ES MtfkLStl mmWT ;:w jpflgtaqgp ty5-r v ,j, -'-y-vf,;l;Y-.'wxr,; ffi-S&iJa eisi M'frfti' i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADEtPHlA, FRIDAY, '.; JUNE 2, 1922 1i g& . . . v , 1 it I' th I-v l"iA WW m ; t-r?ifj ,ji - K27 C.7 7 T.'..r W '. U.U.L ill ILL V 11X111111 By HKIENA HOYT TtRANT 'i . - ..-.. ... - 'i r e . r orient r SOMEHOW tliey had drifted Inte the dlnoufslen of n subject always olesi' 1 their heartshut one of these thing tiCltiOm tHIKPU QDOUt. "C h 1 1 (1 r c n. of course, must be n :VMI. WA Jey JSlfcA m?32m la ted. frH n I mean, dear, it niuM n timpiy won derful te have a dear U . & i? rik .. f IWMa V1t ki.t tAniii. t V V jH. new " mu't hrlnjr 'r? GItIi fiirh an awfully creut change Inte a home that has been te PPT with juM two " Paul wriggled a bit uncomfortably in lia chair. "Ob, of court. Yes. I suppose "Yeung mother are se thoughtless," Mid Virginia slowly. "I met Helen Davis ever nt the bakery this morning and sotnrhew she teems e terribly chanced " "8e?" Virginia nodded. "All (he could think about was her little Jackie the child mu6t be a year Id new." "Uh-buh," rauttereJ Paul absently, latent upeiv the pages of the favorite rerjlnji paper. Helen simply couldn't resist telling me ! or nil trie baD s new words and his little teeth and -and everything like that "Oh, that'3 natural," said Taul largely. "I knew it is, dear, but don't you think that eung mothers te often for fer ftt about their husbands. after the ad- Adventures With a Purse Something old. Something new. Semethlne borrowed, Something blue. .Since the days of nursery rhyme wet s a jingle we've all been told, and the ineH skeptical of us would chant and fellow it en our wedding day. If you knew n girl who is going te be Married she will want for her hope chest and te wear en her wedding day a pair of the silk garters I haie seen In one of the shepw. Pale blue satin rib bon la shirred into soft folds and tiny Sink rosebuds with a narrow frill of ice adorn the front. These are priced at $1.95. Of course you've all been repainting the perch 'hairs and having the awnings hunt en "Jehn's" day of rest and gen erally getting the front of the house hlp-shapc. but In case you have net as yet bought these new flower boxes you've been wanting te buy, let m MI you about these J have seen. Fash- case en the inside, they come in various alzes, from three and four feet te per- hapa two yards. The shop where thev I are bold will have them painted for you any color jeu may wish, and they range la price from $2.73 te $4.50. ' .M'Mt "A I.,?.f?'"" Webimi r?. i Miur or nraei winui .iwu or aiam leul kftwrni the hours or 1 and 5. f Read Your Character By Digby rhillips Selling the Looped "t" If you vi ere a salesman who had just Weelved a letter from a prospective cus tomer, and you noted that this person did net write a "t" in the customary way. with n straight up and down treke for the htem of the letter, but made It instead with a rather decided loop, vseul'l It mean anj thing te you? Would it be any guide or warning te you in jour future personal interview? Yeu Mieuld very carefully avoid crlt Ulng tuch a person. Yeu should par ticularly avoid doing te en any subject which may be a matter of especial pride with him. Fer instance, if veu were trvintr te ell him life insurance, and you knew ha was a who was rather proud of i hia business foresight, it would be the I worst mistake you could make te point out te bin. that he wa3 being incen sistent in net carrying insurance. The only result such a statement euld be likely te have would be te antagonize him. Tomorrow Cheesing a Hand . The Weman's Exchange She la Puzzled Sfc th Editor e Weman's I'nge Dear Madam Will you please advtsn ma en the folleninir point? If a salid of lettuce and toms.tees with drnalnp ii .' .' uu'u ""' me lomaieos ne ' eaten? I have been te d that the lettui-a i ., , ,, "..'.. . . . Itaveg should be left en thn nbre ,m ves should be left en the nlate tin- touched. I i; K It is entirely tomato and th proper te eat i lettuce. both the Mourning Wear 9a tht tdlier of Wemei's Pis Pear Madam Pleas let me knew hew long a daughter stajb In mourning j ler ner memer. new ion? tne nea'.v mourning veil Is worn and when white cellars and cuffs are worn ,mi. , ,, ., MRS J L II She should wjar mourning for tu-e years and the veil for one year Natu-' rally. It Is a question of what the Indi. vidua! wanta te de. And, when the daughter Is a eung girl, she often does net wear a veil but has appropriate mourning hatf. White cellars and cuffs of organdie ,. be worn In th, house, WHAT'S IF HAT By Helen Di-etr VI s j -i A reiinsylvanla eorrespendent "T C," aks What's Wliat te belva u lit I, " .'Ua problem cimcernlng the wording of ,A, t weddlnj announcements when the i if 4 Sthar of tlie hrlde le In an asylum for PJVT,-W ineane, an interna anu pur JSS' m, she is dead. Tlurcfnre, should ner name be lert out of the an- ncement sent out bv her husband''" 'JCvtrythln depends upon c rcum- iee. -rue memer. tneugn mentally j la living, nnd It would setm as iter nutne sneuiu appear, ns 11 if she were phjsicaily incapacl- ir peopie Knew of her mlsfer- , and no stigma is attached te it. M' "Mra.'- should be Included 1 t ! """ '" 'r iiarrew an- ' '(,,'c . elc Bul' '" alM, wlun lthr t wn u.Hvicieu or serious, . and aftrnnl arHmln-.H ,nn. F. trrpeniibla. and sentenced te a 5hui.n,,h.t, s L.iftr th d&ushtr nri Ku aT. n i -.T- ' ."" . " iiaauni remin scences. Ih'mhIIH.- .1.. ' v-'i.ii.nK iiie nam" arpn. m wMtinc vent of ihc third member of jhe fain II:?" 1'aul stared at her sharply, but de tected no Mtbtle Intent In her words. "Ne I bums net. Ten just Imagine It. honey," he said a little crisply. Some how the conversation Irked hlin made him uncomfortable, embar rasied. "Dut I'm afraid It's se, Paul. I asked Helen about ner mis- .". band and honestly, dear, sh looked posi tively blank. Said seructblns v n g u el y ntwiut Harry being tine, and nil that and then went right back te tell me hew much the Inby weighed yesterday, and hew he can recegnise his grand mother's voice ever the telephone, and " "I don't see anything wrong in that," Insisted Paul. Virginia sighed und glanced absently at the top of his head. "I was only thinking, Paul " softly. "Well?" "I was only thinking that It must be awfully lonely for a. hutbaud after the baby comes and nc gianccu at tier faslifully mm presently stepped out upon the tiny eratidu. up above, the stars twinkled gayly i down upon Ms het face, and he was en are of a ( drvness In his tlirnnf he felt feverish, tienena anil fnnttehlr fluttery about the heart. "I'll take n chance en th loneli ness, ' he muttered fervently ua he picueu out me laigcst una most glitter ing star of them all. Tomorrow A Charm of Yc&terdav Th Unconscious Sinner By HAZEL DEYO BATCHELOIt Clce RWgcficld is ihc type of girl tche unconicieusly tempts men te n? i ''? ''.' hcr- Whcn ah" Muses Utck Whcclcr, he tries te commit suicide and ts saved by his yuardian. Carry I'helps. Carey, btlirvlna Clce te be nethma but a scheming adven turess, succeeds in meeting her, and te obtain revenge for the fact that she has ruined D,ck's life, plans te trln her heart and marry her. Itis idea is te tell hcr the entire truth after marriage, and he succeeds In per. suadtne her te give up the ulea of a big iccddxng, and te marry him se 1,J'' ..hfr iccddlng day Clce it filled tnth girlish doubts and fears. Panic L UAb 6tul raining when, at 4.30, x Clce emerged from the deer of the apartment house. In the ta.l en hcr way down town te meet Carey her heart bent te hard that she could hear its drumming in her ears. Se aberhed was shp wlth her thoughts that shp was hardly a war of the in .i.i,r! nc..i-.f ,u" ,:" ---.. uiisuu. -9.u ls eiwiuni, mm it seenieu but j a few moments before the rar was drawing up before a stone bulldlnz in I a side street. I Plr. i.j . . . i i j i Cirresrca a wish te be married in the church about which all manner of romance has alwav.s duns, and Carey had agreed. But' she was hardly aware of the fact new. for Carev himself was standing en the dripping pavement and as the car stepped opened the deer and held out his hand te help hcr te alight. She clung te him under the dripping umbrella as he paid the driver, and then as he turned te her she fcmild up Inte his face. It was the trusting, almost radiant smile of a child, and for a moment Carey forget his contempt for 5fr- His answering smile lighted up Ms dark face te tejiderncss. It soft ened the harshness of hia mouth and banished the queer yellow light that glinted from his eves. ' h?n suddenly it was gene, and he TTa3 hurrying her up the walk te the cevTed pnj-ch. A moment later thev were (.tanding in a small dark room in which the air seemed c"rv cle- and musty. CIe looked around hastily Thev wre alone, but Carey made no attempt te tak advantage of me fact, and uid denly tbe rainy ddy and the fact that her nerves had been strained te fue breaking point Mnec earlv morning made C-lee de a thing that sh had never done bfer. She turned t0 him suddenly and before be knew what she intended, her armv worn re(. around his neck. The odor of the flowers that he had sent her n-nt nil iih,-.. I, ,v,. and for a second time he forget that . i. .. . . -- .. fifc'jt nut sdp was a Heart rss lltt e flirt nnd re inmh.-ui i.. .i. -. ... I' ':nu rP ;i" ". '1,'"'. ""-1 iuut sns "a as me woman who in n fPW moments was te become I113 wife. His arras went around her "Are you clad?" he whispered. " ?lad as I am''" "Oh. Carev'" tus arms tightened, and then t,i. f,,l'.v fell away. ?eme one was com- , '"- aieng tne corridor eutMJe A moment latrr , Ur,. f-.j S. long-fared curate 1 entered thp room ..Mr PhpSi.. hr fald pe,Ucl ,.D Hampton is, ready new ; will veu fellow me?' iouew ' tI , , I M turned tewirrj the fleer, and f-erev stepped bark te allow rpr, te prn-ede him. but in that moment she wavered, nnd a little fecllnc of , M pt e;,r l Z&A time "he f.t ,1,. .! 1 : lu. "'.'"" rt" . ,. .., r...;wu,i.. ui me occasion, the irrevocability of it. Beinjr married like this was totnebew vaguely terrifring everything was. tee hushed and fiulet and the was afraid. In the dim light f-hn itrctrhe-i pk her band te Carev. nnd his strong fingers closed reasiuringly about her.-. "You're no- teny, ar(. j.0,J? . h aked lightly. .She shook ber hear and s-valle'-ed baek a i-ob, and then as, if (,),,, wr(t moving In a drfam follewfd the curate down a dirk corridor up a s,nia!l flight of nairs and into a tiny, dimly lighted ihnprl. Kver.Mhng remed unreal '(trl she had thought it weu.d be fee different She bud dreamed of her mirr'nge' te Carev as a jojeus thing, and instead ih fe.t subdued and without emotion of anv kind. Kvn Carev seamed like a stranger, and suddenly the vas selxed with an impulse te run away before it was, tee late. Tomerrou .Married! The New Hat At this time of the year It seems we're growing mere and mere away from the idea of wearing straw hats altogether Perhaps we re eepylng the men in that respect, for they rwtalnly haven't broken em in as seen ns they un-d te of miterlala thai n.V. h..t 11 S?T" fr,.ra?n "if.18 'hna'ie ? "lied Inte ., Vi, --.. j "" me result "'at they exactly n.atch the dress they "'" n ini. iuc newest et there Ik rntlne. nnfl rnnV. u. t. " i" looking It ii made into a hit im? - ; v? fe s& ? "' $ c5 . 7u re nannsr a green i-Htlnp nr a Mini Ana. Am . !...... .. . '"" ""; '." ." ," iie, KM a , tt , iirlM tnflAp(al An.l ..w. Ik ..... -,-,- ::-- '7:, " !r" h 'ie tome- tnlD UI"J w,u top tMt drtsa aff la 1 lA ,-f .LVLaiH Please Tell Me What te De te CYNTHIA Should Net Visit FUnce Dear Cynthia Ii It Improper te visit ene'n'4 In another city where neither of us knew any one7 I am twenty-one and have been encaged, fernully, al most a year, hut uui puzzled about this. I aiu planning te stay about a vck CONVENTION Yes. It would be very bad taate for you te de this unless you taUe your mother or some ether chaperon with you. Says Welsh Glrle Are Net All Large Dear Cmthln In replv te T II'.' letter. I would like te udxlse him a few PjlntH en what tall American Blrli think of ruiitK, Ue may call American Blrl runts, but T think he can qualify for ene Iitmr-clf. I mn n plrl of snrnteen fuii' nicr and five feet eight and one. half inches tall mid, 'is mother uave. nice nnd plump, but excuse me. I wouldn't leave a geed position as n-lvate secre tary te marry a runt Whit big girl would Ilke te marry .i short man' I want te lcek up te the man I marry, se he must be taller tlinn I It Is net true Uiat all Welsh girls nre big, as niv niether I: Welsh descent and knows and loves Quite a few Welsh people. They aie Ilke thi-- nernge. but there are some exceptions, of ceuive, like T H and mvself. I would niHisn the same remedy Cm uila deen. that T H. return te Wnle.i and frv te find a tall girl who will marry I'lm- SU.VKI.OWUH Discovered He Was Younger Than She Dear Cynthia 1 nm n young lady nineteen ,rnrs of .ige, .-uirt hae been out with a young man whom 1 Judged te be twentj-twe or twenty-thrce vears fdd, ThlN gentleman certainly did act respectably In all v ays. Just shortly I Irarncd thnr Hm fellow la net up old as i tneugiit lie w.un He Is one and one half year my Junier, but tall and well nuui unce mere I am uaist u te go oil' with him, but new that I am se aware of the fact that I'm elder than he, 1 d'-n't lllte tin) Idea very much. .Vew, Cynthia, would veu advise me te jrUc him up or shall I Just con cen ilder him a meni friend of mine? If the. latter, de you think there Is any i.rlnie In going out with him once In a while,, like friends would de? LWDUCIDED. Why, of course, there Is no harm In going out like, friend-" with this boy. Hew el would you go? Yeu are net engaged te him, nre ieu? There Is no reason whv you sheu'd net hive a friend younger tlinn you arc, If you HKe him and he Is congenial Anether Slap for Peer "T. H." Dear C nthla Please permit us te say a few things te T. H . who calls all little gtrli runts Thank you We arc two girl", both flv feet two Inches tall, or. In ether words, "runts" Our only regret Is that we de net meet with our reaulrementn. ns we are wure we would leve and tight ever such a ' great big here as you Dc- you always get what you want and waj there a time I when you wanted bemethlng and didn't i get If wen, sir weisnman, ir we are runts, wnat in the world de you consider Mnir self? Yeu ask why don't all Philadel phia glrla grew big and tJie answer Is "ilmply for th same rcaten that you don't" Tcrhaps It Is the climate that affected or stunted our growth, but what delayed ou? Our real surprise Is that you dldn t go bicl:. after your sad dlsap. pelntment In our gills and pick out ene In Wales, where you my nre such big girls. Perhaps the knew you tee well, or la it because the:, like our glrK want great big men, men they can put con fidence into And besides, den t forget that it Is the little girl that rules the world nowadays and it In great de mand. Had jeu asked for a tall, slender girl, we could recommend a string bean, but the only thing we can recommend new Is an elephant and net a human being, niches and leek? de net go to te gether: It Is cither one and s& it Is with height and weight We wouldn't advfae you te take a woman the size you men tion, hk they are verv expensive, require lets mere than little girls, se -think It ever and klndlv write te Cynthia and excuse yourself for calling the little girls runtf. as thev are "enlv sweet, llttle Innocent things," and If .veu de get your mate, the one you request, you had better tell her te buy you a high chulr anil a trlb te that you won't fall out Here's hoping you get what you want and here's hoping that we may live te nee the da when you and yours will be walking along the street arm In ami, se that the little runts will hae the laugh en veu, by saying that she Is taking her child out for a walk. TWO MTTLR RUNTS. We Have Put the "Oi' in Cretonne Cret enne with the dance or the morning or the nfreroeon This fabric is having a tremendous vogue at present, both for trimming and foundation pur poses. One finds it npplujued ou the sheer white net of a dunce frock In the same breath that one gasps at the au dacity of a French model of blue serge sleeved and trimmed In gray cretonne. Fer the perch and otherwise morning freek it is nn insistent feature of sum mer fashions. Black sateen decorated with motifs of either chints or cretonne here is one nf the most stunning contributions te the het weather morning, nnd cer tainly Its practicality rommends it te the woman who spends part of her morning py the gas tange. Black sateen is. in fact, an item of het weather drep-sing which wc cannot afford te overlook. Frequently it forms the skirt te n top of gingham or cre tonne. Indfed, combinations of all sorts are rampant in this domain, and If you like jeu mate n cretonne skirt with n top of rep, linen, or some etLer plain material. One of these combinations is Illustrated In the frock of cretonne shown a green back ground, ever which arc strewn old rose flowers worn with n blouse of white batlrtn smocked In old rose. The girdle Is of grecu ribbon. Jim w I In! siAiTbH Paris clings te her long skirts in spile of American loyalty te the 'short, scanty ones. This frock shows the way length and fullnc may be made graceful .aaflHiteiKwBn F 9 ?ftti Weman's Life and Leve Peggy and the Primrose Path CAN you imagine any one with Mich n name as Peggy net being dcbtlned fir tome frivolous career? 'flie tempestuous existence of unci gay uutterny n n s been much ex- plelted in the pa- per s miciy, anu doubtless you have Ighed u little in secret nnd envied her t h ( Primrose Path. But you can not judge of the experiences of the world's Peggies by lurid accounts of champagne suppers and millionaire lever- in the nrcss! WINIFKED BARPEn COOLET Te really knew the life history of n i'eggy. you must fellow It from the early blossoming of the fragile rose te tue gutter or the grave TD EADIXG of dazzling jewels and Av nr proposals of marriace from titled Europeans or wildly wealthy young scapegraces, of meteoric careers lu tin; photoplay colenv, gives ene only n tiny rrnKS-sepf Inn nf llfrt Whftn m nf forty or fifty, and happy though net Jtrmi'i y0iu ma Ve traw Wn?bJ dcc'1(V tv' c "ps T1'1 rnd I ,nliHn .n,-St'u hcJ ' cud, a suicide in some morgue! Almest always, these who live fast and fu m,l ." rieusly go te pieces en the rocks. Or, te vary the figure, the little human moths flutter excitedly around the dazzling candle, but as certainly as lire burns, fall into the flume! Asik your elder frit 'ids for the thrilling ste ries et some 01 tue startnngiy ecautitui gay ones of the last generation, nnd veu will learn of tragedies almost un believable. All of this is net preaching; It is sober fact. Ne young girl in the first flush of beauty und vunity will accept moral truths merely because some bThe- law, puritanical elder wren exhorts. . The gay young thing buspecta In her I heart (and often rightly) that the who preaches se lugubriously, never' had any strong temptutlens te wander ' from the straight and narrow path ! Yeung folks will net believe statements that de uul ring true. NO, IT Is net mere mernlizing when one warns a young girl te avoid tue primrose path, it is ftmpir giv 1 lug her the benefit of knowledge that wc I may have gained by bitter experience, I that certain causes produce certain ef ifects! Dissipation wrecks the health, laud a mud pace, unthinking and of 110 jsnne purpose, ends with a bang, in de struction, just u n toboggan tearing 'down hill landj with n thud or a crash .and wricks Its passengers. tjne et tin' ways by which travelers down the primrose path are mined is bv their own telf-lndulgente and that of their companion?. Dissipation wrecks the physical health and extrava gance burns up the fortune. Without health and activity and beauty and men. you mc jour temrade.s who seemed se fend and enthusiastic slink awaj. The type, of men and women that have no sense of responsibility, but ru'-h madly after transient sensa tlen very naturally uve irresponsible and neglectful when you meet witti dis aster. A mnn who has deserted his wife and babies because of jour pretty face will just or surely toss jeu aside If jeu nre ill or lese your beauty. Nature seems te be very lavish when the gives a girl unusual loveliness or magnetism; but often, she is very cruel. Unless the beauty is accompanied iy considerable tommen sense and poise", the nightly thing is sure te make, a miss of her life. Gilded sin and the plnces of vice the night life of the big capi tnls have been joked about, or igno igne rantly ranted ngnlnM. But the stern fact is that the denizens are cold and heartlcsa and unscrupulous. Thev de sert n girl in her hour of need. Reues who flattered and pay high pricei nre Philadelphia Atlantic City Baltimore Wilmington fr, JeIllZPS SMmnimer Capes & Wraps 66At Special Prices9' Plain or Fur Trimmed In Matelasse, Canten Crcpc, Reshanara, Krcpcknib and Peiret Twill. The Fur Trimmings arc Fex, Caracul and Wolf. A Most Interesting Collection of New Medels $39.75 $45 $gQ "New MuLSummer Millinery-French and American" 127 S. PHILADELPHIA 1337 I3.SK 7 Chestnut St. Boardwalk Shep Atlantic CjtyBrhhtan Bleck Midnight georgette ever soft silk with a girdle of heavy beads giving an Oriental touch of red and geld. Flowing lines arc used throughout this gown. By WINIFRED HARPER COOLEY the first te cast a faded beauty te the nsh heap. Tender husbands nre loyal in me uaya et trageey. seinsu udmlr era never. "VNLY a few years de the Peggies last, -' and then thev co under. TTnlnn they nave great cunning nnd greed, and horde up their jewels nnd money, real- Izlng that a "rainy day" will come. If i tney are se sordid nnd canny, t-emetimes ' their old age is net impoverished, but it is euic te be loveless nnd barren. Can Yeu Tell? By i. ,. and A, H Bedmcr What Makes thn Hellew Place In a Ifard-BeUefl Egg? When an egg is boiled there Is a hol low place nt ene end, or ns sometimes happens, en the side. This is caused by the air which U held within the egg, se that the little chicken which would de velop from the egg if it had been devoted te its rtnl purpose will have nlr te breathe from the time it oemes te life until it Is strong enough te break the shell nnd go out into the world. When you bell the egg, this pocket of air begins te fight for its space and rushes the inside of the egg back, form- in8 the hollow place. There is also feed , i,.. ., n .i,.-m. i,- u.i. i.i.i. ."" - '." -"-- feeds se us te get the strength neccs sary te peck its way out. Only n little air nnd feed Is required by the babv chick, because it breaks out of its shell within a short time after it comes te life. The color of the eggs nf birds and fowl varies a great deal. This is a wise prevision of nature te help the mother bide her eggs from the eye of her enemies. In the animal kingdom every kind of life is the natural prey of some ether form of life. The enemies of birds seek te cntch and cat them. Few birds c,nn u.sut D0.K P0 'Pe'V "T )vb"n danger arcatens. "' melu" W mult tbus lnw'ier nest. At ether times she must farrh for feed. In order that the eggs left alone will have n better chance of escaping discovery, they nre given the color of the surroundings. Seme of the. are green, nlmest the color of the foliage In which the nest is built, while ethers are spotted, because the mother bird lays them in the sand. Tomorrow Who Made (he Moving Pictures? rirst Te the June Bride Yeu will find your hus bnnd very fend of geed cake. Whether or net you knew hew te bake, TASTYCAKE will save you time and trouble. Seven Varieties 13c aimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijirj; M fASTVKAKI mv fiiieps of sensible Prices June Is the Menth of Graduates . and Brides Who Seldom Blush It Is Net Until Afterward That Wc Realize the Real Signifi cance of These Twe Ceremonies, Commence- ment and Marriage JUNE the month of cemmencementi and weddings, sweet girl graduates and blushing brides. , , Strange titles: for the girl graduate Is usually tee relieved, or loe worried, or tee penred te feel sweet, and the bride 1 nearly nlwnys se tired and pnle that she Is flattered if you cell her "Mush lnr." It is only after it Is all ever taat you leek back at these impressive times ns epochs. At the moment they are just a part of your life which bna been a long time arriving, nnd has taken a large amount or preparation. Veu nre extremely glad about them, ana you try te leek nnd eem your Dest, you reallze that they are all important. But you cannot, try an you will, feel as if you nre standing en the threshold of anything. Yeu arc Just graduating or just get ting married. rIS your parents who get all the thrills and heartaches nnd realiza tion of these great moments in your life. They are the ones te whom it come wttn pride and pain nnd wonder tnat their llttle girl has grown up at last. It doesn't seem possible te them that tbe baby who han always been go de pendent upon them for everything Is old enough te stand uj there In n white dress thnt she ban made herself, perhaps, and get the diploma or repeat the vows that will separate ber from childhood forever. Yet it's true, they have le accept It, they must get used te the fact that their daughter is no longer their little slrl. And thnt means that they are getting eiuer tncraseives. THEY haven't believed It before. Nobody ever docs until the very last hope gees. Graduation is se final. ou can't think of a girl who is out of school as your "baby" j that is, you can t de this out loud. isoeouy knows what parents are thinking sometimes when they are using very aigniucd words. And when a girl la married, then her mother knows that the little girl who Is afraid of June bugs nnd bats and thunderstorms has at last cut herself away from the home ties. She doesn't need that protection any mere, bhe wen 1 come sneaking In the house with that expression of sheep ish acknowledgment of fear that only her mother was allowed te see. It Is a threshold that she cresses, although she does net realize It at the time. WE SELDOM de recognize the be ginnings of neXv phases In our lives. When we crnduate it Is just that we nre no longer required te go te school, but some of us se te college or take a special course and don't even realize thnt much difference. We may net grew un. nctually. for several ycurs after that. Etch then we don't see the change In ourselves, caused by some event In our lives, some blew, Feuie unexpected lead of responsibility, until come time later. Then, looking back, we'll say, "I guess I grew up then. BUT our exit from childhood must be celebrated some time, our grow ing up must be marked in some way. ASCO it 4 fMsismsiaaw3cmi-m LSpO ASCO -A,ftiaKsxxti and se wc have June in our calendar, roses in our gardens, nnd ceremonies in our auditoriums and churches for this purpose. Even it we don't appreciate the real meaning of it all nt tln time we leve It, and we can enjoy It with greater Heu) te Make Strawberry Jani Fer 10c a Half-pound Glasl Entirely New Melhed That Never Everyone loves strawberry jarh. Fer a spread en bread or het bis cuits, nothing seems te equal it. Its wonderful flavor makes children of us all. Until new, however, an ex pert was required te make it. Until new, also it has been expensive. Certo, a natural product of fruit, has solved the problem se that every one can make and cat this deli cieus conserve. Te Make Strawberry Jam by the Certo Precess: Crush well in single layers about two quarts of ripe berries, using wooden masher and discarding all green parts. Measure 4 cups crushed berries, add the juice of ene lemon and VA leveled cups (3'i lbs.) sugar into geed-sized preserv ing kettle. Mix well; stir hard and constantly. Bring te vigorous boil and bell hard 1 full minute, contin ually stirring. Take from fire and add Vi bottle (scant Vs cup) Certo, stirring it in well. Let stand C min utes only, by the clock, stirring oc casionally; skim and pour quickly into sterilized glasses. Result is 10 half-pound glasses of strawberry jam for total cost of 97 cents (strawberries at 30c a box and sugar at 6c lb.). Use this same recipe with raspberries, blackberries, dewberries and loganberries. Impertant: Best way te seal Jams and Jellies in open glasses. Cever while het with thin coat het paraffin. Next day add tablcspoenful het paraffin te seal cracks nreund edge formed by shrinkage en cooling. This Certo process banishes all the guess work or worry, as perfect lemriii ikaivfui aV TPVrt H',1 TNV'.'iaft OqaaaEV':TJfl'lJ.TT;fc. Lit J1 llTilttMaaaaaaaaaaM There can be only one "best" and this holds true of coffee as of any thing else. If we carried two or mere grades of coffee, naturally, they could net have the same quality. And because we are able te give our customers the richly flavored, full-bodied Asce Coffee at only 29c per pound, we carry only the one grade the best. We could secure inferior coffees te sell for a lower price, but there would be such a vast difference in the quality it wouldn't satisfy anyone who has once had a cup of tne delicious Asce Blend. Other coffees of the same high grade as Asce Blend are selling elsewhere at 40c and 4ec per pound. This gives you an en"0 wenderul bargain Asce Coffee is at 29c per pound. One grade one blend one price the best cup you ever drank. asce COFFEE St &AJ You'll taste the difference!9' Sold only in American Stores, all ever Phila., and through out Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and MaEffi --"" n ,' w w, ,, depth of feeling as Kh memory deck cacn yenr. jb Werth Knewing About Miss Ivy Ilnwke, nn English Ber) muld who plans te try the Channel swiiL' tnis summer, 11ns a record of hT, ing remained in me wntcr twelve and i half hours nnd covering ubeut twenty nve miics. n One woman out of every fire In tti'. United Btaies weikh ana earns money, Miss Anne Mathews has been !! stalled as ,the first woman rcgiater li'l deeds in incw tern uity. Fall and Takes Only Ten Miietet results are certain. Unlike the eli method et -peuna ter peuncr mil mil ture boiled for thirty or mere mis utcs, with consequent less of fruit juice and flavor being boiled away,, tne economical verm x-recess quires only one minute's boiling and thereby saves all the fruit te product 60 per cent mere jam. 1 Certo is pure contains no geli. tine or preservative. Jams and ita lics made this way last indefinite!;, Certo positively saves time, fruit, flavor and guess work. It makes all kinds et jams ana jeuicswuti ueu or canned fruit Berne.' you hav never made before. It is highly en dorsed by national authorities and cooking experts. Every woman wh tries it recommends it te her friendi and says she'll never be without it The abeve recipe and nearly let ethers are in the Certo Boek of Red. pes which will be given te you by your grocer when you get Certo, Extra copies sent free if you wriU te the Pectin Sales Company, Inc, 100 Bast Avenue, Kecncster, JM. Y. Get a bottle of Certo from your grocer or druggist today. Start tht new the sure, quick, economical way of making jams and jelliet You'll never return te the old "h or miss" method. If your grocer or druggist de net have Certo, please telephene Miss Jacobs, Lom Lem bard 3820 or Main 1681 te learn where te obtain it. fssr-r-'S'wirsTtws!? ASCO SSCT; SMSSKSWi 101 d ib Asm ABaV DaaaV sbbbbbbbbw I 7 T" ll llWfBBBBBBMl "J ll IJLr ligiflBBBBBBBBBft itgJUKIXrMW3ftS4S iLXi 4VftQYs7& j , f - mi yj Mart. VHHffV. - : v. ,r - ttv , CORINNE LOWE 0 v H1.-,' rV ' f ' ;vtK ,W ft 1 lkk& & a. t " ' :