; " ' EVEXIXG PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIL ADteLPHlA, WEDNESDAY, MAY M, " 1922 '".' - V '' ( JS v Sv iftfli .! rascinauen or me M cWc m ctQjn e en K K' I w 1 ft I r lk X m l! i iii i 1S rv a; t i ' II I WHAT entrancing figures come crowd ing forward when we think of the world of imagination! hanhee, Jean Faljean, Macbeth, Becky Sharp, Robinson Crusoe, David Copperfield, d'Artagnan, Tem Jenes, Tess of the UUrbervilles, Maggie Tu I liver what a vast and varied company! Many of that company are mere real than the actual personages of history than dusty kings, fusty generals, dull states men, stupid soldiers of fortune. Why? Because the imagination of the story-teller has seen into life, get held of its essence, created human beings who net only inter pret past ages and all time, but illumine our own lives new. That is the reason for the eternal fascina tion of geed fiction. It broadens the hori zon. It widens the sympathies. It opens the doers of time and space into lives and experiences otherwise closed te "us. But above all it helps us te understand our selves. And that is why you see the executive as well as the mechanic, the banker as -well as the ranchman and the miner, the" club club eoman as well as the rancher's wife, read ing fiction. These authors write for Cosmopolitan frvin S. Cobb Basil King Rebert Hichens H. C fVitwer Fannie Hurst Ring Lardner READ fosiie :--- " jffat SvviyA Ijr&S xZaw , . JHT EHBb 5S8BKBl J&fflv jm&'k -4 ijPMluK il ft iVMBHBBWiiA Mary Roberts Rw chart iwWTflllirViCgTaSlfi 'f Vl flKzZlHkVH Wvtff V Meredith Nichelson lWlWISSrKim4!BtlJn I! i fBKlfifllHtH B WBft'"'Vv aQ jeuverneur ivierns n WlirASv a -i nf llft3BMfcSi.(iM ' J MHHHII (, mi 9sv L i' i c - ,Anu. r'-- .f.- mv i shh ; ' Kw.'rr i ,'- vi -m iminniHvNN i i wsMivk. whi nm ' 1i,ij - H James Oliver Cuncoed Arneld Bennett' 64 EPSjBL liijKfljlHNJHikSw fflwH Vll)jlKKCn EiJzr j Montague Glass Stephen Vincent Benet lW&K&iffl 3r2i&)w 1fJH flHBBSBHH JLhIwBSVVL"' XjvF Jj jl K Blasco Ibahez Rex Beach CT iTyiiwBBB MBmBJMHHHMk' ' ESaGS&Sm WflSFVVIv jttnKsH.wirifV' mkHhFii Deltan J& Americas Greatest Magazine ', ;1. .1'. d rf V t J N I tli .'. r?.iL . . ' i 4 'a .v,f..J,wii-Zi i