Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 05, 1922, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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THE MASTER OF MAN :-: By Sir Hall Caine
An Outspoken and Moving Study of a Deep Sex Problem by the Noted Auth'w of "Tht
Manxman, c "- " "c "man meu uavesi ivie. etc.
.... pttiD emnv
XJS'itH. h'nVi i'? "yteMW !" .,.
ler'f rAym. . . .,. ,., mMMHehat
Wi Sff'iSSriStuuUintH hn.
I mlWKl I ASTAUt.KYA areal-htartnt and
'i?Juiil elrl tilth ndvanted Idea en
"rV.'.SSk"S She Kremea Imli'i
In the Valley of the Shadow
rtIOOD heavens, what does It nint-
(j ter? A He I" en,J' dnngcretis
vhen Itrffle' nmt ln,rm:" , . ,,
Stowell flwekc en (lie second dny after
the fwape putting liN situation te him
lf e Where was the harm If (Jell
vii auVpected? He lind jrene with Hi.'
Ionian he loved. He was happy. V lint
kauld Aliek enre nbeut the evil numc
'had left behind him?
"Then wlicre's the harm?" he asked
himself. . . ,
He would let thlngR re en ns usual
f ceur"C he would. Only he must mnke
Krt that the fugitive had Sjet clear
Remembering thnt he had' seen plac
ards of the Atlantic sailings in the
ftllwar atntlen, he wnlked ever te the
titien from the glen. It was all right
a bit Atlnntlc liner was timed te
mt Queenatewn nt 12 thnt day. It
vii new half-pnt 12. Oell and Bes
rf. mnM he nut en the open sen by this
I dme Menmlnit pnst Klnsalc where the
ilini DCIIIK ll-llfll mji, iu.imi.ri,
"Where's the harm?"
But Just nn he was leaving the stn stn
tien with n sense of security and even
triumph n trnin from Douglas drnw up
it the platform.
"The guard heuted something te the
ititlcn-mflftcr; and, looking back,
Btewell Mir n crowd gathering about a
frat-eliM carriage.
Homebody was being assisted te
alight. It was the Speaker. He was
ntttrly helpless. Hetween two members
of the Heuse of Keys the stricken man
wis half led. half carried te a deg-cart
that was waiting for him at the gate.
His mouth was agape, ills legs were
dranlag behind him, and his large
kinds mere shaken by senile trembling.
He did net speak, but ns lie went by lie
l gum
- arrest of Alick Oell for breaking prison
1 ,1'rocure mat gins release because
I did It."
What would happen then? The gov
ernor (he was just a man If n hard
one) would ay,
''In that case, you cannot be a judge
en this island nny longer."
Hut that would be all. Out of con
sideration for his daughter, and per
Jiaps for the man who was te beceme
his daughter's husband, the governor
would go no farther. Seme show he
might make of publishing the police
notice, but he would never send te a
foreign country.
There would be no scandal. The
public would knew nothing. They had
heard thnt the new TWmafer hnd been
unwell, and would be told that his !
health had broken down altogether, and
tie had nail te resign his office, it
would be n month's talk, and then
tlme would cover up the whole miser
able story in the merciful vein In which
it hides se many of our misdoings.
And Fenella? He would tell Fcnella
also. It would be u shock te her, but
she would be en his side new. She
would see thnt he had only tried te
prevent a judicial murder, te secure the
who, but
of tw
for hi
and co awar fiMn the Island, te Hwlt
2erland perhaps, and live there for the
rest of their lives.
"Yes. that' It. that's It," lie told
It was a cruel comforting like the
surgeon's knife, which, white taking
away a man's disease, takes nemc of Ills
life-bleed also.
He thought of his father, hew proud
the old Deemster had been of his judi
cial position and hew anxious that hit
Ben should succeed te It it was piti
ful. He thought of Fenella. whnt
great things they hnd planned te de
when he became a judge, nnd new nil
their hopes had fallen te dust and
ashes It was agenlalng.
Wat it necensnryf inevitable? Te
e unhappy creatures I be cast aside en life's highway in suf
im. would have been Bering and shame everlasting; te be
Alick Oell was In danger, then,
and the who situation was
sue the necessary warrant and nsslst
Farrcll te the 'distinguishing marks'
which may be necduful for Cell's Iden
tification. I knew there Is a certain
risk in reopening thin wretched Inquiry.
I had hoped te bury it once for all
when I decided en what you thought the
extreme step of sending, tht guilty
woman te the gallows. But law and
order must be upheld and the sooner
we can silence the people who arc
saying we are winking nt the corrup
tion of justice te spare the son of ,the
speaker and the friend of the Deemster,
the better for everybody.
"He here at 11. We (the attorney
and tim chief constable are coming) will
dc waiting for you.
Geed Lord, haven't
I'AII HnOfi Innir anm.mti nn.n. . lil.
nt U1U Iiui ej'tuni uw .- in- .ii v ill- .-- -... aw..n inuun ..viu,. uwm linn
looked up. and Stewcll felt that from ' hem-e anyway? If there arc strained
111 red eyes a mute malediction was relations between you and Fenella let
Mnr thrown at him
That He had done harm then ! Was
this the mystery of sin that It must
go oe and en, from consequence te con
sequence, deep its the sea and unsearch
able as the night ?
On returning te Hallamear, Stowell
fennd Janet in great ngltatien. Mrs.
Oell had sent across te ntk if Rubble
could run into Ramsey te fetch Dr
Cluras. The doctor had come and gene.
The Speaker had had n stroke. It was
Us lecend. The third would almost
(trtaialr prove fatal.
'All that day Stowell was shaken by
I chill terror. If the Speaker died
would Alick Gell come back te claim
til Inheritance? If se he would hear
it laid en all sides that he had killed
til father by the disgrace he had
breuftif en him.
What then? Would he tell the whole
truth under thnt terrible temptation
aad thus bring down Steucll himself te
ruin and extinction?
"But whnt nonsense I'm talking,"
thought Stowell.
Oell could never come back. licciuiM!
Bessie could never de se. Then who
mi te knew that it was n lie thnt Cell
Ui killed his father?
Buddenlv came the thought, "I am
te knew.'1
This fell en him like n thunderbolt.
Hew was he te marry Fenella with n
thought like thnt In his heart? It
would be with him night and day. He
night even blurt It out in hU sleep.
"AlMMin.' It was I who killed the old
Bin by letting that lie go en."
Feeling feverish and unable te re
main Indoors, he went out te walk en
t gravel path In front of the house.
The fresh air revived him nnd he took
PoiMMlen of himself again.
'If the Speaker dies it will be the
art of Ged." he thought.
He would be in no way responsible.
Mther would Gell. If rumor charged
tblMii with killing the father it would
t a He n damned He. manufactured
bj Fate, the great liar.
It wa net as if Gell were in any
MBier the danger of arrest, for in
Jtuce. That would be different. But
i.lj8 in no danger none whntever.
Therefore bury the thing! Burv it
laagoen ns usual." he told himself.
.J'1 jening was closing In. It was
Jwitlful and limpid. With n high
" Stowell was walking te and fro
niie path. Visions were rising be
"r l of Gell and Bessie Celllster
en the big liner, plowing their wny
i .1 "".ncmilg III run lO IIIIII
W continent "where the clouds sailed
.uV.'t-TT'011.11"11'1 Alexander nnd his
35 WlMbeth going out te , the new
erld te begin n new life.
He hurl ttklfi.. r t.' it. .
V. ii """'" "' riii'iin. toe: new
ll. n up ,0 Government Heuse
-uw morning. "Tell him le come
Sels.0 mc', Hhf MU'1 '" ''""'' nd
low he wenlri no ii... i i.
going te be " '" l' "e was
"waiter nil I've gene through."
tW.,LmE!f "P Ale Intexlca-
them .. ui, i ,"""ci psiien through
and TCn b"?fu n""nnt te a man
IrrtmZ. ,wh? lev' rtt('h ether-tha
quarrel rc(,nc!'Un after a
n?lS!.hi3 (nllcn' u wnR vefy
S "t n iJ Brk"""' everhend with
periaTSte:,ll,"tt!: ,lkn the whls-
AVdewa'am J!1I I the Rla"'' ,nflkl
titdrlT, eng the ,rce'' thnt bordered
tin .'
for Z". f.v:?,n'' Dempster!
them be faced snimrelv and stralahtencd
out nt once. Yours, etc..
"Brig.-Gen., K. C. B.
"1. S. Fenelln says you have a
photograph of Gell which was taken in
America some jears age. It is proba
bly the only one en the Island, nnd
therefore Invaluable te Farrell at this
moment. Bring it with you don't for
get." Stewcll was struck with stupor.
Alick Gell was in danger, then, and the
wneie situation was different.
Raising his eyes after reading the
Governer's letter he saw Gell'a photo
graph en the mnntelpiece In front of
him. At that sight a flame of passion
took possession of him, nnd, snatching
up the picture, he flung It in the fire.
"Ne, by Ged!" he said aloud. And
if Farrell ever asked him for "distin
guishing marks" toward Cell's .identifi
cation he would take him by the threat
nnd choke him.
Hut what about the warrant?. Any i
jnsuce or wie peace might issue it. hut
if the Governer asked him te de se
the request would be equal te a com
mand. Suppose he did, whnt would
be the result.' Bessie would he brought
back nnd executed. Worse thnn thnt.
even worse tir Its different wny, (Jell
would be arrested and tried perhaps b
hltn. and under his warrant !
""e, no. no! It would be a crime
a base, cowardly, infamous, abominable
The veins of his ferehen.t swelled
as he thought of the trinl. It would
be mere terrible than the ether one.
Te elt In judgment en nn innocent man.
being himself the guilty one net Jef
fries, or Brnxfield. or Branden or Hare
bottle or any of the bewigged barbarians
whose uaincM befouled the annals of
jurisprudence had done anything se
"Never," he thought. "Never in this
Yet what alternative had he? After
dinner (he had tried te eat te keep
up appearance before Janet) he drew
te the fire and tried te think things
out. He had sat long hours In pain,
and the fire had died down, when a
kind of melancholy peace came te him
and lie thought he saw whnt he had te
He had te get up early In the morn
ing, reach Government Heuse before
the ethers had nrrived, see the governor
alone and say te Mm In secret,
"I cannot issue this warrant for the
It a., l.-nii
tfrh.":i.mluP "e postman.
fiJ.n" ..,ou.
;..'"' ."""n th
A letter
Klllln." KHIrl
e etter. Hi. ,.,,i,i
e fl.1runei.M I.... . !--
inrge envelope n heavy
..A' ..' me r
xieoeaing rntnn ,.. i. ,'
I Hint, lll"
Mr. iTLZr " ""out that
'hat affair?"'
Utiri '. '?n,F- He's get himself
lat ,i,i ' "'. "' J'""le for lettln.
MS reusln .. ?r.,rm! e'8
VTmm'" he wn', ,wny tot,
':"?! Mr. Km,,,."
letter bv tin. iii.r ..
i . - . -I
it was trnin
tK. i. "ri
,r''mp en the iHn.n.
"' UOmrnr..
and ten. i ; ..""" 1,,tl he II-
m ilM?,h?el,W "" VO ,
wTTwr ""'K be thou, I " escaped
SJ fcerdlng teruu ' Uld ,nn'1 H'"l
l' but hi., .. v: Aim net she
!Wve t?n,i i. lm .K "verwhelmlne.
J5 .UW eu tl. ' "'J .."" te the deer
SH. te. i. "" "" y eveni,,. ,
l?town late h. "nK K,,,'ner left
uirdlV h. ., "I1"6 'ht. There
Mm ?r,JL.m nd wh?re
LUy"?' te.
The Family Who
Begged for Dessert
"I'd just like te make some ice
"ream for dinner tonight,'' said I
.Mrs. Graham ns she and Mrs. Ner- '
ten snl sewing en the perch one
nfternnen. "Rut my Ice cream al- I
ways turns out thin and watery." i
"Did jeu ever try making Ice crenm
with I'uddlne?" asked Mrs. Ner-
ten. J
"I think I hnve tried making it '
with ever thing under the sun!"
exclaimed Mrs. Graham,
"Pudillne inn Id's lee cream i
smooth nnd velvety," said Mrs.
Noiien. "You'll be delighted with
"Whnt is it?" said her friend.
"It's a prepared dessert." she
answered, "nnd mere. Yeu see, I
never had much success with mnk. I
lnz cornstarch nuddlnz. nnri one '
day somebody told me about Bud- ,
dine. New we almost live en It."
"Is it hard te make?'' inquired I
Mrs. Graham. I
"Oh, no; all jeii de Is te add '
sugar nnd milU, either fresh or
condensed, and boil three minutes,
It nlwn.xs turns out rigtht. I pour '
mine Inte n meld, and then when
it cools, have a firm, smooth des
sert, rich and creamy. And it's se '
pure and wholesome, I let the
children have as much of It as
they want," i
"What flavor is it?" said her
"Oh, jeii can get nny flavor jeu
like your favorite chocolate, va
nilln, orange or lemon and It's he
economical. Why, one 15c package
will serve 15 people, or jeu can
buy the 10e size."
"Hut iiii said something obeut
making ice cream with it," suld
Mrs. Graham,
"Yes, Indeed," answered Mrs.
Norten emphatically. "There Is
the simplest and finest recipe In I
the ruduine package. And as for
pie and cuke fillings well, jeu'll be
delighted with their richness and
A few days Inter the friends met.
"My dear," exclaimed .Mrs. Gra
ham, "I bought some I'uddlne and
made the most delicious lee cream
you ever tasted, and new my fam-
lly fairly begs, for a I'uddlne deatert
sssaa, 'iisaiism&a&tiA LajMS
Nene equal
our assort
ment h e w
ever targe in
ether lines.
It is
a pleasure
te show
Thresher Bres.
The Specialty Silk Stere
1322 Chestnut St.
Crepes de chine, canton crepes, Georgette crepes, crepe knit, reshanara
crepes, printed crepes de chine, printed foulards, chiffon taffetas, fibre
sport silks, cotton waists, silk waists, silk bloomers, silk petticoats
and kimonos.
We take pleasure in extending te you a cordial invitation te attend this great June
Clearance Sale of all broken assortments, discontinued lines, odd pieces and short
ends in our regular stocks as well as several very fortunate purchases of new and
staple silks very much below regular market prices. Remember we were the origina
tors of the specialty silk store idea in America twenty years age. Attempts te copy
us have been made from Maine te California. Yeu are familiar with the reliability
of our silks and the truly remarkable val ues offered in the past and we assure you
that this sale will net disappoint you. We wish te thank you for your loyal support
which has made possible the opening recently of our specialty silk store in Balti
more, Md., and -which new permits us te offer even greater values than ever before
throughout the year en account of an enlarged purchasing power for our four spe
cialty stores, located in
((Je jfeaffl Philadelphia, m Clevelancf Btdtimere))
We mention below a few of the many special values effered:
Slillr RAmnantc Six merths' accumulation of double-width remnants in many lengths
sau& nviuuHuw up te five yards.
(Quantities limited te each customer.)
Usual price $1.25 te S2.50 a yard.
Ne mail orders en remnants.
95c yd
36-Inch Imported White Habutal Wash Silk;
cool and serviceable for summer wear; made in
Japan and will launder perfectly.
Retail value, $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 $2.50 yd.
Sale price. 78(. 95c $1 25 $18S yd.
33-Inch Imported Japanese Pongee Waah Silk,
natural color only. Retail value $1.10 and
$1.75 yd. QQ & 1 1 C yd-
Sale price OOC J 1 1 D
32 and 36 Inch Striped Tub. Silk, in medium
weight, all-silk broadcloth, in a multitude of
color combinations; a most serviceable fabric
for waists, dresses, men's shirts and pajamas.
Retail value, $2.00 yd. tfyi CC yd.
Sale price tpl 00
40-Inch Crepes de Chine, in street and evening
shades. Retail value, $2.00 yd.
Sale price d or" yd.
35-Inch Black Satin Messalines, in a geed
weight, medium lustre, in fine weave, suitable
for waists, dresses, linings, etc.
Retail value,. $1.50 $2.00 $2.25 yd'.
Sale price.. g5c $1.10 $1.35
36-Inch Black Imported India Silk; cool and
serviceable; especially adapted for waists,
dresses, etc.
Retail value.. $1.25 $2.00 $2.50 yd.,
s.,.p,.... 8gc $U( $16Sl1
35-Inch Washable Satins, a most serviceable
fabric for undcrthings, etc.; in white and flesh
only. Ketail value, $1.75 yd. CI OC 'd-
sale price
40-Inch Crepes; five of our most popular
weaves, crepes de chine, canton crepes, faille
crepes, satin-face crystal canton crepe and
crepe meteor, in a geed line of colors, including
all the new shades and staple colors, suitable
for dresses, blouses, cape suits, etc. Retail
value, $2.95 te $3.50. d0 QE yd.
Sale price Pw .OO
40-Inch Printed Crepe de Chine, of a geed
weight, firm weave; the latest Newport and
Bimini, printed en dark and light backgrounds,
suitable for full dresses, blouses and linings.
Retail value, $3.00 yd. dQ Of" yd.
Sale price P&.30
40-Inch Canten, Satin Canten, Reshanara and
Chinchilla Crepes, in all the new shades, in
cluding cornflower, jade, periwinkle, California
rose, bobolink, fawn, henna, rust, tnehawk,
thrush, tile, brown, navy, black and white; a
suitable quality for street dresses, cape suits
and sport skirts.
Retail value, $3.25 $4.00 $5.00 yd.
s.1. price .. 52.35 $2.95 $3.65
36-Inch Chiffen Dress Taffeta, in plain and
changeable effects; street and evening shades,
including black and white. Re- ttl ng yd,
tail value, $2.00 yd. Sale price, P 1 iftO
40-Inch Twill Foulards, a geed weight: white
designs printed en navy and black backgrounds;
all new patterns; suitable for full dresses, coat
linings, eic. rteiau value, $z.uu al of yd.
yd. Sale price P 1 .afiO
36-Inch Crepe Knit and Spert Knit, the
new crepe knit, suitable for dresses, cape suits,
jackets and sport skirts, in all the new colors,
including yellow, cornflower, meadowlark,
brown, red, rose, henna, navy and black.
Retail value, $4.00 yd. j0 Jgj yd.
Sale price P6.0D
40-Inch, The Ace of Fibre Spert Satin, street
and evening shades, including all the new sport
coiers, pieniy or wnite, navy, brown and black.
Keiau value, fz.55 yd.
Sale price
$1.85 yd:
36-Inch Tricelette, made of high-grade fibre
silk, in a full line of colors; most serviceable
fabric for scarfs, dresses, sweaters, etc.
Retail value, $1.75 yd. CI OC yd.
Sale price P 1 tJ
40-Inch Spert Fibre Silk, including nearlv all
the trade-mark brands, such as Du kist, 'kum
si kum sa and silk whey; street and evening
shades, plain and fancy effects; correct material
for sport skirts, etc. Retail vnlue, $4.00 te
$5.00 yd. 0 QC & C5 QC yd.
Sale price ....P.70 p0.t70
Thresher Bres, spool silk, guaranteed one hundred yards, full in weight and as
geed as any brand en the market at 20c spool. Sale price
Thresher Bres, large spool of sewing silk, black and white
spool Sale price
lO. spool
M. ,
Retail value, $1.25 QE- spool
Splendid Assortment of French Voile and Ba
tiste Waists, lingerie and tailored styles. Retail
value up te $5.50.
Sale price
Odd Let of Georgette Crepe Waists, some hand
embroidered models, ethers with real filet lace,
0 rC i ii' :.," . wnue aise street snades and black.
ibZ.VD Retail value, $10.00. CEO.C
Sale price 0.v3
Crepe de Chine Striped Tub Silks and Georgette
Waists, a splendid variety of styles. Retail
value up te $8.00. CQ QE
Sale price PJ.y O
""?' J'0' of Handsome Georgette Crepe
Waists, beaded and hand-embroidered models;
mu,3t .?een t0 be appreciated. Retail
value, $12.00. a.
Sale price JJ ,UD
Plain and Changeable Chiffen Taffeta and Satin
Messaline Silk Petticoats, splendid assortment
of colors; made from a geed quality of chiffon
taffeta (generous widths). Retail CO 7C
value, $4.50. Sale price P6.0
All-Silk Jersey Petticoats, made with accordion
pleated and tucked flounces, in the new spring
models and colorings. Retail (e qj
value, $6,00. Sale price P3.f )
Polaris Stripe Silk Petticoats, made from our
own silks in our own workrooms, in very at-
Krt.S?? " 8hade3 tfi pi
Sale price $5.95
Ju ?l!k Pet1t,lceat8' new straight-line models,
also an excellent quality of English sateen
petticeata, white only Retail Cl7E
value, $3.96. Sale price pl.75
Mail Orders Filled Premptly0"' "'.' 1IdV d,r'?,,e, i,red' ,e iM "0"'" "d
""" ,u"Iftrprieal attention tatWrw,Biftl,t, ,f , ,.,.,, .
in Silk
Thresher Brethe
Bosten Sten
' jjjj
.1322 Chestnut St.
Cleveland Stere
, 114JcHi Avt
Walnut 2035
' Baltimore Ster.
t4w ;,JL7 W. Lxiift it J
like a wretched ship that lies at the the library he sat at the desk under his
bottom of the sen, Rwaylng te the mother's picture and wrote
ground-swell below, and meaning; like "I'lenm call me nt Mx, I must take
a lout soul te the meanr of the ether the first train te Douglas,"
wrecks in the womb e( the eccaii? i He was laying thU en the table en
It was net as if he hnd Injured nny- rlie landing, lighting his candle and
body. He had done harm te nohelv I"'"'." out the lump, lien h heard
and nothing. Yet he mut de whnt he I wlcc'!J '"L c"f" C,1,,V,Y em.1 IC"
hnd thought of. There was no help for , "Sfg,' hVthlML
. ; ,. . , ,, 1 of night? Candle In hand he went
,U w",nit0,i ',""SP,0'(1 1wfl" down and opened the deer. .
nalecp The lnj?fle he had been t Wm Je-liua Searff.
crouching ever had fallen te aahes en
the hearth. He was shivering nnd he! Te be continued tomorrow
get up te go te bed. Before lenvlng trnpurtehl, toil, Htemotlenal Maemlne Ce.)
RtJiiri?R nr 'Ii'
Special Machinery
General Machine Werk
122 N. Sixth Street
Trlrphenri Market SMI
If ff Tafllll
aff CTarMp&Vjr M
W'mi& . mM
i Cf ( A C f f
We are Moving te Our
New Heme Today
Te the left is pictured our
newly completed executive
building, into which we are
moving our offices today.
Here in this beautiful new
building will be housed the
very heart of our gigantic or
ganization; from here will be
guided the reins that stretch
out ever the four States of
Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
Delaware and Maryland,
where our hundreds upon hun
dreds of Grocery Stores and
Meat Markets are located.
Executive Offices 19th and Hamilton Sts.
Just Overlooking the Parkway
Our Stores Will Clese Every Wednesday at LOO P. M.
throughout June, July and August. This is te afford our faithful clerks and cashiers an
opportunity te enjoy some recreation while the beautiful summertime is with us.
One Grade One Blend One Price the Bet Cup Yeu Ever Drank
OSCO Coffee
A combination of high-grade coffees from the best
cultivated plantations in the tropics. Try a cup of this
golden brown brew of goodness with the rich, rare aroma and delicious
flavor you'll taste the difference!
Cut te
Asce Evaporated Milk
Just Dure rich cow's milk. evaDeratpH in Vi mniiinv r.r ,-, -v xi.u;
added. Absolutely pure as gentle old "Bessy" gives it.
Mere Big Values
Aiee Y.llnw Cern Ml..
A.ee Hrvdlea Raliln. . . ,
Temtar Vrntrvrt . .
Rich t'rtmmy Che...
Geld Seal Fleer
Fancy Caekrd Spinach . ,
Crlip NweM Plckl.
Aure Cld.r Vinegar .
. ... pk 4c
pkr ItHc
Jar 20e
... . lb tie
,15-lb bas S7c
. . bit: can 18c
bet 10c
bet ls
Breakfast Suggestions
Asee Cern Flake.
Geld Heal Oat.
2-Mlnete. Wheat Feed
RaUlen tlreakfaat Feed . . . .
Shredded Wheat ,DUealt . . .
Yellow Cllm Sliced I'eachef..
f'.llf. reneheii (halre.)
Norway Mackerel . . ,
3 pkg. XOe
pkg He
pk lie
bic pk- ate
pk lie
big can tee
ean tile. tB.
each Se, 7e, ISr
Every pound of this exquisite butter con
tains the pure rich Pasteurized cream from ten
quarts of milk. Have you ever tasted it? Small wonder it is
known as "the finest butter in America."
Richland Butter
Our second best only because the incomparable Leuella is se wonderfully geed
lb 42c
Fresh Country
Every one guaranteed.
AsVAflsf Carten
EGGS ftwelve
The biggest of the new-laid eggs
Victer Bread
WtsSk Bi&
!tl ww 'ifflrWT Leai
Made by master
bakers who tnW
genuine pride in their art.
Victer Kauin Bread, 'e0, 10c
Raisins are very healthful.
'4-ib 1 Oc SSS
pkg I f- w'iKtii
M, mad IIm-dbiHi
W Id
1 10 pKg 23c; lb nktr 45c
Asce India Ceylon, Orange
Pekoe and Old Country Stvle
arc best for iced tea. Twe ether delectable
blends Plain Black and Mixed.
All 5c Pkgs.
N. B. C.
Uneeda Biscuit
N. B. C. Harlequin Nabisco lb ng
Wafers C
Nice for the child
All 13c Pkgs.
10c pk
N. B. C. Spiced
ASCO CernRtarrri
Asce Vanilla Extract
wr sold separately
Preserving Needs
Maaen Quart .lam . dot 79e
?,?.,,n-,,,n, J"r" d"
Jelly Tarubler ,, 40c
Jar Rubber, (douhle lip) ,el 7e
Parewax . , pkt 10f
Asce Cornstarch at
Beth for
1 2?c
5c per pkg. and Vanilla Extract nt 20c per bottle.
Ke. price
7c pkr
ll. price
28e bet
Ginger Ale
Reet lleer and Saraapnrlllii nt
mne price, r.mpij liettlea r.
nrrmrii n, ie encn.
Blue Monday Aids
Swiff. Snap Seap cake IHr
Star S.ap . . eake Sc
r. (1. Vaphtha Seap .cake Be
Aero tmraunla bet Be
Aece Uliiln . . het 7c
Waahlnc Heda 8 lh. I Or
Tuesday Meat Specials V,Tyi&
Breast ' 15C
Neck i" 20c
Shoulders ' 28c
Legs of
,'" 42c
I Summer
I Sausage,
I Vi ,b 10c
Small Skin-Back Regular Hams
Rack Chops Ib 35c
Rib Chops ,b 50c
Lein Chops ......... Ib 60c
" i"i 'rVfrrWmjtj
re) lb
,b 13c
H lb
w " 12c
Theae pricta effect!? 1 eur Phlln
Camden and auburlMia If sMMtat, MarkaU
if 31
h -
Zt V
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3w v TiwrsrrfzP'
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iMivitri'i( lai: ' iiimwUa
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