WnvttVWff rtMftt 1R7J OBa $5 V'" 'Mrt;';; - " p" W' 'i,4v: "iV'ni4 kVWVp lM &KfH ITCUU 'T mrjf.vajl.t&'ft.Stfi' r ..!.! 'Jf' I 'WW?1 3j . i 1, v A T.r tt " mMm VT r"i W -, EVENING PUBLJC LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, ' THURSDAY; 'JUNE 1, 192S i bft, GZ& kj-lf Office Wf-'S m(it, Weed A Steel Filet ? Jtftph L. Shoemaker Jc Ce. Wak. Oflle. Ubrnry Jibeel Furnltare At 126 Arch SI. Slaea 1884 i k.tmk.r BuIUIm) ...- feu I y t NOTICE Largest Anertmcnt ADDING MACHINES AH Makes COLLINS, 131 Chestnut St. ML...! tl'.l...t M1 3 I nenri ""in" Research Bureau Says He Should Criticize Spending by Departments TWO STORES ROBBED Windows Smashed at 15th and Wat nut and 135 S. 15th St. TIiIcxeh wlui nppnrently lind 1 1 moil t lie movements of patrolmen en (lie O'NEILL ESTATE $245,000 Mill Owner's Will, Probated, Leaves Amount te Family Jehn O'Neill, 1000 North lTfteenth street, n mill owner, who died March 1'J. left nn entitte valued nt mere tnan bent smnshed mid tebbed the (lipluy 1 51M5.OOO. according te hli will, pro pre windows of two stoics near the I'lf-, bated tednj. The entire cstnte It left k i In nieney matters herrfmlnx, Ifnillns. tnertci,sf, ml Mlate tnil. ftr.. ere rqiilpprd U bundle Mery ilrtiill with cettrtfs. flipatrh and allf.irtlen. I.stiili llfhfri IWH. Abe Kelsky & Ce., Inc. N. W. TOR. OTII & WU.M'T ST1. niirjnisiiiii 24-HOUR SERVICE A finish fnt wMI nrt p1 e rref DuruM. cM preft nl of liluh luttr The Chas. W. SrhnfTer Ce. mi 4 rnrTrT kt. OUR" STORE ORDERS Buy Anything Anywhere Our Cti.lnmfrs ere net lenftnttl t the sliKk of any one store, but my dllde their tuirrh'Ucs nmeiiE the leading sterr of l'tilt i., thus rettlne the lict -tur. IV.r lift; y.rs Me'tf Iwn rttrndlnc errillt ft fheiisnnri of sntUArtl customers. WRITE FOR DETAILS TONIGHT Marriett Bres- s11tl CHESTNUT STREET5 III Eyes that see at night WITH modern tools and flash lights the burglar lacks no convenience te make his work swift and easy. But the Helmes System combats his efforts by employing means fust as modern, which "work swiftly, effectively, no matter hew clever the thief. HOLMES ELECTRIC PROTECTION W, i .? fc It U CheMnut Street ill Will nut 0011 m (jtlYed arid a couple of flies and jeu're all equipped (or i Jey excursion. Fifteen minute ever tmoeth read gets you from the heart of Salt Lake City te the well Hocked mountain stream. Trout fithing at its best all the me in teaten. Lese yourself in the mountain wilderness, rustical in the glorious Reckies. Here it the best of the West! JTrire far Free lllu trnled Rook Reok Roek Ut3 Scenic, Mining, Agriculture. rilllliMnltil Koten Main 8030 k I ZaitW&xy, r If J VICHY 1 . I 'I irtMma mxpvbue nepz&Tn 1 ' I Natural Alkaline I j,v -I Water HI .'. Unexcelled for jMlkl m I TabIe Use Mamj m ' newn ana pre- i, rj , Vlffe. ecriDed by the ? ' ivNctl i b -Kedieal PsmfMlnr JVJff. I F&imm einK great gMRg I -&? lfalrit.1 Pmn.rfl.. l ,, iaiflab f -Lwf i"B,,,',wwisjKaiaiBB nil i In rirrpnrlns the ritr ImuIbM I If i Majer should rele nnd i-rltleuie the leqiiestn of count departments just n tmit'li n tlioe of depnitments under hW inntrel, the llnrenu of Municipal Hcsptrcli vnld tednj. "Kver, new nnd then the Mew i cv preed thnt the Mnter lins no cnntrnl .t.i-i in,' riilllM,t U' I'll! nil. Iilf. it... . . .. f'-innnll miiKt !... itinke .IriinrlinellKl . I",ll lltlll oilier whnt tlie.v nik for, nnd thnt the Mavnri lniit. or iniEht n well. Incltid In hi- liuilKrt the iimetint cvtnniiftil or re que'itul hj ilinsc ilepnrtliient," th' 1 hureiiu nld I "Vhnteir power the county depnit- nients mny hne te spend lunnej in c- ; r t kh of, or centr.'iry te, the iipprnprln- j tlens iniide te them In tVuincll. th' Mnjer should ttid., cnticie nnd ievle the count; reipiets just 111 inmpleteh . nv thetigh the mine from the eltj ile ile p.'irtinenm under hw iminedinte control !I( should bnttle for what he veneeuci te be In the public inteict, Irrespectivc nt any niiimiiimue po.xer tnat ma eit. I "He -lieuld iet the enii for expend!- ' lutes in (re. of tlie nmeunts tlint meet i M- iipprev.il lull en the -boulders of tlinsc wlin lire tc-poneihlc for -in li .w I iimi Tim- he would centriliute RivalK tewnnl n'pmi: nut tlie nininlninui itll. Mini tow ill il iirceniplMllllK some of I he iiin-t lieneticcnt re-ult nttitlnable tln-eusli n IhmIsci -tm He nl-.i i a i uld be piifeiintiiR well a dilt whiili the i in chnilir denih idnces mi him. ' Tlie builRit should be an intere-tliiif iiiferniatiie iHiinilnntinj:. meat deeu- i meiit It should bi' primarily n pin-I Kliiin nnd -taienienf of polio b the1 it's chief execulne. In it he should et fei tli in iinml-t.ikiihlc tirni- hli, nws, criticisms nnl rocemmcndntioiis .i- te the cit 's uctiities and finance In if be should Ri" accurate and fund j complete infei matien ifgardini; the lm. nn ml operations and condition of th'1 it .Mime nil he rheiibl iniludc. ' -pci-it'n .ill mid uuciuinciillj . Ill iicomniendiitieiiM .is te the npprnpria- . t'ens, cxpiMidltute-, nwetmes and bei - I rewings of the iif, for the succeeding, J car I "furthermore, the budget should b" , (einelM'ii mid fashioned for the m f, rmntien of the public, ,iv will a- for! the guidance f Council It should v i .in instrument of puliliclt at lensr is limch nt it is n legislative dnciinunt I Its form 'retail and content should be I thorough! suited te tlie needs of both I'eunciliiien and plain, ecrda I I ltl.l 11- .LEGLESS BEGGAR FINDS , PHILA.'S PURSES SEALED , "Pickings" Here Meager, but He'll Be In City 90 Days, Anyway .lehn Warren, n legle-s beggar, wn sent te tlie Meuse of Correction for three months ted.i b Magistrate Ken- liaw Wnrreii rolled Inte Central Station j ' mi a little wheeled platform. When ar icsted e-terday mono order receipt-! found "in biui -beweil that in the last j Ib'.'C weeks lie luiil -eiit S'."l te bl ufe hi Wilmington. N (' . from till ctt. Iln liineml. V.i Wa-lilngten, I'.il I'.il tiniere and Wllmlnsten, l)el. I You're some tiave'ing man. aren't ini'"' the m.igl-ti He asked Waneii lmi ei and nded busme-s was peer in I'hil.idclpliiii nnd lie tlieught he would go te NlMMItk. N .1 Wairen tolled -adl hack te the cell- i loom when told hi- trip would be ie Lived timet d.ls. . BURKE MAY YET FIGHT May Oppose Pepper for Senate, Running as an Independent Congressman William .1 l.urke s:in tedat lie nut m.ike an independ. nt light for cliitinli te the I'lilied StaSes u.itc in m Nmcnibcr Mr liuil.e w.i a ciintlidatc for the Republican iiein mil ion te tlie feat formerly held h. s.i natnr Penrose hut was defe.itr I li euater Pepper, who new held- th. j sen li nppeintment I tepert thnt be would tr. te organ- 7c n Stale labor part te aid bi- ligiv for ilie Suutership was iilareil before J lr Iturke tedti at Ins farm ne.ir Kan Cltv. I have lieen and new am being urged te ni'ike an independent light fei the Senate In Voienibcr," he -aid "1 I. me made mi decision I am and al was lime been a Republican and wmilii nke te remain eni . but if Senater Pop Pep n i and tiiinr.il A't'rliur are Kep'iti 'ic.ins I am net "urf 1 mil one ' Mr P.nikc nferied te W W tcrbur i" e pn Milent et the Piun-' nnii Rnilinad, who was leg.iruni n. one of s,i-natet Pepper - speiiMirs for I lie Senate. SEARCH FOR CANOE VICTIM Benjamin Obdyke Believed Drowned in Chesapeake Bay Sen rch '- being continued today for the hed of lienjimin Obihke, twentv- I one e,irs old -tllifl Chestnut street he- lieed te have been drowned Mend'M nicbt when a canoe in which he and lime i einpatiKins wire Killing in Cht-a-peake Ha cnpsied, Oliihke is ii son of Mrs Mnrv It Hhdkc, I hestei's only wetiinn puh' c ettici r. and a nephev of InsutniHe Coiiiiiiis-lener '1'henias It Donaldsen Id 1- ;i former etudent at Drexel In stliute, from which institution lie went ,i mapells nnd there ligiired in n ha, itig nn Idem M'cral years age Coiiiiiil-slener I lonalilsen is m ( n. teitewn, Md , iis-Hting in ihe si inn fei the missing he A shred of dope -, In Id that he mn. bae pnssihl m,ne Ins w.ij te one of the man. small l,!and III llie b.i $15,000 FOR INJURIES Mullica Hill Farmer Gets Large Verdict for N. J. Accident eidiit awarding M.'.dOO te Franklin l)rler. a farmer of Mulliea Mill. N .1 , for Injuries receled when his team w.m mink It .a Public Si r -Ice Uiiilwa eiir waH Hturued teda b i u Jiir, in Woedbui. I his is said te be the Inrge-t Mtigle award ct iniide by a Woodbury jiir In the aicldent, which occurred en ' ; September -. llt-d. Drhcr'H her.se ua killed and be leeelveil injuries which confined him In the Woodbury hospital teenth nnd l.ecusf streets police xtnllmi early teda. At L':l." A. M. Pittrelinnii O'Uennell dlceercd that the window of the store of P.nsllan & Minis, tiorthwest coiner of fifteenth and Waljiut stieefs. had been broken. A brlik wrapped In wet newspaper was ii-cd. A iIic-h Milited at .?-0 wn taken from n form. At 0:10 A. M Man Painter. UIIM Seuth (tin net street, n garage einple.c, found that the haberdasher. -.tore win dow of Malpln. lled ,. 'I'lirtii r. I",." Seuth Plfleeii sttr,.t, had lncu -iiiashed nnd looted. Shirts, cellat.s, neckties, irtieles were roineed. te bis widow. Annie, two heiih, .lenti nnd Maurice, nnd three daughter?, Anna, Krnnces nnd .Murjnrie. Other wills probated are theitp of .Intncs U. Cotten, S'-MTi North Van Pelt street. .?!l(H)0: I.eiiln (lreh, -ISO." North Thirteenth street. $IL'.nn0; Leuis II. lliirtninn, LM'.'I North Fifteenth ctrcet, SIO.OOO, nnd .Jehn Ilcy. who died In the Frnnkfttrd Hospital. $0200. An Inventory wni filed In the per sonal estate, of Ida .1. Salisbury, W, 1 I.I.U1I. Letters were granted te i i minlsiriite the e.stntes of I'dtinrd I. V tier. ".".!M) ('hew street, SlKOA, nnd ... Wlllnughsby Irwin. 1002 Spring Uurdctt stuet, .OOO. CTAMMERING M Your flpeeeh Defeet TerrecUa II K. THE KI.V08LEY l'LAN II II r". luli islfin iet jstnBRie.v s.iuu, Monday, June 12. All Internled In th II correction of ilefertlve areecti welcem. II Phene Wnlmit J002. Bend for rookie! fr" " """ Walnni St., nt.it. Green Geld Link Buttens This pair is substantial!) ma.de of 14-kt. fjreen geld, beautifully ctigitic-tunicd $13. Link buttons arc appropriate graduation gifts, because they arc useful daily and will last for many years. Such gifts, even though mod erate in price, will surely be appreciated. Vc offer many pleasing styles. S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut St. ;t mop .mi:iii,iiants--.ii:wi.m:hs sn.vnnPMiTHs V And always the Oxford- Xn matter hew varied the styles in white shoes, a fine-fitting oxford is always popular. Themas Carlyle's Wife couldn't endure smoking. When the poet TenDysen called en Themas, she drove both great men into the cellar. One night ihey sat there, smoking for three hours, speaking never a word. And, parting, called it "a blessed evening!" Content can be se perfect that little talk is needed. Say when a group of really geed friends sits enjoying a treat of luscious Happiness Candy. Happy Thought for Teday: PURE SUGAR lfP f.KJXJ SPARKLING MIXTURE i lb, United Happiness Candy Stores 12th A Chestnut Sin. 2716 (.ermttntetvn Ave. HO S. 52d IN. l&Ot Market St.1 Suits (Three and Jeur piece) Founded In 1894 1204 Chestnut St. tl Seuth 15th Su 1119-21 Market St. Beginning Today Our Entire Stock Of And Topcoats Reduced ! Our complete stock of new spring suits from the Kirschbaum Sheps very moderately priced originally is new reduced as fellows : 24-50 (Formerly $30 and $33.50) $34.50 $29-50 (Formerly $35 and $37.50 ) 39.50 (Formerly $40 and $42.50) ( Formerly $45t $47.50 and $50) Ne charge fei alterations. Kirschbaum Tuxedos and Full Dress Sutts New 45 White Flannel Trousers Special 8.50 and 10 Knickers 5 te 7.50 S I. V "" Canvan I S Philadelphia women by the thousands knew the superior summer comfort of Walk-Over Oxfords for they've had wide choice and been fitted here with just the right tee shape, the smartest arch fitting ami jut the fashionable heel height te insure perfect poise. Selections this season arc mere varied than ever 111 the whole white section. $Q.50ie$J2 Harpers 1228 market Wakv& 1022 CHESTNUT SHOPS a ;SiSfe, Sewing Made a Pleasure i m DISTRIBUTORS EMHL"JJ ICW. Held Employer for Hospital Fees An etiipleer he takes mm eiiiplue it 11 liOKiiilnl is rniulreil In nn i h lisinil linspltnl elilllKes, iicriirillng In 11 ilri'snn of tlie Stiite ('ninpensnlliiii Hnanl In Curter ersiis Ke.ihtiin.' Amusement Ceiiiiuin, this elt, 'I'lieile. 1 Wen sii the I1111111I found he rlnlin nut its Inki'ii In the IiiuIms tins, pltiil li. the einplejer hn tinned ever the injiireil einpne i.s one of tlie or er ilimii, putlents. Tills itinled the nn. pln.ver In the tiMnil liespilnl chnrRefi in. ililrnt te fitM'H nf like iniliire, the e. rlhlnn riintliuitd. nnd Mated that the employer wai notyllbUjite anjr ehrfi In addition te tbtf rcgulak service. WE WILL GIVE ONE of Ihe Wonderful New Wilkm & Gibbs Portable Electric Sewing Machines te the person Unit sends or brings te us (in two hundred words or less) the best "reason why" u woman should own ami use this machine. Conteht open te everybody except our own employees. C loses June 'M. The V. &. (J. Portable Klrctnc Sewing Machine f,'ies you the means of Retting "methc power" from any elec tric current instead of happinn your own nervous energy. It docs all the high-class sewing thnt any ether standard machine will de and will de it in any room in the house having an electric socket. The speed can be controlled, fast or slew as you wibh it. Sews any weight material with equal efficiency. Ne bobbins te wind. Ne tensions te regulate. Your old machine taken in pint payment. Yeu will Hud it very convenient te have one with you en your summer vacation. AM 11)11 IH.MONSTIUTIOV. UlTIIOir 0111.10 T10.V, l .mm iiimi;. , smai.i, i-AVMieT hi.ct nt., em: or iiiksk. ' the II.U.A.NLU O.N i:iY IJIItMS, Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Ce. "Keaen Why" Contest Dept, 1709 Chestnut Phene, Spruet 2192 Street ceurtesy: service; mmm- ('W83mMMMMmwtibMTSmK&iZZi:-&& Ammmmmmmmwklf ' vJvSmMWWWWWWWWmMffinW3?.'J JMMMMMMMMMmmH wKmW&Limfmx0 iliiHPilHiHW? L'i" KKlKmmiWi.VmMmmWSXmmmmmmmmmBMin'i mmmmMmmMm& - rsits .ryKMmmLi:BmmaimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMm7iM'tirit-3 r-' W&ikmmmmmmMmmmMmmmWm$iW i.-.'Vr: t P .lbMaMZVMMmmMMMMMMMMIMMMMmiMMMKMIWmi1!Wr:lt l.' :iv ''WW j s ,'f ; ..Vfc.?i '!, Dr..Lyman:P. Powell Te Serve The Public, The Schools And The Colleges TR. LYMAN P. POWELL iV new' Director of Cosmopolitan's Educational Department. By accepting this appointment, he has made it pos sible te extend the scope of the department's activities. Dr. Powell will continue the service of assisting parents in the selection of a proper school and sum mer camp for their ctiildrcn.,1 Alse, because of his years of experience as an educator, he will be able te give practical advice in the solution of the in ternal problems which face school and college heads. In coming te Cosmopolitan, Dr. Powell 'was influenced by the opportunity of having greater re sources for carrying en his work as an independent adviser te educational institutions. Prier te the world war he was head of the depart ment of business ethics at New Yerk.Universitv, Refer te Cos mopolitan for educational in formation and directory of schools. feiopelan Ss g& -!i. andlhen"Prcsidcnfe'fTH6bart' College. When the United States entered thevar,Dr. Powell made a study of the effect of.thcVar.en education in this' country and in Eureper'andjwas1' chairman of the Committee of the Association of American Colleges which formally recommended .international educa tional reciprocity.- Dr. Powell considcrs'the'plans'for'this'dcpart censidcrs'the'plans'for'this'dcpart considcrs'the'plans'fer'this'dcpart ment "the most. interesting development in Ameri can education." Among" the department's' activities is" the issuing of a bulletin 'Among the Schools and Colleges." It "v'il,bcjcnt(to.cducaters en request. Further information regarding Cosmopolitans hducaitenal Department may be had by addressing Dr. Lyman P. Powell, Cosmopolitan Magazine, H9 H;est 40th Street, New. Yerk, N.Y. Nearly" 'Every Scheel Werth While Adver Uses In Cosmopolitan, America's Greatest Magazine n R M t , r. 1 .,1 : 4 ! rl T fru tir n '