n . lr ; JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE i - Nancy Wynne Speaks of Miss McCalVs Wedding. She Comments en Twe 'Interesting Engagements and Chats of Other Things AK UNL'SL'AIJA' pretty wedding will tnkc plnce today when I.cnerc MeCall will ranri-y Nerman MncLclsli. The ceremony 1h te take place at the Cliureli of the Havlmir. Thirty-eighth and CheMnitt street". As you knew, the McCalls c!iec that church because there I" a memorial altar there te their win, Heward MeCall. who was killed In the kcrvice. The former rector of the church, the Itev. Rebert Johnsten, new of St. Jehn's Church, In Washing ton, will officiate. The color icheme of the wedding will be Dink nnd blue, and te iny mind no e her co!or are ns pretty or tin heeein Inc te any bridal party. I re member when Edith Smith married MeChire 1'ahneMerk several enrH nge 5hee rre the colors tit-ed. loe, and I ve rarely wen a mere attractive wedding ihin tlmt The matron of honor and & mnl I of hSSer. Mrs. Jeseph MeCall, Jr and Mary WIlllamH. wll wear hy drnnKea blue batiste eyer pink taffeta 2Se"t" of blue, with pink flowers. The ilx bridesmaids will wear cream colored batiste ever pale P ink with Sink lint trimmed with blue flowers, ijeefn't that sound pretty? Tetnv. tee, we have the wedding of Mrs? Themas Miles, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smyth, of Oct Oct nantevvn. and Mr. Oniles Henry Steel, the ion of Mr. and Mrs. Uebert W steel, of r.tn Mnwr. which will take t, are nt neon in St. MichaelV nmreh. Dacp "'. '. ... r i,tl Vnnnv T lOlliaS Ml wUI he he,- mother's ttevvcr girl and the enl attendant. A GREAT many. people will be in fw,trd te hear of the rnpngprncnt f Vlrcinla Tlckner and Ned Oalllnrd. Sf rhcitnut Hill. She ii the daughter It Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Piirni.t Tiekner. of Oreat Harrington. Mass.. 2nd "nt te Wykeham Rise Sc tee nnd Jhe National Cathedral Hehoel n Wen. ,NVd is the wrfe f lr aiijl Vr Samuel fJeurdln GnUlni'l. ei ChcMMut Hill, former!, of Charles en. K C His brother. Samuel (.. Gin -1,'n Ir or "Dine" n- most people ran hi n.' married AW Hall, of New Have and liven in Chestnut Hill. tee. Ne vent te Chestnut Hill Academy. .,," he Us a great football here. &n;;.arbaoftheaU.seheas,e fnetbnii team or jih-i " """--::'" He afterward wenr iu iu.v-. ..-- "as graduated in 11119. He was prwident of the Zet I'M Fraternity up therfe and I bear a member of ' "7.?.s.; He wBb a first lieutenant in the 31 J lit Field Artillery. Seventy-ninth Division. Anether Interesting, engagement an nounced AeMriday is that of Mrs. Iler bert I. Tlldcn and Mr. Oswald Mac Mac jntesh. Mis. Tilden is the granddnugh er of Mrfr. William F. Je"W"-J this city, and Is 11 sister-in-law of Hill Tilden. the weild's champion tennis plover, and the daughter of the lntc Mr. nnd Mrs. Irwin X. Mcgargee. Mr. Macintosh is the son of the late Uev. and Mrs. Jehn S. Macintosh. WASN'T it exciting te bear that Louise Thompson is te be prc fented at Court? She Is the daughter of Mrs. Charles Turner Thompson, of 2llfi Knrucc Mrcct, nnd she nnd her mother nnd her sister Phoebe have been .km.,i tnf niinut tun ears new . lienise came out her ether sister, TMItttiv r tUJZ. live. ntH-l. , Louise, ns .ve.u knew, is engaged te " :, lteenth Cantaln Lionel Geerge (jni.v. l.igtueeiuii who IS' The.v I . Sev- , K, ti. G. cancers, inuinu it" nmr In Tmlin with his regiment . vli I ...... i1ntnill.. expect te be mnrricd next winter eral people I mm m.v lie is awl the. lie Is yeunscr son, nretented en .lame, wlieie tbite ether Americans nie also te be presented. he "veiincer son of n n K vi nOr0tllJ' Mlnnlch and Miss I the holidays as the gucsta of ,heir unr.r the younger ".en ni ii rjiadys MeFadden. anri mint Mr. n,iri Mra vinin.v. vr... ' I hear. J.eWiii' I rjuire, of Broekljn, N Y. June h nt the Court of St, . ,. congratulations upon the birth of a son. mHni'ngctw. nw.re very cute 1 ht Mr? u Qf asI X are Nnncy mid Lvelvn. l.vriyn nnsnue, l fpendltiK a feitnlfrht in Uoch Uech rfd hair nnd Nnnc.v blnrk. una thev 1 e?ter, ,v. v. are the daughters of Dr ami Mi'",. jir antl ,., p..,...,, -.v,i , Hcnrj r.i'age.ef 31.1 Seuth SK.eenth lArdT'xmllnx a ftreet. I nn them both lus-t the ether 1 thrce weeks' stav In Trenten, ilav en Cheetnut street vvearinz cape Milts of blip tweed, one 11 hhnde darker than the ether, with lints and i-tecklnc te match, and black slmpcrf.. 'llicy ilfiiallv drC'S nliuc, tlieucn iney vveur1 illffere'nt colors, l'velvn i" president of 1 : , her clas ,ii Miss Irwin'M, I imnglne the.v , will both teiiie out the .vear ufter licit. I OF COl'llSi: jeu saw the donkey nt ' the Deven Herse Shew with basket of flew cis en him, but did ou hear of 1 thn ercnmlng thing lie did the ether ' lay at tlie show V Mnrsueritc IJevle, he was lendlue him around sellinR flowers, happened te pnss threiiRli the "reMaumnt" iiiid stepped te speak te I some one Whi e her head was turned Mr. Denkev quietly sidled up te one of the tahlrs wlieie lunch vmis bcinc served en ihe Inwii, seiitlv put his head ever a ldv hineher's shoulder anil stnrted te share her meal. Yeu run imagine the reception lie received. NANOY WYNNi:. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr Edmund Randelph Purees, son of Mrs Austin M. Turves, of Chestnut mil. will act as best man at the vvedrtlnfr Jf his hiether. Mr. Jehn O Turves, and Miss Marv Tumple Bradlv. daughter of ui-i. uusiare Ansiruther Bradley, which 1 will t.ike place at 4 o'clock en- Saturday, I .nine si, in I'hrlst Church, SprlnBheld. I ilas't Miss Bradley will be attended bv her slstr, Miss T?e.t Bradley, as, malri of honor, and the bridesmaids will include MKs Elizabeth Councilman, Miss i-els I'crly, Miss Helen lieuter. Miss 1 niarKucrlte Avres. The ushers will In nude Mr Austin M. I'utvea nnd Mr. i,a,,,I,u"c-i. biethc.-s of Mr. Purves, ii P:,v u1 Atwater. Mi. Oeorge f'utts. . Mr Ihenms AVeat. 3d, Mr Fencuil ' Adams, Mr Jehn Noen and Mr. J B ard A reception will fellow the cere, menv ai 315 L'nlen street, .SprltiBlleld, Miss Bradley and Mr. Puives will be tne Kuesin of honor nt n ilinner-daucfi en 1 rid.iv evenlnc. June 'J3. which Miss tii ' s aui" x,lss loenard. will give. . "n'l en Satuidav nuethcr aunt, Mrs l ct ,vl" '"fitaln the hiidal partv nnri the memhera of both funillles at 11 iunriioe befme the wedding. Mr. Purves' and his bride vMII livu .it Seuth Iin-1 ter, Mass I Mr nnd Mis Morns I, Clothier of I .,." viuanevn, einertuiued nt n "J .'O'lewlng the chilsterilng vestenlnv ii,,. nni1 Ml" Kivderlc II. Straw. i.H."u, daiigliler. i:iull.v Clothier etiaw bridge, which leek place in the WlMepnl Church nt Radner The Rev. Alexander P UunimlngP, Jr. olneliiied . 'n'0"R Iho guests at the lea weie Mr ana Mrs Kiederlc II. Straw bridge, Ml. Wil Mis. cinvten J. Straw bridge, Mr M,i Mr Al"ander T. Slade. Mr and pr5.vJehn lltlgeis Miwell. Mrs Henry t"2i m.,u,en' M Wnlter Clothier, Mlfa i.ydla M Clothier, Miss Careline IMnv jnuvj and Mr Clothier Slude. Mra r" 1 rl,c. " '' hi Idge, Jr., w.is Miss v.. '. ' ,ull'ler daughtrr of Mr and -luiria 1. (,'ietnier. Mrs Isaac H Clothier, of Ballytere. nnoneoa' " 'ntertnln at a. fumll ' upper en Sundaj evening , ftft!ir t.?".'1 MrR 'eiinaii MacLeed, 01 Si?.1 . ninul Htrc(!, will sail en Sntur- thi .. ''"'oef. where thc wll spend e summer tracllng. llr. firwl, Vlr. ..Bl... ti. 1-. uili , Vcrit .Pr,FJ ,,?", Oernmntewn, Ml niove Inte their new house at iv jj &4'tXi . 'f t,iu ivi - f liii i, Chestnut nenuc. Chestnut Hill, next week. Air. nnt! Jtm T'enrsen will lenve en .July 1 for rape Mny. N. J where tliey will spend the uuminer ut their cot tape. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jefcpli Wnlker Wear, of nraer's lnne. Chestnut Hill, have Issued Invitations for n'tlnnc en Tues day. June 27, nt the Philadelphia CrlekcA Club In honor of their daughter, Miss Elisabeth B. Wear. The Savey Company will ftlve n din din ncrdnnce this eenliiK at the Merlen Oolf Club. Mr. Henry Tetlow I In charge, of the affair. Mr. nnd Mrs. Isane H. Clothier. Jr., hunnyhroetc Farm, ltndner. are spend ing a few dnys nt Concord, N. H.. where they nre nttendliiK th0 clesinp exercises nt SJ. Paul's Scheel, where their son, Mr. Inac II. Clothier, 3d, Is a student. Mr. nnd Mrs, Krnncls I (low en, of neepdene. Chestnut Hill, who nre travel Ins. threiiRh Ctirepe. tire nt present nt thn Hetel Excelsior In Reme. They will sail from PYance for this country en June 11. t IMi.J:;lB.3.t0.n McMlchael has Bone te Idlewlld, Media, wheie she will spend E(cral weeks. ,?... atn,,' JLr?i Kranl Me,,s- of bunny Hill. Bnln. will le n dinner- nance en Saturday evening-. June 10, rollewlnfc the irarden party thev will gle In honor of their daughter, Miss Anna I. M033. Mr. Krluln T. hain t n..A.t i. whose niarrlane te Miss Janet Tayler ' i.vi...i'. " i K",er ',V,r- "t"1 Jlr"' Char en ;.,.xVlr,v.L?.rd' 1f rireafI llench. Tarry-ul-i, ' y" "'l" 'ake plnee en h'nturdav artprnoen next at the home of the bi hit's K",18' w"l entertain his best man nnd rw'F.I.:!1 tdlnn,?r Flvc a- the Alexan der Clu . .New Yerk tonight. The best ii win ue Mr. wimain Gaiey. una the ushers will It elude Mr. Jehn B. I .Snow, of Marnra Falls: Mr. Wnyne If. ' Kans, of Rosement: Mr. Chester W. """"' "i asi urange. x J., nnd Mr. Thornten n Motley, of New Yerk. ,,?!? K'lsha Eee. Jr., of 1709 Locust street, who has been spending a. short time at Winchester. Va., has returned te her home. Her dnuKhter. Mlsa Dor Der Dor othy Lee who Is a student nt Ilryn Mawr, will return home next week, Miss I.oe Wi i)C tt ,iebutante of next autumn Mr. nnd Mrs Jeseph Itellly.'nf the SL.exu"irn,fer.d ,vl" ,ea ,he 1,lttpr part of thin week fcr Rrlnr I'liff v v iiecempanled bv Mr. and Mrs. Jehn !' t -. . ' V1 ""inmBiiam, Aln , brother nnd sister-in-law of Mrs rtellly. They w'll renmln ecr the week-end. . ,rfl;.P J J3 Peusse nnd her daush- i V. .'canne de Reuse. of the l-athani, fceenteenth and Walnut streets, Will leave rarly In June for Cane Mav. i -ii ero "-v w'lll spend several week. Thty will liter go te Yellowstone. Park, returning In the fall. Mrs. Alfred 1. Hawkins will Kive a Slim tea nt her l,n.v, ... T.,.'..r,. ' Medl.l. en SntnrVl,.,. ",." ".L. .' "'""" , of Mrs. Arneld L Bassl Mrs Ilerae,. G Twaddcll mid Mrs Jehn Haw!ln wm pour tea. " ua"Klna will n-av'ien?narrliaBC ,.r Mltii Mnry -Jesephine j P Alenzo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Mc.teL"?. n-Alonjo. of no Kssexnvcnue; I Narberth. anil Atr. ai .- 'ilt"lh: ..,111 i-i.. '1 ' .-miiwiv riaiuiiiuni n.'l'n -"i nnce.0,l Saturday morning at 0;Sn e clock nt St Murgarcts Church. Narberth. h nuru'- TIOGA Mr. . .. . Ttnn .... ' '''. ! 10:1 PHm.nMV'.i i'0! aneunced the en-1 T..n;; . " " 'v; " : ', .uis .xaemi ...V,.,, ,,,,, lu ,r- , lurcnen l-i Shnnmn. of Germanton. The- formal :innnnnee ment vvas made nt 11 bridge party which .-.... ..i.xiuiiiii H.tvi.' en niiuraav after noon nt her linnu. in imm,. Xr fi.. lt!5ir,1fKrr?v.'...wI,es'' CBagcmtnt te I "je'cru. fAJf'T TT cusen. -Mrs. a. A. Qarrnhrnnt Mrs wn. 'linm .Tnhncne vr.. ,. it-Sn.' '11r,',..V.' BHSen. Mra, a. AVGarrnhrAnt r mi'.l 'nam Jehnsen. Mrs. C. Wnii.vi ri . , lln, Mrs. Clifferd Moere Mrs Scott Mr Fadden, Mrs J. IaIe Steele Ir Mrs I Jacksen Sailer. Sirs C-corge Wallace . . . i LAWNDALE Mr and Mrs. Weber nrn reivinrr FRANKFORD "" Alien vv inters, or orthodox , " -..-...... .... ....-, (,ut-,i mi 1 . r i,im iiiiss .1 ni 111 ivriiHnn 11111s ntssn iiini. 1 -1 ( 1 .. . t . . -1 ... u.i sr iti . t 1 .1H n lift tfl lllivnf In. Mka F AunK tA.n.. -in 1 !... f . i .. . IfARL v iff JUNE SALE Presents 585 New and Exquisite Hats Regularly Priced te $18.50 Embroidered Silks Canten Crepes Fine Straws 350 HATS Regularly p 0."5 te $12.50 tj j. X jsl&jfcamj i .'. 'i evening ivBhie jitj&m-PmhAviiiMiX rarofcHriAY,1,reSEv't A '-ysWwmMM 1 . . . .. " ' "' ' 'I ' I immmmmtJmtmJmmmmBti At i the Herse Shew .07 ? .MI.SS.OISi: GEIST Daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Clar ence II. Geiit. of Overhroeh, and a popular member of the school set, plioteRraplied at thn Ileum Herse Shew, where she was aiding eernl weeks Mrs. 'William Andersen, of Pittsburgh Mrs Winters will give la luncheon of sixteen cevcth followed by a card party tomorrow afternoon In honor of her guest. Mr. nnd Mrs William Cromplen, of 1030 Hetbert street; Mr. and Mrs G. Godfrey and Mr W Edge hae sailed for n several months' trip te Europe. Mr- nnd MrH -leMPh L. Herner, of Poulkred street, nre vlsltinp friends In inurci Springs and Hnddenncld. N. J. . rM0r,t 'V , .- J "L '''"ri ind Mrs Themas K Quirk, of .ind llerrecks streets, have sailed iirftni wlierft thrtv 111 ennnil tl.A summer. NORRISTOVN Mr and Mrs c Herbert Wentz. of DeKalb street, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn S. ' . III,. Ul ETIl 4V, lt.'1 fit nn au Hiuonieuiie nip ui into nmpnur Springs nnd Het Springs, Va. Mrs. 1a -1s B. Sellers, of Yerk, Pa., has returned home after visiting Mrs. Jereme H. Connelly, of DeKalb rtrcct. Mr and Mrs Arthur J. Themas, of T,!i !"dl.a,"' are receiving- cengratula thur .1 Themas Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Rethcnberger and " """ -i'B- "C"'K'. """'cnueri the r son. Master Stan ey Uethen their son. Master htanley KeHienberger of 6ls chaln trer. 1'ave returned from Harford. Pa, where thev weie guests of 'Mrs- Elizabeth Uethcnberger. DELAWARE COUNTY Mr and Mrs Paul freeman and their children, of Mejlan, havi returned from a stay at their farm at nislnj; Sun, Md, Mrs. .lelin Sharpies, of Media, has returned from a visit tc- AVest I'hlladeN phla, where she wan the truest for a few days of her brnther-ln-l.iw and sister, Mr. and Mrs Jehn Mackey. of 3112 Ham ilton street. spendlnc a fortnight In Maine, where nnu is me cuc&t or irienus TO, r- j Visa rm Kkm!m& JjptJ'4' . I ,2kraHBfl ' v. .t WXTte M MILLINERY SHOP 1 Next deer te the Karlton Theatre 1412 Chestnut Street Friday & Satin-day Important At a Price Remarkably Lew fi .85 Se ('. O. D.'h tXe Approvals 1 ,j)iZt&U;Mh tM(-?Ai2ify MISS LENORE McCALL TO WED MR. MacLEISH Mrs. Thema9 Miles Bride of Mr. Steel Francis-Nul- ten Wedding A weddliiK of much lulcrerl will tnke plnce this nftemecn nt I o'clock nt thej Episcopal Church of the Saviour, Thirty- eighth and Chestnut streets, when Mls Lenerc Adah MeCall, daughter of Mr. ' nnd Mrs Jeseph H. MeCall, of Merlen, will become the bride of Mr. Nerman I Milliard MncEelsh, son of Mr nnd Mis. I Andrew Macf.elsh, of Gtencec. III. The uev, noeeri .lonnsien, ieiinrr rewiL gi the church and new of St Jehn's Epis copal Church, Washington, V. C will officiate. The church will be decorated with white peonies nnd palm. The bride, who will be given In tnarrlnge b her father, will wenr a eewn of Ivery white Biitln. mnrle en almriin lines, with n Veil of rese )tlnt lace, extending te the end of a long court train, nnd n henddrtss of oiance b.ossetnx. She will ran a shower beuqurt of white orchids nnd lil ies of the valle.v The matron of honor, Mrs. Jeseph H MeCall. Jr., and the maid of honor, Miss Mary Merrick Williams, will wear freckH of hydrangea blue em broidered French batiste ever pink taf reta, blue satin glrdlen and lints of blue straw, trimmed -with pink flowers. They will carry pink and blue rprlng Mowers. The bridesmaids. Miss Ishbel Macl-clsh, sister of the brlficgrecm; Mrs. Gilbert Mather, Mrs. Arthur E Pew. Jr.. Mrs. J. Hewell Cummlngs, .Ir, Miss Eleaner P. Davis and Miss Rheda Merris Breeke, will wear cream-colored embroidered French batiste ever pale pink taffeta, with hvdrangca. blue girdles nnd small hats of pale nlnk straw trimmed with blue (lowers, Thev will carry rprlng I llewcrs of the me Mhndei ..,.. U1lh.lA. ' Mr Archlbild Mnfl.elsli. nf Rncee. 111. brother of the brlde(?roem. will act ns best man. and the ushers will Include Mr Jeseph H. MeCall. Jr., Mr Brure MucLelsh another brother of the bride groom , Mr Donald O. Balrd. Mr Sam uel Wanner, ,,'r., Mr. Tristram C. Colket, id Mr.. Hareld Webber, Mr. Geerce Wharten Pepper, Jr., Mr. Hdward Cen. verse Lincoln, of Hartferd. Conn. ; Mr. Kdward Curven nnd Dr. Edw.ird Tlrm. dall, Jr. of Galveston. Tex A recep tien win fellow at the home of tnu bride's parents. STBEIi MILES ' An Inl'iestinc wedding took nlace at ' neon tedaj at St. Michael's Episcopal Church Gerniantewn, when Mrs. Themas 1 lt. M les Jr. dauchter of Mr and Mrs. Calvin. M. Smyth, of Germantown. be.' came the bride of Mr. Charles Henry Steel. en of Mr. nnd Mrs Itehert White Steel, of Bru Mawr. The Rev. Gilbert Pemper. lector of the church, officiated I Miss Nancy Themns Miles, daughter of Mrs. Mllee, was the flower girl and only ning te Mr Jerreld Seudder Cochran, attendant Mr. Earl Wagner, brethcr-ln- seu of the Itev. Dr. Jeseph W Cochran, law of the bridegroom, w.vi best man. f Dctielt. Mich, at St Lukes Epls and the usher.s were Dr. Calvin Maon.fepal Church In Meutrlaii The, hrlde Smvth. brother of the bride, Mr. Har-' groom's father officiated, assisted by the rlsen Wiener Jr.. Mr. Alexander Reb- 1 Itev. Luke White Mr Mitchell gave his Insen. Mr Albert Heskln, Jr., Mr. Mnl- daughter In marriage Miss Iluth Berr.v I'elm Kfibauirh Mr. Jeseph Kcrbaugh. of Mentclalr, was maid of honor, and the Mr. Ralph Merrick and Mr. Charles bridesmaids Included Miss Kathryn Starr James Swain. Jr. ' and Mls Catherine Hutrhlnsen, of this A small reception followed at the 1 1 Itv , Miss Cathar'iie Cobb nml Miss Jul- Iieme et the brides parents After ai wedding trio Mr nnd Mrs Steel will live nt 133 Price stret, Germantown TRA NC IS NULTO.V An attrartlve wedding will tnKe place at C o'clock this evening nt the Church of the Helv Trinity when Miss Virginia Adams Nulton. daughter of Captain LcwIr McCev Nulton, tT. S. N. com mandant of the Navy Yard and Mr Nulton. will become the bride of Mr. Denn Francis, of Flint. Mich The eere meny will be performed bv the Rev. Floyd W Temklns. rector of the church ' The church will be decorated with spring 1 palms and fern". The bride, who will be given In mar riage by her father, will wear a gown of ivory whlte satin, rhlffen and point lace, nnd a veil of old family Mechlin lace extending te the end of .1 long court Main. Hurnieuntid by a coronet of point Irce and eimibp blos-.em Sim will carry n she ver beuquet of white roses, lllle of the valley and svvtet ' P3" .. JIUs noretln- l.van Milten, lster of ' the bride, will be the maid of honor nnd Mrs Wn'.n de Weee, wife of Hn- siun no vvecse. 1 . win ie me matron of honor atifl thf hridesnialds will Include Mis livelvn Stu.irt WIN llnmp. MIbj Barbara Tivler. Miss Hllz- Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 PHILADELPHIA. PA. Annual Summer Sale of Notions & Toilet Articles Talcum Powders njcrklM IVrmlt Tale . IR' .Tnhnsnn .V .lehnwin'n Hl Tile IHr .If reir Inlr all oflers IHr Aruren rrrnrli Tulc ISr neaer K (.sllet's Vlelft Tule 2Sc Rlcnud's Til Vr r.mbnume Tnlr SSr t'ety's l.'Orlmin and I'r.rN Talc U3-1 Face Powders llerln t'emnarl 1'ncr Tevidfr .IDf I n Air nmliiiunir I.arte ( emnnrt rnpe reMucr . Iiev el)'s l.'Orlxnn Fiief Tewilfr lOrlican (nmiiiirt Fnce I'ewiirr Aiurr.l or I'lnrmne Fan I'emlcr Itneer S. (.ill.-l llnln rnmlrr El r, mi (nnii'iit Face Fan tier, KOe ulrc nt . . Teeth Pastes I'rnMHlrnt Fnutli PftMn Prlirrn rimlh Paste lerlun's I'.Hilh Panle ,, , Kiilphrna TikiIIi Paste Kolnes Tenth Pnete. I.I." .c .i.ir 'He 18c ISr 33r tie 3Hf Teeth Brushes Hair Brushes Prephiliu'llc Teeth Ilruilir. neft. I medium i turd Lrliitli, uu oil, i,-, t aer rrniilnlnrtli IVnctrntliiK II a I r llrilhh'".. usii.iIIj 73c. nt 30c Imnerleil Tnelli llrUKhee. I.nne I rannn.mnt Imntllei, uninlts J.V nt I Hi KuliU'r spiinucn :i for "J3r Spool Cotten and Dressmaking Supplies Oeeri: (lirk'i. . N. T. Spool (otten t r h-iml or iimi hin eeniK i.lirk ' w'lll all mini I era l Ij 1"ii umlli 77c iluzen at Heen. i8i' tlnre )rc slileliN, aurerler iiual liv ieu.ir tr I upcrn hni' k zcj .' 3aM I Ht imlr 20c le.t (liiulllv riiffrtil Seiini lllnil llIC, 111. I k while tnlnu npe ml ilee 33c Uehlnncir miiiii l'ulenrrn, all l2s l..irk nr ' ite .1 t.inla, V3i ! ilejen cariN 7 Absorbent Cotten and Napkins l.li. Ilell of .! Iinscn A Joinien' Almeriient ( ouen , 33r hcitev Napkin, en" dozen te n pa kjne ininll) HOr at 4jc I lelrr'N Nnpklii". one ilezen ti a I'fli.n.i " ...v i.itt, .,,,, iriiuiiii hi." . ... II" I irca el.e , ,1c Melnert'i Mnltnry prvna, umal I ,',V sra1e nt jee Notion Specials ltet (Irinle sme 'Irrei, .1 pairs 23n ililfen uulrw 8.1 Mil.rlnl Nlrr rclillnc Ceat llancrra llli buiierler (tiiiil't) Kiiamrlril nut llancrrv rubier tip.', vvliltc, pink anil Mii Or Imported Feathrratltrh Drnlil, 10-mettT place, n3a eraila,., ,,, ,;gc HMy hi. Bride of Today ' I 'wE -'''' amt mam -a:A--m mm7- frmWmM W 'J H Photo b Phole-C'rafteri1. MISS LENORE A. McCALL Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph ft. MeCall, of Merlen, whose mar riage te Mr. Nerman II. MacLclsh, of Glcncee. III., will take place (his afternoon at t o'rletlt nt Iho Church of the Saviour ,.,,. ,.,,, f u .,.. v Mps ."-'" ' "- " ' ...,.,.. .. Klcaner Moedv, Mls Matv Hired and Mlns Winifred Muriln 'I In 1 will all weitir fiAiku nf l1llt r. IIP ,1m ellllle veiled with net embroidered In cold, with j hcivy Klnlles of Keld metal and wnit tulle hats tilmmed with bands of Keld Beld roes nnd white tulle streamers They will carry while sprlntr tlewers Lieutenant Albert Spracue, 1T. S N. of the 1. P S Harding w-lll net as hest man and the usher, will include Mr. Heward Nulton, uncle of the bride, Mr J". Washington, of New Yerk; Hn sign Harrv "Guthrie, 1 S N. Lieutenant Seett l..iinb 1; S. N . Knslcn Heward Peebles 1' S. N.. r:nslirn Hurw Cen- nant. I S N., and Enslsu Wade tie Wecse. I S N A reception will fellow the eeremenv nt the home of the com- mand.int at the navv varu , riiCHrtAN-MITCHELI. j "ll5M Elizabeth Iteberts Mitchell. I daughter if Mr and Mrs Jehn Heberts Mitchell, of '1 Upper Mountain avenue, MenuUtr. N. J . vvas married last eve- I let Dawes, of Mentclalr, Miss Mathilda Stewart and Mr Hareld Albertsen, et New Yerk Cltj Little MIsb Loule ( cchran was a tln-wei girl. Mr. Hamil ton Cochran, of Detroit, was his broth er's bc3t man and the ushers were Mr Eugcne R tnltzer. Mr. "Walter Carcv Mr Charles Phelps of New Yerk. Mr. Kurnian Llmr burner, of this cltv , Mr. Den.tl Bunes, of Mentclalr. and Mr. H Lindsley Cummings, ut Glen Ridge, N J A icceptleii nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell followed. After a wedding trip. Mr. and Mr" Cochran will live nt &0 Lcnne avenue, East Orange N J BERTIN-BENNIS The marriage of Mlss.Juh' A Rcnnifc daughter of Mrs Richard P Bennls. of Oermantewn nnil It. B Jehn Bfrlln 1 took iilme th's mernini; at 11 o'clock in :tif hun.li of tnu iminaculAtc Concep Concep Hen. tiermnntewn. ltev. M A. DrentMii nHli.lntMl unuiutf.il he I, T f llli.rliia nnri le- .rn1Ur Keccati The bride, who HS KVin In niarrlape bv ner uncle Mr Ed ward V lltnnls wero .1 gown of whlt. fallet dene pinbreidered with ervst.il be.ids and .1 court tr.nn of h.itm su- , pended from the she ilders Her veil, was of tulle tr turned with duchess 'acJ and orange oiesaomg an ftniei a shower lieuqut t of Miles of the vanc and orchids Mrs WlllUm .1 Mci Icnev. Ir s ster Imported Perfumery fetr's. Ilnublgant's. nicauil's, Hetfr .V (.ullrCh unit Plvfr's. I"ln Fren-h I'rrurnp ami I 1" Waters nr n this -alf in rally r'ducej r.ces Soaps ttenillmrj'H I'atiil 'imp lr r-.ik ISe mki IH.' ikf Jilt i iiiirnr.i n,in Pirker'N Tar in Krsuel ,sn nt ijiie Munln I ihtlle e.ip. eikrs Jr Kairnsen' II iril IV iter fieup, iVOr ile .Irrsen's It-vih 'mil SSr ile. JerKfirs Mulct dljierinc .e.ip, , 83c ile relcatf ( .iihnirre Itptiquet, niefl utn iz hnv ef (1 rnkp S0t llrllMi llnlh Soup, u-.a v '.'.'ir iwil.il ni enke 13c ,mmm mmmmjmmmm mmt . Toilet Creams Inllllii. t.'ie i" it 1e lllnn- Hnnr nnri VlnmnJ Creum 3e incrnn l.i'innii t ream nnd n- ErhiH skin I'enil. 1 ei ,l TMc ltiifc U uler and lilircrine, . . "'" . IHe l.wett end I(iiiiiiIfII' ( old ,'";"'" "'"' '" rf' r lliual linen (ream, r.0c n-e ;f l.Uaj.i I rc.Hii. line i7 c Toilet Specialties niliirone. for IMTxplrutleii. .11 hi .. J,-,e IMrruinelleN, fimeus Prcn h ? 'ni i' i in 1 HeulMyi'ii' i fl en .. H-,0 Ainnllii Hi'iiileraiil I'liniler .'De Ivuri ( unilia, 'i nej ;.i uri.l nr '5, Cntev Null eperl.illiea, in.u i "'" ' .'3c Hair Pins and Pins All O' i line! uuillti Kncllkh l.n liiielcil Hire II ilrpln. m I la 1, ..i i un ive.l r Hllllil Ii m v ur !n sit Ir. 3i or llirec nnlei;r. fnr ini, P.iper of Del mi; teller I'liw, liln "i"" . . .., ' ll'ri. for .'Sc Duplev sufeti I'lns. t- ,ett nuiil i uimle all mm al lllci '1 ranla for .., impericii I'ln I alien, mall IOci Uirce M ei;e 13c Iinpnrteil Needles KnalUli sruln; Needier. a .in I kinds 8c i.ier. uii m ( imih-is .,,i- f.iieIKIi Vrcille UoekH, tine a isert- ment f nn (Ilea ,10c hijic lie i,r,,, .!-',.,. r , j.r( luniain rifcT Till Uhuallv at 13c Allen's Quality Hair Nets (Or ecli, Hl.lui a ileirn :i in:en anrteu ni van uiwli, aj.-iO, v len a are uM rainnu'i for (he iiu t nf 1'ieli Hair .Net. Tbe llppen Up aliare eiiim in laran or email a ze l'h atralehl hai" l evtra large kize The colera nre atamlanl anrl come In every khade White and (irry Hair .Set nre 13c each, 1,50 ii deten. fc, ," ri J -e . .(' " of the bride, was matron of honor, nnd Miss Pearl Mary Berlin, of Detroit. Mich , sister of the groom was the maid of honor. The bridesmaids Included Miss Suzanne Frlel. of 'New Yeik; Miss May F. Bennls, Mrs Arthur Kates and Mrs. William F. Banks, of Atlantic City. They wcre drtssed nllke In frocks of orchid color Callet crepe and worn nairt of the same color trimmed with flewin. They carried bouquets of spring llewcrs. The flawer girls. Miss Julie Hendersen, niece of the bride ! Miss Betty Magulre nnd Miss Mary Bennls, were pink crepi ita.'M'a u iittLn 11 'iut dii nn uc; carried garden hats filled with flowers Mr, Edward I'. Bertln, of Pittsburgh. nil-inner or tnc groom, was nesi . man, ana .Smyrna, Fin., whe-c tiny spent the vvln the ushers were Mr Charles .1. McCuh. ' ter and early Bprlng I Mr, Allan J Hendersen, Mr William J. , , ' IMcCleskey, Jr. and Dr Rebert Perch , Mr nnd Mrs c T McCllntech, who Sturr. A breakfast followed the cere- have been en n meter trip te Akren, O. I menv nt the home of the bride's mother have returned te their home In Reslyn at cnew ana rr.ee streets, ucrmantewn , """"" SACHS-LYON I A pretty wedding took place at neon f wedding took place at neon the Bellevue-Stnitferd. when t Lyen. daUKhter of Mr. nnd ham I -yen. 1610 North Seven- toeay ni i Miss Juliet Mrs. Ahraha ii-enth street, became thn bride of Mr. r nrl Sachs. Assistant District Attorney nf Philadelphia. Habbl Dr Klein per. formed the ceremony The bride wan at I tended by her twin sister, Miss Natatli I.ven. whose frigagcment h.ifl been re- i etitly announced te Mr. Jesse Hunsch- man, of this city A wedding breakfast fnllcvvcd I Mr and Mrs Sachs will sail en "atur- Hy for an extended vieddlng trip abroad, h'pen their return In the fn I they will spend shme time at Atlantic citv They will tnaKC ineir pcrmanciu neme in inia city. w7'P& mWf& fe Imp a certain lady in your town? And about ether ladies in ether towns, and about men and affairs? And what the intelligentsia and the cognoscenti arc saying about plays and books, finance and politics and fashions? TOWN TOPICS is the spotlight and wc believe if people will put themselves in tnc spot light, they shouldn't mind if it shows up a wrinkle or two. A geed story comes along every week, tee, in the keenest vein of our best modern writers. Town Tepic t 20 Cents per Copy lll,!l'lil'i:ililil'il''!il''il'iWi'l!l!l!!! JIlilijliliiiilihliNilJiliilhlllilliliiililJilSinillHllilHlliliiillllli'lHllii Coats, Suits Dresses Skirts J!l!iL:!.!lllR"l!Jlilli!!l!!M!!!lii!ililljiNjlii!!!i! Decided Reductions Fer Tomorrow in These Specially Selected Groups of Smart, New Suits, Coats & Dresses CLJng Out Our Entire Stocks of Spert & Tailored Suits Including tweeds, hemespuns and ether sports fabrics; navy blue twill cord, cerdine and Peiret twill, in attractive and practical models, many trimmed with touches of self-color embroidery. They Were Up te $95.00, Reduced te $ of herringbones, English mixtures, in plain colors and plaid ertcUs, all wanted shades. They Were Up te $55.00, Reduced te Attractive embroidered nnci reuet iwill. also They J- s Of mohair, wool, fiber cicsiraeie coier; plain and tancy effects. They Were $5.00 te $27.50, Reduced te $2Mi $7'50 $1QM te $18m7S 1220 ,!,. fel.vriyi, 'If'B 3 ALONG THC HEADING Mr. nnd Mrs. .Tames McLaughlin, Of Park nvenue, Klklns Parle, left en Friday for Atlantic City, where they spent the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Jehn Lincoln Carsen, of Montgomery avenue, Ogontz, have re turned front Ocean Greve. N. J , after passing the week-end holiday at that i resort, I Mr. and Mrs, Martin Dwyer, of Willow i Greve, ara receiving congratulations en the birth of n daughter. Mr. nnd Mrs, William II Uergcr. of Wvnrnte lulle r1uinnil frm. NU' M, Helen Went, of Ashbourne read Ashbourne, has' returned from a short visit with her brother. In-law and sister, fr ntirt Mr. I-r'.nlf VtCftrtnl,.! nt AaH- h.,nM1, .l - ,,i Vv,iJ. ,.. h "?';. T'lterKnr v 'rJ v5i,lhr .h.i LmVinS Ji. .JS.r ' they re BPcndlii the summer. Mr and Jlrs l It. Dutten have re turned te their home, Washington lane nnd Township line, Jenklntewn, after spending several days nt Atlantic City k E I T H ' S THEATRE BESSIE CLAYTON Rnr 3i IVnrl .Miclert ilrrrrr A .1 imrs Templpten nnd The mMII xentette in xiib no. PARTY" Ernest K. Ball, Aileen Stanley BIO SIEMORIAI, VVKKK BII.T.! e you KNOW WHAT THE (QUIDNUNCS ARE SAyiMG ABOUT j At AH Newsstands mmttmtBSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSmBBeSaSSSEaSOBBBmSm 15, $25 $45 Spert Coats $1Q .f. $00.50 '18 $29 Street Dresses and beaded models of Crepe smart bpert Dresses of knitted Were Up te $19.50, Reduced te VfQ.50 $91? tn 25 Spert Sweaters silk and pure silk, slip-en and Tuxedo - 22 - 24 Walnut Street 1. SWKTSBNTtl A MAMUrir 11. 140. :. 8:10. T:M.i Marihsll Ntllan Froeuexi ii nrMnrH Br l rr.iini ma m Tim WtTIf FnKCKt.r.fl BAMtf?v'VT, BUSTER KEATOfl' ' MY WIFB'H UKLATtONB"1 T&riten ffi, M V nrtOAD & CHESTNUT www. . "THE TRAP" CIIANJIY In ... . Added f i-rv Semen ".1 Attrnctlen "7 3eraen f Klnts Dvrn Hern Bhew A Treiperlty BMClSI PALACE 12TH AND MARKBT7 10 A. M. te II V. U.i, RODOLPH VALENTINO & GLORIA SWANSON Kllnnr Olyn's "Bernnd h UtOkt'f A Dr AIM A tOTH L CHKTNO' AKLAlilA m a m te lias t.u., "SPANISH JADE" ia-ffftUf VirTfkDIA MNTH MABKBT VILIUK1A PA M. te 11 tin P. M, WM. FARNUM '&"&& LARRY SEMON eSM5s- C A DITftI KIOHT1I A MAJUOBT CAJrllUL 10 A. M te ll.'IBP.Jfc HICHAM) rtARTIIKUMKfla la "TIIK 8KVKNT1I DAY" GLOBEJUN,nudevliiA.nK8T prmrertMAM-n ro.vtTNtters n te 11 cress keys ..ttsrar vV'dr.'K'I'iv nnd Situr1ay. 2:15 MAE DESMOND ?.M "THAT GIRL PATSY" r.T MEEK ".SMII.IV THROUGH' BROADWAY puADnT VVerl. A at.. am ?SS "THE BRAT' WALHUT MAT. SATURDAY SOc te $1.S0 POSITIVELY T.AST TWO WEEKfl , ONLY MUSICAL SHOW IN TOWN PttLAOeLPHA'S GHEATSST FAVOOtTM , v-LETTY PEPPEft. , srTS .vow ter next and last WILLOW GROVE PARK Last Three Days of Franke and His Orchestra Amusements That Amuse Platter Dinners Served at ike Catiaa ALDINE Direction M. K. Flt rhcutnut St. kt 19ih Centln 11 A Sf. te 11 P.M. Florence Vider in "Wem.n.WakeUp" ADDED- 1IAUOLD I,LOVD IN "I DO" ADMISSION. .10c. KXCKPT SATURUAT a:d holidays aitek 0 p. m. WITIIEKwPOON lIAtL MON.. JUNC 5, 8:11 rei'itai. nr HENRI SCOTT IVnflt St Chrltephr'B IIeup for Chlldrtn "ckus II & 2. at Ilcppe 5. 1119 Chsitnut Lingerie Sweaters Negligees Rema. Cinton fab brics $ 35 i)iV ' 1. iMif, i r 1 Lrepe m m I I I HI '! I models, in every HL V, JI m iaWaaWaiinalMHIBIIJIVfH U,t,fiWii ..j. ' .Hi' :i :,A, W-J ffj iW Wr. i "r f4 1 "Kl i i f A m -I aV'v 9