kh sTmrmKiTTBmMst.RLQxr&rzjmnmivxwriXtXJ ';; nT.wsT7v3vmmm IHl'lNRtfcZWar nni 'Ul .Mkrt'" ,mmr,wt mm-) SB ' u n 5fc'l i,! It till IKI v ilJri Xi 1 v, E i H I. ; wmsmW: mwfm3fflwmw TBVNIKG PUBLIC LEDERMl&ElArMONIfl ffftttySfflrui MAt; rOAt AND COKK COMPACT l,Cenunti per cent Oeld Bend 1 nat4 Anrii m inni etic ef Can arid Redemption of All Out ... .. . aianairw uena Te All Helder of all eutsian1ln ahnva d- i crtbd tlet.d of Central Ceal ana Cem , Cempinyi , Net let l hereby riven that rursuant te rtlcl Tenth of lh fierier el Consolidated Mertis., listed April IS. 1902, of Centra' "eI and Coke Company tr Tne rennaylvanln J'empnny for Insurnnee en I.tvea ami Grant i in Annume.. anil Fidelity Trust Cnmpany. , .. -, i iii.i' : ' Trustees, seeiirlnc the n rr cent Oeld Bendi I CeilSecratlOM Services Held 111 Issued Iher.iin.l.r. ealil rVnfr.l rwl anri Coke Cnmpany has elected te eserctse Ita I $50,000 IS PLEDGED IN LUTHERAN DRIVE ertlep le call In find pav erf. en the first y or juiy, nineteen Twenty-two, at the r trite of unfcXRl. A CO.. Stli and Cheatnut lrts, Philadelphia IVnnajlvanla all the b"nds secured liy raid General Consolidated Mnrtnce that may be nutstandlne en July Itt. lIi bv ravine a, premium of 3 per reilum "n lite principal thereof, ; Purfiuant ij thla call all said nutalamllnc ends Till cae te drai" Interest after July i lt 1022 The amount .f fund. neceary for the raktneni of said principal aalj pre mium of 1 rer n'um and -ill accrued in feret te Jul PtrM, N'neteen Twenty-tire. hi be ilpultel with said nrtKXUI. CO. i en nr before July Klrst. Nineteen Twent- ' two for th benefit Of the hnldera of all all bends eutstnnillns- en said date, and thereafter (whether alJ bends are presented for redetnntlen und pavment or nitl said bend ihall be redeemed from the heldrs thereof and eald Central Ceal and C"ke rnmpany ahull be acquitted from all IU blllty thereon and will become entitled te a full release, from the Trustees of the lltn f aald Unret Connelly tied Mertsa-. Klrst publication May 1 1027 CENTRAL COAI, AND COKn COMPANT. Uy Chat S Keith, President. J. E. Breustul. Secretary. Ninety Churches in Inner Mission Appeal TMDajlyNevelette Crabapplcs and Leve By Ctariua Mackie THE PEOPLE'S FORUM msimmmmvT-wT ---. .. . .- . . .i - - ---. . .--i . . "-waNi ii.ial aaiaMaiaaiaiial...a.JliMIBalatwaati ... i TJELLO!" The.$ltXi.00( Innr Mlien appeal of the T.utlipran 'hurrhes of I'hllnilelphli Mnrtel effiiMnllj .nvterJn, nml plwlRcs eblnlncd lust week were reported Hmeuntlnp: te inore t linn linlf ttiat amount. There were special eonfcratieii t-erv-Irrp josteriln), wliri V'''l'", were of fered for the iieeea of the dtlve. Pur ine the week pledccs will lie nkrd of IHJuat ROing : te t,oei mere than ItO.OOO adult Lutlierani. '' wp hnw thinits u linllrtl Ben Tompkins, ns he Mewed lilx speedy little Iient te ii step at .Tnne Ittie's back fence. "(toetl morning, Hen," said .tnne no ne ditel.v, from the atepl.-tilder where she wns stnntllnR n she broke off clusters of ornbnpple blossom?. She nilcht net hate known lien vr.t going nfter shrimps thnt morning, but the creek that inn pasj Hen's orchard followed its course te the bav und touched lint of nil .lane's land. It was a beautiful day blue ky. it frc.h wind, racing cloud, bird singing and the air was sweet with blossoms. "Toe early for shrimp," she culled te the brenred jeung man In the bout. He crinned ..heenl8hlv "I knew it juat going te boetit nreund the bay re coming along Letters te the Editor t power te ' lack of tt I I WAR dtspt '(a new den NOTICE Of REDUMPTION' OF GENERAL ASPHALT COMPANY Rlcbt Per Cent. Ten tear SlnMnc Pend ' omen ble tiuld llendt, lilted 1erember 1. 1020, and Called for lledrUH'tl'in oe lime 1. It. NOTirR is IirUEBT OIVBN Tint Pink Kverv Lutheran elerevman referred te the mevctr.cnt yesterday, pointing te the J need for a prompt response which will build n new settlement house and. pro pre Ulde needed equlpment for the Venth Venth Venth iborhend Heuse and the Luther Ho-plee. (Jreaf activity was shown in St. Jehn's Church. Melrose, where many 'of the wealthiest Lutherans are parish ioners, l'cter I'. Hagan, chairman of the eampnlgn committee, and H. Clar ence Miller, the honker, are members -if St Jehn . Mr. Hagan demon atf ai ta .. .. mi a AiitarfAaiA r AW ' a at i ill. .. - i t..a.. tarn Tru.t ArVfw.MVt" aVner.. am all ?,ril,r' ? BD,,Lly, "'A,0?" f" ? V 7 too-hew about crabapplc jelly lat tc1npan dated uVemr-r 1 IPSO las h.v ebtilining about ?,U.OOO 111 pledge.- ' , , pJ(1(1 ,,or shrewlVi lnlJ?Tnlfm'nrJWJ.?'2Sv?u 'luring the lat two weeks. Lp te date Jmp nlrtl(, CilrcIc hnnd nt TVr,x:mJ'"Y-W -, ,1 isHvi erinciiailCt- l0.un . '"FIprau"" nns ln '""' ', "I will remember the frnernnce of me'int of bend, of the atexe i.eue at 105 i upwani of mi. tit m i blostenih and de without the jelly," of the face aije ihnef tesether with ne- 'l he ( hurt Ii of the He v Communion '..... j crued Interest en euch frincipil amount te June l. i;u. ti numbsra of th bend blch ha ben drawn b- let by the Tniatee and lulled for the purpose of the InWInir Fund are a fellow" .. one ireuaand IielUr Henda. ;r.s i.M4 vi :n p?3 mm 2is PTll 1M0 I19J inn C3i" 1IH5 17IH st nm jn'.e ate-. 1?".?. VOU V72- 1253 2lrt3 IMS ."I'll sae D313 A-1601 at!.-. JTTO 34", One Duedrrd Delltr tSenri. A- ft A-Us! A-T31 A- V21 A-HOs A- P7 A-504 A-T4I A 1017 A-MH A- PS A-fllS A 7R7 A 1"J0 A 1410 AIM A-70H A-SIO Ai::i A-1451 Helders of Hie s ,nde hev epeeifled ar herbv required t- preeent the eame for rtj-mem en fa'd flrt day of Jun 1922 at jald ef.c of rnVr Tru't Company. Ne. H Wall Street. Xew Tork City, after which 'ate lntreet will ceae te be parable there en. AU bendi ie presented must le la reretlable form b-arlm the coupon dm June 1. 1022. and all eubstdutnt coupeoj ttached. DateJ. May it. 1022 BJKKB4 TRrST COMrAVT. na Tnatea Jy H. r. Wllaen. Jr. Vlce-rrai -nt. rewr.K skci'ritike r(irtreR.- TION TEX-IT.K 6Te SUCI'TIKD GOLD nil Its and ether churchea in Seuth I'biludel I plna arc making u geed showing, le- ginning the campaign with pledges I amounting te SS00O. The Mount Airy and tllenside d tri't. of which Ueorge Herger is rhaii ! nmn. ha? subscribed mere than half its quota One thousand workers, thtided in'e 'teams of ten c.ieh. are conducting the i'3ijMi." A woman's nuxiliar is taktns I in active part in the city-wide move , mem. Mr. V. XV Kauer. Mrs. W. V ' ilnree and Miss Kiitherinc Miller arc the leader-. A handsome building will be erected for the settlement house at 133I Frank ford avenue if the movement is successful. cnlnc ever te the Island te leek after my net? and lobster pets. Come along?" "Net tedaj I'm buay," she evaded. HIm glance sharpened. "Don't pick our blossoms, .Tane." "Why net? The 're mine " 1'eeplc did sny that .Tunc Dale was tee out spoken. Sometimes .lane (secretly) be lieved them. "I love the smell they're e delicately sweet!" She burled her fair face in the plnkUh bloom. ' I an t linc eiir blosenis aurj fruit cr?' him. the she retorted. "Humph: Wasn't there some poet chap that s-ild if he had n leat of bread he d sell it and buj hynclntlis or dnffedils. or something foolish? I'll bet that before night he'd be around tnlng te sell his posies for a bowl of bread and milk hang W nil, Jane, vtui 're laughing!" he ended wrathfully. "Yeu arc se funnj, Hen.iaminl" "Shew's ever." he retorted gruffly ns be started hia engine. "Yeu will find out some day, .lane, thnt about f-eeral thing-, such Prohibition Legally Enacted Te the Vditer et the fiveii'nc rWeLtiatr: Sir 1 rend with some Interest In the rerum of May 1!4 an article signed "L. 11. 13.." and It struck me day nfter the fair." Fer fifty years the Weman'. Chrlstlnn Acni.r....v. Union has persistently labored for tiie enactment efa law prohibiting the man. ufneture und sale of Intoxicating liq uors as n beverage, and Us worn has becu indorsed by churches of every denomination, with many argument! ... .i.. a i. ...,.i,i i,rine te our land .a ni u succeeded In liavlng the teachW of the dclc'.crleus effects of alcohol Introduced Inte our public schools, and this has been going en for Vc?,r-8.Y, ...,- .- .,.,. ,,,. of the Cen- stitutlen of the United States, and the amendment was adopted ns required d law. and under any circumstances it is here te stay some years nt 'e'y, The arguments of L. U. 1 .. the Pen nells, Krauskepfs, Cenwells, C hijlew and Deavcrs wmcwhaetatel d erratic and should Have bera je" ng while the subject was ndcJ.d'",U5s?u and its enactment being,censidcrcd. but ticlent publicity was given a"d,.evne" opportunity afforded te oppetc it and scciire its defeat. ,..,, Twe-thirda of the vote of the Senate and Heuse of Representatives and a twe-thlrds vote of the c"alc,hrn"a . i...Lnfiitive of tnrcc- urhs e tislatewcre required, for its ratification before it become a m. nnd the Sunremc Court of tue unueu Stntes'tWdd'ed U was legally and con. stltutieually a part of our 'Uue'0a1 ' What is the duty of cer lejaL red-blooded American.' t usf his efforts te sec that the law is en forced and net by argument in tne public pre-s. vulplt and forum encour enceur age violation of it. especially the or dained servants of Ged. Violations are encouraged bv we considered respectable clcme nt. who t this late day are using their spurie's ":: '.:ru.: ".. ' I-;: .C.r.... C1: I arguments taciuy nsains- "- -""" uiui- i'i iuiii iiiu-iiiiei i'i i ii- nun 1 1""- pi.. ...r. mnre le atiens "I xciin I'm light saving $25 A DAY FOR BEGGAR Much Philanthropy Wasted, the Rev. Ress Stever Says Professional beggars who sit alone Pursuant te Article VI of the Trust Asre.-, the store fronts en Market nnd Chestnut mini. naiM .'vuniar 1 1111. mian nv inr ' streets reccive from $!." te $25 a day, according te an investigation that ha: and net wasting love by plating with it ' tee long. 1 "What will happen if I de that?" h called, her volce cool and thin and i provoking "Why." as he bent ever the eugine I and then, suddenly straightened up and I faced her. "why. some day when ou are ready te take love seriously you jinny find it has become tired of wait ing and gene en I" With a clatter land fuss the little craft leaped for ward and disappeared around the bend of the creek. Jane's voice came te him across the intervening snaee. "I hate you, lien Iebtcli Fewer Pecurtllea Coreontion "Ith ttv nnderalcncd as Truste. te ee;um the Ten Tear Of. Secured Geld .ets of the .aw ,:"r. "' ".i"-i.. "".f." ...i .i..-i- .!, i,.i Ihltli Fe-ver S-urttlj Corporation. Ouar- eeen iiimi) mmmiuii 'iuiuii, i.. ... . .. ,, , . , 1Prr It thn nty Truet Company of New Tnrk as Trus-' rek bv the Itev. Rens Stever, pastor of fempkln-. nnd when lie lirarrt It tne. t fiereundT. invitea nroreean in wriiinc tn.ainli Tiither-in Church. SIxteclltii ' grim smne iauei irnra ni vim nun for the Hi. te it .fitanw note, for the , ?!r8l"a'1 . left him loekinc very niuleus and tired. purcnaoer wnicn aai.i iruetee iim new en i u --""" r- : '""?. "". .1.1 . i .i j-.i i 1...I.1... .IIIK Visit te the Slums. .ir. stever teiu ; .nine uvml-uu-u h,-i unwi i;'"' his congregation last evening hew he , atelj and looked nt the spray et orab erab miide a personal investigation of the j apple blossoms In her hands. She laid gentle art of begging en Market street ' them down and went te the waters anil also et me manuiaciure ei uuui.ii wige, wnerc me iiiiiu mt nr.nn-u in-i, dce3it On Millien Four Uundrl Klcht Klcht Ttve Dellari and Forty-One Cents (11.000 -te? 11). All urh proposals unlesj therln other ether wlae p-cinca'ly expresed shall be uh.'et te the condition that ell'ier nil or an por tion of the nqtej therein effe-ed mav be purchased at th prlc therein apccl(ld. Sealed proposal will Le received bw the TJnderlcnd at t efflc Ne. Itn Itrnad ray. New Yerk Citv. until 12 o'clock neon n Thnradar. June R. 1922. Netice of purcha of notes will he mall'd n Jure R 1022. nnd the net se purrhased mutt b dllered te the nnderilsnfd. before the rlea of hunlneen en Jun is mi nn hlrti date Internet will ceeee en nets pur-1 Chaaed but net lIUerl I gcahantv TitrsT ce.rr.Nr of NCW VORK M.V xFinJ '" I,QTTCn' rrealdent. . reMi'ANV ninvRV srr.T eJi'ip. UE.NT f.Ol.l) TRtT CERTIFICATES! SKR1F.8 .." TRUST NO. S Netlc la hereby grn that the Crtlflcatea hereinafter enumerated, lesued under the ',1?'J?In,,..b,:,"n JJ1" J a- i?111 Company -T.nd Fldelltv Truat Company. Trustee, dated Pecembcr I. lfUC creatine the J e. Brill Blraar Safety Equipment Trust Ne 8. hava In accordance with the previsions of th said a-reement been called for redemption and paiment is of June 1. 1!22, at par and ac crued dividends te the said data of redemp tion. Helders of th eald rvrtfflrates are r aulred te preeent thm for pament. and r- demptlen. with mi unmatured, coupons at tached, at the office of Fidelity Trutt Com pany. Truste en .lune I, inj2, en nhlch slats dividends upon the eald Certificates aball cease. The Certificates called for red'mptlen are. Hee. AS0. AM. A91. AlOt. A102. A103 AlOt. AIDS, Alll. A120, A121. due Decern riDEl.ITY TRfST COUFANT. Trustee in Kensinirten The minister said he selected a beg gar who had "a riuiet place" en Market street, and steed beside him for ten minutes, counting his "receipts." The man received forty-one cents in that time. TWO AUTOISTS HURT Machine Overturns en Wynnefield Read When their automobile upet about P. o'clock last night nt Wjnneticld read near City line, one man was injured seriously and another was cut and bruised badly. A fivc-year-eld boy in the car escaped serious injury. Lewis Braunstein, luii-i iseuin ruin ami dipped some of its pink blossoms in the tide. An old ilat-botteiucd beat was moored there, its rotten painter tied te a round stone en the bank, lly standing in the beat Jane could easily reach the ether blossoms, and the ap ples en these lower limbs never amount ed te anything, nfter all. Of eeiirse, she would uever let Hen knew that -he heeded his advice. She stepped down into the skiff and reached for the branches. The bout moved under her weight and the old line biiapped. The ehhinc tide snatched at the skiff and swung it into the current and in a moment thej were rocking down the creek at an increasing speed. June had ttnnimil rlnnn Inte the bottom of the 'beat. A single ear there might be used i rum or. .iunu aa uuuu uuvui street, was driving the car. When he J j,natb 'Ehe could de new was te nppnea inc ernKcs uu um im-j i". the wheel of the car and it turned ever, pinning Braunstein and his -en Jehn and a friend, Abraham lioUlberg. i fiftv-clght enrs old. 7e0 McKean . cirnni under the car. It was ncees-nry t ack'up the car te release the men. g .r -g",, They .were taken te the W T VL" 1 1 Ben Temnk.ns ! If it had a t f ...iu!a llnemtnl sii liAffi (lelpUia IlOUieeiluiiin- i".-Miu;. ..... "-if i. . ,.!j i!Al,ll.Atff te .tifrpr!np from ui a fractured skull. keen the nee of the old skill 111 Iillfl- stream and hope te see some man or bev along the shore. Ne one witb in sight. Thn boys were all at school and the men were busy in their gardens or nan gene uui uu In't been rORTT-ANI fiKNF.RAt. KI.KCTRIO COM PANV F1BST MORTGAOE 3 OOLD BONDS. , . . , Tha underlgnd a Successor Trustee I Slider First Mertsair of th Tenland Klee trie Company rtJtfl July t. inns, hereby lives notice that It vUll receive offer." for tha sale for the account of th Slnklns Tund of sulflel'iit of the .ibee-mentlnn'd bends te exhaust the sum of l'-!3 T.19.20 new en depeait with It as u i Successor Trustee. All tenders must pe for all or any part et the penes eneren anu muni en r-i;ii n -. the Corporal Trust Dciartment of tha ' ' Trustee. 10 Wall street. New nrlt City, at irry time iTler te .'I o'clock 1. SI,, en Mar I. 1922. The Trustee reserves the rlsht te reject an and all effcrH In whole or in part. Dated at New Yerk this 25th day of May. "" BANKER' TRrsT COMPANY. RlTCESrOR TRUHTKE By II. F. WILbON. Jr.. Vice President. 6148 CHILDREN AIDED him this would never uuve Hap pened. Hew glad Jane was tnat sne had refused te listen te his talc of love! She had always put him off l was n jest or an excuse, ne was a . ,. .mi ok mihcnnihlc tyrant ! Jane e i... u-.. Rin Vear Aeeerdlnrj te i crew se indignnnt musing ever Ben's Society Has Big Year, According te, v h. p(,rU uu1, Annual Repert suddctilv the beat bounded out of the The Children's Aid Society of Penn- ! .reek .,, veniured out unen a very sylvania aided 01 IS children la-t year " Um , ,, Southwest the sky was sylvanla and mere ,lrunKC lV The in any ether StJttc because we have the Wencr act. an iniquitous piece of legla- latlOll. . . r!nff I trust thne wne nave u-.t "" and pteachinc ngainet PfohiWllen will repent of the evil they have thought theught lessly been parties te and in a very large measure have contributed te the violation of the enforcement of the el- stead act ,n,RITAa" Philadelphia. May 2e, 10 Is Seasickness Abolished? Te fJie M"or et the Ereiiinu P'" Lfderr: Sir la it indeed true that the buga boo of seasickness is te be removed.' New thnt we are en the very eve et trnvel Kuiepcward, with the tourist ngeTcies senfllng forth their alluring -.!--. ..r -.. lene trv the North 1 8PC and te the uttermost parts of the habit able glebe, the question hew the sea legs of snaky wouiu-ee Biuuj.-v.Uj ters are te be strengthened looms large in the contemplation of these lucky mortals who have the wherewithal te take a real summer holiday Seme of thorn have read with eager interest the report thnt net lone age a device was tested in tills geed ePld efty of Philadelphia, the spon spen ran Tet which, skilled engineers, tell us tireved n great success. Thov civc the cheering assurance fiat people can go te sea without elaborate preparation for the time when meals no longer held enchantment; for .the time when tne ocean r-i-nun j " -;-down, and for the time when the tour 1st or inexperienced traveler cram te c-arc whether tne neai guts u.n. ' " bettVm or rides the waves through te ""Glorious premise, if it Is fact and net an iridescent dream! These, Philadelphia engineers y sea sea sieknes is foen te be a thing of the nasi It is te be ended, according te eir statement, by u Riant Wcepe which has se far been called a ship bt Thlsdc'vlce is described as a tremen dous wheel placed inside a ship. The wheel, casings and "achlncrj- c ig b i n the neighborhood of 'JOO tens. The wheel, which is ten te liftcen feet in diameter en a 10,000-ten vesse . re vokes at the rate of S00 turns te the Vndn,e. Within the txlvance I, i. erv scnsiuve inuc i" ,.',:. "'i.l mainetlie crowds. rlosnJte n the usual oratorical arts. lie desperately in earnest. He gave demonstration of hew te capture publicity. The Rough Rider made the grade, whics was a steep one, and after that his career was comparatively cay sailing. It may turn out that the ycljewest of the yellow editors will find himself pit ted against the aen of hi eldtlme enemy. LOOKER ON. Atlantic City, N. J., May 25, ll)2'. Then "Ferget It" Te ih EUterct (te vttln0 FtiMlc Lcdetr: Sir These daylight-saving letters that nave been flooding the People's Forum are amusing If net Instructive. And I see also, thnt Wnahlnirtnn has been throwing nil kinds of tits because. it nas tricrj daylight saving without pushing the clocks ahejd an hour. Hen estly. the only way te mit tin an hour earlier in the morning nnd feel quite comfortable about it Is te set the clock abend and then forget all about It. MOSES. Philadelphia, May 25, 1022. Humanitarian, and Economic Te tht Eiiter ef the Svcntne PubUe Ledger: Sir President Harding, put his ap peal for the shorter working day for steel mill men en humanitarian grounds. He might alsa have stressed the eco nomic point of Tlew. It has been sufficiently well deter mined te be accepted ns an estab lished fact that the efficiency of the worker can nut be kept nt normal for such lenz hours an were once uni versal in the steel industry and which are atiil in enect te a large degree, va rious teat were made during these days of the war when It was se important that labor should be as efficient ns was humanly possible. Tests, made prin cipally in England, determined then that long hours are net all productive hours, nnd that, If efficiency is te be made the test, the short shift in the mero economical. The efficiency of the individual rapidly decreases after eight hours of labor. There are doubtless employers te whom the humanitarian thought would make no appeal, but te whom this eco nomic consideration might have a de termining effect. INDUSTRIOUS IKE. Pott6tewn. Pa.. Ma.v 21, 11)22. Questions Answered Poems and Songs Desired What Lloyd Qeorge Said Te th Kdtter et ihe Bvcntna Puh'lte Ledger: Sir la it a fact that dutln the sraat World War 'one of tha allied leadera aiM he feared Uie German people mera than he did the airman army? , .. FIIANCI3 Meene. Tork. Fa.. Mar 24. 1823. At ene time during the' war Lloyd Oeerse ftldt "I fear tha disciplined people behind the CKrman Army, the rationed family and the determination of wife and ulster and dauihter nnd metner te stand and itarvt se that their fUlhtlna men may be fed I fear It mere than the Imperial army It self." Great Ferest Fires Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir We were talklna about forest Area and the damaee they hnve wrnusht and de cided te ask th Pecple's Forum te mention the treat dlsaateri of this kind In the United States In the last nfty years. Wilt you kindly mention a few? MALCOLM p., PORRESTEn. Seabrlsht, N, J.. May 131 1022. Tha Peatlre, Wis., Hre iri 1871 burned . 280,000 acres of timber and cost 1800 human lives: the Itlnckley nre of 1804 burned ever 100,000 acres In Minnesota, destroying prop erty valued at $25,000,000 and cost 418 Uvea, and the great Idaho fire in 1010 burned 2.000,000 acres of timber and ceat eUthty-Ors Uvea. I Wheat Consumption In U. S. Te the Editor et the Evening Publia Ledger: Sir Te decide a friendly argument, plsate tell what tlie pir 'capita, consumption of wheat m flour In tha United States If. A. rt. and S. P. Pnltadrlphla, May 23. 1022. It Is estimated that four and a half bushels of wheat, equivalent te about 200 pound of flour, are consumed annually per capita in this country. Flotsam and Jetsam Te the IM(ter et th Evening Publle Ledger: Sir I knew there Is a difference In the terms flotsam and Jetsam, frequently used In neawpaper articles and elaewhere. but I can't exactly define It. Will you kindly ex plain It? READER. Philadelphia. May 23. 1022. In law, flotsam, or fleatsam, la derelict or shipwrecked goods floating In the sea. while Jetsam la goods thrown' overboard which slnl: and remain under water. Street Car Ceurteay Te the' Editor et the Evening Pubtie Ledger: Sir I would appreciate It yery much If you would kindly publish the Inclesed. JOlItvi He MCA 1 Philadelphia, May 25. 1022. f , THE COURTEOUS CAR CONDUCTOR 'Tls customary nowadays te raw. te slam ' and knock; . ., , Te help a lame deg o'er the fence would tte eeme folk a aheck. This knocking epldcmle 'tis very plain ( te Right here In Philadelphia. Plays the dtuca with P. It. T. Today, perhaps. It's MJtUn or the men who run tlM carei , , . Tomorrow the equipment that has epeelalUed, In Jar. ......... Wise folk hava often told me that "chicks come home te roost," Se iVlli refrain from slamming and hence forth try te boost. And that la the reason I alt down, a few lines ' te Indite. . ... . v . Te Inform th. felka of this big town what happened Wednesday night. ..... OB,ea that runa from Frankford I think Sit a'n aged man with dinner can. fatigued, aa you coma sees Was helped up by the conductor, escorted crew the street. Wfth a, eheery word, a contagious smile, that bum waa hard te beat. I was surprised that such a thing could hap pen In this age, ... ,. Where "get the ether fellow or he'll get you" la the rage. ......., ,. I ,lhtnk se much about It that X claaa tt superfine; Tha conductor's name la unknown te met hera'a his number. 01. As J am net an empleye with an ax te grind or trim. . Teu'll ae I'm rendering unto Caesar the stufl (Vat lultnr. In htm. At the same time realltlng what Kipling's Temmy meant Whn ha aald te the water-earrler, "You're a better man than me." Haa Old Boek Te the EUter et th Evening Publio Ledger: Sir Seme time age I eaw a request In your PeepIVs Forum for a book "The Maiden Widow," by Southwerk. In an eM packing caae of book which belonged te my great grandmother, I found thla volume and wilt be glad te forward It te the lady who re quested It. (MISS) IT. C. OODBHALL Twe Minutes W jptimis of nawirisll J. eVTIOII "Let's Get" m The bugles will seen be blowing iW ''America's Finest," ss General PtM shins knighted them, will seen fcl tramping the read nt the eight, !iW nine civilian camna tn i S2 fiVM thla summer by Uncle 8am In SHUl tfAnijinr araati lt-AtAL...a. vam 1 hstaicsT " 8UOUl lD0 U'N11 tunc v civilian camps te be cendue.S4i or uncie Ham In ceSM throughout the uiTi !i'4i We UOfrt Ann f Um t-1,a. v. . 0.' fortunate ones who last summCr THfl Course at Plattsbur. l"'UUgD lDe t Y6 "eateJJ ,en ,Ke raarch, swnm S Lake Champlaln, awere nt the Wi. S, f revelllp. tl,rlll,l . i. "9..b8W of taps, growled at some of the mSgM were tee busy eating te talk nt SUfiil of them, and'learnel! te love th. fcHtl or a HDnngneirj. ti wnnirinu -,''. nickel for a marksman's badge and '5 wouldn't take a million for the "1 wen n. ' uu Ki We skirmished, sceutixi .i.- ."(" tied, boxed, golfed, danced, drilM hiked, wrestled, ran and slept the ViSil or a Dane. w. Fer the first Ume In our life A kept our clothes orderly, made the'benVv leunu a pmcB ier everytmng nnd t,i't everything in Its place. ""'. Aloni with eight hundred-odd eth.f? w ni.iiuiivu.nii wi-uvcr coat Of faavi , ....,v elwli witn earn erect carriage, a cravinc for ,.i.?fl Philadelphia, 1603 Diamond atrcet. May 23, 1022. "Tha Unknown" Werd of the eng you nd fur reproduction In the People's FVerum obviously are Incomplete. The lines de net rhytre. nor Is the "scanning" accurate. If you will send the versca In proper form, the People's Forum will use them. ".in b uteuu iur ana aDDrtmai.''al tlen of plain, wholesome feed, s ' ti. m dency te be sedentary with n hesltKvl pasalen for the great out-of-doers VI Alse, we added an Inch nr e .. '.:. I chest expansion and achieved a dw dent where before had becu a ptfaS rnruiirHLiuii. - And the training In discipline. cs$ vvy.., . ru..u. uu oeca enea that tee did net come amiss : Of course, things weren't i...v'i'?J (lin nueen'H taste: n Hlrl . , '".' ! .-jii;h,. .U.-iw.. i"4? ""? ing and kicking, maybe a let of both i"' But then, life wouldn't be nsturV it we ceuian t occasionally get rid 3 seme of our original ciiseedncss aaj after all, the proof of the puddins tt If you can pdlbly make it tll&i AuiniRt. address a line r thr ,. ..T.ff commander of your army eem. .l!2 asking for an application for the O ff T. C and "Let's Ge 1" "'A Hi A1 VI' ' ajtv MsaasTl BARI.Kir.II - IIROOKWOOD r O A I. I'dSirANY FIK.ST MOllTCAfJi: PKB IKNT HNKIXG VOD UOLD IIONDS, due 198. aererding te the annunl report et J.. Selenbcrgcr. general secretary ei the gwietv. Many of the riiuurrn were brought h.v mothers whose hus bands had deserted the family, ethers were the childrnn of deserter! father". Orphuii". foundlings, abandoned chil dren, children of divorced parents, children of widows, of unmarried pnr tnti. of widowers and otherwise de pendent children were cared for by the society. The rase( were put into the hands of thf society bv peer hoards, Juvenile Courts nnd ether sources. Pursuant te terms of mertirage dated July j . I. 1311. tne uwirHJKnq inwir lenaers ei above bends for ril and delivery as of July 1, 1912, at a. prlt net cxreeiUnc lOSiej and accrued Interest te 'h extent of 13 SO.'.. IS. the sum new awilnblc In Slnklntr r'und. Pealed tenders, atatlnc numbera of bends fferrd, sdilressd te UI11ARD TRUST COM PANV Trustee. Slnklne fund Harleigh Brookwood Ceal Company Tlrst Mertiaua 6i Donds. will be receid until 12 neon, June in, 1972. ttlRAIU) TKUT rOJIPA.NY, Trustee THOMAS s. IturMNS Treasurer. Philadltu. Pa Hay 21. 1822. FIX NCIAI, I'rnneeala DEPARTMK.vr OK PL'HLIC WOHKS D HUHUAU OK WATER S.aled PL?rSal "' ?. . ed and , olecW neon en Thursday. Jun. b. 1022. 1 '"contract'set'oSS Patnnt Sleees and atop , VViniMCt N'e, B9 Furnlahlne and Install.' ipc Pumping linlt". Larimer Point Pumpln I 9tf'en?rart Ne 500 Owl and Aah Itandllnc 4eDartus. Quen I.ini Pumcin, Station. L7''mr.Y. f..'. 1.,- -,-- POf'AIIONTAS OVMOMIIATFD CtlU alrZnirart t .-inVrs Point rurnplnc Matlen '' I'rntract Ne. .192 Kurulahlne PI . elllen Lane Filters atSXf5iVt Ne M'3 -rurnlshlne s liter Sand nrtri rluli I.HUK.S COMI'XNV. lNC(IRPOR.Ti;nl..ii Hlulce Gates wueen uam fumplnc ti m - u let 1 liit, rt.VT ;,. t. ' '"" ur ii-iniin ' ' -.- uuw I t jen l!IIMs. lit F. .11 I.V 1. 1957 Vetlc is b'-'ebv enrn, pgreuant te the terms of fie M vricaBe dated July 1 10OT that th uml.Tsluned ue rrute will re. eelve. tealeii prorekals un te 2.-00 P. 3t. en the Stli day of .lune, 19:.'. for the sale te It f bend aa ibnve ilcrlbed sufflrlent te u the sum of 4:i iH2 sa. 'fie undersigned reservea thn utlit te reject any ur ml tender, In whole or In part, THE Nt'VV HHIK 1 RUhT 1 OMPAKT, A C IM1W VINO JR en Secretary. N-wJ-nrU MaJ,JPS-' Te"lhe ifelilera of I fir 5;V .Serial NnTea of TIIK WII.I.MM TRXMP & MINS ir ft IJftil'M in ii.i,.-i, 'Antra-t Ne R34 Krc ns and Peler Rcei, AreVt?" N'- f'',,''-I'-nt connections at Roxberouch. Lardnera Point acd Parkjiids ave"1'?.... Vn StlO noterized Vjlv n.,...,. lnnir"' ' '- '- -- - -..- v.,v- d particulars aerlv IL lxmft ir Info-matlenanfl to'riIem 706. ClinW..,. A VUN IJIre'-ter SnnP(lhAl FOR ACTOMATIC FUilZIllC iioertmnt of Acrtculture, VVnelilnt(en.I), (.. Mn US 193V c nroresals for furnishing and Install ink in the u H r.ntomeluglcsl Laliratery at Rlerten New Jerse one automata ..,'.'. i.,.i;,wnihit in. s.;i,i v... eierirle refriceraiinsTpiani 10 comprise three ,.,ued iind r ,fe A.reemenU e, A7 I Toe, . ;"npar.m 7, ,'. and matiirinc Januarl in and July 1 minimum vemg ,uipped ith i,hif 1SSJ l I M rraeemea un .uu-i . JUJK, at ""'i , ,1. pipe brine cooler Pla H Inside "' ' - .. L, .. V . ..... brine lams, unnu m 11 i-nit-ium rnioriee will he receUed at the nepurtment untl darkening nnd somewhere thunder growled. Along the horizon lightning dickered Intermittently. .Inne fletested thunderstorms. The l"'.it floundered around etf yherc among the choppy waves, nnd Jane was uncertain whether they vjeuld be strandeil in the salt gras of the marsh or drevvnul in the deeper water. She wn certain, however, thnt something terrlble was going te happen te her. and among ether Thoughts cuine te her were thi many times spent with Hen TempUlii"! theie wasn't another man In the world she would marry but never mind that, she was going te drown, anvwuy und fhe hoped her parents W-b-h-c-e-c-c-el What blessed sound wan thut? She hallooed ab loud as she could. A faint sound answered her. "15en!" ehe culled valiantly. "Coming!" came the stentorian re in 11 few moments the sturdy little In mob hml caught up with the ruu ,iav skiff and Hen's strong arms had skillfully trunbferred June te his beat nnd then he tenened up an armful of liteiiched crabapplc blooms and tossed iheni ninund her. Let the old skiff go let her sink, uiged Jane. NVver! I'll tow her home. Oir chase me most te llavherry with a lead et Blossoms "lien!" "Te tell me that after nil " "lien, dear'" "All's well," sang Ben joyously, as Ve leaned toward her, nnd the gay l'ttle launch bore them swiftly buck te Jane's garden, where the crabipple hte steed like a pink -white bridal bell waiting for thera. 1 iur with 1 premium ni in ane ene.nair per rent ".'n"t or le.'i-j. and accrued In terest te date 'f red -mptlen. at the Ilank- InC HOUse III Urvei K niryn Cteetnut ytreets Philadelphia. N THE n'rlerk P. then opened M.. Tnesdaj, June s, 1921, and 1 Hperincn liens enti niank lerms ln Heuse if urexel & rerrpany. ruth and ttW,rX",l 'TfV. motioned Serial J &' g f ."rd'K"1 of ,,,'i.lTvr.VAUIPS2cfNS SHIP a-lSMtur, W.shlncen, PC FN'llNI llt'lLDINO CO , r' (.'HAS T r.WLOR. Treasurer. C5" lrldens OFI ICK OF TI1F. UNITED AH l.VIPROVF.MF.NT CO. N. W. t'wncr llread und Arch Htreets I'.iiUUelphla. Jlarch 8. UrjJ. The Plreelers have this dty declared euarterly dividend of one und thre-iuartr nr rent (aHii) Per sharel en the Preferred Sleelc of this Cenipanv rayable June IS. 1WI. te heldtrs of Pmferrsd Stock : of record M the close of business May 81. 193.'. Checks will t-s mailed I. W. AtOimiS. Treasurer. Annual Meetlnis TODU SIHPVARHl rORmitATION VOTICK Or ANVI'AI. MERTINO Or STOCKIIOr.DUrtS Nell's la hereby clven that the Annual Meetlnc of the Stockholder of Tedd Hhlp. lards Corporation "III r held en the 2laf day of June. 1922. ut 12 o'clock neon, at ihj Sfflce of said corporation Ne 8 'itread. nay iy '" ':?" ,' purpose of lectin two director for terms of f0Ui years eaeh receMn nnd acting- upon iti, report" of " "WV n'1 for th. trana action of such ether business as may prep Vrlv rerne before the meetlnc. Includln th ratincatlonef any and all action of tha Beard of Dlr'Ctera and the officer of sild -"-"" ... wellli rsvnart tn I haft uannl.!.,::' Correspondent We reiulre the services of a keen, alert man between the ac of twonty twenty nve and thtrty-flve a assistant cer. rspendent In the office of a prominent Investment seeurltys house. Collece craduate preferred. Excellent op pertunlty for one who Is yualMed te meet our requirements. Reply by letter only, etatlnc age previous ex jwrlenr if any, referencea and salary expected te R. C. CRANE Roem 3201215 Filbert Street. Philadelphia h TUB MHIIGH j:!W.'.viY" VKIATIO.N. rhilsdelpliia, April 28. 1922 dividend Ne 174 tllie Peard efManagers t'lls !?' Jlejlared ' qmrterlr dividend of TMO, I'KR CKNT "l?M per irinre) en the rapital Stock of the Xmrany. payable My SI. 1022. te atoclt ateclt ClflVr ill realetereU, en the. book, of th 1 i-iiir-sE nuun. nui 11 iur H" Tjnhirk will I maUed.te stockholder e fci.-" "-. ' ...HkH slluMatKl AJi MtAltd rrmmnt dividend erdar. rySl .lUr.,r:A8l. SKrt Secretary. mwwwwmm?UMMwmv.wA ,"""" ...... ----- .' .mi. I7.Imm nsmeiy neDins l)rv rietru un luiulr Company. TletJnn ' I.anc Pry Deck rempany. Teho Yeeht JUsin Company, Clin, ten Pry necks tne . Willie. Fuel Oil Unsl nearln Corpetatlon Hrle Ilislti Tewlnc A Helstlnif Company, Tedd pry Derk and Con Cen traction Corporation. Tedd Pry IJiM:ks. inc., and Tedd Shipbuilding- and Dry beck Cem- .Mfl?' 'K.u .- .a ia- niw V,,VtKw B ' tilirnVf v Vrnnif TW VaWeV&J WrtT FOR SALE TEXTILE MILL FAIRHILL DISTRICT Celnc Plant. I"ully Keulpped te Weave Mee wear and ureas uoens 30 72" C. & K. 4 . 4 Bex Leemi 2 40" C. & K. 4 x 4 Bex Loebji Own Power and Uchts Inquire! 2TS1 N Falrhlll Htreet tyffMmuMiiMtmjMvvifVMirmwrx. he ,le,-k"et a v-H tips slightly at the beginning, ei it re .. . i "-.": the rapldlv revolving w"--i ",;' il-ht" theeel and prevents the roll rell ng motion that brings en cknM. There arc n let of people in these I'nited States who trnvel who are hop hep fng and Praying that the gyroepo is all lhtfM, frel qui!, aura I have -MgSg'iQCAllB. Philadelphia , May 23, 1022. Will History Repeat? t- .1.. rHimrnf the Kwcntnff Public Ltdgtr: reSlr-That William Randelph I eait. the New Yerk newspaper publUlfer, seriously contemplates running for Gov Gov ereor this year, is indicated by the in in eorsement of -Mayer Hylan. of Nevv Yerk nnd the tentative indersement of the bes" at the ether end or the SUtc, "Fingv" C'enners, of Buffalo. In 1000 Mr. Hearst was bignaJly dc dc feated for the. governerbhlp, after the I'tiea bT'ccb. n masterpiere of dc dc nunciatien by nilhu 1Umh. 'hen Hoose Heose Hoese rpTh's Secretary of State. Thnt speech dolt rnyrd whatever chance Mr. Hearst mav linvp lied He has bad several chances te make the race again, but he never would con cen con stder nnv of them. He m.ty btiddenly get reld feet again u" ' ;-,- ..,. the nrlniiirles, but just new he seems strongly disposed te force v. didn't iH enndldney. "While Tammany doesn't y Island '"him overmuch. Mayer Hylan Is supposed te have the leverage en Uess MThVrNew Yerk State "layout;' has. been altered censianmi. " ""'","" In Mr. Hearst's favor. New "ierk City i. ;r.,BBPrl its lend ever the pepula tien of the up-state, nnd Krlc County (litiffale) trails witb It uiueh as Alle chenv County (Pltthhiirch) dues 1 with Philadelphia in Pennsylvania Hcsldes Mr Hearst is this year somewhat mere "wsnectablc" than he was in IflOO bemewhat. but net much Governer Miller. Republican, has been a strong Governer by all geed standards, but he has made enemies. Discontent due te backward business is what induces Mr. Hearst, no doubt, l te consider his chances f.tverable. Nat urally, he discounts the repudiation which bis candidacy would evoke from these Roosevelt used 10 call decent 'Itlue . Conditions that Mr. Heart reckons favernble te himself ma.v dispose thn Republican leaders te avail themselves of the mngle that appertains te the name of Roosevelt nnd bclect jeung T. R. te make the light. A like condition lerem tue elder Roosevelt's nomination from "easy Ress" Piatt twenty-four yearH age. Theie resulted a linrd-hlttlng, slap bang campaign In the Kmplrc State. Croker tried desperately te put hla nominee, Judge Van Wvck, across. He failed by n narrow margin. In that campaign Roosevelt denipnstrated bis a sBMBialBaKs&BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiBBaaaaaaafeBaaiuejAYTiBBaaaaaaaKBBBaaaaB a m mmjSyltlSSSSSSlSKtSESSv'iMSSSmmmMSSSS m SK&Blfffin&BViTmSSSSSMK' tHP2' vF-iniSjSSSSSSSSSSSl aeaaaaafC3Pt'sil&f?i-B 1 CLINTON B. EVANS The People' forum will appear eTallr In the 'F.vmlnc I'ulille Iiljrer, anjl alaa In the aundsr fnhllc J dlarukalns; timely teplea a wen requestee usssM ssl aMa of ceneral lntereat wlU Ut ). The Sanest Financial News Frem the West One of the most valuable features of the Business and Financial Section of the Morning PUBLIC LEDGER is the daily news dispatch by G. B. Evans, editor of the Economist, the leading financial paper of the West, and a national author auther ity en finance and industry. A business man with large interests said recently: "De you knew that all Wall Street is reading the PUBLIC LEDGER?" When asked why, he replied: "Te get Evans's news dispatch from Chicago. Bankers say it is the clearest and sanest financial news that ever came out of the Middle West." Evans tells what western business men are saying and doing, describes con ditions throughout the Middle West and summarizes the western attitude en important political, financial and industrial questions. This review of financial conditions in Chicago and the Central West appears every day in the Morning PUBLIC LEDGER. It is especially valuable te the manufacturer supplying western markets, the investor interested in western securities ei te any business man who wishes te keep well informed en national business conditions. The man who daily reads the BUSINESS SECTION of the Morning PUB LIC LEDGER can intelligently answer the question, "Hew's Business?" M ( MAKE IT A HABIT' "The PUBLIC LEDGER in a little mere than nine years increased its circulation from 45,000 a day te mere than 260,000." PUBLIC LEDGER OF PHILADELPHIA CYRUS.H. K. QURTIS, Publisher w x mtJ sV. i .Yfitekfabti&bteki .-V-Vi J.'ZJi. ,-,.