GOING TO FILT '3 sRWILL SHE FIN ALL Y BECOME McCORMICKS BRIDEi m ?;p Wcage's Famous "I Will, I Won't" Heiress in Europe, While ffinjw eunur aajj iviuon-reiTponea w eaaing surety will )e in September Left Him "IVaiting at Church," But Heir te riarvesier i rust mtuiens Persists in (Juest &$& , ,; ? BssslLsgsgssH. m gSBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaSaB K aafafaTafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafa 'CligagagagagagagagagaHl Bgafggggggggggjiggggggggggggg v'waaeaaggafggggggafag- . BBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaSaB -' BaBaBaBBH' BBBaBaBaBaSaMnBaisaBaBaBaB , W aBaBaBaSai. wi IT would YU ie U ne rl 70U ,eved and wPt4 th H 70U aiert had turned yett down three times, once at the vary altar? That if what pretty Mary Landen Baker has done te young Alllster HfclfeCemtck. W' And WW W0U1U xuu an u you were me laeiwea uaujrntfli' oz one ei Wi wealthiest families in tfta land ana aeungf parents, insisted upon an !,!Lm" th another family Just like your own and you could net make S, -" fl' i-J a- -- l.Mn.k 4t fT ibijwf "" - - '-' '- l, you might de Just what Mary did. KL I jg-t AnyheWi 'He unicagw neirem nsa gene dbck upon ner wera just ence wlLuat and new announces that the wedding set ''surely and positively" for BTAf'tSan in May, "or perhaps June," has been postponed until September. ji still trailing along, h . . laaA ;v,"i j Bsa" S.'K AHliter fjtkf hit best te Win his elusive VmHL but without the success in his 1E5i.I affairs that his relatives ftf wL had in shutting off competition ' '-uifc tha '.'Harvester Trust." 5,' It' JMacft rVeisVffnf Geiwi StfH te Make Debtt RIARY spoiled a real spectacle when he failed te show up for her wedding in January. Te begin with, it .was te have been the most fashionable wedding of the season, but that was net all the wedding gown was te have been of solid black. The whole thing was te have been done in the Italian manner, that is te say, the maid of honor was te have walked slowly down the aisle ahead of the bride, and carrying a lighted candle. VHB nv ,....- --, And her I ius one mere perti- Met query: wnat weum ju uv ' IfTeu.were a nanasame, amng 'i'tui netted young actor, and you .-. kd the daughter of one of the ettkefeller oil trust" xamiues, ana tiaJ veu were net of the bleed fffersl, or whatever they call it, and (artd hsr, ana mayee sne ievea you, lad all that sort of thing, and it just Mtldnt be done. What would YOU ' Wl, Barry Baxter, the actor, Jii His friends said his heart was snken. His physician said he died 'sf the result of an accident en the fat. '"All this quite naturally brings up tM question as te the sort) of people ;it aciers in vnis exiraerainary THunce, or performance, or what ;tw you want te call it, are, any- '.r. Te begin witn, tney nrst Vfrst upon an astonished Isnd, se te tfeak, jn a blare of publicity when Jhrjr failed te show up for the wed sf at the Fourth Presbyterian Ghafch in Chicago en the afternoon ' f January S of this year. 8he had already postponed the wedding once, g tffJBJnally having been set for the ptvieut May. AUIsier took it calmly. He ex plained that Mary was awfully aes- taetfef .really, in fact, she thoughtteo , .istrespectively entirely. But they , Vffi aude for each ether ust the bml he .insisted, and he would go tepta with this thing. Well, he 'iffl m through with it if he has te f sfse en trying forever, or words te latVinect. xeu may net approve fklm, but Allister is just like that Jft for Mary. Alllster Is right. BM.Ii anthttlc. She writes epigrams twj dart Just after breakfast. Once m tRttlBg an InUrriewer, she said: 2? ad you've Called. I've Just . 05 a ww epigrams." Of Epigrams 'mi Deeth't Bat an Sue . Hgs they are: 'We are all clowns in the dusty ear of erery-day life; fate Is our as suiter. " v JjAl sleep at night is Intolerably wkijlQue, m (a work In the dsy- "SelnHnn la Ilka . A.., 1 11..1. . Mtjets i the turmoil of the brain, but M much riaarlena tha mnu" ' a.'f'' smiled, "what de you ttUk of my literary efforts?" The wewei 'murmured something polite, J -"Itched the conversation around tetti weddlng.te.be. IB net marriel te Barry Baxter," JJJt . contradicting- a rumor cur- V.t . r miui ji vena ua 2ilct0, ra.-" Pr husband", but as "mw mey stand at the head of e claw. 1... twlU ar.7 Allister McCermlck me I reach England. Please don't IHe fun at Barry Baxter. Welly he M4.1?nd.'lu,JbeJ.' " entertaining." .W Wends gloat ever her erlg- duia !li m"uiieuiii way 01 wn thlnss. "Oh. she will never .In fwg the way everybody else docs," w net really se surprised when she .?!?. 8hew up, ut tne church when Wslr was at last arranged. "It'e l7.rMW"l' MJ' the fa,thf" ones. inHiu.i: . "" " we censinerea time uncaea in 1 - ,yw' IB WW but herself bad a be there assured one's atandlng, faaajaf head of Mild Ivery. Be, of course, she was the only person who read the hook who really liked it. She likes unconventional people, such SB actors, and actresses, and neeta. ami artists, and writers, and leta of ether people who have te work for a llvlna-. and tramps and Ieta mere who de net have te work for a living, and the butler or butlers as the cese may be, at the Baker home, never quite knew whom te admit and whom te shut but. It requires nerves of, iron te buttle at the Baker home when Mdry Is around, for it would net de te offend one of her friends, you knew. "Perfect Lever Willing te Watt at Church, Alllster admits be has her slxed up right. 8be was made for him, he murmurs te his friends. She has a great brain, he is convinced. Here Is what she said, net se long sge: "Remember, a perfect lever never leres. Isn't that expressive?" "Sure. But what does It mean?" "Just what it says," she explained. "And remember this, tee. A woman should only listen te the tiny urge of a personal destiny, called by the gcop gcep lni multitude, Intuition." Oreping multitude seems te refer te the rest of us. "Well?" she was asked. "Well." she concluded, "a wise girl should obey bunches at all times and 1 always, will;" "What will the next hunch be?" The first wedding postponement, as hna been Bald, occurred in Mar. 1021. They came the second balk, en Jan uary 2 of this year. The Fourth Pres byterian Church in Chicago had been sblned and polished, and the janitor and the organist and the sextons and everybody connected with the edifice had been given their Instructions, The church was opened, and the dim re ligious light, sb usua, filtered In through the stained glass windows, and it was evident te the crowd outside that this was going te be some wedding, in deed. The members of Chicago's gilded upper crust and Chicago's upper crust carries quite a layer of gilt these days the elite of the upper.unper crust were crowded into the church. The very air they breathed seemed different, somehow, from plain ordinary air, it was such a very exclusive affair. Ex clusive, but net small, mind you, for it was a large wedding. Over in the Baker, residence en the Geld Const the anxious detectives tip toed back and forth and from room te room, watching the rich and rare Sifts that made the walls of the place ulge. In the McCermlck home anxious caterers pnttered te and fro, preparing one of the most sumptuous repasts that had ever graced a wedding breakfast and reception since the time old man Lucullus ceused putting en his famous feeds. gagagagagagagagaV&XaBBHagagagaHTigagagagS )?" ' a aBaBaBaBaBaBaF 'il 4 EgagagagagaKliff JBii'ff w 'K'f m '&&&. - 11 fFvnrx IHIisBaBaB&linf , V l"'' 0 VL MTul K I "it li !!' PyMjnaaBBBMgfBia -Ay; alBBBBBgagsVi - M -t(&cXAijtptMlr ff m K "!h i'Ni V,1' ! 'Vi'ii " 4,i fWKK'"':''''-'' BsBBBBgsgsgai eJaV jfHpt 1"v vijjfjjjIE ii SSii'lA i iygbkL''''' ' V m' '''M afgagaVgaigagagagagagaB VpyVfil HlSik iUifil j: ; i; .jIiSr vJ'TM'l LflBI lWl5,",'ki'' "S '':l'''lfc aWsatsasaB!: i$&'$?l":lf?A WZtl 'N RigsBBaIBaK 1 hl IMsavki V MXSMMWm WM' ': ' :' r saB9BaBB9aBBBaaV OL l) I I aBaVaVll V BEBaVMnBBBaKgSaVPast'il m'J 'V,C'""'Mft-",h K'imBlMMS2&BE-vmKKKKIIh ! llljlh JigaBlHBBBlVlVlVlVlVBBBlVlVKaBBBlVlVlvVXBBBlVi 1 IBbBBBbVB BBflBflBflWBBflBflBS lyBBflBflBflBKgBflBflBflT tBBfl '''''&'' " 3B BBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBSBBBBflBflBflBmAsBflBflBfltR BBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflBflfBBLV I iiflsBBnaBBBa) A liCwi .sBflBHBHBBBHBHsSiiW liu:'m?$$B: Pii aBMHssBBBV VwsisBsS: AsBslBHiBBBHlBHs&P1 irn '! ra 1 liTBaBaBaBHsBBaBaBa! 'lAl gBaBTBaBBBaBBW, JJaiBKr W,' ' rf'Wi'fhi, -M Ti"' s . . mriF' j 'TaBaBaBaBaBSBMUBBBfMsWBBBaBl 7 l"l il Ill iPJBBaBMaBaBaBaBBaV 0 l) BaBalBBBaBRsrv t 'ilBaBSBiarY u vl'X'r" &''dmf. yfe?i'V'- ''V')j-9''ifBBBBBmv'f I'liW fji ITJ''iaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT V bVi 1 IBBBlBBBBBBBveTi't ''SllflKaBBBBKf 1 1 I ' ' fr X & 9&1 ?5iv w- 'A' , ' A '4 "Am , ' Jm i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBKalaBvBBaBBBBr , xliiii'laBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBTV LI 1 SaBarn YUk'SKrlt II 1 -M ' 't'''&'iv'?ff'''!fylm ''i'SftKBSSS UHBaVBaVBaVBaVBaVy A .iWcbij I lrfViTfgsaBT ft VTim ilnrS '" Pj3MltJ l BaBBaBBaBBaBBW- j-A, Lf I -& I I b tJ lraiBWy,'BBfcPvMr KaW;' 't'"-W' vi" ''''':44ii'7t, ,,atgBsBla v 'i'i'aissssssssssssssssF . ri ,asss i i MJ' i, HBJ XBBBBja t, i lp.viWAwa i s i,5lSBBf'jsi?',t,r "'viafc - '',,, v', t' rtv," ' -J-, - t 'gBaBaBagBBvT&VVgsn rTr "f lningaBT BagsD II 1 1 I Ifflw-JIM' yt-iijlj&r y' ''' '"I'Jy 'si '" "'' ' i"r BaBagaBar -SUitwBrlaSal I w S IvBBBV JJJi iLx A SSXfi BaBfbi3yifwsl''fi,''ir'' fi'yirZ4' i" ' 1 aBagsaT jtemSR l m wl 11 JuJ "X ii jfek WmMM$'if$44Sw lilJBasaP!? JLrwi'i 'ImF X. Mv Am lgsi vWlT iJ ly f$s& wWtfJ'01 J iHI J4fK ' lBXsJgsBW Am SP I K' l4f ViWlV A,,i8ter McCermlck and Mary Bitet C' X ' T -HsbI gBaV Mmm WrmkU 4 im&Z-' h.aleT t the banquet preceding ttII3C l 1 FtfHVsBaigaBaW : Bal IOIbW "" ' !-a--- the wcddinB wh,ch ha8 net m I n tl liMfgHl 4'lPlk 0mm taken pkce yet ItV W I 7 'vF yT k BaBBBaV BagHat; jf lasMsSlJy g" . a-?. BaBasaBaBBaaW M(v JskTil I i V ff nH" - i-m'mmBmmmm BBaK. lassaVililililVBBaBBB ClfcVNrClWhsra Ba BBBBSMBVBBMBBMBBBBMaBBJgMSBBaa V-Tall V 4 VBaBBaBBaBBaBBaE9k J' PwV'1' lxBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBaBV SBB TLyVr aTL-TjU- - - BBB aBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBB gsaJaT .aBBaBaBaV " isaV'BBaBBaBBK'l'lBa 'XVSfc! BBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBaBaV jAiw JTiOi BtMsMfcBBBsMWB 1 sfPBa3aBBaBSKgBaBBaV BBaBBaBBaSsailElBBBBaBBaB HBaatsBBaWPfM yMBBaBBaBBviL ;--t'3iwBa SSfcBBTjPlpSM.Wsv a BBaBWJr"''!'? BBaVBW gamfeV -ai9BBBBM.aBBBBBB7TaBaBiya- 'igysBBaT BBBBa&yJSigatBaT - BBBBaW BBBMUaiaiKkBBBBBBBBBBBBxirfBaV9KVBaM TJBaVKMKal Xi$BaBaBr gBaVsBayaRJaBBaBBaBBaVklasrV!lSBBafi BBaSI-iBBBBT BSaBr aBaBBaKSeBaBBafaavVfasf'liBVaBBM BBBBk4SBBBBBJ C.JVJCBBBBr BBBBBBBwswmJf9BBBBBB.. BT739&7aBBBaaBBBBS BBBm9PPISBnS n'l jmr aBBBBBBniaruSfaBBBBBBBM4 aBBaaMsaBBBBBBBBT BBBBBa BBBje&S" jaaBi sP&SMaOBBBBa BBBBBBB9jSBaUSBBBBBBBJ BsBKvBBBBBBBBBBakBBBBBB jBBaBaBaBaBagaF aBaBBBBaBaBaBagar BrbIBBbBbBbBbBbbBbh 'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr BBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBsVieBBJtJnrBaBBBBBBBB aBBBBBBBBflBBBf 'aBBBBaBBBBBBBSlsSSSaHsBB rSnitLi'4&&8m BaVcBalBaTBaVBnlBm r '"!' Wl VBjajBa WfBM JBaflBx9slgBBt; H bbCSbbIbbV J'j'rX -Wa . TgaV reXRBaVKHPviKsjBBBftaM 'fjl BaVjrBfMaBam a ' w A l ' VBBsw l?iiBBjnaBBtT' iaaSBBBBl ,Bly BBBBBmBcBBBBl Biff''!, V flaa. VSjBBBV ISSBBHIBk1 fBBlBjgf ' BVBrrBKBBl svXa Bm'. i-BBfi lBBBBBMS?S'BBWSi $Ba-' BBtBBau'BsViSBBl mi'hWM V'im KitBJMrij BTBBBarBlBBf rM?SBBSJBa' .' TTWBB -" Tv-NH;!y - '.fB' sssssssK?Kaaar II i ' i aBBmaBaEau lam. " bBbbbkbbBbV i 'rlSaBalBBBBaV BbbbK "" ' X r t TSB ll Lm '' JABflBWt BBflBBflgBfllBi W f' '"'''' "" ' S'' X"W lgSati ' .'BBal.l Ml 'gsaBll S1sbb I !'"''&;mw& ' fsaHtB ' ' bbbbsI w -. bbHI I jjjj '5r Sw ;' 11 V JbHbsTV 5. BBaBm T1. v " ' bbbbI I f ' .'r " $ ''' 'v F s , ' I I m mmS fjfciw gaBBK -gaBm fsBBa l l-i ?H. '-;tP ' ? I f SBf BVBTSL , "V. 4BBBH .iJBBBBxBBU rSBBBBBl I IS. C'j.s 5fBBI4 ., v f I BK BBflgaS ''TIbPI: 'fBBB ' iBfBBfHaUaBBBBfB 1 I. ' f WEii -. ' " I I KH7 .iKVVbHbbVBUbbbBbH I ;"Vv--Vv aaJLaWsBsK .V..- II NlilViaBi VwSVfw N&wB mm ? J wJViBWi H Srviak MmW -TiulvBfiffBl! bH Xn!: ilBi Smwt's' MMCaBBMsBliBi Barry Baxter, actor, new dead. U)JVbbVb1bbBVb1 whose frendshp for "Contrary llaKgaKiaBl Mary" was one of the mysteries El',''njlaBVgaBVlBBl of the "off-again" engagement blflaBfjVlBBBKlsH av aV' WaBa T k I sKgaBva PaBvJ aU 19 IbxbIjB si m jia tm l'swln "& t- Vbbbbbbbk bbBbVI ;:'1M r IsHBi Kal Miff U ' -rBVBBngaBa V'VbM I M 'j I ' ii jBBBrgaH RHlw 'i bHIsbbI fcl'i&W sIIsbbX WS SJWja BTBBBBBBJ IBbs mmW I laH IimmJA: aBaBaaBaV L-BalBaHaBaBaw?lPr!i AmmW mmVmmWSwmr BBaBaBaH BaBBBaBBai "" WIA. iifaBBBaH BaHT MBBasaBaPv fM'' iSnM Wl 5aBat?'sjBaBBBv. iT ' iAi-1' l-?aBBBBaPbjiBBaBw ry s Everything Was Set When Bride Said JWey" Take It all in nil, the wedding was te be nut ever with a crash that wenlH leave thi bustling city breathless. In the church the audience was by this time packed in row en row. Just te The Hary Sheds Epigrams WritesNevel hMW BAKER U nothing at fNCE prcfu Mar wetc a -r - - 7 nei iiierary. 3ie wrifei V-' L-t I . I . . - " "' "" -- oaeit aoeui tier seciefu ks ' A j a' t,refla,' ffien ll a ran book. Se 7J mood. frankf in fac(t ihal everfbed get m ere a fcu of thtm: "Wc mad. jwjrf, J,e. Fate ;, Qur -ng. Mc-aj ,,,1 Jeicn'fc,j ,0 ac. wj . iwuKiy mere ivas no mulcting L.'"" aJmgif is intelcrabh them. The earl that mnA ih,m JJJfW, 10 ii xetk in the eai)-. mac tt-as that everyoeJy in secicfp "Ie i ,. . excepting Aaru Aerie uas e- st-12, ,1 ,',earM '' cne. in cec, a peueuing a WlT !'lVur'ne'' " train, ncerf e telid ivory. 7a , ; 7 rfw rtc mn'e,,, 5Ae "" '" wj ' 3"Ir LVcr f,ever ,,,vw'" pe,itt and hobo"' and the Bk 9 m of a personal dettinM. a nme-taemma iem. lar lhu n,r J Ine gaping mludt, ijne a-ic?m (e in and Hern ie fM' fuf ! TS 11 VJ.t ..tU.JV.,I.JSH'"1 fefeA: ,4 r - vi ushers bad about finished their taakb. Several Were still wandering up and down, hopelessly trying te wedge In Just one mere stout matron where there was nothing left but room for the slimmest of slim debutantes, though the supply of debutantes had run out long age. These ushers were Gorden McCer- iic, uarpiii fowler McCermlck, Jr Leander McCermlck Goedueart, Henry Channen, Jeseph T. Bycrsen and Al bert B. Dewev. The ll.m.i n i- ., In the rear of the church. Lcander Me- uruiica, ue Dest man, steed ready. Eric Delamater was at the organ, playing nuptial music in bis best manner. Mr. and Mrs. Hnmllten Me Me cennlck bad entered nml nin ,i. places in the front pew, ns befitted the, ..-.v.... u,B unurgroero, amid tlie usual polite buzz and craning of necks and rUBtling. Near them were ether relatives, including Mr. and Mrs. Cyru8 McCermlck, Jr., Hareld McCermlck and Miss Muriel McCermlck. Bridesmaids waited at the rear of the church. Se did Allister McCermlck. Exactly at 4 o'clock the sextons began unrolling the white strip of carpet te gp down the aisle, and te put up white ribbons te form a pathway for the bridal party. At ten minutes past 4 n deer epcnd at the back of the church and Mrs. noeert ai. uurws, a sister of Miss Baker, entered, accompanied by the bride's small niece nnd nephew. They walked slowly up te the front pew. Then another pause. The atmosphere became charged with expectancy. This was going te be a wedding of weddings, for sure. ' Then came one of these awful waits It was twenty minutes. It seemed twenty hours. Then the officiating clergyman entered through a side deer at the front of the church. He made his way te the pulpit and announced that there would be no wedding. Bride Was "Toe Nervous," la Father's Explanation The organist struck up something designed te be cheerful and the audience HUM! Ollt. Explanations were in order Mr Baker, accordingly, made this an neuncement later in the day; "My daughter is of a very nervous" tempera ment. She became 111 Sunday. Today Hha" J"' but fX UP et ine her wedding drcsa and then collapsed. We had te call off the ceremony at the lest minute. This is merely postpone went. They de pay that immediately after this episode Mary Baker sent the fol lowing telegram te Barry Baxter- "When rput en my wedding dress I found I could never go through with it " Barry Baxter was twenty.flye years old. He wan born in Winchester, Eng and, and wna con.ldered one of the leading Juveniles en the American stase He had been playing with Ina Claire in "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife." but collapsed In April in u Chicago theatre while- playing there. urc, He wus taken te New Yerk, where he died only recently in the pri vate hospital of Dr. E. &. Bounds. a woman, nnysician. ut. Bounds explained mat an injury had made necessary an operation. Baxter's collapse, however, by a strange coin cidence, followed Immediately after Miss Baker had announced her Intention of marrying McCermlck, anyhow, and of traveling u jwiMipn ie naye the cere- Iflaa Tiaka In ab kaJ 'aaaalla2 ';?s-arfatlfB far te trip, te lagUM ft A &.-?. L.fc-jnWtiV ",T" vaaj Imeuy performed, there. raris te the ttft.4s time hhe first deferred her marriage te McCermlck. Sometimes they were alone, sometimes McCermlck was wltn them. When the wedding failed te come off as scheduled, Baxter at once denied that he was involved In a "triangle." Mnry Landen Baker, heiress, author and real life "Contrary Mary" as regards her love affair with Allister McCormick. heir te "Harvester Trust" millions "Miss Bnker Is net In love with me," he said. "I didn't marry her three weeks age, as reported. That Is sheer nonsense. It Is preposterous te my there is a love nffair between us. "Alllster McCermlck is one of my lesest pals.. I never had the slightest idea way tney are hoc married. "Mnry le n most wonderful girl, chnrmlng, exqulMtely beautiful and delicate as a llewer. Te hurt her Is a crime. And think of people hinting sue inn mis uecause ei me. it is incon ceivable. "Mary is extremely brilliant. When she was a little cirl Bhe was en her back with hplnal trouble for eight years, j "uhuk mm iiiuu ncr inimi must nave grown twice us much as ether people's, for Hhe Is ten years nhead of average girls In intellect. "When I think of the unfairness of her buffering I go wild. I have net slept since the thing happened. In one jewnd I would gludly go back te Eng land and threw up everything." Following the Chicago fiasco, Mary hurried efT te California for n rcbt and McCermlck prepared te sail for Eu rope. Mary i.pent several weeks at Cedar Cottage. Montecite, Calif., the winter home of her parents. Finally she did come East, stepping off nt Chicago for a day or m te break the trip. Then she left for New Yerk, arriving In a prlvnte car attached te the Twentieth Century Limited. At the Itltz-Carlten she was greeted by a friend, Miss Adele Kimball, who thinks she may have a chance yet te act as one of the brldesranlds. Before Alllster bearded the steamer for Europe he called upon his fiancee, nnd they had a long chat together.. Friends of the couple aat tight and held their breaths, for any sort of an an nouncement might fellow this final In terview. The announcement came. They still expected te gft married. The ceremony would be performed in Lon Len Lon eon. Then Alllster willed hopefully. After he had gene Mary discussed thc situation. "Ne," she said, "this time I mean It. I sail tomorrow and Mr. McCormick will net have a third shock. "I won't de any shopping here in New Yerk. I want te be sure nothing can arise te interfere with my getting en the Aqultanla tomorrow." "Docs Mr. McCermlck knew you are coming?" she was asked. "Certainly. I expect him te meet us. I am going first te France, then ie .ngianu. .is been as we can comply with the formalities Mr. McCormick and I will be married in a chapel near the home of Mr. MeCermlek's brother, Oenrgc, at St. Geerge's Hill, near Lou Leu Lou eon." Second License Asked Fer New in England About that time a huge bunch of vio lets nrrlveil at the hotel, with a card b:aring Alllster IcCermlck's name. He had thoughtfully preWded for Its deliv ery before he hud sailed. Then came a cablegram from Londen, telling Mary thnt tlie marriage license had been ap plied for. "Allister called en me before he failed," she confided, "and maybe you think I wasn't happy. I was se happy that I couldn't think of anv of the many things I wanted te tell him. Don't let nnbedy tell you that I'm net In love with Allister. I am." With that parting confession, she sailed en April 11, bound for France. Miss Kimball anneunced: "They will be man led all right this time." Anether friend Milling will! Miss Baker wns tlie Countess de .Tnnze who wa formerly Miss Alice Sllvcrthernc. of Chicago. She expects te n. matron of honor, nnd B'.neunced before she Failed that she would go te her Italian villa nftr the wedding. There was no further excitement until the bride-te-be landed in France and proceeded te Paris. Then came u cablegram, received Mav 27. It read: "The McCem.Ick-Bnker wedding has been postponed again, Al llster MrCermlck announced today. He said It would take place some time in September." Postponement Ne. 3 bad occurred. It appears that Alllster met the girl in Paris upon her arrival, and for n time everything seemed te be going nicely. They metered, rode nnd danced together nnd were Inseparable. Friend pointed them out as an ideally devoted pair at last and hope ran high. Then the unexpected hnppcned again, as usual. Miss Baker disappeared from Paris. Nevel Way Is Found te "Avoid" Publicity This expected unexpectedness occurred the latter part of April. McCormick stuck around Purls, and te anxious In quiries as te what he intended doing about it he gave the same reply be' was "buying an automobile." They kept nfter him for u mere defi nite explanation, however, and finally he told ull about It. It was real inside stuff, and here it is: "We ure doing this te avoid publicity." This sort of a statement made mere publicity Inevitable, and then along came another element te complicate the case. Harry Channen, an usher at the wedding that failed te go through as advertised Jn Chicago, turned up in Paris. At once kind friends nnneunced that Channen was running McCormick "off his feet." Channen anil Murv hnil heti seen together frequently, it was nelnted out, nnd sometimes Allister wer lnvlten along, nnd sometimes net. This was put squarely up te Allister. "My lips are scaled," he said. "Mrs. Baker has requested me net te talk. She wants te avoid publicity, se I can not explain. Perhaps In a month's time I may have something te say. I can not say whether Mr. Channen wants te marry Miss Baker. I must net talk." Meanwhile the whereabouts of Con trary Mary were a deep secret. Finally It cauie out. Viscount Janze told It. Miss Baker, he said, was touring France with his wife and n innld. He said he did net knew where they were. Inquiry at the Jensse residence elic ited the information that the Countess .Tnnxu wns at home, and net touring France after all. 'Where, then, was Mary? Then came the report Marv bad "retreated te restful farm life," and would be found at a sylvan Normandy chateau that had been prepared for her. A trip was therefore undertaken te the sylvan Normandy retreat, which proved te be an isolated chateau up in the hills. Mary hud never been there. Contrail Mary Bobs Up --and Stili Ne Wedding Then Mar.v bobbed tin nciitn in Purl. Following tills c.iuie announcement of the postponement of the wedding until next September. Concerning this latest development, Allister has sent the following cable gram te a relation. "Itepnrt that Mary and 1 have quarreled Is false. Agreed te postponement. Mary is geljig te England Tuesday. Will fellow her in a week. Will have big wedding in September, live happily ever afterward. Am writing In full." Aim as peer Harry Baxter said in Teddy Gerard, musical comedy actress, who is hurrying from Europe te claim thc body of Barry Baxter the wedding, arrived in Chicago at the same tline.es the wire announcing Bex. tort death la New Yerk. M ' f -y -State 'wea frequently seea la Miss Wirtt Ob!c.gatk . .jt.ia,jfc. . i ... ;.1H'-,.'..W.,H!!;,.,I. Jj.-:T.T,I'.-CTfW M S) , WMi X ,i .. .,". , i'";"n!, "ire," "Aad I BBtBBJBJBJBJBJP7r7vir; b ijj ju i s-i jjfr;1aaiai.Y.i!itiy,a.v;ptt-,'7r ' 'i TT II ' l f f 7-1 J I IL TrftKaB mWtMm $ wmWKSIm$tmi4MWmBPimn bHbBIbbIbbVbbI H BMWRlaBiBBBl iWiwi v tG7rMmmmmmmmrJk&iJJ ffiKW'te BBBBBj, UbbVbbVF i'i ,i i'i ia3t12bvJbbxbvJbvJbvJbvJbvJbvJbbV' v ' A V ; ti : :hbbVbVbVbVbVbVbVbVbVbVb yfr'i !'! ' !iie J , 0sJ!?Clii-ilj ft P; JifWrrSta BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl iJ A Wf .,( ' ,,. ' . -. ' " IV ' i' ' ..UliaiTl. ., . . 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