: WEATHtK-4!$B iwmii Plays at 9, 11 and 4:40 WANAMAKER'S Stere Opens at 9 DayUghUSaMing Tim WANAMAKER'S Stere Closes at 5 DaylighUSaving Time WANAMAKER'S m u.1.4. and Chlmet at Neea W Vf l"'i If V June Has Brought Gardens of Reses and Ever Se Man Endeavoring te Loek at the Brighter Side of things will destroy the habit of seeing all gerts of evils coming along that cress-grained people have harped upon and pointed out. Try te turn around te another street when you see the person coming your way who always expects rain and who may be seen lurrying an umbrella, rain or shine. Every home ought te be a fountain spring of cheerfulness, pouring forth comfort and happiness. Gloominess and growling never help anybody. Signed Ju t, mt. ffifymtafe 150 Afternoon Dresses at a Little Price $25 Canten crepes, crepes de chine and heavier or lighter sUk crepes are the fabrics, in the colors eftenest asked for -navy, black, rust, grays, tan and white. A great many are beaded, a few plainly tailored, few embroidered. Pretty and practical dresses and uncommonly geed for the money. (Tint Xloer) Plenty of Waists in the June Sale Tailored white dimities are one of the chief fea turesall white or white with colored cuffs and col cel lars or colored bindings. Many are samples, $1.65. Other white dimities especially desirable te wear with slip-en sweaters and sports suits are $1.85. And fresh shipments of the hand-made waists have come in Perte Rican things with unusu ally geed embroidery and filet lace. Priced $2.85 te $4.85. (Eut and We it Alslti) Riding Clethes for Women are ready in the Little Sports Sports Clethes Salen. The materials are khaki, linen and summer - weight cloths; each suit consists of coat and breeches and the prices range from $20 te $32.50. Separate knickers and breeches are of linen, khaki and cloth, $7 te $16. (Ftrit Fleer) I Charming Negligees and Breakfast Coats The prettiest of cloudy col ored Geergettes and satins, crepes de chine and brocades, with straight edges and' frilly edges and all manner of grace ful touches. Prices. $14.50 te $95, in the French Beem. (Third Fleer) Women's First Dust Coats of the Season tJHZ W2,me,n cen,sldef them natural color, full length and JMiipensable for a long meter with raglan sleeves, made ex- ?h.wi-r,p an.2 ,fc i8 certaIn tremely wide and well tai thtt they save the price many lered at $7.50. mes ever by protecting ether Silk pongee dust coats, nat ural color, raglan sleeve and clethu. iwe goea styles In all linen, cut full with scarf cellar, $20. (Flrtt Fleer) lUemen With Small U Hands May Have These Fine Kid Gloves Cleanup of 700 Pair at One-Third and t nv W0;Thirds of Regular Prices JUNb and short kid and suede gloves of the """", Mumtf. a numeer 01 trie iameus Kev- mers are included. 5WCKS. Whil All are from the regular mainiSl! th?re are some in sizes 63t and larer. te majority are in smaller sizes, 5i2 te 6i2 principally. lend., v g gleyea are in 8 v2 16- 20 and 24-button W. New priced $2 and $5 a pair. The short gloves are all new $2. AH are in perfect condition. Itehr !& b!ack and Poetically all the geed colors, 'WK and dark, are included. (Main Fleer) Charme D'Amour Is a Favorite Fragrance Adin'cxtracS,0" " aahet. ?, t"lct toilet water, ; PeJvder.P d6r and com! 'rffJiV1-60 and lively pTifp. AU arc . ill? &"? Mary extras f ft.mWlV"1 t0"Ct J, Ulala VI...V Coel L. R. Corsets of Open Mesh They leek cool, and feci cool, for the openwork mesh is net only light but it lets the heat of the body out. A model for s-hert slender figures is ?1.25. And two for full and medium figures arc $-. In Wanamoker Special cor sets also there are open-mesh models nt $l.r0, including both topless and low-topped styles, with reinforced waist lines. All are excellent for out door sports. (Third Fleer) Airy, Flewerlike Things te Wear Many Different Summer Dresses Will the Yeung Weman Need pvOR morning she will want pretty, cool ginghams, the bright-colored checks are A favorites. There are any number of attractive styles between $7.75 and $17.50. "Nothing like a linen dress," some girlB think, and there have just come some ex tremely smart linen dresses in white, Copenhagen, leather and green for $12.50. New epenge frocks are se much thought of this year that many young women are buying them for afternoons as well as morn ings. Twe new and pretty styles are $14.50 and $18.60. Of course, for many occasions, there is nothing which takes the place of a silk dress it may be of crepe de chine, plain or printed, or Canten crepe. Every color is here from white and the lighter tints down te the new Yellowstone tawny shade, henna, navy, dirck ana many etners. (Second User) One can cheese from a typical peasant style with bloused front and vivid embroidery te the newest side draperies as introduced by Paris. Really wonderful dresses at $18.50 te $55. All in 14 te 20 year sizes. Deautiful Flower-Trimmed Hats Just Arrived at $10 and $12 Big, flat hats of hair, leghorn and fancy weaves that are worn with organ die and ether Summery dresses. The white ones are trimmed with white flowers ; there are all-black hats, and ethers with a touch of color, and some in a charming shade of pink with pink flowers. Altogether, the values are se unusual that one would hunt a long time before finding their equals. (Second Fleer) (Girls' Dresses and U Coats Are Much Less New 200 Dresses at $2.25 te $12.50 are every one half price and they include almost all kinds of Summer materials, such as cotton fabrics, Georgette crepe, silk taffeta and even white organdie. Seme are a trifle soiled or mussed. 200 Coats at $7.50 te $25 Sports styles, chiefly in pole coating, plaids and tweeds. There are capes also. Nene have been reduced before, but new are greatly lowered. On both dresses and coats, sizes are 6 te 17 years. (Sound Fleer) Women's Leghorn Sports Hats at $4.50 and $7 Smart tailored hats with grosgrain ribbon or pleated silk bands. They are the natural colored leghorn straw with soft rolled brim, te be turned up or down at pleasure. The shape is especially nice for sports wear with sweater costumes. OTeit Al.le) Canten Crepe Capes, $28, for Yeung Women Such remarkably Reed specials that we can hard ly have time te announce their arrival before they are gene. The material is a heavy all-silk Canten crepe in 1 black with a gray or beige I crepe de chine lining. The high standing col cel lar is of soft silky caracul fur and there are long silk ends te tic. Sizc3 14 te 20 years. (Second Fleer) Breathes There a Man who can smother the thrill and the joy of a bright Summer day when he sees the phalanx of men swinging along with proud, firm steps and heads held high Leeking Mighty Fine in Brand New Suits psJf UJ It's the spirit of the times te stand up and dress up, and all the men who count for anything are marching out looking spic and span and pros perous as can be. It's Summer and the gloom is gene, and a dollar buys a full hundred cents' worth of clothing and there is no reason why a man shouldn't leek like he is glad te be alive. But of all the Suits a man can find, the finest are at Wanamaker's. Bright, new, different suits. Mere te cheese from than a man can imagine. Bright, light suits in loose, free models. Or darker suits like a mere staid man would wear. And every one is geed through and through, tailored te perfection and priced no higher than $65, while some are as low as $35, with the biggest cheesing around $40 and $45. v rfV Third Fleer) If a Man Likes Celer, Here Are the Shirts He Will Wear Net gaudy shirts, in fact, they are really pretty but colorful. Silk-and-cotton shirts, incidentally the best that ha'e come for years. Stripes are just as varied as the colors and most every color is in the group. Price $5.50. (Main Fleer) Het? Of Course, But the Man in Athletic Underwear Is Coel Coel as a breeze and comfortable, tee, for freedom doesn't begin te tell the story of the union suits that knowing men wear in Summer. And athletic union suits of all kinds, all de scriptions, all values are here for the men who want te buy comfort with service. Fancy woven madras suits, $1.75, $2, 52.25 and $3. Silk-and-cotton mixed suits, $5. Pure silk suits, 6, $8 and $10. Plain gauze-weight cotton suits, $1 15, 51.50 and $1.75. (Mu In lloer) Once a Man Puts a Geed Straw Hat en His Head He is done with the old remark that "A straw hat is a straw hat" r.nd it doesn't matter where it's bought or hew much it cost?. Every day men are being initiated into the goodness of Wanamaker straw hats and they tell us the superiority is net only in the quality that brings longer service; but the style as well. A geed atraw hat leeks its part and keeps en looking it long after the ethers have gene into the discard. The best American-made straw hats along with the Lincoln-Bennett and RED LEAF from Londen are here between $2.50 and $5. (Main Fleer) Silk Grenadine Ties Have Joined the Specials at 65c S'llk grenadines in staple colors with fancy figures or stripes at 65 cents and every one worth. considerably mere. Alse the sturdy Mugader and Rep Silk ties nt the one price. In stripes galore and all the l colors a man can think of for a necktie. f (Main Fleer) A Free and Easy Sert of a Shee for a Man te Wear Outdoors On free and easy times is the two-tone sports oxfords. Yeung men are wearing them every day, everywhere. And the best sports oxfords at anything near the price are at Wanamaker's for $6.40. Twe kinds te cheese from, tee. First the light ones of smoked horse with mahogany tips and instep saddles and heel foxing. Then for golf there are the tan oxfords with mahogany trim mings. (Main Fleer) tl 100 Iren Lamps at $3.50 Fleer lamps of hand- wrought iron, polychrome dec orated; uith three welded feet and extra long cords. They are adjustable. Parchment shades for them ' are $1 te $1.75. (Fourth Fleer) Miles and Miles of Travel Cost Surprisingly Little when the motorist rides en Empire Cord tires and the cost is a great deal less new that the geed cord tires are at Wanamaker's much below the market values1. Size All That Is Called "Canten Crepe" Is Net Se Geed, new, first-quality, genuine Canten crepes are here at $4 and $4.50 the yard. Seme cicpes said te be "Canten" are net genuine. These are. And they are in perfect shades of navy and midnight blue, gray, beige, brown, pink, jade and ether colors, as well as the greatly demanded white and black. (Flrit Fleer) New French Ratines in Silver Grays The loveliest cotton ratines that have come. A beautiful stiver gray ground with fine stripe or checkline or everplaid in lav ender, coral, mess, canary, mustard, navy or black. They make wonderfully smart dresses and skirts. All 38 inches wide, and priced $2 a yard. (Vint Fleer) Most Every Weman Likes a Leather Bag te Carry en the Street Of course, it can be a pretty bacr. and a colorful nne but with the sports suit or tailored suit the chances arc Every tire first quality, sound construction and guaranteed for service. Size Sfl r. ' 31 x 4 n.: t Other Price m 50 521 nn :s oe $24 75 Price S4 . . .. J25,ln Kv1: 2S.60 si v 1 u . . s.",e en 34 P, .. . 131 5Q sizes at correspondingly low prices. Empire extra heavy red tubes te fit all size3 of cord tiie., also at unusual prices. (Tli fiulIrr.T) it will be leather. And new ones w c just com" in, the best yet at $3 te $5. Standing out abevr all ethers is a novelty frame shape that leeks like a queer gath ered pouch with each end hang ing loe.,o from the frame te form additional pockets. But the selection doesn't step (Miln Fleer) there, for theie are envelope bags, shopping tugs, little vanities; in fa.-t niet all the little twists and forms that are popular in bags. Naturally the 'blacks and blues and browns are in abun dance, nleng with the modes and high spert3 colors. Candlewick Bedspreads and Sets Much in Demand And new selections are read. Spreads in deuble-bed size, $10; single-bed 3ize, $9. Candlewick bedspread sets, All made at unbleached with separate bohter-piecc m muslin with patterns dene in design te match the spread. candlewu-k. Iir .,, , ,, je,, Quaintly deceratur, ,pe. 315 in the double and $U in na!ly witI, c,,,,,,' fejr. the singk-bed size. pester beds. (MMIi rioerl Shoes for Every Heur of the Younger Weman's Day Fer street, tramping and knockabout wear are stout oxfords of Norwegian grained calf in a dark tan, with heavy welted soles, low heels, full round tee, long wirig tip, perforations and sawtoeth edgings. Priced $9 a pair. Or one-strap pumps of dark tan grained calf, with flat heels and inner slip soles te keep out the damp. Alse $9. Outright play shoes for golf, tennis and sports generally, arc $8.50 a pair. Tan calf ox fords with rounded soft tee and easy tread. Sele and heel of red rubber, suction or cor rugated. Fer dressier hours are black patent leather one strap pumps, with light or heavy soles, wing-tipped or plain tees, wide or narrow strap, and low heels. Priced $0 and $12 a pair. And for hours that rcqujj-e satin, here are the prettiest little pumps of black satin at $10 a pair. They have one strap, rounded tee and low covered heels. (Tint Fleer) Everything That Makes f Camping a Pleasure will be found m the Sporting Goods Stere, from a waterproof match box te a rubber blanket. . Campers preparing for a trip and wanting te get all possible KSS n0Utipf lfc Wl11 be Crated by this little list of comforts, eniev helps and needfuls. Camp blankets, ." and 50. Rubber blankets, S2..")0. Khaki trousers, $2.25 te $3. "Khaki or gray shirts, $2 ' te $2.75. Waterproof canvas carry ing bags, $2.50 te $5.50. White and khaki running pants, 75c te $1.50. White sleeveless whirls, 50c te $3.50. Sleeveless .shirts in navy, maroon, gray and scarlet, $2 and $2.25. Bathing suits in a large variety, $2.50 te $5. Canvas shoes in an as sortment of styles, $1.35 te $4.50. Moccasins, several styles, $3.25 te $7. V-neck sweaters, pull over kind, in various col ors, $5 te $8. Jack and hunting knives, $1.25 te $3.50. axes, $1.50 te 'hM H-.lA Camping $4.50. Mess kits, $2.50 te 53.7X Compasses, drinking cups, nsiiing tackle, rifle, tents, cots, camp furniturty ana se en. Ssi 'X & HI . -jw 'rj . fA rj,Yi " .-v. I a? Ui i t .,! 1 tm i rya 'fZtm vm il . S (Th. GtUerr) .- J U ,. ,A " 11 ..w.iafix., y - 'Ki & .. &&Silb, astfttSKi:,?- iai i..i..V &?k m '-m p--TM'il. l3fcAUUBB5..w., .. ,. I. -iuvtfKW.. . IP:. HiKHi ".k'llWU.Vd? K-yw ' u.i 4 m. .- . i( Wit.iw?Jj. , . -