Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 02, 1922, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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IraM " 'flBRiillliRi
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Mr. Wilsen Plans
ri .
JUNE 2, 1922
GUn,i,4m ' V.
i i.
: a Picnic Lunch
. -
men and Onions Give Tra-
Y ' Jitienal Ham Sandwich New
1 Zest There's Delicious
' Chocolate Cake, loe
ftWM. Att
mitcn. All
....r. .i. .n.Miih of brides and
i. alxn
iffcrlngs te
brines tnc fmnjii
Sniteut doers cese te Mether
Si If rondo net rare te spend
nd II ""."' t II manna nrri
I the
tire day. tcn i "". .'" T; 'i&
i mid
.8aV..1" ,.i in d,e everling. thuH g
RjlS ceW cooked ham. purer.
i.ii...T nrmiir WUIU'utv iii.ii"
I te
the peSnd and cool the ham in
Mctriter le rhlll, and then cut In
,rr , .11. ... f- ii.n luncheon that is
i coin nil- - ,"-,- u ,.,
SSf W be utilUcd through the
Jit ma ( us nam """"p .". . I v
pj ''"',.. . ' tnr ji.. hrcakfast,
linns B""' ""
Meuu for Three Meals en Sunday
Sunday Brealifaat
cuflirKupplM nm1 dream
Illlnccd Ham Omelet
"' Potatoes au Gratin
Sliced Tomatoes
Het Muffins . Coffee
Picnic Luncheon
Mtatebc? , eung On ions
IIODl BBnU ICUl'S I uiuiu eumu
Deviled Eggs
OVe Cottee
Fruit Cocktail
I.TmI Cutlet Tomate Sauce
ew rotators enup .neana
Tomate Salad
Cup Custards With Strawberries
rrhr, merbaf hnskeF will rMiiiIrn frtiir
..! . half nAiiiiMn huff nrl n 'hnm.
(fgs, veal cutlet, strawberries, garden
tnlens, radishes, potatoes, oranges, to te to
initees, bananas, r-nap beans, apples,
pirdey, onions, green peppers, celery
ind the usual weekly staples.
Hain Sandwiches
The usual tvne of bam sandwich seen
till en the appetite, nnd a little time
ind trouble required te make the ham
unuwieli attractive is well worth while.
Mince line two croon nenners nnd
ibeut half a cup of the green tips of
tome garden oulenB, and then put suffi
cient ham through the feed chopper te
etaturc two cups when chopped fine.
Turn la bowl ami acm
One-half teaspoon of mustard,'
One-quarter teaspoon of paprika,
Five toblesueons of tnaiiannabtr.
ind blend together. Butter the slice of
Ireid en the leaf, and then cut thin,
117 nice crisp teat of lettuce en the
bread, and spread the prepared ham
mumre en me etner slice, rut to
gether, trimming crusts with sharp
knife, aud cutting slant-wise. Wrap
Mnawicnes in wax sandwich paper, nnd
then wrap the entire package in heavy
Chocolate fak
; ruee in mixing bowl
r , . . .
tfmm'mmJ ... .,i ... J
1 sugar.
Onf.ftel cup of shortening,
uiK-nmj cup Of COcea,
One teaspoon of vanilla,
One teaspoon of cinnamon.
Cream well and then add
One egi.
Cream well and then add
"Area cups sifted flour.
une cup of milk.
Beat te smooth batter and then add
One cup of seeded raisins,
One-half cup of cocoa.
One-half cup of finely chopped nuts.
MlT tll fruit Ir. ....II -J i ,.
-. . ..u.i. u ui, ana mrn in
'' SteaBcd and floured square pan,
m uuc w moderate even for forty
Blnutesj cool and ice with water icing.
- t,uu ui luaaiUK cence en pic-
!li .1 ,a7,B ? most important one.
.Iuf VKmc, ,JU"caeen seems te lack
Meething until you serve the coffee.
Ben i plans that suggest themselves te
jca are te take an old-fashioned coffee
Wt along and brew the stimulating
wIfv" our , grandmothers did,
thermos bottle, or else te haver the cef-
... maae anu simply reheat.
Je rrfnurs ha .r. ..... j. t ,l
enitini M.nV ilk iil vu.0""ul,t rue ine
siiNrV." . "y..wun "utter, and
CSJ?. h&em S?.08011 CP Ave straw-
ZWML Avt Tin dJS
Tt4k,ci Alien mi rnu mi il il.
KhJfPiL0;.? ard cups
ii ..nm k ' '""". ln siew even and
e until the custards are done. Te
ftib 1. 1-' d.,f.nene adheres te the
from .VV rluc'uy cpeued. Remove
Daintv tn Mnhn
Ortt- In . .Uil
Pittlcularly nice camisole, m the
lie next
it like
uT' '"!' "e way net fnsh nn U
ith tt n.w;: ,': " iu u" .p
?i idenu,' n t i Vii:s. at nty.
iy Dit
taer Btitehine; ;.t:i,.j-"" ,u."
.a i
tten. '-,";u ,0
MH9 You'll Leve te Malta
ffilopeol Faver
ttl. n,.,Ef,C. but Tl- nil
fee&g'feilSl. S?i i.
Iam , lu PARTr SPOOr, Vivnp
i8 Pencils ? " "any empty spools
! color Thimi" Bpe.c1 wl,ite or tlie
tar ti,."'ur. SClienie us dm .letl-v...
KeerdlnJ Tte ti,?!? wl'u !? r red.
IS' Umllnr te C1, maH.e a nPl
hearts en
I a pnci im .I. r ,V1 B0
!. vft..1.. UP 'breujh the
In the
te :'.c" nuull rlnifnl
Wern It"10 pcncH and tie
screw Inte
tie a (.ik-
te the
ii BPOni . X' "".!
cd Ite the ;nTefT
"in ceru,
The Prettiest Dresses
for June Days the
58.75 Hi $13.50T $10 $16.50 510
Colorful Sports Frecks of
Epenge, $5 te $10
?5 for frocks of striped epenge.
$5.50 for checked epenge dresses in orchid, black,
yellow or Copenhagen with fringed pockets and
$8.50 for little coat dresses of checked epenge in
yellow or black with cress stitch done in colored wool
te match.
$8.75 for plain-color epenge dresses in Copen
hagen, rose, yellow and tan, trimmed with white
bindings and drawnwerk.
$10 for sleeveless slip-en dresses of fine plaid
Foulard, Pongee, Tub Silk and
Taffeta Dresses, $10
A great choice of new dresses of black, navy or
Copenhagen foulard with white iigures or dots,
some with pleated panels.
Pongee dresses show a touch of hand stitching
in brown.
Tub-silk dresses are in stripc3 trimmed with
white organdie.
Taffeta 'dresses are in navy brown or Copen
hagen, taken from our own stock and marked at
this low price.
Leng Silk
Gloves, $1.15
White and pongee gloves
in 16 -button length have
Paris-point backs and are of
unusual quality for' this low
Leng Chamois
Lisle Gloves, $1
White, beige, fawn and mode
in these excellent gloves of
fine texture with spear-point
Girls' Khaki Celer
Knickers, Middies
and Bleemers
are ready for camping parties
and hikers. They are a
of geed, sturdy material.
Knickers are $2.50; middies,
$1.50; bloomers (for girls who
prefer them te knickers) are
$1.75. Sizes 8 te 20.
Women's Colored
Linen Handkerchiefs
In orchid, two shades of rose
and blue, peach, orange, butter
cup, brown, tan and bright green.
Snowy white linen 'kerchiefs,
12&c each.
Sale of
All sizes from 6 le 2 which is unusual at one low price ($2,50
is considerably lower than the usual price for even the smallest
size!). The Mary Janes are of tan calfskin with healthful wide
tees and durable soles.
Sample Blouses
Pretty blouses at a very low
All sizes 36 te 46 in the let,
but net in each style.
Snowy dimities, batiste and
voile, in lacy, frilly styles or
semi-tailored, some with a touch
of color. Many Peter Pans
among them.
Women's Bathing
Suits of Surf Satin
or Weel at $4.50
Bathing suits presentable
ones, tee begin at $1.75 and go
slowly up te $1.50, wher'e these
unusual suits are found.
Surf satin suits are made and
trimmed in several ways. One
particularly pretty model is
trimmed with checked gingham.
Knitted wool suits are in tan,
navy, brown, green and black.
Seme are plain and ethers are
trimmed with contrasting stripes.
Extra-size suits of durable
surf satin are in three excellent
models, in sizes 48 te 56, at
Geed cap3 at 12c, loc and 25c.
Tights at 75c te $2.25 (the last
ere all-wool).
The Surf Stere is tn full swim!
Women's Mary Jane
Pumps in 8 Styles
Special at $5.25
Just exactly what women and girls want and expect te
pay considerably mere for! Se they would under ordinary
circumstances, for these were all considerably higher in price
right in our own stocks.
They are all geed Wanamaker pumps, well cut, in the most
fashionable style of the season and one that premises te
continue in fashion all through the Summer.
Leathers ace thoroughly geed and the finish is faultless.
Heels are low and many are covered.
Almest all sizes in each style.
Of black satin or black patent leather;
Black patent leather with a straight tip and buckle
Seft gray suede with a tiny binding of black;
Black calfskin with back, strap and heel of gray
Three styles of black patent leather with gray
Splendid low shoes for vacation and you save enough te
buy geed silk stockings te match ! Think of all the geed times
coming when you'll need just such geed low shoes !
Children's Tan Mary Janes
Special at $2.50
1000 Gingham Frecks at
$2.50 te $5
Every si?e and color in gingham checks
that one can think of I Fresh new dresses
in Summery pinks and blues, reds, cool
greens,' etc.
$5 for uncommonly pretty checked ging
hams with circular lines cellars and pockets
edged with fine gingham pleatings; or with
bodices of dotted swiss.
Handsome Lace Dinner
Gowns, $30
Just one of a
kind and all of
cobwebby fine
ness in peri
winkle, ecru, sil
ver and black, with heavy bead girdles.
Levely New Silk Dresses
$13.50 te $16.50
Light-colored checked crepe de chine dresses
trimmed with white are special at $13.50.
Tailored dresses of silk broadcloth show pin
stripes of navy, black, tan or lavender. $16.50.
Handsome pongee dresses with tailored tabs or
loose panels 'are special at $13.60 and $16.50.
Charmcuse dinner dresses in soft tints of orchid
and ecru are trimmed with flowers of self material.
Sports frocks of heavy Russian crepe are made
in two-color combinations bodice of white and skirt
of gay color, or bodice of sand and skirt of navy.
Beautiful New Voile Dresses
$5.50 te $16.50
Especially pretty is the dress which is sketched.
It is of checked tissue voile in light colors with
piceted panels and a wide sash of very sheer white
organdie. $6.75.
Other voiles .abound in light and dark colorings.
Irish and Filet Laces
Trim Dainty Guimpes
Sleeveless guimpes of fine net
in the soft ecru shade that women
want te wear with sweaters.
At $3 there is a Feter Pan
cellar guimpe that has wide filet
At $3.75 several pretty ones
with Irish lace Peter Pan,
pointed or square roll cellar
Girls' Percale, Lawn,
Dimity and Voile
Frecks. $2 and $3
A neat checked percale frock
has little piceted white frills and
Bash. $2.
A pretty lawn frock in pink,
blue or maize has a square neck
trimmed with white organdie. $2.
Checked dimity in brown, red
or green with white makes a
dainty style trimmed in white
organdie. $3.
All in sizes 6 te 12 years.
Men's and Women's
Umbrellas at $1
Of firm black cotton ever strong
frames, they make the ideal extra
umbrellas for office, school and
guests caught in a shower.
Women's umbrellas have wrist
cords or bakelite rings and the
men's have creek handles.
m i iij
of the Whole Season Are Ready
Wanamaker Down Stairs
AU Marked at Lew Prices Seme a Third te a
Half Less Than Usual
What a rush of Summer frocks for this first Saturday of
June ! What color; what freshness and charm ! Fashions are mere
varied and mere interesting than they have been in years.
Best of all, prices are the lowest in our remembrance. Ma
terials are excellent, and for very moderate sums $5 te $10
one can cheese from nearly every fashionable Summer material,
including a host of delicately colored linens.
$5 $5.50 $16.50 $6.75
Central Aisle
Leather Belts for Sports
Wear, 50c
A really bewildering array of
colors and kinds! Plenty of
white belts, jlain or with perfor
ated patterns. Alse blue, rose,
tan, brown and combinations.
Many Kinds of Neckwear
25c te $1
At 25c, cellars and cellar and
cuff sets of organdie, eyelet em
broidery, pique and ether mate
rials. Alse ecru banding for
making cellars and cuffs, 25c
At 50c yard, vesting in ecru and
colors. Alse lace vestees com
bined with net.
At $1 net guimpes with gener
ously long sleeves, trimmed with
unusually pretty lace.
Corsets and Girdles
$1 and $1.50
Fer slender women there are
girdles of brocade or ceutil with
sections of heavy elastic or topless
corsets with slight boning and
elastic tops.
Fer average te stout figures
there are corsets of Summer
weight material with rather less
boning than usual.
White Tub Skirts
85c te $2.25
A dozen different models be
tween these very low prices. All
simple, easily laundered styles of
geed materials.
85c for skirts of cotton ramie.
$1.25 te S1.G5 for cotton gabar
dine skirts.
$2.25 for skirts of white surf
satin or garden skirts of navy
black or khaki-color cotton drill.
Seme extra sizes in this group.
Little Girls' Puppy
Frecks at $1.10
Dear little friendly puppies
are embroidered en the pockets.
The frocks are in Mether Hub
bard style, of green, pink or blue
chambray with checked cellars
and cuffs.
Other frocks of similar cham
bray have white Peter Pan col cel
lars, box pleats and white rick
rack trimming.
Sizes 2 te 6 years.
Girdles and Corsets
are the newest fancy among the
very pretty corsets which women
are new wearing.
A topless corset girdle only 12
inches deep has elastic inserts in
the front and is $3.
A corset of regulation depth,
lightly boned and topped witn a
wide hand of elastic is $5.
Orchid Elastic
Girdles, $4.50
Orchid broche reinforces the
front fastening, and the rest of
the girdle is of orchid clastic
webbing, 14-inch depth.
Pink Elastic Girdles, $2
A 10-inch girdle for a slender
woman is of pink elastic with
ceutil reinfercements.
Levely Linen Dresses at
$8.75 te $10
Half a , dozen interesting models in
Copenhagen, white, pink, brown, orchid or
green. Seme are embroidered with wool,
ethers are piped with white and belted.
All fresh and lovely.
Dimity Frecks, $4 and $5
Coel frocks in all white or with colored
cellars, cuffs and ties of printed dimity.
All-white voile and dimity dresses at 55.
Princess Slips
Perfect petticoats and slips
te wear under any kind of
Summer dress; the slips are
especially nice for straight
line frocks. The 22-inch hem
does away with any need of
two petticoats, se that Deria
slips and petticoats can be
worn under the sheerest or
gandie frocks.
Petticoats, $1 te $5
Flesh-pink or white batiste
or white sateen petticoats are
Finer white sateen, $2.
Tub silk in white, $3.50;
extra size tub silk petticoats
in white, navy and black, $5.
Princess Slips
$2 and $3
Slips of white, flesh or
orchid batiste have imitation
filet edging around the top, $2.
Similar style with satin and
lace trimmed top is $3.
28, 30 te 3-1 inch lengths.
Figured Voile
25c Yard
Fancy checks of various sizes
and colors, small plaids, dots,
spots, stripes and flower-sprigged
checks. Plenty of red, tan, navy,
pink, rose, green, blue and lav
ender en clear white grounds. 38
inches wide.
Hew little a frock of this will
Black Silk
Of heavy black Canten
crepe edged with deep fringe
and topped with cellars
of black fur the most
fashionable wraps of the
Summer season. These are
lined throughout with crope
de chine and arc gathered
full, showing a generous
sweep. Alse some in navy
Capes, Special
at $12
These are of silk-and-cot-ten
Canten crepe with deep
silk fringe around the hem.
The standing cellars are of
black or gray fur, and the
linings are of silk crepe.
Wonderfully effective new
wraps at a very small price.
Navy Blue
Capes, $16.50
Of Peiret twill and serge,
these are in a variety of
models, and each is lined
with silk.
Men 's Madras
Shirts, $1.35
Splendid value!
Geed woven and printed madras shirts that men
wear day in and day out ! Materials will catch a man's
eye. They are the season's favorites. Fine pin Btripes,
cluster stripes all kinds in clear blue, green, lav
ender, tan and black.
The making is right, the fit is geed and they are
all made the one way, with center pleat and soft cuffs.
All sizes in the let.
Seft Cellars, 10c Each, $1 Dezen
Every one a geed, perfect, fresh cellar, ready te
wear. Of cheviets, pique and ether cellar materials in
comfortable low shapes for warm weather.
(Gnller.r. Marlit)
Men's Oxfords
Special, $3.85
Sports Oxfords are of light smoked leather with
brown leather waistbands and fiber soles, very flexible
for sure footing.
Brown and tan leather Oxfords of the kinds that
men wear for business and for informal dress are in
several styles with full wing or straight tips and
welted soles.
Men who knew the usual price of Oxfords like
these expect te get out a five-dollar bill and mere,
besides, instead of getting considerable change!
(Gallery, Market)
Clearaway of
Beys' Ail-Weel Suits
With Twe Pair of Trousers
at $8.75
85 suits for 85 lucky boys! They won't be here long
at this price! All are of durable all-wool mixtures. Coats
are lined with mohair and have the box or inverted pleats or
the loose sports back. Beth pairs of trousers are lined
throughout and every seam is taped.
The early boys (or parents) get the suits, you knew !
Sizes from 8 te 18 in the let, but just a few suits of
any one kind. (OaUery. Mark.t)
Flower-Trimmed Hats
Are Summer, Itself $5
Se feminine, se becoming, se lovely! Nothing will ever take the
place of graceful, wide-brimmed hats in Summertime. Many of these
are shiny black straws with colorful new wool binding and field flowers
in bright colors. Seme have wreaths and bindings in white or lovely
Baronet Satin and Silk Hats at $5
seem exceptional this year, turquoise blue, orchid, Copen
There are many white hats and aRen blue, and se en, with
delicate monotones-such as a fff aMnfe
delectable lemon, silvery gray, trimmed with ostrich.
Striped Tub Silk
$1.50 Yard
Smart Summer tperts frocks
are bemg made of this cool ma
terial. It is in white with pencil
stripes or pin stripes in pretty
Summer coloring. 35 inche& wide.
Capes, $25
JHIj!ffl5fil ', '
lllll r 1
wmm ski h m
$12 $25
$1 Sale of
Over a thousand garments
in the Eale and about forty
different kinds from which te
make selection all at $1. All
fresh and all in geed taste
Nightgowns $
are of seersucker crepe in
lemon, orchid, raspberry and
Others are of pink, white or
light blue batiste or of white
Chemises $1
Bleemer chemises are of fine
white batiste.
Envelope chemises are of
pink, white or orchid batiste.
Petticoats, Bleemers,
Camisoles, Etc. $1
White petticoats with double
panels in front have embroid
ered flounces.
Step-in drawers of snow
flake voile, in white, pink or
orchid, are cut in points, fin
ished with lace.
Satin camisoles are in deli
cate pink, orchid and light
Pink batiste bloomers are
trimmed with elaborate din
signs in lace insertion.
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