r:v EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PklLAfaELPEttA A, WEDNESDAY, wtt 'Sir 5 922 p --. i rV't'., NEW DATE BIG BALLOON RACE ! NORTHWEST SCHOOL GIRLS IN HEALTH SHOW Urged for U. S. Pest L 1 HARD NG VHT! W START TODAY, TO VOTE ON STRIKE Other Brotherhoods May Fellow Action of Track and Shep Empleyes GIRLS' Kl UPPER feei k- ... ..... . iLTtfl t . wemmmee or hifty ter hair and id Army, Navy and Civilian , M" Man Who Held Yeung Women in Chains Still Evades Pursuers Union League te Ar- , Pilots te Try for National , range Time ' Distance Recerd i TO INCREASE DIRECTORATE JWO TRY OUT HELIUM GAS' y w ", ' 4 M VT t Vnv. e RESENT WAGE REDUCTIONS t&Kh TeVi WW'XfrIWf "' """IjV- I 8"'' 4 ' -r i tiW' iilr.i j ' " ft- Mr V. I r fr VW H 1 !' (?. President Hnrdinf; will be Invited te dedicate the lte of the Srin,iil-nten. Jtlal at a date tleeWil en In- tin- -pe rial eenitiilttee of rlfty In rlierBe of the arrangement- mid the 1'nieii League 1'lanH recnrdlnc ati 'nvitnilnn were Slwuwd today at a renfcienee between enater Pepper and Rlrhanl Wegleln. president of Council, in tlip latter'" effiee. When dedicatory reremnwe were flrft considered n feu week nun tt wa decided te held theni .Tlj I and i-k ( Mr. NurillnK te come here en thnt date. the innti en terra ilrma could jiidcc YTerd wan received, however, that a , tlm thp final dostlnatien of most et celebration at Marlen. O.. thp Prel- the air travelers vve.ild bp Southeastern I dent's home town, at which he will be Canada. .the honored jkup-! tnnde If impe'b e As tbp Meiianr,K of oubie fee' of for him te romp te 1'hllndelphla j;as and Icmni 'trtigjlcd te leni 'W I Subsequently, It wn learned that Mr el.'iitt bag fteni the ground rope tne Hardlnp tnlghl niir.e h'-re at a Inter Called States Wi.ither Hiir.'au. whuli I tlntc. At today' eenfereiipp Sena or fnt a mips of p'tlal t:enn here ' Pepper told Mr, Wcjtlrltt the President presnnit onto the condition of th" up nad been invited here -c".nil time per a!r. teparted that the bal'oen we.t'.i' , te partlelpate In v-artem ceremonies eneeunt r a u.nd from the northeast a' but hnd deelined, ' " "tart, but that tiu would change te Mr. Penner vild the Premdetr had n Ind fiein t'ic southwest ai sreater premlecd te be the guet of the Cnlen I.eagup en his firr Mit te thm citv In order tint the Chlpf KipeutHe ma) he able te keep hK word In this con nection, It was then suggested that member." of the Committee t Vifn r" ccntlv appointed (O-operate with a committee of the league with a uew VTIlltlllll HI "l III' litti- . of t.eleetiiic a date for the detention. '"c uarenns are of a waterproof, float at which limp the President . euld ,i'e nb'e type, arranged bv the pilots In be the eiiest of the Ctiien League Action along that line will be started Immediately A pageant showing prog ress of the pit) in all lines was s-ic-R3tei' today in conertlen with the ded ication. It was learned that a resolution nk- Ins Federal approval of the Scsqul- rVnK.ni,inl ill he iiitrnflueerl in the Uxiim nf llnnrpc.iiintires next Mendnv In view of the general sentiment of members of the Heuse, its passage and adoption arr predicted without de'a. Plans for reorganisatien of the Se.s- ...l.r..Hi.nl L-vlilkltl.ir, Vuvnrtlntlnn will be discussed today at a meeting of thc Beard of Direeters In the ltellevup- Stratford Decision has been made te Increase the membership of the beard from twenty -five te tiftj and names f additional members will prebabl be an- Bounced. The committee of six headed in Setn- uel Ilea, whleh ha been delegated te select UiftMener fill th that the year he will be the target f.1P leminine wiles IOWA K. OF C. DEMAND RESIGNATION OF FLAHERTY Resent Philadelphlan's Attitude in Pelletie." Case Des Moines, Mil) ."1 Kesunatien f two officers of the national ergani- ..i.- r .i i- i u i t i i utlen of the Knights of Columbus- J. A. I-Inherty. supreme knight, of Philadelphia, and Jeseph Q. Pc'letler aunremn mltc-nt nf nsfnnn ,, H... landed in a resolution passed by the Iowa Knights of Ce'umbus at their an- eer.d K tier courts of Massachusetts, und while his ?n"C :ytfr:WS brT T rr Court of tha State James A Haherty SaKnt krnS,iv!,iih nh'd,h!l "W statement in I e.umbia the efbdal erfan of the Knights of Columbus te the effect that the court was being in- fluenced b) religious preiudice. we deem It right and proper that James A. Flaherty make a nithlie npolegv te the Supreme Court of Massachusetts and lta members for his attitude and srate ments expressed as his personal i!em and net these of the erdei. "Representatives of the Iowa State Council te the Supreme Council mee--ln are instructed te demand the im mediate resignation of supieme Knight riahertv and Supreme Advocate Pelle- tier and te rc as a unit en nil n.ar- ters tending te remove these officers " THREE CHILDREN LOST ' 'WHILE VIEWING PARADES . . wneiner funuers way rrem us if. Parents During Trip te Zoe -e. , , , , "three te nine eurs. wet. found wandov wandev lnt around West Philadelphia yeu-da Vy the police of the Thirl) -,-ecend stievt and Woodland avenue station Three of tne children followed Me Me Beris! Day parades, while the fourth wandered away fiem his parents the' a director general or i luef com- travexi tile greatest rltstance. bur were ! ' """ """' "" " m three weeks. He was fifty-two years 'Ihe anest of Arthur Onrfield IIuvs. , is stl 1 considering u man te uisiualified because thev landed in the ceived with manifest disappointment in old. His father, the U"v. P. .T. Mewrj , nn aide of Simiiel 1'iifrrmn.nr ,.n.i e pest. It was intimated today eiean after being unable te make snore ' I'eruvinn circles. The meeting ended, wa? for inan j cars pastor of the Prcs- , representative of the American ' rivii it may he seieriil weeks before a wi.en victor) seemed within their grasp, i, .irt,., ,,.. byterinn Church In Chester. Mr. Jlewry . t itirrflea TTnir, i. i.j.i .i . ! aecisien will be reached. n . n,. ,-, , , ' . ,. . , became connected with the Delaware ditien ns flevcrihefl ) lr ink V . Te Try Out Helium C.e.s There were indications thrt despite t,.,, c'ei.ipatn in ISJVJ and was ac- 3",.' dcicribetl b Mr. J.eeb to te SHIES ALFEMALE WILES rZZ'SS 7, l, XSrSSi 'Sr'ti 'SSS 'i'.J" XVSSOX mnr. b.', wran u,i. inenev or honors of victory. These two of arbitration had been leu open byin,,,) n sister. His funeral will take ..?-. J ,1nt0",jnlc- Keylock and Celver, mere Prep s Weman Hater b - Jnflntc, wUh hAliini the cp counter-suggestlens en the part ! pace from the res dence of his brother- ?he riX " '? b' m'nP ,e,,Cra,0rJS ! !hf ' 4 Pupl's of the bwnr hmere Prcpara- ilPst frPp balloons te navigate the air 'of Chileans. 1 n-lnw. Colonel J. A. Campbell in , ! iL Tl?lt, ,f frcc lKh wnfl nl'&l tyry Scheel held their annual mock thr0UBll t!l Hftlni: power of this non- mm Chester campeeii, '" i hat admission te the posteffice in Itev- 'tlectiens Jast night, 'icerge AN lttmer. , lnflnmmnb'e substance, which Govern-' santin-0 chii0 v -ii iBv lock was denied, and thnt men were h NinThTseV'WllPCeS claim will r,,olutlenlZe p.xTchncau V.eve?,, men t will , ' Mr.. J. M. Beiberman "A. P wfonfeb oey .n tne scnoei. .leuiiie i oehidi. , tp Mjj.nf n( lighter-than-air craft. '.! that the orerointv of Tnenn nnd ,, T ,, ,. ,, - . , V ur automobiles approached Vin- J I the sensational boy sprinter and feet- The W wa, bretlghf her(1 ,n g XtwXTe h a nlrhUcUe as ' Mm. J M. Beiberman. thlrty-feur tendale. wc found the read guarded by 1L b,,i tI "?" lJe(:1'lrP, ,1hp ut.hIete scores of small tank much in order of arnvUM for under' the rcan'ef Nnr'en Snr0,d' cl,Cti ,,asl I,,fbl nt ''.'f 1,eme; ",.!",ch ,ewr-. whlf,h " equipped f.-ndIsHpRr"-n. captain of the base-) h , k b ,lhTsicinnH. i P" v".p,? ref "" w.rntinn i v!!?' ,2t '"P,nt,r '""e. nfter an illness of with a searchlight and telephone. At "": all team, was unanimously pronounced ' The nilen nf theae shitTel I the -' ?. " W,U . c nrb,iir(1,lnn en ""' l"- a few hours. She was the wife of J. M. the approach of anv one. an automobile ? Philadelphia veuth. Herbert S.hh-Tfffi,- 'abllite? Xf ' S C P ZtT arbi- ' Vs ' $ ir&lrSK B- . and Bertrand Bess von bv a slight '"ent which i will be jiven a thorough , pregrM. 0( the negotiations in Vnh- Al,en Frlel of ewneh!n necessary papers c' M.Min !.', ... .. .in .u. i . i te-r The Uevernmcnt has maintained ...... a ,... .i: ;,.ii i.ni. Alten JViel i lienicniini in the ,wi. ewiirrsnip. u ...., . Mitt iu in ii ir n u in ' ' iiiKiun la iinrfDru 11. null nil i I n. 't .. ..., . .......... ... ... - ,- , ual convention yesterdaj. The rese utlens fol'ew were un cxniosien resulting in casua I en "cuna".V. ;.'-.' -""'" ' " '" "' e:cciricai engineer xer ine v.1111111 iruc- ..b. .. '. "i"j u..:' ,.- r.es .."'"!''.".?'".. . ..,... I tlnr Cemnnnr nf this eltv nnd Heed in ' ir ii i riii I'll, i urn iiri'j 1 1 hhf-i ivnn ii . .it.Tn t anj i ari --- -- --- ----. ----- --- net of th supreme advocate of the there were reports teda) that the Cehfn US40 s rraikin ft l Tiega. He was graduated from the nights of Columbus. Jeseph C Pelle- ate i;iun et Wisconsin, which stands , J""T,C .T'MJf,. "W .,.,:i':t."u?1 "' '?." university or rennsyivaniu in iwj. hnd bcen eninnlnlnnd nf n fli te lese about Sl.i.UUD if there are nr. ' ti.,. t.. mhVV V n tnZ- .. Jn,i rtjli"5t' Zoe. All wen leturned te their patents. rt" e in. iw. in niv eii-iniiu ueiiuni) S'SSf mine cnrsi old nf Ill.V' N'nnii 'I'hh-il f l "" " ' .---... .. '.-'Mrftl; Muiie Miu-p, thrrr yeais old, t?;,''. i-'i Ainivfiin Ltrtttr u ii heh i T.ite'! ,'ni.vmi "ivit( M unvi (I Ssttll, rears old. lItl Seuth Urayleck and Ivlv'vard Capellc three' .veins ue, Mid she h.ul followed u piuade. nailer, who was found at Pert.v-t.Uth street and Woodland avenue, and Kd- ward, who was picked up near Fifty- t eighth street and Chester avenue, also aaill thev had followed nnrnili.!. t.' V . !f. itxj,,m i liTfaal. street, aapaiAi "iv fi mni.i -...,., ,,( .u.i . nrnv n Bka iin i . i ii i ii ii & t nun ' uir vs. 1 1 i .j m . iierr.Min mu - !.. art. Htennen was wit h h n tiurent nt the i r route, commencing en itfue street r,..?.J."". ". "" l1."';"' V . nmli a the (inclenr KrlSoe. lind wandered away He waslnt ni.lith. moved r.n Ba.e street te Teent l, S, e,anr. N J J anu ""' i eident te Mich an ,f, 4" ,v found at Feny-thlrd and Ludlow Bread, north te Spring Harden, west jrv J yeeiker. ea N chew h, . nd i The chamber of KjW Streeta. Marie, who was found nt ' te the l'aikway. eit te Clt. Hall ,-:""2. "r,'"I" .--." I. '"! ' . were crowded, and th f FertJ-iifth stivet and Woedlnn.l m... i Snuate south te Chestnut street, east I Mari a' xinmhm ana A.wi.nn ..' na mens adjourned JkwVi Bey Hit by Aute H,f Suiyei-lng from cuts and bruises of rl. W J lw.lv Willi..... It. .III.. '."& . . . . uar.i - ..j . i m fmv . ...m .'"ij u eimiM .uuiiiii. l-ar ikmJ i ir- WffflVw& BBf'asJ.vl. st- I- J. S'saSiiv , T i&- ft uT,A.aaa.vvi. (iii"iii- KS.MW. J'"" old. .T.'ii .-erlli Fifty. rifth iconeuuc i-jperis wiie win represent Mrepfan r,2js iiaTei ve. -"" iTehn 1rrrr Herlackcr. son of Mr. t Ur!' .' Jilxht was admitted te the C.rrat Britain at Ihe Hague confer-1 winn-!drhri.i.;:j smuum m and and Mrs. .T. P. Herlackcr, of this city. tS&,Wsaf ' I'M addinhln C.enpml llnmnn. ence en IlUMian affairs WCre announced I Bdnl . trhell. 3 till Nawxlrlc at ?"" !"' ' 1j i... f ,!, i,;.li. ,5 BgttMp llMpllBl. The lad waa struck j by Austen Chamberlain, the Govern- ,G,?J?J.a r; iiiT.caaf,'. s,naN?lliSth,.t 'nd Geldthe monthly publication of Ash. HflWiVr Mi) 'lii-mii about Ojlfi. o'clock byiment leader, In the Heuaa of Commens Hi-nry s Kersuaen. 450 Eariham ur . and jnd College. Ashland. O.. nnd will as- Eab,voble driven by 'Wallace Hub- yesterday. They will be Hilten Yeung Lg'g f rV.L4U4CsUinA JifA sume charge of the cernmencement m, HMll'liJrl. slrHt. ntar Fifty. siath. 'and Bir Philip Weyd-Graeme. ,J a5i 1703 wn tiaSi.," l" ani3 SIary .kuv, , tn nreiw thl. week. ' Hj the e,lnle(l Pre Milwaukee. VI.. Mn !U Thirteen balloons today tupfied at their moerlnr leldv te ret '.-mev nt .'! .!!fl n'l lei k thlt Afternoon In the thirteenth national balloon rare, whleh will deetde the three entrin nf the l nlte.i Sr:ite in ine In- tenia Mann rntitexts te be held in Svtt- crlmul In AiiRtj- I While thp enur.e of (light of the pilot will be dependent entlreij upon the whims nnd fancies of vvlndi thou- i ' nntN of feet above the ground tnrti- c.ifletn rnrl today ic .e fur ns alMtiirie were reached Such wind" would mean that thp hie ga -tilled ba?1- voeti weiilil takp a steady Hunt north eastward aoresi the Oreaf l.nket and ; Inte Cneada ' Seme Ignore Nafetj PTer.U nf tne baskets nttaehed intipipatien of a nessihle forced land ing in en" of the (treat Lake, but ethers are ju-t tlip ordinary woven reed tvpe. whieu would fill with wnter its rendilj as a sieve. A few of the men who are daring the perils of air cur- I rents theunndn of feet above the earth , will hap outfits for eatntilnc in easel they peme down in the wilds of Canada. but ma;erit are siicriticlne such fa "-vs of pergenal stfet. in favor of Jigh'er eijuipment whleh might hcln lengthen the (light Indifatlens rvere that the weather WOlllll IlO fe 1 ullOll tllO Ill-St ITflS hft J wa released, but thin meant little te 'he pilots, fe- they fully realized thnr at nn point they might encounter ter- rifle terms. All admitted that the break of luck would be a gem' factor In de- ulins the winner, pointing, as nn ex- amp'e, t(. the ilight of the American 'viet .Meuibern and en Hnirnviu in the l.ist international race when they warttme secrecy ever tne invention, out ir is snid te b" miraouleus rizhring the eivillan pntrles will bp hrec army balloons, which were put Inte hnal shape last night bv scores of sol- " kcnt lR,rt! psl'Pdally for that pur- 0S(" . itauoens .ean in.ea The firr nf the e.ineeiallv censtrncfed cas mains te the starting field w.ls opened at midnight and early today all ; .th, balloons were niieti virtually te their limit. Whffh,r ,c pllb:,n weuI(, be pe- mined te view the start still was un- decided curly tedav The local gas' I company j i.cru.n reiu-ra 10 IlirniSIl M. If .nnKtllnm r .,lmlt.J .- .k. i stands, the decision being made when'w1,rr Huntinsr S3 N Drhrirn it nd attorneys decided that the cemnanv would be legall) reponsible if then'! , Ppetater- would admit the p.ibhe mains .,r, or I b :?anj s n" ";'.' tur,"'d efr- blit t!'e Mrc The fi , ba ern ,e ,,ke ,r w.ll h, .'" n,r. ' 0a'n"'? ,0, ';' f v. -tl be the smallest entr). that or Key Den- auNen of Sprlngtjcld. Ill . of .-,0,000 , ? fer' raP "V r'ie ethers will , "" '" 'nJ :,,"" '"A.0": . M. or " '" ''".,?v;- U hinBten. capacity. SO 000 cubic feet. Halph 1 psen Dureit, i, 000 cubic ie.r Captain Jehn Rrr' fHlO cubic fi-Ht St. T,euis, 76 - I.le teniitit Cemmauder J V Xer flee, I.akehursr. J V. S00 cub! '" Lieutenant r Ker.fi r'en-,acrila ar T",(!'ll,."'b"' f"?I ' MeKibben St I.eui. 77, ."00 ' 2&i'Rr- liri- coeo K.eTf ,Xc mST tenant N'oem is the son of Mr and urs llenry .I eely of I'hlladelphiii. i (!n1P,'in Hnre'd 'Weeks. I.nngly , Fiild. V rglnia. Ml. 000 .'uhie feet Bernard Ven Heffman St Leuis PO.llOO cub;" fret Ward T an Nerman 77 000 ruble feet rkren. O II K Henermll Sr I.eijij cubic fei't. 7 000 SHOW DELIVERY METHODS Change in System Illustrated b oirrfweriage a. viexnier i 'lv ,...,,. r-.t. i,i ,u,i !,... ,...!., ,i. .. ,.i. .,..'(.,. U- .(. I1HMI I 1 .1! I' !. WfiO .III,) the nrw. the StrnubriUKe A. Plerhier ' hien ntMfi , Ti inu-iPSTinf tifirnf r th. - - - - - - " -ei '"""'M "I'll .irternoen . iieiitn or mounted pe'Ue '! Munulpul Band headed the 'te Fifth street, north te Market street, wef-t nn Market treet te Bread. ' In the absence of Mayer Moere, the parnil lrade was reviewed as ir passed ,e Riraiibrldg; & Clothier store, by Irecter of Public Safety Cortelyou and i the T'llr .u- fM..'. Ana.MF,. T,..An ul .- lu; """ e " "ii"' 8uu.nr, " cm. I, Cw-ar ru.. u ftsMMWita unuaiDii lnden, May 31 The names of the --- r - . ,; - v . , r' --- .-,, -.. v sw .v ...-.--. ...v ..-.. k.,.. ....,,, . MBmktL Hmru HI ;S.yTv 1 v ;" "aiiiHtW.rviiBiViX. 'Jr ' V," 't jKTm.Knn mtit' -s .vi. rt-.imvm,J'jtim.&rwjmeaB!.i:i: ' j s -mtm mtmammi 3 nm ',vi'?Timsfv " vt n,$:i&r xz.f: v. v.,aTiv i i r iiii,v.v v MMurscsttkix - - 1-:' " i'1 '''''-Mill 1 iii'i iiaBn'itwffrWBaWim liiS&'i'i'i'Viii aiiSSSSeaKSKSS Pupils of the lll.ilne Scheel, Thirtieth nnd Nerrls streets, mted health CHILE TURNS DOWN PER ' PROPOSAL ReejCtS Plan te Arbitrate OnrPrial Parliament for the southern di- Plebiscite for Tacna- i Arica DOOR IS STILL LEFT OPEN lt the Associated Press Washington. M.iv ".1. An unfner- able reph b Chile te the Peruvian pre- pnMli t0 nrbitratP the sovereign! of ... . . , . , , , iarna-Arlcn is understood te bin e been presented at today's joint seslen of the Chilean -Peruvian enferenee At the close of yesterday's joint meeting nf rhp Cabinet r.nil the Ferelen foreign Helntiens Committees of both cham- born, under the chairmanship of Presi- JH ln,wl.l .l.n fnllftu inn tt i m . i raent wnM B',vcn out. "The President and Ministe- of Fer- C1K Helatlens declared dutltig the mmilnn rlmt i!it- Imrl rlt.fnnndeil l.nnus ilint nn nmlrnhtn solution of the I pending divergencies could be reached. The Congressmen made cordial expre- siens in the same sense, cengratulat- fng the Government en its manner of handling the negotiations." - - TOHAY'3 MAKHIAUt Ulceca ,. 'tirVV," Z11 v v; 'V h Rese Ooe.lnn I jum rtsv M;w m , . ". vrs" ,V - - i ft''. &f,LVMifW':L',!iIKl. "f11 ' " ItFXv&W A ,)lViiTn V, 4Il(1 HrM ,.1ICU( 4U1 w,minste- , Ctu h aoien :u..i x Mi uni 1U '".!.. 2Mi N a. "", v..rv mIcMuimp. iDanw.JtmSr- nd , ,,hi'l?Mr',i"Sf,'sJ.5.in 13'ih-.h ,,"',d M"' ' ,"L' lV&' BJJ.,.2.5 vVik.'i .. .-.. I Ar.'a s Krat: 0SU Klnnevi.nx av i iteb-ri Tirku 1J2S i::..i'ertn t . nd Kniina W'un'njien. 13JS Hi'nbr.dse t. Warrrr. r VV'a Ve- lien' Sttn'en Pnlla ari Alire F IJiehl Irfhlgh CjLnn I Genr II Ilruiteh i royden Pa . and Ann O Titchflnell Cioyden. 1 ntpt Talta lt'31 H Me.p ' and Ad lu rrula Cltti h.enu 1.117 D.iitmian s,. uesai.u nenitnru ii.'j ,n -tin ' Kthe. Km Tiin s r.,h nd Jel-n IlM&.d 1100 P.ilrrT ' and Anna M. - 1100 Pa mer ! r-.n.-.n P .Sptfck.r J441 N M-ha.l n trl Mary A CeuKMIn, 8ls V Iljntuitf- Reh..rt VV Plerpen' ,M anile C.t and Ida I W P-rry Atlantic ritv llValtr O Alln 112fl Edi:y t and Mar I th. Trout (inm Qlrard ae Jehn T Smith flll'n Otn,ect at and Mary J Kruaer lilt Hrlrtire I '-hirlej Uaril) 34T N Orlanr.a t I I-lz." e M M'ller ISL'R N 1 8th t Sattme M Unr 211 V Hamrs at Kathfr(nt .V VVhaltm jje Hydnry h . J n. WrlnatiMli 401 I.ain-aster ave ' Kuthnr lleldhrr 4?17 TVa nlif r.p.1 ava and and and Je'rk M.iH.atil ;i.1 ;: 24th a' , and Seph V.,r!- i.13 N .'Isi t IArJr.- Mone.l'ian H3.'0 (iaul m and Aina i-futiaK" e.iiu iiirnmena at i Jehn A. Jnr.s ("arndsn N' J and Kather Mrtritartfren i amdin N J Da d Cot rr rtll I'anjiink ave . and nttj IVateliti 2441 j, Krent t I in U.inde (.OH s. Ortanna sr and l.a I DeHher 027 Mar.ten at ' Thmnna S.e.in 29KI Rlne' I at and Ne - l B C'amrcn 1311 N 11th t Hf-man Snyitru an 242ft H !0lh i , and Paiillnf H'anl'i. mill Mifflin ai al'- r' H'jsh I.ar.rater, Pa and Ml! drrd T Palll T.J17 IfultunnrA uu IIrr (irfnwnld 1.-..1U Ci'.xn at I: nma Wiemann 1,180 KrU y a' .Jhprwf.,1 KellheJtz S72 N (iSth at and and A 'ul v tt,, Ws l"v- " r ii ma i4 lummrr mil uun lan 'ni) and Mfrpd C VandrriTlft, ,122 V Vemica t . and Laura J De C'rav .12' .V Vncdaa it drill I. rnsicr. (1501 Wavne a and I.aerne C , rrJ.'?;i''c1JKeJ U? N Camae at " and I wffl.Un KuZl ?, dKimlra armai. iejs imen at. jnnnann niui ivijm u9, William (' Haddock J r 102.1 doth ave . anil Helen 15 Oermlav l..A J Mark. 2S20 Svaeuaharn mes. Lincoln drive isainryn si. iirumm i iiHiisin ,. a teaini T f . , . . r. Je?ht!? B n ..Lind. Meire park Pa i The Chilean reply, although nor con 4 v a &.W. ,Vt regular May Day exercises Deaths of a Day JOSEPH McGUINNESS Active Irish Free Stater and Mem ber of Imperial Parliament Dublin. Ma ..1. (By A. P.I-.Ie- seph Mctfulnti'vs, tneniber of the Tin- islen of t uunt l.otigteril, dleil teiiny Ills election te rarllament in uu i while he was s-emng u three-year sen tence for his connection with the Kus ter rising of llMrt, hcliied pae the way ) for the Sinn rein's subsequent sweep! of the country. He was n strong advocate of the An- ! gle-lrish Treaty and a member of the; committee representing the Free Staters in the recent arrangement of a truce I between the contending factions in the i Irish ltepublican Army. . Jehn Reger Mowry Jehn Ueger Mewrj, assistant treat- ; urer of the Delaware Trust Company. I died Mendav night in the Women's Homeepathie Hospital. Up hud been t tieti Cerps in the war and cap- tnl'i et tne i ntneiie Mign 5cnoei root- b.'.!' team in llUfi. died Monday in San Jacinto. Ciilif.. where he was foreman n n fritft crnre. ITa un s I wp n t r f nn r Jf-nrs old. He was a son of JehnFriel, li.W Wallace street. His death was fiem heart disease. He was unmar- r.rd The bedv will be hreucht here fei burial. Arthur Bewers Stttzer Kunernl services will be -enducted for Aithur Bewers Stitzer. of Orange, N. J. vice president and chief engineer ii the Rppubllc ICngineers. New Yerk ' 11 v, tills afternoon nt 1027 North Bread street He died Friday in Al- toena Fer manj years Mr. Stltrer wa chief , Ellen Hume KUrn Hume, for seventv-nve vears in the employ of the immediate family of M.i I.ldla T. Merris. Pine and Cemt.. ,en streets. Chestnut II 11. died )ester- (av t that ddress She was in her nit etv-feurth cirnd un u til a short time ace was cenmarativclv active. M'"" ume was bein in Ireland and came te America with her parents, who were among the early immigrants te the Province of (juebec. Mrs. Rese Qermley Mr- Kose Germlcy. for five vems a Diobatien efflfcr in the Morals Court. died Sunday nt her home, 1)01 Shacku- mnxen street Her husBand, who died several jears age, was u sheriff at City Hull Mrs. (Jermley is survived by four children. Hec, Jehn, i'heiiuiH and Marcellus. She will be buried tomorrow from the Church of the Immuculate Conception. Mrs. Betsy Ann Wyman Mrs Betsy Ann Wyman. of Wyn Wyn (ete, ijied nt her Croeent read home this morning after a long illness. Mrs. Wvman was the widow of the Jere miah Piatt Wyman who enducted a r,:tauiunt in the Heading Terminal for eais Funeral services will be held Saturdav afternoon at the Wyncote Presb)Urian Church. BALFOUR SEATED IN LORDS Heuse of Commens Adjourns te See Gorgeous Ceremony Ionden, May .11. ("By A. P.I There was a brilliant scene in the Heuse nf 1-nr.ls WNferilnv nfternoen wlwAi llin Harl of Balfour, recently cieated a peer bv ls!ing Geerge, was formally seated ceremenia s In- occasion. peeresses galleries e Heuse of Cem- temporarily while old frlenris nnd nelitlcal nuseclntps rnahpd . r ..i. V .!, nil,.ili. ii.i.l. '" "V, ';" l"" """"""" "nuiit nmsnini1 n'li un me "i"iun m.urict robes of the new i the Earl of 'of Kclbeurne. ns robes of tne new peer and bis spen- r uerey and the Karl the precession passed ' rhrniirh ihe Heuse in accordance with ",,, "V ritual. Philadelphia Bey Is an Editor "& . A ! "? tKiH - -l?"5 ItietruHtun with patriotism In their CHARGE COAL MEN Rights of Citizens Denied in Cambria County Towns, Leeb Asserts SAYS HE WILL BRING SUIT , , , . . . , , An 'lmc,1 cnniP maintained by coal operators and interference with the rlghtM of cltlzeni are condition esist- ing in three towns of Cambria County, according te Clarence T,eeb, an ntter- ney here, who lias nist returned from ... t ... .,,,. ,, ,,. ., f '" ,,Mt " "'at section with a party of lawyers irem .ew verK. Finally we drove te the frennrnl store of the Vintondale Supplv Com pany. Here we tried te get n permit , HY.?.. " " pIe''c of 1'reperty owned by illiam Welsh, of the Executive Committee of District Xe. 2. who was in our party. Hays Questioned "A number of men came from the supply house and started te question Mr. Hajs. They were headed by a clerk of the company named Arbega&t. While the discussion was going en a number of armed men drove their horses en the sidewalk, all about us. and one of them whom I understand was released from the Cambria County jail less than three months age. accused us of starting a riot. When Mr. Hays get out e his car Arbegast tela1 him he had 'better get out e town.' and the armed men pushed him back into his machine, al though he was crippled. "Wc went back te Nant-y-GIe for warrants against the guards for com mitting assault. I went from there with Itesenberg. n man named Guver. and a locomotive engineer named Ceeney. te Revleck. which is en the outskirts of Evansburg, the county seat. Here we were finally allowed te Visit the nOStOffice. nlthnncll .nn.llHnnu similar te thee in Vintondale existed. The armed men, of whom there were dozens, told us theie 'was a strike en.' nnd kept around our machine until we had left the town Outside the town we met a family of five who had just been evicted. "At Vintondale, we found the read blocked, and went in by a side rea1. A long freight train blocked our pass age, but Ceeney gave the engineer's sign, and the engineer of the train backed out of our wn.v. We hud fwe constables with us with warrants sworn out by Magistrate Harnish. Mounted Man Arrested "A mounted man rode up and a constable told him he was under arrest, but did net attempt te disarm the man. Twe mere were similarly arrested, and Arbegest, who drove up in a machine, drove away when he heard the warrant served en him. The constables trater nlzed with the arrested men. and one of them went upstairs In the store te make airangements. He came down and ashed if the men could wait a dav, as they were paid that night. Ha.vs said 'no.' nnd started upstairs. The minute l,e had gene a few steps, Arbegest came out and demanded his arrest for tres passing. He was taken into custody In I the nrmed men and locked up. "Justice et tne Fence itluett. of the town, then appeared and Mr. Ha.vs was brought out. "I find ou guilty of trei passing and fine you $5," said the Justice, "but I won't lake the money, tret out of town. Hays refused te abide by the decision, nnd we left. "We understood another Justice named Daley had held the mounted men in $300 hall for a further hearing, al though they should have been taken te Nant-y-Gle We are going back Mon day, and will institute proceedings te impeach Bluett and Institute an injunc tion against the town of Vintondale." 'Dry' Agents Raid Wlldwoed Places Wildwood, N. J., May .'II. Federal prohibition officers, with the assistance of local detectives, raided two liquor dispensaries yesterday. One was the store of Jeseph Iluftse, liurke and Arctic avenues, where 11 large quantity of liquor was found, even though Itusse'b wife fought with the officers while her husband tried te pour it down the bath tub. The ether place raided was the home of Hamuel Harris, West Oak avenue. Three Phlladclphians were ar rested for having flasks of liquor. . v 1 &, HAVE ARMED AMP n.v the Associated Press Detroit. May .11. Officials of the T nftcd Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Empleyes and Railway Shep Laborers today begani preparation of strike ballets) te be sent within the next few days te the 478.000 members: of the organization throughout the country nnd te the approximately 7fi,000 non union men of the crafts who would be affected by a strike. The brotherhood members, with the non-union men, will bi asked te vete en the question of accepting- the wage cuts of from one te five cents an hour recently ordered by the United States Railway Laber Beard In Chicago. If a majority of the brotherhood votes in favor of n rejection of the decreases, P. F. Grable, grand president of the brotherhood, with headquarters here, is empowered te issue n strike call im mediately, setting the date for the walkout. v A resolution calling for the strike vote end ordering Mr. Grable te take, the strike step In the event II Is sanc tioned by the membership, was passed late yesterday at a meeting of the brotherhood's executive council, com posed of all officers of the union. Printing 550.000 Ballets A strike ballet will be mailed te each person nffpcted by the reductions, it being desired te give non-union men working beside these holding union cards nn opportunity te express their choice between continuing work nt the reduced figures or suspending their efforts. Presses at the brotherhood's printing plant here were set in motion early in the day turning out the ballets, it being necessary te print mero than 550.000. Union officials expect (he last of the number will have been mailed by the end of the present week or the first of next. All the replies arc looked for by the end of June. If a strike la dcired by the membership such a call probably will go out during thp first week in July. Mr. Grable said. The wage reductions ordered by the Laber Beard become effective July 1. The resolution calling for n strike vote was adopted unanimously. It was confined te the mere request for such a vote and the empowering of the pres ident te call such a strike if H was ordered by the membership. The F.xeeutive Council, in a previous statement te newspnier men, had de nounced the wage cuts ordered by the beard ns unfair nnd unwarranted nt this time, holding thej represented a pay slash of 111.- per cent for the average maintenance of way worker. They asserted further thnt the cost of living had net depllned mere than .'I per cent in most instances throughout the country. If n strike should result, all me chanics nnd maintenance of way em em peoyes en all the leading railroads of the country would be affected. The only exception, according te Mr, Grable, would be empleyes of short line railroads that de net come under the rulings of the Laber Beard. These crafts cemprlsipg the brotherhood's membership include mechanics, section men and foremen, track men nnd their foremen, bridge builders, painters, coal chute men, cinder pit men, all common laborers in shops, and all carpenters. Other Brotherhoods May Aid Mr. Grable expressed the belief tha: ether railroad brotherhoods also would conduct strike referendum within the near future, and declared if the ethers voted te strike the maintenance of way men would join them, in ine event the members of his organization favored such action. The hrothcrheod's financial condition is the best it ever has been, nnd suffi cient funis arc available te conduct a strike, the president said. He declined te state the amount the brotherhood has in its treasury. Mr. (Jrable said he based his belief that ether unions might takp a strike vote en the attitude shown at the re cent meeting in Chicago of representa tives of the railway department of the American Federation of Laber, ut which he said sentiment was favorable for 11 strike vote in the event of wae reductions, Chicago. May 31. A virtual ulti matum te the railroads of America through thp United States Railroad Laber Beard was presented by the fed erated shop crnfts. representing KK).000 railway empleyes, in a request yesterday for a conference with the beard tomor row, when the Federal body will be asked te take immediate jurisdiction of all cases in which railroads are alleged te he disobeying the beurd'a orders. If the beard declines, a strike ballet will go out at eucc te sdiepmen all ever the country. With a further wage cut threatened in 11 decision expected te ee handed down by the beard en Friday or Sat uiday, a third question will likely be placed en the ballet, according te B M. Jewell, head of the shop crafts. Twe questions, 'one en alleged viola tions of beard decisions by letting out slop work and the ether en cllmina cllmina tiet of time nnd i half, for overtime, have already been autherised for sub mission te the men. If another pay cut is authorized bv tuc beard, the pending ballet will un doubtedly be converted into a triple barreled strike threat, Mr, Jewell said. It was regarded as certain the vote te strike would be overwhelming, as the shepmen already have n vote te strike in their pockets from last year's wage cut. The Executive Council of the shop crafts will ask the beard immediately take jurisdiction of disputes en ncarl'v seventy-five railroads. Shep work has bmi contracted te outside firms by twenty-two of tliete railroads. r Jewell said, and fifty readi. have illegally reduced wages, he declared. PKATHB HKYKIl -Mai HO CYRUH n. IIKVKn nelallv ainl fr!rn1.-, atae nil organisatiens ei unirn ne una u nu'miwr, inviiM ir tunxral srlrpi t'r'day 1! P M l)reellv at Inn lute n-nldencf Jlflment office, Vtai ralrrneunt I'arl Internum private, OIHEHSON May 30, lOJL' MAP.Y, widow of Jehn N Olhfraen aired 80 ra PunTi,! bilrca Ilda. 2 M at tha rmlrtrc of hr aen, IVank P. (Jllicrsen. lOUri N Ven Plt at. MAtlKK. May !. MAIIV J (ne ItcCal. Ien). MevHuife of Daniel Mager In hr fiOih year Krlat!v uml frlenila, inembr.ru of Altar neclu nnd Htur nf Kunalnulen Iidee, Ne 37 O of B of II. Invltnl te funeral Thursday H .10 A. M , from her luta resi dence, 'jstu ltnudlnet at. hielemn leiiulem maaa nt Church of the Vlaltatlen 10 A. M lntrmenl Hely Htrulchri- Cemetery Kll.I.I'.r On May .10 102:-, HENRY KII.1.KY runeral nervier en Saturday June 3 at 3 P. M ralltnce, W. G, Helt .Wen read Ilryn Mitwr, Pa Interment Lewer Merlen Haptlat Omettry J"'"" "' WANTED IADY'S IJIDINO HOOTS, tan. alza 7.,' M n.t'1. -uigrr 'ill ll n UIST AND FOUND MAtsujvu; jmajik, lout Monday cienlna. Call Oak I.ana na.lT n. Rewar rd. AI' A RTVI KNTS yVn.VIHHED APAHTMHNT, furnished, r, rooms nnirhTTh geed location J, vy...f'renln Ard. lOU HETF'vi ANT KD1IATb YOUNCi MAV te work In cfflc'ej no i.oek" keeping, but must t accurate at flrurea and able te writs a aoed lattsr: atata . perlance and salary expected: geed opportun ity for advancement. I 830. ledger Office, ?.W &j& $& vdtS'l vy ,W! i'Srt MRS. HELENA HILL WEED Connecticut Congressmen urge that she be made member of the Civil Service Commission CORTELYOU TO TELL OF lWH ! PLANS Will Send Letter te Council Out lining" Proposed System and Ask for Funds LETTER BEING PREPARED A letter addressed te Council ex plaining thp synchronized trntfle control plan will be prepared today by Dlrceter Cortelyou. of the Departmpnt of Public Safety. Tt will be presented te the ceunellmanlc body with an ordinance providing for the appropriation of funds for establishment of such n system. Councilman J.imeburner. cnainnan of the Public Safety Committee, will in treduce the measure. Councilman Limebtirner said he would call a meeting of his committee en the bill immediately, and in view of the widespread support it has received in Council expected it te go through with out n hitch nnd be reported favorably te the Finance Committee. Superintendent of Police Mills. Chief McLaughlin, of the Electrical Bureau, and Director Cortelyou have gene Inte every detail of the plans nnd are ready te npnenr at the meeting of the two ceuncllmnnlp committees te' explain hew the new system will add te public safety and greatly decrease congestion In the city's busy streets. Superintendent Mills has based nil his plans en the centralized system of synchronous control by which master tratne towers win Hash the signals "step and go" for distances of half n mile or mere. All tralTic en the main I streets will move nnd step nt the same time, nnd precious minutes which nre new wnstPd by stepping nutes nt almost ' every square in the city'H center will be 1 sliced off the running time of motorcars nnd trelle.vs alike. It is believed the new system will permit motorists te travel eight or ten blocks without in terruption. The Department of Public Snfetv has made exhaustive testa by running auto- mobiles ever the principal city streets during the rush hour, und believes it can cut between twelve and fifteen min utes from the running time of motorists between Olney nvenue and Seuth street. On cast and west streets like Market big time savings are premised within I the distance between the Delaware and I Schuylkill Rivers. RAILMEN PLAN SANATORIUM Brotherhood Convention Indorses Proposed $1,000,000 Fund iwi'"" ..,,. .... i i L-a i lit. 'ill ler every member of the Brotherhood of uniiwny -iruinnirn iroueicd with tu berculosis will be provided January 1, through a plan indorsed by the broth erhood In convention here. The plan calls for n Si. 000,000 fnnil. te he llRPil In m.fnl.lli.l,l, ., sanatorium, and for n surplus fund te provide iri-.uiiiriii in inc meantime, mnnthtv ns.sessmenf nf luAni c cents n member will be made beginning eepicmucr i. Jehn Grlbbel Improved Jehn Gribhcl. former nresident of rln Union League nnd nn authority en Scot tish literature, has se far recovered from his recent illness that he will be able te return te his home at W.vneelc witnin n lew days, according te his son. Walter G. Gribbcl. Mr. Orlbbl was brought back from Flerida two weeks age. and since that tlme linn been under treatment in the Women's Homeopathic Hospital. His renditien has been reported as serious, hut, ac cording te his son, lie is suffering solely from sciatica. Modern Expediency Suggests Several Watches. Fer a Weman The Jeweled Wrist Watch The Jeweled Pendant Watch The Sports Wrist Watch Fer a Man The Pocket Watch for Business The Wrist Watch for Sports The Ultra Thin Watch for Evening Dress J. E.CALDWELL &Ge. JewjiRY - Silver - Statienehv Chestnut and Juniper Streets Inexpensive Dinnerware 108 Pieces, $45.00 Wright,TyndalevanRedensInc. Reputed the Lamest Distributor of High-Grade Uinncrwar 1212 Chestnut Street CAUGHT ONCE, BUT ESCAPED Iy the Associated Press Lincoln, Neb., Mav at rri, "Oct Brown!" rcseZled hTrJ Vdfv when thrents of citizens took up the chase anew for Fred Brown, alias eSS ' Grimes, former convict, who was e. turcd, then escaped after he ad kid! ' napped two young women in Omahn neura. hen '" C,m,nS th'"' ',' Brown's bold maneuvers In cludlm- ' pursuers have, aroused the spirit of chase here. First he captured ami ' imprisoned n man who tried the rel"0f ., rescuer te the manacled women BtetS had Incarcerated in his shaek. Th? , with posses at his heels, he calmly ve ' pUnrser8tl,eBllpinaBcoreefy,iagVbt ,. A woman made- BrewnV, mempnrarr capture. Mrs. Velet Dingman, a hi. mer resident of the apartment builalni In which Brown lived, following h! i release from the State pcnltcntlarr i seize, the man and called bystanders te ' help her held him. A revolver deterred 'i these who heard her cries from Infer- fering and Brown squirmed free and4) Later, with mere than a thousand persons back of him. Brown entered " the room of Jehn Uyan. sixty years old S forced Bynn te cook for htm and r ' malned mere than an hour, resting from the chase, keeping Ityan constantly cev.'-t' crcd with n revolver. ' "I get Inte n little trouble in Omaha, ' Sunday." Ryan said Brown told lilm "and 2000 pcople are down there tryinr te get me." He motioned toward the ' window, from which could be seen a ' portion of the crowd searching for ' him. yit When Brown left the room Rvan no- tilled the police, but the trail wis lest. ' ' WAR CONTRACT INQUIRY 1 GAINS FAVOR IN HOUSE j in. A Jehnsen Decides te Seek Authority ' te Begin Investigation Washington, May III . Prospects of a congressional investigation into eiccu- , tlvc procedure in the war-contract cases grew prcceptlbly today, with Indica tions from Heuse Republican leaders that they would net question the au thority of the Jehnsen Committee ea Expenditures in the War Department te conduct an inquiry without the p- I mission of the Heuse. Supporters of the proposed investi gation by a Select Committee, te which the WoedrufT-Jobnson resolution would nave ueiegatea urean powers, arc gen erally conceding defeat of that meas ure in the Heuse Rules Committee te- ' morrow , although they profess te es ' some hope in n possible hitch in the plans of the leaders who oppose it. They regret that the somewhat limited authority of the Jehnsen Standing Coui mlttcc probably would eiler obstacles " in certain phases of such a probe. Friends of the alternative pref ram of investigation by u standing rem i mittcc arc wondering whether the Ceta 1 mlttee en War Department KxpcndU tures would net have authority te fellow ' un 11, .lilil.i I'l ui -.uuiiiii i . .irvjt wi vqlepcd in the War Department en into the Department of Justice, where Re presentatives Woodruff and Jehnsen ' (dinrge there have been l;iity and favor itism in prosecutions. Mr. Jehnsen was firm in his deter- minatlen today te seek authority t ; morrow from the Heuse for his com mlttee te Investigate, should the Rules Committee leveisc its action of May 8 in voting te report the Woodruff reso lution. Leaves $10,000 Estate An estate valued at $10,000 was left by Margaret Cee. 0400 Overbroek ave nue, vhesc will was admitted In pro bate today. Fred llartman. 001 West , Tiegu (trcet, whose will was also pro bated, left an ctntc worth $211,000. An inventory of the personal estate of Mil Mil eon Phillips, valued at $1:17.201), was filed. UATTRESSECs, 111 RENOVATED V I Brass Beds Relacquered W evaranttt all iDerkmanthtp attf lulelu equal te new at 1-5 the coat. Feathers Mterillred Made Inte MattftdH llex hprlnia Re-uphelalrrtd Our Aute Call Ewrvwhtrt I eiPUCI C '.'d A Wdthloxteu At. lOlinbU O Pb.rum.4103. Eat. St rV $ I V 1 .1 .j , 5V