jnR'iY meEmaMMmmemiiMimKNMMfflr f MlK'-VWyilif VU MIIffAf V,MWWa KttMn T.fiTR'WJ"!, ' ft., ? " J.--! ilL " , iL il ' ' JD ...,.. , 1 1 ,'..1 .. i.TL .-. L. .-, v Jx ' f ' ' ' "& &;J , EVENING PTJBLlfc LEDGEifc-PHIIJADELPHIA, FRIDAY, TONE 2, 1022 asi .MS tVr tfj A 1 IMPORTANT NEWS FOR TO-MORROW STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Anniversary Sale BUSINESS HOURS 0 te 6:30 I 7 41 nx m w;-i 'i 7gre's Apparel for the Whole Family at Anniversary Savings . 1 ,i ..'! ffi ':' r- ' " """tfl con alAIHHMHHPHf fafjHS&F "B $5.00 $5.00 Four Other Four Other Medel Medels $2.65 Twe Other MmGA9 Other Medels J& J T . Medels $7.50 $9.75 $12.50 $13.50 Four Other Four OtherThree Other Four Other Qff m)lji Nine &wk mat .wn i JVIUS V S y & 1 ltiBr9c f n 8Els1 fdPa, jR t S 5? : Wfflffjfny f 1 8115$ Si S mi rami r w V -JJ -H Ml Iff ffss. f. V.-X.:i-k .V'v. a lBa) n ::.:'.' ::f: '. v vss kv " " ! . . yv . e sr- ..:.:.. v,, ?,h( Medels Medels Medels Medels $1.85 Three Other Medels $U.5 Twe Other Medels $19.50 $22.50 One OtherTtve Other Medel Medels $22.50 Twe Other Medels Te-morrow Misses' and Girls' Dresses Matchless Values This will be one of the greatest value-giving events of the Anniversary Sale; the values are the best we have ever known in Misses' and Girls' Dresses, and smarter styles are net obtainable at any price. Scores of different models in silk and cotton and in all the season's most fashionable shades. 300 Misses' Wash Frecks $5.00 Checked gingham, organdie cellar, vestees and sashes, Navy blue and brown dotted vellea with tiny plaited frills. Straight-line Dreatca of plaid ratine with leather belti. Dotted Voile Dreeiea In red. green and navy blue, .with .rose quilling and saah of colored organdie. Slzea 14, 16 and 18 years. 250 Girls' 1 qj Wash Frecks pl-OD A beautiful assortment of pretty youthful mod els in the abides young glrla adore. Plain-colored ehambraya with checked gingham trimmings. Checked Ginghams trimmed with embroidered or. gandle. Shirt-waist Dresse oenalatlng of colored chambray eklrts and white lawn waists. Sizes 9 te 14 years. Misses? Tissue and Voile Dresses $2.65 Tive Other Medels Sill $ 5" Iiew - w a 1 s t e d wash Dresses checked tlmi nil nlaln AvilrArl and dotted voiles, trimmed with organdie-: lace and net cellar and cuffa. Sizes 14. 16 and 18 years. Misses' Voile, $13.50 in ana Three Other Medels, $3.05 $3.95 Swiss and Ratine elthtr Dresses AfnAclS Hems uiciieu vellea with lace vestee and - .. i.t. i.i .mii ren dered veues -mm j".'-w . 'ii.yr'j, is'r and cuffs. Tal ered Belted Dresses of colored linen. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 year. Misses' Dresses of Crepe de Chine Slip-en Dresses ft t f, Otf draped eklrt', JJLfr.Wl stitched Dresses with eeft eaBheii; in eiacK, wniuj e.u. --- rt..vtflaMin TtrAflHAjl Of White Canten crepe and figured crepe de chine. Girls' Various New .u. .-, Summer Frecks Three White-dotted dark ir.j.fe erganug ... H vi or ,mi JU.iSid vellea with white or- Belted Dresses of cnecKea ging $3.95 $9.75 Misses' Linen, Voile and Swiss Dresses Sleeveless Slip-en Dresses of color ed linen. Light colored Voile Dresses smartly tucked. Navy blue and brown Swiss Dresses with organdie cellar and cuffs. Blouse Dresses of plain colored voile trimmed with checked voile. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 years. Girls' Gingham and Other Dresses Belted straight line Dresses of checked ginghams with hemstitched white bands. Gingham Dresses with organdie sleeves, sash and cellar. Sizes 6 te 14 years. Misses' Lace and Silk Crepe Dresses $19.50 $2.65 Lew - walsted Crepe Georg ette Dresses, with Jet fringe- trimmed panels or beaded with wooden beads. Alse Canten Crepe Dresses with lace sleeves and ever-skirt Intermediate Girls' Wash Frecks $6.85 Plain and figured voiles and check' ed ginghams, lew-waistea In belt ham. and sash styles trimmed In color. sues is, i ana 10 years. Misses' Fine Cotten Dresses $12.50 Colored OR GANDIE with quillings and self flowers. Slip-en RATING Dresses with Slet ratine waist. Novelty VOILKS with quilling of colored organdie. Printed BATISTES with ombrold embrold ombreld ered cellars. Slzea 14, 16 and 18 years. Girls' Organdie and Voile Dresses Colored organdie witn lace-trimmed cellar and sleeves: ribbon velvet belt Light figured voiles with frilled cellar and ribbon belt Sizes 6 te 14 years. $3.00 Misses' Canten and Reshanara Dresses Blouse Dresses of Oa.nten crepe, mostly beaded and Slatted; and lleshanara Crepe llp-en Dresses with border of strappings. Sizes 14, 16 and 18 years. $22.50 Misses' Silk-lined Black Canten Capes with Fur Cellar $22.50 Misses' and Girls' Regu lation Middies of Blue Palmer Cotten $1.85 8-. Strawbrldsa a Clothier Second Doer, Market Straet J Women's Dresses Wonderful Values Cotten Frecks of fine quality, $9J5 Voile and Tissue Dresses, $7.50 White and Colored Cotten Dresses, $11.75 Great Assortment of Wash Frecks, $12.50 Voile Dresses in Extra Sizes, $13.50 Gingham and Dotted Swiss Dres8es,$17.50 High-grade Cotten Dresses, $19.75 Canten and Flat Crepe Dresses, $32.50 Fine Canten Crepe Dresses, $30.00 dh-V Strawbrldce Clothier Second Vloer. Market Street Beys' Sample Straw Hats 2000 Pairs of Women's Full-fashioned Silk Stockings $1.65 ONE-THIRD UNDER PRICE of Vngrft,n Sllk Stockings hJ i if i qiUaHty " mercer K1" t0P nd soles. Sizes L'r,,a"dlS ? btack, navy blue, S v.? an.d tan' One of the SSIS.'11 the Ann,vcrsary Strawbrldf Clethlfr Ali a, Market Street $1.45 WORTH MORE THAN DOUBLE One group of sample Hats, from one of New Yerk's best Hat manufacturers $1.45, Wash Hats New 65c In a large assortment of styles and shades, worth two te three times this price 05c. Strawbrlds Clothier Stcend Fleer. Filbert Street, East Apparel for Little Felk at Anniversay Sale Savings TimEU RKMAUKABLE GROUPS Little Girls Dresses at $1.95 ONE-THIRD UNDER PRICE. Dainty, cool Frecks, fresh and new, purchased especially for the Anniversary Sale. Sheer Voile Dresses essential te the Summer comfort of maids of 2 te 6 years, Six models, 3 of white veile hand-smocked in color, one style sketched at left. And 3 models of figured voile with cellars of crisp white organdie, model sketched at right with white ergandie ash- Small Beys Suits at 95c NEARLY ONE-THIRD UNDER PRICE. Sturdy Tub Suits, sizes 2 te 4 years, of llnene white blouse and colored trousers, in the style sketched, Exceptional value at 95c, Silk Pongee Bleemer Dresses, $3.25 One of the nicest kinds of summer Frecks for tots of 2 te 6 years arc Tan Silk Pongee Dresses, hand-stitched in color, with separate bloomers te match. A rare value at $3.25. 3- Strawbrldf Clothier Third Fleer, Tfeat $8.75 Beys' Clothing About One-Third Under Price Hundreds and hundreds of Suits for boys of every age, all new, all well made and very decidedly under regu lar prices. Fer instance: Twe-Trousers Suits of Weel Cheviot Wonderful value, these attractive Suits. Mohair-lined coat and both pairs of Knickerbockers full-lined. Sizes 7 te 18 years. Save one-third and mere $8.76. Twe-Trousers Suits of All-Weel Serge This is very, very close te half price for these Suits. Exception ally well-tailored, made of durable, smart-looking serge, with yoke and plait back. Sizes 7 te 16 years new $9.75. Sample Wash Suits at $2.85 These Suits are worth twice as much as $2.85, in many in stances. Only one or two of a kind, in Oliver Twist and Middy models of the present season. Sizes 3 te 8 years. Just one mere of many extraordinary opportunities in the Beys' Clothing Stere $2.85. Gray Crash Knickerbockers, much less than usual, at 95e Cotten Cevert Cleth Knickerbockers in tan or gray; 1,000 pairs in sizes 8 te 17 years $1.05. $9.75 4 vW Ww Palm Beach Suits, Unusual at $7.95 New golf model, French-faced. Celers are gray, sand, tan and natural. Sizes 8 te 18 years. Remarkable value at $7.95. Little Beys' Wash Suits, $1.65 Every youngster needs plenty of Wash Suits in summer. These will supply the need at a price for saving. Beth Middy and Oliver Twist models in all popular colors. Sizes 3 te 8 years $1.65. tt-i Strawbrldse A Clothier Second Fleer. Filbert Street, East Wssmlv I BObbbbbiVbs) I PVERY man in Philadelphia -' who intends te buy new Clothing no matter what he has planned te pay ewes it te his pocketbook te at least see the really splendid Wickham and Alce Suits Which Are in the Anniversary Sale at $2450 and $31.50 Ten te Twenty Dollars Less Than the Regular Prices THE STYLES distinctive sports coats, one-, two- and three-button sacks, the four-button collegiate styles, smart double-breasted effects, trim, conservative models. THE SIZES regular proportions, stout, slender, short, tall, short-stout, medium-stout, tall-slender, tall-stout. Suits With Twe Pairs of Trousers $24.50 solid THE FABRICS smart worsteds, cassimeres, unfinished worsteds. THE COLORINGS blues, browns, grays, shepherd checks, Glen Urquhart checks, club checks, herringbones, stripes in various widths, neat mixtures. Suits at About Manufacturer's Price Of serges, of worsteds, of cassimeres. Dis tinctive sports effects for young men, clean- cut conservative styles ler elder men. Suits worth much mere than this price with only nrm mill nf t.rnnsern Bvfvflnvlinnm. ..!.. with two pairs. value $15.75 Every Suit in this let is of all-wool wor sted, well tailored and in geed-looking, con servative styles, and in regular, short, tall, stout and slender proportions. This Anni versary price $15.75 is about what we would have te pay for their duplicates. Youths' Suits, Extra Trousers $24.50 Men's Tuxedo Suits new $33.50 Tropical Suits $13.50 and $16.50 Ss-yptrawbrlds Clothier Stcend Fleer. or. East 1 m -1M1 h J M t A if :& i aw-d !t",i rlF- wmMiim ?Jfe IV . I '..v' i1 .TrtNt,;v.iii8 b.t 1. .!& EijBJCTr-HSI &fa9gsg US!?HC38!ir& t-1-"