Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 30, 1922, Night Extra, Page 22, Image 22

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i - ,..,.,w
mist- u
Hew te tnt a centJeinrr. The. left-hand diagram .hews limr Hip pl.ilca
nre arranged. Ihrre Is no electrical connection between the, two acts of
plates. Te the right i the hook -up for testing as explained In the nrtlrle
Test Your Condensers for
If you had n one-wire aerial with n ,
Batumi wave-length oft exactly J00
meters, you would stippoee thnt, if you
cut the wire prerine'y in the middle
(Burning there was seme way of keep
lng the ncrlel from fnlllng). the wave
length of each separate half would he
exactly fifty meters, l-'or practical pur
poses, It would be. Hut theoretically
it wouldn't, and it would be possible
with extremely dcllcute measuring in
struments te prove thnt each half had
a wave length of something mere than
half the wave length of the original
Thin is because the two cndi of the
cut wire, assuming iignln that the aerial
didn't fall nnd that the ends were
only slightly separated, would form a
tiny condenser. A condenser, n we
have nlrend learned, lint the ability te
tore up nnd releae electrical energy,
nd these two ends weu'd be nb'e. by
this sterage of energ, te add a mite te
the wave length of each half of t lie
Suppose new that we attached te each
ef these two ends a metal plate and
placed these plates very close together
TO? " ,T. "'', ,. .,!. .11..PHV .
of thin cendenber and add still mere te
the wave length of each half of the
The greater the surface of the two
Bietal plates we thus place near te-,
fetner out net teucning ine raen? "e
add te trie capacity or tne cemiensrr.
nd thercien) te the wave lengtn 01
the terials.
But the moment any tiny pnrtu et
these two mctnl plates touch each ether
they erase te be a condenser ami be
come simply a conductor , instead of
storing up and releasing electrical en
ergy, they merely paM electric current
nd, for radio purpose, the euttH be
comes ngaln only a 100-meter bingle
wlre aerial.
When the two platen of a oendcner
touch. It becomes "short circuited" or,
In radio parlance, "shorted," and I no
longer a condenser, no matter hew
many plates it has or what you paid
for It. A condenser deei net pns elec
tric current through it : Its function is
te store up the energy caused by the
difference In voltage between the cur
rents Impinging en the adjacent plates.
Condensers quite often get out of
order. Fixed condensers will meet with
'eddents that will permit two adja
cent layers of tinfoil or copper foil te
touch each ether, and they are then
"shorted" and cease te be condensers.
If a condenser is subjected te a voltage
difference tee strong for the thin sub
stance that separates the plates, this
abaUnce will ba punctured by an elec
tric spark and thus the two metal sur
faces may come In contact.
Variable condensers, as an nences
taew by tnis time, are rermen ei many
, oXeepartee" S? e5S S".
'ethers are attached te a shaft in the
middle and, when this shaft is turned,
they Interleave between the stationary
plates much as the cards de when you
shuffle a deck scientifically, and, as
titer b
moved farther and farther
Inside, the total surface of all the plates
ls Increased, which increases tne ca
pacity of the condenser.
New it sometimes happens that a
variable condenser will have one point
OB just one plate bent or chipped no
that, at one point in this turning, it
will touch the plate above or below it.
That "shorts" the whole condenser and
destroys Its usefulness.
Test your condenser. Heek them
vp te a buzzer and dry cell as in the
illustration. Then slowly turn the knob.
If, at any point, the buzzer buzzes,
yau knew you must have let the electric
currant through, and that means that
two plates are touching at that particu
lar setting; of the condenser. If you can
turn the knob all the way around the
scale without the buzzer buzzing your
condenser ls all right.
Teat your phone nnd grid condensers
fcy the same method. Heek this buzzer
rcutt te one side of the condenser
and, with the bare end of the ether
wire, touch the ether side of the con
denser. If the buzzer does net buzz
you are all O. K.
Meat standard makes of condenser are
carefully tested and Inspected before
they leave the factory, but that does
net guarantee that they are In first-
class shape when they reach you. Ship
pint; and unpacking and handling In ,
the store by clerks and shoppers all '
subject them te the likelihood of dam- I
Before you pay from five te six dol
lar! and a half for a variable con
denser, make the clerk ter it this way
with a buzzer and dry cell
CesyriffAt, i9tt. by Public Ledtt'T Cemvnnu
e Pieces
KlfAf Goods at tht Right Price
1ft N 7th St '
k'i .L Singl
Everythlnn In furniture te beautify the,
home grounds unique, and attractively
dcilitnrd, Including Weed Artes TreiUsej,
Arbors, Kntranee Uatcs, I'erjrelaa, etc.
Buy Direct Frem Manufacturer
See Our Display at Salesroom
Buying direct from us, you are assured
acrvlce, quality and attractive prices.
1835 Market St., I'hlla.
'?.-y .iKSxjKx
?.. '&'
j Today's Radie Program
Newark, N. J.. Station (WJZ)
'. P M - ' Man In the Moen" stories
Newark Sunday all
7 30- A Vinten of Wtr. cules'' ') if
eterane. M Rebert Incersell, read by n
editor of th Truth Meeker
T 45 "Oeld Star Mether, ' by Alice Pu--roll
T 35- ' Broadcasting R-eadway " by Ber
th Hialniird
1 A Memerial Dav ddres by Curtain
Wnrrcn 1' Conn fermi-r chaplain if fie
113th Infantry, 2!th Dlvwen A E. V and
New Jersey Statu Aev.'nblvman, musical
program vt patriotic 'io'tiens. Inrludir
"Mv Own fnlted States by a. Eirle Kin.
I dleberg-T tenor
P lluKle con, ert by Charles Huerr, prl-
Ate llendauhrtern Cemiany, 81'Jth Inlnti
trj TSth DKIlun ch! trumpeter. H nek
Vrlrcp fleui mu"le
II :il) rtecitnl l t.url rllett, 1e!ln t
The nroeram will N nrtivincel hv rud'e.
Mr. ratemen ulll N. th.i an unratret
8rhenertaiI.T station HKIY)
((ienernl Klertrlc Company)
12 J"
1'. M Earb el Kk market quota-,
'I r-efluc and te.k tnarke' auntatleni
hn'ibali renj.u In :at inn'. Amrlr.in and
Intornatiena, Lenues newe bulletin
-Addmi. ' Utcter t-'onncrt.ene. th
Crutal Dotwter ' by A. T Van Dyck.
Omeral Kin t-te CemtMnv radio ennlneer
7 45 Concert program (Eastern standard
PMtrturrt gallon (KDKAJ
I'lttaberrh Station
Mj. m - nft gam-, in
2 P MMornerlnl Dim a liln-M
3 r M -('mwi i.- mi.iv MsryianJ
-orMn.e.runJ. Md.
, p .11 itaaebaii sure-. News weekly
talk en dree
..Aj.f- M nmeMII -ere Tlanderi i
1 i.fl and 'The I'renmble t th I'onati I'enati I'onati
tutlen." hv Hnr-rt UuMell MrWhlnnev. al-terre.-at-.aiv
Pitubumh "In M-'tnerv cf
rhee All of Whom Gav Much and Sem I
of Whom Oavn a I i y c f C Stetlr
eTetar and treamj-er of thfl Tula lluar
any Company. 7.ttbunth
3f I' M Trtf Si ie Iien" and "The
rtunilnB of tee inert riel.N b.-dttme jterk'j
for the cnildrn Lncl Wrsrl. i
I' i' SI .Mm.c
iu t y ijvi.ean peri. .-iuaie p-v
r.;ri isf .- j taw. ener, Mias IJlir.
foprane. Mlt.i VlrginK Daldwln.
Nii-min Jnnnvakr larltene. Mls Ellcner
aicinerenner. accompanist
Station (WCAD
(Philadelphia Radiophone Cempiu)
T SO I. M. Spertlna- rsiultj.
P Piane "elections by Klehard Jtyer,
V 30 Violin aelectlena by Thomaa Barker.
Little Benny's
By Lu Pape
"We was eating suppir today and all
of a sudden pep get up and went down '
the cellar and came back with a bottle
of the wine he made last ntte. saying, !
The bewtr of tliia nnrtimilpr home brew I
is that lts -cst ,it d k t heur8
"" a" ,l ls ln 4 '
I can reddily bleere that, all rite, ma i
"fdi and pep sed. That remnrk had all
tne eermarki of a nasty dig. but I asuure
you that after the ferst sip you 11 remain
te cheer althe you cam te jeer ;
i ,. "--"' '" -'i f buppir in psree nnu
inrrri ui geineT te ec eny isrst Bip as
far as Im concerned, ma sed, and pep
ed. De you mcen te nay yeure net
bread minded enuff te even tain this
wine after I Ftajcd up practickly all
nite making it?
I Rmelt it all the time it was eoekinir,
I think that was dein? enuff for it. tna
sed, and pep sed, Im eny asking you
te take a sip, come en b' a speart, you
ran b a speart pn. If you are na'rre
minded en the Mibjeck. there. lets of
narre minded spearts, lve played poker
with a buntch of them, come en, wats
a sip? '
Wats a sip of terpentine, for thut
mattr? ma bed. and pep eed. I tell von
what 111 de. Ill drink peme ferst und
if I like it I Reps you'll knew its Reed,
yeure allways sayin? Im the hardest '
mun In the world te please ware it con
cerns my Btumraick. And he pereil
some out In a glass and drank a little of
it but net all. saying. Perfcrk. '
All rite, then Im satisfied without a
sip, sed ma, and pep red. New jest for
thnt I went Rive you even a sip nnd
wata mere I went take eny mere mvself
jest for spite. And he put the cork bark '
in the bottle and took it down the cller
njen and wy kepn en eating suppir.
being Hamberger stakes without enuff ,
Phlladelphlans Sail for Europe
Anion? th passcn?ers sailing from
New Yerk today en the steamship
RerenRaria are the following Phlladel-phiani-
Mr and .Mr. 0. V Midd'e Midd'e
ten. Mr find Mrs. William Aull. Majer
II ibert Heme Owens, I). S O. Mr.
and Mis. Paul Thompson, Mrs H'il
'mm K Herkman, Mia Pauline Uenelil,
iiarlea Kurtz.
uiif.v rwiEs sriE sn.r
Fvtt (y m h llus.pwia i. -lun of tM
rr.PT is P'hiic Uzin.sn ti- . an accurate
iff 'OiPfl'ti in if ' a X from
I'm silnph li "e evrry iuar'r or tr,i kIe!,
u una ne- "npwria I ph tu
i nd un1r Var .
Pert rri r rf n
'.rrwjjii ifAk I' a Ha
mrrer'e e
'he Pi bme
A tit
Complete Sets
Valve seat planed In poiUien
and new valve fui-nlaheil. All
klndi of engine repaln.
l'hnn tt'nt. 1814 nnd Miln .1144
nn nre denllng with lien
Hie eertlre of thin com cem
pati.v nre culled en, lint the
combined iilillltv nnd UnnwI
rtittti of our wh.ile person persen
til. which Include n bnnrtl
of director, of bread r
Real Estate Trust Ce.
Bread and Chestnut Sts .
Land Title Bldg.
Memtierti I'hlla. Sterk Eithann
Member,. I'hlla. Stock Ftrhanc
We De Nut Carrj Murclnul Account!
riiTV-YTAn rivn tkii rvjtx tiOLU
miMH, ni n .iri.v 1. ins:.
Netice li hereby alveti rumuant te the
trrn" of t'i MertRK date.i Jmy j jnn.
hat 'he underilaned a T-ttitee vi ...
Ive eenled proposals up tn 2:00 ! n
i he Oth day of .lime. 1022. for the sale, te It
' .f bendi a nbee deicrlbed umclent te ue.,
the eum of SIS M2 SO. Tie underalcned
eeerxes 'he nsht te reject any or ail
cni-i i-i ...I !.- n i.i i.j,
An 'ant Secre'arv
, ju.JTtV JMavJ 1P22 ".arjr,
I Te tlie Helder" of the 3 Serlil Nei. i,t
Tin: V1M.1M CRAMP sON 'X .f
1 r.Nr.ivr nni.niNe reMp.wv"
Nntlc i hereby RlNen that the Serial Nete
iued under the Acrcementn of Anrl lfl03
ard maturlri; Jnnuarv 1, 1023 and July 1
l(i;3 Mill b redeemed en .Inl I, JBrt L
, par iltl e, rr;Vum. "' '""t and one.'half
per cent :-, t. or 1'I2 and accrued In.
tereet e dat.nf pdnuitlen. at the Hank.
1 lis Heuee of Dretel t'ernpiny, Pifth and
, Chtr.ut Htreets. Philadelphia
I Intereit en the above, mentioned Serial
Nelea will cei" en Julv 1. 1022
, KNOINH unt.niNu en
1 CHA9 T, TAVl.en. Treasurer.
i t.. i
neeiirtment of Agriculture, WiiHhlnclen.n.O.
Slav 22. 1022.
Jealcd rropefan rer rurnnninB mm install-'
tri in th U. S. KntomiileKlcal Laboratory
niverten. Ne Jerwy en autematie I
."netrii refrlKeratlng riant te comprlee three
',,r-rirtmenta and Kuarantred te furnlei a
mm'-mm temperature of mmu fle dBree3
r.ihrenhelt. te l" eQiitpn.d with one. half
ten aeul pipe brine -erler pla -ed it.elde
h-lre tank, brine te be cak.um chloride
uill be receded at th Department until
8 o'cleek P. M.. Tneidnj. June. 0, IK2S. and
then opened. 8pecl1catlen and blank forma
of proposal "" b had en application te 'he
I ' Chairman. uwi-i " ..,... -. rnAiiani ei
' I Acrlrulture Wahlngten p O
' TKM. rORT MYHR. A. Healed pre.
neeala In triplicate will be received at the
I Offlre of th Censtructlna- Quartermaeter.
. Waehlnctpn. D C. Roem 23nn Munitions
' n,uMinir. 10th A n Ptreeti. until 2 P. M..
June 11. 1022. and tien opened for the re-
J ZI2-222 3.DAKIKNST."
I pairs te the electric IlKhtlna- extern at Tort t?eiv.r .hnr.
1 h," Va Plana and sp-elloatlena may be I " ,105 r share
' ebta'ned upon application te the abee office
A MOST important service rendered by these Works is
-1- supplying duplicate and repair parts, without delay, in
order te keep locomotives in active operation. Net only can
we de this for our own locomotives, but also for these of
ether makes, when furnished with blue prints and specifica
Is Selving a Majority of the Economic Problems of This City and State
We find evidence of this in our daily contact with the manufactur
ing executives and commercial leaders of Philadelphia. Our citizens are
gainfully employed and their purchasing power is rapidly increasing.
Reports from all sections of the United States add te the spirit of
conservative optimism which is spreading ever the country. This healthy
condition will have a beneficial effect upon Pennsylvania industries.
Business executives are, therefore, justified in proceeding imme
diately with necessary building operations. As we have repeatedly stated,
construction costs have reached low levels, and after careful investigation
we de net hesitate te advise our clients and friends te begin their building
operations as rapidly as possible.
We de net predict boom times, neither are they desired, but we de
anticipate uninterrupted and judicious business expansion. Steele engineers
study business conditions as carefully as they plan industrial buildings, in
order that we may give honest and intelligent advice.
Pennsylvania manufacturers have demonstrated their confidence in
the character of our organization and in the quality of Steele-designed,
Steele-built and Steele-equipped buildings, and we are new engaged in cre
ating numerous new industrial plants.
If you decide te accept our advice and build new, we will very
gladly place our organization at your service.
City of Edmonton
Sl2 Geld Bend
Due April 1, 1947
Principal nnd tntereat pa.T
nble In aelil In New Yerk
Edmonton, the capital of
Alberta, is one of the chief
distributing and commercial
centers of Western Canada.
The city is well provided with
railroads, and is the natural
gateway te the rich and exten
sive territories of the Peace
River District.
Te Yield 5.80
Write for Circular P-SSO
Weed, Gundy & Ce.
14 Wall Street, New Yerk
Londen, Kng,
We sell exchange en all
parts of the world and
invite ou te use our
Member Federal Reierve Syttcm
City Hall Square
Helman, Watsen & Rapp
Land Title Dldf.
Special Meetlnia
ndflltj Mernse mill M'nrelieme Cem-
nanr. 111 Mnrket Street, Philadelphia. Pa. '
Netice Is hereby (rtven that In pursuance
of a Reio utlen of the Heard of Directors of
this C'empan a special mectlni; of the ,
stockholders of eald Company lll be held
en the Oth day of July. 1IW2. at 3 o'clock
P, M.. at th principal office of the Com Cem
pany. 1SH Market etreet. Philadelphia. Pa.. I
for the purpeea of etlnR for or aKalnst a
prepced Increase of the capital Bleck of I
the creation and Hsuance of 7 per cent cum
ulative tien etinB Preferred Sterk te the
amount of lirm.000 te consist of 1000 share
rt tne par vniue ei iuu eacn ana callable
F. L. HAn.vnR
I . iWlT '- 1
Nen-callable for 25 years
!" Southwestern Power & Light Ce.
6 Geld Debentures
Series A
Earnings ever 3 times annual interest require
ments are derived from rendering a diversified
public utility service te 11 3 communities.
Price te yield 6.60
Atk for Circular
Bonbright & Company
437 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
New Tork Botten Chicago Detroit St. Leuis Pittsburgh
When Yeu
Plan te Invest
When planning te invest additional funds, or te re
invest the proceeds from maturing investments, the
selection of bends of recognized merit and stability,
including issues listed en the New Yerk Stock Ex
change, should be the primary consideration.
If you will advise us of your investment plans, we
shall be pleased te make up for you a special list of
conservative bends selected with your requirements
particularly in mind.
Send for Bend Circular 1128
Redmond &Cii.
Bread and Saniem Sli., Philadelphia
Ntw Yerk BatHmers Piltiberik Waihiattea
Members New Tork. Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh Bleck Excnatsss
North Philadelphia Trust Cd
Bread St and Germantown Are.
Above Brie Am Philadelphia
- r
Safely investing money
is part of our business.
All of our experience and
training is at your eervice.
The subject of investment is
treated in a very clear and
fascinating way in the 6tery.
"The Heuse That Jack Built,"
in "The North Philadel
phia." Write for a free copy it
will be mailed just as seen as
it is off the press.
" g') J 'IC WU 'W'1!!M1'"1 L .... ..,..,
Ka?xr4iiry tr
321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Established 1837
Members New Yerk and Philadelphia
Stock Exchange
- M
IAELER A -sfMi0)l
jiS jti HtM sua
aeif nma. attii ttasnis.
Lawrence E. Brown ft Ce.
investigate nnd adjust corporation and
partnership accounts and prepare Income
Tax neturm.
5Ai?,r".1!1 '"5.1 "nd "'"Vlnr, mumerr of
IK ll a'le,.,T627h0m,, wh0 ,cp"r,bd thls
Sadly misted by
'. ADAMS. At Atlantis Cltr. May SO.
SfnA 7? un:.rM, vlc t hl tat real
iftfA 1?,?M.ent,l5e".'r. Atlantle City.
1 Ait,kJ'.1:8?.A' st- Int' Plaantvlll fiem.
1'F'j. 5l-tlvfa and frlenda an Invltatl te
S "n "Kit1, i2Vtii' P.:8 A. M- riidencS
or pn. S181 Jasper st. Solemn mass of
rwulem Church of th Ascension Iea, U.
Int. New Cathedral Ceni.
Hhlla Consistory, fl. n. n s": Phlli: Ledie.'
i -,' I rrepiv Assembly, Ne. 4,
Bchuetcen Vereln. are Invited te funeral
r.rvlM"-MTnur,",iep' ,M- PreclMlr. at hli
late residence, 1800 Alleaheny ava. Int.
BOWEN-At Tlryn J.tr Hospital, en
May SB. EDWARD ROSCOB, ion of the
late Edward Hescoe and Katherlne Meer
Ilewen. Funeral service Tuesdav, 4 P. M.,
at the Church of the rtedeemer, Dryn Mawr,
Pa. New Tek papers please copy.
M BRAY. Suddenly. May 2. at her rest
denee. 2043 N. 13th at.. ELIZABETH F.
BRAT. Due notlce of the funeral will ba
BRODERSRN May 27. 1022. PETER,
husband of Marie Brodersen. ared 82. Fu
neraj rerMcea Wed.. 10 A M. precisely, at
hi lata residence, 14S Maple terrace. Mer-
chantvllle. N. J
Int private. Friends may
can rues, eve
nimil Ki M VmI...(I Inl. mmi tr.. QA
LAURA M widow of Dr. T. J. Buchanan.
Relatives and friends are Invltnd te atfnd
funeral services. Wed., 8 P. M.. late resl
dence, pae Falrmeunt ave. Int. Tem Rler,
N. J.. Thiirs.. 11 A. M.
CAMPBELL. May 2S. FRANK L . hue.
bandV of Marnaret A. Campbell. Relative
and friends are Invited te attend funeral,
TKurs., 2 r M.. residence. 21111 S. 20th st.
Int. Mt Merlah Cem. Friend may call
Wed. eve.
CATHER. May 28, AMT B.. wlfa of th
late Jehn Cather. UelatUea and friend are
Invited te attend funeral services, Thure., 2
P. M., late residence. 1322 Wakellng at.,
Frankrerd Int prhate.
lel huband of Fannie CenUrevltx. Rla
thes and friends, also Dennunherfer H?n.
Asse., are Incited te nttend funeral services,
Tuea.. 2 P. M., nt hli lat residence, 203S
N. 23d st. Int. Har Nebo Cem.
CHESNUT. On May 28. 1022, ANNA.
daughter of the late William and Hannah
Chesnut. Services en Wednesdsy afternoon.
May 31. at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver II. Balr
BulldlntT. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment pri
vate. COQILL On' May 28. 1022. MART,
dearly beloved wlf of Jehn Cetlll and
n-1 Bhter of Thomaa and late Brldzet Oar
rlty. of Weatpert, County Maye. Ireland,
parish Alfhaewer Relatlvca and friend
Invited te funernl, en Wed., nt 7.80, from
her resldtr.ee, 2418 W. Terente st Solemn
requiem mass. Corpus Chrlstl Church 9
A. M. Int. Hely Cres Cem.
CONNELL. May 2S, ISABEL, widow of
Jehn Cennell (nee Geld). Relative and
friends Invited te funeral erlre. Thurs.,
2 P. M.. at residence of son-in-law. James
Hreen. 1012 W. Menmvuth st. Int. private.
Remain mav be viewed Wed.. after 7 P. M
dauahter of the late Patrick and Margaret
Cunningham. RelatM and friends, also
empleyes of Jehn Wnnnmaker, are Invited te
funeral, Wed.. 8:30 A. M., lata resldencn,
IROO Perter st. Solemn requiem mass St.
Menlca'a Crureh 10 A. il. Int. Hely Cress.
CURRY. May 211. SARAJI P.. wife of
William Curry. Relative and friends, alrj
Quaker Cltr Council. D. of L. : Admiral
Reynolds Circle. Ladle ofthe a. A. It.,
nre InWted te attend funeral services,
Thurs., 2.30 P. M., residence. BOOfl Cedar
ave. Int. private. Vlewln Wed. eve
DEI,L. Fifth-month. 28th day, JEAN
NETTE H.. wlf of Thema W. Dell. In
her R3d ser. Relative and friend" are In
vited te attend funeral services. Fifth-day,
Sixth-month 1st, 2 P. M.. nt the residence
of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Schmidt, bOl
S. 4th st Int. Private.
DE MIN. On Mav 4. at Magdeburg. Ger
many. TRTNTJE, beloved wife et CernMIU
R. de Mln, aed f.O Funeral was held en
Mav 8, at Maadeburg, Germany.
DEVI.!::. May 27. 1022. PHILIP, son of
the lata Michael nnd Elliabeth Devlin. Rela.
Uen and friends are Invited te attend fu.
neral, Wed., 8:30 V. M. from his late resi
dence, 8820 N. Bread st. Solemn renulem
mass at St. Stephen's Church 10 A. M.
precisely. Int. Cathdlal Ceni.
DIMMACK. On May 27. 1022. CHARLES
D1MMACK. Bervlce en Wednesday morning
at 10:30 oVeck, nt the Oliver II Balr HIdg..
1820 Chestnut eU Interment at Fornwoed
DUFFY. Woodlyn. Pa. en May 28.
JAMES V , husband of Kntle Duffy (nee
Hlgglns), Relatives and friends, also em em
peoyes et the Maintenance Dept., P, and W.
Traction Ce . Invited tn funeral Thurs.. 8:80
A. M.. residence of Jehn Hlgglns, Fnlrvlcw
read, Woodlyn. Hleh requiem mas St. Ret
of Lima Church, 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress
EVERHARD. May 28. MARY M.. wife of
th late Alvah H. Everhard. of Wenffnah.
N. J. Funeral services private, Thurs., 11
A. M.. David O. Frankendeld at Sens, 322
N. R2d Bt. Int. private.
FIX3WER8. At Taulsbore, N. J May 20.
WILLIAM H.. Sr., husband of Mary j.
Flower, aged 80. Funeral eervlrts at his
late rrsldence, 426 Illlllngspert read, Pauls.
bere. N. J., Thurs.. 10:30 A. M. Int. Clarke Clarke Clarke
bere, N. J
IX)SSAHn. Sudlenly, May 28. ADOLPH
K.. husband of Elisabeth U. Fnssard Fu
neral Thurs., 2 P. M.. late residence, 03 K.
H3d t . Apartment B. Int. private, Odd
rellew' Cem Friends may call Wed. eve.
aALLAOHEU May 28. 11122. MARY, be be
!eed wlfe et Themas P. Gallagher Rela
live and friends are lnlted te attend fu
neral, Thurs , 810 A. M , from late resi
dence 1027 Sevbert st Solemn hlah mass
of requiem at th Church of the Gesu 10 A
M. Int. Hely Cress Cem
nEHME.4 Mav 27 JOIIV A., rui.hnnrf
ANNA MAY OERMKS (nee Davis). Relatives
nnu jrieiiun, nise rranKiira ieage, .e HU-J,
Wllferd N. Oove (nee Wnne) SerMces Wed
at 2,30 P. M.. at her latu re Mtnce T7 vi
41t st. Int. private, at West I.auiel Hill
.ten. Mentana, Frank IC HOLTZINOER
Interment Tnursday, June 1, t Yerk. p.
HUSS. Mav 2(1. 1IU2. DOROTHY h
rvtMun '., ..IlltlXll 4IU.
et William Huss, Sr , In her 00th I '
Relatives and friend are invited te '
funeral service Wed . 2 p M, at '
attend funeral ervlc Wed , 2 p
nir inia rp.ieeiics. nun ltisinv Run .....
Lawndal. Phlla. Int. Lawn View Om '
JACOBS May 29 ARTHUR beloved son
of Henry and Careline Jacob Relatives an
friends, Idg NO. 2. H. P e E. May Club
and Kensington Secial Club, are Invited te
nttend funeral services, Wed . 10'30 A M
ut the residence of his parent 2347 N Park
JAMISON. May 27. ROllEItT A taxi
SON, Br. Relative, and friends ar Invite'
te servit-.. u. i. .!.. hi ni. late res
Ices. Thurs . 2'BO P M . at her lain rest.
ilenc. cer. or ieney ana u st.., Fex Chsse
Int. Westminster Cem. -ne,
JONES -At Vlnrentewn, N J,. ir "n
11.22. MARY KLIZAHETjl JO.NF.S ei'd si
Relative and friends Invited te funeral servt
Ices Thurs. 2-30 P M. (standard time) at
r.ldenc of her )n-ln-law, Charles c
Will. Vlncentewn, N. J, Int. M. H, Ceni
J'tmberten. -..
KANE May 27. 1022. JOHN, huaband of
Elliatwth Kane, Relatives and frlends, all,!
el organization of which h was a member
are Invited te attend funeral. Wed s?Si
A. M.. from hi late residence. 82 Tullu
St., Tacetiy. Solemn reijulem mass at the
Church of St Lee 10 A. M. Int. St. De'iVl'
ntcr1 Cem., Holmesburg '
KEAaT Huddn May 20. ITDWIN AI
BERT, husband of Beeale Jeb Kesst ad
5?!.. Wriil "rvlce t his Ute residence
6(81 McCallum at.. Grmntewn, Wed., li
A. M Int. prlvt, M"
KENDIO. Of th MarWn, 40ih and Wal
nut ts . en May 28 1M. JOHN, husband
of Mary Meliger Kendlg Ilelatlwi aSd
fr end ar Inv ted te the trvlce. en Tue.
r nu a. .i , n'i iHnnt piesi ni uwlu, af'er 4 V. Jr
invueti vu luiirr! rervifs. inure., l l. M. ntkvvah . ai me
i nia laie resilience, lgut Harrison et.. rd . Upper uarnv, en ;;; t; i.-uI.T, I.ulby
l-ranUferd. Int. Oakland Cem. FrlendS may ERT P ! husband f the la j 1.1 Jb "th WW
call Wed ee. I Stewart, and father of Dr. una -v 4
OILLETT. At Bosten Mas , May 27, f'eirlll and Mr Jnnle '"W"L,.'1, invited
JOHN J., husband of Mabel allien (nee 79 years. Relatives and trend la L ,t 8
Flnley). Relatives and friend. Usher." e 'h service en Tuesday even I J. '
An of Lavvndale rresbtrln Church, ar,. o'clock, Bt tli Oliver H "."r.i'.V.,,, Del..
Invited te funeral Wed. 2.30 P ) S ' Tnterrnrit t .V dl't" "fafei
th residence of his brother. Merflman " Train leses "read Street Station
tlllUtt. 0000 Rlslnr Sun ave . I.andale, day inernliig. 10.01 tni1"r;' "I'nTIIUn "
Pa, Int private. North Cedar Hill Cem STITZER Mav 20, 19.2. nllA1'1,l, 0lv
Viewing Tues eve. '" STITZER. Relative; and friends. '" tm
--'ir' t... nn v a r ,. t A.i xr, rtfi? V. nnd A Ms : .- n
nil t ij..iiai ah. uji.tm iFinniit nt i,uir, iv i-w t . .... - . an . a,.
... r... . U.(,I .. .... ..... ..
urmw. iy- " ' 'jv. irivte. inrienua . r,1, '.,-''." r'"" .:r..i ,- .ti.mt runi
may call Tues.. n te ie P, M. I. ". a , are if-n". "",ty ,t her
.niiMOAV .... ni ,'.inn . .... ' .... 1.. Til... 'J P. M preClei? . " ..
friends are Invited te attend rur,err,..H.n Winnefleld. Int Monteflere Cem.
rireen sfe. Parvlpe rA lHtAi.. .."-till
Oreen it. Bervlc
dletnwn. va. .en
Vflnaay. '" "H1
KIBFER.--My 20, 1922. WEMtwt.
p. wid.: 2-p? "m. im. re d?:1 g
husband of Clara A, K fr, FunerM ..'!:
NZLK.--On. Msr 21, WILLlia .
d of.Theeb Klenile. Bervir' '
P. M. Remains viewed TuesdiV a ,'
. .'i'ri'-..".'. ...'. -.
uay, a
l.tfACJI. On May 17. 1022, at his ..,
A. tritnAl ftAfV)M M HI rs.a.J! "" Beth
Interment private, nt Caps May N t
LENT. Suddenly, May jfl, MARTItl
wife of lat Thomaa W. Len OieV uViYA'
Relatlvea and friends are InMted : te sVSL'i
funeral aervler, at the patlera 0f hVm!."!
W. Kehr A Sen, N. W. cer. 2t and nW1
mend its.. Wed., 2 P. Vt. precisely ,LV
Pernnoed Cem. e.iseij. inl
Bolemn re.ulm mass at the chureli nPn!.1'
F.ady of Victory 0 A. M. Int. at Bt. rj.?.1?
t '. D,nlv
Cem. ' """
JUpMUMiBN. Mav 27. JAMES M f.
MOl.LEN. husband of Sa'rah A. MacMu
Warren Council, Ne, 81,
?yv;s ,A"?. w
InvlUd tn aervlcM. AVM., 2 r. m,. T'mU(.iL'
a.14 Wv He at. Int. Fernwoert jiVl" "
Tus,. 1 te 0 P. M. """"
mack, way x(,
wlf of th late Thema Mnek (.. J7JTd
rujHKvnr .....
Relatlvs nd frlt,ds Invited tc fun.,1 "
Wed., a P. M from hr late resld,n!i'
2048 N. 3d st. Int. Oreenmeuni ; Kg
Frlfnd call Tues. e. ' 'iVi
MAOBE. May 28. MARY J., belei.,, ,
of Daniel Magee (nee MrCallen) In ie2 Ti!i
year. Reatlve and friend, rnemb... 0,11
Altar Society and Star of KenalnglSn Wd'
Ne. 87. O of 8. of n.. nre Invited te AJKl
funeral, Thursday, 8 '30 A. M from hi,'.".1
residence, 2840 Bourtlnet at. HeUmn nal
mass. Chunh of the Vla'tatlen le w1
Intarment Helv flepulchr Cemeterv.
MAHER. Suddenly. May 28. PHlLrp
husband of th. late Mary A. MahVr. nXil
tlve and friend are. Invited te atteni S"
nernl, Wed,. 8:30 A. M from his "i, ,..V
dene. Hutment ye.. Oakvlew! DelawiV.
Ce.. Pa. 8eletnn high mass at St. ChnH,.?
Chureh 10 A. M. Int.- St. Charles' Jim
Ne renvevinces. J v,m
MA'LliON. At Chicago, ni., May "8 te
WILLIAM MALLON.s net th. Tate 'i,'",
and Susan Malleij. lat nf Mlnnl.can?
County Tyrene. Ireland, brother if Fr,if:
Charl and Jehn Ms en. Rela Ivel ,S
friend are Invited le attend funeral. Thur.
day. 8 A. M., from the parlors of K It
Hoey. undertaker. 1210 N. ISth st &.&,
high maas of reaulem at th Church of SI
Qcsu 10 A. M. Interment Hely Cress Cein!
'jtARTtN. On May 28. J022. Wirrtn.
ROBERT MARIN. nelatlve,-''BMaVVrf,,nV.,
also Protection Ledge. Ne. 24.T I. e. O S 1
Serona Slleam Encampment. Ue. 17 f A'
. K. Belmont Camp Ne. 301. p 6 i' "
A.i Waverly Castle. Ne. 13. jf. d. E .Si
all ethsr organization of which he was 2
msmber. are Invited te the service !
tSSViW&uSS cnn Tue(!ay
feCOHMICK. Suddenly. May 20, Wit
LIAJt J., aen of Hrlclget and the late Jam.
McCermlck. ased 22. Relatives and frlenal
are Invited te attend funeral. Wed . S "n 2?
M.. from hi mother' residence. 3 nuS t
Germantown. High mas at Church of ail
Francl of Aall 10 A. M. Int. Hely E-puT.
chre Cem. ""
Mccormick. en Mar 37. rose a (.
Sweeney), widow of James K. McCermlck
and en M y 20, JAMES A., huibind of
Anna E McCermlck (nee Marshall). r.
tlve and friends Invited te funeral, en Wed.
insday. at age A. M., from their lata rest
dene. 8321 Thompson at. Solemn requlm
maas Church of St. Gregery, at 10 A. It
Interment Helv Cress cemetery.
McNEILL May 28. JOHN, husband of
Margaret Jane McNeill. Relatives and
friend are Invited te nttnd funeral tt
Ice. Wed., 11 A. M, precisely, lata reiN
dence. 1007 V. Bosten a. Int.. private.
MINTZER. May 20. at the residence ef
hi daughter. Mr. H. B. Weldy. 45
Springfield ave.. FRANCIS R. .MINTZER,
aged 00. Relative and frlenJH are invited
te filneril services, Thurs., 2 P. M., 481
Baltimore ave, Int, private. Fernwood Cera.
HAN. Relative and friends, also St 91 91
ader Council, Ne. 288. K. of C . and all
ether eeletle of which he was a member.
are Invited te funeral. Wed., S:30 A. If.
from his late residence. 10 S. 17th st.
Solemn requiem maas at St. Patrick1
Church 10 A. M. Int. Helv Crae Cm.
MOORE. On May 27. 1022. MARY B,. .
widow of W. P. 8. Moere, of 380 W, Lan
caster ave.. Wayne, Pa., aged 58 yean.
Relative and friend are Invited te lb
service Wednesday afterroen at 2 30 o'clock.
at the Oliver H. Balr Building. 1820 Cbeilnut
at. Interment private.
MORRELL. Suddenly, at Hobekn. N, J..
May 87, OLIVER MORRELL hutband of
the late Mary B. Merrell. Relatives and
friend nre Invited te attend funral, Wed..
1:45 P. M late residence. 3441 N. Ella st.
Service In Providence M. K. Church. 3 ?.
M. Int. areenmeunt Cem. Remains may be
viewed Tues. eve.
MYV:RS. May 23. MARY B.. wife ef th.
Inte Edward Myrt Service strictly prlvstt,
at the parlor of S. P. Frankenficld's Sens,
UO'IU tilT. V. "It "VUt. .V ... ....
be'eved husband of Anna P. Neuber (nee
Kraus). Relatives and friends, and all or.
sanitatiens of which he was a member, I
vtted te funeral. Men.. 2 P. M., residence,
2808 Olrard ave. Int. private.
NEWELL. May 28, 1022. ANN' M widow
of .Tame Newell, Relatlvea and friends are
Invited te nttend funeral senlcee, Thurs, S
P. M.. at her late reldence, 1705 N 22d st
Int. Mt. Merlah Cem. Friends may call
Wed.. 7 te 0 P. M.
PKTERMAN. May 2(1. 1022, MART, trlft
of Albert Petermin, aged 71. Relative and
friends are Invited te nttend funeral eerr
Ires, at Zlen Lutheran Church. Vhltemnra.
Tn . Wid.. 21S P. M.
PETERSON. Suddenly, at Woeiilinm.
N. .1.. May 20. 1022. ELWOOD 0 PETER
SON, aged no. Funeral services private, at
his late residence. Thurs., 2 P. M , standard
time. Int. private, L&ke Park Ceia.
Swedesbnrn, N, J,
PlIJUlCHIK. On May 28. 102J. AN
DREW PILARCHIK. Relatives and friend
nre Invited te the funeral, en Thursday
morning at 8 30 o'clock, from his late resi
dence. 4088 N. Marshall st. Requiem high
mas at Church of St. Jehn Nenemucenn at
10 o'clock. Interment at Hely Sepulchre
CfpitIDE'. On 27th Inst.. ELIZABETH IS .
wife of Captain Rebert 11. Pride Relative;
and friend Invited te service. Thursday, 3
P. M.. from her lat residence. 0537 I'aechal
ave Friend may call Wednesday after 8
'REED. Suddenly, en Mnv 28 lMt.
CLARA A., wife of William G. Iteed, FUt
neral en Thursday morning at F 30 e clock,
from her realdcnce, 1717 Perter st. Itequlen
high mass at St. Menica' Church at 10
o'clock. Interment private,
RE8SLER. May 211 at his residence.
4010 Ella St.. JOHN C. HESSLER. Rela
tive and friend, also empleses of tn
American Stores, cre Invited te att'nd fu
neral servlcet, Tues.. 8 P. M. preclbfly, at
the David H. Schuyler Hid.. Ilread and
Diamond at. Int. private, nt the cenvenli
ence of the family. Kindly emit flower.
HYAN. May 20. 1022. PATRICK J hul
band of Mary A. Rynn (nee Hassett). Jte
tlves and friends, also Hely Name SecleW.
Court Columbia. Ne. Bfl. E. of A., and im im
Pleye. of J. II. Van Bclyer Ce . In ted 1
funeral. Wed. 8:30 A. M late residence.
3444 Regent st. Solemn rju em maifc
Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
10 A. M. Int. Wilmington. Del .....
SIEBACH.-May 27. 1022. JUlIN hu.and
of the late Loulse Slebach. aged il. brr
Ices Wed.. 2 P. M residence of ,wn. Wil
liam Slebnch. 2523 N. Water st Int. Qreen-
mount Cem ...r,.i t wife ef
SMITH. May 2H. AUinuntn ","'.,
Waltnr S. Smith And dauKmr "'.,JIrvrttl
wr."d w'.ll,pu ii',6r"sr'rS?i "5
J. Mis
.rM irvlce M Kirk SlrsX
. 0801 Oermantew
private. Hem
res'dence. 43 Copier
fhapter: Mary Cnnimandery
Chapter: Mary Cnniinantiery. .". n.
and I'hlla Consistory. 13'',f ,". 2
lted te attend funerul "W'-J Bread !
P M.. at Armstrong's. 1027 N 'reu
Suddenly. en.Mn) - '?.-
- (All
n "- -",.,ia,
Bide. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment v."
Friend, m.y call Wednesday evening B
WEAVER huddmly May 28 Ail"B"J
S Sr.. husband of Florence L ",.
aged 70. Relatives and friend" 1" ' r"4
cfsvllle Council. Ne. 837. U of I 'K'
Sclence rnuncll. r.e n.. ' ".; w ,
lted tn
funeral service. Wed .
i. Mat. residence. 2130, N. 2ith .,lnli8TA.
.',1 i WE1IER. Suddenly. M 2' A,I!;,,tlvel
I.! wife of UaMd Weher aged RO 'v0 .v
Provide new. the future I. uneerUl
Beautiful. Accessible. Perpetual Car.
I.. in emr. -Olenslde. Penna. Beth rhenis;
I,Y.Ni;lf .May hi, ia.mk.h J, hushs4 ..
Hannah P. Ljnch. Relatives and ??ie".f
also Altar Rosary and Hely Nam" SoiliM; SeiliM;
ar Invited te attfnd funeral. Wed VV
Int. privat
I'niir.AiAii -
MARTHA a.' wife of tne. iai- ""-. ,i
... . ......... j (eijinii airu
Jnemacn. iteiauve. ami 'member.
irganliallen of which ah vv.s m,'mr'.
ire Invited te th service, en Tl fl f
loon at 2 30 n'ciecic, at i
emit flower. . j-.vtd n , sod
ZEARFOOS. On May 25. .''.'VJ .'V rear
of the lit Diivld It KtidAd. W l',,'! fi fi fi
foes. Relatives und friends In""; ",' ,t
rer.l tervlces. enV.'ednesday : - 1 ';,
the residence of hi lstjr, Mis. "',rB",jjta
I man. 2032 Wfstnmnl s.t nrm.fnlt. vli
Friends may call Tuesday. 7 te 0 '
w'rt- s.tfrmz&jswizL.
mWiiSjfrm.. rM
Mt$$$h&te& Av -xMkW