ii O WWiiA H tftsffMlKSst PsJfiPffiBfeSS,.! I K" . t '( immwr'' W'f ftW i ttfsv- mm Ml m r? p" . 4 29. P BAKHMETEFF QUITS ; RUSSIAN EMBASSY iwt sssaw iFJnanclat Attache te Continue Liquidation of Contracts - i I... - Mixer June ju HUGHES GAVE HINT TO GO fly tlie Associated Press ,.lp tn,ftil..,.m,trnl system belnc per- WaaIiIiicIeii. ,!nnc ii. Recognition footed for riilluilelpliln. I entlri f Beris Haklimclcfl ns UiiHelnii Amb.i- nrUimil with this rlty It N ilealgnt"! trier te tlu 1 'lilted Htntci. which con- 'te huiiiHe the problem peculiar licrc. tfiined despite the cnllnpse live i-ars and consist "f mulii or "mantel" age of the Kerensy (Je eminent which traffic-control towers, working in mil appointed him. will cease after .Tunc 30. I ion with small local signals a all street Mr. Hakhmeteff has been notified of Interactions, this decision of the American ftevern- i Council's Snfetv Cemmlitee has re Bient in a letter from Hecrctary ltuglies. ported favorably te the Flniimv Cem rcpljlng te a communication from the mittce au appropriation of $."0,000 te Ambassador. In uhiili the latter, stnt- -tart the s.tem. and Superintendent of Inff that his chief function in recent months of linuldatini: property claims trewing out of the war was new about completed, had offered te retire MieuM the Washington Oecrnnicnt de'lrc It. The correspondence, published teilm . wns dated late In April, nfter Senater lierali had challenged the Ambassa der's dtatus, long the subject of con- troversy. in connection with attempt te hall him before a Senate committee Ttfl .l.,.i L.frtrt n.t.1 lliA L.iDPitfni! k k'UUI III.- IChlVI ,lltl 1.1' ' ' ' V....' reply, however, antulate the climax .f the Sennte discussion of the subject. during which charges weie produced bv Senater Hernh of mi-use of Russian Embassy funds, of which cegnl.ance Is i,n i., n v,.i,,,.. ., i..tt..f.Q hntemi Secretary Hughes and Secretary Mellen, cf th Treasury Department, made pub- lie with the ether correspondence. Giving a ditalled Matement of the embassy's expenditures. Mr. Mellen de dared that tlie SIYTJJW.WU advanced by the United States wns "ued selelj for the purchase of obligations of the Russian Government in accordance with the Llbert Lean acts." Te permit the negotiations te he car ried te completion. Secretary Hughes in formed Mr. Hakhmeteff that, upon h. retirement. Seige t'ghet tinanua! at tache of the uuibHssy, would continue te enjoy a dlnleiuatii statu GERMANY NEEDSLEAGUE, VON BERNSJORFF STATES Says Admission Is Essential if Genea Ideas Are Accomplished Vcrlin, June Count en Hern- terff, former Ambasnde" t th" I'nlted States, in the Heersen Courier ex pressed the belief that the results of the Itrpflsp.l thi hpllef that the results of the "" i' '- ' ".... ... . ..- , " Mrri , ui .mu u., wiuuu-- iiinciinc. r-'r'- . . .. . ,, i ....u,. .. i.u, .... CZS!iir.fLl,i' these men will begnen facilities that .,. until every one is thoroughly had nothing te de with the Ward made acute the ouestlen of (.ermanv's i wl" tn,rease their efficiency. fnn.iiar with the new system. I Peters mjstery. a. t ' - .. ..t... . ' lm 1A rilllllltKV tl Lilt' II (J f -IiA I no 1 t..il... Tl. il. . t . 1 admittance te the League of Nations He fears the results achieved at the conference will be pliued in jeep.irdy If Germany continues te be excluded from the League, as many problems dis cussed nt Genea would logically be re ferred te the "League for further action 9 "Vc therefore must strive te effect ter admittance te the League, ulbeit In a. manner eentting our eignitj ns a nation." sajs Count en Herntterff. i- As Germany cannot Intrust her In- i terests In the League te ether nations. 1 the former Ambassador proposes that Preat Britain sponsor (iermuuj's cause at Geneva by officiating as her god ged god xaether. He siiggests as a requisite condition te Gcruian's acceptance into the League that her status as one of the major Powers lie ou. hs.ifed her, as It was at Genea. Discussing the problem of a foreign lean. Count von Hernsterif su.vs that American support will be forthcoming only If American peace polities are accepted nbrnnd He believes an In ternational financial transaction la beled "Disarmament Lean" would find active favor. Valentine decision today Les Angeles Judge te Pass en Big amy Charge Les Angeles. June ii Hv A P I Whether Bodelph Valentine, motion picture actor, will be held t answer in the SuiTler Court of Les Angele- County te a cnarge f bigamv wns te be determined today by Justice of thei"11" H -Killed operative, will be Pence .T. Walter Hiinbv. who presided ! .place, nr strategical points, te be se t the actor's meliminarv heurlng com- plete.1 Saturdaj. The charge grew out of Valentine's .marrlnge Mny IK .it MeMcall. Mexico, te'Mlss U lnlfred lluilnut lifer he had obtained nn Interim uterj deer, f ,11-1 .force from Miss Jean Ackei, which de- cree, the prosecution charges, had net become final. Following the heurlng Judge Hiinbv took the case under ad visement and announced he would ren der his decllen tedav rhlraee. June ii. Mme. Alln N'nzi Mni.. mni'tnn nlrthipn nnl.n.j ...1.a ,..n s M,uv.., ,,(.'fh t..n,'- u.v ,vu, win sought a3 a witness at the heurlng of bigamy charges against Bodelph Vu. ciuiuu. imsjs,-u wiiuuKii iiit'aj;u .vesier- day en her wuy te New Yerk. She de- nled she had sought te avoid appearance In ceuit. She said she had waited te be called nnd that when she had receive no summons had ,lp.irt..d for the East te appear In u new pn-t ire. OBJECTS TO BIRTHDAY FINE Philadelphia Motorist in Camden Tells Finds Plea Ineffective TJiree me ensts were fined bv Be- cerder Sta.kheuse in ( .imden teuav .n.e' -..M'A ... 7-,..r U;n ,I,P i.V.V" old, Hsie iseutli 1 eurth street. 1 hlla- delphla, was tine, Si.', for speeding en Mount Ephrnini avenue "Jildge," lie said, "don't fine me to te dav: It is Important that jeu den t line me." Whj ," inquire, the Itecerder. "Because It's my blrthduj I hate te start the new jear with a fin" " "l-ltteen ueuars, sum me jie, order "Then give me a receipt, demand d Bhubln "lour release is your receipt." vvai the llecerder n icplj ion by the putielman en dutj at the in- Maker McNe.nar. thirty-three vears dividual standards or semaphores at Id, of Langhorne. Pa . was fined $10 the crossings. for passing a traffic line. Henrv; M. "Here is where the human element Tayler. 1LM0 Seuth Third street Cum- reim-s tn. If nothing ever occurred. n. wns fined $Je for driving without just the big towers would de. Hut license. things de occur. Automobiles collide, tiris break out, men and women some BOATHOUSES POPULAR times collapse in the street. I I be only man who can cope with I this emerpenev Is the trnffie mentlmfm Celonies In Jersey Expected te Ex - ceed These In Recent Years . w, . . .. . ... f.Jne,eri' ' 'V' JV" ''-T1 .V, big towers de net knew unjthlng alxnit ? - 'llcAlhe colonies ure booming again this h, T1 ,,.. (liiea, sendina the surees 1 summer with the rush of families f rem I ,' tT$. uVand down the cltv and , &lJ?JU.Ll ' "t.S ln ?.?r"U I buckward aid forward "acres's T Jju! & MXitZu I V .5 ",' "uv"if. K VWlb rents nnd the continued hCarcltf 'fCfieuses and upartmentshuve nlse been onsieie ier tne rnpiu tilling up or summer sneiters. athoiise und cottage colonies the rlvcrfreut and also en tqs and lakes in inland Houth IV Will odd thousands te the sum- s population of this region. The mil, nuuu win permit enure lunu - i te close up their city homes or move f'HC rented Anartinents nml htrlk LWa epMialr.llfe in Jersey. ,pnaeipai aoatneusc colonies In L.t ,.' 6w.'i.n".Eerc, yMMHtvTT C7T 1LL ?4Z)r TO TEST UNIFIED TRAFFIC CONTROL Master Towers Will Regulate Flew of Vehicles and Pedes trians in Central Section JPiW AWjc Them te Move Si multaneously Throughout City's Busy Thoroughfares Police Mills at last see.s the successful! Uewerlng of his dream of ear I Nelmdj seems te be against the s)s tern Al! the bickerings eer parking limits ire foreign te the great plan te control all the tralhe of the central serfi, n of the clt east ind west. nor. h an I s.puth. nt one time .New Yerk I.llics I'l.in New Yerk has , xpenmnnted with h a .Wem in a meditied form and , , , , .. ... ",,u has one weiklng along HI h m;- It has just appropriated N-'eO.) Ml fr t '" extension of the ;)t.'in. Hie arrangement planned for. l'hlUdelphla. """' , .V " ,l"l "' , .1 ' or that of Detroit, or of any etlier " It w ill he the Hist time an city j ' the world has uttempteil control of all " K1"-''" arteiles of traffic In the heuit of th.. clt s muttaneeii I urther. the new sjhttin here will link up in the most Ingenious manner mechanical control with the huniun element, us teprcsented bj 1'hiladelphl.i's elhelcnt and highly trained traffic patrolmen Te begin win. all traffic In the cen tral congested zone, hitween both meis as fur south as Federal street ami scwral mi!,- north of Market stree , will be under control of the sM,.in j Extension will be as simple as the ex- leii-iup ei a teiepaene line The traffic in all directions will be controlled e.jslly and tit the snine time, with th's Important exception small poitiens of the traffic stmiins may he controlled lndeiendentl wheneer local londitlens render It netissarj. In this case the tiaffic stteain will he dHerted above and below the point of dis turbnnre. Tniffic patrolmen nt street lnttr lnttr sectlens will be kept en duty at their old pest- I lie enl dllterence win tie f !.., -i i.- 1...1 " 1 At present these me,, ate ielnted. I'.uch stands upon llN own ( emer. i with his old-fashioned band semapheie. j and he tan only .ontrel the traffic that I cresses Ills lntersettien It thele is a ' collision or a. lire, he hus no means of j signaling thnt fact te ether pests along the line Thus traffic hemines se con gested it Is almost impossible te un- scramble. 1 he tile risk alone resulting from jammed streets is tremendous, f as no hre engine could pelbly get through 'te n file in such n contingency, The new traffic-control equlpun nt will be as follews: Every tin the patrol- , man, liistiad of his little hand sema phore, will have one showing thtee I colors of electric lights thieugii power i fill lenses. These lights will be auto I matlc, but will also be (enti oiled by push buttons nn the poles that held them aloft nbeve the tratln. Each slgn.ll pest will be equipped with .1 telephone. While tint toleis of the lights have net jet been detei mined that bein,; lett te the Hureau of etunuanis nt v asiungten it Is as -nniuil fur llm tiiMtvi.s.. ,.t nviJiitiurlnn -v.i( - nil. lfVltlJlf-T SJi tMIHllltl"li that white means "hi nhe.irl." ml means step" and gieen means "iiiutien." mere win tc nve iii "master 'ewers nt City Hall one n't the north entrance, one at the eut. ethers at th south, west and at the Parkway (iitrjnce. Thv-e tevvtrs will control tintiic in the directions in which they fui e. Other "m.istei towers." ench i . ... i located that moterisw. pedctruins and "ej'la "v, tiatte men en dutv at the sinuii lights alwavs be in siht of nne In either "wtruun hupeunt, mlent Mills expl.nned today J,lhr hew the whole network of large ami small towers will work. B;;iS,B."f,,'r thr,re "ren'; I'" " rd.nB nd "man. , "Mrs. Walter S. Ward has been sub- aid, will be s,.nt fiem one of the , n , " rh-nlr0 -ituntiens such peenne, but as a matter of law she naln towers a, City Hall t all ether P0'hels lv takinHhS '"' lle iwc,i te tdl nytblii ewers and nil semaphores ut crossings. ,, ' ,l .'sbutn themselves that may have been told te her in con cen ,ne,USl!,s?U""',ilie.hlj:".al " 'R" "" the that parties, both parties, are what they fidence In her husband. Among the ma tow I north ami south streets .Vll truffle tinrtVi nnil .nit.h l.Anr.n ---. ..u. ". ... u,i. nvuid ncnnii 'he two rivers will move at once, up . or down. In parallel lreui All east -"m "ci. imtiii-, iiefevur i muy ut, j W'U eme te u full step Pedestrians j ! also will cress if they are going neith j ,jr sei th. , All Netlfkd at Same Time ' Thtn attt.- a pcued of a minute 'IT tWO. Will Kline the 'culitlmi' ui,.r,,.l .. ........ ir.i.f... .et us su.v it is L-reen. All rlffht. nun llashes Pedestrians who have nlrendv stiir.iij te iress the strtets see green en the smnll lights ut the intersections where the traffic patielmen stdnd, anil fileV I. tillW thl.V tir,,n ,,,.... t ,. ......I. L... ,!,.., .1(,,. Wr 'Bed.' or 'Step.' shows persons about te step off the cub would , b," u,kW l" wau- f"r r"' 'n seen, show and the traffic , unrnt tlunL-e "Ihfti the tide of traffic turns and ever thing east and west moves, velutu- lar and feet tiaffic. Then the , luinge te north and south agulu. "Iletnember. when the big towers gut the signals the same jignuls show up en mr mun ui miu'i tiuerseciiens, where emimheres new stand. Nn tar s. imml lillf rememher tlire... ...nail u, ....!., .te w,lle they automatically ntltct. the same colors as the big towers, can be ,.i,nn,i ., ..m .v, .....i.i.. ' .. ,.... 'at the intersection. New let us assume I "'ere Is it firc.sav.ar Bread street and! (i Irani avenue. Irallie experts In the there b new nn nd vidua preb cm nt , Ijreud street unil Girard avenue ruU S,r l """ Ulrar" aven,1P , i an icieimene vnrninS , "There the traffic putrelman. If Ids light shows 'white,' or 'Ge Ahead,' for north and south traffic, switches It nt onto te red, or 'Step. Then he tele- i nhnnes the nearest fnvim ttrnf ,..-. Is a big lire at his Mation. At once these towers phone the traffic putrelmen at the proper corners, nnd all traffic te ianu irem ine unecieu zone is cut off and diverted. That leaves the streets .tone armin.l thu ttra "When the lire is ever and hose lines are up, the patrolman phones the news, 2 v - -r's "- -' s,,Wujj miq newa mreusa i aeaSiacaJi) "! J'rVWfTi "3e,f'?ttlwi irttt 2BI2KS"Va5!K ervi?..."..thdr PS T" mm r mnmm mn - : . l t EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER flPHlUADELPHIA", MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1922 s inrinj ' " ''' n s i 1 1 u .P fc .Sketch of "master tower" which will control all trufile in central section of city of a minute or a mil the flew In either dir Wear track ahead. along, within the of a minute or a minute and n half for rcctlen. That means latrttijtu ,lni (1 sneed limits, tins't i-emers. sure nothing will Interfere with them until the next step s irnnl. Thei may wait longer between signals, but thev will mere than make it up en the straightaway nciess street intersec tions Then. ten. the i Minion sisnni. tw i nlwnjs comes before the signnl te step, Wnrn's motorists as well ns pedestrians. Phpy nut their feet en the brake nnd. while the de net step, they knew thej ' will get the signal at the next corner, ( Cietize is one of the men connected with se they are prepaid!. the YV'nrd-Pcters case. He bases this "Just ut City Hall, where traffic flews I opinion en the surgeon's verdict con in se manv directions, extra -ignals ' cernlng his wound. Peters was killed will have te be set up. 'traffic lanes' May 10: the surgeons say the bullet will hac te be painted en the street entered Cieuzo's arm net mere than a for the unions turns, and the public, i week age. there as elsewhere, will have te be edu- Vei v.i .m x? v .nied hew te take advantage of the new ,, ",lt,"enl from N s. -t( in ' j The detectives are convinced that the ' "This campaign of education will be I prisoner wns connected with' some ether undertaken In the newspapers, in the case at least, nnd may prove a valuable street cars and by various advertise- I nave nothing te sa.v as te the sort ' nf lrtntrfnr Initrrg tlinf ere Tint u,i Tim , ,.,,, t0 Council. City electricians will nrnlmbk- ntlen.l in the wlrlntr. Alremlv I n mlmb'Cr of tower and semaphore de- .,-, have been sent in by business , finn. hut nethlnir definite ns te their I - . ----- a - - ..-. (haracter has et been decided. "As for trelley cars, their steps and ...... .... .. -.....;-. .... starts will net be long enough te block I traffic, even it vehicles are tiewlng un tprriii.tedlv within n rlenr znne. in lllc, is n treHey with n passenger who wants te get out or get in. Of course, judgment must be ecreied, anil cars must net be held tee long." - - Lasker Genie of Ship Subsidy Bill Continue from Pace1 One skill in landing in well with peliti- inns When .Mr. Lasker arrived here tralght from success in the business!,. .verld the politicians looked nskance at ' 11)111 fro pure are the politicians thnt ilwavs dread contamination bv ""'J successful business men. They regard them with suspicion as persons who have "pu something ever." measured '" mn"J dollars, and who are likely ui w, I'uiitiiK uiiiiKs uvn in uiut'e Mr Linker gained their confidence much as Mr. Baiuch did. The Ship ping Heard head has a talent for pub licity. He likes te de things with a nourish. He raptures the imagination ,f ' ; . f slevv moving of the '' '?. "?.., I '-.r...?w,J'?gr"r, ? nni run in in ri re tiia iinnv niiiinn Z..l.. .."'i .'.". L. J mii i. J,i.. .,.... nil(nlt ... lHsidcs he . us Mr Harding said, n live wire. It will be interesting te see what effect all this force, this talent for pnhlicltv, this capacity te stir the im agination has upon the inert inus en the hill. Leadership there is beyond lure in Washington. i h - i, ,,,-, -,,, nrw'i 'JOA LS V OR HAKDlnG SHIP BUILDING PLAN Washington, .rune 5. (By A. P. ) President Harding's suggestion te Heuse numbers that speedy action be had en the Administration's ship sub sidy bill meeu the nppreval of Senater Jenes, f Washington, who today de- I flared the Executive "fully justified in ,..... .Un. tf-nr.nfi(IC rtOLU f .....ilf.fr the program nt this) session "It is net for me te tell the Presl- dent what te de." Mr. Jene-s s,,,,. Th situation renulrcK hrm action. U" ' should ndvise Congress that it raunl ! act en ihe bill. If it reje, u it well ' and geed. The respensibilltj will be clear. AVe knew his views. He, need I net attempt te control our judgment, I but he is fully justified In insisting upon our doing enu iiuiig or me eiuer If tins session should adjourn without action, it should be called into extra session Immediately te de it and the President should let us knew thnt this will be done." The Washington Sennter declnred thnt te postpone the legislation until next winter would be te threw nwny the chance for America te take her place en the seas. WOMEN WORKERS MEET Trade Union League of America Begins Five-Day Convention Waukegan, III.. June 5. (By A. P.) Means of combating wage reductions for women In industry, shorter hours, child labor and unemployment will come before the eighth biennial convention of the National Women's Trade Union League of America which opened here today. The convention will last five days. Women from all pnrts of the county representing their sex in nil bronches of Industry were umnng the delegates. Mrs. Baymond Bobbins, president of the Chicago Women's Trade Union League, presided. New child labor legislation, demanded slncn the Invalidation of sections of the Federal statute, will be one of the most Important features of the convention, Mrs. Bobbins said. FRO.M FAR-OFF CHINA 8rclal new cblel from ucti trained eorrpendnt as Hedges. Heka and Hlcka. keen our foreign nws pass up te data en a atate of flua. Only en feature of thi niurjiiBuun .,.,, ,, llm n.iian. nnw ;ii Ward Suspect Tries te Escape Continued from V&tt On case and establish his connection with some ether. Refused (e Talk Detective Oelden tried for n half hour before the prisoner was removed from his cell In the station house te get a statement from him. Cicuze was n patient at the Samaritan Hespltnl until yeMcr.lny. under treatment for a gangrenous bullet wound of the arm, which first n' te his being held ns a possible participant in the Wnrd-Pctcrh case. Though the surgeons probed for n bullet, hoping te find It and estab lish the caliber and character of the gun from which it wan fired, they could find none. There is no point of exit, and this led the surgeons nnd police te suspect that the prisoner had "ope rated" en the nrm himself, removing the bullet, and peslbly In this wny get the Infection. He wns sufficiently improved yesterday te be returned te his cell nt the Twenty-second street and Hunting Parle avenue station. Te all questions he made the same leply. in n monotonous veice: "Thev doublc-cresed ine they double-crossed me." Fer half an hour the detective kept up his cress-fire with the same i monotonous refrain ns the only result. Cicuze pored up nhd down the nar row iron-barred cell, nnd scvcial 'times struck hit head against the iron bars. He nlse "butted" the wooden sleeping eencu once or twice, tne uctecttves said. Afraid te Drink Ice Water , As further evidence of the prisoner's nereusness, both liespital and station house reported that it was difficult te make him eat. He seemed suspicious I of feed placed before him, and would I net touch It until It hud been tasted j first by some one else. 1 Just before he was taken te the patrol tins morning tiiu turnkey in tlic sta tien house offered him a run of Icp "ll,,-'r'1 " ,ni, was thirsty, but seemcu nirniu te erinK. no neiu tne cup close te his nose, sniffed nt the water, looked at It and took n small sip it s nil right go ahead nnd drink it. the turnkey said reassuringly. Fin- "".v Cieuzn put the cup te his lips and n't(," another hesitant sip drnlned it off thirstily. Lieutenant Helshaw doubts that capture even if it be shown that he Detect v T.e lumm of im Pmint An ....!.. rnHnH 1...H....A.1 t 1 tin,, nf rie.Un'. i,ntnrnni T tl V .i,e ,lsnn.. ,!!, i. i.... u ,i.i fellow" in a blackmailers' mob which e.ht ,.Im,,1 d h !e,eetu-e .1 r,inrnln At !.,., 1 I ..l.,e ti.w-i...... ierilillh 'l II UIK I . I1LIIIIIUII illllll VjI- llill iii.i j. this morning, and decided he was net the man wuntcd. Pinkeiten detectives arrived from New ierk today te leek Cleuze ewr. Ne representative of Ulstrlct Attorney Weeks of Westchester County, New Yolk, are here jet. A telegram was received from Chief of Police I'elard, of Wakefield. Mass., j where Cicuze said he lived. The chief wired that the man was known there, and lived en Nehnnt street. Anether wire came from n woman who signed herself Cieuzo's wife, inquiring as te - his wound. . A telegram was sent today te Greens burg, Pu., In nn eftert te get confir mation or denial of Cieuzo's claim that he wns emplejcd as n strike breaking detective by the Republic Iren and Ceal ,. WARD GRAND JURY HEARING TOMORROW Whlte Plains, N. V.. June 5.- fBy A. P.) The .lune grand jury, empan eled today, declined te hear evidence in the Ward sheeting ense. after Count Judge William Blnkelv, who charged it, I'dnted out that he formerly had heen , n law partner of Jehn F. Brennen. of . ...s ........... -..--. ,-, -- - --.- - Yenkirs counsel for Walter S. Ward It thereupon was decided te issue un emergency call for the May grand jury, which has net jet lieen discharged. His tilet Attorney Weeks plans te submit the ense te the May jurors tomeriow. Discussing the witnesses te be called, .Mr. eelts said: ether witnesses will be Lulu Barrows and Amy Mild, who nre servants In the Ward home; members of the State po lice and persons who discovered the bedv of Peters in the Chnppaqna read : Chief Cedy, of the New Bechelle Police Department, and some ethers." Injured by Feul Ball A B. Hart, 42 Marlyn read, Over brook, was struck by n foul ball while watching a same yesterday near ('ald ('ald ingeon, Delaware Ceuntj, and knocked unconscious. He wns treated at the Mlserlcerdia Hospital. "DEFORE leaving for your summer home in the mountains, country or seashore, be certain te ar range te have the Evening Public Ledger mailed te you every day. The Evening Public Ledger, with its home news, page of pictures, comics, woman's pages, stories, recipes, sports news, financial pages and ether daily features te please every member of the family, will make your sojourn from the city all the mere enjoyable. Telephena or send ln your summer subscription new, for one, two or three months, the period you will be away, and reoalve your faverlta newspaper re ularly with your dally mall. Summer Subscription Rates l me. net, s mes. Psklic LJr (Mera'f) Me 1.20 $1.80 Paslie Udfsr iSssdsy) 50c 1.00 1.50 Public Ltdsr(Evcsla() 50c 1.00 1.50 Hummer epbeertptlena may b tntcred br the week. Forward your Summer Subscription with remittance te circulation Depart ment, Publle I.edaer Company, todsasnd tedsasnd nca, Square. Pfilladelphls. . ' v . mi i ; ii m' i i ' - nn. w , VttAMA .vsMfsK.W. iHl -lfc Tries te Free Sen MRS. EDWARD CUNNINGHAM Mether of James ,1. Cunningham, Is expected te bring habeas corpus proceedings te obtain the release of her son from the White Plains Tall, where he has been held since the startling revelations he made in connection with the. Ward murder cese. Mrs. Cunningham says her son's story Ii untrue In several Important details NORTHCLIFFE SAYS GERMAN BIRTH RAJEJSJJERRIFIC" France, However, Shows Continued Decrease In Population Londen, June B. (By A. P.) The TJn.cs announces that Lord Nerthcllffe has just concluded an incognito tour of the Ilhincland, using n pseudonym because of German animosity (eward him owing te his work ns director of propaganda during the war. Lord NerthcllUc sajs he Interviewed scores of Germans, many of them extremely hostile, but did net encounter n single unpleasant incident. He considers the prosperity of the Rhineland equal te that of any country in the world nnd describes the birth rate as "terrific." Paris, June ii. (By A. P.) A de cided drop in the birth rate in January, February and March Is shown in statis tics from eighteen departments of the republic, repiesentlng mere than one fifth the total population of France. Deaths exceed births by about 13 per cent slBBSHSSStisflsHSIShkSSSSs9S rv p-P- Gh ATLANTIC pump en the read TOU are traveling Quality, Uniformity and "Obtainability" these are the things the thoughtful motorist leeks for when deciding upon the gasoline te use. Fer he knows that they are vitally essential te maximum carburetor efficiency and long-lived meter smoothness. He gets all three, in positive and un stinted measure, when he uses Atlantic. Atlantic is one gasoline you can rely upon te be always geed uniformly clean, lively full-powered! It does net vary; never disappoints. It vaporizes easily, and its complete "chain of boiling points" assures sure-fire ignition and complete combustion under every lead, speed and temperature. Atlantic is correct for present-day meters. And once you adept Atlantic you can always be sure of being able te obtain a supply when the need arises. Ne ether gasoline in the State has a distribution se widespread and complete. ATLANTIC Leve Beasts Last Werd of Andersen Continued from Pane One was "vnln," but she declared that the "roster of loves" was the collection of the names of nil the girls and women Andersen had met since the day that he graduated from the grammar school nt Thirtieth nnd Nerrls streets. The dead man's aunt revealed also Hint the "B" referred te In n letter Andersen received from his father n few hours before his death was his i-sccend wife, from whom she said he had been separated because of her alleged jealousy. Was Warned of "B" The young man's father had told him that if "H" should locate him he should "get nwny euick." "When she left here," the father wrote, "she swore she would find ou if It took jars. Yeu knew I heard her threaten te kill you en two occasions." "Frank was a vain sort of chnp t.n tnnJ ( flMil ltn tftt tit (11 lllmtielf ( I1U 1UVCU Ml Vllf uctbVI luiill niH4j,i 1 It was vanity that caused him te jet down in his notebook the name of every woman that he met, because he thought that by showing It te ether women he could make them jealous," Bald Mrs. Sllnenian. "I have known him ever since he wns a little baby, nnd n kinder boy never lived. He was always very affectionate and sincere. "His only trouble was women. He wns a line-looking chap nnd I don't Im agine thnt the women gave him a let of rest. "Frank mny have been a perfect lever, but It wen with five women nnd net fifty-one, ns nppenred en the list thnt wns found In his room. Twe of these five he married. The last one killed him. "We ennnet stand two shocks nt such clese Intervals," snld the father today. "The sheeting has already prostrated Mrs. Andersen, and it is only by force of mind that I am able te stand this shock. Probably after n while, when all this terrible affair has quieted down and we become nermnl again, if thnt Is possible, we will wnd for our boy's body nnd have It interred in the family plot." Marriage is Admitted Mr. Andersen admitted this morning his son had been married te a young Wenitin whose home is in Sullivan. Ind. despite previous reports and dentals of his ucing mnrricu. jeung Anucrsen married In Iudlnna immediately follow ing the wnr. He met the girl while he was en war duty In an Indinun aviation tield. After the wedding the couple came Hast and resided here with his parents Yeung Andersen then became a member of the Tntein-Shields Pest. American Legien, of this place, and his name is en the borough memorial monument. When his wife beenmc seriously ill eves an wASULINE WePepinYrMotet Leve Beasts Fatal 1. & A. Photes FRANK W. ANDERSON Colllngsweod. N. !., musician nnd former Phllalelphlaii, who was hilled by Peggy Bcale In Kansas City when lie boosted of his love affairs and told her he was mar ried and could net keep his premise te make her Ills wife the ,two decided te go West again se she could he with her mother. Ander Ander eon Inter became connected with n de partment store In Knnsas City. Andersen wns n graduate of the Phil adelphia Menunl Training Scheel nnd of the Massachusetts Instltute of Technol ogy. When the family moved here from Philadelphia ten years age the boy re mained in thnt city until he enlisted nnd came here nfter the wnr. The family here never heard of Peggie Beal, the girl who did the sheeting. HAS33lTcHILP BORN Kentuckian Wed Seventh Wife In 1908 This Is Her Eighth Baby Harlan, Ky., June 5. Rebert Baker, eighty-four years old, it beenmc known yesterday, has become the father of his thirty-third child. Mrs. Baker, the mother, Is just ever her thirty-fifth year and she, tee, Is rejoicing, for, though her married life is only fourteen years in length, this wns her eighth child. When she and Baker married she was twenty-one nnd he was seventy. She is Baker's seventh wife, his sixth wife having died many years age while they wure en u ranch Baker owned near Seattle, Wash., nnd where he married the seventh mate. Baker says he is counting en excel lent health until he is ene hundred years old nt least. He is a native Kentuckian nnd operates a dairy. JSPWCATIONAT, JSffiijwt sVTRAVrR'C 'lb bit m-..-.. IT '.?."" ."? -M7 CHENTMnl1 ioinen tninnii, gfittr newT Ii A BUMMER Tuterinc for Celin aTT"? Law. Malier Vnp. MB H.'Yfri. "L i Yeant Mm una Befi CHESTER. PA. pennsyl Known for mere than a cnii,n. V Ideals and standard! f .In .duSltal" ,8r mi COLONEL CHARLES E. HYATT ! .wi.uW m. BALTSnURQ. PA "K I S K I" "cnoeT ...,.ii..... a. i M. FOR nova te srevv up out of diers. 200 acriikr,, , overieoKinr river, npeclal prcnara ceueKe ami lecnnicai aoheols. p,,:i nr system. All sports. IUte"8B0. SSafiS?'1 """"" . . DR. A . II. WILSON. JR., Pr,-,,,... Bes S86. Hall.burg. Pn. dwrt, Mr.noKRBnt'Re. pa. The Mercers burg Academ ! - sss. "'g&Jt&vr- Hesdmsater. tti-x Old "- BBI.LEFONTE, PA. Bellefonte Academy Lnited te it,, and up. 110th year. Ath. field I and sm-J'' th. field and ! siimiJ'' Calales. MMBi1 Imsater. H.iuH? J. I pem, meu, raie. catales. JAXirjiT? hunilKH. A.M.. nmdmsater. Hellg. NKWTey. y. j. fEWTOf ACAHKUV Military country school, beya ln ,. .. Mountain nna. lnKe region. 2 hour. " N. T. Established 18112. Catales " , l.e I,. Newton. N. j. CHATHAM. MARS. Chatham. Tralnlnr Scheel, Chatham T A Beutnern school thnt will arM.rT. Northern people. Rates. 805. Fer cataiL? ' and particulars address! len COL. A. II. CAAfDKN. Chatham T. Consult Publle Ledser Iiur?a'u WBBT NEWTON., MAsq. AIXEN CHALMKRH nrilnnt Fer Heys. West Newtenr M., poeLKavnAE. m. Rrlarler III1 Mllllu-r A. ,..- n. ... " Md. Select Cellese Preparatory mSX& Pevs of Character and AmbltlnnrereMaGI address! Cspt. . J. Ledffe. M. A.. IJ Vf ' Snnt. Consult Publle Ledsir n,:'.,!4 '' WAYNE8B0K0. V.4. FinnBURNE MILITARY BCIIOOLTwiyaal hore. n. Graduates admitted te 5 Point and Naval Academy without eiintT ' Hen. Rates. CO0. R. e. T. C W Department. Fer cataleaue and partlenuSi nrlHre... thin, Mn.... i i,..j.."SH.'f wayneabore, Va. Cenault Public lZZ .nt .vrinna, 1,1 I1UUK1U. fMm . Eurcau. ASHKV1LI.E. N. Q. Bingham Military Scheel I SANITATION 8AFKTV QTTiim Oldest Scheel for llnvi ln , ay....k Scheel that will appeal te Beys In the Nettt . n,H-..MU0 nuu x'riicuiars aearus: COL. 8. R. MeKEK. Supt. A.herllle. N. C. Consult Public Ledger Bureau Beth Sexes Schuylkill seiri.. Reading's Jr. Cel.. ResetS Pa. Prep. & Jr. College courses. Thru m,' of college work slven. New athletic Sail dlnlrur hall and Rdmlnlstratlnn bulMlss, WABBKN V. TEKL, A. M., D. D Pn BROOKLAWN. N. J. BROOKLAWN A country home for junior boys, 5 te It years: 21 minutes from Phlla. Healthful loe i iien. uesc xoea. meai Kducatlenal advanti tlen. Beat feed, mother care. Supervised plw. nuuuniiuini aavaniaaes. Aaan i!07 Chestnut street. Brooklawn as. Address Dlrtetar, ssSssatl m 1 LEONIA. N. J. OLT ORCHARD nOME SCHOOL Nr HKR, Ker healthy, normal children sid Rabies. Health flrat. Helected tort. Wrlte te Anna O. Noyes. Ienla, V. I consult meager Bureau. SKLINSOROVE. PA. T SDSaUelianna Cnlimllr. Snllnmrrme fl. Co-educatlenal In the Arts .nnd Sclineet. Beautiful and healthful environment!, ii- nress rnr cQiaies: w. T. Horten, Keilltfif. "umirar ocneoi opens June SB. WASmNOTON, D. C. CH IRO Learn thle new professions In I PRACTIC new. most pretnltlng ef l In Washington, the ntiles'l caeltAl. I7nrllMl mHnntam ( Mlf-suppertlns students. Ceeducadesal Aearrss, tne neensier. RILEY SCHOOL OF CHIROPRACTIC 1116 V Mtreet, Washington, D. C. THE COLUMBIA BNIV. OF PHYSICIAXI, Inc., City of Washington. Twe Ceswi , tnirepractlc 3 Pbyiie-Therapy Each of faeulty Is decreed In subject! Alt irncii. iigni scnoei is contlnneus. ws aim VOU In Nectlrlnr rnnvenlnl rnnmlnir nnd belli i rcanonneie prices. Day acnoel ksji" STJc1' ' ivs. writi li C. NHERMAN. Pres.. 819 14t K a tnn winklat jffW YORK CITY Columbia p""Pratery Scheel. Ders mJ 7 u,u,tt airls. Preparation for Al uniyerstties. West Point and Annapolis. nni wea-p fiartr ht Cerner West End Ave. Schuyler T LYNCHBPSO. VA. LYNCHBURG COLLEGE' LYNUUBUBO, VIRGINIA A standard Amerlran Cellesa efferteSSV usual opportunities te young men and wssM from the North. Rates. 880. Fer cstslsjsJ uu variicuiars aaaress; J. T. T. HCNDLEY, Pres., Lrnehbrnnj. Tk, consult Publle Ledger Bureau DAYTON. VA, 8UENANDOAII COLLEGLTE INSIRDIs nnd Scheel of Music, Dayton. Va. Jtshr Cellcce. Co-educatlenal. Rates, IZK 1300. We have a number of satisfied Nru em students. Exceptional advantages f" catalogue and particulars address Shssl deah Collegtate Instltute and Scheel f uusie. consult Publle Ledger Bureau. irr Yeung Women and (llrls CHAMBEBBBCBO. PA. PENN HALL Hchenl for slrla In Cumherlanri Vall.v. Tjma ftmML . Inss modern In every respect. Roem sallal of two with bath between. Larce O naslum, tile peel. Re'sulur & special courses. Oolf, hedter, Jej nis, basketball, horseback rtdlns, oteesa May each year spent at seashore; wertjs Kl:t&VTWYr ,T nwninwrwenrg. fa. nPNTINODON. PA. Jtnata Ceilese LlbOTal Am Ml General eelsnesW Musle. flcholastle and Rollsieus Idsw uenerai eejenwwr,; ta ilastle and ReUsJeus IdsW m Alse hlgb-a-rade AcadnV, UNT1NQDQN. PA. M emphasised. Alse hlgh-g nUNTlNQDOti LOWELL. MA88. ACADEMY OF NOTRE DAMB, AflUlated with Catholic Univ., High Scheel. Musle Art DeW address! The Superior. Academy 0 Deme. Lewell, trass. Consult Lifrss . NEWTON, MVWg. MOUNT TOA BCHOOL FOB ODUJi g 1 Summit St.. :wten, Mass. CnssU l MANAftSAg. VA. Eastern College Cenier?atT MANASSA& VA. Forty. nve ralnutea from Wash) frequent week-end excuMSens. tW inilkRM UlNa lllv l,,i.'Md1Ssn College Courses Fer eaisletfu sdftSJSl 1e President, Bex Z, Mansees uensuii i-uniie imager uureau iiwr; vvninjniiuw, r -i j )HH ACADEMY Affiliated "tgjij! University PraeUcal .sW-K atlen. Htandard and BIm AtArnm aimt Runerler, Awv WASniNOTON, P. C HOLY CROHH relhnlln llnl Intf Il!l1.ll(lnn iitenAnrt and Courses. Address Sister Superior. cress Academy. Washington. P. i;- PETEBHBITHi.. VA. H SOUTHERN COLLEGE ..-, r.,, . n,.L.- mnnn fllxu Year. , Special Training. ARTIII" l?j DAVIB, Af M Pres., PetersbiHXj1! BUMMEB CAMP -r- Veuns Weases and fllflj. feSw.ftsW n, njgj? 5Ss J3i mMMmimMm mr isumr 1 .trav cL ,11 .i.'. ,