ft-snT" ' . 'M, Wi. J 51" v. 4 ir r .m ":' ux .. w VtfW takr V 4'JK" EVENING PUBLIC liEDGERPHIUABELPHlA, FRIDAY, JltNE 2, 1925 &V$BS&V ;fPWii i ' IMBB WW iv.cs r m i A v 1 sn fi t-. i . If p U ROOFING MATr.niAt.s Mnnnfnclurrd br ItKRUKK CO.. 69 N. Sl STRKF.T Mil' Mnrket OSS I it M W Mince ai Barak SimppISes Machine Bookkeeping c lUOTni orepiiircyi "tfO MaiT-VeIr 1)-rw.!F t ,- 1 Um 4T.WH. WU .. L OUR STORE ORDERS Increase Your Personal Value Appearnnren count tliee dn. Our iilnn enable yen In lire well with clothing from tlie IkkIIiik re tnll Mire of l'lillx. ui imj in In moderate iimeunU (lilt will net tn rear rirnlnc. im lllnu.iihiN liate been daltiE for tlir iit SO enr. HRITF. 10K DETAILS lOMfiHT mi 1932 Marriett Bres. 1118 CHESTNUT STREET d "WOLFINGTON Appearance Appearance counts as well as performance A new top, tepaint iiifT, ru-uphelstenns:, llc, blip covers, straightening out dents will make veur car leek the pan. as well as net it. Special summer prices. Phene: Poplar il-1. The WOLFINGTON Sheps 19th and Ilultonweod Established 1STG Mar kef- and fourth Sfx. PHILADELPHIA. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! N( rOT LONG AGO we saw "easy come. easy pre" days. Meney was plentiful and wor ries few. Today is the time when hard work, wise spend ing and legular saving count. Chanpe the slogan te "hard come, easy grew" at bank inte est. CAPITAL &. SURPLUS $1,600,000.00 toirveM(8ex. A Recipe for Happiness! Sages have sought it ?, through all the ages. But give the average man a wife, a baby, a garden, an armful-of bundles and a train te catch, and he asks little mere of life. Provided, of course, i, that one of these bundles 'i .holds Happiness Candy. f SayMother'sOivnllemeMnde, 1 or Evangeline Chocolates, tf or anv one of our 200 kinds hat are sure te make JJad's bome-ceming joyful. W Happy Thouthtfer Tedify: .ASSORTMENT V1.UUD. Inited appiness tdy bteres Wj0r sP ''''ym&aM'', , GIRLSTOBEHOSTS I LEGION RUNNERS Yeeman (F) Pest Will Entertain Athletes at Big Meet Here Next Week MAXWELL TO BE ORATOR Yeoman F Pet, Ne. r0, American Legien, the only pest In the State com noted of women who K'reiI In the nnvy during the World Wnr. will entertain athletes wJie will come here from all sections of the country te participate In the Anurlcnn Legien Field Day, June I). Elaborate I a n h have been mede for the cntcrtalnmetit, which will take nlni-e nt Kugler's Itci tnurant There will be dancing, and a Iplaj. "Mrs. lllaeVs Pink Tea," will be given. Thi' Yeeman Pest which has mem- iVT. ,"Va"1m,?:. !i"dS" !!dJ:?.rJ1 mi Wi ntui ii'iuiii iiiu i iiui i'iiuiii it adopted during the wnr. Miss Maj Mcl'ermiek. pest commander, announces that they intend te iinest In a new pest home in the near future. I Fiankferd Pest. Ne. 211. will join the Yeeman F Pest and ether pests here in a moonlight trip .lulj 7 The June festhnl program of the Frank- I ford Pebt hus been completed and ever I committee h prepated for the three big lafieinoens nnd evenings, June 1,". It! and IT. The next meeting of the pest will lu held Tuesdaj at the Frankenl t.ibr.tn Auditorium The speaker will he Ilarr; i MiNem, rummunder of the IJrltih Wnr Veterans of America, i ltebett W Mawcll will address tlie members ,,f the Donald T Shenton Pest, . i;tii, Tuesd.M night at a mieting te be In Id in the l'ngineers' Club. This will be the last meeting of this pest until Si ptember and an elee I Hen of delegates te the State comentlen i it W illiamspmt will be hlil The elec tion als will lever uieanues which i hate inclined among the executive staff A special niietlng of the Executive Committee of the Dald W Jamesen I Pest. Ne ISi. has be n called for to te nlcht for "pepping up" the organiza tion The regular pest meeting will be held Tuesdiy at 2." Seuth Van Pelt l , strcei Tins probably will be the last of the summer meetings. START TIOGA MEMORIAL 800 Members of Association Parade i t QltA Af 4ti;n frn cw..m.a I w w.w w. ww,www v... Mvfcuiw Tlght hundred members of the Tiega Dusiiie-s Men's Association paraded Inst nignt irem ttieir neauiiuarters. at .J.H7 licrnuntenn aenui. te tlie elti- of a new ciitnmunitj bulldine and memorial te these members who saw hervlcc In the World War. The buildinc Is te be erected nt a cost of 550.000 en the cor ner f Gcrmantenn arenuc and West West merelund street. Ground was broken bv Wilbur II. Zlnimirmnn. prextdenl of the assecla- I tien. Other speakers were (Jeerse W. ' Hob'sen, Mlehael Walker and Thomaj 1 Iiluett. A inertunKi' sufflelent te linane'' I the operation w s arrain?ed for b I.t tfeudfii. nresident of the North Phila delphia Trust Company. READY TO FIGHT FIRES Graduates Are Awarded Their 49 City Diplomas Today Tort -nine new city firemen were Kensington, p-.iduated from the City Fire Scheel, i The coronation of the Queen was the Seventh and Norris streets, at 2 climax of the May Festival of the Ken Ken Ken o'rleoU thi-, nfternoen. I simtten Husines Men. T1ip program consisted of ladder In the Metropolitan Opera Heuse, pealing, net jumping, first aid te the surrounded bv members of Ken- lnjureil and etiipr metiieds of nre ngnt- liU' taught during tlie nfty-day course. Mayer Moere and ether city officials were invited tn attend, and mere than 100 imitation were sent te friends and relatives of the graduates. Twe Minutes of Optl imism B HERMAN' .1. STICK Ege-Toxin Victims Seme time age a New Yerk Justice distributed he really did te his I "filerids" one of Uncle Sam's postcards nhbh carried the following invitatien: ".Judge begs te Inform his friends that his portrait painted by the dl'tinguisbef artist , is en exhi bition during the week at the celebrated Hal'ten Galleries 507 Fifth avenue." Tlie "friends," thus honored, no deubr immens-el.v enjejed the "exhibi tion ' Old Cuus Julius had a tlave te stand behind him a he drove through lines of entering Itemans and te whisper: "Hi member Cne'-ar. you are but a man " This detail the learned justice overlooked 'I lie pietty postal epistle In question brings te mind the (nd case of a promi nent jiurlht who wns committed te an institution for th" Insane the medical report en the btrtngth of which he was teiifined certilied thnt "the patient is suffering from tenacious delusions, one of which Is thnt he Is a great man." Tlin mighty (or they who think they are) fwiucnth Hep hard. i Semetiims thej get se thev have a brass band and fireworks enliven their everv tut and word We Knew personally a very estlmah'.e gentleman of some position In the com munity, who, whenever he has oicasien . imv a few words, evin of the most Inconsequential eharactei, in 'public, Invarlablv makes It a point te notify all the newspapers and news dlstrib- i utmg agencies In the dtv. i One of the most difficult and danger ous things In the world Is te sit en a pinnacle nn Immediate result is utuall.v Mess of mental as well as physical bal ance, I Few ordinary mortals can withstand the limelight, which, as a rule, cither , blinds or scorches, or does both and tliose of us who nre fortunate enough no te be se exposed have much te le thankful for. It has been fa Id that conceited men will starve their ether vices te feed their ego bump. This is a mlBtake a conceited man never starves any of his ether vices. rtuther be feeds them and feeds them, and feeds tliem till he gees plumb cruzy daft bereft ! That U why our lunatic asjlums are se thickly pepuluted with King Solo mons, Alexanders and Napoleons, If you simply must why. smoke, cuss ii blue streak, watch the windy corners te jour heart' content! Hut be I'uicful never te become a victim of EGO-TOXIN. Fer of the conceited man and con cen ceitIt has been truly said, the one Is "ett.'t and the ether Is the cause. And iss "SI-J-".."" T "--"--,.. MS. ittjWBt.iMBiJjr a matter of &1i ,-i.Jf .Vi.WW WfV,V e . ' i!-ir.v z&&-r iatti SIX ARE HELD IN $5000 ! IN PHONOGRAPH SUIT Remington Ce. Said te Have Made Machines at Less of $74.11 Each Sinking plionegrnplis nt n less of $7-1.11 ench was one of the aliened I operations of the new defunct HcnilnK- I ten Phonegrnplt Company, In ronnee- j -vwh hjch Mf jJj fig ' the Fcdcrnl (Iniml Jury nt a hearing lcfere I'nlted Htntcs Commissioner Mnnley cMcrdny. 13. Itniirv StptKnn. of Klklns Park. son of tin- late Jehn H, Stetson, the. I hnt manufiieturer, whose nnnie wih linked with the bankrupt concern, was discharged. Harry F. fcjlcber. of Merlen, Ie president of the Ovcrbroek llnnk. another of these Involved, wns I held in $51100 ball for a further hear ing Menclnj The felli lowing were held for the Grand Jury, charged with using the malls te defraud : I'hlle K. Itemlngten. nf Vmv Ynrk uhnip linnin uni iiid br the corporation ; I.jnden Ihvight Weed, of Italu, a stock iileiman ; Marc 11. TlmmiiH. of 1'nner Darby: Merris i I'omeinntz. Canine and Wlngohecklng I ctrceta, a salesman; Jnmes S, Helmes, of New Yerk, alleged Iie president, und Hnbeil W . Imnlep, of Hnltlmere Assistant I'nited States Attorney Frcednnin said the case would be sub mitted te the Federal Grand Jury a special session next Wednesday. HARVARD DENIES RACE BAR Dean Says University Will Net Dis criminate Against Any One llosten, June 2. One elnue In a statement issued Wednesday night bv Frederick Allen, secretary and publicity director of Harwird Cnlvcrsity. en the limitation nf enrollment there has caused considerable stir. The clause read: "It is natural that with a widespread discussion of this sort going en there I should be talk about the proportion of , Jews at the college." ican Liiestcr .eyes urceneugn, et Harvard, made the following statement last night : "Harvard will he the amc tomorrow as it is today. Harvard does net wish te bar nin one. but the problem of tee great numbers is before us and must be dealt with. If anj one said Harvard was planning te discriminate against rates, be did net get that information from Harwird." Within the last decade the number nml propeition of Jewish students at llarai,l has greatly Increased. Thej are new Faid te exceed 10 per cent of i the mtlre number. COUGHLIN SPENT $3777 G. O. P. Nominee for Congress Used Meney for Pell Men and Advertising AVUhes-narre. June 2. Clarence D. Ceughlln. lteniihlirnn nominee for Cen- I grcss, spent .V.in. He received con- trlbiitiens of about S2e. His money I was spent for poll men nnd advertising. I Hnrrls Hamlin, defeated for Cen- fS; ipe,,t 5-'-1'' and m 0WM xrH m..i. nH..Rn.. .t .1. ..it". i,iitn:iH- iiivt'iiK,i it iiiNi ue- feated for Congress, spent SI "".". ."3 and ban outstanding debtw of $1S09.0S. Asa Kednltt. who wen the Demo cratic nomination ter State Sennter, spent $4001).i:S. Themas A. Carr. a candidate for Cenj?re.s, spent S1477.70. In the b alslntlve contest the expen-'cs of the candidates were as follews: .Tames Gibbens. $104..rifll.': J. II. Schwartz. SS70.riS: Fred H. Davis, Slf)2.!)0; Jehn Staitsky, $1501. CO: L. D. Themas. $200: M. J. Gerham, Sl.V-'.7r: Itavmend S. Davis. $102; Ilenrv K. Miller. S074: Christian Mil ler. $571; W. O. Pauxtis, $559.75; W. II. Martin. $lle..r.0. CROWN KENSINGTON QUEEN Coronation Cemes as Climax te May j Festival of Buslness's Men's Bedy ' Miss Anna Husten. K14.1 lpm-h 1 street, was la9t nieht chosen Out-en nf singten s nobility, tlie Queen inn . dinted her court before the guests who niieu tne ercne-.tra, boxes and balconies. Preceded bv the various duchesses, baronesses, and countesses, with Edna May White, one of the winners of the recent baby contest conducted In Kens ington, nnd Eleaner Mixncx strewing flowers before her. she made her stately entrance into the Throne Roem where, after being greeted by representatives of the Kensington Business Men's As sociation, she was crowned and pre-' scnted with a $200 diamond ring and a geld wrist watch by Harr.v Derby shire, chairman of the General Com mittee of the Kensington Merchants' Mav Festival. IMPORTED TAPESTRIES With Working Malfrinl. In Weel r Beads Genuine Canadian Homespun J!5 colerlntn. $4.80 yd.. 33 In. wide). Fer Suit.. Suirtd.Sterf. The popular Landseape nm with Patterns for ame. Virginia Candlewick Spreads (Specially Priced) BEADS GIFTS WOOL Germantown Novelty Shep OS W. CIIEITF.V AVE. Gtn. 4Aa mSWateul Street ; CVTniAniMinntr HI ves REDUCTIONS Columbia- QESii Suits m ! Grafonela ' JliCS and A M Medel e-2 " i Tlgf I I Li, L-JJ u 1 n III i2ie-inch j55SjSSIH 1 luMifi rnSiil i Wraps tdpitt Ijj Records HB SSPHIv IlJ Values 1111 I I : kmm ' ' W k.t IT I III ... I Oa asll ' n- S50.00 V ' "t,h LI e 'ii t i I Records 1 ' I Specially Priced , m,J Wash Skirts 134 11 wonderful value i then arc III ' I III . d A asKamMasKlsaBmmmZ3SZmmmm3MUkmEMS!SSKM , sflHMfl : . . .. '. . . i. . a - 7 rmwmk ,;;,!, 'A'j"r. ..&&,? '; impmkMMMMMMmm WMmKmMmMKMM3?rttv '. v ?fi'fy? ' r"' 7j' , v r " "'JiiksM fTfji f f 'l$ fm ti zSuusssssssmd FELLED BY MAN DIES IN HOSPITAL Junk Dealer Hit Bey en Head With Bar, It Charge A six-year-old hey. bit en the hcml with an Iren bar, It it alleged, br a Junk dealer, who said the boy .called CHILD i pafe&nw IMm m t en the Sold eC Ml Jyur ohen ua Ml Qtieranf that Ml ThryAwRiht Ml Of the Entire Stock Ml Ml 1 Ml Ml Alse New Up Unusual te-the-Minute Footwear at Great Savings i I MMmMMMMMMmmmsMSMMmmmsmmMmmmisMstmaMimmmmtaMimsmmMsmsmm j ' m " - 3ggg. , A-A ii MnimiMiMMiii illn. j 1 1 HI HI i l" 'ihfiJri-'Mji.ril .jgHB i RUGS! sxmsammrKZFF &$m ' I I 9x12 Deuble Warp Jap. Grass QfiT OC RlGS- 5-& 9x12 Extra Heavy' Axminster At 9 9 ) qil rj f 9x12 Seamless Brussels Q 1 fifi rugs- I4-e 9x12 Seamless Velvet tf Os gQ RUGS- 44u Perch Rocker $9.45 Large size well made an d braced. Choice of natural or green. Genuine Leather Upholstered ROCKERS bis wife en Insulting name, died in St. Agnes' Hospital about 2 o'clock jester day afternoon. The boy was Michael Plncinclla, of 2330 Dickinsen street. Jehn 1)1 Meg le, twenty-eight years old, n Junk dealer, Dickinsen street near Twenty-second, tidmittcd te police at the Twentieth and Federal streets station he had struck where tbe boy was taken by an auto I the boy. Physicians at the hospital, The Big Sale DctWOa et Women's Pumps & Oxfords At Half Price and Less A Big Variety for Choice at Values at $3 4' THE BIG SHOE STORE Four Floers With Seating Capacity for 600 M$n, Women, Misses, Beys and Children 1204-Q6-08 Market Street "Chevy Chase" Overstuffed Suite et ej lin-roem suite that stands paramount for value giving. 87-inch davenport all pieces overstuffed spring seats and backs and (? -tf f wide pillow arms. Choice of tapestries and veleurs. Backs of pieces tJ UAfc covered with same material. t" M mWmM m,. -SllimjJJJ "Leuis XVI" Bedroom Suite . A late shipment makes it necessary te mark the price even lower rt - than we intended. These are most wonderful suites at se low a price-and V "iff d made in highly polished American Walnut. Nete the semi-vanity dresser, P I CJ the bow-end bed, the chifferette and the large dresser. "'"aer, r - -- y 1 0-Pc."Queen Anne" A STERN & CO. ether store has been able 5 side chairs and one arm fev mobile of the Federal Reserve Hank, said his skull was fractured. Albert Madero, a cousin, of the boy. of 2303 Greenwich street, and Mlthncl were walking te their homes from the St. Themas Aquinas Parochial Scheel, at Eighteenth nnd Merris streets. They stepped In front of the Junk shop. There Is a variance In the reports of what the Pincinella lad said, but Dl Megle told the police he lest his head when the boy called his wife a vile name. Is new in Progress TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET 5 1 25TH ANNTTVF.pnAwv nrAm..n .. j m vnn.i.jic4 tnat no te equal. The entire 10 pieces-including chair with GENUINE LEATHER SEATS. r'W H tf y.tjfrfcAi&k. .-Utla Orange Blessem Wedding Ring It is beautifully decorated in the "Orange Blessem" design, which se well expresses the sentiment of the marriage vows 18-kr. geld $10; platinum $30. Decorated wedding rings, decreed by smart society everywhere, may be seen in our store in many exquisite style's. The 'Orange Blessem is ' probably the most popular. S. Kind & Sens, we chestnut st DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS .mmmmmmmmmW$ ti; !'iiBBBBBBBJ. WMmtMMWWWWwm mBiSMtMMWWWWWWwM mmKMMMMMm Hr YE0 Stationers Printers Blank Boek Mfrs. -12 N. 13th St. Dining Suite . $195 712-714 MARKET aiKEET Furniture" i Blank Beeks Several Grade and Sizes Journal. Minute Beeks. Cash Beeks, Ledgers also Trial Balance Beeks, Time Beeks, Cheap Counter Beeks. Columnar Journals 2 te 36 columns & LUKENS CO. 719 Walnut St.- 26-Piece Chest of Oneida Community Table $Q.95 Silver & Heavy plated table allver. uunan. teed te last a lifetime. In neat.ealc or mahogany case. "Englander" Perch Hammocks $18M te $55 Refrigerators $37'M One - piece white porce lain lined. "Belber" Wardrobe Trunks , 29& 'v " ii