mmm En- s V . ' r r-1 . . ff.u .-; W " ViiftF, iW rft Ml. J WW: RVA'tifr? r ra' n id r t v, ii en tie D. n- Mll U-- nl-iinl s v . EVENING -TtBLIC LEDGERPHILABELPHIA, FlUDAY, JUNE 2, 1022 - " 7 BEHTMES- MIDDIES DIPLOMAS Orators fiLv Career Means Public If 'Service, He Tells Annapolis Graduates JCTS IN ABSENCE OF DENBY U 4 Oy the Associated Pr El ., ... T.,n ".Members of fi l&wt Academy Krarli.nting cIehi ngaln Vtea er" iriventcd their diplomas by Klni H!Sy wnsTliroderc lloeMvclt. n 'Z i lnc Pre tent, who no nctlng (tSttry of Hip Xnvy. due te the nb nb 2nree Sccrelnry Denby. welcomed ttm n5??,I. jnn l.lNhlnnien of the einxi irfw ', , .. ....- Vrf 1022 te. imccM ... ; ,!"; ;; t'.Til entnblsnment ei me ft1' .' .i.i., . Mr. Tinnsrvcll llll- rjBNtfS. in ui"h r" : . , , . ,ZZ.u4 neon Hie memees or tnc uiu tSJetably the Invest class te M coin cein (SSSened for yours te come-that they ers ntnrtlmr en a me wrv.. '."Tour career Is the sea,' he told ni.- "hut reiir career Is net simply rtMa-foreur career isthc ea ami e!?..?! . : V Kiienk of the men II PUDIC """. ,:, '.... ,. tn.. if. the navy us uc.hj, - .-- -..--. TheVe rimple little werfi convey In ttlvlsUmes. They const U.te a tact recognition . i"-- ' " uu " .1.11. nrnnfa til pill- iMtymcn nrt-,...u...: ...... --- fkrtcln tne navn iu,",u" '"",,"Vfl eate themselves in i inc. Ul1," "" St" of wrvlee. I knew of no Jiiglicr 'ftsolutlen than tliK Although Congress lias fcliewn Indira Indira tfens of cutting down the size of the mduatlng claHe at Annnpells, Sec retary KoeevcIt foresaw no time when titles would be abandoned. "MlHtarj and naval forces." he tic elired, "arc of great value te our stintrv and te tin world mvilixntlen 'then tliev are devoted te the defence if our rights aud te justice among the Istiem. Our country' alms arc clean 'WW nfr liienm nrc iim... "u. u't Hrength. our arms and our nrmnnient iave been used In the pact and will be (led, In the future only for the defense f our rights and for the benefit of iemanlty. "Vnvies and nrmlcs properly em- Moved correspond nmeng the nntleni te tie lnw enforcement bodies within tje various countries. Should the great tltlllietl countries nbnnden their nnvies. dlwrders would tpilng up the world ier is armed men from the dragon's teeth." The graduates were told that the fialitles they must have for success are the great fundamentals loyalty, Murtgc, determination." but above all they must ee icauers 01 men. "Yeu may command obtained obedl ebedl tjnee by jour rank, but unless you eemmand loyal devotion by your char acter thee under you win never serve as they would otherwise. Yeu must pattern TOUr ,lves fc0 tnnt jour men wear by jeu net nt jeu." SEVEN GRADUATED IN MUSIC Students of Contervatery May New Be Teachers The final concert and commencement exerdics of the Philadelphia Conserva tory of Music, at IMG Seuth Twentieth atreet, were held last night in Wlthcr Wlthcr Wlthcr ipoen Hall, lhe concert included or er or cntetral and sole numbers. The following stuuentH received teach at' diplemas: 1'Ijiie, Muriel Krall and leda Shapire. Huannet. Miiircu iiencrs. Theory. Hadassah Fclten Tosey and toee 0. ilc Warf. (Theory eertlficate. Cella Martin and irr Richard. SHaHSEi I1bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPJbbbbbbbbbbm!a!7 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbTibbIbbbbbbbbbbbbS kaaaaW! '$ ", 7ii - ' -raV aaaaaV. '," km-,-'.kkkkm'i c, '; ' S'Wi ' ,aaaaaW ".- k.1 SdBffi-77r-S!S9SaSlk.'" '' ummiF8Vt.75sm' r J f' '' AcSPMaaaV . L T Wf kkkkkwr sssssW f 'TsBSSfc w - ";,V 3sBKvswj ' ' iT VValam, '& ;fJ v ' .IiibbbbbbbbbbT! ' ' ' - V ''v"s jf-3aaaaaaWm.' r FOUR IN FAMILY HURT IN CRASH Motorcycle Collides With Aute Near Oxford Injured Rushed Here man William Dcvlne,- who is nttnehed te the Fifteenth street nml Snyder live nuc station. ' 3 N. J. HIGH SCHOOLS PLAN BIG CLASS DAY EXERCISES DIPLOMAS TO BE AWARDED AT GERMANTOWN Y. W. C. A. v Dramatic Students te Give Playlet at" Commencement Exercises The sixteenth annual commencement of the , educational department of the Y. W. C. A. of Germuntewn will be BLIND CURVE IS BLAMED MYRTLE E. HLOO ISAAC IIESTON Ilesten is president of the 1B22 graduating' class of the Wild weed High Scheel. His address will be en the (lenea conference. Miss Kloe, class orator, will talk en immigration. The' graduation ex ercises will be held tonight to te ter sed oek the ,TS Pen Inint r the din- ilnut i:d- .elpbl i(ai. i eTK trjl h ftt Geerge P. Whits Better Tie condition of (Sierue P. White, imtr rears old, 4b'J0 Windser ave le. he cellnn'-wl en the fleer of the bramcrcial Exchange in the Bourse wterdar, showed wens of Improve ment today. Mr. White is a flour nter. anil 1ms offices in thn Stenhen Bird Buildlug. He suffered a stroke erdav. at nnnn. nml iila rnahml in peffwsen Hospital. BAND CONCERT TONIGHT The Mllnipinnl ltnn.1 xi 111 .il...- ,.,. Isifht at Hldge and Mldvale aenucs. CARTER LEIDY HELD Couldn't Convince Berwick Burgess That He Toek Lantern In Fun Carter Lcidy. wealthy young Phlln- delphinn, who married Miss Flfl Wide- ncr and who was nrrcsted yesterday nt Hcrwick, Pa., en charges growing out of an automobile prank, was fined ami held In ball by Chief Burgess Kitchen. fine of $13.20 was imposed en the charge of being intoxicated and he was held In $300 bail en the charge of larceny and $."00 bail for drlvlnc an automobile while intoxicated. The larceny chnrge was brought be cause Mr. Lcidy is said te have re moved n red lantern traffic tdgnal. Mr. Lcidy offered te pay for any damage which might have been done, but the burgess was obdurate nnd the young man wan held in ball. Philip L. Leidy, n brother of Car ter, said today that his brother was net intoxicated and removed the lantern in n bplrit of fun. SCHOOL CLERK HONORED Luclan E. Drake Is Tendered Testi monial Dinner at Esslngten Lucian E. Drake, the eldest man in point of service connected with the Philadelphia public school system and at present clerk of the property com mittee of the Beard of Education, was tendered a testimonial dinner nt Esslngten, Pa., last night, by his as sociates. The president, vice presi dent and secretary of the beard, de partment beads and all the clerks at tached te the administrative office of the beard attended the dinner. i A fine geld fountain pen with the recipient's Initials handsomely engraved i thereon was presented te Mr. Drake by i his male associates, while the girls of the office sent a tribute In the form of a basket of flowers, including larkspur, peonies, roses, snapdragons and fern. Phlladelphlan Killed In Michigan Geerge W. Kiesewctter, supposed te have u wife and son living in this city, was killed Inst night In St. Jo Je seph, Mich., according te a telegram received teduy by the Detective Bureau. Investigation discloses a family of that name living at .r04 Cumberland 6trcct. Mrs. Kiescwettcr told detectives her husband has been missing since 1017. Four members of one family, riding in n motorcycle, were injured late es terday near Oxford, Pa., in n collision with an automobile. The injured arc: Henry Flllsux, of 510 North Ran Ran eolph street ; broken leg, severe cuts and bruises; net serious. Mrs. Flllsux, his wife; broken leg and lacerations of the face; net serious. Martha, nine years old, a daughter: fractured skull, broken leg nnd Internal injuries; condition critical. Harriet, Martha's twin sister ; broken nose and severe lacerations of the face and bedy: net serious. The Injured were rushed te Univer sity Hospital here early last night. Miss Mary O. Paissmere, twenty yearn old. driver of the automobile, escaped bodily Injury, but wns confined te her home in Oxford as the result of shock. She Is the daughter of L. C. Pass Pass mere, Oxford grain merchant and warc lmtisn nronrleter. n brother of E. Puscy Passmerc, former president of the Fed eral Iteserve Bnnk here. In presenting his daughter's version of the accident Mr. Passmerc said that the vehicles crashed into each ether en the crest of a hill near n bend In the main read about one-half mile cast of Oxford. As Miss Pnssmere nearcd the top of the Incline en one side of the hill, Fillaux approached the summit from thu opposite direction, nnd the ascent of his vehicle was se rapm mat his .daughter was unnble te Mere her car in time te avoid the crash, Mr. Pnsmore said. The motercvclc was wrecked, while the front of Mi" Passmore's machine. Ii small coupe, was tern away in the crash. ,, Mm. Fillaux is a daughter of Police- of Colllngttweod, Iladdenficld and Hud den Heights te take place nt the close of the school term this month. Dr, Edwin 0. Broeme, Superintend ent Of Schools of Philadelphia, will be the orator nt the commencement exer cises of the Colllngsweod High Scheel .Tune 22 In the auditorium. The bacca laureate sermon will be delivered bv Dr. Charles I. FitzGeerge June 18 at the First Methodist Church. Gladys Lawsen has been chosen valedictorian of the graduating class and Heward Roberts snlutaterian. Commencement exercises of the Had- denfield IIluli Scheel will tnke plnpe June 15. The Itcv. Floyd E. Tompkins, pastor of Hely Trinity Church, will deliver the principal address. The Rev. T. J. J. Wright, pastor of the Baptist Church, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon June 11. Clasi exercises will be held June 13. The valedictorian will be Ruth Envensen and the salututerlan Sarah Beck. Hndden Heights High Scheel will held Its exercises June 15. The speaker will be Dr. Henry Rese, of Newark. The baccalaureate rcrmnn will be de livered June 11 In the M. E. Church bv the ncv. Jeseph B. Kulp. Leuis Snyder will be valedictorian and Mar Ian Karr salutnterlan. Girard Beys -at Mines Sixty-five Glrnfil College students are in Pottsville today te make a tour of the idle coal mines. They will be accompanied by Colonel James Arch bald, resident manager of the Girard estate. The boys will be shown the strip pings, where the earth has bpen exca vated ever coal veins se that hereafter It may be mined in full daylight. Haddenflald, Hadden Heights and Colllnaaweod Preeara Program! . Extensive Hnss dntf exercises httvcThcld tonight nt 5820 Germnntewn nve hem nlniincl bv ti.e nlioe1 directors nue. Fcuturofi'ef the exercises will be ... . . ' m t.f... ..t .. i. !. I lt tt tit ! ii uu n inSIIIOIl SHOW, 111. rmiuiliuu "l u work nnd the presentation of a sketch, "Fads and Fancies," bv members of the dramatic cliiss. An address will be made bv Miss Mildred E. Pinkerton, director of gen eral and religious 'education, nnd cer tificates will be presented by Mis. Wayne Whipple, chairman of the edu cational depnrtment. Th? certificates will be swarded te the follewing: Helm Abbett. Mr. J. Aliireclit, Mil V. Alexander, Mm. A llnnilachnpp, .Mary llauir. Marie Jlauinun, Mnrlen HfiinT, .Mrs. J. Jilnbep. Mary K. Heore. Kutli II lierel, itlAilva flnnrri. l.llllnn llratten. llplpn V. Hunts, Mrs. I' Cninp Abliall 11. Ciimiileii, Udlth Chnndlcc. Id.i Chund!r., lluim l'hia l'hia ller. Mr. A. H. (Meme,. Asnn V Clln, Anna Cellins, Marv I'uurllle. KHllurlne M. Curry, Maria Curry, JJMilah J. Uj l'rehn. Alma DeaiTbcrif. Nura. Dunncllau, .MnruarM Delterpr, Charlettn DunkellmruiT, Hlnm-h II. i:insteln. MrH Marcaret IVel, Mr May Kltzpatrlcli. Mjrtle Festpr, Anna 15 Fex. Helen Fre-l)Urn. Clarlbcl Oarren. Kailr crlne Ucl't. Katli'ilne Ollmer. May Urlftltrn J.Ucy Ulimm. .lrt. .iaiceun unn., jchsib i HiinKOii, Dorethy Harris, Kdlth Hurrln. Ma Harveaen, llnttle Hani. Kitty Head, Miriam Hill. Uttn ltelmea, Mr. MarBaret Hoever Anna M. HernHby. Kstelle Jefferlea, Mary J. i Jehnsen. Jeeephln) Knelln, Kdna Kaerclirr, . Mrs. Lucille Knmpmann, Knitli Kendrlck, Mre. K. KTmlrlck. Mary E. Kenm-dj, Mrs. :. ICech. Anna Kramer. Kllzabeth Krleg, nln A. Law. All'O I.lihtcv. Kllzabetli l.lahtewler. l'lerer.m I.lnck, Cathcrlne Mar tin, Mm. W. K. Martin, Mary s. Marah. llajmonde Mircler. Gertrude Millar. Marlen Miller, Asnes Mooney, Kutliermy Mooney, ' Vlorenro Mooney. Deris E, Meer. Ma;y MiUrnlh, Alary McKenr- ,.-,. jPho jPhe Mr I. M McNabb. Alra. r.minn ( . tfncno tfncne la, MarBaret Oorlnsten. "' .'JJK?' Knlherlne jl'urlier Mrr. ihemas 'I?"' Mrs. J. Wexley frerker. Mary C. ravn''. Mr AIIcm I'lkevMre. J'-l-aimr T. I rental. Mm. W y. J'ull liner, I'car Hekl8J.. Mrs. &nll. Mary Roneit. Ida Hnw ," J,';1 IllchaTdsen, HIsIp JleiterK. 'lerinld numiMi. iVlliab-th riack. Hnlen Hjuer. Marl.. HehmUlt Mrs. . J. Hchmldt. Juijlth fljoek, l'lorence filnwr. ltichM n. Slnkler. Alma Htelnhau, "( A Stelntretr. Mrs Preda Stein rnlller. Cecelia -mellwairen, Helen "", Mrs. Wilbur Waller Dera Wnlnbenr. Irene William". Aosamend U. -Wrlelit, Julia H. y.olklewkZ. , , . T. I ns'cmbl.v hull. Six boss will icrrhr' illliliMiiim nml mnve oil Inte flu Hiisrr) et tlie iipp'T .sciKini. incy n re ii- llntn U. Ailiiin, rredcricK n, nmcii., ""' . , n . J iJ Jr.. Merris FiictlbcVg, Wlllliim IIiireM , I'iihuIhiII avenue lust night .died sue Unidentified Weman,! An unidentified uilurc- woman, 4 ' . .. - . i.:v iiiKefiPcintiH nt I ortj-sevonin , .lniinlni;s. .IekmiIi Pew and Victer IlilKellv lifter lielne ndlillltcd te Vnllcly. Jr. The nihlrcss will be de- j ,,nilt hi,,. jh uimt four feet, tie Uvcrcd bv the Rev. Dr, Uinilcs hlt- 11P,n t nit nml nbeiit fifty .carsj 01 ney Caulklns. j Dmtli was mused by heart failure, 6 Swarthmore "Preps" te Graduate The third annual graduation exer cises of the junior department of Hwarthmerc Preparatory Scheel will be held this evening nt 8 o'clock in the Yeu can exist without advertising but prosper- eus firms are consistent users. The Helmes Press, Ttinttn 1315-29 Chcrrv Street Philadelphia WW FOR SALE Peerless, New 7-Passenger Touring Car ' Never' been drleni 1022. 7th series. Party leaUnc city Immediately, will sac rifice. Art qulcklv If you want a ,bar ealn. Aridrcsi c 014. ledger Office. riftii mim IANKS&I . Cit vrnsVMmii e -rJ wJlw'-' ifcj itt. feWE- ""DICrh GIFTS FOR THE GRADUATE Binm t Plenty of "pep," but no "jazz"! Rogers Peet clothes. Quality of design as well as quality of fabrics and tailoring. FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Pcet Clethes Chestnut St. at Juniper FIE FRAMING Etchings Prints Wafer Celers Painting TEE BOSENBACH GALLERIES 'WO Walnbi Street Fineer Ri'nes EaPRine- BarPfns Cuff Links bcarf Pins Bracelets Pendants Watches Kev Chains Belt Buckles (Jmbrpl las Opera Glasses Fans Filled BacJs iNevemes Pocket Knives Cigarette Qes tetyMfetByi! JHAT new bit et merchandise will Mil quicker It attiactlvcly boxed. WALTER P. MILLER CO., Inc. 448.452 Yerk Ave., Phila. Manufacturers of SPECIAL PAPER BOXES BBiffl ' LLH I -1 -JT' 41 VI Mil fFlur ffar fteaksfei-ItselP Clelnw i" n,t,,t'd U,. l3 t0 l1"1 our 'tn, " ,0lehe ,1 "V PI"r tub lrl thnSJli wn,cl1 tl,e water Ce ?h your .clothes In a Sew memcr,t: T,at will EVaSidi0" VSe" th9 Cl0,heB ter ' thiSS 'ft. an' ''end, th0 ,,, '?,reuh ha clothes four Til A. 15 ' e S'" U" siBl"S re'fe Hat work, elec- w P a te i.;; "l0i" tun with wrti or J'f l, v0,, "'x' clean W.'M,i,.f..0fth-whlle features ! fi- home ami". D0 rlB,,t ,0 ilwn jeu i.!Ia Iel you ,ry 't I. -ou Lve,Be?n wnat " win Ir1) terms te . I i".y'linK Ter ll I'taca. a w ult your cenvenl. I? i LC re Kti I; ElVv ivu. feyBSVi!.!" '. kt, tin. ., - flivS' " SSiSSIA " ii - T I irf ! ivftt Of course, uut cugiav-i ine cuts speak for themselves.; TENN1S Just think hew valuable j accessories such "geed talkers" are in putting your p r e d u c t s j SetV",,. across te the consumer. j of f untnum The Chetnut jJtreet E.COR.IITCHETNUTt SPECIAL FOIt GOLFERS USKS KSICKEH", 14.33 All shadca. Regularly UKAHRIK lltl.I. rOM- IIINATIO.V MHBT- SUIT. X3.00 Standard price. I3..10, IMPOnTHD OOI.V STOCKINOH. Bl.tO All shades, nlth fancy lops. I2.B0 .u?. CAMKIS-IIA1K GOLF STOCKINGS, M.00 Tancy tops. Ordinarily I4.S0. 4-PIECi: 4JOI.F SUIT, :;.5e 13.1,00 alue. 1IEGINMJRS OOI.F HKT. 15.00 Gelf cPECIALTY Shep Ap Seuth 1Jth. Everything fir Oafarr TJSE Judgment in Deciding vy ncr c iu uuy. fl Your appearance is net se much a question of dollars as it is of a proper decision as te where they will be spent. Te again quote our truth ful and generally recognized slegan: J "Being well dressed is merely a mat ter of knowing where te buy your clothes." flj A moderate expenditure here this season affords you selection from the choicest Ready-te-Wear Clothing produced. Prices for Spring Suits and Tep Coats arc $30 and upward, with especial features at $40, $45 and $50. T- U fir ) V 1 ft' " B 1 .4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT "1 I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT "9 " ' m -VC "! n U 1 JACOB REED'S SONS I 1424-1426 Ohiestaneit Steeit Yeu wouldn't think there were this many suits in the World MANY of our customers are amazed at seeing such a wonderful variety of beautiful suits en our tables. Net just a few designs in a limited range et sizes, but a multitudinous assort ment of handsome patterns, elegantly finished in every detail and fault lessly fitting. And best of all our Super-Value policy has priced them lower (by several dollars) than you'll find anywhere else. But don't take our word for that shop around and find out for yourself. PERRY'S SPECIFICALLY Our Fine Worsted Suits are incomparable in the beauty of the designs, the excellence of the fit and the perfection of finish. super-valui: rmens for strn.s $28 $33 $38 and $13 Suits te Make Yeu Comfortable in Het Weather Palm Beaches fi beautifully trimmed elegantly finished qual ity bhews in the trim ing, fit and in the work manship. Our Super-Value Prices for Palm Beaches $14.50 and $17.00 Silky Mehairs distinctive design- in pencil ttripes en blacks, blues, grays and biuwn. (.eat silk trimmed. Pa tented device in treuscr -eat that prevents ripping. Our Super-Value Prices ler Mohair Suits $18 nnd $20 Featherweight Tropical Worsteds fine quality cloth weighing S or 9 ounces te the yard silk finished silk piped. Single and double brca-ster. Light, dark and medium shade-) in beautiful patterns. Me-tlv but two piece Mitts, .-uine include a vest. Our Super-Value Prices Tmpical Vertcds $25 and $28 ler White Flannel Trousers ui" finest quality flayncl our Super Value l'i Vtiv te match it; ' $8.25 mwf srinTM AveNuc-y- -VsVBf 56lh ificcf RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL PHILADELPHIA 57 Ih Sired Are New Helding Their Annual JUNE SALES . With Very Important Reductions Costume SllitS (Formal) te $t 35) $95 Tailored SuitS (Formerly te $95) $65 Day and Evening Gowns, $75-$95 (Formerly $95 te $145) I ! TWO SPECIAL GROUPS Suits, $35 -$85 Formerly $55 te $135 Dresses, $25 $75 Formerly $S5 te $175 i r- rr JMnathnaUnstltotlen 7mm Coast te Ceast'' jH& l'f 35ianrin9n9 $-b. 1524-1526 CHESTNUT STREET cJ Cfppealing te the Critical Taste Attractive te the Moderate Purse Men's Fine Cassimere Suits All Weaves and Many Medels $24.50 Regular Value $40.00 Athletic Underwear Nainsoek, Pongee and Mull $1.00 Value $1.50 and $2.00 Madras Shirts $1.95 Value $2.50 and $3.00 i Vk Perry & Ce. l(ith atid Chestnut SUPER-VALUES in Clethes for Men - J X Si B BbbW BpBI ( BBBW 'iss Frem Facter yi 1 P. 1 9 PT 1 C M O J C Second and Open Saturday i Direct te Yeu 1 1 0i 10 (X ID ll.UJl. Market Sts. Till 9 P. M The Largest uk Furniture Stere it East June Brides Loek Out Where Yeu Can Save Meney FREE a 9x12 Rug With Each Purchase of $100 or Over Our I'rli lire lenrr here than !! Iirrf. ESS (Ok iLULJi, We Pt Frlrht Anralurs AGifffSSSmSB jitjiittf j . if. mBmL?T.T cjir fj .i77.a.A'm' j. i frEElarrTiaEBrV rCOMBrNSi JTJFrv b UnsWI BBT-' . W UJB1 BB MIIU V ajBBj. BBBBk.BKBr-BBBBr-BBBl " WSBbMbb. 200 irBTWII itmnm2TkWai'BiMBmm2 r 'VtBrmsi vii'j' hvmu.b s Jivj'' s " T f aiBBm ' 4 - . r IHbbbbbWi kw! Jr i f Tf A 17 .'lrr. Bedroom Suit Weltut, Iferr. Hthectiif-- lirr Vsnltr Suiter. Bew-ud Bed. Urte Owf. fenler lento Sreiier, $129, 7.1 Pullniiin Ce-Carta, $12.98 H 92 Rtfrinlen te ttlcct Irea $b.M a everfll 4tC:P' 1 " " . "-.. j. U'i"1"rj T S'J 'i im U r -.Mt '-r.Jn i tfa . i i V :M --K Z&M "Wi sM eZm tV ?. Jri'Kl . W.'f-. pay kkc? .ltesw iy&!mm vam BBBBBtBBtsssssWiMil ilf " " '1