Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 31, 1922, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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fMrs. Wilsen Gives
May 31, 1922
Native Recipes
yf ,-
jy England Contributes
"Ways of Preparing lish,
" While Frem States Near
Mexico Cemes Chili
Wilten. AU
mnlnht. 1)11. l Mr. If. -4,
v W0M resirvta
THIS corner has featured Um kitchen
nf many nations, and new the time
I li at hand te -feature' the Kitchen of all .
Kitchens, the Kitchen in tne uniicci
," B.tates of America. The truly American
kitchen Is really worth while. It lead)
, all ether kitchens In cleanliness and
modern equipment, and li really n plnee
of beauty. .'.',., , ..
.The American housewife has mmpli
i lanH remedernlzed her recipes and
manner of coeklnic, and it is possible i
for the new neusewiie 10 iohew me
redpe carefully ahd turn eilt dishes that
will vie with theso of high -priced
chef. In fact, I may wiy that, she can
etttpsss him en mariy occasions.
i Dtihes That Are Distinctly American
New England Chowder
l The New England housewife usually
. wes.thc beads .of fresh cod for this
j:.u hut nnv lnrxnensiv frenh fish
, -' lm .ju1 Wnti aiia unrl nne.liAlf
pounds of fresh fish, cur in two-Inch
pieces, removing the skin and bones,
and place in kettle. Then add
One quart of water.
One cup of chopped onion.
One-half cup of carrots cut in dice.
One faggot of soup herbt.
Cever closely and bring te Itell. Cook
ftr thirty minutes and add
One r,vari of milk,
Onf cup'of'fteur dissolved in the milk,
Tite teaspoons of salt.
One teaspoon of pepper.
One-half teaspoon of thyme.
One cup of canned or fresh-cooked
One-quarter cup of melted butter.
Stir, well and bring slowly te n -boil,
eoek slowly for fifteen minutes, then
lervc with water crackers. In deep
bowl. The New England family will
tell you this Is a most delirious dish en
a cool, stormy, or wet day.
Deep Sea Pie
This -dish Is mnde from the salt fish
for which the New Knglnndcr nre
juctly famous. Place in bowl one
pound of boneless salt cod and cover
-n ith cold water. Stand aside te freshen
for two hours. New plrtce the fish In
piece of cheesecloth, plunge Inte boiling
water and cook for twenty minutes.
Lift, and drain. When cold flake in
pieces with fork. New rub n baking
dish liberally with butter nnd place in
bottom a layer of diced cooked potatoes,
new a layer of thinly sliced onion?.
thfn the prepared filt. Place layer of
thinly sliced onions ever the fish nnd
tap layer of diced cooked potatoes. Pour
ever two and one-half cups of thick
eream sauce, sprinkle the top with one-inch-thick
lajcr of coarse bread crumbs
and use one-fourth cup of grated cheese
ever this. Hake in moderate even for
forty minutes'. IWore leaving the New
England community I would like te
give you a prune pie recipe that is
mere than three Hundred years old. In
these days fruit wns scarce. Wild
berries and a few sand or beach plums
wcte the only American fruits. The
prunes came from the East India mer
chantmen, who put In te our shores for
either water or protection.
Ye Olde Tjme Prune Pe
Renk je prunes overnight in warm
water, first washing well, d'.p jut
eneugli water te cover the prunes. In
je worn take the crock in which the
prunes rested in the night and place
it in ye even. Cook the forenoon
slowly, watching te see that they de
net dry off. (Place prunes en the sim
mering burner and simmer slowly for
one hour.) Take yc prunes when cold
and stone te remove seeds. Line n deep
pie plate with geed short pastry and
flare in a thick layer of the prune!,
'lace in small bowl
Three-quarter cup of sirup.
One teaspoon of cinnaiiien.
Onr-hatf teaspoon of allspice.
One-half teaspoon of mace.
One cup of coarse bread crumbs.
One-quarter cup of melted butter.
Mx well and spread ever the prunes.
New cover with top cruet of je pastry
and bake in slew even for forty, min
utes. Try this pic; it is delicious when
sened with a tablespoon of whipped
cieam, or Caledonian crcum may lie
lined in place of the whipped cream.
Fer this dish you may use cither the
dried navy or marrowfat bean, the red
kidney bean, the pinto bean, or the
black-eyed pen. The bean used in the
long age was the Spanish pinto bean, a
bean similar te our red kidney bean.
Wash a cud of the dried beans nnrl
soak overnight In warm wnter. In the
.morning cover with cold water and
until tender, then drain. Mince
green peppers fine and ndd one
chopped fine. Tlece one-uunrter
of shortening in the skillet nnd ndd
reen nennprN. the nnimi nml thrrn.
ters of u peiiniLpi finely cheppcdJr
i nn.r
June Frecks in All Their Summer Loveliness Arrive by
Hundreds in the Wanamaker Down Stairs Stere
Hats of Happiness
for June $8
They speak of June, with all its
gaycty and Jey, its happy excursions
te shore and mountain, its long days
net tee warm for strenuous sports
and U delightful long twilights en
the perch of the country club. They
are hats of happiness.
Many white hats are here of
gleaming baronet, of crepe de chine
-and Canten crepe quite pretty
enough for brides.
Next come hats of black or navy
with white.
Plenty of black hats, tee, have be
guiling transparent brims of maline
and crowns of baronet satin or silk
Colored hats and there arc many
keep mostly te a becoming mono
Ostrich comes in with June, both in its smart glyeerineil state
and in its fluffy charm.
ml I '
Gleaming Strings
of Fine Imitation
Pearls, $5
Lustrous, lovely beads, evenly graduated in 2-1,
27 and 30 inch strings, each finished with a 10-karat
geld clasp. In cream and the faintest flush of pink.
These beads have a wonder
ful luster, as they are made en
a mother-of-pearl base coated
with fish-scale. Indestructible,
which means that they can be
dropped en the fleer or dipped
into net water without harm.
Made and graduated te our
own specifications, these imi
tation pearls are the best we
have seen at $5. We have
imported hundreds of neck
laces of this type and have
never had a complaint.
The Debutante $5
The same fine grade of imitation pearls, but in the
tiny size that se many young women are asking for.
The strings are only 18 inches long and all of the
beads are small. Geld catches, of course.
Who could think of a lovelier graduation present?
Brides might give them te their bridesmaids.
a flam
! " iTLf Jl
1- ur'
less and cc
fi. New adii th.
. fini'iin ni. ltin
,111 a con.
!Ot te t
ans. Place
A $1.3e
June Sale of Fresh New
Blouses, $1.35 te $2.25
Important te every woman who wants fresh new blouses
te wear with sports skirts, sports sweaters, white tub
skirts or jumper frocks.
New styles, dainty materials and low prices make this
a sale worth coming te.
Plenty of Peter Pans, plenty of dimity blouses, plenty
of hand-made waists of astonishing charm, inexpensively
' $1.35 for short-sleeve blouses of
white voile or batiste.
t llllllill
mblesnenns of fat . the skille
fur ta
the skillet.
blesnoenj of
I ftfl geed deep mahege
Threr rrm.t nf rnlA irnlrt
Tiring te bell and add , ft
T,rn (,-...... .nil AV
One teaspoon of chilii?- ')
And pour ever the mei -d bcan..
imnifr slowly for one hi t ind then
'.65 for dimities edged with
lace or narrow frilling
Peter Pan or roll cellars, long or
short sleeves.
$1.85 for tucked voile and
strip-jchcckcd dimity blouses;
front ' ..Jk fastening, long
$2.2e for voile blouses trimmed
with wide filet lace or lace-striped
material, with short sleeves.
Things You'll Leve te Make
RlXilaVM 9 L-J'JI
Here Is a dear KIDDY'S Pl'HSB
Jnt will surely delight the little one.
J-Ut a piece of black oilcloth or patent
leather ten Indies long and four Inches
wide. Feld It .through the middle
rosuwise. Along the crease make seven
llj one-half Inch apart and each one ene
'"nf inch wide. Cut a piece of the nin
Jerlal te fit each end of the large piece,
ltaT,n8 a space of two inches between
the pieces, us, shown by the shaded
Prt In the (-ketch. Cut each end Inte n
Point. Htlteh the edges together by
nachlnc or, te make It pettier, over ever
"and the edges with colored worsted,
Htlteh or appllijuu the basket of Mowers
,011 one or lintli tlilq Ititn li kllk cnril
1e.r etrlp of the oilcloth through Hie slits
l("Werm the handle. A few nalnted
wooden beads strung en the handle
MH.make thla KIDDVS PUHHR even
ur.nUractYe. , ,JXpHA,
Hand-Made Blouses Only $2.25
Think of the hours it takes te
make a blouse entirely by hand;
te draw the threads and de the
hemstitching; te make the but
tonholes and run the tucks. All
Crepe de Chine and Georgette
Blouses, $5.90
V ises of white crepe dc chine i Georgette blouses are in flesh
h fcjeter Pan cellars and are , ,. whit(, nn aVQ fry wJlh Mcl
, .iKlaberatcly trimmed with
eiSnT.. iiai, ..niit incn. i ace.
Jbaby Irish crochet lace.
New Plaid Skirts of Cotten
Epenge, $3.75
Black, brown, orange or delft blue plaids are en a white ground,
making skirts that arc decidedly nice te wear with sweaters and
white shoes. The pockets arc trimmed with tabs slipped threugli
pearl buckles.
this has been done by hand in
blouses of sheer, fine batiste for
only $2.25. Peter Pan or roll
cellars, drawnwerk and double
patches, front or back fastening.
80c, $1
All are of durable white
muslin that will withstand
many tubbings.
80c sheets are cot size 54x
00 inches.
$1 sheets are full 81x00
Pillow Cases
42x36 inches, 25c
45x36 inches, 30c
Women's Twe-Piece
Pajamas, 85c
Of pink, blue, white or orchid
batiste, trimmed with contrasting
Pink Crepe
Nightgowns, $1.65
Women's serviceable crepe
nightgowns printed with blue but
terflies and flowers. They arc fine
for vacation trips and camps, as
they can be easily washed out
and lequire no ironing.
. Tub Silk
Step-Ins, $2
Ruffled silk step-in drawers are
in pink or white and special at
this price.
June dresses! June, that means roses and honeysuckle, 'weddings and
class-day festivities ! It's a merry month, and we have searched far and wide
te find the very prettiest frocks obtainable. Here are hundreds and hundreds
of them fresh, new and lovely, worthy of June herself.
Prices are lower than they have been in many Junes.
Geed gingham frocks can be had in all sizes up te 44 for as little as $2.50.
Tub silk dresses in fresh white, striped with color, are only $10.
White dimities, crisp and cool, are in several styles at $4 and $5.
Dresses for women and young women are in styles suitable for every
type. Sizes range from 14 te 18 for young women and go te 52 l'j for women.
30 Different Styles in New Gingham Frecks
at $2.50 te $8
Every kind of plaid or check that one
can think of in connection with gingham.
Fluffy organdie sashes or cellars, tailored
touches of white pique and pearl buttons
are the principal trimming. Many frocks
are of imported gingham.
Gingham dresses in sizes 42' te f)2'
are .$5.50 te $7.50.
Mercerized Cotten
Vests, 30c
Of fine ribbed cotton of silky,
mercerized quality made two
ways built-up shoulder or bodice
top style. Regular and extra
New Tub Frecks
With or Without
for Miss 6 te 12
Hloemer frocks of maize, green
or dark blue gingham piped with
checked gingham are becoming te
girls of 6 te 10. Hand-done chain
stitching indicates the fullness at
the shoulders, $3.25.
Coel printed batiste is in rose,
green or dull blue en white and
the color is carried out in the
hemstitched shirring en the hips,
cellars and cuffs. 7 te 10 year
sizes, 53.25.
Simple chambray frocks f
pink, green or cadet blue are
piped and belted with white. 7 te
12 year sizes, $2.
v fin j
S18 Sfi
Tub Frecks at
$4 te $10
Many Ail White
1 $ 1
All white voiles and dimities are trimmed with deep
ucks. narrow lace edges and belts. Others have cellars
and cuffs with color.
A frock of pink or blue beach cloth is sketched at ?G.
It has cuffs and a deep roll cellar of white pique, a leather
belt and shirred skirt panels. Sizes 14 te 20.
Organdies for Summer Parties
Start at $10
Every girl has te have at least one organdie dress
and several if she has a liking for color, for the organdie
tints are exquisite. Peach, lilac, rose, pink, sky blue, tanger
ine and, of course, white. All are very fluffy and frilly.
Prices range upward te $23.50.
White Frecks for Graduation
Of soft Georgette or chiffon, of Canten crepe or crdpe
de chine all white and all exquisitely lovely. $15, $18.75,
$22.50 te $38.50.
Clearaway Prices en
Fewef-aKind Dresses
$10 $16.50 $18.75
Taffetas, crepes de chine, lacc-striped
triculcttes, embroidered or beaded Canten
crepes, beaded Geergettes and tweed
cape frocks of which we have but a few
of any one kind. All have had their
original prices lowered a great deal.
Navy Blue and Black Frecks
Fer street wear, for business and for
traveling there is nothing cooler or mere
practical than a dark silk frock. These of
Canten crepe, crepe de chine, Georgette and
Russian crepe arp in wide variety and can
be had in as simple or elaborate styles as one's
taste may dictate. ?25, .$27.50 te $38.50.
Coel new feulaid silks are $15 te 825.
Dark voiles, with small white figures or
dots, are $4 te $10-
Russian Crepe
Frecks, $16.50
Twe-color frocks of heavy silk crepe
white bodices with skirts and straps of
jade, peach, periwinkle or Chinese blue;
nay blue skirts with sand-color bodices;
brown with cream or henna with blue.
Several charmingly youthful styles.
Sizes 14 te 18.
Linen Huck
Guest Towels, 25c
Everybody needs mere guest
towels in the Summer! These nre
13x21 inches, excellent quality,
with hemmed ends. 15x25 inches,
they arc 40c. With hemstitched
ends, they are 15x22 inches, at
50c, 75c and $1.
(i enlrnl)
Breakfast Cleths
Square hemstitched cloths and
round scalloped cloths are 54
inches across. They are of fully
bleached cotton damask of geed
Breakfast napkins of cotton
damask, already hemmed for use,
are 15 inches square at 12:,jc
Bungalow Dresses
of Clear Percales, $1
Fresh light colorings small
black figures en white, pink plaids
en white or plain pink, light blue,
etc. distinguish these simple and
practical cover-all apron-dresses.
All are belted and trimmed with
Women's Silk Stockings With
Pointed Heels, $1.50 Pair
They are of fine, even, durable silk, semi-fashioned,
with cotton tops and soles. In 'white, navy, camel's
hair, African brown, cordovan, pole gray and taupe.
Short Brocade
Corsets at .$1
Comfortable little Summer cor
sets, only 13 inches at the deep
est part, are of pink brocade,
with elastic about the low top.
They lace in back.
Satin Hip
Confiners, $1.50 ,
Of pink satin with panels of (
clastic, they arc very light and
nice for Summer. i
$2 for a 10-inch elastic girdle,
hooking in front, with four hose
Girdles for Heavier
Figures, $5
14-inch cirdles are entirely of
heavy clastic, en a straight line,
except for the bands ever the
bones and the panels in front,
which arc of handsome satin
A satin-striped hip cepfiner,
with bands of silk clastic down
the back, is also $6.
Tan Pole Coats, $16.50
Women and girls will like these smart, well-tailored
pole coats in a soft mixed tan tone. The coats have convert
ible cellars, inverted pleats in the backs, raglan shoulders,
leather buttons and belts with leather buckles. They are
carefully finished and fully lined. Just right for seashore
or mountain ! Fine for metering.
Many Capes, Coats and Wraps
are wearing very low pi ices, especially where there ij. but one or
perhaps two or three of a kind. It is well worth anv woman's
while te leek among the dark dress capes and Htrht snorts coats.
' for special opportunities. $15 te ?G7.50,
Deris Princess Slips and
Happily Run the Feet of June!
Women's Lew Shoes for Dancing,
Hiking, Playing, $6.50 te $8.50
Fer Dancing
Plain pump? en simple,
graceful lines are of black
satin, black calfskin and shiny
patent leather. AH have
turned soles nnd modified
French heels. $7.50 a pair.
Fer All-around Wear i Fer Sports Wear
The patent leather Oxford
with plain vamp and low heel
is worn everywhere, from
street te dress occasions. It
is a very geed-looking low
shoe. 56,50 a pair.
A two-teno Oxford in geed
tnste is of calfskin in Russian
tan with dark brown tip and
waistband, or vice versa. It
has bniss eyelets, a welted
sole nnd low hpcl. $8.50 a pair.
- -
i rr rp
.i )
Dainty Net
Guimpes at $1
Jabot front, Peter Pan cellar
and roll cellar with vest front
all three styles of tine cream
colored net trimmed with neat
laces Twe styles have short
sleeves and elastic at the waist.
Nice te wear with sweaters, slip slip
en dresses and suits.
Guimpes, $1.50
Sheer white nvgandie guimpes
have Peter Pan cellais, culls and
front pleats trimmed with little
frills. One has a dotted swis.-.
cellar and cuffs.
Vestee Sets, 50e
Organdie, net and eyelet-work
vestees with cuffs te match. Many
have Peter Pan cellars.
Fresh 25c Neckwear
Crisp organdie cellars in roll
shapes and flat or Petei Pan col cel
lar sets of eyelet embreiderv.
(( -iitrtU
Dimity for
June Frecks
38c Yard
What delectable coleis! Plain
color dimity .in self-checks is in
beautiful shades of orchid, hrewn,
pink, blue, gray, tanarvrine and
American Reauty. This is ?,C
inches wide.
Then, there's a whirl of printed
dimity in colors with white dots,
in "'hite with colored dots and in
v e with the daintiest flower
and figures. ,10 and :!8
i :s wide. The little wee bud
ar. figure patterns are particu
larly pretty for little girls'
(I nlritli
ft (&
. 'TV tv.-V jv7
1 idtt
Perfect petticoats and slips te near
under any kind of Summer dre.s; the .-lips
arc especially nice for straight-line frock.-.
The L'-'-inch hem does away with an need
of two petticoats se that Deris slips and
petticoats can he worn under the sheerest
organdie frocks. .
Petticoats, $1 te $5
Flesh-pink or white batiste or white
sateen, $1.
Kine white sateen, $'J.
Tub silk in white, ?:i.r0; extra-size tub
silk petticoats in White, navy and black, $".
Princess Slips, $2 and $3
Pnnccss slips of white, flesh or orchid
batiste have imitation filet edging around
the top, ?2. A similar style with satin
and luce-trimmed top is &J.
All in the right lengths for
fashions 28, 110 te 34 inches.
Half the Pleasure of June
Bays Would Be Lest Without
a Couch Hammock!
"Hew we wished for a couch hammock ever
the holiday!" Se said many people today. But
there are plenty of soft June days coming, and the
Fourth of July, when you'll wish for one just as hard!
Why de without the pleasure, convenience and com
fort of a geed-looking, sound, safe couch hammock
One May Be Had for $10
cs, nnd a geed one, uilli all lour strong chains
reaching down te the springs: ith a comtertable,
thick mattress, button tufted: ceerd ilh 8-euncf
gray or Khaki duck that is prarticall) weather-proof.
I.(i feet long, a geed size for perches.
Six-feet hammocks, almost as comfortable a3 beds
for outdoor sleeping, are $11.50 and go slowly upward,
as extra features of comfort or appearance are added,
te $30.
(( 1'iilriill
Bunny Frecks
The bunny frock fat bunnies
of appliqued chambray with em
broidered ears form the peckct3
is of white madras trimmed with
pink, blue or corn. A sash tics
in back.
Of White Madras
Anether frock at 51.10 13 of
white madras trimmed with pink,
blue or corn chambiay and black
stitching; it has a sash, tee.
The ether frock sketched is
SI. 15, and is of white madras
trimmed with color and black
All in 2 te C) year sizes.
(I rntrnll
.!, V