Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 03, 1922, Night Extra, Image 11

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p ,, '- TTBC?5Cr;,Er;7s. " M Y-LTXXYVT "t (f-.
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jfd Challenge Cup Race eh the Schuykill River is Headliner en Today's Big Spert
. ntliB mMJ
silo. Giimere, Dujr
iJLyer Will Compete for
Bf Jack Kelly's Cup Today
Wt nmiroe 11A Mil PS
SflOUHSfc buvcrw
for the Philadelphia Geld
Ll.-.il Af ttlsft
& single sculling championship,
WA--i-. ever the mlle-and-a-
i&r course en the Schuylkill River
Kfn.r w k ,'olnek. nrev ded the
rttii. .fternoen nt 0 ociecs, ?"; "-
l&rittr Is net tee rough. J.
& chairman of the Cup
PrJz.ij ., nn would net be.
H-lssw - .. .i. .T Klllett IN6W-
mu a'? a" Vverabicr
i u Mtval itniesa
?tfir.n "all trained te the minute.
&tf Mte race. Twe are irem
yA'S""0,- w W Oarrett
2H5S; i. n nlvmnle champion, haying
fcw "-iikl aek K elh'. the senior dou deu
S" nl In Edition, Coatelle has
&f',V. association senior singles In the
'fffit he Ve"per Hent Club.
"BSrrlnf he hai been training with
JMk Kelly; n"'1 "Kaniing ,al "
''-?2SKelr Wd: "Paul should win.
SlSftiewBl WW tart; In fact, almost
fltutu : . I have rowed ever the some
tf Murie. In addition, he is in teer
r' (ud tien than .ever ucuirc.
J? !r.i!lvi , for the Bachelors'
m Club, and this yenr has been
!i$d by Frank Muller the former
K I ' oarsman, and Inter -coach
Y It fit club's crews, also conch of the
4iw " !nde,I,h,B.,n,!h,c
t .'. ninKP. nnd the ether second, .
'" Hoetw National Champ .
Walter Hoever, of the Duluth Beat
Clnt). is the incsent single sculling
' cfcimplen of the 1'nlted Stntcs, having
v wen'hU title at Buffalo Inst year. In
tdsttien te this he is the national quar
ter mile champ. He arrived in the
city Thursday afternoon, nnd. had only
" naterday te go ever the course.
' tt-.. .i-lll coil nn Tuesdnv te Enc-
f 'land te compete in te Diamond Sculls.
The elimination races siuri yuww. .
Hilten Ilclyea, of St. Jehn.s Rowing
Cleb. N. II., Canada, wen the Cnna-
dtan sculling, chnmplenship at 8t.
' CttliarinM, Ont., last year by nosing
wt Ollmere, and he will try te de the
mmt today. , .
Belyea is thirty-six years old, and
ttttttd te row about twenty years age.
He dropped out of the game for four-
tn years, taking up the sport again,
h WIO. ... ......
He' Is rowing in a special beat built
by his brother, which weights 25 pounds
felly rigged. The enrs he uses are one
Hen ulder, and we inches longer out
board than these generally used by
scullers. He has been rowing three
times a day since his arrival, starting
at 6:30 A. M., 10:00 A. M. and about
4:00 P. M., averaging from eighteen te
twenty miles.
The Geld Challenge Cup was a gift
te Jehn B. (Jack) Kelly, of the Vesper
Beat Club, by the Schuylkill Navy, en
Els return from Brussels, where he wen
two races In the Olympic regatta. He
eiptnred the world's single sculling
thimplenslilp, npd with Paul Costelle
In the bow. the world's double scull
The committee In chnrge of the cup
art J. Elliett Ncwlln, chairman ; Rus-
. H. Jehnsen, "Jr., secretary ; Geerge
0. Melley, Henry Penn Burke, Arthur
' H. Clevengcr nnd Snmuel H. Trultt.
Competition for the cup is' open te
uy nation which has a recognized as
sedition for governance and control of
rowing, nnd a challenge for the cup
nut be received six months in ad ad
rsnce.ef the proposed date of the con cen
ttd. The governing association has the
' rljtht te accept or refuse nny entries.
All the contestants must be nmateurs.
The race today mnrks the first time
the cup has been placed in competition.
Kelly lias retired from competitive
Milling and therefore is net defending
ttke trophy,
Professer J. D. Spaeth Alra Views
,. en College Rowing and Rigging
i New Hnen. Conn., June 3. Writ-
lag te The Yale Dally News, Professer
J. D. Spaeth, head conch at Princeton,
' today advocated the siimc btyle of stroke
1 for oil rival universities.
This, he pointed out. would enable
the beRt crew te win nnd would give the
edent oarsmen credit for their own
Competition betwen the crews, he
HM, would he emphasized, while nt
Precent competition between the coaches
"' te prevail. He said :
"Sly ceiiUctlnn that the sooner we
come te.u geneial agree; lent en styles
'mure, rigging, etc., iniieng the col cel
;?' cre.ws tllllt ""-'ct in annual compe
tition the better It will be for rowing
en IiitcrculleRlnte bpert.
It will tend te lay less emphasis en
jee work of the coaches and mere em
J"'1' en the erk of the crews, which
t it should he.
t,7ud C0llt,llnK nlwaya will be n
IT,'0 "'ciCKsful college rowing,
m joed coaching nlwaya will Include
Witery of tcehnlmie en the part of the
fhT.nl"8. ftnt,! b,lt for tllu health of
tee Bnerf u?n uiw...i.i i i ..
ItU. Hi " -iiuuiu fiiiiuaiNize competl cempetl
I m between crews and net cen.rv.HHnt,
nsJr.1111 acwy rowing in the race
8r21ic,w lm.ve,llttle t y about
SJrttr:bn,'!Ve et the stroke they are
Sen1: H'M'd'nlque ?f the rljthey
e& ' f t.h,elr upeHerltjr Is due te
fcTrt. .,,B' tlle crcJlt belongs largely
ft TZ W" !hi- "tKft
BWnlii. ! m iih of 8trek0 nil r'f
who tow tV den.tly 1,nt w"h the men
w? ew and de their best.
, " my cenvlr.Hnn l,. v... .i ,.
SMnMkVa Ban.la'rA,0X5
nd rl, Z "1 . , u Hartl stroke
" ni we mm u ..... .,.-
cem.H.,"v f"'" J'ut tne emphas s en
ie tKlsrather than
t(i. Thn i. Tlwen cpacning sys-
Ma. Th-, i T""" emening sys-
4vinta of !. .nny,,mln'1' tne rel
" of the 'Engl si system.' "
j " "I. "Ig i-ngiiHiv system.
Team, Meet Scheel for the
BllnH a -,.. , .
'Tt,. t. . rer00K
rCIttt,rt,,B''. ntOver ntOver ntOver
wKPonenteftheno.. 'Ct', track and
jwrnoen rri, '"" "ner'B nelcl th s
tit. 11"' The meet Will Htnrr Vi eVUn
t?Llh'..recent.y de-
?uiua t.-h..:."'-" m tne i'inm,,.i.
MP nW K Dw' nd, al-hm-A
ttaiffiS, "..? of the ability
K. today", raeeV ' '" lhe f"Ter,te
ECWt!! The?
ntBHis,. l" .- wwi urnnui wiiiininnuu ac nbw tAiiia. iciud. di tsTvisIWIsmiiis mmrnvw, ina urru ivaiii win uiujt liiu ciismiiiuinnH At ,u..n.i.i. iiu Unw a. ... 'i nwu " -is.i.;4ssj imuaM run, jiurnu. i
S?hDt?il!u-..f. fceLn
l 'f ,SV ?"UT'" r-i Mnd'n "' . 'lWe5tpaeaetli.tttttrj; t-W-Mrtwr f' 'Vr." A'hrn?.0' "ww- -1" f rM a or jr'
Hew Scullers Will Race
for Geld Challenge Cup
The. positions of the men number
ing from the west shore will be :
Ne. 1, Walter Hoever; Ne. 2,
Hilten Belyea: Ne. 3, Paul' Cos Ces Cos
teleo; Ne. 4, W B. Garrett Gil Gil
mere. J. Elliett Ncwlln, of the Phil
adelphia Barge Club, will act as
'starter, and referee.
Russell H. Jehnsen, Jr., of the
University Barge Club; Julius H.
Barnes, of Duluth ; J. G. Denegre,
of St. Paul; Jehn B. Kelly, of the
Vesper Beat Club, will be timers.
Dr. O. S. Potts, of the Undine
Barge Club; P. R. Moere, of Du
luth, and Samuel H. Trultt, of the
Malta Beat Club, will be judges at
the finish.
Part of Program Recently
Launched by New Athletie
A BRAND-NEW bnsehnll league In
, this city was organized last night
nt the. K. of C. home. 1324 North
Bread street. It consists of twelve coun
cils of the Knights of Columbus and
Is part of the program of the Knights
of Columbus Athletic, Association of
PhllnMelnhia -nnd vicinity, recently or
ganized te 'encourage amateur sports
en 'the broadest lines possible.
The' Knights have entered nil branches
of sport in nn organized movement, and
the baseball program Is only a part.
Track, nnd field sports, swimming, ten
nis and ether outdoor events nre also
coming- in -for thejr share of the lime
light, and lnt,er in the yenr it is planned
te conduct one of the biggest track
nnd field meets ever held in Philadel
phia. . . ', .
The twelve councils represented in
the baseball league are San Dominge,
Marquette, Bishop Kendrlck, Brown
son, Santa Marin, Commedoro Barrv.
Bristel. St. Lawrence. Philadelphia. De
Ln Salle, Isabella and De Sote. Nene
of the players fs paxr ana even the
umpires will donate their service te' the
Every One Gets Chance
In this, the first' year of the erganl-,
Natien, it is planned te give every one'
a chance te play en the various council
teams. The managers will sound a call
for candidates Immediately, and the
sensen will open en Sunday, June 18.
The schedule calls for eleven games,
one with each council, nnd either five or
six will be played at home.
The games will be played en Sun
days, but it is optional with the home
team te make a change if it Is se de
sired. Should a chve prerer te play
nny particular contest en a Saturday
or as a twilight nffalr it can be done,
provided sultnblc arrangements nrc'madc
with the opposing nine.
At the' present time the number of
players en the teams is unlimited. .As
many as 'desire can appear in the line
ups, provided that they are bona fide
members. of the Knights of Columbus
and have been approved by the Registration-Committee.
As the mnjerlty of
the councils In the league hnve country
clubs It has been arranged te plnv the
games en Sunday for the benefit of
both players and spectators.
Winner te Get Cup ' '
At the clese of the season n hand hand hand
seme sllvr cup will be awarded the
team winning the championship. Mnnv
well -known players are listed as mem"
bers of the various councils, nnd some
keen competition is expected.
The whele program Is conducted Lns n
measure te promote sport ln the It. of
O. The chairman of the committee
made it, plain that while rules nnd
regulations were necessary for the con
duct of the organization, he ifld net
desire any strict rules te be adhered te.
When the middle of July is reached,
or, te be exact, July 18. the managers
must present a list of thirty men, nnd
from then en till the end of the rnce
only these registered will be eligible
te .compete in the gnmes. The schedule
Is appended :
Junp IS San Dnmlnne (it Marqueltr,
Dlshep Kendrlck at Hrowren, Sam Maria
ai vjomrneiiiirn uiirry, 4riiei ac Jil. J.at
-oice Phllnrtelphla nt De I,a Sail, lsa
bulla at -De Sote.
Junn 23 Marquettn nt Snnte Mnrln,
niitinp KcndMck nt Han Domlniie. rtrownen
nt DrKel Cimmoderf Ilarrv nt Plillnrt.l
Phtn, St. Lawrence at Isabella, Da La Salle
at D Sote
July 2 Sen Dominge nt Da Li Salle,
Mii'nu'tie nt rhllndlnhln, HIhen Krpitrlek
nt De Sote St, Lawrence nt Ilrowmien, Santa
Mirla nt llrlitel, Commedoro Harry nt la
belln. .
July 0 Snn Domlnire nt Santa Maria.
Hrlntel nt Mnrnuette, Philadelphia at nuhep
Itendrlck. Tlrmvneen at Isabnll.,, Coinmedoru
Harry nt Va Sote.
July 13 De Sote nt San Domlnire, Mnr Mnr
tuett nt lnbila. Hlshep Kendrlck nt De
!., Salle, Hrwnn nt rhllidelphla Ft
Lawrenc nt Santa Maria, Ilrltnl at Com Com
eodore Barry.
July. 80 Hr1tel nt Snn Dominge. De Sote
-t Marnuettn. linbelln at Hlshen Kendrlck.
Commedore Harry nt Hmwnnen, De I.n fiallt
at Santa Maria, Philadelphia at St. Law
rence. Aumiat S Ran Demtnrn at Inatalla, St
Lawrence at Marquette, nithep Kendrlck nt
IlrlMeW Hrownaen at De Sote. Sunta Marlt.
t Philadelphia, De La Salle at Commedore
Auvii't IS San Domlnre et St Lawrence
Marquetta nt nrowmen, Plihen Kendrlck at
Commedore Harry. Santa Maria nt De Bote,
nrlatel nt De La Snlle. Philadelphia at
Aucuit SO. Browniien nt Sn Domlnre,
Marquette nt De La Snlln. Santa- Maria nt
'llnhep Kendrlck. Commedore H'irry nt St.
Lawrence. Isabella at Urletel, De Sote at
Auxuit 27 Snn Dominge at Phl'adelphla,
Marciuette at Commedore Hnrry. St. Law-
mm, nt mhnti Kendrlck. De I,n Sell at
Hrownien. Isabella at Sant.t Maria, Hrlstel
at De Sote.
Sunday Ball Games
Camden City nt IVnnyMinla Olanti.
Harrlnen Deld, Newark, (double-header)
Hllldale nt Uacharach Olants. New Yerk
Ironsides nt Lincoln Olsnts: Camden City
at Lincoln Olenta. New Yerk.
Merrill at Klauder-Welden, Jenklntewn.
Cheater at i"ntttewn.
North Phllllen at Kphrata.
Wilmington at Viscose, Marcua Heek,
Ilrldesburg at Cressona Tlvera.
Bhanahnn nt Mntreae. Atlantic Pity
Seuth Phillies at St. Carthage, Sixty-fifth
and Cntharlne streets.
Philadelphia Iteyal Stara nt St, Agatha
(double-header), Ilroeklyn
Itartram Park at Lester.
Nashville Olants at Allentown.
Madisen Stars at Heading,
Hoxberough At Ledger A. A,. Point Hreeze
HelHeld at nushwlck; Doylestown at Hush
wick, New Yerk,
Htenlen Kteld Club at Heckdale.
Marshall 10. Smith nt Adamstenn.
Seuth Phllly Hebrews at Murray Hill
(double-header). New Yerk.
Philadelphia Pres at Cast New Yerk,
N. Y. . ,
Va Moter at Freeland.
Kensington at dartntr Club, Parkland.
I ST. TT..I. " . . "" .T'Tr.' " " I . "r " -S ih. Taaa.nifl.l.,,M. .M. . I Inaul taaiM .!! !., i!.a I.mm..I .1 ifwwwvw w """' aaw uvsu mrT I . man il t irsrllnLT lsa ,t,l.t..,.u. i7. . I 1
Twe Rounds Scheduled in East
ern Pennsylvania Tourney
en Philmont Courts
Twe national champions nnd the
Western Junier title-holder will vie for
the Eastern Pennsylvania tennis cham
pienship en the courts of the Philmont
Country Club this afternoon.
The rain of the last two days has
delayed the tourney considerably, but
play will move swiftly today .for
matches In the fourth nnd semi-final
rounds will be staged.' The final will
be played tomorrow afternoon.
Seven players have survived the
matches te date in 'the singles. They
nre BUI Tildcn. world's champion, Dr.
Phillip B. Ilnwk, who wen the U. S.
Veteran's title at Germantown last
year; Phillip Bettens, California Jun Jun
eor champion; U, P. Custer, Rey
Coffin, O. Travis and Carl Fischer.
Of these athletes, Bettens is the only
one' who has reached the semi-final.
In the fourth round, Dr. Hawk will
oppeso Custer, Coffin will meet Travis,
and Tildcn will face Fischer. The
winner of the Coffin-Travis match will
meet Bettens ln the semi-final.
Tildcn and Dr. Ilnwk are favorites
te win their fourth-round engagements,
nnu u tney betn survive they will battle
in the next round. This match should
be the feature of the afternoon.
In addition te the singles, two
doubles matches will be played. The
schedule for today arranged br the
Tournament Committee, is as follews:
2.00 P. M. Dr. Phillip B. Hawk,
Cynwyd, vb H. II. Custer, Philadel
phia; Rey Coffin, Germantown, vs G.
Travis, University of Pennsylvania ;
William T. Tildcn, world's 'champion,
vs Carl Fischer, Cynwyd.
3.00 P. M. Phillip Bettens, Jr.,
champion of California, vs winner of
the Coffin-Travis match ; winner of Til-den-Fishcer
match vs winner of Hawk
Custer match.
3.30 P. M. Coffin and Tatnall vs
Fischer and Flsch'cri
. 5.00 P. M. Winner of Coffin and
Tatnall vs Fischer and Fischer match,
vs Bettens and Strachan (California).
Judge Gregery Denies Motion te
Have Comiskey and Sen
Appear in Court
Milwaukee, Wis., June 3. Judge
Jehn Gregeryt in Circuit Court today,
denied the motion of attorneys for Oscnr
"Happy" Felsch, outlawed baseball
player, -te have Charles Comiskey.
owner of the Chicago White Sex, esd
his son, Leuis, appear in Milwaukee
under the discovery statute for ex
amination in connection- with a suit
in which Felsch seeks back pay, bonus
nnd damages resulting from his expul
sion from organized baseball.
California Girl Will Compete In Na
tional Tennis Championships
New Yerk, June 3. Miss Elizabeth
Ryan, San Francisce girl who has
played with marked success en Euro
pean courts during her scyernl years'
retildcnce nbread, will come te the
United States this summer, according
te Samuel Hnrdy, captain of the 1020
Dnvls Cup team.
Hardy returned recently from a con
tinental tour, bringing practically deii-
nlte assurances, he said, that Miss
Ryan would be here te compete in the
national championships at Ferest Hills
and probably ether important tourna
ments. MIsh Ryan, whose tennis skill Is lit
tle known here except from reports of
her exploits nbrend, is generally ranked
second only te Mme. Suzanne Lenglcn,
world's champion, in European circles.
She has been for two years the Joint
holder with Mile. Lenglcn of the world's
hard court doubles title, winning the
championships this year at Brussels
with her French partner.
Last year at Wimbledon, Miss Ryan
eliminated the American champion,
Mrs. Mella IJjurstedt Mnllery, in im
pressive fashion, 0-2, 0-0, nnd reached
the challenge round only te meet de
feat nt the handH t Mile. ICilglen.
Twice before the American girl was
runner-up in the English tournament
In 1014 te Mrs. Larcombe, and in 1020
te Mrs. R. Lambert Chambers.
Veterans Spend Week-End at Hunt
ingdon Valley C. C.
Old t line tennis stars arc spending the
week-end at the Huntingdon Valley
Country Club, friendly matches being
en the card for this afternoon and to
morrow. Among then, will be Dwight L. Davis,
donor of the famous Davis Cup, the
international trophy new held by the
United States; Holcomb Ward, former
national singles champion nnd, with
Davis, holder of the American doubles
title for several years f Raymond D.
Little, former Internationalist; Samuel
Hardy, captain of the 1020 Davis Cup
team; Watsen W. Washburn, mem
ber of the 1021 cup team, nnd Julian S.
Myrick, president of the United States
Tennis Association.
Philadelphia Beys Among Crew
Members Honored at'Prlnoeten
Princeton, N. J., June 3. The var
sity "P," according te an announce
ment by the Undergraduate Athletic
Committee, has been awarded te nine
lr.cmbers of the Princeton crews who
rowed against Yale and Harvard.
The oarsmen named are F. T. Wool Weol Woel
crton, Henrsdale. N. Y. ; J. Hlnclnlrc,
Coming, N. Y. ; R. B. Scull. Philadel
phia; A. P. Morgan, Princeton; S. W.
Milne, Philadelphia; T. G. Marburg,
Unltlmnrn; J. B. Lewis, New Yerk; O.
T. Jacksen, New Yerk, and II. M. Ire.
dell, Leng Beach, Calif.
Indian for 8enatera
Washington. June 3 Addition et an In
dian te the roster of the Washington Amer
icans was announced by Clark Griffith, pres
ident of the club. The newcomer Is Albert
Younfbleod, obtained from the Qreanvllle
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Crimson and Celd Cops Year
ling H,oners, but Speedbeys
Land Ail-Around. Crown
Scoring only four first places in ten
events, Central High Scheel landed the
freshman track 'and 'field champelnship
an the Northeast Field this morning.
The Crimson and Geld athletes came
through 'with numerous place-winners
nnd .compiled a total of 47 points.
Northeast ' finished second with 2i),s
points and Germantown was only three
The West Philadelphia yearlings
scored only 23 mnrkers, but they were
enough te. give the Speedbeys the all
around, championship which gees te the
school scoring the most points ln the
senior, junior, bophemore nnJ fresh
man title meets.
In the all-nreunds. West Phlllle
amassed a total of 173 points beating
out Central High by thlrty-slx coun
ters. Northeast, champions ln the last
two years, was third with 137V&-
Bell, the Crimson nnd Geld sprinter,
was the individual star e today's meet
with first places in the two dashes. lie
wen the hundred in 11 1-5 seconds nnd
the two-twenty in 24 4-5 second.
These times are exceptionally geed, for
the track was heavy and slew, due te
the recent rains.
The summaries:
440 yards run Wen by Sclber, Central:
soeond, SriMlcr. Frnnkfenl: third, Farley.
Qormentown; fourth Decker. Xortheast:
fifth. Wlener, Nurtlieist Tlm. 57 4-Ss.
220 -ardn dan! Wen by, Dell, Central:
seoend. Tampten, Central: third, Rtlelberr.
Seuthern: fourth. Mnrlntsre, Nertheast:
fifth, rink. Cfntrnl. Time. 24 4-Bs. """""
llread Jump Wen by Snyder, Frankford;
second, Muclntyre. Nertheast: third Mc
Cleary. Weft Pnlllle. fourth, Drayten, rfcr rfcr
mantewn: fifth. Hnmpten. Central, Dis
tance of winner, IS ft, OH In,
Pele vault Wen hy Mti'lenry.Wesf Phlllle'
second, tie between Tenreie. Germantown'
Huntzlncer. Oermintewn and Helbldue.
West Phlllle: fifth, lacker. Northeast
Helaht. 7 ft. d In. "
fmetput Wen by Kcheff. West Phlllle Phlllle
secend. Hampton, Central: third, Tebln
Frankford; fourth, Stewart. Central; nfth
8nder, Frankford, instance 38 ft, 4 n. '
HlBh JumpTie. JlacIntTe, Northeast,
and Huntzlngrr, Oermantnwn; third. .Mc
Cleary, West Phlllle. fourth, nitnret, Frank Frank
eord: fifth, MacCnnnell), West Phlllle.
Helahth. 0 ft. '- In.
Final point srere- Central. 47: North
east, 20H: flarmantenn 2I",; West Phila
delphia. 23: Frankford, 1.1. Southern. 0.
Final point score for all-around champion champien
ship: West Philadelphia 17: Central 130:
Northeast, 1374, Trankferd, 00; Orman
town. Ml Southern. 33VJ.
880. yard run Wen bv Penrose, Herman Herman
tewn: second Chuduff, Central: third, Kern
sky. Seuthern: fourth, Danesky. Nertheast:
Hfth, Ward, Northeast. Time, 2 mln, 20 1-B
120-yard low hurdles Wen by Dullet. Cen
tral: second Shadwlck flermantewnj third
Dean, Northeast, fourth Dandle, North
east; fifth, Smith, Northeast. Time, IB 2-3
100-yard dash Wen by Pell. Central: sec
ond. Hampton. Central, third, Stlelberir.
Seutherns fourth. Stewart, Centiwl; fifth
Maelntyre. Northeast Time, 11 1.5 ,00,
One-mlle run Wen by Stenpenbacher.
Northeast; second, Cister. Central: third
iteber. West Philadelphia; fourth. Drayten
Oermantewn; fifth I.andts, Nertheast.-Tlme
I mln. 2 2-B sec. """'
Scheel Baseball Team
One Game This Season
Seaford, Del., June 3. The Senford
nigh Scheel basebnll team closed the
season in the championship series of
the Sussex County High Scheel Clubs
by defeating the Lewes High Scheel
team en Lewes grounds 12 te 0, win
ning the county championship.
The Senford teem went through the
season witn eniy one tieieat. ine Hea-
Miss Frances Clarke, a Turnge
melnde mermaid, holds the Middle
Atlantic 100 - yard back stroke
swimming title. She set a new
record of 1 minute 24 4-5 seconds
for this event
Five-Man Team Matches On To
day Each Player en Quintet
Carries Only One Club
THE North Hills Country Club is
stepping out again today in the field
of original golf tournaments. When
tournament committees of thousands of
clubs in many lands sit down annually
and think out at several sittings a list
of club events, one for each Saturday
In the sensen, events unique nnd events
that have been tried before', they under
take a big task net te repeat the same
kind of nn nffalr' tee many times en
the year's program.
There' nre all klnSa of tourneys,
scratch nnd handlcan medal nlav.
match play foursomes, best ball, Scotch,
tombstone, flag, handicap agnlnst par,
one-club -events and things like 'that.
The list, is long and the field has been
thoroughly covered.
It has. remained for North ' HHlsi
without even spraining the cerebellum,
te think. up, something brand new. .
On their course thia afternoon the
members will play a team match, but
it will be different from nny ether team
match -ever mentioned.
Captains will be chosen and each will
Elck a five-man team. One man will
e nrmed only with a driver, another
with a brassie, another the mldiren,
fourth the .masble and the ether man
only with a putter.
One team like that plays another of
the same mnke-up. Mr. Driver tees
off. All. walk te site of ball. Mr.
Brasele steps up.
"This is.my shot." says he, request
ing silence. Mr. Mldiren, Interferes.
"The lie is bad for the weed,"
chirps he. "Step back. I shall play
the shot."
"Net if I knew It," pretests Mr.
Brassie. "The second shot is the only
crack I get at the ball, and I'm going
te play It even If it' bunkered.'r
All hands gather around and attempt
te settle the argument. Meantime the
same argument la going forward mer
rily 'midst the opposing team.
Plnce several matches like this in
the field of action and a pleasant time
should be hnd. That is North Hills'
idea this afternoon.
Merrellten and Woedereit Trophies
at Stake at Country Club
The Merrellten and Woedprest cups
nre at stake in the pole tourney be
ginning today at the Philadelphia Coun
try Club, Bain.
The Country Club nnd the Bryn
Mnwr Pole Club each have entered two
teams ln the competition and in ad
dition the Whippany River Club of
Moorestown, N. J., and the Fauquier
County Country Club from Virginia
are represented in the tournament.
The Stokes brothers, K. Lewber nnd
W. Stnndley, with Fred Ree, the
famous Texas player, and Geerge H.
Enrle, 3d. will compose one of the
Country Club, tenms.
Bryn MaWr will have in its line-up
Jehn W. Converse, Alfred M. Cellins,
R. W. MacDennld and Albert L. Smith.
The ether local clubs will be made up
of W. Fester Reeve, 3d, Radcliffe Ches Ches
ten, Jr., Julian B. Huff, Henry Brln Brln
ten Cqxc, Jr.. Stephen Calhoun, Alfred
A. Riddle and T. L. Harrison, Jr.
The Merrellten Cup Is presented by
Mrs. Edward DeV. Merrell. The Wood Weed
crest Cup, which Is the second of Its
kind te be played for, its presented by
A. J. Drexel Paul.
Reulllard Harvard Leader
Cambridge. Mass., June 3, Franc's
rteulllard, of Chlcepee, has been elected cap
tain of the Harvard lacrosse team. He is a
defense man en the team.
$100,000 Beauty
Willie has been purchased from the
Nail francisce team ey tne Chicago
Whlte (Sex for the paltry sum of
$100,000. Te make the deal mare
l swvsaf AtahtA 4ttj fllV tflMm . !...
. , Tf .,. ,.
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPAs2' flH
' V ' VMbbbbbbbbbH
f -. A "" S .sbbbbbBv "
tsfy'' ;? s&&X , ' vTbb1b1bbSbs- , a
ffiaPT. 'I
Have One-Game Lead Over
Pirates This Morning Lese
te Bosten Again
ARE the Giants slipping? New Yerk
fans, after months of certainty that
their charges were going te run away
with the National League race, are rub
bing their eyes and wondering if the
percentage table means anything.
When McOrnw and his clan departed
from the region of the white lights for
the Occident they were se safely moored
te first place that every one talked of
what a runaway race they were making
of the se-called National League bat
The West was net ns Kind te tne
Giants ns their favorites expected and
sent them flying back East fortunate te
be in first plnce. At thnt the Glnnts
hnd a fairly comfortable lead for this
early in the sensen, and the fans ex
pected them te get together in the East
and get bnck In championship form.
However, tbey did net. The Phillies,
en the worst losing streak of the year
It had reached eleven strnight were ex
pected te prove easy for the Glnnts and
enable them te keep their heads far
above water. With a hurling staff shot
te nieces and the team net going nny tee
well nt nil, the Phils up and slnpped the
face of -Father Knickerbocker's pets for
three victories out of four starts.
Frem se many of his former hirelings
this was a big affront. Earl Smith took
a vacation one night while here nnd
drew down the ire of Jawn McGraw,
who gave him a vacation without pay.
Then Cnme the .Braves , ,
After all the terrible times here the
Giants went en te Bosten confident
that another tenm thnt was Inhnbumg
the regions of last place would enable
them te get going. The story ln Bean
town, or rather from Beantown, 'Is a
little different than It was here.
On Thursday Filllnelm made tne
Giants leek like puny batters by holding
them te five scnttercd hits ana nnnaing
them a whitewash. That was bad
enough te lese te a veteran hurler, but
yesterday was different.
Jack Miller, a vetinirster who never
faced a big team before, spoiled the
afternoon for the Glnnts by holding
them te nine hits scnttercd ever eight
of the nine Innings, nnd defeated them,
7 te 3. All three of the Giant runs
enmc ln the fourth inning and made the
Braves se peeved that they went out
In their half of the snme frame and
chased four runs across the plutter.
Shea, who once found his checks
waiting for him in the tower at
Twenty-first street nnd Lehigh avenue,
was sent te the bench nnd Cecil Al
gernon Causey, the red head who did
work here for a while, took the pitching
peak. In the eighth he was found for
n trio of tallies that definitely settled
the game.
The Braves made but eight hits te
the nforementiened nine for the Giants,
but the Mltchmen made them when hits
meant runs.
Five In Last Six
Five defeats in the last six games
with the Western tenms coming East
makes McGraw's place at the top of the
ladder leek untenable. This morning
finds the Pirates but one gnme behind
the world's champions, net a saCe lend
by any means, with the Pirates, Cards,
Cubs and Reds all playing better ball
than they did en McGraw's last visit
te the Occident.
Unless McGraw's pitchers find them
selves the Giants will het be enjoying
themselves any tee much a peg or two
below, for the Cards are net far behind
the Buccaneers.
The Bosten victory put the Phillies
further In the last place ditch, which
they hope te crawl out of before the
middle of next week. Jimmy Ilinir ami
Lee Meauews may ue tne nurllng ever I
in .Brooklyn this afternoon In the
scheduled double-header, and If they de, ' fine fashion, and quite n gallery was
the odds are about even for a pair of gathered en the clubhouse perch this
Phllly victories. (afternoon waiting for the rain te cense
The rain jesterdny played havoc with 'and the battle te proceed.
the leagues, half of the teams beintr I
forced te spend the dny ln idleness. The RIR UPTOWN PI AQU
Mackmen were unable te play Wash- ' DIU lilllL.
lngten, nnd that means that later in '
the season the fans will have another Frankford Yellewjackets Will Meet
enUa,e"lnn,l0r '" " Uleir faverltcs Glenmere Pres, en Fermer's Field
The Frankford Yellewjackets expect
The A's and Phils t0 ndd another win te their already
If. the weatherman is a little con- ,enS ll8t wllen ,lu"-v "Wage in competf cempetf
slderate this afternoon. Bryan ' tlen ttn thu flen'nere Pres, nt Frnnk
("ailm") Harris and Bellle Nnyler fenl nvcm,e n"d 1rutt street this after
will try te bet the Senators bnck n peg neon.
and gain possession of third plnce before I Tne baseball team Is meeting with
the Western movement. Beb Hasty, i ''ven Krcnter success than the fumeus
me mnv M th nulininn i-
..."-i j -- . -- -e ..w in uui;
of the gnmes.
VrnrethptlMrrk,!ner m l'',0
Yanks en the .Pole dreunds, and with
cither Remmel, who is finitely recnv-
ereil from liUnttnplc nf tmwlll He i
ereil irem Ills nttauc or tonsillitis, and
I.CIty xlelmncll. Who set thn Alnerlcan
League tltleheltlers down en Memnrinl
nr wnrlv m tnlie llm 1,111 ,, i,.. I
Ua, rcaay te take the hill, our chaneCB
are eoed. Beth Keinmel and Ilplnmnli
nre new known as tln Yank 1,-llti.t-.
lire iiun nuunii u 1111 iiwih hlliers,
which means that they have the Indian
sign en the expensive cast before the
game starts.
The Mackmen open their Western
stny In Detroit en Tuesda. They de
net return te Shlbe Pnrk until June 27,
when the Bed Sex make one of their
seasonal visits te Shlbe Park.
Stueland, who in his Inst stnrt hum
bled the Cards, proved an easy mark
for Pat Mernn's Beds yesterday, and
he wbb chased from the mound. The
Meranmcn hammered the ball hard and
knocked out an easy victory ever the
p. i.
D. and Teme Are Newcomers
en Schedule
Conch Simons, of Germantown Acad
emy, has arranged a hard schedule of
eight names for the 1122 football
The school will play the regular
Interacndemlc League games with
Kplscepal. Penn Charter, St. I.uke and
Haverford, and will nlse hnve their
annual tills with Germantown Friends
nnd Chestnut Hill.
Twe new teams hnve been added te
the schedule, P. I. I"). and Teme
Scheel, Pert Deposit. The schedule Is
as follews:
October rt. Oermantevrn Friends home. Oe.
teber 13. Chestnut Hill, away, vtn,r 2U
Ht Luke's, home; October 27. Penn Charterl
Nmernber 4, Teme Scheel, away. Decern.
erferd, home; November 24. P. I. I) , home
Boxer Rescues Soldier
...!- fun., lfl s.h, . w- 'ij ."I A.,l
rlvr, where he Maw a capaltert cane and
a... man at il t irsrllnir Is ml .las .. .. ... i...n"
What May Happen '
In Baseball Today
Wen Lest r.C. win mm
New Yerk 16 17 .600
Plttstranh 24 17 .BS5
He. LenTa t 20 .045
Ilroeklyn 28 21 .B28
rhiia " n 12 -SIS -4SS
Ilosten ...IS 28 .WO .408
l'blllse IS 20 .sob .obi
W. I.. P.C Win Mae BPUt
NswYerk... 20
17 .ose ."
18 .000 .000 ,B87 ...
24 .480 .810 .460 .490
20 .487 .812 ,43 .488
34 .478 .480 .48 ...
24 .488 .487 .444 ...
88 .482 .444 .422 ...
24 .418 .420 .408 ...
nt. liOUU... . 27
Washington.. 28
Athletics ... 10
C'lereland ... 22
nrtreit 20
Chicago .... 10
Ilosten 17
w. ire. w. I- r.n.
nslUmere 80 14 .682 Readln.. 22 28 .488
Rochester 27 16 .628 Jer. City 21 28 .487
Terente,. JS 18 .881 HmuMise. 17 27 .888
nuffale... 22 21 .812 Newark.. 18 80 .802
W. I P.O. W. 1: T.V.
Mln'apella 27 18 .042 Mulsrtlle 20 24 .488
Ind'npelle 28 17 .618 Kan. VHT 21 18 .44 7
Ht. Paul.. 24 17 .888 Columbus. 20 24 .488
Milwaukee 20 20 .668 Teledo... 10 30 .260
W. I,, P.O. W. I P.C.
I-lt. Rerlc 28 18 .000 NitalirlUe. 20 26 .438
lllrm'ruim 28 10 .668 Atlanta.. 17 28 .SBB
N. Orleans 28 23 .621 Chafoeica 17 32 .347
w. I.. P.r. W. I.. P.C.
N. Haven 22 11 .667 Fltchbnr 18 18 .484
I'ltteneld. 20 18 .606 Hartferd . 14 IV ,z
llrldtepert 18 16 .620 Hpriniflrld 14 20 .412
Watcrbiiry is 17 .814 Albany... 14 21 .400
Bosten, 7 New Yerk. 8.
Cincinnati, 111 Chlcace, 7. .
Only ratnes played.
Cleveland, 0 Detroit, 4.
St. Leuis, 12) Chlcare, 4. ,
Only sames played.
Terente,, 6 1 Syracuse, 1 (Hrst Ram).
Terente-Syracuse (second gnme, rain).
All eUirr sames postponed.
Mlraienpells, Hi Milwaukee. 0.
Columbus. Oi InalanapeIlM, 0,
Ht. Paul, lOi Kansas City. 3.
Tolede-LoulsTUle, rain.
nrldfeoert. 4j Albany. 2. ..
Watrrbury, 61 Hartferd, 2.
Hprlnirfleld. 61 New Haven, 4. -
i-ituueia-ntcnDurg;, ram. ,
New Orleans, 3i Mobile, 2 (10 Innlnrs).
Atlanta, lOi IllrmlnKham, 3.
Nashrlue. 61 Cliuttnnoer.i. 6 (11 In
nines). Memphis. lOi Little Reck. 3.
Beats Miss Rice, 6-4, 6-4,
Semi-Final Defends Penna.
and Eastern Title
TWO grueling matches en what you
might call steam-heated courts at
the Merlen Cricket Club this morning
brought Miss Anne B. Townsend,
Merlen, and Miss Florence A. Ballln,
West Side Tennis Club, New Yerk,
Inte the final round for the women's
tennis championship of Pennsylvania
and the Enstcrn ritates.
Mlsa Townsend is the titlchelder,
nnd was due te defend ngalnst the
metropolitan star this afternoon for
the 11122 crown, provided the weather
The weather vras har,dly propitious
ter the ladles. Het, damp atmosphere
made dashing play an effort. The courts
were slippery from the rains and still
wet. theiich the sun shone.
Nevertheless, both semi-final matches
were bitterly fought te the last
point. Miss Tewiipend defeated MIfs
Helen ltlce, a Bryn Mnwr Col
lege student, ln the upper bracket of
the drawings, 0-4. 0-4. In the ether
bracket Miss Ballln' took another pro
longed fctmggle. from Mrs. M. B. Huff
Philadelphia Cricket Club. 0-4. 0-.1.
Beth Mi'' Townsend nnd Jllss Iinllln
lmv,. come threuch te the last round In
will tlpiienil en Greenwood m brinir linme
- --- - - - n ........
the victor, while he will be opposed te
' Willie Kehler Wins Decision
imi ,-... ,.., s.ieiuii
Yerk, June 3 Wlllle Kehler of
i lUdRewoed, wen the decision here or
Mlcksy Jlrewn Hast PIde mauler, n a one-
Ided and rather tame twelve-round uffalr
at ,, steepleOiase .th'etlc Assocl.ulen. of
nediawey lleach. Johnny Williams, of N'.u.
Yerk, wen the deilslen from Suller Jee
,..,. i,Hii-el.,hl,. tiehtArh, i .,' . ?
s.x-reund setnl-wlndup.
Miss Davis, Little Reck,
Best Wellesley OarstUeman
, Wellesley, Mass., June 3 Mis
Bebecc.i D. Davis, of Little Hec:,
Ark., has been adjudged the best
oarsweninn of Wellesley College,
She rowed Ne. 2 en the Fcnier
elght-enred crew which wen a cup In
an lntertinss regatta en Lake Wii
ban last night,
The crews rowed three times ever
n hnlf-milc course, twice under
ludginent for form and once in u
Mls Alenc I.lttle, of Columbus,
()., was bow en the senior crew.
Lebtter Dinner, $1,50
Hall Brellrd ,ebtcr DevUeJ Clam
Filrt of Salt. Tarfnte A'auce
Bart cenrd Ou'ttm linked Petate
Meanchan i Special, $1.50
Lebttr rnermlder DrxHUd Cmb
Filet e Sel. rarlere Struct
Clams Ccntim Haruteun l'atntef
Seft Shell Crab Platter, $1.00
Fried Seft Shtll Crabi Tartare Sauce
jinked Petate Xew gplnecn
Fieh Platter, $1.00
Broiled Bhiut nr Shad net
h'renth Print Petavie French Pens
Aliceit Cucumbers
Fresh Crab Salmd, Fri.
row, .viie,s-iv sh
" 'W?g
L - ' -
. .llMltlT-llSlfll-ll tlHlfl
Penn Star Will Ce After Hit
Tenth Straight Victory
This Afternoon
T.lnrnln. 2h.
Gorden, rf.
('onion, ss.
Owen, lb,
Jenkins. 2b.
Janln. If,
Halleck. ef.
Murehy. e.
Ooede, p.
Gelciblatt. 2h
Hhfjehlll, lb
Salliren. 3b.
Diatt. 2h.
ehlll, lb.
llOI.'PV!ln "
JlcMullen, cf.
Meher. e.
Manaffey, rf.
LlelMtqtt. ss.
HnnUlnrer. p.
Cambridge, Mass., June 3. ,Th
University of Pennsylvania baseball
team arrived here this morning for the
nnnunl game with Harvard op SeIdleVi
Field. Dr. Walter Cnrlss, coach of the
Bed and Blue team, t,ald that he wa
net at all certain ns te whlcn of his
two star right-handers would hurl
ngalnst the Crimson this afternoon.
Bill Yndtisky, the giant right-hander,
was scheduled te slnrt the game, but he
worked a pair of Innings agnlnst Brewit
yestcrdny, nnd It is thought likely that
Walter Hiintzinger, whose streak of
consecutive victories has renched nine,
will take the mound,
Huntzlngcr lias the best winning
sfrcnk of nny college pitcher ln the Knst
this yenr, and is rnted ns the leading
college pitcher. In his last start, 'he
defeated Cernell, fanning nine of the
Ithncnns. He heldtt victories ever the
best college tenms in the land. '
The Harvard hurler for thp game this
afternoon Is nlse n mntter of doubt. The
Crimson nine has net played frequently
of lnte, nnd nny one of the quartet f
regulars may be given. the burden, of
holding the Reil nnd Blue sluggers,
while the remainder 'of tlietenm makes
an effort te bitak'the winning streak of
uoeuc, who scored a victory ever the
Tigers recently, is expected by the Har-.
vanl grnds and undergrade te face Penn-.
Ycterday the Bed and Blue nine de
fented Brown at Providence, 0 te, 3.
Walter Larsen went along ln grand
style for eight Innings and was yanked
ln favor of Ynduskv. with the bases
filled and one out. The big fellow re
tired the side without any damage.
Philadelphia and Halifax Cup Tilts
en Suburban Creases
The undefeated Frankford Cricket
Club team will travel te New Yerk
today, where it 'will meet the Staten
Inland Cricket nnd Tennis Club tearn
ln the first Intercity match of weeks ln
a Halifax Cup match.
All the teams In the Philadelphia Oep
matches will sec action en suburban
cren'-es this morning and afternoon.
Germantown Cricket nnd Philadelphia
Cricket will meet nt Manhelm In a
Halifax Cup match.
Merlen meets Huverferd College en
Merlen's grounds, the University of
Pennsylvania team engnges Philadel
phia Cricket Club nt St. Martins and
Admere Crlcketeers will meet German
town en the Hnverferd College grounds.
Standings of the clubs.:
Wen Lest Ave.
. 1 n l.eoe
i n i.eoe
. 1 1 .BOO
. e 1 .000
. 0 1 .009
Frankford Cricket Club . .
Grmsnten Cricket Club.
Philadelphia Cricket Club
Merlen Cricket Club . .
New Yerk
Wen Lest Av',
Merlen Cricket Club.. ..
Oermantewn Cricket Club., a
Wanderers a
Haverford College . . 3
Philadelphia Cricket Club . a
University of Penna ... 3
Ardmore .... ... 1
Amateur Sports
'The Tulpehecken Beds, one of the
eMc.-t traveling nines In the city, Is
still nmnng'-t the bet. The nine has
been en tlm field for the past ten years
and has nlwajs shown te advantage.
On Decoration afternoon the Keds
traveled out te 0,"tli and Klmwoed
avenue and took IMdlij Lusk's St.
Barnabas nine into ramp In n well
plnyed gnme by the score of .'-2. This
was o'ne of the highest surpriees of tlm
M'nnn nnd n large crowd was en hand
te witness ir.
The Beds nre anxious tn meet all the
first class home tennis feel they can
furnish a geed drawing attraction.
They hnt-e .Tune tenth open for stirh
teams thnt nre willing te offer tenson tensen
nble inducements. J. H. Ilenk. .'RIO
Smedlev stnsu or phone TJega JKI27-W.
The White Ulr inb, first clans, aivay.
Jatne Kennedy, 2311 Cre street.
Northeast A. A., first rlass auay. C. J,'
...'"st Ih!!!lo?.!'rel."' .P")-? . trnvellrur,
.nnnre. -.in enn rniemnrpe street.
viniam "in - .-serin mini street.
i The Imllnnu Profs., away. Ilrt rlass. L.
' iicin nnd Pnturtn dntis open. j. ciark
i l'rin.ne1,'lrIni',;l "?,;i , , .
irrMi It. (' . feurtei n sixteen j cirs. trsv.
ellnu Uiiesell Je !i-.s North Tarenn street.
I A pitcher would Ilk" le connect with a
swnndilns tenm Jehn lt.inuelf, e.'S Sarah
HanciwU A., first clniji nway. Walter
Murk U-ii V.1H1 Rlrnnl anup
Amnpllnn ('. I' flfleen-aeventepn years,
k,,,i,,,. , nun TUnn.,.. r ii..' '
I 13JI Ilrandtu'ne stnet
A llrkt-PlHsN liurlrr would like te Jein a
Keed tenm Hdwnrd Maer 23111 NVirth
Ninth street
A butter) that ilsn run plnv the outfield
i would lll.e te h.'r from n home nam. R.
Chum in -701' I'renph stre. t
The Almlern I.aundr) Mne, first class.
bwr TuK 4 open I J rtebb. Jr., 1(10
Nei'ih penrhnrn s'reet
Wild,-? II. ( . feurteen-sUteen vears. away,
da'es In lune and July rp, n August Heemet.
11)01 North Lawrenru street, or phone Jlar-
kit nnd
Illiiekntene Jrs.. feurten-slxteen jears.
home or hw-iv i Schwnrtz. l'H4 Seuth
Iiw rence street
Lnrnilne Club of lienslnctnn fnurteen-sev.
entcrn eari uwav Jni i h McNeills, BTJfl
Pemrldve tr. et West I'hlln
Miimmeiitb TleerK. Ilrnt c lit hx. travellnv
Jee-ph HrhllllnK 2W,t Ann street '
l'hll.iili'lphlii IleterK' Nine. Hrst class
nwav Prnnkle WillLims. n;n Houth l'lfth
Knterprlse A. A., first clnss, awsy, Wll.
Ham A Lane 1127 North Scend striet.
Kiule A, (' sixteen eluhteen ears. Adam
Siwrjak !07 Owlen street ura
KenilnKtnn CunireK itlnnnl A. A., flrit
c'.ass traveling T Hlsiev 8212 I) strisi
1erriilne lub, July 1 open, rtrst class
ewiv A. C Hanifuw, 5(107 North Amerleaa
.street. -
Chicken Platter, $1.50
Half Ilreiled Hvring Clttrlien
Hashed in Cream Potnlee. Sew Pres
Lettuce antt Tctnateet, French Drctting
Steak Platter, $1,10
Sirloin Btrak u Ith Freih jWu.flroems
rrnc Fried Potatoes French Ftat
Lamb Platter, $1.00
Rrxut tea of Spring l.amh
Baked Petate Ittetvctt Cem
81104 Temat eeM
Celd Cut with Chicken, Petmt.
Sate, $l.3g -M
jyemfe. . , , i . , , , ,, ,M1,
ss UiiaSi n
e Art
Mehtd ma e)ur ttUrtiu n.,.' a
II m
'. , ti,'.y
'.)'. l.'STl