. I "PWWPHHPHHIHH -tv fiJll Wl-ijts-.-'la. .W',L WM'lVmM iJl.i ijul v t U"j mi . t.WMEfij. jmti?.iu.wJj u imwte-iI s.iT.fi,--r Hflli iJ-WreW!Mn'MW!WI WW ----., --ww- v- ,, t -t,,r-- j- ., , . V"tK'WilJIT-ffJi3 i- J ' 7l - ry- - IT- "---I - ''-' , - " l' M " " 1""iiH -. --.V.iW; 'sa'i iJ." " i - - .-i ''je-f rwsur .-ci . 1- I"7" a . , ,, . --., f y,)' n S ' V u vV f J - e' ?Jiv v ' "--i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1922 w r- . 1 Sl MM Kit Rl SHUTS SARATOHA spniStlsrvTv. V SD.MMLK KI80RTH Hl)MMt-BKKSOnTH sttiATenA nriiiMiirN. a. H11MMKR RKHORTS JIIMMKB mcsORTM S K.1 (MIA HI'ltlNdH, N. V. NWV MINHOV. CONN. NKW I,OM)QV. (fey-y I'll mBWfwyr Iim mJBHBIB WWW iB bumimmwebtw nrmiMi report-. tei,,,, a-Ms-aj,T.MnA rPTWgiXTAWlA rENNMLVAMA " I k7 fJuixs'Jwite wv"'I7nwaMMiBr--Br''iVj:. j . ' .. . 'rur rr-ri imissBsissatfmfsn rt H M. V ' If t I If. : I SI II ft f lm & V f lm I Rt .- & t r- 1 1 i 1 The Call of the Great 322-Jt , .Qiktii .rm (.r. pa. Cataract Heuse temi w;1 af-,p,: all Indoor and outdoor spe-i j-nra;e. rates reasonable Heek eL A F W necard ". Sea Pin, TVrmct L-l Bunirta. : artrleUx rmc a rev-e wtuiern . n,,,..-,,,. tpeTiK srn fe-m S'ed V Water Oan S T trinnt HtKHKH.L. VS.. RIVFRSID ,'n1 wtel" Pert. Dane On the Delaware Table. Gar Knlaj Hros. The Laurelton rt,1h,n'- teams. nrt sue &iu.iwu coei cmfer home iu Acc.SO mr rd.te Hushklll Fall, blclt P ItcCa TOBTHAXNA, TA. rkirhrttrr ,Il,n- -n" tx. rlvat'en Teby " mei ntain iimir. pa MONOMONOCK INN Moantallihemf' OmUiik lletrl Cmre titetlen, Maantntnliemr I'k. nWn C5el' Tfnr s ltoetni vn-h rrtt bathx Heek:: H. E. & J. M. Gcininger New Meant Airy ;$", ,rt'jn?y I mnA. lmprriTfcint Ttkit llnrrr I'. IIHIr I SfcVSlbE INN Mt,:rn emfli reed !- 'OOKinc, roei unil rnii furtabl nnnblf II. C. SMITH ' CANA1KV1. VA. Yk Mountainside In "nes mi.urn III niuiuiiaui.iui. renn conterttlt ,,M rMenni p noemrw in ierc irer ..lm Villa Heme eomfertu tfued n.n un ,U,B liwBklt Sim. M. II. Mnlr M K.h Inn Meirn pn nrirtl and if rime med inn medtl.d ...!(,, h,.h g? farm products ,l.O t HAF CKESCO. I'A. Ilipir AWN Health, rent and p:a VIATUCi l-JTTH GoeJ ,abl, Me,j.rn oeklt Beannahl rutfi C. trr.KI.M5N rt nirl Inn A reined ra-r.l he'e cor. cer. jiBeVia " wn!.m' locked well sup plied table. rit- ei aTllcatten ST I aUpft tlTFF MtW HOITmV I'Vr a rfa u vier an" oed thlnga .te ea (H I. h()tj BH11THATPR P ?tTZ nwiftwater Swlftwater. ra. in awurwaier New n tnr tht lilt leaaei. JOHN H WOOOLINO MF.KNI llMI.U. I' WALTERS PARK, INC. IShMIKT HOTKI I i. iei" New Mararsen Werners illc, I'ennsjhania In the hear, f U j Uwlse M unsurp ibw P&i "rami t sl u fresh ut"bleH frerr our n 'i mill; fed hi k-- ti e i u i ai i -u feature of ear 'ii Tne heu'-s ! l'l u" phi I n-ii rs K. R rne hiwt 1 iu n- e -William Ten lntli-r 1 i- (Phene "10) slnklnc -prlnits" applj for upeclal rate err Decoration D.i; .lOIIN .1. IIIHNF1, Manager The Higniana s utn Mj, n a n ferloeliln; the fan-n.1-1 Lebanun S aile Th Ideal Place te pipend .Men or nl La -.a a tun Ratta moderate Open Jun lt Write for boeklst. He'-'i d Hj'al Cempa-.. J MewAitDrTtni'lilev SUNSET HALL enV'WJ1:-. '.:;, ibevj ei le. " ok rs leau li ard BUterlcal Lebanon Valler. Mede-n iirprei--ncnta. Superior table a- e l 1 e Utr. fiffiiide ;-;', 1 - M if'arrl P1tra rn itnTrat T-Cath Gerharf GALEN HALL" "''"'""k'?'- SCHHI.NKAIL1.K. P PERKIOMI.N IN" - M-1 -ni e. r,c Heat . txith. fl'' 'e r.-i dit c - e a Sunday chicken d'r I - t ..i - r . tella r. I naer. Preii . lienliHle Pi BFHINi"'""-"NT,'s MOI .! II ifie-it n rt near Phlla Ne I ir- t- l-n 1 View H P. t roll s'" Pa 1AI.IK1 lORCK. P.. WAMIIM.TON IN Chicken anH wn D nnert DAS1FL J XOemiEF-' Pme Ml. HKL1NA I' .. Hetel Conewago i"r.?,-"w" Oaena June 24 inss rer ritea addrm 1-. .i irn Prep . lwxnx i'ikk (n fiEEtlllT (eVrr.i:. 1 t - ie-- . home coeklri, iatei 111 pe wk up m flee H Par-Kins Vaanrn I'kne Pa MM-J.. P The Lancaster 'Iemv wn fnnah e ret. .... 1 J Vi Pe nnei V a - rates Informal in Hi iat an I tt Prgpa CiItTIKrORI. V -Xiralerferd 1Ie"i Al pit ihe Perk omen. j"" Aute tartie, CVl.ken dinnsra, Oar. Alrv rm Ph QelleueitUe 19 It 'J. K It iJ'irKKR Prt ? IIFIIIOKH el'ICINO, pa. EDFORD SPRINGS Oil a ei jnra' ns i ' 13ef feet nlT the ten Ii the istl tlie wenclerf d rnenr etn u ni Hplenilld oiiperiiin ( e for .e snd recrestlen On I en Hit-it I reidi Oteni, J ne irl M Ml I IS swi'KNT Msnsree ovrnniteoK. pa. Overbroek v -i J-. fs , . ,u P,V' '" 8'mmlns; Poe Tennla Courts Mrs Sarah H Slurphy imtRFni.i: rv IB mtiw of TUB MORELTON INN sirK.sT-iioeKi.rr ll noir rrndr for Uiemi Intrrtsted. Write for renj-. TOKKKSUALE. PA. AMAOANSKTT. I-. I. INDIJUM "WELL"INJSr aMMANITT LON IILAMBH.Y Tk$ Gtm Spot en Leng hlmnd Adjacent te Kasthampten and .Seuth ampten. Ileautifully appointed hotel heme. Hattilnc, Qelf, Tennle. Owner hlii minisemtnt This year avoid regrets by planning te spend these precious vacation days amid the weeds and health-giving surroundings of Delaware Water Gap Creace Stroudsburg Pecene Summit Mount Pecene Henryville Delaware Valley Resorts Fishing, Beating, Bathing. Tennis, Gelf and ether outdoor sports await you in this delightful region. Located in the cool mountain section of nearby Pennsylvania, reached in a few hours by train or automobile. Fer wide choice of hotels and bearding houses consult our illustrated Summer Boek "Mountain and Lake Resorts" Frer at Information Bureaus or send 4 cents in stamps te James Fister, 90 West Street, New Yerk Cit. INFORMATION BUREAU PHILA. J. C. DAWSON Commercial Agent 1302 Finance Building i I'l'im -itN t n SARANAC INN in the Hear! of the Adirondack! NOW OPEN AniROMrh. M0TTAI5 V. T. lur net llllOM)Ch boeWIrt und Infor Infer Infor m.Ulen ii(t(lrr (-e. . Ujun, r jr. l'Utl .urit N . Ker MOMRFAI-llT.llFC TOl'R kit ciililrr Te'irlt' llurrtti of Montreal, WJ HlrU tilde. Mentreir. ( andn i.xm: im-( n ADIRONDACKSi Hpr. thp I-.Tiipi i,rcvrr Ferrkt 'ra' Per(ei H id ielf Llnk " i n i" ur-s fti.a a " f fer'i s ' reirea'i u .i d d '-piirs ui i ri nia'Kp thp lt.i an I I'Ual u!!R f t e a .i.t "k -Ctl" I.AKK l'l A( II) lm- .'000 ft. alti tude: U M'Utlied i New lerU I entrnl I lne and Drift" lire mill Iluilnuii "trm, unci N en direct route of the 11100-Mile Intrrnn tlenul nte Tenr. 1 Bjyne -d i " 'tra' n a" CHAMnLK Ol- lUMMI.r.11, I nUe l'lncld. N GRAND i:S HOTEI Opens June 24 LAKE PLACID V Kl M -l It f" k ufi Mar - The lir-akrr (.elf Itldinc lluitlnk N (llili ll.uhlni; li 3 f" H - 1 11 ' WHITEFACE INN I M PI UII. N -i (liien. dune 15 !e-i "- 1 ni n-e- .1 I -nHNK Miliaj-r , "ierk ((Hire. Hetel t ulllnj-ioed II it 30th -trn-t ' ' '1 ,r ml l'a k li ' A. s 1 BELMONT HOTEL J' 7rrl; t ' r "g boa : ti-n,- rrr Mn 15 f ' 1 H -1 m.T Prep TUC PINF-N Cap 10) -sup-irer feed and x p 1 j-ca er'-iest a ine fc 1. i .araa THE HOMESTEAD Tn ;.:; a '-1 n ,-x e '-t al e 1 ei , 1 -j- n i . r 1. rdi.nii. -' i'KJL-'- N THE BIENN HOUSE "e " !'"J )M ii ip- 1 I e tf , I .tl ' JIl.V T-- PERRY HOUSE "''",.; r '" x 1 a I' a I I 1 rp a f -f c'ai X ' FKPY IIM I I POINT un lli.l' (HVXU'IUN N W-mm aBLJaSwMaL4JH-S HOTEL HAM PLAIN UfF POIIt OK lAHf CMAMPl.AIH,N Y OPENS JUNE 24" u iej DGraJi fVOr.e. J 1. 3 fiftn 1 , HOI TON ON I ,. (, I (Hll.I N -1 ALGONQUIN -N ,"v n - -rce se eel r r rote tea . p e 1 u hi e an 1 eer tli a 1 iK-i r ' ' -( jA j .. r , p. Ml M( II. N 1. UillllUiT kisce. N.Y. IIKI IOII KFST NI) ItlTI PF.K TION X f jtl j at I e- a Pre' rej r , a j a put tffe sj r TI rre c- i i lU- Me a i et 1 t -ivec i Jleti 1 j ' i ri'-i N "i rl t- 1 fe r 1 r ! 4D-T -Ol TH I l llll 1. 1, Daisy View Hetel r , '" 'r,T ' ifi I'.' I -i . - Mi r nl na n- hen n Je h r i (,r v r in M" KAItP I r p - l fij.c Ri I an I e VI NF.nreMit. v t. .- , . -.Ti --. ' k" Ham HeU3Q .7.7 .V T; tases eeetablee from en fa-m flr- 'able a I ehln Henklet I H URI- - fy TMIOR. N J mi i,KiicnritT i.nn . i.,rT' A i m ' Cap 150 It "mi en nui e ar li l i new mgt rene a - 1 un r nb e nth If met en state reud srasrn ta te D t bUlt C A Fa Ien Stamford Pel i r New Yerk Mult Htamferd-in- tlie-ratUilla, N , nr Hklt. und Information ivrhe Cham of Cem. KKF.NK VJU.I,i:y. N V. KKKNK VAI.LKY IX.N On Sable Itlee r. Altitude 1200 ft Mtn. rlimbini, tennis flshlnaT Cap-iclty 150 llak up Veiretables, milk etc. from own farm I Its boekleu H. VI IIIOCH. Prep. l'OUT.IFIt IB. -. y PIVE CUFF FARSIS. Pert Jenla. N. T.. en Del a ware Acrnmmedalea IBOi modern i 1 booklet, ci. w, snrxKrera. V mnvrr" Outdoors n i.m iiii;h n. . CATSKILL MOUNTAIN HOUSE On the Rip Van Winkle Trail BEACHVIEW, NEW YORK The Mnt Idrnlir Mttmtrd .Meuntulii Iteiinrt In 1hl I enntr' OPENS JUNE 29TH -l' "iJ ur mmnitr n' :hl thcreuch ntlun 1 etl o'crleokilic t lleautltu H id n I'.he- a Icj fur nir, inUts " i H a rs ' fureit" Iwo trnutilj 'f Mini p M'k lia'h het Hnd cold i .nn rs Kttr ectru HKhtB tennis heu. rt t'shlns ' uh h us th bow ir an 1 lil,tn-1 Ua c tu -t and lin rf p- pe np war kc H nN t -n 1 rin I nitip n tiuiM FAR FAMED FOR ITS EXCELLENT TABLE AND EFFICIENT SERVICE Ne notion rle ' r fatn ihs and " in n n ens n'a Iioe f en r t c Pub c 1 f Je r He r Bjriu UN K i1ilNllN Aft Jf IIRIXI'.CLIII MIMIK. N T r NOW OPEN ?l!ii s J0S0N list rwjxrA.ve9roHiwre 8RIARCLIFF MANOR. N.Y. NtW YORK OFFICti 342 MAOISON AVE llINI IAIJ.S, N. A Renner's Mountain Inn Open the, Kntire rar r " tl- j. .e- ar I ur Tarr -s f k a ' Jd ir.J (jenera nnfert in rta- a a Jl-J It H. P.ENVLIt ROCKLAND FARM ' . a - . -0 e i, ;- : ., i- ir.r ii ; ue " m r- 1 erarda- a-t - n- v e - i u- r-'i Heel 'c v li TM". He i Tr j N T UPLAND FARM i T ej 'no 'c e a en V . ,-. e. a at a Mr I II Ilt.li I'ren . Ililnn roll. N. . FSTPORT. N. T. E RSTPORT IN1S iN I hB CII.MI'iai i- "P "-r ari r r li-ae; nc 5 n k- In ,--i.. I a ha- n -s n- r..iri "i a Kuk JT CO Y kt II. I" sniTII. Me.tnert N 1 M. t.rin,r. n x Queen of 1ner1c11n likri LAKE GEORGE VILLAGE, N. Y. . a-a-jiMMe -1 raM r if '"thl w mi 1 k cm " 1' e e-'er f t, B - aa n r -id -i eni of ti nur 1 St"' 1 a-' eu jrd-i a' 1.1-id ef a-ii I i ite h t r i xie I e' hoi -1 a ' 1 'j h j- eitd m. uav fr--e I)ua-i "" ad .t (Jee'B-- V T HACU K ON IAhi; niORRF. V. X. Ileri.l. l'H()I.NIOert ...iel nr s Bt() t. -. .a "jrer cki th lae -ja-dvlcn Oc d it e ItafH -ens naliie Wr ( for Le k e Mr d.i.. "trfeteT.Has'.e en Lake Gecr .N PJ RJJHIJt.llTfiltFKVI-CO . N LENNON HOUSE pritr h. sw-. (.reene Ce Mede-n p.u 1-ilr-; e.ee'rt- ,'ghta a Mi l-urricn iv re, bath m Il4 up ui-'"-r 'liL 0l"1, "' ' ' I I'SN N t ki; r irR. v. i Lake Clear Inn '"'""af'- mi. u r 'r- a fshlrr ep H T 1-ti e- . i-ir I a e -'lea- ; T 1 Itll.NnS I IK. I ATATEKA CLUB Pe ' "iHll'l e e nrn re r- erdl I e en cj ii -e !,arH r et s nn r j -r i i a'h 1.1 Ilidirg- Uk t Mnlumr llre-i Prep., (hestertmm N 1 1.1 iiifrriiieN n , llltl MMXIIl INN 1 i en -.. un 1 ' ait s ear h li and op-n --ei ate e a Ma ilij Jure i ate i I) II I'M.MFK III IF. tOlNTIN 1 hF. The Hedges Xdlrendarkn. Forrnerly s Iur a i ir p New tpe--r r ir le - amp U. d r utn.,) Ii'- a'! A up r's 1 ul ra il' 0 Irryre- irims 1 eine 1 - . ' aie II e Mir r uki V Y Maple Ledge Camp "", '""' r 1 ttate c II r. imn r ""t n". Heflt f X, J alls if x a s 1 r. adtriiate Hriia 1 1 I A 'HMtD Tl LT(.ClfAI.N m:s7n.v. "J NEW NEODAK ' i' """" L-'-" 1 1 ha n Adirnn- Ja ' "t-en ij .i c, .v! tlihlnx. P 1 n li IJ 't-) Ni .T N T THE WOOD . T it. Fulton I Itai 01 -ited c unrin prep ROM Ol Mountain Spring Heuse linw- v i ' ' i a i lmi r emeni'Hn' I'm fa-i farm pr iu-tu sprlnK ' ' r i i a ic HI N'llV MII.I.KIt Tennanah Lake Heuse "e"-1". -- Acrem rr.T II ir) r i r mnirB nai.r i rruns a.-n f" eea e I ar 1 anl ni'.- spnrt-i t.'O J.'' II V WOLFF WHITF. I.XKi:, N Y THE EMPIRE-COLUMBIA ' II 1 e li I (Ml ( ip '(1 n ct.eaTra spi--i radio r i ,.ri, K isher It insai Ian a ne liiii.il.it i i Ilres Veith V "t TJiKe Sul an n, V T MIMifcTON JMA.NOR. V J'. HAUPTMAN HOUSE Nw t rnuj ace 175 faces rlier l-eatirc. fh lath tennis danc 2000 ft --lev ni-t in ' iix rvuinrr iiarni Illllipiinan Preii In ntilnn Main- Sul an fe VI Shandelee Lake Hetel ''nitn ., ... fc. Slaner. Hulllnui Ce., .N. l, strictly modern, i Ner ehurchea Apply for ratei and bklt. ROBT. JAl'ERNIQ A SON it Sir ", i i pii. n...j.jt.isermKKKKMi l '.'v teiifej 1 in& ICC 'li iUMS.a Original I )W s?lCa"- wSti AItl!ONDrKs, N. iJ.7 IW y-ii -- ii-y 'J TL. a .4R 4?. L- SrsvJriiJi j l.J.lR .MWj WEn WhaflMkvfX end Montreal-Province OuebctTeurs A VACATION spent in the glorious Adirondacks becomes L one lentf joyful holiday. It is in the air, in the mountains, in the lakes, in the scenery, in the sunlight, in the sports, in the diversions and in yourself. Everybody is happy in the Adirondacks. Hill and dale, forest and stream, pievide an abundance of rcci catien, while the pathlebs forest is just oil the read for the t-ehtude seeker. Hshin Hunting, -a .in Tramplrit cimplntr, Oelflni-'. Tennis Metering and I.eafnc t jour heart's iunten IIOIKI. M I OMMODtTIONM TO Sill Ml. trien- Heiie lake l'lncld. N. t The (tratid lew I.akralile Inn NerthumiiN Itin The Plitei The llrlmeiit la land Heuse Itnmn Sitin ( lull 1 he i leanuire Onl' Head Inn n sulilf. ( lul, Ui-etpurt Inn I laniicini lintel HUer-lile Inn lake Plicld. N. 1. lake l'l trlil. V . Like Plailil. N. . Like Placid. V 1. I ikel'laild. N. 1 hroen I ake N.). "ihroeti I ake. N. . lone like, N. 1. Ki-enr, N. 1 -t Hubert. N. . Meetldirt N. 1 Milium-. N. "iirniiae Lake N."i. llrrkile lintel surinii l.ikr. N.. iialilr( luisni Hetel, u sable I ha.-i N.V. Triuu Lake I eiIl-i frlmi I nke. N. . tli PIiIIIIii'h llniie laike llarrlt lliiusr rha Indxir Hetel The WilU lleiie Wntrli Heck Hetel Irl-nd'-tl ike N,. Newcenili, N. . ItniiM-i Point, N. A . Petter-illle. N . Xillrenil uk. N. . StlU ( riMk. N. i . Like IIehh- Fer new AIHIlONnCK llneklrt mid illnmil uk Re-airt irl:itlnn PL TTsiu .. !'n.r. V""""'' "'? Preilnre of Ouebee Tour llenkl.-t nnd Information npply te reiirl-.t' Unreal! of Muntre.il. 110(1 New lllrka llldir.. .MO.NTKh l,, (an Ida. -TVMFORII. X. X Lr:;5'M 2000 ft Jr ENNrSl .&,n Ac TCiKeiiBrf li I SLi, A Resort Beyond Comeare kVAikk'. j.. vstn&r?rx- (IS1 III j rmvM. "trheis ferynsmeipelliciinpletn ummer dehghlfulneM "iium moienog er Milking Olll.nce one v. ill tiua Ibtpl r. lien la the migalfireet iceeer-f 1. mt Slamfer I. Miiun tsiei, sslleri, uoedi, lake end ire.m, lute len l lusted fc ntture te entlll. Sttrafenl 10 be rlaned si O.N K (IF Till! Ill At Tt SPOT (It Maaei alia for lla eibilaralinr sir in ne-,,.r, d.er altrsctieni Teiinla. Baie Ball llel I ion le.ml, Canoeing, I Itting, Mountain Climbie, Hoteriog, Kidleg, etc. Ouldoer awimmieg peel, -nunc, daecla-i, teurtiaizieiits. etc . , 11ASPOin 1H-IIOLI- (.OLF tOl'KSK Th. Attrscdn ( lob Iloeie at th Ceunur Club It tester ler aecial actlririea for -which Stamfeid la noted Pnr-hairs of michledli. can be ten.mlenllT md. at city prieaa or lata at lb. numerem en te dataibepi AUUKtia AY ur llltSE Lasaelt- ( hurchill Hall 300 (j-cj Court Inn 125 Vicithelm - -100 New Rexmere Celd Sprinur arm Inn Kenda Plate The A'chinsen Ye Olde Delaware Inn 75 Hetel Habsna Hrrucelanda eO Ilrejkljn Hall GU Hetel Aicatar . . 40 Klmwoed 30 Villa JeTerscn SO Maple Aenue Farm C6 Valle View 25 OeileyVllla 20 Vli'a Belle Aire 20 Prospect Farm Heuse 20 Jachlvn Farm Hetisn Chateau da Maple Rest . arr Idlcwlld Cernell Kenwood Oreenhurst llul Crest Hel edere Farm He jse l.loneui " hour auto trip from .New ra or Philadelphia all stale readi nwer Mohican Trail tormKle III(hwaT, and Hip n niakle Trail 31. Imult Irem New Yerk Ma h eitsnerea i uiera 1J.1 ll n 1 1 o-etij-n rullnl8n k. for mnner loierroation e- oiemteri ii Krnt, aiip te ITsmbrr (OOPFRTOUN- N I nrni, vv 101 rii-iarr in i -mmfM -y" --M-lswtfY --vu B aV wv aas"a 'tsj. .a-Sa-aJ-Ha--a Saratoga Sprinas, W. Famous fera Genturtj as a Health Resort- THREE MODERN BATH HOUSES Hydretherapeutic Treatments of All Kinds With Naturally Carbonated Waters MEDICINAL WATERS FOR INTERNAL USE Owned and Controlled by The State of New Yerk STATE SUPERVISION INSURES PROTECTION All Out-of-Doer Sports Twe Gelf Courses 27 holes; Twe Bathing Beaches; Tennis; Horseback Riding; Charming Drives Twe Free Concerts Daily in Park RACING DURING AUGUST , . Fer information write Publicity Bureau or N. Y. State Conservation Commission, Saratoga Springs, N, Y. sassssss&ss&ss frmUS MHIlONnACKS. S. Y. w rrr euv-yf.fcrT J Wtt 1 li - ' - ii i J 7.sJ --7 k. AdirenaacKS PLIl-l--. 11111 IIIIIIKI.1.1 AIMIUI.-3 Inlet ( linninliiln lllllff Poliit-en-I ike lilinpl lln, N.Y. rt.Mlllliiin Henri Hetel. Lake CecrKB. .i. lintel larlnii. Mnriuii-eii-l ake diiirKe, N.. Mlhirlll Hetel Platti.liiin.il. N. ( mnlif rlnlid lintel Platl-lniri-h, N.. I lis iliethteun, N,. I llibrtlitewn, N.. FlUalietlitewn. N.A. I lirnbethtc-.-.u, N.. Paul einltli'it. .N.. l)i-er Up ! Inn ,, . , .. mInr Hunfrr'H Heme Ilrrntnnnil Inn I'mil smha Hutel I he H nrtlen llul. I iiierlriin The Rurkuill Iltairnld'a -nrnti)Ku SprltiCH, N. . Snr.ttnirit -iirlnica, V.I. (leiiM 1 -. 1 1 -a . N.. IiIciih I alii, N.. . ... dlen Vails. N.l. Liirrne, N.". Xllinnt, N.. . sriiiiiMe, N., Itlin, N.. Montreal. ( an nil Mnntrr il, ( nnailn Mentn- il, ( anndi lintel ItlllllTe lalile Inn The Ten I.rk The Oniindaea Hetel I tlri Plnie Meer Hetel Kit Cnillnn Hutel Indoor Hetel I lie flll--nn II.iIaI iieiitreai. innnd t t. K X, scc.. infnrm - itlnii until-, in (.I'll Hi.ll N I NTXMFORD, N. Y. LiMi P tli.S ffelv Cre Naitball Tiam IMMtlOA fur tha rnmnln. ,nln.n.nml !,- n.-n- n. HOU5ES FOR TERMS. ttDteltr Capa-lt, . -til . 100 100 50 60 . . 40 . . 40 2C0 Ini-leilrle 125 J,ew Oram Heuse 100 Madisen , if hanhurat PerladeCuba SanfenJ Ledge . Rese Cettasa lerrv Hemesleid The Vlrelnlan 25 Rennie Vlew 25 Craft Farm Heue 25 -0 Far View Heusa 2) '.0 Mt Utsaanthalarmlnr2) Vi - - .rrirei an J lluaien Hiver ami teiistfe-i r of Cemmeri.. ( OOPKItTOM N V. V. IlfliiBl,SStfaneH AneieueactS THAT tElje tt-saga en UT5ECO LWE, COOPERSTOleVN. N Y. UflLLOPCM FOR T1C SCASON Saturday, July 1 22 UriDCH TH rVKSOttM. nVSMKM-UIT OF ME. CkWID B. PlvUMER BOWDOIN PtUMES Aliwearrt ssAis-aeu rinwvew; office "mt apua; 425 nrni ktl TEL. VANDERBIIT 027-4 -n i STf Hll--j-gg-AHCINGI st--' tz Sl m m iMimcm&Atmtiri Sj . -"-iVilii HJL'OUf TAJt'lSi jKSr XH ; 'fHi aSb- iRV , ! .. ..Mm.mj'ifvKVX, M 5H Sira f '-srJfifilMllMI . f-V r,-?!f -Tl iaVTSTI r 'MM J I jbii l-WTMK-y':inar'fi aTv ft "mmX ill Oa Line sA i.niNdNTON maner: n. y. I irhHnan' HnllftP T-Mnrnten .Maner. N. Licniman s neuse Mf)(I HunKnr(an Kosher t w i fnrm. nniueementfi outdoor it'iewer bitli awlmmlnit poe'., boeltlet. riRMNI.. (.KKKNK CO.. N. Y. CENTRAL VIEW HOUSE VrUe'lr;ea N. T. Ace CO. Kxcel lable Ilatlilmr. flihlnn: tennis court, baseball Held; near cnurcies and amuiemente. Illus tl-lt Wit. VRALIE eBKEvwirn. rexx. "Ely Court Heteh Greenwich, Connecticut On a high rldije oerleoklnij Lene Island Mntind 11-ith with evpry dnubln room. rill from our own Mdernev herd euo eue tnbles from eui nanlen lennlR court". Plai:rnunds for rhlldnn. "Motertars meet nil trains. Opcua June 3 XARRAOAXSKTT I'IKB. R. f. The Imperial Narragansett Pier, R. !. OPKNS JI'VK 24. An exclualie hotel for dlicrlinlml tnr people nt one of America's. Finest 8enlile Resorts. POLO, flelf. Tenuis Hnthlnir. Dine Inr Well kept Stat" Hlchwaja for moterlrK Fer reservations nddresa JAMKS E. (lAMIUUY. V-NOi:it. nrrngnnaeit t-isr. iineue Island. WAT( II HILL. R. I. THE OCEAN HOUSE I Cottages, Annex and Ledges WATCH HILL, R. I. i W 1 receUn miests after June 10th Formal Opening June 17 WIHTB FOR I'A.MPIII.I.l . . ItoeklnBs Xew Made Wnh , J 1' tHAMI'I.IX. Watch IIUI, It. i Miff YOIIK Ol I'ICK ' row n & Country S West -10th Ht , OKtCII IIMIT, -Ili. lln Die L'ile of the Urran" Hetel Preston AND COTTAGES BEACH BLUFr, MAS3 0irn for Ihe fJen Jun- ,'l Held PifMnn catrri tn a ( -.scritntn-Jtinu patren-ice rn nrprcmt the tnmfert- of fit appointed hem ifm Llrtfd with lht efiuipmn t modern hotel. This rem blnitten anil It-t uiTb ntlen make Hetel Tie-" n th "lUpat Ilffcert lleui Mrmcmfnt of J. A. silhRKAKII. Pre n w inirr iiehert HjmittoxiJtetfl, Uf rntnd i NORTH SCITt'ATF. ni'ACII. MA-.-., ClIfF uriTFl. AVI w" C01TAC.I .NORTH Sf-ITl'ATK nKXtll I' st Ollce Jllnnt, Missachuetts "en Tin: e( i:.x irent" P nJs Heich Safe Surf Hitblne de f and Tmnls saij1H Herset jlid'e lh no P.enty of tca reed The ChurlesRatn eiie of Ilonten'a Un resldenti il hotels un li r same mnmiKcment. Herbert (. summers HoeklU BERKSHIRE HILLS Greenock Inn, Lee. Mass. M OPKN 100 li rnN nnariv hII (.enn,r,t lth bilh 1 ei i rt -liei-rl nr hpatra. FREE GOLF ?,V.,fiV Rates 1 1 (0 up, American plan UoeKlelfl un n-IIUrlt. H a PIEUP Prep WHITE TIP INN Near I ui'i I ih-i A delightful summer liems In He Ilirkshltes, home in'iklnc, horn, nimespher Writa H C I.IPPI.N'C OTf MMtllLI IIKlt -MASS. MARBLEHEAD. MASS. New Fountain Inn, Marblehead, Mass. Opens Mm 'iOlh, Wli, under the same mnna-temeiit ni Inst ear. Reems elnule and en mite, ullli or withect prhate liaths. 1 utile the licst rtrr. I. 1". AMIKRSOX, Proprietor. 111 I.I'I.hKT. 1IAK-.. "Till: IIOTLI. OM'.ll TIIF, HIH" CHEQUISSET INM Wl.l LI'Ll.Kl. MSS. 1 O.N LAI'K ( OI Yachting Bathing WATLR -5 S and Lake Fiihing Tennii Bewliai Billiards Orckeitra C.IWRdi: II. MOHAX. Manajrer lloaten Oltlce. 8 Slutf Ht Roem 71 I'lTrsFIF.I.II. MASS. Breezy Knell Inn Directly en l.i l. Pontnejue. Plltslleld Mass Tim most hcbUtlful like In l'ie HerkRhlrns (apailtj 100 Reems with or ltheut rn vata hath. AH rooms with runnlna water fisraaa In connection. Ileatln-r. llathlng, I (lelf. Tennis. Hoeklet, I M. Rockwell, Prep. SGRISWOLD Eastern Point NEW LONDON, CONN. OPENS JUNE 17th. Personal hospitality and aeclal charm assure hapcy days at this most refreshing of sea- a- shore resorts. Most important yacht harbor en Leng $V K Island Sound. Radiatingcentcref beautifulmoterroads. ( Njvl A la carte grill for motorists. 18-heIes Shcnccessett Country Club music and horseback ridins, sea bathing. Brokers American nr Kirnhi'iin fclan Jehn McE. Bewman . -N-T-a6 Prttidtnt " yT A- "4 aV Earle B. Carley r,MS---l I Kl C. A. Jtidkins - I tlTTl B-1 k aaVsMr Managtr jBK. aBBTNaafi Boelu'ngti The Bilunere, New Yerk. KHfHTuM 1 r "7 1 nmKfinirfiTixsrsiAws. ukrksiiirk hii.us. Ma. " BERKSHIRE HILLS Motorists Gelf er8 Trout Fishermen Only nine hours by automobile te these alluring Berkshire Hills Nine golf Courses in best of lurf. Mohawk Trail, Lebnnen Mountain, Jnceb's Ladder the three great scenic mountain high ways of the Kast. Thirty-two thousand acres in State forest rca. v.itien--. Great Barrington, Mass. BERKSHIRE INN Stockbridge, Mass. HEATON HALL RED LION INN Lee, Mass. GREENOCK INN Lenex, Mass. SPINVALL HOTEL (Opens June 17) CURTIS HOTEL Ter Free Read Map.-, Beel write abev Chambers of Commerce in Great Barrington, Lcnev, Pittsfield, Adams or North Adams i - m I'ALMOUTH. MNS. almeuffi Arms m reTTiS. A - m UJEKa-ti-III FN. y JE. i ir ii i TTiffaiar-'fj:-4TiriurriMh" -" '--i-a, .i-.Tr-.ir.Tr ir:i.f3. N.?pftmra r UM-JuifTuaiiBV' a-v . r hit fr--- iv On Tiuzzaris&ayMyaimeTrtfijnassacRuseitS' Di.iidiiTii i.i. sirrrhi e.n historic l capk cod OPEN FOR THE SEASON JUNE 20th MOTekinC Oicr splendid Rnad II TIIIXl In Water ATerajInr Tl FIslllNl, Frem lleat or Shere and Alwnm n "Cnteli" T1.NM. On Our Well-hept ( leurU , I. Ol.l Weeds-Hole Country Hub nine in te en. i Excellent Cuisine and Service r. u l,'Irra?v".y""?',n,Prn.1 Far Henklet nnil Rule. Xddress D. M. HEALY, Managing Director HORACE S. CHASE, Boekini Afent ulj WaMi.ncen St Ilosten. jrass. --vi'--M-ll-vs9qt-i-----------------------it''''wse3ansBsssHS'Haae--Bi'HHa J'LIMOI III. Miss. "Cape Ced's Finest Hetel" Mayflower Inn Manemct Point Plymouth, Mass. Will Open for Season, June J 2th Rates Substantially Reduced Try the New J8-Helc Gelf Course Fer Reservations Addreu CHARtES D0OLEY, C0PIEV-PLA2A, BOSTON P PJ'M0LTII ins Hetel Pilgrim NI HI NOMOMs 5 .-r PIAMOI TH. Ms. rfrt Tfern fiutorler m ommec'a- ''J ' " ' ratei which nre h'Bh -..''" en iii.1i te InsnrH tie list In n'rMce anl cuisine "Ift-hole tulf course ULljelnltiK- h.'el (.rounds Open lime 1.1 tu Sriitemhrr 1.1 ManaKi'inent of P. I". Urine Un flperatlng Hetel V inlerhnr-r. nnstun Jl N( HI.sTI.lt. X FRMONT w ORTHY INN In lie Itrnrt of thf Vn liiirsriKB Green tfeinm n liie ie(jiii- with et without 1'iiHi e mosquitoes Liiri, Opens f til I n 'iin)nl KiUUKt.- i e ii .. 'r. leuil tiieiiiitaiu niriiiu -Hay .itii tiuir t nnU himtinK, ,, lutliuiK ll-ilillipr, suililln tl Jh (, -' meuiii i ii i lintbltiB, il uirliiK, IhmIv tnotei teitrj-i Wrlti-er wilt ri MtiMitiens I.AKI.V. Tbe Werthy Inn, Mancbeitcr, Vermont Jumtt C. Jtieun, trunk II r fcdtr. Mamtur JSciltltut iir. MANCHI.sTFR IH1MOM EQUINOX HOUSE 01' I.N .It Ml 1(1 II iiirliestrr-ln-tlie-MuiintalUH, Vermnnl N V ItnekliiK Olllie. ',' l.iit 4'uli st. POl LINI.-i. f. The Colonial Inn Z ,"Ifnleli:S; fhade hi ills, hiied t il li icur It It Hnd tr ll KiO i-uests send f r teautlfull lm trued hoeklei, modern imiuewrmnta SI4 00 te DO 0(1 lles I. ( . I . I I ON Mill, MBr. Ill.TIII I HIM. N. jMTPLAND TERRACE Bethlehem (White Mt..), N. H. J Tier I , .1,, , h , - , , ra, - ac oiumedatii 3'(i ult ,, e uree fr. in ih, nr , n, , , , ei nls nub fumui.1 is hi , v siinimer sports iieaires hi , . . life ' FRANK H. ABBOTT & SON, rp,i, of golf at famous .1 dancing. Tennis. ( A office. i v Bilfmere Cutin A jy Pittsfield, Mass. MAPLEWOOD HOTEL NEW AMERICAN HOTEL SOUTH STREET INN WENDELL HOTEL North Adams, Mass. RICHMOND-WELLINGT0X HOTEL Williamstown, Mass. GREYLOCK HOTEL WILLIAMS INN ;lets or further information e hotels or m w f FALMOUTH. M XSS. v jft-jg--- riAMOITH. M.-J (HOtOKl . N. II. HOCORUA INN tHOCOHl A. N II. ) I.RLOOKINO (HOl()Rl' Lhi: In the Heart of tbe Mountain Rrclen This well ipielntal leiel li weilh of "onulderatlet fei ins auinmer out nir Ilettlnt- l.ail.lncf. miiuntlur i I ml) rlf ei,n , Krnce. On main read te pretten Weeds lloeklct. A. II. ATWOOI), Prep. WIIITK MOUXTAINS. y BRETTON WOODS WHITE MOUNTAINS, N.H. THE MOUNT PLEASANT. , Ortf.sJune: ;ul--Ciesca qtebcb n THE MOUNT WASHINGTON.- 0tss JJlfi- COSS rtlDDLCQCT - CJftOOT. I ( 0 Ntw veuk aoeaiNO esricg - a43fl"v. Maplewood Club mtT"n.Eii. Inf nt Fester Travel Serv're. bt'iwbrltlfi ijinthler btere. or N. Y nfflce. w ' 40th IL FRANC ONI miHTIMTfl.L .N. H. IrorestHillsHetei FRANCONIA (Wbile Mti.), N. H. l.-en conienlence for three lun4r BueHia. Under Hatne mananeinent as a" Prtiilii 1 rancenla Notch, N, " Fincil View Ent of the Reckiti li(ll.r TKNMS UANTIMi RBW (nttUKei. bungalows, hundreds of "' ni inwn-i nun rraicrfinL luiiee .-- v: rti r Mill for children. Pre .ren. rre-wnr rai" t.viknv tW'U -tfrNK 10 H'rlt'e or Illustrated Felder KRI. P. AII1IOI1. (.encral Maimt" JI.FI'KRMON. X. II.. KldllTI'.lCN IlllI.K (iO! K OVRK NEW WAUMBEK Hetel and Cettngci JEFFERSON. N. H. In the heart of the White MeunUlM ii:N.N'ld FP.IIINtL UA.N-.-INO. UAR J tttA.NK f, eilirrK. General -"'"a,-!' s-Z r?sialaHMflWW e-lV 31 l.l'l 1. 1,1.!1.' I.IIII'IW if? I Met 1Mb Alre-M. -'k l rVM "y vi A -"StYl"''l