PHiltUlH ES51 ETUI 'fifiiyrfrf' i "fl "Tl IT' ' ii i. i ii' ' i v' WfflQtpRnPFm TW If . et ter te the Editor Call for BetUr Tranilt Faellltlea which our woefully Inadequate street. Mllway facilities directly cause. n Ik a reflection upon the progres pregres d,cnc of nil Phlladclphlans te w nine submit te such JnjpW Iment te fheir commercial and residential prog preg res If ambition 'Is lacking for bigger Md better affaire In our metropolitan fife, tt te meat unfortunate, and should be rudely atlmulated by, out- dally prew. "Would some power the gift give ue, tn see ourselves an ethers see us. A Bread street subway and one or two ether north and south express Hues aheuld be started Immediate y and i rushed te completion, along with an other cast and west artery. Icanwhile, mere frequent subwny trains and sur Jfaec cnrTln tandem should be amply provided during dallrjtransit peaks, .At present, during such hours, this utility U mere like n packing house tban a I nubile service. .... ., I Our municipal administration, jib trustee of the citizens, should tuku the initiative Immediately and be the pace ! maker In order te relieve existing con gestion and provide adequate future transit facilities and promote the very bent Interests of the city ami its citi zens. Meney, labor and ndu;trles are new available for the work. Normalcy in virtually with us, yet we de net recognize it through our abnormal vl , tlen developed during the war, when ever thing was en an intensive and tremendous scnle. Our municipal transit facilities new need real Intensive widespread action te avoid embarrassment and less of nrcstlge during the construction nnd operation of the Scbqul-Ccntcnnlnl. Everv progressive newspaper in the city sheul'd blast away Incessantly until this . vital need is furnished nnd finished in fist time. H. I G. COATE3. Philadelphia, May 27. 1022. Displeased by Zander-Gump Verdict Te the EdUer of the Kvenre Publle Ledger: Sir Will you kindly hand the en closed te Mr. Sidney Smith and greatly oblige. Mr. Smith I am really disappoint ed in the verdict of Zander vs. Gump case. I don't think it fair she should get that money. Can't jeu let some thing happen in favor of peer Unde Blm. He loves her, but she does net love him, that's why It Isn't fair. I lave followed the Gumps for some time and seu arc great. W. E. JENKINS. Philadelphia, May 20, 1022. Mathematical and Nautical te the Editor tt tht Evening Publii Acificr; Sir I wish te call your attention te a quiz in Inst Tuesday's Evening Pun no Lcnenn, May 10. under the head ing "What De Yeu Knew?". "Quiz In traveling westward around the world is a day le-t or gained?" Under "Answer te Yesterday's Quiz," print ed in the edition of Wednesday, May IT. is the follewing: In travellrg westward n round the world a day la gained ut the International date line, the 100th meridian nenr the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Here I wish te offer n correction. First. The day Is lest and net gnlned. Second. The international date line theoretically coincides with the 180th meridian, nnd net the 100th meridian, as etir answer states. The dite line Is purely an arbitrary line and is net officially accepted by uny government, but Us adoption bas bwn for purposes of practicability. I; Marts at the North Pele, passing through Bering Strnlt. then slants te the west te clear the projection of the Aleutian IflnndH and gite them the same day as the United States. It then returns te the ISOtli meridian and drops south irte the tropics, keep ing far te the eastern of the Jnpnne'x) Archipelago ami the Philippines, until, earing the latitude of the Fiji Islands, it makes another Mvcrvc te the eastern, k. as nut te conflict with the dale in Australia nnd the adjacent Islands of Australasia. It at no time comes in close prox imity te cither of the 100th meridians, east or west. (Consult any reliable at las and you will sec.) The navigators' date line is the 180th meridian, nearly in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and exactly twelve hours from Greenwich. A ship sailing westward lengthens its day by one hour for every fifteen de grees of lengtitudc moving with the sun, nnd by u certain amount corresponding te the difference of longitude made Eoed by the ship's run, equivalent te four minutes of time for ewry degree it steams, and by going westward entirely around the earth will have lest one dav at the arrival at the starting point. Te this navigator the second of the month would be the first, or Monday, Sunday. This is evident, since by going around the earth from the east te west, travel ing westward, our ship has In respect te itself diminished by one the number of revolutions made by the earth during this time. (Remember, opposite direc tion te the earth's rotation.) Steaming te the eastern, the reverse takes place and our ship gains one dav, making one mere revolution than the earth does. (Same direction as the earth's rotation.) New let ua get down te "brass tacks." A ship sailing westward through Sat urday, May 20, 1022, finds itself in longitude in 170 degrees Gil minutes 45 seconds west and the time 11 hours 00 minutes P. M. This position would be approximately one-quarter of a mile or fifteen seconds of arc from or te the east of the 180th meridian and the time nearly midnight. Say the speed of our ship is ten knots per hour. At this rate ttie intervening distance from our position 170 degrees 00 minutes 45 seconds W. te the 180th meridian would be consumed within 1 minutu 80 seconds. We would new find ourselves en the date line, with Saturday behind us, past, and Sunday A. M. beginning en the eastern side of the line or in west longitude. On the western side of the line, or in east longitude, Siaidny would be past and Monday A. M. beginning. Thus we ww Id be literally precipitated Inte "next week," losing one day Sun day and startfng our entrance into cat longitude with Monday. The only length of dav equivalent te time that the ship would have of Sun t'a.v would be thirty hecends. A ship in a similar position in cast longitude and snillug eastward would have just completed a day's run through Stmday in east longitude, and after crossing the line would find herself en tering the A. M. period of another Sun day in west longitude, thus gaining a nay nnd having two Sundays In making the eastward patsuge. Should wu find ourselves nt S A. M. Sunday. May 21. 1022, in nest longi tude, with hi.ty miles te go te the date nne, and nrrlving at 2 P. M. Sunday, we epuld still carry en with the sumo day namely. Sunday. ' Having had meridian altitude that day (sun en the meridian) in west longitude, at our next or succeeding meridian nl nl titiule en the duy following we would call Tuesday, having lest Monthly. lieWAUH i nu.m. PliilmU'lnliiii. Miiv II.'S. 11)22. r. . 1 tiiKc miicll interest in tnc - aa . .. ' a " . .a 'tutorials. People's Forum and What le Yeu Knew of the Evening Pub- ' ' T ' - . tw. it 'S FOKP KL K?".i?nd,lllt " dmlrcr of the sheet from the Last Mlnute News en page one te the pictorials en the last P"SA. Yeu 8und t page also comes I... h?re. Oh" admiration, I have; cresacd the Pacific quite n few ill".09 -8i ?av,K?t0' e' n trans-Paclflc China coaster, .ln . the. 9u,f. niver the Intention - i i tat0 th,t an advance of ene 2jV"lJf iW0B m.ad8 hn the west ward -bound vessel reached the 180th id m", ft wa" ,n that Mnte that the word, "gain" was used, "gain" Imply ing? ?rereM ' ttae se rapid that an entire tvventy four hours In skipped. As !.-e.iBh,.Pi.' &.! Put .back In a Journey until the 180th meridian is reached, these alterations were conceived by the writer of the Quiz anawer as a less that is, retrogression of time and the change at the date line as a speeding up or gain. If a person were awaiting some pleasurable event say, for in Btance, a wedding te take place in a ?t ""J" one day waB dropped from that week, reducing it te six days, he or she m ght be inclined te believe that there bad been a gain In time. The answer given was perhaps tee figurative, v ',. ""bough time is gained at the date line en a westward voyage, a day Is actually dropped and hence in the sci entific tense lest. Editor. Questions Answered Federal Reserve System Te tht Editor 0 the Evtnine Public Ltdetr: Sir Kindly rmbllah In the l'eeplc'n Forum a complete deecrlptlen of the Federal Re Re aerve bank system. Thank you. t. PERT-STRIV. Philadelphia, May 23, 1022. A "complete deacrlptlen" of the Federal Reaerve eatem would occupy far mero apace than the I'eeple'a Forum has at Its disposal. Brleflv, under the terms of the Currency Act of 1018. by which the Federal Reserve ayatem waa eatabllahed. the country la divided Inte twelve geographical dtvlalena. Hach of theae has a "regional bank." Tlil hank Is properly the central association for the na tional banks In that dlvlilen and the me dium for the tranaactlena between the Gov ernment and the banka. The ateck for the Federal or regional banks Is subscribed first by the national banks and then by the public at large. Many truat cempanlea have volun tarily allied themselves with the Federal Re- aervu ayatnm, though there waa no cempul- alen, direct or Implied, In the law establish ing It. It Is In these regional banks that the Government deposits funds and theae banka laaue notes. The national banks keep a re re aerve en deposit In the rcsUmal banks. These latter are directed by a beard of nine members, or whom three are chosen by the Federal Reacrve Deard and six by member banka. Ihe Federal Reserve Deard cenalata of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Cemp treller of the Currency and flve ether mem bers cheaen by the President of the United Statea and two of whom must bk. expert bankers but have no affiliation with any bank during their term of service. "Maid of the Mist" Te the Editor of the Evening rublle J.tdarr: Sir On August 21. 1021. I saw two beats at the feet of Niagara Fall, each named the Meld of the Mist. One was smaller and much, elder than the ether and was evi dently, net In regular service. I have aeen theae two beats several times. W. A. McCREA. Philadelphia. May 24, 1022. What was Implied In the Peeple'a Forum statement that two beats named Maid of the Mlat were net In aervlce at the Falls at the same time was that they were net engaged In regular pusscnger traffic. There have been several vessels se called alnce the original Maid nchleved her famous dash through the rapids flfty-flve eara age, and the small craft you saw In 1021 was evidently one of these that had been retired from service. A Figure of Speeeh Te the Editor of the Evening Puelfc Ltdeer: Sir When flctlnnlsts and ethers write about waves "rolling mountains high." lust what Is meant? Purely the waves of the ocean never reach the altitude of a mountain top! CURIOUS. Philadelphia, May 27. 1022. "Mountains high" la a mere figure of apeech. It has been aacertalned that waves de net rise mere than twelve feet nbeve the level of c,alm water. An, however, there Is a correaponJInK "trough" between every two wave, the hlgheat crest of a wave la about twento-feur feet ubeve the lewcft doprte deprte doprte elen. The water a few feet below the bot tom of a "trough" In a eterm Is perfectly tranquil, the .storm causing only a auper nclal agitation. Pepms and Songs Desired Memerial Day te the Editor of the Evening Pub He Ledger: Memery turns back today the pages of yore, Each battle of the Civil War Is fought encu mere; Men of high courage that denned the blue and the gray Off then with our hats loudly cheer them this May Day Remember the A. E. F., our great Xatlen'b firlde. r chivalry and the brave deeds they glut llled, America greets you. our spirit wtll net lag Let soldier, sailor, rlttxen salute the flag. anoner. w. btevens. Camden. N. J.. May 28. Ten-Year-Old'i Memerial Peem Te the Editor of the Evening P.uoHe Ledger: Sir De you think, according te your judg ment, that the following poem, entitled "Me "Me eorial Day," Is In a fit oendltlon te be printed? NORMAN DOSSEN. Ten years old, 2407 Frankford avenue, Pupil of Adams Scheel. May SO. 1022. MEMORIAL DAT By Nerman Dessen Thla Is the day when all are sad. Thinking of each fallen man and lad. Whose lives had ended before their times In making a-rlght another's crimes. We think of the men that have followed and led. Of all who for a righteous cauae had bled; Ily our men all, dangers were gallantly braved. And whose determination our country had saved. 'Twas our soldiers who made peace In this land, a creatien: 'Twaa our aeldlers who fought te make ua a nation. All the United States memerialises you. Fallen defenlers of the red white and blue. As I walk through row en row of silent rraves. The last abode of our fallen braves, Thtae flowers, all of a different hue, Aa a token of gratitude I give te you. Thla I'll try te premlae ye, Away off In eternity, Oh. noble men and patrleta true, I'll de my beat te ee use you. Te make our Natien greater tilt. And keep It ever going up hill. Snlilers! Since eighteen sUtv-flva We've kept your memory allvu. I am proud of the North, which ended the fight. And of the Seuth, for when they aaw their cauie vvaa leat they ylelded te the right. And new united we de atand Te protect this our native land "Soldier, Reetl Thy Warfare O'er" Te the Editor of th i Evening Publio Ledger: SirWill you please print In our Me Me eorial Day Peeple's Forum the poem by Sir Walter Stott beginning "Soldier, reatl thy warfare o'er," and oblige one who wen OVER THERE. Philadelphia, May 20, 1022. SOLDIER, REST Soldier, reatl thy warfare o'er. Sleep the aleep that knewa no breaking; I. ream of battle flelda no mere, )ii)i of danger, nights of waiting. In our lale's enchanted hall. Hands unaetn thy couch are strewing, Fairy strains of music fall. Every sens In slumber dewing. Soldier, reatl thy warfare o'er. Dream of fighting flelda no mere. Sleep the aleep that knows )ie breaking. Mern of tell, nor night of waking, Ne rude sound ahull rtach nine ear, Armer's clang, or wnr-eteed champing. Trump nor pibrech eummen here, Muaterlng clan, or aquaernn irumpins. .. -.--.-------.-- - . vet the lark's shrill nre may corns At the daybreak from the fallow. And the bittern sound his drum, Peumlrur from th Mdgy shstlvw. Ruder sounds shall hens bs Hear, Guards nor wsrdfrs chsllenr mrsl Here's he war-steed's lulgh siirt champing, Bheullng clans or squadrons stamping. Huntsman, rest! thy chase is dens, Vhlte our slumbreus spelts aaaall ye. Dream net, with the rising sun. Ruglers hore shall aeund reveille. Sleepl ths deer Is In his dent Blnepl the hounds nr by the lrlngl Bleep I nor 1renm In veider glen, Hew thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, reatt thy chase Is denel Think net of the rising sunt Fer at dawning te aaaall ye. Hers no buries sound reveille. . The People' Fernm will appear dally In the Evening Peblle ledger, and alaa in the.Hnndar Pnblle ledger. Letters discussing timely topics will be printed, as well na requested poems, and questions of general Interest will be answered. F SPRINO RKSOKTW ATLANTIC CITY. N. J, up dly. Hnecl, wkly. Amer. Flan. nnd Flreoreof Annex. Tennessee av. nr. Reach. Cap, JOU: central! open surround ings; epp. i;atneua ana Areiesiani churches. Prlv. baths. Running Water in All Reems Kxcellent table; fresh vegetables. Win dows screened. White aervlce. Booklet. 83.80 Day Up. Sped. Wkly. Am. Flan e. Carolina ave., right off Beardwalk: convenient te all attractions. Cap. 600; strictly modern; elevator; prlv. baths. Running Water in All Reems Large, beautifully appointed solarium. Refined patronage. Cuisine and service unexcelled. Uoeklet. Ueth hotels owner ship management. R. II. 1..UDY. M. D. MONTICELLO KxcelN In Comfert. Serjlce ind t'ulslne Kentucky Avenue Near Heai'.i Dancing, Orchestra Write for Special June Rates Atlantic City's llncst. largest and Most Popular Moderate-Itnte Hetel Choice, well-furnished rooms, private baths, metnl beds, elevators te street, unusually attractive lobby, parlors and reception rnemis capacltv 000; erchestra: dancing. Newly papered and renovated throughout. Public showers. Rates 13.110 tip dally: special weekly. American Plan. RUNNING WATER IN ROOMS Ownership manan't. Write for booklet D. T'hnne 101H. 1T.TTKU A HOt.I.INOER All YOU'D BXPBCT A HOTBL TO BR Btael Pltr and all amusements; two blscka te Pretest- nt and Csthelle Churches. .... .. RUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM Improved at a Cost Cceedln $30,000 All rooms refurnished, eleetrle lights.TSImmens beds: repapered and repainted: private baths; elev. te an Beers; eseellent table: private ref'g and Ice plant; bathhouses and showers with attendants. Americsn Plan, $1 op dly. $20 up wkly. Write for Ilklt. and ' 'Call of the Bait Snraj " Phene (jl Personally managed by owners. ITITZU IllTZU RI.KKP WI1ERF. LIFE Is SAFEST Rrlck, Hieel nnd Htone Construction PRINCESS Ocean uid Se. Carolina Av. Largest moderate rate house of modern large city construction. Het and Celd Running Water In all Reems Private Ruths Elevator French chef. Excellent tuble. Orchestra. Danclnif. Free bathhouses for guests with Boardwalk entrance. S HO and up dally. Am. plan. 12 up. Eu. plan. Hpcclnl wecklv. Rook Reek let with auto read map mailed. Ph, 4514-1210 PAUL C. R03ECRANS. Owner & Proprietor S3 un Dly.t Sp. Wkly. Am. Finn. (with meats) OSBORNE Cor. Pacific and Arkansas nves. Prlv. re frlceratlng plant: electrle kitchen open for Inspection; running water: all outside rooms; scrupulously clean. Elev. prlv. baths, bath ing from hetel: bath house and showers free. Orchestra, dancing: white aervlc: garage, n.ieklet. FRY HOCKENBURY. ALBEMARLE Virginia uve., block from famous Boardwalk and Steel Pier; open after Improvements coating S35.00O. making this house strictly modern In everv sense. Electricity thrunut. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Spacious selarium: sun deck; private baths: elevator; II. 00 day up, rooms only. Owner shin management. GABLE & DEVITT. anje Breaker. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. On the Ocean Frent American nnd European Plans FIREPROOF ' Umiaually attractive nt this season. Dancing. New Gelf Club privileges. Uarage en prem ises, Sensible rates. On Ocean front at Mentpeller ave. Suites with hath, running water ull reams: elevator. Spring rates 14 day up, 124 up wkly. Amer. Plan: also Europ. plan H. M. REEVES. KENTUCKY Kentucky AV. nr. Beach. Cap. 350. Running water. Prlv. baths. Pha. In rms. Orch. Dane Ins. $8.80 up dly. Spec, wklv King A Karbnrt ALTER HALL 8. Carolina ave. nr. beach. Mted. throughout, Seed, early season rates. Amer. and Eurnn Plan. Open all year. MRS. K. RYAN. I I THURBER Atlantic & Massachusetts ave. Capacity U00. All outside, airy roema. Bathing from hotel. 11.00 day up. Special weekly European plan Raataurant connected, MRS. V. M. THURBER Kentucky ave near beach: tvers mefl.rn : imprevement: Open all vear, Imprevement: apedal spring rates. Booklet. ' juii.-n j. Munrav, uwnii, ' RATMORE ATCWC World's Greatest Hettl Success THP FI WfsOn 8t' ,Ja,m" Place. . I fib LLIIUUU overlooking Beard-' walk. Fireproof. Copaelty i'50. "r1"'" 1 baths. Running water In rooms. Elevator., K. T. tlltAFF. Owner AUSTINE lacmc " Jam" Plll- c'ose nUkil!Et ,, cmrches & amusements. Running wate? In rooms. P. H. JONEH ... TAROR INN Ocan end Connecticut At. I ltOVinmilMMI locatien: lirn lr rooms excellent table; i'Oth season; owner mgmi Burins rates. t-.m.. M. Dunn. MILLER COTTAGE A;.V.7p.DSi- for Us table. 13 up dally; $18 up weekly. llUh season. KmarHen Cmuthamel. Mgr. You'll XHE LOUVAN "'"' " Like fcl a-,wwv-s Beach Tenn. ave, Running water In rooms. Med. rates. Europ. plan. Mrs. K. Cenner. HOTEL MORTON Virginia Ave. Near Reach Write for boeklet: new brick addition. AIKTINE Pacific St. James Place. Clese nudimu t0 ttl, chUrches 4 amuaementa Running walef In rooms K. u. jd.nls MONTICELLO :2.r ' & dclayMu? $20 up weekly. FETTER a HOLLINOER Hetel Boscobel ""ajj," VIW:J''t, ,18 "" rh m- A- K- MARION TIIF PLAZA St. Charlea Pacflc. Re II1& ronten flnfd .urreundlnga. Every anp. Open all year. Pelt rich A Russell, Mgrs. nnAutin 1010 Paclfle Ave. Prlv. baths. ajOOWUl Hmining water. Knrenenn plan. WIMIWOOI. N. J. EDGETON HOTEL Spec;?HleBprln8 Real Meals. IV. II. Hudslns. Mgr. Anr1ia Picturesque Unusual environment. niXBUia Mnijneua Bn(i Pacific. MRS. V. D. MAXWELL. HAVILLA Mur19 Av". nr Beach. Under new management. Ooed table. Homelike, comfortable rms. Mr.R.A.Heward. FFNWICK Hetel and Restaurant. Opp. rcilTfivr. renna, n, R, .tatlen. Booklet. EILBERON NEW ENGLAND lu r.Mln. A 4n nff Rarh And HOArOWt II ntlT ?AT 1- 'i'.Wl ss. miasms -W-V UWMWW.L jgTcneMWBLii atakh. Nanr Calaalal All eutslds rooms. Prlv, A I!W vvivniai . ,,,,.. n. m. tlvrnn.Prnn. KEYSTONE Mttl Av' Sunning water. ra1ianm Olenwoed Ave, nr. beach1. Run. aveiwyn w1., m,,, n(lt, Mrs. Mnualey, KOysjig and Afiartmesitf TEMPLE HALL "'"'" "w mt. si4 it. Itmriiti lUUb p 0 aTi community plan, tiff wsalj ; up. Aute meets trains. MAONO! i.i A ill B. Magnelia, rur. rma.i hkn.l prlv. I hear Reach J. I R. Jacksen Carlar Hall Cedar Ave, near Seaeh. Run- .m w-,-- jt.m, a niAvlrA Mtrlborengh ApU.g11' fur.lgt. hrkpsr. Roberts Av. DERBYSHIRE pcln Sniper. Cem. lBipijniic tiUn .kMr, privii,t,t. VRRMONT. 148 B. Hehelllngsr. tt.BO day. Am. pian. ivs,ini. taeis. rs. c. sioiveewB rkattaa 141 B, WtldWOOd SV. Fum. MM. v" Prlv. of hkpg. Mrs. O. It. Jackaen WILDWOOD CftEBT. H. t. JUSTICE APTS. fT-.--2S amuaamtnte. Moderate terms. Bathing from teuse. Large breeiy perches. W. A Justice OCEAN CITY. N. , THE SWANNOA Seventh St. CsnUsl At. Oeesn City, N, I, An exclusive cottage giving home comforts with hotel service. Centrally . located, few minutes' walk te beacn ana attractions, special rates let month of June. Bend for booklet. LA MONTE 8th and Ocean Ave. Excellent table. Med. rates. Open all year. MRS. M. B. THOMAS. BERKELEY I,each trmt lT- ' " rms ; every one with ocean view. Bathing from house. Merris Sellers RALEIGH 'ew Pen' Het and cold ivruiuuii running water In all rooms, June rates. MRS. MARTHA BTEWART. ROm YN nil Central. Fur. rooms Near KUSbin .,chi M. O. HUELL. Haleven Hall Amer. A Eurnp. 1110 Wes Wes naicyen nan v av Mrf F D Maxw. The ImnerlaJ Nar Beach, special June ine imperial r)((f, A M MacOREneR MFI ROSE 14lh snd Asbury. New open. tUCL.IyiJE. R,tf, JOHN I VANTINB HIQIAVNF Run'g water in every room. PIJWH Ic Booklet. E. IILUNDIN. HEA ISI.K CITY. N. . nBw jersey's FINEST RESORT The Retort Vm Cm Itpend Upen te farada the proper reqali. lies fer a taaretiaklr ealerable vacation. Healthful climate, perfect weather aad delightful surroundings. Sea and Inlaad Biking, yachting, sailing aad numerous outdoor sports aad enterUlaaMsit. Splendid Yacht Club TMKE MILES IF ICUI I0M0WUK Saftst Bathing Beach aa Ike Jenny Ceatt NOW Is the tlme te real s eat. tags for the summer or make your reservations at one of the eieel'ent hotels or bond bend ing houses. Fer Information write CITY CLERK City Rail, Sea Isle City, N. J. HEA ISLE CITY. N. J. Fer Information write City Clerk. Citr stall HOTEL STEVENS Directly en Boardwalk. Amer. a Europ. plan. R. T. Stevens. Prep. AVALON. N. J. THE PRINCETON AVALON, NEW JERSEY Excellent culalne. Running water, baths Near beach. JOSEPH Y. DILATL'PH. Prep. HERBERT Q. RITEl). Manager. SPRING LAKE BEACH. N. J. THE BREAKERS By the Sea. Spring Lake Beach. N. 3, Sea Bathlnfr. RldlnK. Beating. Orchestra. Dancing. Privilege of two lS-hele golf courses. Ten Tennis courts. Hetel new open for Inspection Early Reservations suggested. Phene 909, Open for the Seaaen June 17th. I1EACH HAVEN. N. J. THE ENGLESIDEnT,, Private hatha with sea ana Trash water) Ave tennis ceurts: booklet. R. V. ENOLB ttgr. Alse ths Covington. West Philadelphia. SE GIRT. N. .1. THE STOCKTON On the Ocean Frent Sen Girt, adjoining tiprlng Lake. N. J. OCEAN GROVE, X. J. THE IVY HOUSE :f MAtN AVB inc. its nuuai OCEAN QROVE. N.J. CAPE MAY. N. i. KEEP COOL AT CAPE MAY. N. J. Fer booklet, write Beard of Trade MOUNT rOCONO, TA. DEVONSHIRE PINES ?T,N1 Special Spring Rates. Fishing. Bathing 'and nnatlng. Booklet H D. Humphrey. CANADENSIS. PA. LAUREL GROVE INN c8'",, iM.,m melt tablet aaraaei 118 weak! nklt. LAANNA, PA. Th I ancaster Hrnv- comfortable, rest- ine iiancaiier ful In pocenoii ra)r ratea. Information. Baughan Utt. Preps. BWARTHMORB. PA. a T W A T n n A V T! K a I A " " " INN . BWRiHVJ,lK1' . . . Attractive Suburban Iletel SO minutes from Phils. Bread St. Station. Free auto te morn Ine and evening trains. OARAOE In connec tion. Spacious grounds. Tennis, Canoeing, tianclng. TE4. ROOM. Dav. wkly. and mtbly. rates quoted. Dinner Parties. Banqueta. WE8TPOBT. N. 1. RSTPORT INN ON LAKK CHAMPLAIN Heuaekeeplng and non-tieuaekeeolns cettagea. Own golf links, tennis, beating, bathing, flehlng. orchestra; steam icat Rates 17.00 up Blkt. II. P. SflTn. Westrrart. N. V. STAMFORD. N. V. btnmferd-ln. the-Catakllla. N. V. Fer Bklt. and Information write Cham, of Cem ' ' mvl, , . PINK HILL, N. . THE CORNISH HOUSE Ac.c,- " ., . . . vatlen 2000 ft. hd,enr" '?,""!..".' JrlVvi,h ?' ,P',h,"". fishing, rowing, music and dancing Booklets, F. Berkewltz. Pine Hill. Ulster Ce , N. Y. ' BOSTON. MAWfl. I0TELP hAw. TCttV isfen Heuia 84 I jw1lK Mavaeaal 0r&ssasxm Wf) S . asanssaalSaBnSBnsaa!iiSBjAiin, IUr. v fcr Ov h wttilb i te IBatwrtc LENOX. MAbB. HOTEL ASHNWALL LENOX, MASS. High and Coel in tht Btrkshirti Opena June 17. OOI.F. SADDLE RIDINO, Desirable Cettagea with Hetel Service. L. A. TWOROflEB. Manager Addreaa until May 80, cars Hetel Uslmsab did st. and Park ave.. New Yerk. Winter Raaert. Princess Haul. Denes EDUCATIONAL liflth Hraea STRAYER'S Th "" "ualneae Srheel 91IUIblJ 07 CHESTNUT ST. l'oaltlen guaran'd. Enter new. Day or night. EDUCATIONAL CAMPS THOUSAND ISLANDS. N. T. CAMP WEE-E-YAH-YAH Far boys 8 te 11 year et age. July 1 U Ant. 31, ftlS. Illustrated booklet en reqaest, . U. BUXTON. tO NewaU Bt EUta, M, T. rL il I SBKk,v J"" Ifkvw . " rattamamiA tSAlATmmA ' , " OAXtfBKNIA. ''OMMMMIA" v 'aK5u in J HIOHMOCNT. N. T. GRAND HOTEL STATION - flU sSPANHHOTFL NmHsKiU MfulMttMyaitnrHsSflMnHawatw New Open. Finest In the Catskllls. Kleratlen .1.000 feet. Furnishing n Cosmopolitan Henert Lite X'nequiUed Klaevthere. Dallr Ceneerta nnd Iianetng) (irlll. eleetrle lights. nnr reads, nenr mncrere otrtdeor srtmralng peel with rontinueus running apnnr water. Jewish inrtnrr Law Observed. Hpewla! Jane rates. Write for Booklet nnd TOl'RS yyVaislT3MiiMBatey'aRtlsl Chester, Pennsgreve & Brandywine Springs Park The beautiful Parks surrounding Wilmington will be camping grounds for many a family picnic en the firit big holiday of the Spring and the full Spring schedule for Sun day and Holidays will be adopted, starting en Saturday next, when four big steel steamers will be put into full commission. Beats will operate at convenient times from 7.30 A. M. te 9.30 P. M., which will be mere than ample te handle the patrons without crowding. Ne one of our beats is ever allowed te carry mere than its allotment, and se no overcrowding BEST RIVER EXCURSION FOR THE BIG HOLIDAYS ,. fflffiM8i.A AND MEMOItlAT. .K"V T.M. t.K, ,l, 0O..1.f. aM am na tv ;e Lmta Wiffe'sflfc $M. I aad tSlaas lef0t 4.15, enasgrTe. .resi r gf The a Thousand for This By an Easterner MEN, women, children all need a change in summer time from the year's routine of business, home and school. It is profitable in dollars and in" health. Geed business men and doctors all agree. Decide te go and go new. But have a com plete change, for in the greatest change is greatest value. I was se advised by a physician years age, and the question naturally arose, "Where te ?" A Surprising Answer A friend of mine suggested Southern Cali fornia, which caused me great surprise. I thought it a warm place te go in summer. But he convinced me otherwise and se I went. I spent July, August and September there and 9lept under blankets ninety nights. I never knew a finer summer climate. Balmy days, ideal for any sport, and refreshing sleep were invariably the rule. But mere than that, I enjoyed the absolute diversion due te totally different environment and "atmesphers," that really,, renews people who are fajged. This same experience is-near you, tee only a few' hours away. Fer two weeks or two months it's worth your while. ., A World Within a Province ". '" thing te de , go new-go Southern California is a summer wonder- t this summer. Men, women, children all land of opportunity for fun or rest v need a change like this. Decide new. Yest Here are great seashore resorts with- fine ; can arrange it if you will. hotels or modest cottages. f Special lewrate. round trip fares new Four thousand miles of paved automobile in effect Ve mere War Tax, highways marked by 70,000 official guide-signs '' Ask any railroad ticket agent for further te direct you te myriad points of interest, in- information, or mail coupon below, eluding , a ,one-hundred-and-one-mile drive . You'll say it's the best trip of your life. I Average mean temperature ler Seatb- Wm 1 em Califernia: June, M decrees; July, kites'" Vi?. I 70 decrees; August. 71 decrees; Sep- ''ViJ J!Sa5ft. ' (S ! Arasa c ItinnWOCKT. N. T. A CITY ITSELF - - HIGHMOUNT, N. Rates. ITIANK HEIDEN. I'rep. Terus . SPECIAL SATURDAY, SUNDAY a-ia AND ' Decoration Day EXCURSIONS TO WILMINGTON Schadula (Daylight Saying Tlraa) RIAL DAT 1.1. 10S, l.l . T. M. at reansgrars aa M. Batardays enry. All Bsais Hta 6qcIunds.kx. 50c VVvHOLIDAYS RATES SATURDAYSV1' Pfer 5 North Above Arch One Trip called "Rim of the World" with atupendeul views en either side. The world's most famous ocean fishinf grounds, where champion anglers come each year from every section of the glebe. Alse mountain tieut streams. Mountain climbing, with scenic grandeur that Switzerland would beast, or visit a peak by trolley. Ocean islands and mountain lakes like Italy's. Great cities, old Spanish missions and primal wildernesses within a stone's threw. A desert (next deer te rich orange groves)' larger than all, save Sahara, with strange mirage effects. In fact, a thousand unusual attractions te absorb you in their interest. And all these delights and curiosities within a circle with a radius of a few hours. Trard as you will by meter, train or trolley. Don't say you can't leave business. Takt the family and go! You'll never regret it, for this is one trip in a thousand. Make it new I Starts en the Train The railroad trip itself is memorable--through the canyons, mountains and great plains. Every inch is teeming with our early history. This great vacation starts when vei SAKATOGA SritlNOS. N. Y. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. FOR HEALTH AND RECREATION Se Sundav srttertlsemcnt In 'his paper. Write Publicity Bureau ter Information. LAKE ROSSKAC. ONT.. CANADA Canada's finest summer hotel, in the heart of the Mutkeka Lakes (Hoi (Hei seau. Jeseph and Mutkeka ) All eutmde rooms, fateinstlngvlstaa of forest lake andlils-nii tielf, fishing, bathing, tennis, selling Malaria and hay fever unknown Mere real rnjeymrt f erless money than nrwh.r !. In lh world F.ry ,oem &,1 rtte Ar.nmwM,tl.n H Jul, ...ur.q klii. Royal Muskoka P. O., Ontario. TOL'RS KMuskeka H n i a H sTars-erasi "'j'JgU-fis., & tfwliWV'' &.av Ef v fUntt' m sWA jJvL 3 . 'SH5tA'JaflMa? kBT2 JjfffJ&r I uMjs'aftlR'J " - al Chester. 1 se, i en, M d,r SBB Ml Summer iff '4i .mm AH-Year Club of Southern California TOURS Europe Before Sailing CUCURE a eer of tills Interest Ine folder. TeW Charm 0 EnglmU," Issue 1 fre by Ths 1enrtun It North V e t e r n th prmlr Jteute for Trmle In Great llrltaln It will materlnllv assist In arranging an itneriry te Inciutlw places of note worthy intereet Historic Castlea and S innKhelds Hith frowning nates and hastens The Cnrhedrnls and Unlver attles Washlngtnn'H Hhakeaeare's nnd Hums f'euntrj The I.alcea of Knclnnd, Scotland nnd Irn'and. Alse the Heaurts of North Wales. JOHN FA1IIMAN, Agent lmlen 4 North Western Knllvxay, .'(HI 1'. Fifth Arenue. New Yerk te BOSTON Caaa Cesl anal Raw Milan man uanr rTi u IW alMnel Orchestra Concerts-Coel Comfortable Stotereoms. Leave dally Plsr 14 N, It. Fulton St.. 5J0P. M.Dsyllght Tlraa. NEW BEDFORD LINK -Te New Dedford and the Islands of Marthas Vine Yard and Nsntucket. Lv. dally ex. Sun. from Pier 40 N.R Ft Haia St, 6 CO P.M. Dsyl't Tlmefl ' "lJ'ti) V NEW LONDON LINE-Lv. dally s. cept Sunday Pier 40 N R. Housten Ut, jj'i r m uayngni Time, INFORMATION and tickets stplsra andConaelldatedTlcHttOfncs.Phons) t "JMaMuAeSfMr H Isra f , ions) 1 "a 521 vel k Uryent 6700. Cortland Oine.Sprlng UN 1 CANADIAN N NATIONAL KAILWAM ,H Cnnnil.1 Thla Hummer 'tifiM See. !,e I'arrs Fur full details writ. IS' (.. K. JKNM-.V, l. !., 1 170 Urs New erk N. V. COOK'S TRAVEL SERVICE . .. .. ..... ... JLi-'K Man 'Ihiis. ( iiek .son, 'Hi rt. lleleu tvnliiiit MAl.AltA TO 1IIK MKA Fer Illustrate! KUlile. mt and ra dreaa Jehn F. Fierce. Dent. lit. Steamship Lines, Ltd., Uentrssl. Ci Over l1u effkis thruughaut ths WPfM, ;M );" 1 m i u, r 11 ri-ri.M j J fk JIM V; ;k ., liU. .,. .. t'.dJku-, .v..!.:.. j.. -k" ti u lwf?fi&'ff .,iyj, . .,