fflE DANCING MASTER ay hub i Ai.tiLs . . . Auther of "Tht Phnntem Lew," "A Baehtler Huiband," "Th On UrtwanUJ," ,c. nWHOjN THE STOR Wrrlta death of a "r-rfi mm te Londen te mane ZjiinibV dancing. f " onveTOy, ohandtem vpung WV?' :,, t0 make a f-rten.un-. - ... f0 no SSi'M. J wer "once e fl iSfvT Roytten' aancxng penner. 8S?YUABOK, Elizabeth', nekIM ffirSBNESTlS, a noted ballet WALTER BNBAT IT, a country lai,t in &' Elizabeth. -X Hwrt Wm Bursting With PJn WZ .. .h. let herself Inte the silent '.- n,l stumbled upstairs In EL dirk she was saying ever end Mht ,rB,. i, t,rt In a frantic ffiJFw "it I"' oed.bjr really! !". ."i Mm ncnln tomorrow be- LT it n't Reed-by really." Sit was he only means by which juce?ld beat down the despair that "?""-. R(cl!tg came the ffing . fVrnoen Iloysten had net HIJ and madarae declared that fifti In a desperate hurry and could 7tt net one moment. :f''Httrry! Hurry, men enfant I" she 'iitfKlIy te Elizabeth. "Heavens! MUM "' . t. w.gte In 'EW 00d:!l,. H shall mis, you horribly," she A.. j .it i.i, rnii weren't going. tUri Silcmn means all right, but she Eft you. and the doctor says I may !?.: L .11. here for weeks and weeks I'll come and see you often," Ellwbcth sold quickly; but Netta shook "'They' won't let you," she prophe sy i'nd nfter a little while you wen t want litre, run te. Oh. I knew what It wilt be! run along; that woman's shriek - It was addressed, shrugged her shoulders- and consigned It te the waste paper basket. Iloysten did net enter at all Inte her scheme of things. The same fate befell the only let ter Elizabeth wrote te Netta, arid she Imagined that ' they had net been answered because Roysten and Netta uuu nu mure nine in wunie ever ner. And the fact mode her cling the mere te Mme. 8cncstls nnd she began te grew almost fend of -the French woman. "She's all I have in the world," Elizabeth was always' reminding her self. '"I must like her! I just roust!" Se sne worked conscientiously and did her utmost te please, but the salt had gene out of life. Even the many new) frocks which madame had chosen for her only awakened a passing enthusiasm. Al though she did net realize it, she had only wished te wear pretty clothes se that Roysten might see her as 'he saw the ether women of the world, nnd new he was no longer with her It mattered very little what she were. But today madame wan unusually particular about Elizabeth's toilet; she kept coming into the room when the girl was dressing and complaining and criticizing. "Yeu arc tee pale, tee trlste. Where are your rose, ma petite?" She considered Elizabeth for a moment with her head en one side, and then went off like a whirlwind te her own room, returning with some rouge. When Elizabeth objected, she stamped a high -heeled shoe at her. And who Is the mistress, I ask you?" she demanded. "Is It you, or Is It I? err well; then you de as I tell you." She put a little color Inte the girl's cheeks, and seemed well pleased with the result. "Ab, new! Mlstalre Far mer he recognize his country rose, is It net?" she said, nodding her head rigorously. Elizabeth glanced at herself In the glass and quickly away again. V hat would Pnt Roysten think If he saw her? she wondered. She cared less than nothing what tarmer thought of her. She greeted him cold y when he arrived. He had brought his own enr, an extravagant ly smart affair enameled In palest gray nnd upholstered te match. Elizabeth thought It perfection; she told him thnt she had never ridden In Mich comfort In her. life. "It must no wonderful te have one of your very own," she said. He looked down at her. "Well, whv net? he asked. "Tbere are ethers te be get, I -assure you, or you nre only tee welcome te the use of mine whenever you like. I wltl teach you te drive." There was nn air of ownership In the way he spoke, nnd Elizabeth shrank from him a little. "Oh, no, thank you," she said quick ly, "I should be tee frightened te drive. anyway.'1 He. laughed. "I shall ask madarae If I may net give you lessens," he said. "After all" he stepped abrupt ly, struck by a certain coldness In the girl's face, and hurriedly changed the subject, asking hew the dancing was progressing. Elizabeth sighed. "I de my best, but It's much mera difficult than I thought," she admitted. "They are net working you tee hard?" he asked. "I will net have you worked tee hard," and again that lit tle note crept into his voice which Eliz abeth vaguely resented. "Oh, no," she said. She glanced bnck at Mme. Scnestls, who had taken the back seat of the car uncomplain ingly, and wished it was possible for them te change places. She never felt nt her ease with Farn.er. He saw the glunce and misinter preted it. "Hew Did you Get te Knew Nell?" "She cannot hear what wu ure say ing," he said In un undertone, "and I nunt te talk te you. Will you luucn with me alone one day?" She flushed nervously. "Oh. I couldn't." "Why net?" He frowned. He was net used te having his invitations se emphatically refused. Elizabeth shook her bend. "I don't knew at least, I don't think mudatne would like it." "I will manage her," be said lightly, "If that's all you're worrying about." It was net all that she was worry lug about, although she did net like te say se, but they reached the res taurant before there was time for fur ther conversation. Elizabeth kept close te Mme. Senestu ns they walked down th 1nn room ; her nervousness Increased when she i-aw at a table quite close te theirs her cousin Delly, lunching with the same rather vupld youth who had escorted her te the dunce. Uelly saw Kilzubpth nt once, and a itf-fer you again." xney aissea nur SdlT. "I think Pat might have looked fatewish you geed luck Netta edded ; "It's like a man ie iurci. --.. ... jjthtll tell him what I think of him when I de see him." ""'It doesn't matter," Elizabeth sold ; iat hn tears wero falling when she Ma dewntnlrs te Mme. Senestls. Tine Frenchwoman looked at ner with a comical expression mi ur uucti Eh. but crying!" she said, with an jaettduleus drawl. "And why for, may en be permitted te nsk? I it net ftit the geed times come new for .you, MtlteJ" She learned ever and tried te ms up Elizabeth's tears with her atari1 lace handkerchief. "Ah! she i tee tender-hearted, the peer baby i Wi mult forgive her, is It net se?" .Elizabeth was ashamed. She stepped muif. but her heart was bursting with pain and bitterness. He might have come, she was tell JBfhertelf broken-heartedly, he might hart come! Thi next few days were the unbap unbap plett Elizabeth bad ever spent. Every -tllnx seemed a burden, everything an efert; even dancing, wnicn site uuerea, waned te have le&t its joy. The sound at, a waltz tune brought all foolish Mtn te her eyes; the longed with all Mr uul te be back with Keysten. .'ft could net get used te the erratic ljl of the house ; there was nothing regular In its management. Mme. Se zjettla had a French housekeeper who adored her, and wlie thought everything the did and fold perfection, and they WtT hnth thnr-iMMrh ftnhitiiilnna ritiii tuuddler. Meals were at the oddest tunes, and at any times. Seme mora mera Up madame would take it Inte her head tp rise nt 0, and make Elizabeth je the same, in order te practice be fore breakfast, nnd nt ether times she did net appear until Inte in the day. '"Yeu think I uni mad eh?' she JU te Elizabeth once. 'Teut! What would you? 1 de as 1 like, thnt au." But She Hindi- Kllxnhnth wnrlr kIir WiUld nllnw no linlf-mcnRiires, no ncy danelng, only the dreary monot menot monet ?r of physical exercise. Swedish drill w Interminable ground work. Yeu wish te run before you can Villi ' she ncPIISI'll (he trl r.nn an. fi ': ."Jlr- Hnvsten, we have him te JMM for this, hey? Hut no! Veu ft Back! Vm learn again, one step Ultimo in,,. .. i..n " i...i ..:. Hi neMl"K nt nil from me." There Wtrf llmnu ,vl.n L'lt..(ik,.,l. fOUld have thrown 'linrSMlf .Wn nn 'Ptj times when she felt hhe could ' "ut,h of amazed anger crossed her face, '"struck Mme. Senesti in sheer1 Mme.' Scnestls touched Ellzabeth't .-criien times when she was se , arln- . .... .... "Bit aewn, peine, ane aaiu Hearpiy. "At what Is it you are looking?" "My cousin she Is ever there at the next table." Farrr.er laughed. "Yes, I saw her. I fancy that nei ther you nor I are in her geed books just at present, Miss Cenycrs." He paid Elizabeth extravagant atten tion during lunch; he hardly spoke te Mine, fcenestis, and, te Elizabeth's net urcu mat kWh cAnmiui t.A i.. j. u H?. ,hl.n '" ,lie wrW, and yet, SL52le. f ". n"' Rh" knw he w8 PM'eMlng: knew that Roysten had Dfia rlffhf nli,... I. ....,, ,l V-...I. ""in iic cuiieu me rencn nemun n innrrei All Forts uf nm...r i.A.U ... J . L . """'e: inailnine hcemcd W knew atim.M v,.r, one In Un- wLr.'f ?.!!' '''""Kl't. There bnitir.i ' . """ 'lanuiiica men; hhe would veuld you ! im! s ,'r,'s"'eil wmiifii and women I amazement, the Frenchwoman did uW i!!."lrei '.'i""1 "" t,Pir fa-cs thun eem te mind. 'ey hHil rlethi's i tl,..!.. !..... i. . i. ' Oni". wlnn Farmer nail lfe i Common Mirt uf mn ...I... .. 'i ..,..! I tn nnawr n ln,KHJHf. thyf vim hrnuuhf en.v ,.i.i. ;;.""".""" "B'l'-'i "wu.i i : ,;;" -i" :. "r" ...z:.. c. "irrmr: lflm' ,' v. ni'iiesns anil with H '? 1-HmIm-Hi raving angrily, Km?, (,r,"'nd, a bright spot Then iu,k' '?'' wh,,e "' h" . liSein . T 'IS,,)r,n "" ftnJ d,,wn 7 fwm ami iniic nt n ,.... ,...i,... ,: nuae, throwing he? Ii uiwn f VB ner "cn, and ca 5aTiL,,i.n."n.t' wltnesa that nh ; 7,. V "". Mtera she i,t"" '" er ner fees. A I must live! Whi.t w weu iii - .i , :"""-. wlthnher n,Z. ,u ,aT.e nt Kllzabeth W whatM-A. , i "' wcre responsible (Nell v Z '""l "nnnyed madame. NV ntn r 'er ,,'n,, net l,t,en te the "ft a iiu.i-,,1,,. ",,,:" e Hierii- te e"8 w,1"n ,nllne bed Win. t' "' "" te Elizabeth all n. Hl, . 'a..!."""' e hav,. n lll "V. Kill. -.1.1 -- IITOl 5ffiL,..i! ElluKell. a . ?Ie. b J"'Mlf"! sbe did net want Sh2! ..She I.!" new nnJ --"-""I nruriy mree !LWM nccemnn '? .F-Pencb ''"""keeper nnInit.t 5pc2k,te l',v' Vttely V.C80"pa.n W her. The girl had , !ly flushed. "Yeu l0Dr.e",C(,J' at first, but new it njrW"y. l""n l yU- U." fatK!,e?med te matter all the room te stare." kU'JT? "a'I said sh Wni,i Sjf,- I. ?-dfJr them te him, she Hjiekc rather sharply Elizabeth. "Yeu are net nice te Mlstulre Far mer. Yeu must be! I insist! Think what he does for you." Elizabeth drew buck In amazement. "Net nice te him? Why. I I don't like him," she stuiiunered. Madame shrugged her shoulders. "Yeu like, or you de net like, what does It matter?" she usked coldly. "He pay, that Is all te trouble you." A waiter came te Elizabeth just then; be carried a neta en u tray. "Fer eii, please, miss." Elizabeth flushed iih she took it up; hhe knew it was from I Jelly before she read the penciled lines. "I want te speuk te you. Will you come te in) table for u moment, or will you meet me Heii.rwliere ulter wan! THE,GUMPS-Oh, Girh! MCVA. fM VltlUMf TO ivuir cms- 50,oeott ft mur AM WW Of MH TIME - Met Ce . K 9W At THAT VOUb et NWOBv; T - A8fc "TMAVf NOT ALU - A -n. Twrtuwrt "t and THE rH.9T CHAMCt OM A 6 000 PArADNO RWCi- ; i z rr ..'', MiUiHggga By SMney HHH r ... ........... -I . . mmrmmmrmT?xzZ'mi'mnnZ2Zam!m- - " . i ll v x w k uul &a.. rtic Biur. nna ihm i i x mw V I VLt, MIWtRK- $P "ncKlT, OV V? VWAT WILL TME ' AU ?PHB INVHt m i VI (.w." pp TMeiTT- '' "wi ' v I w ' S "t?PW,W CHUNK OF -tJcwiiwiNW fK 3M0W t Wit vw-uein ;ent t 1liKil i W'Wi'm ft -enm-lGHY SWKT WOULO QUACt BO Vf A 10 6' AT E 0N? I AUN ., J TZ- ' & ) "fOOn. rM6EFi WCH MOfte BtCOMWHy H v ' "' -v- V J I " vi V nmn a hhw m a hockhef.M Li -r r ; J y sl I, . bm. .LagH ijFrrs- mi .v. "r 'vfc un u ...a wi , v . jl . t v ii ui ii iii hh w i -m w m t. w v ki mr w u-te.bv ml biw kr i. r m .u . ....b. W.MM IB II Fill M .1 . Ill , 111 I 1BB1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 W - M T M M ttt W . I mBB I in 1 Fl l U rV1 r fir . M I IB Vslr9 Vaui feUf!! .gagasasasaH g If lsaawJ L. aS. A '7 VMHV K tip W 'W iT- 'f I ' - , - -v : : : nwn-urea u. a. pumt offle. -By Hatward - . . . . . . J SOMEBODY'S STENOG Explanations, Happiness and a L eving Father DEAR POPPED- I kWtW EPf THE. EVP?ESSI0 M Ht0? &T&WH&M I ASKEb Tt3tJ FH? MOWEV'THAT 1tU VMOLH.bsHE.LPMC. I KAXVJ IT VA5 UUST'4lftORtPUfF(Jl-WAV WHEW TOO WCKEWMt lQT"THE. SAFe. I lAJteEI'R)Cht)0POfPE YOU JU6T MBAJC I WAS T HELP MVSE.-F.Yiy A X?WE?". -f" THAAItfSV- VMCL. I . ' l- THEf?ESTHE LETTER f THEAl - ITS OT I p1 OF COUf?SE. AT ' ( Sf Ff PBWV f MY ?0H ' - I Tbf?6eT'' "W TirS VfSSS-I-. fl-TBEMARR.ED? HOAteR AT fi T1E AAV SHE WAVE! -f ' ' rJ?lIHli V ?.v.?".rrwnci 'Tjv srs.Te: er,r r ? : , rii r..7-n ? r iTVAuusT'TdeRtFfFfjhWAv -, (SteRTIEVAnWntAKD I AlfiT 60IA16 Te j . ' ' 7,' ALL "THI5 TIME I OH fT" ASKED MB TO Bft MAID BLEAVE ME? p WT2L S jj AAY PbOR IW HOCBHT V yd gsa- 'r - .aj v rtfe -- ir r-r; SSSrJ -1 KkZ9m kST ' Yfl -i-i-H r SiryA. - y" ) The Yeung Lady Acress the. Way - -The young lady across the way says one thing her father has learned Is that he needs plenty of sleep and there are few nights when bedlam doesn't reign with him after 0 o'clock. THE NFW TRAFFIC WHISTT.E Bf FONTAINE FOX SW-. '"SS :a 6 I . 'iV .Tc xr t &&? is ii w -.-. - i . SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG Z s Z, F " c ? .ru " -" ,. N V- f iC-t-v i-kVva ww vv -- , x v e G PETEYThe First Day at the Beach 5f I Uf t fiwt I 7 vy t wfiMSPIV P0H HlSrBi. ) W ntst''6-. ' WP By C.A. Voight you V" te. "Mlstulre Farmer He take us out Mme. Kcne.nls wan watching rurleus- ly, and Elizabeth handed her the note. "What shall I de " she asked. Madame Bhrugged her idieuldem. "She is your cousin, you say ; go nnd speak te her." Elizabeth crossed the room reluctant ly ; the vapid-faced youth, had gene, und Delly indicated his empty chair. "Please sit down," I can only Ptuy u i.i -If you was what she was after. hep ai.i -i. t.-i wwsm can sit down. nless you want Elizabeth obeyed. Farmer bad re joined Mine, Senestls, and she kuew they were both watching her, Delly knew it, tee, and her lips trembled when she began te speak. "What are you doing with Neil Far ,raer?" v , ' lt L...l A 1.. U ft f" IIU. JU iT. .'.J' LA. t- kkew hlK? tu Mbr with aUCctilty tiut PUr mM , cmIm)m rtim.y 1 PCSS Hi .!: 'w J,x'.wT.rv :'Hw,4W yMti wcw , . . . . . iisw ' -M fiffirvfN i nfti siiV i t Li illi ',j Wk-nllfnV .nA -vv n i n imPMl ' - ' mMw&WW 1 flik Li mrr ' fSBm, wM ii IN Pimm bM ' TiaEk. W m Bsm k I flKJUST P W H lP ft EM K i . v;, ii m or - juv wi ,i i ii"r l 7r ? - lxv -" i . diii GASOLINE ALLEY It Hands Walt a Laugh ; : ; ; . . By King STwut, Let Me TAek,P-is-s--- walt, Cot a no. ThatA WHERe CetN, E?u ) IliiPrt r,P.i i. "v i ----1 ' tl OUPiPE WRENCH IVvA , I WILL FIT THAT ? MRS. Ir -W k.-e- iuj J'" I i nxiNCr we bDUN(S. 1 fe. ) i Jbio-Sem-s fmdr ever te cbv a A A W when - -- , J ' lsSTCM ON MRS BLOS.OM'.i ? I A LIS LOOSE 7 OUAGT OF Oil. FOB WELL OFF I JTrf? - JMK ; fer -vifc Ja i ii. z:? V MfKi Bu?ss" , f&S J 7 7 '8 ss -X Jcr K', r;t v V 1 , l ri S K mW1 W WwWi m J NIELKrr r . k. 39 S 'B Sk. V lull BUH h Jt? ,) Vi MrSN. I I iOr iy ','i.H s B AJ mWW VH Hva ' i J .i H ,a' WAfCir-----r - iiiK frH., & A Jw F Rjf'sl "M it - ' ir3r vfv j -W-HL , . -r- .at?-L . , Ammmwr.v . "- mti'tx C:mmm I. j -vj,B A mM-. BVk-P 1 v -P- 3BI MmrZifW ' tw t---"-t"IVj " T .r ( C vtfr- i vif ' i. tf4Uii-H ... 4--H-A IH--Eh I -ElO- A&,Nr rr, k AlHBteti;Vi . iffr.v!w J,Wmm ilrf!H- l ";:-:KDr. . twlPWr - i T Wi Tll" fc 'fK.U . -. T 1.l,. p-r- - ' M 1 l flSysi