Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 31, 1922, Night Extra, Page 35, Image 35

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lKliri .V'T"'.
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7:m-u i.yMi'"
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te itoneens op
:, Empire Refining Company
flme MnrUrme anil Cellnlf rut Tru;t Tf n
" ver Hlnklni" l'iinrl NIt I'rr Cent (Held
nend, dated Frliruary I. 11117
Ketlr In hereby Riven that propennl"
mrr. InMtcil te Ira inmle ici (timrnnty Truit
CemPny of New Yerk. HO Ureadwny.
K Yerk City, for the pale te t'.ie Sink
Ink Kund provided for In the Indenture
bitween the cempnny nlid Ounranty Trust
rempany of New Yerk, n Trimtce, (luted
Ffbrunry L H1T. of First MorKrnue, and
rellnteral Trust Ten-Year HlnkliiK Kund SK
Sr Cent Geld Henda of l'nwlre llctlnlnw
Cemln.' dated February I, 1017. anil
toured by mild Indenture, at prices net te
ceed 100 per cent of the principal of nucli
bend Hat without lntrreat. On nr before
AuRUil t. lli'.'U. thin company will deposit
with the Trustee H'jlllclent funds te retire en
hat date, ul u prlte net In exiens of the
principal amount thereof, plus u premium of
Ix per cent of wild prlnelpil, 1-ends eauul In
scsreiriite fnte vat)i tu I'he Hundred Theu
ind Dollars (I,"i0l,eilf, uiid Mild fund Is te
r applied te the purclinun or redemption of
jurit principal ittneunt nf bunds of snbl
lsiue at net te exceed the prlce nle9
All proposal should be securely sealed
ind marked "rrepustl for sole of bends te
Rlnklntt Fund under Indenturu of i:mplra
ReHnlnx L'nmpmi), dited Fcliruurv 1, 11)17,"
piuat In- for all fir miv pirt of t'.ie bend
Offered, must Mate the iiRKriKitn face vnlun
and the ilenomlnatlens of the particular
bends se offered for sale, and intiM he re
adied by the Trustee at or prier te 1!S o'derk
Benn en .trmr 17, IM'l,
Advices ns le bunds accented will be mailed
On or before June lit), 11122, by the Trustee.
Coupens due Auaust I, 11)22, should 1e
IJtHched from Ihe accepted hnnrfti and pre
ented In the usual manner nt the office or
. awne of the company, (It) Wall Htrnet, New
I lerk t'lty.
B; PltANIC W. FHUKAUFr. President.
Dated May 31. lu.'i'.
Reichstag Approves Silesian
' Agreement With Flags en
Building at Half-Mast
lly Hie AsMirlatnl Press
Berlin. Mny Bl. Tin- Hrlrhstnt:
yp.slenlny npprnveil tlie (Sorinnii-Peltxli
iiRiveincnt en T'pper KllpMn, which win
lecejitly ronclii'led by a joint commis
sion meftlnR tit (icnev.'i. The People'-
1'iirty mill Communist deputies elc.l
nunliiHt rnllfiontleii.
Tlie (Irrmnn lings en the KeichMiiR
hulldlnir; were hnlf-mnsted ns n Icn nf
mourning. Opposite President Leche's
sent hiiiiR n bnnnrr of SUciiii colors
drnped with black streamers. The
Chancellor nnil n liutjerlty of the Min
isters were drcs-cM In menrnlnc.
Imperial Commissioner SchlflVr. who
signed the Agreement in helmlf of Oer
ninny, recommended its iiiloptlen "ilr
siiltp IIk liiniiti' ilpfiTlM." I'hi' neri'e-
ini'jil, h" alii, offeroil tin' (iernimiH in
neticd of nnoriMPTieN or
tlflit Ptr Crnt. Ten Year Hlnkln rnna i!,iW.V miniln tlu tiimullillltv nf pnii pnii
renirrtlile t.eld llends. D.iled December ' I', . , ,. lHllilllt. nt roll
1, 1020, and Called fur ntdemutlnn no t i nut nir thi'lr (terninn life lint only cee-
vnTirr'S'iti-nr-nt- nr.ri.-v . r. , I imnilnilly hut imiiiniiilly nml in in--
AOTILl. 18 IM-nnnr OIVEN Thnt nan:- ,lnr,iIlllni, .i, ii,,,!. .lpnlH unci "Kill-
trt Trust Cemuinr. Tmi.. iuir .... i reruiincc Willi iiieir incnie nun iui-
Uln Trust Aureement with General Asphalt till'
.emnaiiy. uaieu Uecemb-r 1, ltme, tiai l,.,i 1 ,,1, l,.,,l fniTui'll te tlie
tnlled for payment en June 1. 1022, nt tl.n ,. J 1 fSHIeiit l.uclie tj.nlr UlllWi.il te nn
nfflce of Hankers Trust Company, 10 Wall (ieniums III tlillt part nf I ppi'l- Mleslll
Smeunf nfV.,0rU ?ity' J45,TU0, Pr."5CnW I ahilgncil te I'ellliHl. Till- UU'llllllTS llf
S5Sc..? hXWS!? "t?,0'. the i Keleh-tuK stnml ihnn.Rhent hheil-
tlAfl ltM - . i.l.l ff...l..u si... .... l.AillliIilHll illIll .
c '"'ri vn Bucn princiim nineuni ie tiri", ihht iiiu iw iiwiiiumi, imm
'ZsffmKSWy&t&M"? ''
"trzwnrg- yirr-j:, ',?,:"z:wv'"
r'wTiF MaEyfr ls ''
V 'JiiLLHaiA alaaaia&.'" aaW
'' ibbbbV s. BBBBBBBaw LLLLLLLLLLbLLLLw t t ptli S
fcv".Vy WlM A BBBTBBBBHBB ' ' 4Vf 1
'' ' " '' , WP bbbbbV!bb1 afl ;
I'fRRy Burselli nnil
lelm Ilnrlip, .fr In
a rnmrily sltftrli,
part of presriini
RUfti by tlie I'ns
i ball DrnmntlcCliib
at the Darb Fire j
Hall. The West j
rlillndclpbln orRiiti erRiiti
lat Ien nf amateurs
has planned te pre
sent several shows
In Delaware County
w?h1!J:2l.-7',eJ!lu!"5er?..of..,.h.!ien.,1.,: miiiiIh were- left oiilslile. hp salil
rMti. and called for itie numesa of th II
lnKlne I'und. are an fnllewrm
une Themand Dellnr llends.
I w l&M "12D 27:r,
One Hundred Deil.r Ponds.
1B3.1 21111 2770
l.'ilfl 2107 2H02
ISfl 23 IS 23B2
1T70 2470 3427
into 24H5 fltSS
21) IS 2VJ4 3"i72
20fl,1 2S42 MSI
All Other English Testamentary Effert te Increase Personal
ail nrasul thev mlKlit hi- pcrmittisl te
' i emul ti ultliin (Ji'rmiin. 'Hieiirii tney
...,m;iu M'parati'il threiiRli ncresslij, (hey
linsclcrp linlli'il in fiiitli. ami Imiiiurtal as
8813) ihl faith weiilil be lii'rmtiie ili'fen-c
tif riRht In opposition te the partition
of 1'pper Sllviti.
The I'l-pslili'iit nf ln HelrhstiiR was
nrefi'ilpil hi -tii'alii'i from the lit ter-
luiiumi nnnir ainnnv. i
A-C3 A.2s:. ,i.7i a. ii'. j a. una a.it.ti ' rlter.i ami ri'lHPMMitntives nf Mirleus
a" PI a-8i' -A-7I1 A-1017 A-1418 A-1US1 ' flK'tllllls.
lM A-"?nn x'lVn AA""e 'I'Wii i T'"' AllRcmelm. '.ituiiR, oemmrtitiiig
Helders' of the b n"eve'Jpecined mi " '"' agr.;.m,ent. mijs that (.ermiiny s
hereby required te preint the sami for rinht In 1 piicr Sllilil IS as cleur as
S?fT,J5f."n.."".,iL .. i?.? J""- L22... sunllL'ht.
KWaliS,c,:7Wrl, City, after which! "The l.ongue of Nations has il.ni.. ,
naie inierest will c.aaa te he Pyible there, what Napnlien In IMli .11(1 net tlltn1
en. Atl bends e presentd muft be In ,i ,. i, i, ,.i,i il,,, Iiindiv nf
reiretiabA form, bearlnc the coupon dm ,'" l"'1,. ' reali'il tin' IMuliy 01
June l. 1022, and all sutacauent coupon; i nrsaw, it ailuV. ".Napeleon kneii
"K'Mnvr mn InethiiiR of the rlglit nf M-lf-iletermlim- ,
ll'MllfBll TDllu"rnn,v. ...... tldll. llllt till' I.C'llL'UI' IlilS "II (Ml I lllU'l'
Jy ir. F. Wllien, Jr.. vire-Pr.pl nt. SIli'Ma te l'elaiul, llmllRh tin 1'ppi'r !
- i Klli'sliins vntml fin- ( lei'iiuinv. Then' i
Netici: ni' itKnr.MPTiON Ithe PeIp has iii'lfber rii.-lnl nor lilMerl-' -'i miii mr miii.ii proiute is Rr.iale.I Lanrastrr. Pa.. Maj :.l. Th" tnt
iT"rrJi,l!'r" "' yltlar ntt" !",J "' nil iIrIk. Net ail Ini'h nf Tpper j nrf '"il.-.l In Sumer-ef Ifotise, mijs tlie , r,,te ,, ct propel fy for ehenl pnr-
N.tiee i iierehi qlien n fellow.: Slle'-inn rarlh bolenRs le him, net a Lnmleii Dailj Mall. Tlmy can be in- ' o-e, for the nevt IK.-al rnf was llvl
11 nil tlf rAantntiixn of Ti ! f'n( ulnun ni I'ltimi' llntilnll I fiill 11111 till I ... . . ... . . ' '
t ..-.. s... . ... '. . .,, , ' . ,.'' Jr. i : V .V. !-P,'t,,l ny 'he pill) Ic en tlie payment
JjeNeii. All of the a1, per leni - niinre et 1 pper Slte"lan ere. net a tilt ". , '
n of L'nlte.1 States i.f Amerlm Cenienibi nor a miller's kIiih'K." '" " ,01'1 ' ,"' "'.v esceptlnn te tlie
i.em .Noieser 1122 lli-J.I, ntlienvle Miewn.n. I above nil., .nimlins I.. in ulll ,,f Ihe
Documents Are te Be Seen
in Somerset Heuse
Levy te $3 Fails by
6-te-3 Vete
All wills for whiih probate Is Rr.mtf.l
' pr tnt V'cterj Notes, are hereli mlleil
rnr reiiemptien en June in, 1H2J. pursuant te
the nrev alen for redemption rentalned In ' FIVAVCIAT.
tlie nelei ami In Treasurev npirtment clreu- .i-"-ii; :
lr N'e. LIS. ilated Alirll 21. mill, under i PIM'AIIIINTAS f'UNSOMIIATKIl fill-
hlch Iho note irere erlulnallv lntued. In- , l.Kltll'.s fOMl'ANV, INCOKI'IIRATKII
lrrBt en all Victory Nete of the 35i per
rent serled will cense en b.iUl redempt'en
ii,iie ,"nn i., iui'.'.
2 snaponnlen nnil Te rirlnnllmi cr Vlrnr
1 King ami liiieen iif niiRlanil, Mliich ate
Kepi In Ihe reeerils but are sealed.
Almest every tiny the Prineipiil Pre
bale KccUtrj Ofliee has te ileal with
ullls of erlRlnal oeiistriietlon.
One of the most u-eent Mas the per-
nrn.YKu rivn i'i:it cknt held
IID.NDS, III I. .IUI.I I, 11197.
Netice 1 hereby ulmn, purenant le the
that the unile'rhlnne.1 as Trustee win rl trait of a preltj pirl upon Mhieh the I tn at S". M'as iimeiule.l en a mollen of
at ten mills en (hi: (Inline, the nl.l rate,
at a special nieeliiiR nf the Lancaster
Scheel lleairl. The lie.ul lux of SI mi
men and m onion remains uncliaiicil. al al
theiiRh an rfl'ert te lis it at 5" ni
made bj ni"inbers of the beard. Tin
tav into miis fixed by n rcvdntien.
riicerlRlnnl resolution fixing the head
that are remark-able for their historical f,,1(., iMcp,'.eh of 'the be.nl. when the
truel; lie was driviiiR collided Mltb a
tine ; Jn this collection Interesting from r.,H(m,l train at Mulbcirj and James,
a medical point of Mew. was made bj stieel-. He was taken by ambul.iticc
er (ieneral Hospital.
Sf num. LOTS
Sealed l'ropeiils, endorsed Tropenin feri" """'"' )""'" " "' " "'"."""" ":' Mieel-. lie mii
the rurchHue of Scheel Prepcrtj." will he re- an imferltllial" M he died of the black , (,, t. I.uucast
date no convcrnlen of the notes may be
'1 -Detailed Information na le the prein
i illen a ml surrender of 3 per rent Victory
Nete for leilemptlen. Is Klen In Tria.urs
Dennrtment circular Ne 277. dated IVbruan
Ii 11122. cnplei of whlih ure niall.ihle at Ihe
Treasury and the reciera
IH irneiii a.
Secretary of the Treasury
,'V. i.i.i,a,ll.. nrrrAil rnr ufiln urn ft k a miiciiitfiiii Hi. ,lr.,,lir In tr.nv. I.
Union nniiTK litibitiis riiHPnni.l . .;""""' " - - . ." i'V "'" "' "-- ,i-. ...... iieme
ni TKN-VT.AK 0'7e SKCfKKI) UOI.II "J'Vue nt. abeie 2d. rtiree-sterv brk-li ,ls Maiestys law eflieers, M'lO MOlll.l
NOTI'.s bu'ldlnz, let c.Ox.M ft , liilM1 sub.efiieiill,v te bundle It In the
I'JirUant le Article VI of th Trust Acre- r. rner .Mn.riiAii xm Unlnl.rl.lcd ttt.. I niii-.i,. ,.f il,.,in .Inline 1mm liifnnilnii In
e nt. (Uitnl AurMnf I. 1017 fn.tde bv the ... .. i..i.,t, i...n.ti., i, r'i,tii ft . . .. ....: ..... .... j
Itfserie Hank.. celled at the etllre of the lliinnl nf Publio pliiRiie tlmt raced at one time In Len- iniieri' he Mas iriien trealiaeiil and ad-
!" at 2 r. M. ,llIe1 W,M f-Plrlts ami then corked. fus0,l te staj , beweier, and Ictt ler hi-
' nil a.b.. ,.,.. ( nffn rA,l tf ueIa irn an A nm unlit Inn 11 , . aIi-i.. I it- t f i hh . t
fJeekiiiR hi- uife nud filSOP-O iihicb he
nllege.s she took mIicii -.he let him.
I ehlch l'eiver fveur ties f 'orperiitlou with tlie Helne'i t west of l.lmekllii Pil.e. two- l " ui.i niii'iiii. Ilniri KUher of Vew Yerk I'llv hnj.
"",- Tru;;-;. te .-eg- the Ten- J 'J'JfeVUlHIni. lit ."lHfe.P ' . AtletherMlll is in shorthand. Ce.isld - " " ', V " , ' J ) "f J,' "t
Veir !-.. .Secured (ield- J;et-H of the said ( ,,,,, ,i4n, ,,lM, n( yrl, r,,,,., to.stery erlnR ils dnte. somewhere round the n" ' ".' ' Ji . ' .
I fhlsh l'ewer Pecu-ltlea Corporation. Ouar-' ."' ., ., ain ., . I(lxa20 ft. i -u ,u! , "1 " '" ,. .,, , ' SMeril out (I warrant for hop arrest en
wVWnV "" uf n'1""-' "" "" , Ti1' ', h'S 1S..I1?t " liU,,; r""".-k ''linrRf nf tl,efi nml abaml.iame.it of ..
J.. Hereunder, mites propes-ils In wrlthm i ,, . ,)rllU i.uilrllntr. let Irr.niilur tU-. con- ' able, for the well-known cipher 111- . . hro.'-iiien t li -el.I li ibv
for Ihe mk te It of the an Id notes, fe- the ,i,,i.. ,i.,it ! non annure fpei i ,...,. I I,. !,.. c, ,.,..,, m nil, , . i laree-ineiiin-niii n.ini .
tur has, of which said Trustee haa new en Uyl. um nie ... t, Hw, ene-stniy ' "' ' , ' ' , f,,"",l,!' Mr.- ' V""."1 M,u He lilixlnlls Is Pisbe- te tilli! brr that
Td'n""1 iVni7r.IIIUe,inIiMuri-u'.VJ"iSd, ';K. brick bulldl.V-. let lrrreularsUe. centainlna 'p "'" tiny nver a hundred jea.s , , , $r , f lllferln(l.
two Duiiarn ntiu ioriune Lenin ,.,.,, finrtu ynniM fA-r hiter I n i t.i
iti nun jwi in i fttcmt i"uii Hquare r(i, in i . I t inn IcJidlii" f n lift iirri't She i 4 sun
"ku'Vuch'.ropes.,!, ., th.rem ,er- Jsl''ft 0, , I"' "'? 'r.1'"01, '"'.I V I"' 'e'ed te hMer lag "'as 1 eusek.e ,e ftr
l. spec ne,i y exuressei ha be sublert I rr..l.'ar ' ,.l.? ......,l" '""': M'P'B.V."n.? u"l" else tie nut berltles Mould bnvn been ii,.i iif.ii i i. in.n.
i euifi (lint ni"" e-ii.ti- in i' iwvbiiiiiji
te the cnutlltlen that elOVr nil nr nny per
lien of the poles threln offered may b
purchased at the price therein specified.
Sealed proposals will b" rccelii-d bv the
fnderslBned at lis e(He. Vu. tin llrnad
ai. New Vnrli cit, until 1'J oVIecl. neon
n Thiirsdus. June H, IB.'?.
Netice of purcluse of notes wjll ! mailed
rv j.inr s in."j. en.i ice nmea se piirchiisej
N 13 corner of 27th anil old Pnaayunh
reid. Irregular-sized let centalnlnx ubeut 31 DO
square feet.
Seuth Bldn of Vellmer St., between It'i and
nth t.. trlancuUr piece of nreund. contain.
Intr aliut -1(1,0110 Hquarn feet.
t'etliln t nrd Uates st. nnxbnrniiuli. lr
reular-sbed let centalulm; about 07 2i'0
Mils jn the nay of
PR.' II iccciie.i
Il was miidc en parchment, and llii
when fished up was found te Iwue sliiuuk
mnt 1" .iril.A.ml ... tii.. .....trtp .icnn.i ...... I simple feel.
lh cnc of business mi .lun 15 r2 ' nn ,-H,, 1'1" "r Oermnntew n ne in rtli el
)h' dido Imeree' will cc.ise en notes pnr. ' W.iFhlnBten line lrrnul ir sired lut toiualn teiualn
clused but urn dellicicd I Inir about at, ."in snuaie fc. .
OL'All'NTV TUl ST i iri1NV nr I The nirn eftercd fur uu of raid proper.
Ni;V MlIlK j ties in be snp.iri( lel Hated
"II.MA.'l C. rUTTlill. i'rn, dent. '"" ' einimic" rcini.- um r.BlH (e re.ie, t .,. ,,,,.,1, n ,.,,. t ,..n I.,,, .. .
Msr 2.'.. 1B22. .'in- in all bids or Pirts nf bldi net deemed '" "ImUl II tentll Us liel mill ilr. i,m se
m. . --. -niiaiai 'in ji
I WILLIAM DICK. Secretary.
rir.t MertBiiKe Sl I'er tent hlnkln. fundi lKl'tlTMr.r OK l'llll.H' IIIU1.TH
f.nld llends I IIIUW TOR'S el-Tlt K
Pnrcitant .1, llin nrr.. Ir.l.tna ... . !.., ... Phltmlplntilii T . . "(1 .ill I
ef the MertK.iee nf Deed of Trust from i Sealed proiesals will b. "recplied' at"7t is rei er.l Is the lej; of a four pester bed.
Aiioena i;eai aim teKe cninpani tu I'hlln- etnee nnui 1 e cm k neon i nursuii j . .Iiinc
flp!ila Trust CempTnv, us Trjitce dat-il t. 102i, when bldi n II be opencd ..id
.tune 1, mill, notice Is l.ereb Kln tlmt fihrdulnl i fellow a
Alteena Ceal and f'oke fmnpniiy will redeem ' IH'llll.W ( 1" llesl'ITALS
snd pay en thu next ensulnif Interest day at It'h "nd P.ne sis
en hundred two and one-h-lf per cent I'er thu construction of a lire-alarm s"
(lll.'ijc;) of the principal amount the-enf. I tern
lth the accrued Interest thereon, the bends I rilll.ADI.I.PIllA HOsPlTAL FOrt ('ON
l.aiid and eutstandlnK thereon, tlie bend- . TAOIOl'i nsi,AKi:s
numbered u fellows te wit: 2d and Luzerne, sts
121 124 I2T ISO 133 I ln p Ihe construction of cdd-ster-ice bnes
122 12.1 12S l.ll i:i4 Sidncitlena, blue prints forms and pri
1211 IL'rt 12!) 1.12 is.'. 'non 1I1 ind Inforinilleu nlutlie te the fore
I'pen prenentatlen and surrender for can- ir dins ina1 he hnd upon appllc.itl.ui Ii lh
put te no little trouble te decipher it, delphla seen alter she left, but found
inr niiuriiiuiiii n iiiiriiumii in muse I tlictt She liail tllsappp.l.-'tl jUSf llliead nt
tlnyn- b:in. Then lie lest her until tlie l.ane.is-
A will saliiiRed fiem (he bottom nf ter clue enme.
the sen supplied ihe nautical interest.
Tills Mill mis n covered after a lone
pei ind el immersion, ami (lie only dam
Fermer President Could Give Thor
ough Criticism After Brief Perusal
beautiful hud It been Inscribed that the l,.i,ln,,i :,i;nl,l en, I .1,1.,,.,.. 1:
ZTuvzx " '"7 rr;- ,,nT"
read ensilj with the naked eye. 'faculties, accnrdiiiR te A. 1.. 1 arqiibai
Annlhep nualiit iIkiiil'Ii cumbersome sajs System.
"llnrfiel.K nfleru-ni il the Preciilcnt.
?,''" '"' !,f " , ;"'" l";,,r!."S '''''i'0" wns the most rapid rcul. r I have 010,
in a rece-s ut the top nt ibis lee, and :i ,
there was dispute eicr the Krnni nf " ,'" eieiiiiiR mImmi mc were sit-
probate the leR and its luiRe wneileu tiliR leRcther in the Judjrc's Ubrarj he
caster had le be tiled ami kept as oil- nsked flarlield if he had rend a hook
Shakespeare's will with ils remark
able slRiinture. Nelsen's will written in
a common or Kiinleti exercise book 011
I lie eie of Trafalgar, and whlcli tun nrd
'llatlen et the bends" ubem ilescrllHHl, with Medl.al Ulrect.n and .superintendent nf lles . tlie conclusion lOlllllills lliece words,
the coupons paable June I. 1022. and alt , pltaK .11th and IMne nts "Tim eiiemv are new In slcht " n
.ubee.uent coupons .m.iched ut th. eftlc. ' "Ids front e hers than thus,, enuaned u ,, . A, . ,.,.1,' ,.. , T , '
nt Philadelphia Trust company. N. K. cer-1 esMbllslied In buslne for whi. h prepimnlH I soldier s Mill milile III a lilneli covered
.-. . .'.. T . . .'. 1 . ..1...1 ..III wil Via I llldfll. I.m.l . .. . I .1 I 1 . 1
s. fiiuaciai- ni" .iw- ""' " "- i"....-u 01 vu , note hook iiiiiuirii wincil a lillllet lias
rci'r"lp,,enl AM bid. must be ncceinpiiiled b. h .er Pllsseil without lltaklllR il lllebl,.
rcd 121 10 ' Mllcatn from the rttv Sela inn that s.-curlti these and liinnj mere ire te make a col cel
" nnJ 'TxurV'iV .Vlloe.ien that many a curie hunter would
COMPANY. Proved May 2.1. isne ' Klve Ins soul te possess.
n in The plroter lesmes the ritht te accept
L' (... A.l ... . hlltA ,1C ... n 1 -, ,.H r.U, I .
r Uread and Ctiestnut streets. Phtlarlal. am ..'" win n"1 "" ' "ii-ruuneii ni ion ,,. imnk I liimiu 1 w he. 11 111 i li.m
Uhla, en or nftet June I, 11)22, redemption ' sldered. I ,, , 1 ,, ,,,,iit neiklnc II 111.,,. 11. t
lMt be mide as nbeie stai-d ' 'l Ail bids must be ncceinpinlfd b h .er passeil WIIIIOUI 1IUMI1R II i lebl,
interest en slid bends ininilrcd 121 le imcain rm.11 n'v : ''. -'"" ""J "'" ""'-uri inesp neil niiiii.i iuuk- K" 10 inilKO a cel
1.11 both Incluslie, win ieme oil
June 1 1022
Dited May 30. 1022.
..... ..vn..nd.l In , hlllft i.r le n.l t-l rtr mla, I .
an th- mds. ,..s he u.n. die,,, tt rr ,he QUEER CURES OF L0WR inn
Interests or (lie . Il' imini rt urn nr HBiri' I - w - - e . , w.w
which was IjIiir en the table. Ilofere
he could answer JiiiIrc lllacl. was called
out iif the room ami .Mr', (inilield 11
marked te me :
" 'Ne. I neier saw this book befen
"lie took il up ami. turuiiiR Ihe
paRcs rapidh, had gene tlir.niRli It In
the time the .IiiiIrc leluriied. which
was in about tie minutes. Then be
answered :
"'Oh jes. I bine ie.nl II." And
went en te iie a icrj interestlnn
and pciuliurlj tlioreiiRli ciltcisia of the
"Afterward I Ield JiiiIre IIIhcIv that
tiBilield'H sole nciiiiiintance with the
book extended eicr Ihe minutes, am
Iho JiiiIkc answered tlmt Cue nilnulrs
was IniiR eiintuli for (iarfield le Ret tin
----- f ... ei.-c.-iIh tin sum of 51(10 II will
VKKIIKRICK nrnnnit rill-T MnitTnAni:l. netcassn- for a (entrnt te be enfrnlR . j Meuse a Remerfi n r,
l'r MNKIM1 Fl'Ml liOII) IlliMis inln, the cost of which in. I all Inform itlen neasicu ivieubc a nemeay Ter Can
I'KKMI.sks MIRTIIKXSI ( mtSDIt' KITH 1.I.11I10 tberetn m..j ls ...tiiiiied iit..ii in 1 non Ba. vVeunds
A NPItl'CK STRKKT.i. IIIIIM1H III 1 1 , .eilri at the eftlie jf lh Us .soil lier, . it non a' vveunas
i.'V. , , u , ., I"'"'1 V" 1 ts 0 ii imii'sk m 11 Aieiiemj ami medicine, ns 1 wns j;ist of anj book,
Netlcfl Im lltr,n frltPIl flint tnirt.tiniif t.. ' ( l.I ' 'M 1 I HUl fl1, I 1 f .1111 1 ..." 1
the aboie MerU-ae. dated .lull l'. li!"s, ,.,.. Dlrccier of the Department practiced In the eailj part of the Iif-
nisais will be icceiie.i at i'ic oil). e of fein . .,;.,": 7.".,7 ,.; . ., . leenlli ccuturj , bad iniiiij strniiRe be- tQnn QTIIRRPflM PAIIflUT '
tnerclal Trust i-en.panj Trustee ,-u Iu, AIIMV MKIIJ'AI; ,'' AI.I Kll li,.s. HilVS l.nnden Tld-H Is ' yUU O I UhUtUlM UAUbH I ,
Seuare. I'hllndrlidila. fui ih.. sale te th, ' UKI.1 tll'.MHAL IIOSIMT I 1. . I "' ',' r"f" ","1,",i ' ' ,M"- I
TrL.lee, en July 1, iV, 'of t.ioepar ! wilVi.. I Sealed prope.els In trlpll.ate. wlll'b' AmeilR hem was that a roasted
yf said bends, at 11 prim mi 10 M.ee.i recalled at the en "' the 1 eiiHtructinit mouse would cure cannon ball Mounds Found In Maurice River; Ree Weighs
10214 and aierued mieusi The rlht Ir 1 Quartermaster. Washlmileii. D 1 .. Heom .f ., ...,s 1,01111(1 tlchth te tbe f.-netn.-.. s'a"
reseried te reject any or all proposals In K'Uiil Munitions Hulldln J nth and II Street., ,l w,,s ""' '' '.' 1 1 ' 125 Pounds
l.n .. ... I.. ....-I - ..; ... l .fitfiA "iV lll'l'. 11. 1, 1 ,1,- .....,... nnil nl.l hliieil eetlltl be lllmln ,-.. ...,., w , vhiiuh
'.".-, ... .,, I'm , .... Undl " ' ---. ...... ....... ..,-117., 1 - -- -- ....... ,"i,, , . ., .
., .1111
cropesais sneui.l no leaied Htai marked , r, the ( nisiruci inn e ..i ,rm -ieiiical nc'nin in Irilllsltlslen. I.vcrv slnr-beiim iiiiiie, . ii., .nil el. .M low
Proposals for the sale of Frederb k Webb, r sphoel l'lnns mid specUlcuilens may be ob- ,,., .b',.,,,1.. i , H,r'.i,l V.r 111 .' water lesterdai near the ltriel.s.lir.rn
llrst .MertitiiBO IK Hlnklnx I'.md O dd (Xe from the al ei ellbe upon the depnnlt u" ,I",U!II" '" '" ' , "T U . "i ,Ik1,1 ,,,l,f , 1 1 l ,.1 I il ,lr"i"MK"n
Jlnnda." nod lw presented te Ihe iinderslpn., I ,,f,e en One set en . xblbltlen nt eui h of thai lllll illrcetlj te the head of come J'"'"' en the llnurlce lliur, .lineph
lZl'.'.r:'..,'t " ''""'k neon. Tue-d.i. .I.iue n. fi', ' i1,' fellow Ins' stallena uilke of i eii8ll , 11.1..,, m,ei, ih fnti was (lelermiiii.il Heevrs, nf the Kceies Plhlicn, captured
COMMHItCIAL TIIUST COMPANY. TruMee. , , . Quurteniustcr, 3H Whllehill Slreei. Nsw , n " ,'Vi,,,, II. Ill IllIlK (I . . , tiikit i, il, J
JOHN II .MAHON, Prcsld.nt. v,fri i'it. Otlfee CJin.iterniaster Supply ' bj its licllnn. ,. , , . fc'lM ,-'i 1 1
Miv "T .tn'in I i'T" .. ... laer,.l ln.er.ne.llel. li. I 1. ,,u el.... Iwi l.iw.,1 tl,.,f -.,..1. ...I MlltOI's. '1 lC S .rV lns b,.,in llreilfritl!'
MINDS, L'ndir prevision, of the innitsiKi'
eaten jan, i. inn securing said Imnds
(llUCer. CIO.ee" " - -...... . r-iui IL . or. ,,-,., ........... , . . ,. ,, ,,- lSUl . .. , ... - --.,,
1810 West Pershlnn e id i hlciBe. Illinois, x. HS j,.,, that had been burled ii tiinti. I ""' -Mi"irip, liher lrein mouth te seuice
rimen of tens ructlnit Quartermaster, Krank- I i .1 . i ! for that seeclmen u.lt,- i.ir,. f
fnnf Arsenal. Philadelphia Pa sailil .veiirs, and Hint Rehl was once '?,f,,V ,,,,.,! ,rL' . fBetlni, him fre
iVT-ATlTs STTi:w-rini-"i.HiHfFNif RiH-lli-iiU. (hat after bcIiiR buried ae j ears "J inmV fr0l '"-' urfnre of the
KTKM, VKT MYICK. .VA.-Sealed ,,re . clmnRed te red arsenic d WHI , ears .llIlln t . ,
Iji vJ?"rsyi
! tH?S!
$256 1,000
The New Yerk, New Haven .& Hartferd Railroad Ce.
6 Equipment Geld Notes
Dated January 15, 1920. Due $197,000 per annum, January IS. 1923, te January 15, 1935, both inclusive
Redeemable as ;i whole, but net in part, at the option of the Railiead Company en any interest date en sixty
days' notice at 103 and interest. Interest payable January Is and July 15. Principal and interest payable
in New Yerk at the ellicc of the Trustee. Coupon notes $1,000 each, with prevision for
registration as te principal. . '
Authorized and issued $4,438,500
Matured and Retired 591,800
New Outstanding $3,846,700
Held by Director General of Railroads and te be subordinated te
the Notes new offered 1,285,700
Notes New Offered $2,561,000
Under the Equipment Trust Agreement, dated January 15, 1920, between Walker D. Hines. Director
General of Railroads, The New Yerk, New Haven & Hartferd Railroad Company and the Trustee, these
Notes were originally issued in fifteen series, the first two of which matured and were paid January 15.
1921, and January 15, 1922. The Notes arc a direct obligation of the Railroad Company and arc secured
by equipment which originally cost $4,440,200. The title te the equipment under the agreement remains
with the Trustee until all of the Notes have been paid. Through a supplemental agreement, dated Jan
uary 15, 1922, 33 13 of the Notes of each maturity, held by the Director General, are te be stamped
as subordinate in lien te the Notes new offered. Upen this subordination, the unstamped Notes will be
outstanding te the extent of only about 58 of the original cost of the equipment en which they arc
The unstamped Notes arc secured by a prier lien en the following standard railroad equipment :
1,500 All Steel Hepper-bottom Ceal Cars, 55-ten Capacity.
10 Light Mountain-Type Locomotives.
January 15, 1923 (u) 100.57 te net 5.00cr January 15, 1929 '5 101.35 te net 5.75r.
January 15, 1924 101.12 te net 5.25f, January 15, 1930 (a 101.52 te net 5.75' ,
January 15, 1925 101.43 te net 5.40' January 15, 1931 fa 101.67 te net 5.75',
January 15, 1926 101.61 te net 5.50r, January 15, 1932 ra 101.82 te net 5.75',
January 15, 1927 101.00 te net 5.75 r, January 15, 1933 fa 102.36 te net 5.70',
January 15, 1928 101.18 te net 5.75c, January 15, 1934 fa 102.52 te net 5.70',
January 15, 1935 (a 102.67 te net 5.70',
Accrued interest te be added in each case
These Notes are offered for sale if, when and as issued, and subject te approval of counsel. It is
expected that Interim Receipts later exchangeable for Definitive Notes will be ready en or about June
15, 1922.
H'e de no' pun raster Hir s'o'ceir 'j ( 'leu C. lirrrw b ' 'Iicy nrr , i from mu
Edward B. Smith & Ce. Halsey, Stuart & Ce.
Edward Lewber Stokes & Ce.
i"""" ii'in"siii M'tiirrr.'- in low nr in i
r.u ter thn reilrinptleti nf ill U nrr cent ' r- " nropebaia uw te siiie I M. en testator liliil simply written, "I leave all I Director A. V. elclliihs. I lie iimr-nil- I
"ii.1 '... i ..-I ""i: !." Vi. "ii' ,, .i ,,iJ (h Ot diiy of .fun. 10r. for the sale te it ... " 'ri... i...,.,i, ...i.n... 1....1 .,... f .,i..,.,i ,i.n Iw.n.l ,n, ..( iL .,1.1 I
SXrPmAu'&ATNS 1"n,?iBe"wS.ffils.Ml,e,,'n'r& SI. '1'lirre wit- m.iii.. debate. i
Kn!?r4n .!f v"ter NetM r " bfllijf fortl.ceinliiR the lll as ndmltlcn vblcb I . K. Mn-ee fiunred tlie In-
Inte lctun .Mjtr-H or in oilier njriej If leISl .',"' vew vimK TtlL'ST COMPWV " preliliti- mill tiled 111 tile arc 1 VCS of crease. lien pill In II Mile Hie illneiKled
rrby mrriendei! from jvtiruur 0. 1U2:!. te W- M-v "'J,!;'' -viii a-sy, ,,,,.,.. n,,,...,, i ,..,v.,l.,ti..,. , n. ,.i..,i i.. , ....i,. ( i i,. '
Jim. 1.1. 10S2. Iieth lnclujl. and nn June . a rru"Si..ivn . hoineiM't llni.se. reMillltlnn ( ni lied l a etc in ti te ...
IS. in.'L'. will tcnnlnate. Vlrteij Nele. nc A- l'ilr.V'..Vl; ' JR" i fpiamt will. Jt tbcce camp nrclilves
rcrd'nBh r,n? te bu Intercom ertib!. effee .... ,.,., 'iretary. ..niiliiln ..tlier inst nc f.uwiful nml umm r- , - ., . ...
Il rebruurs- n. I1IL'". and en and affr that Nw TerK. May 4. 19.'2 i Ollliun iitlHI- Jlist lie lam nn aid Millie Oceree 15. Darr.lll. of tills cit , silt-
ejch' Offering
Louisville Joint Stock Land Bank
(Operating in Kentucky and Indiana)
5cc Bends
Dated May I, 1922. Due May 1, 1952. Redeeniab'e at par and jeeruci interest en any interest date
after ten years from date of issue. Coupon bends fully registcrabte .end interchangeable. Denomination,
$1,000. Interest payable semi-annually, May 1 and N'evcmber 1. Principal and interest payable a' thr
Louisville Joint Stock Land Rank or through the Bank's nscal agtncv in 'e Ye-x C'rr, or Chicago, IM.
Tlicsc bends arc obligations of the Louisville Jein:
Stock Land Bank and arc collateral! v secured by cither
first mortgages en farm lands or United States Cov Cev
ernment Bends or Certificates of Indebtedness. The
liability of the Bank's shareholders is double the
amount of their stock.
The Bank operates under Federal charter and Gov
ernment supervision. The issuance of itb bends and the
collateral pledged as .security ha e been approved by the
Federal barm I .eat Beard, a bureau of the Trca'sur.
Department of the United States Government.
The management and control of the Ixiuisvillc einr
Stock Land Bank is vested jeintlv in the Fidelity iv
CelumbiaTnist Company, the Citizens I'nien National
Bank ami the Cmens I'nien Fourth Street Bank, all of
Leuis ille. The officers and directors arc experienced,
successful and representative business men thoroughly
familiar with the problems of safely lending money en
agricultural property. The Bank's management will
rest with men who, prier te their affiliation with this
institution, were the officers of the Federal Land Bank
of Louisville, in which capacity the; made an cniablc
record for themselves and acquired a knowledge of
agricultural conditions in the states in which this Bank
,vill epeiate. The Bank's charter confines its leans te
the states of Kentucky and Indiana, in which the agri
cultural dc elepment has been especially rapid.
These bends arc prepared and engraved by the
Treasury Department. The ct under which they arc
issued provides that: "Farm I e.in Bends issued under
the prevision of the Act .shall be deemed and held te be
instrumentalities of the Government of the United
States, and as such the, and the income derived there
from shall be evempt from Federal, State, Municipal
and Lecal Taxation." Tin esr,mptien i lause covers all
forms of taxation, cc1umc of Inhentainc Tac.
By a decision nf the Supreme Court of the United
States, rendered Fcbruar. 2S. 121, the constitution
ality of this Acr and the r exemption features of
these bends were fulh sustained.
Te Yield Over 4.60 Per Cent te Optional Maturity and 5 Per Cent Thereafter
Halsey, Stuart 8C Ce,
William R. Compten Ce.
New Yerk
Fidelity 8C CelumbiaTrust Ce.
Henning Chambers 8C Ce.
ffflsi ssri :-.w . ft.rr -r,. "!," i su? '.yuiw i"w?- " u; " , , t; , ",,. i"1" , b.tt..n., i,,-.,,..... ,.ntKie,i m ti,P ,iin,i I
Tb. Penniiylianlii ivnmany for Ins,irin )''r,' imh ' l' Htrc-lx. 'until '! V. M A filMirilc tinitllient for emit uas n ".et 'tr.l't,'lll'l "'TO-s HI tills inlnt. Ter lHHHMIMMMHiMM-i.i3MHa
for tlm redemption -ut et iiinneH u. In thA Je '.heVl'.f 'Win 'Ul HI i mhiiii at 1 nrt '''a "' ,1"'" I,,IllK n,,,1 ,'l'r(s 'r . J','" ... ,,, , , ',', ,, ' , "' , ' , ",J,lr.",B I -r - -
.lnklnif fund, at l. let i.rl.v ,, ,, Vf)' '"., h0 ,' .n'J ,a,,.i ' ,'in", u. V a .'liiiiin. lilt IieukIi tin' re.ll siMTLt w,.s In ',,'lS .." " "" '. " ,!N' '" '' tliilinli rnt'it'r I r, .4 1 ... '.,
ffiK" "heul" h" "J,lrf""'1 ,u lh- D1;,r Ihe V ::rsuml ,l "M ",,l'', ttP,u H,th 'xh....M".i.K'it,n,,'i:t'Vi,e1 C, Investment Bends
' ' ' i""i.i 1 111 linn iiii ii'ii inur t !
ll ititr rnmu herein ut efficiil, or biwJ en m(ormtien whica we rrgr3 ti rti ibu, ind ire ihe du upon in n we hife icttH in t r purehii I tneie boedi
is'hijiian'ii:.s en mvi:m VN'IJ
iil7 Chestnut t , llitlitillhln. la.
'TreiMXiilH for ulnUlnn fund of lx-hlh
CebI ami Nalitatl()ii Company."
Under the PlnKliui Kune pruvUleim uf th
mertgafe dated July 1. 11)13. notlce l
hrtiy given that tfin fellow Inu bend are
drawn for Pigment: Nea. 48. H2. 11H, 87-'.
BH7. 807. BU7. 1003. 1O0U. Series "II "
Payment will te made upon surrender of
Id bend, at the office of the Trustee en or
fter July 1, lll'.'S.
ANNUITIKf). Truitte.
117 Chestnut si., riillajcllil'.b. Pa,
I.l'llliill VA1-I.KY COA1. .l.l. O.
'' Npw Yerk. .ray liil. IWJ
The Heard of lilrai'ters of the 1-1iIbIi Val
lav Ceal Kilea Cenipany hae thin day de
Glared 11 dividend of Twe Dellam per ahare
piyalile Jul 1. IU33. te thnee utothiieMcra of
ihn company wlm ure holdern of full-nliure
riirtlllratta of ateck, icifliitered en tlie coiu ceiu
naiu'a boeka nt the clean of Innlnesa June
IB 10JL'. ciecka will 1 nialled
'V. J. IHIUI'ON. Secretary i. 'treasurer.
ce-rartneriililp herttofero eilatlne iK-twin
lelved en Khruury . nf. I-eula Tapraa
liavln ield bli imeeat In tb confeetionery
bualtMw etrMU QlraffVavt. Jebm Xlbei.
Rev. Geerge Macaulay Appointed
Aide te Rev. Dr. MacLennan
The llev. tlrorge Mncanlii), inister
of tlie l.ntnji'tiii niiuore iTestiytcrlen
Clinri'li, llnltlmnrp, ImH been appointed
assistant tu tin) IU'V. Dr. A. Unrdun
.Miirlciinun, pnster of Uetlmny I'retc
byterlnn Church. Twenty-second and
Halnbridfe Btreete. lie will begin blt
dutlti tomorrow,
long. The reu will inurkut ter $100 nml
me nsn uBKrt'Kutn js.hhi.
High Scheel Project Defeated
(Nlanllle, N. ,l May :;i, 1 a
spirited fcchoel rlertlun by Mitci.s nf
l.uwrenre Township, fiiniliprlnnd
County, In the Dak I.enf soIieoIIioiim',
ndveciitOM of ii new IjIkIi school were
tiimble te rnlly mitliclent support te
carry the project through. It lest by n
vote of 122 for te 174 ngnln't the pro
posed new school,
Ptnn Ctntral Pewtr lit. .6' c 1962
Lthigh Navigation Eltctric.6ri 1943
Haruoed Eltciric 6rr 1942
Serthtrn Indiana G, & Eltc.6l'c 1952
Phila. Sabarban G. & Eltc. 6c 1969
Wc own and offer limited
amount of the above bends.
Particulars upon request.
Reed A. Morgan & Ce.
IVMt End IVust Ulde., Phila.
Memlxra of the Phila. Bleck Etch.
Telephone himic. 3131
In Continuous Business
Mfstfttj atmiMirmi tree tj(un
301 Chestnut Street
Certified Public AcceunUnU
Drcxd Bunding, Philadelphia
Hathaway, Stene, Wallace
& Williarnt, Inc.
1713 Sansom Si., 'iilaflp'iii
Operating Munagceicnt et
Industrial Knterin ibes.
Industrial and Technical Invcs
tigatieri3 and Reports. Consult-
lnc Engineers te Manufacturers
United Statei Government
Sccuritica bought and teM
nt prevailing market prices,
16th & Sansom Sts., Philadelpkia
I. Franklin Hiwiri i Ct.
Certified Public Accuntant
t and TUIr UMi.. Muuu Baa-
I'laiudrlvbla, fa. WaalU W . liTc j
,t f
Mt J'
,.y. ktjts