f.1 MuT jtj4 r tHunniiKffi rjrt i -.' 7WiS'Ta f ' y&A'iivzFMiFffiwy1' ft? is.wn I'msuttBS'jmmir&xne.. !.." "j"! hmii vam.u nni" " 'v I'M ' &-:-" i$Sdk ";wr SEEi&fci&'J r r r ? EVENING PUBLIC tMER-THILABELPrilA, TOtDAY, JUNE 2, IMST -,' 4sJ KB AAt. lrt( J 4Jtw ." ' VJ -if -.'t- ftj M . L'KW'rVrt'.t U 4C4U&4.. Wllnrnmmen Sense : The Search for Success ltyUTlLUIIl" Py JOHN BLAKE rrTT,..ni.'VT address Chatinccy M. B1 A .n, thnt no longer nrc. peer II" ?'. New Yerk te seek tliclr leyscen"" , KVfmpew does net get around as Tr'tnlnKtoNcwYerk P.r Cir Mm" wcrr lny, nnd ... mnltP their 10" "' ..- ii..l. fnrMinpq. fe-axrewS "-''?'' gttTe in the Union mury-r.""-. from every fl"n" ,,lv coming te New rUtheV 'reding te .hurt '! A WORLD in which there nrc n "uXh hev mX But the search unes whlcl J"" " j t tll0 Mmc, nnd fill be n" restless nnd as eager L'he multitudes te the end of je j'" r- . , teen m me iui. . "W-2 s " WASST"" t,,e d THS ng men of the world TPre all .,e '"," " i. vw horn ! 8tnUM be'' no interchange of Ideas, fhe would ee II , Men bccen,e J,nieftd in Thoeiht as In manners and fir" .ir eery community, necus JTmany' different t, pes and char- actors. Kvcry business needs men of different sorts, for thW Is n world In which there must be co-operation. Conceive of any community in which nil men were the same thinking the same, speaking the mine, nctlnfc the same, nnd you would picture n city In which life would be intolerable. Kvcry train that runs Inte New Yerk is bringing peer boys, perhaps one or two of whom will be heard of all ever the world by nnd by. Thev will make their own success, nnd they cannot de thnt without creat ing opportunity for success for many ether boys ! One peer boy, Jehn I). Rockefeller, went te a western city nnd founded nn oil business which has made mere than a thousand very wealthy men. THS TYPEWRI I u S OMB unknown jeuth walking the streets of some metronells tertnv without the price of a meal in his pocket may give employment te tbeusands by and by and bring great success te scores who needed htm. Mr. Dcpew was n peer boy who came te New Yerk long age, but there were many peer boys who came before him who did almost as well as he did, and many thousands of them will come after him te gain similar success. CopirJeM. Hit ROOF OPEN Bellevue-Stratf erd Reef 300 Feet Above Street Level Will Open for the Season June 5th Philadelphia offers nothing quite se pleasing as dining and supping en this, the most delightful and coolest of Reef Gardens. Feed and service characteristic of The Bellevue. Excellent music. MEN'S CAFE AND BELLEVUE GRILL Open for Luncheon aaVfcVla wkw u rcanjr ju ened CHICKEN IN THE HOME, IN GAMP OR ON THE HIKE R & R Bened Chicken is mere than a convenience ; many have long regarded it as a necessity. A standard product for fifty years It makes for economy of time and economy .of purse. Can be used for any one of .a dozen appetizing dishes that can be made chicken meat. xl?Sifi!te TA 1 'iflMwSlAfVy kJjPyy I ,rr:i 'gl At all grocery and delicatessen stores I I lir "Ui ""ii ii 1111111 in iii ii ii miiii iiiiiiiMi mini in in YwBiaFaCi mMwmmm UIII! tern or Nn;g&p:N!S I mmm Vsmic $1 Si teSKla miffByl mm la!liffiliiBfMJgl at 57oi03e5o7 Market St. Selling (UPHOLSTERED IFURNmiREUB direct te m Consumer m IT S THE old story of "f actory-te-you .that elimi- H nates the nfiddleman's profit" with a new angle, ss rhe new angle is our LOCATION! Ne high sf rent, although we have unlimited fleer space. 250 suites from which you may cheese ! Over a thou- H sand patterns of covers in plain or in two-tone combinations. ThisLIVING ROOM SUITE m in the finest tapestry or velour $ 1 39 &? Wd in,a,1'hair filling Davenport is 87 inch of nTTn plUe aPrin nrras spring backs. Bad Pieces covered in same materials. cs ks ilUllLE JV W,U ' refund trolley or railway rare te our out-of-town patron within SO inllei. Ne One Need Buy Cuticura Before He Tries Free Samples' BUSINESS CARDS Ertntdd en h bMt qntlllr 14-flnlih, htnd-ut card. 1000-$2.75 20d0-$4.5O Sptcitl Prieti ie Ltrf ir QasBlitiit Phene, call or write tar itmplei. cqmcare them with the enrde you are new uln and note for your elf the difference, net only In price, but alee In quality. Qat ntn and dlcnlty. THE MAJESTIC PRESS rniNTEBH AND BTATJONERS 1214 W. GIRARD AVE. replar 1410 Park SS04 Get our prices en all your ether rrlntlnc and stationery. ilf Wff Diamond Gifts i K H GRADUATION WEDDING B Pay but A Down UX U RD Pay but ' Week Et'h', ' DA Kfl Immediate "I Every v Earner 1 DB Posiesiien eS Welcome te Credit gM mrwL ftw De net delay these) are Diamond Ring values - frn BEFORE leavinjf for your summer home in the mountains, country or seashore, be certain te ar range te have the Evening Public Ledger mailed te you every day. The Evening Public Ledger with its home news, page of pictures, comics, woman's pages, stories, recipes, sports news, finan cial pages and ether daily features te please every member of the family will make your sojourn from the city all the mere enjoy able. Telephone or send In your eummer subscription new. for one?, two or three) months, the period jeu 'will be away, and receive your favorite newspaper reg ularly with your dally mall. Summer Subscription Rates 1 no. 3 mes. 3 mes. Public Ledi.r (Mern'f) 60c $1.20 $1.80 Public Ledger (Evening) 50c 1.00 1.50 Public Ledt-er (Sunday) 50c 1.00 1.50 Hummer obrrlptlen may he entered by thr week. Forward your Bummer Subicrlotlen with rnmlttnncp t(i Circulation Depart ment. Public Tedcer Company. Independ ence Square, Philadelphia. CeaMseOea Peak! SWklCaatU hea.ta4larm.ll.M PWCaB.M-Qa1Caa.t Meth and ether insects can't Kve in tanitary cleanlineu. Spray "PREVENTOL" en youruphol yeuruphol youruphel stereo! furniture, hanging, floors, in cracks and crevices, closets and dark corners. This is the way te pre vent and kill insect life. "PREVENTOL" purifies-it Won't injure. It has a pleasant, clean odor which vanishes quickly. Spray it in the sick room. Use it te clean porcelain. Spray it in the sink and in refuse pails. Spray your winter things with it "PREVENTOL" prevents and lolls moths. Te clean without spraying "PREVENTOL" is little better than net cleaning at all I It is as necessary as soap and water. Bay FREYENTOI. at Drujr, (Irecery and Department Stores. TRADK-BtARK KEG. (Frbventel MAKES A CLEAN HOME Blues, browns, and greys Perhaps you didn't knew that you can get Palm Beach Suits in the same colors and styles as worsteds and woolens. This sterling cloth is made in all the fashion ' able shades and patterns. Furthermore, you can obtain Palm Beach Suits that are made up with first-class workmanship and tailoring. The prices of Palm Beach Suits vary, but they vary accord ing te the class of workmanship. Be sure te see and try en Palm Beach Suits, made in the new patterns and styles, and learn hew te be well dressed and comfortable this summer. THE PALM BEACH MILLS GOODALL WORSTED CO. StHing Agtnt: A. Rehaut, 229 Fourth Aenue, New Yerk City Gelf Knickers made of Palm Beach are cool and geed-looking practical and durable. (ftif J&ki Ucaiifiu the Cenute PALM BEACH SUITS at Geed Clothing Stores - Gigantic Sales Ljypi of the finest quality TEAS Make Our Prices Astonish ingly Lew. 15 Millien Pounds Sold Annually AAP TEAS are the finest pickings from tUm fimAiie tan crafrlena of the Old World. OniV i,A vnunr innHpp lenvps. which are heavily laden ...14 u ..nmnilK ti(B (nA. aa such vicld full-fl&vor cd, well-bodied cups of fragrant tea) are selected for our trade. They are sure te aeugni you. Largest Retailers of Fine TEAS in U. S. A. 1 Lb. Package Teas i ORANGE PEKOE 12 Lb. Package INDIA CEYLON JAVA 11 BULK TEAS 35 CEYLON ErVG. BR'KFAST FORMOSA MIXED TEA c Lb INDIA-CEYLON JaiV-TTL li 20" GREEN TEAS . 45f. 23c ORANGE PEKOE TEA Pkjr 3 cans "IONA" CORN 25 "Chipse" Seap Flakes small pkg 9c Ivey Seap, small cake 3 for 20c Rinse small pkg 6c Masen Jars, pints dozen 71c Masen Jars, quarts dezei 8fc Jar Rings dozen lei c "Blue Rese" RICE lb S Maraschino Cherries bottle 18c Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles bottle 21c ASP Grape Juice bottle 23c Grandmother's Jam (15 oz) jar 20c ASP Salad Dressing bottle 25c ASP Chili Since 8 oz. bottle He A&P CONDENSED MILK n IO Shaker Salt . Snltana Jelly. package 10c . . . jar 12c Grape Nats package 17c Pat-A-Cake Fleer package 22c -s Pure PEANUT BUTTER lb IO Pure Sugar Asserted Fruit Dreps ... lb 25c Pure Sugar Lemen Dreps lb 25c Adams' Pepsin Chewing Gum pkg 4c Marshmallow Creme, (Sultana Brand) . . 19c Ne finer Peanut Butter in the world than the A&P production en sale at 10c lb. What a bargain, tee! And hew the kiddles will love it! And ou need net be afraid te give them all they want. Made of pure Spanish peanuts (rich in oil) and Virginia Peanuts which give it a full fine flavor smooth in texture a delightful spread. While ethers have advanced the price en Coffee, Organization -Anticipation-Preparation permit the A&P te STILL retain their 25c a lb. price en it XXTVTRk M7M24Jkr CIRCLE I msrx& SMdOy $elct4J yy COFFEE without departing from the high stand ard of quality that has made this coffee a household b-aerd. Increas ing sales, every week, of "Red Circle" Coffee is sufficient evidence that the rich, full-bodied quality, the satisfying flavor is getting a tight grip en the palates of the coffee-drinking public. The superb quality jeu enjoy in the first package jieu euy, will dc the same quality jeu receive in ALL ether packages of "Red Circle" coffee, because we control the eulput of the choic est plantations in the important coffee-growing districts import direct- and blend and roast it in our own factories. ' THE MOST COFFEE SATISFACTION in the world for our money. m I Confer II. S2 I llM CRACKER SPECIALS All 5c pkg crackers .... 4c All 6c pkg crackers .... 5c All 13c pkg crackers .... 10c Sorbette Sandwich . . Unity Jumbles, deed) lb lb. 33c 19c THE GREAT TEA ATLANTIC & PACIFIC !S l THE LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS J IN THE WORLD ) '.- 1 ' ',! VM .id. ,? :m ' -i M tW.,1 .iim fraMrau:iiiwii'mm READ THE REAL ESTATE ADS IN i r Ii r,' CLASSIFIED &f$m ir$ KT , , -4 M'-.-.y IJ"' V;1 r J lMi; . 1 t t, '.1?iVftft rt-'U. urnmm 02&&t3 t.7'. .i K., . 'i$l :'sAi SltilH, nlrf .iSSB'Aij -JTj- i',.trJ.J.Mvi.t .jJ a t'7'A I...- -". i. j