t aii l hose En.learuig Yeunc Charms ' b Miai Brlggs, -Remance.'' Slbellu Mis Fine "'"""' Oardens,'' Oralnger. via. Une. wna I BROWN MAY BUY MORE Dn .,., e CmD Tur -n ANIMALS PUK I Ht &.UV i Will Ge te New Yerk te Loek Over , ,. e,- India cargo ,. ., ,, 1.1. O. Kmei'Miii III own, superintendent of the zoological garden, will go le New ' Yerk te leek ever u huge cargo of mil ninis ami nirus impoitce ny i.euis liinn from India. He mny purciiusp sonic .. i. .......... ..- ..... ...... 'rl,.,.. ..H,.ii....i ui ine uci.r.1-. un it.'- ,".. i ...-,, u.i..,w en the steamship Hnnsn tedny. ... . , ..,. .... tlllltl W lliltl lilt tlltl Ttl't'll si...... i.- ..... .1 1 11. nn. v lien ne i.iiiuur.i 111111 int; u..- . illl. 1 known tciriterv lie took caravan of twenty nntiuv Wit I Illl it ii... . -l.wi ,.f th.. . - nnlinnU are ceii-IuikmI te n encus ut Itosteit. $43,000 IN LEACH ESTATE Noted Genealogist Left Vast Library , , te uaugnier The will of .1. (iranville I.uich. U11S Spruce stieet. noted genealogist , who ,', 0 Mllv -J7. was admitted te probate i.. t, tl,r.. .,.11. .. u t flilliiren nn estate of a" little mr th..,. .Wl.OOO. Ilis limceheld furniture N lieiiieathed te one daiigliter. .MKs Allele l.encli, iuiii his Mist genealogical llbruiy te auetlier linughter. Ms Mnr.v Atlitilen I..111I1 This collection, however, will nt. mutely go te tlie (ienealegii nl Senet v a II..'. .1. ........ . . .. I....1. si t.i i t'uu,v iv ii.iie, ..I w iii. -ii ..ir, I, each tinlll the time et lu-. Heath, wns nre.I dent Bird's Eye View of T OlDN'-f sa-t vera GCArvPft "SVMIPEO TrV TlZtAORe '. f Coi.tECeH YS -KfcrA AT A tfEETiMtJ OF vAE CeRr WwEa CMArAOEaeF C0MMERC6. -tAE PROCE60S C& 8.7g) sNGR6 OPFeCEO a& a, fcewfcab SWORH WARBeXK - f FelZ. COS' ARBEST 11 11 - OP -Vt (OKtKCU Meatus ARMSTUON'rl. On June J. Ili.t.llV M . I ulileu- of Themas Armstrong. Relatives unit' friends Invited te funeral, en Tuesda), at 2 I',..M.. late residence. 1HIH Urevii hi I mi .nrin ueuar inn i eineiery. uemn.ne may be vliwed Monday, 7 te 1(1 I, M. BARCl'H. At Savannah, (U , June 2, lIMZAIIimi WKHll wife of tle late Jehn A, Bareus. Relative and friends ere re ipectfully Invited te attend fun. nil services, Tues , 2 P. M. precisely, at the David II 'chuyler Building, Bread and Diamond sts. Int private. BECHTEL. June 3. 1022. ERWIN F BECHTEr. Relatives and friends are In vited te funeral Hervlces. Wed . 2-30 P. M . parlors of C. It, Hartranft, 8021 tliinnan- tnwn ave, int. pmvate, menus muy tan . Tues. eve. BECKER, On June 3. ROSA W ' BECKER wife of Irene Beeker. Funeral Monday, 2 P. M , 1HM X, 1011. st, BFNNETT On June 2, WILLIAM MOR RIS, son of Charles 11 nnd Hannah Bennett, used 3S Services at the hemn of hln i rents Woodstown. N". J,. .Monday, 2 P. M. Interment private. Baptist Cemeter IIINKKIt. June 2, THOMAS W husband of late Martha J tllnker. In his T'.'d yesr. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeral, Men t I M late residence 722 State st , Camden. N J Int Ur eenwoed (K. of P.) Cem. nevn. June 2. JOHN 1 IPJ.S'D Hels- lives nnd friends nr Invited te attend the services, en Tues , at 2 o'cierk, from his residence, 4810 OiMe st., Manaiunk. Int private, at the Quit Cem Friends may call Men. evening. BOCKNtlM. June 2 1022 CHARLES LEVERINU. husband of All.e Bucknum. tin.Bl.v. nnrl frlenilfl m,n mnlrtej nf P. ! R. R, and all ether organizations, are Invited te services, .iien,, z i'. ai ai nis reuuente. 4254 Westminster ave Int, private Mt. Peace Cent BUNN. Tune a 1822 (lEOIlOE Wily MAM BUNN. aged 02. Relatives and friend are Invited te luneral services, luia i.eium- bla ave.. Tues., 2 P. M Int private. CARSON At hlj. residence I721 Spring rui.l ve.. en June 2. 1022. WILLIAM il CARSON. Relative and friends , ire Invited in the. services en Mendav afternoon at 2.U0 o'cierk. at the Oliver II Ba'r Hulldlrtr, la.'O Chestnut st. Interment prlvau Kln.il emit flowers diy. .ne'l. 'll)2J. Cl.ARA ' KATHEHINB ..ei T.f n.mii.i rtnrir. ,.f N'nriinr.h Pi. -"-. --- - " . Funeral service en Wednesday. June , at 11:15 A, M (dalli!ht saving), at thit home of her daughter, Mrs Alb-rt C Miller, 111 N, Narherth ave Narnerth Pa Inter ment at Greenwood Cemetery, Lancaster. Pa., en Wednesday COURTH -On .lun.j 3 TlldMAS rl hue band or Frances E Courts K-lntlves and friends also empleses of Oehrie Pre t'e , and mmlr and friends of the First Pre bvterlan 1'huri.h of BarrlnKten. N J are invited te th service, en Wi.lreda after 'neon, at 2 o'clock at his lit" residence, Mft .N 39th st Internum prlvute 1 rlctuls may CRAIO -June 4 11.22. SARAH II widow of James It Craig and dUiihtr of the late Richard and Marlu King Relative and frlenda Invited te services. Wed . 2 P. M . residence of her eon. KWt Craig 2332 8 21st st Int prlvnt" DANN At Beverly, N. J. Juna 1, CHARLES ANDRi.w. nusiiann or Ida A. c. liinn. in his SSth venr Relitlves and friends also Cranburv Council ;e no, JT O U. A M nf Cranbur N J . Pr-gresslve ! Council. Ne 70 Jr () 1 A M , Reliance I Ledge, Ne 13 I O M Vl ter Council. Ne. 07, Daughters of America. Herald Castle. K O. E . all or iievenv . .. . also empleyes of Penna R It , are Invited te funeral serv ices, Men 2 P M JI i; cnureij ueveriy. DENNY -On Jun- 3, HOWARD B , son of Anna L nnd latw Oeerxe S Denny. Rela tives and friends nlse rrembers nf Ledge Ne. 0. of the Masens and Scottish Rite Con sistory Invited te funeral services en Mon day evening at s 30 o'cletk at his residence, 2040 N llth st Interment at convenience of family Pennsgreve, N J DONATO June i, ROSA DOjS'ATO (nee Plastlne) RMlatlves and friends are Invited te funeral Wed.. June 7. ut 8.30 A M . from son's residence. 1U10 S 10th st Solemn rctiulim mass at St Ttiemas Anillnns' Church at 0:10 A M Int Hely Cress Cem. DORV.N June 3 ANNA wife cf the late Philip Dornn Retative nnd friends are ln vltid te attend funeral, Wed . S 30 A M lat residence, 2410 N. Cleveland avt Solemn reuulein nuss at St Malai.h'e Church 10 A. M Int New Cnthedral Cem DOCOAN. June 1 1022. BEATRICE E . wife of Themas II. Deugsn and daughter of James It. and the late Elvln.i E Snciie mineral Tues s.30 a -m., resiuencM or 'sister, Mary Lewis. SOO N Bread st. .solemn requiem high mass at the Assumption Church 10A M Int. Hely r.enulchre tern. DPNN'ER June .1 1922. at his residence ri22 N 3'.th St.. JACOB, husband of Careline Dunner. aged 112 ears Relatives and friends, also Hamilton Ledge Ne 274 F. and A M . L'nlversitv R A, Chapter. Ne. 2.V1. Corinthian Chaseeurs Ctmimandery Ne. S3. K T.. Lu Lu Tempi- and Lu I.u Temple Yaiht Club are Invited t funeral. Tues . II A. M from the rhapel ut Andrew .1 Balr 4. Sen Arch nnd lSlh sts Int Westminster Cem On view iron , 7 te '.) P M DUNNIINO At Wlldwoed N J en June 3 -- H,";',1' rs ' Jt" ln,! , 8 t,a' ""'J1 "Wll?.. n ""' .rixlc". .c" Wednesday afternoon atL 2 e clock ut hei lata residence. 701 N T3d st Interment T,T A IP FISHER -June 1. at Hammonton N. J. JOHN (JR ) son . f Jehn J and Berth.i K J "her. former or udnnne 'IN. J Reki- . ...e-. ""'. .....-.- ...- ,,.,,i. .,, nueim jy neral. Men June n from grandparent's resiutnce .ir .eepn i, .urner, llummon llummen llummon ten. N J Int Mt Carniel Cem Moores town, N J Men I P M. FRANKLIN" De lune 2 1022 M Ml OARET C w-dew ,f William M Franklin daughter of the late Wm. H and Mar garet C Mtrsall Relatives and friends Invited te funeril services, en Mendav at ' P M at th res den. of her brother-in-law" Isaac H D.ivs 1.113 N 12th st Int Jm. vate Fernwt.ed i em FREEMAN At Burlington N- t i 1022. HELEN M FREEMAN Funeral serv" ftri.neten eV'"",. ' "VhWtf .'ffl. lewell Main.- Phase un.lt flowers. eall.uhieh -i.mi 2 11122. juii j nuBiian.i 01 liiiz.ei tlves and friends, nuBiian.i 01 lii.z.ee n j men Ileile) Iteia. league of the S icred Heart ami Altar sicieti uf i ?SlJrA Mr'J fKm'hN'iaV.'T.side the N'sjtlvity ! neral. Tittu - --,., .-.... UOn7M "MT 1 I westmurriaiai r i, vT, ,,' 5 ,rn"'i".m "'a ' he j ivlij 10 A M. l,,t st t 'n"hnr - - Anns tim, ft a r T ,s..M, t. T ...r,.. ..... . .rni.i..u,vMr., m.i. .,, ..'--. J.A.11CM. I.e I even son rr pane nn,. .-ranees Gall mere Alfred c und tn.. ite m.u k tieUdes ltei "'"."."'.w. . u." '"' ..mi 011 em iiksslev lune . nu'' .. . .. -- . ...-. ----. --..( I.I.I. Alle'TII M IHY , lun IIV t li lf . t iuiii.... ''"'y. Jr ileiatiVH n 1 r 1 nis are lu- ' , " "" . .. . " It'lMU vueti 10 a i una nil rul s .... a i iieni ner lave rtini".- un san.m at ( Se', inn reuulein in ltd M lnms i:hurch I ID M Int Hel i r..s- ( m bhenandeah , papers please cuii lilliUuNS Fun... i . ' 1- .1 N lr.th s en June 3 1HJ2 I' .ME 11 widow of I slouze Glblxins Rn.t. i.'.l trie ids aie nviit.l te the service . lila atturn uu at 2 ..deck at ti 2n Chestnut st I. ter 1( 'lair ULU Inr, i u, tt ai t'h. i.i. i inns .'emetei v C1IRARD -lun.i 1 1)22 CONNIE wld.w of Paul (ilrard. ii,-.! 7 I'uneral rues 10 30 A M at the Pi.sbvie-ian lle-ne 5-ih si and Clreenvvay me. In. Mr Meri ih Cam. HAAS. June i. 114'IFI.I v vife f l'rtnk I. Haas. It litlvee a m frien is ulee Camp 217 P O A I. .'.. AuMInu Celllncdale Fire C. S'l .' ir. i iv.te.l m i.ttend fuuertl sti. .i', ru, u 1 3e , N from parlors of .'has u I)i.e. t,, Main t , D,ub l'a Fib ids mm nil M. n 7 te U P M Int ll.'ltl.le , m 11 VINES On June 3 in.'.' 'REDERti k V II VINES husband i -iih i: llninas . vi. .s en Tuesda) . at i il a' I "3 Oh-.les si Intt rir.ei.l ,i . at HAMPTON On June I in.'.' JOHN U UV.MP'ION Jl . In his 7"'h ear tp ilvi and friends ure Invite I t. h.. setvlee u I u. R.liw aftemei.n at 2 , . ,c v.. at tha ti.ve. II Balr Illdu . 1S20 Chesinut s' Int i private thc Treasure Situation " "$Lf S.TettH -cJ QliQ vJPrVev.05 -TUE FArAlUV HOMeVl.. TVltS WiltJtVttAi aklh UB CftaH' DEATH IIANKMAN, At Delanre, U, J,, June 2,, (1. 1IKRMAN, .husband of Ottilia Hnneman rna K,,i) In hi, (tilth ear. IlelntHea n,i -it.,ta aim Ullprsldf Maennerrher. Detnrn Klre Ce., are Invited te attend funeral, Mell., M, from his late residence, Burlington nVe,. Delance, ?J J, lm frit ate, Arlington rvm,. m-, j ItliADt.EY. - June 4. 1922, EDWARD T.. IIEADI.EY, Funeral services Wed le A M apartments of W B. M Burretl, 427 Market St., Camden N. J Int, private, Haleyvllle. N. J. Trlends may call Tues , 7 te 0 P. M HE'M.ERMAN. lunn 4, FRANK, hiilnd of flerlru.le llellerman. Funeral Wed , s A. M.i from his Inte resident. 133 Woodland Be7, Wjncete, Pa Solemn nigh requiem mass Immarulatu v'om.eitlen fhutrii, .Itti .Itti klntewn, 11.30 A M. Int private. Hely Seimlihre ("in. IrWr.d may rail Tues n. IiOIjIjway mee iiaKers j.me 4, m !nt her late reldencn, 12111 S Peach el RE BECCA lliJI,l.evv ai neimive ana rrienes are Invited tn attend funeral servit.es, at th ....rlr.ru i,l Hnmilel W ICehr Jt Him. N W nr 'jlat unil oiumen.l sts.. Wednesday. 'J ' id Diamond sts,, Wednesday. 2 leely. Interment Mount Merlah rlend mny tall Tuesday eve- P. M I.reel Cetneterj I nlrtis. 7 In It HDlt.N'K'K I.E. June 3, 1022. at his tale residence 2120 V, Mrtlewoel st HENRY A IIORN'ICKI.E nued 71 Dim mulct? of the Mnenil will be Klvnn JOBHON- Tune 3. 1022. SARAH WAlr TON PORTER JOBSON wife of the late FninK It .lonsen in ner .em venr l unernl Mervlie Men 8 P M , resldnre, r.!i.',i) Sprlniilkld av Int Cedar Hill Cem l.eK naven. ru JOHNSON June 1, 1ti22. Sergeant LAW RENCE M . husband of Katharine it John John Jehn eon, In his 4Mb ear. Relative nnd friends, also 21th Dlstilct Pullie. are Invlfed te .at tend funeral, Men 2 30 P. M., (daylight saving), reldence, Jamisen, Pa, Int. Hat be re Cem JONES On June 3. HOIPHREY HAl.L. .it his late resident,. Siinnvsl.le, Mister and Chew sis . Oermantewn, and fermerlv of Fiurliade, II. V I. Friends may call Mon day evening. June B, 7 te 0 I', M. .Services and Interment private KEANE -June 4, THOMAS II., husband of Ella Keane, aired 7,1. Relatives and friend, also all nrKuhlsHtlen nf whlrh h was a member, are Invited te attend funeral servlie. Ihura 3 p M . at his sun's rei denre. 21u Felteu ave.. Celllnndiiln. I'.i Int Arlington Cem Friends may call Wed e te P M KELLY -June 2. WILLIAM J husband of late Jane Kelly 'me Dunn) RelHtlv. s and friends niue lnm warn rcast i;nd Deme- , ""''c c'un1'' .arr lnV,nm S. ".'Tl"1, fun,'rI IWed., S..10 A -M,. from his late resl.lente --. '""" ."'. .'.;;'"" ".'.''. ie . ei rtifOf, I,a,nr,.,l. , Ui...n. ,. . .. U . renulem at St, Ann s L'hurch 10 A. M Int. St. Ann's. KEHSTIJ.V June 3. 192.' MAROARhT wife of Jehn F Kersten aged 04 Relative nnd frier. Is ur. lnvltid te attend fune. i Tues , 2 P M son s resldtn e 2M3 v Heward t Int (Invnmnunt dm KIEFER June 2. MARY EMHARDT widow of William Klefer, In her S3d year Relatives and frb-nda am lnvltid te attend funeral services Men , 3 P M , at her late residence. 230 W Qu-fn lane. Oermantewn. Int nrlvnte KIRKBIHDE At Trenten .V J en the 3d Inst.. ELIZABETH HENDERSON vvlfei nf William B. Klrkbrlde. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend the funersl from I her late residence tins lierlie'ey i en i Secend-dev. the .".th Inst , at 3 3.) P M I (d.iIlsht-savln time). Internum private . Kindly emit flowers Train leaves Ilreul Street Station Phlla . at 1 P M (standard I time), KNABENUACER. June I, 1&22. ANNA1 ,1...,. .v.ner vwie or simen inaljenuauer iisimI C,r. Rel.itlvrs and frl-nds. also ht Ell7abulh'R S M'let and Nature S. lety In vlle.l te funeral services Tu-e 2 I M Inte resld-nce H212 S I7.h el Incineration it I hcltcn Hills Viewing Men h te 10 KRAfSS June 2 DOROTHY daughter f William A and .M..ith Krnus ae,i 4 eur und in.mths iieln.liea n,,,i frin,u inviie.i te lunrai vve.i i i ji parents re tlenCH. 24M7 s lth u, Int. private .Tienes ma ran Tu s evn Kl MMERER June 3. KATE MERER Fumral servite Tues E Kt'M- . 2 P M remuence or her slsi. r, Mrs E Miller. 132 nenlck st Man. junk Int. ptlvate. Friends muy ca l .Men eve l.M)i:i.l, At .Seuth Orange. N J en lune 3 11122. JOHN HRCNER. eldest ni of Charles W and th late Sallle 11 Land,l Services en Monday mern.nK June r at 10 30 i, ele. k at the Oliver If Balr Bide.. lS.'l. Ch. e'nut st pliilu LI.!.' -In Philadelphia June 3 ANNIE daukhter of Oterge and Ella C I.e. aed 2S Funernl frum hr parents' residence 213.-. N 23d st , Tuts s p M Int Nor Ner Nor rlstewn Pa, MAC.INN1S Mav ,11 MARIA T widow of Edward C Maglnnls and daughter nf late M chael and Nera, O .Shaughnessy. Rel atives nnd friends also B V M Sodality League of Sacred Heart Altar and Resury Societies und Society of Propagation of Faith, are Inv'led te attend funeral, Mon Men dav 8 3d A M , late residence, rj.'l'iS Mar ket at. S .emu requiem mass Church of Our Lady of Vli terv 10 A M. Interment St. Denis" Ce.ueter MAOl'IRE. June 1 192;, ANNIE C wlfj t.f the late I'.t.ls-rt Ma.-ulre, aged h7 Helatlve.s and friend ar Invited te Mt' nd funeral Tuts s 3d a m from the toi tei denee t.f her daughter Mrs Annie Redgets, "2.'.'l Ch'.stnut t Sulcmn r-qulem mass nt Our l.idv of Victory Church 10 A. M Int He' v I 'ress Cein McDonnell June 2. 1022 Patrick, husband of Mnrv McDonnell (ne Concannenl Relatives nnd friends are Invited te attend funeial Tues , s 30 A M late residence -'221 Dickinsen t semn high mass of requiem at St Edmund's Church le A M Int Helv Cms (Vm. McOEE June 1 CHARLES T son of Charles T and lutu I.lllle MeOep Relatives and friends also Veterans of Foreign Wars Invited te ntttnd funeral services Tues 1 30 P M. father a residence. 122S E Moya Meya menslng ave Int. I'ernwet.d Cm McKEE June 4 NELLIE C wlf. nt Hobt M JlrKee Rn'atlves and friend r.ylle.1 te attend the funer.l s. rvices at her ate residence 1114 N. Wd st Wed 11 M. int private MEDER June 3 ll).j , Atu( R ,nn nf Careline ind the Int.. Car Mt.ler aged 2S Relatives ni.J friends also Ham'lten Fish Pest . f I'. W are Invited te attend funern 1 . 3 P M from the apart ments of H Battersby. 33H1 V Bread st Int (eenmeunt Cem Remains may be viewed Men , Me 10 l1 Jl MKIERH ivnel.1 Services Tues ltl a r.tlS.I lieihkn I We.In s H. Ml RPHY Suddet.lv Inn. i inifs? ti VIN. ku at 1'atrlt.k tin.! rithirlr.r Mnrnh innn f iiutt 1 it..iatti. UPv,t p.t-,.iu .,..., 1 .- ....-. es-inkii-i ni.14 I I iritun -" uvii . rhlliliun . t it... I i. .. w . i.. .1.1 ... funeril Tues s .40 A M parents' res. .''n.e 20H N Colerad . st Angls high ITi.ius nt tlitp I ..... ..t r .. ,'i...nk , i . .. . .. . "" " ' '.'. -.., .w 'V. . M mi M Jlemlnlc Cem OIIDYKI" Sudden. v n iv " in" PVI..MEII- lune 1 HENRY ii hjsbnnl . f FI.I7A PAI MBit in.. V.ir.ite.lile' fleliithes nn.l f i ien in . a. kni.lnitnu LudKe Ne 211 F an I V .M ate Invt' I le Ht.rd serv It es Sun 7 HI P M n.rler . . . . 11 r i.inn 1 : Sll'es . S n MIT E uste.e ' eeis. hanna nve F"un,rHl M..n I .1. p M int Pllvate Ferest mils .em PAUL June a T)2. H( her residence 4M1S Windser av FIlA.NChS 1 wife of William C. Paul Funeral Hrvl. es Men 2 P. M at the Calvar M E ( hur-h 4Stb st and llallltnere av It' prlvue RIOIirEH lune 1 SAIUII Tlf.. of .Ien. than 11 Hlehtar Funeral Wee at . P. M . from II. S HlRh'er t-uster 'tatien Pa Tak.t 1 .10 trellis frum Nerrlst.iwn in . Washtnitten Square Pa CVIav call Tues 7 te 10 P M lul St I.d.'i e 'ni'e !.,iia-e RVFETTO -On lur... - le.'j, CHARLF F Moved son of t'h.u.es F .unl .Mm F I R.ifolte 0,ej Dwjtri Relatives and friend also students of M Jesitha College Invliedl te funeral en rhursd.iv jl i te . m from I his late resldei.ee tl'H N .'amat n .'".:. 'J' "l .,,', at ' uar. i. t.i lie Unit Chllil laiiian. 10 A M Im.rm.., ir.... ' Sepulchre Cemeter ' i ROSS At Atlantic i-t,. V .Inn i 122. ELIZABETH luSr. ..f Manavimb I ,. tAtt Jleiatives ind tik.1 invited le f... ' 1 r,l ,erlces, at West 1 hn.l Men 2 P M Laurel Hill ivni ROTHROCK At Wen Ch-sier en il.e : I lust Dr. JOSEPH TRIMBLi: ROT ROOK in his Slth ear Services at Hely Trlnltv Church, en Men.laj r,th ini, ., i ..'clink F. lends maj call at his lain r.i deni. :" N- Church st . en Sunday ,.. I i.lnk trum te 8. HOWE June 1 1(122 I.OL'IS V p Wfe .f Chuib's Revve aaeit .17 Relative. lt,j frleius ..'se l.etltin I'e-m I ..dee V j 7 j j of R and Beard of Man.inera ,,f )M ut Is-kah Iieni arc Invited te attend funeral srvice Mendai d P SI late realdtncu Ultl Wl nam m uain and 1 amhrla) in teiment Mount Pea Cemelerj Friends niai tall Sunday evet.lntf RILE. June a nis; M4.1U1AHET widow of Jehn Wilsen Rule uiee Hummentli Funeral n.li;. I ues 2 p . Ht htr la .ealdtiHe Kltll N Mllh si lm privat-. Friend mas call Men after s P M I s n :r 'Aiiu - Muiiiien j. en June :i BENJAMIN F buabatid of Sarah Kllniiei Sheppard ajed Ml eais Relatives an. (rlen.ls, also empiejes of ralrpieunt Pari. Transit Ce am Invited u, attend the fit neiul scrvlcis Tues. evening S u . mi k freir Ihe parleis of lh.it. Pflaenmaler A Sen, ltne N 20lh st Ini Wh,1 at 10 30 A M , al Oreemueuiit Cell) Wesl Ch.ne- u MNYDICK At Pleasantvllie v N.NIE C , vv i of Oeerkt' Snvilei Hired I 71 year .Funeral in W'eilnesdav le-sii I .vi iron, inr ihii itMi.ienie mi Adams aa Interment Wednesda .'I 3n jj .'.iHU'lit saving tune (ircanvvneil Cemeten Phlla SNYDER June .1 dEOIKli: 1 Hnn of Pedir L. and late Emma V Snider formerly t Mir.KTAKERS MKIER-i lun S KATHRINA widow I of Adam Mel-ra nged 74 services Wei II 2 p M Int., r-sldMnte inn E -wneur at I Ini . heiien Hills Cem. FrlnJs mnv call I Tees ev. I MEKR FIEI D June 3 '22 ARWILD ' IV Jl I daiuhi.r of William J inn Arullda M. t- i 0; -STJy ? ' 'ic5 nRATMH of 1311 Master St. Due nelle ef U neral will be given, from the parlcra W. Van llnrn. 1341 M. lBth at. STANLEY. June 4. 1D22. UEORnKi' WARD, son nf Edward B,k and tAuta wianiey, in nis 20tn year. -HuiatiVM'l friends Invited te attend service. Wed., 1 P. M . at the Baptist Church. Nar berth; . Int iirlvnle ',n STOYLIS On June 2. 1022. WH-90JT1 STOYI.i;, Relatives and frlenda are larlM in tne service, nn Aienflay nrtemoen. si o'rlerk, at the Oliver II. Balr Bldg. ill II. liatr uiag. H 'M..VS it private . . ( JVKkfiia ET.IZABETH, wlf rtyffiPlfl d friends nre Invited te' tHptf, inesinm st interment htiii.kt. June 8, Kl Adam J. Relatives and n..n,l .It. -.,. tt,.. .. f f I, 1)31 N. f.0th st Friends may call Tuas.J evenlng Int Arlington Cem. I S17I.MVA.V- Suddenly, June 2 EDWAItrV If hunl.and of Ellzalnth M. Sulllvnn (ne Belt). Relative and friends, also Phlta, rustle. Ne P, K O. II j eniptee of General , Electric Ce., 13th and Washington ave,, are) Invited te attend funeral. Tile. 2 P. M. ' int. Hillside Ma funeral car. Viewing Men. I eve. wp. MVA.V June 2, EMILY M wife of; ereri-eiy, ime re-nienre, .'.u i .lumper st, (ienrge M Swan Funeral services Men., I 2 P M.. residence of her dnughler, Mn. Arthur T Haste7, Itlverbank, Delance, If. s J Int tirlvntf k TAYLOR (nee Dunn). June 3, 1022, ISA-t, , BELLA J v Ife of James II Tayler. ' Friends mav cull at her lata residence, na. E Essex ave , Lans.levvne Pa Men., 7 te u p M. Servleea and Int. nt ronvenlcnce of' the family WARD - Suddenly, June 4. JOHN 3 . hlW-7 band nf Margaret A Ward and son of lata" Neal and Brldset ard, of County Denegal... Ireland. Funeral te which relatives and friends, also emptees of Atlantic Refinlns" Ce., ure Invited, Thura , S 30 A, M , from hi lain residence, 14f.fi S Ettlne st Hnlemn mas of requiem Church of St Oabrlel 10J A. M prerlsely Int Hely Cress Cem. WARWICK. At her late resilience, 8S82I Wayn ave . en June 3 1022, MARY A. WARWICK Relatives and friends nre In vited te the serve en Monday afternoon at 1' o'clock at the church of the Hely Apostles. 21st nnd Christian streets Interment ,,rwElS. June 2, 1022. JOHN WEIS. Rla. five and friends, also the societies of which h was a member are Invited te attend funeral. Tues , H A. M residence, pal pgas vunk ave. Solemn mass of requiem at St. Paul's Church 0.30 A M. preclsely. iBt., Hely Cress , WHITAI.I. OARRIOUES. HARRY. See Garrlgues notice WHITE June . MAROARET I., daugh ter of late Rlrhurd and Ellen White at har residence, 6110 SpringHeld nve. Netice of funeral later. WOODINO June 3. DAISY S , daughtar of the late Jehn and Mary Weeding Rela tives nnd friend Jehn Armstrong Council.. Vn 21 S. and D. of A and Camn Ne 203, p. e e? A nre Invited te funeral serv. e Tues 2 30 P M. residen.e. 2.I0B N, Cetnradn st Int pt YOUNO On June 3. 1022, EDWARD D. YOtJNO. of 4(1111 Westminster ave, Funeral services en Wednesday afternoon, at 2:10 i, Icek. at the Oliver H Balr Bide.. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment at Mt. Vernen Cemetery PARCEL POST i-vr Knrrr ijentat. Ut. IVIWOJCO HPKCIAUfjf Originator In this rlty of "SWEET AIR" Method of Painlex Extraction of Teeth ,Safe as sleep Ne pain or n.,nrer. Just the thing for nervous people. re in errectn fellow Its us us Ne llrunchea. Ne connection with any office of similar name. Established since 1D00. Personally in charge. S. E. Cor. 7th & Market Sti. Fermerlv en staff of prominent Hetpital m- SLIP COVERS A They Should Be Made. With Your Material or Cheese rrem Our Larue selection of Imported and Demestic Designs, at whelesile prices Phene Wal. 1500 for samples Upholstery Soliciting Brass Beds Rrtnrqiierci! CROWN L'PIIOIJsTKRINU COMPANY Backed by 40 years experience S30-32-34 WAI.M'T ST. PIANOS 55 up. HOWARD VINCENT, rmi'vj fi30 t0 840 Ng 0th .street,fc HOWARD VINCENT PIANOS 830-3e-840-812-84 1-840 N". (Itu Street t Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agencies and Lest and Found Advertising will be found en Page 28 iiiiimiiuiiiiiiiiiiiriBiiiiiiiiiiiiin Investment Houses Six houses in the vicinity of Fair; (5 rooms, bath and peich; net ltrr. Phene Gtwn. 5432 W or Lembard 43G7. ra.i.inirattifliiiiiiiLiifii'iiiiriiiiw IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 93U Roje' st li room, perch e!ec i3,r0( Mis E tvliii. er (I rfKims. shed . S.rtOO 2120 E ( 'u He I 0 rooms shed -t.OOO S.K II . uin.va ' v. 'ns isjrih Mnr- n.OOO 7ill E T uca al 7r KitniKe pch S.OOO 4782 04 R..OS-V .1 Bud 10r vch aur 11, SOO MANN, G & POTTER STS. 19TH ST. BELOW CHESTNUT LOT lbxllO FIN N-I ED J. CUTLER FULLER 10 S. 18TH STREET Valuable Central Property 112 S. 20th Street WIT 23xS() FT MAGEE & P0DGERS ,., , rvfl UT fc.T '200 LOf t ST nT . I'RUCE 0207-OIGi 315 SOUTH 16 -I STREET Ten rooms 2 hatha, elf le Unlit, snlendld locailen fir pnys cian. rl uu'ie reasonable. J. CUTLER'. ULLER I 10 S. 1 8TH STREET ! " "504 S. 2D STREET i FOR COMMISSION MERCHANT DOCIC STREET SECTION j MAGEE & R0DGERS I 1200 LOOtiST ST BPRECE 0207-OWy I 659-661 North 12th Street WIT Jiitl2 FEET 1DEAI W)l ATION FOR OARAQS OR OARAU1J bTATIU.N MAirr s MAliLL & ,,, 1 ,,r-i H-e st ' -" LO( l si r-T R0DGERS HPRUOIS 0207-0201 IUIII AND vlKl.fc.-N au.oue st, ft., near Parkway and Beseul-Centennlal, suit- hle fur mfK of uny kind, garase serv. itutieii mnvlnv pictures, no restrictions. JOSEPH FELDMAN '.'Oil LINCOLN Bf.nO 4806 ROOSEVELT BLVD. Modern semi-detached resl.l nee, all iimv.nleuces. aarane will sacrifice, IRVING SHUTTLEW0RTH il.M KB.N'BI.NIJTON' AVE. 1200 LOCH'Tr MT. HPHlirf Q3OT v,. . P M pirents "' """ l,rlv"'- f REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j CITY 'Sli!i:iliIII.HI!lllll!illlllWlllll!ll!millllll.ljl!l 1 1 rnTi i iriTi i cTTrsrsn a i iv nurwn -win eint-H- W; Ct)lt APPLETREEt LOT 2lxlOT II h "' ' MAGEE & R0DGE$S MM .A"U.I t3a'l'rH '. 1 -'I '1 m S1W 1 ( $ ""a ,S m Ml m m H yp m mmMmm&rmikkmx J i '? r, ttrM 'i , '.'Jl m&-wLZ& '.Jtl.j , VAnKi