ji"A 4&wsm' .v, i.".' ( " t WWW. Ti3 V 1'H V " VAMOVIYIJ 1M7UI.H' I .HrftfJ-MI? UHTf . A Ttlir.DfrT A -MVKm A V MAV 00 iOOO "" . u ' . ' 1 . v, 1922 .- 1,OJAli.J.l v. A ViiliV ""X .auiJLt, JL JULM.JLlXlL.SJUJJUIJL JULAXA aY.a.V'JL.'l JL.47JL J, J -.. J. J -y- f x,iff m? .. j ; ia' r X i ,- M IB K fr s it Us& w K Vis i; IJD, FPM $. ry i 'PA Twice Told Tale $f A producer vhe supplies us uith j$w,,Very flne quality coil dropped In for ktm'f . A CIem ,n.a'nr tlm lillln .if llnV tin KbcRan talking about the non-preduc- TiW!1 timi f nnnl AnnarnriMv lie lirenmp iCS-A tmmmlA 4 I. .. 1... ,ffia ,.,11. fit 1 I CHtll l3, aging, for he interrupted himself te mv assure us that in the opinion of his ' people, everything was working out Alright, lie considered it wise te buy lightly nml only for immediate ' needs, because when the situation Cleared, coal was likely te be lower. He begged us net te get scared, a little patience was all that was j heeded. At this point we handed liim a lecent advertisement headed "There is no reason te be panicky." "That's what we are saying te our friends," we told him. He read it mnd looked up with a grin, "Why, that' juit what I came te tell you,'' COAL AMERICAN ICE COMPANY Caribbean sea outings? A SEA VOYAGE for your summer vacation! The most fascinating part of the Western Hemisphere Cuba, Jamaica, Pana ma, Cesta Hica, Colom bia, Guatemala. Quaint, old world cities, picturesque sea ports of the Spanish Main. Nothing' like a Great White Fleet Caribbean Cruise for health and interest. 2.2-dar Cruises from $3l's. 15-day Jamaica Vaca tions from $150. k Free illustrated folder, "Sea Outings" folder and cabin plans. Write today. Bartlett Toen Ceinpaaqr Stlmihtp litpartmmnt 200 Seuth Uih Strttt PHILADELPHIA. PA. GREAT WHITE FLEET JlCeJcs That Set a Youthful y as hien in CHILDREN'S COATS and CAPES Jer (go Spring 'Days or Summer Ci-enings S) I . ,ilfe' , llJ , in. ,scax I A lh Oj 'Pure Quiiei's 1 1 air n A 'N unujua' se.ei'.en et single and double breaMed itjles - - e.uli enc charcu'errecl by geed taMe in styling and tine custom tailoring. These coats and capes tnav be easily washed at home and arc of an exception ally long wearing quality. CAPES 14-50 "t COATS .00 lUflidf vi i' if ttij v.tihl it uhu itttitti. Hats f match f.ue ti 6,'e Mail tJrilcr Iriiiff.l CHESTNUT STREET Ceuirr nth Stm' t4ll l'r,u,. lnu .New uik 1701 li.v;...u s .vcai gp mfwW m,'fi i v . i . , ." V " ,' ? it te & RADIO IN lly HKNItY Here 1 :i ilrruit for uslns .aeiii- lil t w e .1 Iclr Inner In n rcgrnernthc lienli-up t lilt an audUiii luilli (. .sc 77it 0r Tuo Tue Tlipuaii(l" of boys anil men Alie be- I cam- interested in circles Huraphy. in t he early lai made or bought the old- fnMiiencd two-slide tuning cell , This, fur the benefit of the i.ew comers Is Simnly ene lone COlltinUOUS COll Of who ifnnn,! nmitml n nllti,K-.r Tlin ill- i WHO ttetinil around n C.Mlllder. llie 111- I iUlatien is removed all along the cell Ik ' a btrnicht line, and ecr tlii bare-wire , ., ... . , . , line or path two little metal strips can be slid along two reds. As they .lido they make contact with the wires out whii'li tliev iiass and the current flews , , , , ,, , from tlic wire through the blade or ..!.. .,!.. .1,. ..! .. l .. .. t.i .k it strip along the metal red en which it slides and te te the binding pests and the recchil.g set. AfOtAl T?JOII CRIO CONOtNStA ' - fgn i niTlB - A tnnrr . f . B5iJs W I I 1 wt5-?SC'aTal rmrrx twj "e5 1 S 1HIW9L I lj I cW, - - 0 &&&. ' -Xr VARIABLE . (iC WV . ground s'JtsS t w e .1 Iclr tuner In n rcgritrrnth c V NJ JZ" "y afaLfiV?'B, l lioeli-iip lilt an audUiii luitl fS Jv"Vml I This was the best of the home-made , , ,n , (V " .1 ,., . , n x. , , . .... , , ,1 ".0 Mini" bv the tltmhel Orcheftra. dcMres In the old days, and it was the I . ae Hecitai by Mnrie Wright meaju i t .c i i i- ...u:.,i. .L. P'sne. a"isteil by Mis. l"rance ll.ilecl; at eheapest of the geed devices which the ihe piano iiianufaeturer turned out. pi,en7s?r-h': ,,a,1C9 ,lUs "" th" 1,runs"lc, I Met of us wanted "loee ceupler" i T-yj rinii bajebaii Frere , Willi one coil (the secondary I. Midlng i , .... ... ,.,.. .... I in ami one vi me uuier iuc lmiiiui; 1 j We theugtit it was necessary te have a 1 primary and secondary, and indeed it !wa. Hut when wc used the old two , slide tuner we really had both primary land secondary without Knewing it, un I 1 . . 1 i . ...1. 1 .!... .(.!- , less we nau gene raim-r i;ir i.. iuc- u, of the then Infant science. The part of the coil included between the aerial connection and the ground connection was the primary; the ether was the secondary.' It was what the highbrow radio cicnti."ts called "con- i.,,.v ,,li.,e. t1.ni.cli lmselentltirl dufive coupling tlieugn tui'.citiuimj readers need net worry about that. In spite of these high-sounding; word l!ie simple fact tliat WC aie leauiug up . Is .hat the old two-slide tuner can be taken down from the garret, the dust bribed off n,' '" bc Jlk'' lip te the modem nudien bulb se ns te Slve ItllglltV geed reMlltS IIS a "regen- ,.., . 't ,,,i ..,, ,.e, P(.r tlie lireml- eratn' et anil jeu tai. gtc nit oreiiu . ... '.hi. peneerts en It just about as well as with anv of the simple single-circuit hook-up. Tin1 oil tuner, when u-ed with the ii.. den, is net. though, a -lngic-circuit (arrangement, it i ueuer. , 1 .... Yeu have all een. in the store':, tliee .,,,... .m..,. l.t.le ,nnimfni thiir ue iiiiiii.uM- i.v..' ...v....-... . .- -. three i elN .-ither the neat lionecemb toil or the snider web. Une cell used as the prlmnrj. one as the sec ondary, and one ns the "tickler." As we have already learned in these talks, the primary l' the ddl through which the received cttirent- tiew ttem the ' atrial te the ground, thee m turn 'in duce'' or create current in the sec ondary, though the two .oil have no real connection, and the "tnkler" take the srreng electricity from the "J" I bafen and make it boe-t up and 'strengthen the "induced" uutr"iits iu J the secondary. Thl three-coil hook-up is a er 'popular one. but is likely t be expen sive. The two-slide tuner, as used n the illustration, becomes all three i oils a once and will de just about anything that the three-.cell arrangements will de. The first parr of the Cell, between the aerial and the gt minded "-luli r. is the primar : tin' part between the two slldsr is the secondary, and the pait betw.en the second slider and the con nection te the .triable condenser be be ..emes the tickler i ou tan tune th tirst two 'dirts b mm lug the slider" but that leaves the thlid pair, or titklei, fixed, se we put in the variable con denser te tune that and te keep t no "H" battel v ft "in sheit-i ii. lilting it elf as It would de if the teiidensir wete net there. Tlie usual two-slide inner ha- a bind ing per ler rath slider, and one for lie grm nd wnc In thi jrcuit 1,0 1 must make one ninr. ..nine tien at the end uppiisl e tlie g: mind 1 oiuieetien. Yeu 'tan -elder the end of a wire there as I Indicated. r if the construe turn of jour tuner admits it, you can bend a i strip nt brass and si rew it 10 tlie wooden ' upright en one end se that tlie edge of tlie biass k'eCs down si.Udly and makes eentiii t with the li.u.wiie en tlie coil In inning in signals, gle a gue-s at tin- number of turns en the primarv part -mi a four-null diameter coil perhap went or rhirrj. depending en mir p.,.. i.il Tin 11 u-e j mii- mie hand for the ether slider mid the ether hand ter tlie variable condense! . Slide the slider up toward the iir t 'tie until mil hear a meaning in the ph me- Then slevvlv bring it awii.v. a'l tlie lime turning the n'lidi'tiser amiind all th" "J.v one w.iv un I back again. Hunting bv tin method will seen give ,011 a ig!ial. 11 the wiring i renectlv done And the hook -up is capable of 1 n 111 irkablv tine adjustments and a ven fan- iil.il it I" nine out mterferenie Naiuially lids I U-uji is for nudien bulb enl.v and will net de ler a erveul (lei. (tm. . . , , , 1 I'm tlie bitiellt et these who liuvf nevtr used a two-s.,de tuner, and vim 'aie net pnitie'il.irlv I aud.v wrii tool .te will seen give direr tien ter biii'iliug tins little instiumenl, for it is mn.irk alilj easv te (eiistruct and anv liev can inuke one tlint will give linn the lne'id- en and inltediiie lnui te tin' art of tuning . !,,, jl JVI lj Fil. 1 I '" ' V1U PHYSICIAN BURNED Dr. A. H. Mellersh. Roxborough Victim of Acid Explosion I r 11 Mellersh, "Hi I, vceiim live. 1 line, lloxherougli. neuilv nt his ight visierda.v afternenii when snuie udds In- was 'mixing in hi laboratory ex ex pledeii He was treated in the Jl"1 Jl"1 tiierinl Hospital for burns of tlie hands and fine. He was taken te tlie !m-pitnl in n police patrol uilleil te the seine by , patrelinan who saw the sliatteied win- plows and smoke coming from tlie build ing. I'iremen wi-ie also summoned mid I -pit ad sand ever tlie laboratory limn and lemmed ether lentainers of the Hun! outside miii 1111 in 1 iimidn 'i e . jn.lell.1 Itir I' 1 lie . f l i T I iw 11 I a at lid v' I' 1' 1 u "mi I' ' ' epin IHJ mireml I r, r I n , 1, 1 1 . f .1 iii.ir'Oiii; I'iniii I Me 1 l i.ij 1 ' man)' lnlere'lnij lui n, 1 1 411 . u I tries teverfd by ii'Jr u , 1 ir t' eunUeiu ,11 1 ih leadlne newg irmem of vne nom ,Mk Jl It Habit " Atl.. THE HOME SI. NKKLY - Slulc - Slulc Tuning Ceil Today's Radie Program riillmlrlphlfi Sliillen (Will (Slntttlir'ilce X Clelliler) n in ia lnM..ninrlnl nv nrncrm liT Mrawbrl(l A Clothier Mule Cuartet. Jehn Uv.tt ii,inyfel Levi. Hareld Slmends. &'; Vahdersloet. aIMel by Kthel Sk.lten pi.tnlsn. Quartet, soldiers' I'herui from ( "Iaust": Hopraiie sole, teiect'd, l.thel i suoiten shvmaiter: tenor &oie. "Cem. I th 1,fiM,nh-MCTe,N: p?.no K "Ne'S. I S'fc !. Mi?,,, -'SYnVeUl Mme. au'lr' I " "When th llev lome Ileme' , tenor 1,0 "There Ne IVjth " IMn fed t,ei, .mnre eole. Keip,'tl lltbei .s;(iten Shne- n,nl r I'lurie fole The lirearner," I.erctti Krl. birii.nu. oie. riv American dine y;' . !"mend"1 "u,lrt ' "r'u v" J1et ' Plillmlelpliln Station (W1P) ' ' T 20 "rinii Cnii" of children ttrttms te 1 "in. 10 aip Philadelphia station (UOO) Man.imnlrr') 12 ...". te 1 p M. Arlington time urna! 4 30 t.j .. Pline K'leeti.n 7 :iO Or. hstril c -nee't bv th" 1 rinKlIn OJlntt of thf t'nerxlt of JViinMvanl" nebert A. Wilsen, Heward A. HattVld l.i.- . E"ne C. I elt Piul K. KlrKey ami u tm ait f 1 ritiiri !ri t ',ine, nietiiniM e ., 1 .iriu'.t i,m,..i.,, i;iVv."!eUn (Vceila liennlti. Molln..Cen- 'elette. Boprane; mcnnr.i ' utane? Novinew plann Annn 1.11 isucu- i-r, soprano and Itelen J.nnl. vl.ine Itti-bercli Station (1UJKA) (VetlnKlieue) e no llenebr. I cer 'Th nature of P ttshuruh A-rlnl Actlrltle K-!txr. ccretar vt ihe a-m ciub Pitts - u'sBau- t.hi. T't Tei ind Th r.A' ami rh'r Pen-ln-I.a l-mnn- n. n. t .r th" .!,, rnc, ,vieB , b dtime hier ;e !). J II., I. in Mule 10 ei) lineball ereji. Mulc urttram lv lli eu'hirn I'ub of pittbur :h II r- ' ranaeii i,y irs rc-rv t.ifi, r juim. I . . -. .. .-,. ....I..- (.i.asfer. lellniI Ml P.uth Ulnaer ( T:;t. "tf.'? wd,i": ' i: Hunm-nt, of vtrrinia. reider, uiMrtet i r' hJSS NX Kentucky cenl nran... Mm, J I.eck- tart. Alalia ra. f.rt I'ontralle Mr I'red ' ' Klu. Kentucky, peoer.d contralto dilelne MrHi! nn.it. ,,. n.nn.mii. sei.tien Helre K.itl," .T'lUu Ula-ser ' In May "t.lttle (lre Heme In the .! ' miarte' ' In .le Merr.lnV "Pe Wcddin ' Ilesde Hui ner I'.enner' "The iMt:ee Wri-.' rai wi, ' i!r Ie anl Mre l.n liliait ' n tin ;vn.".S' .'?,"' -V'.'.t" -u '..;-, ., ,..:. i ii i,ni,i .. .U..LJ .v,,i,'' . "ii Th,t $u i.n. Mr i,,e rtii.i Mr. I j. I iiHn eieeted. M Ma McKcn? " 'mt n.i.ette " Jull'-a c. as-: fli.. N slit Ha n 'r.,.. .....,. I i"..AU ..., Tneuar.d lives "Ms- dd Kntu 1 Heme miir'et ' .Mellr.dv Jane" Mr Wl'liam 1 H.iinneit; "Ole Hlaik Je" ' Junu Ulaici, ' Plxl-, ' quarter Girls! Girls!! Clear Your Skin With Cuticura Samp' e;h (Setp, fHrtment, TiJtura) of CaUcatt lbrttrH,7:p X Mftld.n.litavif . Seldererrwherc Free Lecture en Dietetics at 10 A. M. Every Morning Subject, "EAT TO LIVE" Heom 2 , ll.'l.') Chestnut Street Philadelphia, I'.t. ALL KINDS Expert Fitting Examination and advice free, Competent lady attendant ter women ana chlld-en, t'.caienab.e rrlces. PHILA. ORTHOPEDIC CO. 49 Ne. 13th St.. Phila., Pa. THE GREASELESS WAY Te Seethe Itching Skin Nerves (By a Skin Special. it) D' ct-r, ia n nert! I'rur - 1 .' un- ita' -ou tl tn r ! 1 -H'-hinc 1 1 r nr ir.tnv k,i 1 . i ri 1 ' i it j-uu- i wue ei thr u. jst :t injii f I -' i it rnn anl th lUtuuiC is m hu,ni ' . ff-ar Iha ;ei fh'tu. 1 kuu' x.i ' 1 t' u t rfii.'f .1 'I rn- -r I et ' ut r 1 n th ii'liltiir i. t iuut If. M' rilH".!' 4.T.1 Jll IS rP i"'J '1 1 f iii'i.t 1huhi ,hi rlHb a pi. .ci i ih itr- . h N'?n.t m t'rtati iU-p .1 i-netiits ntrlit it t Mi-1 nl n p 1 i ii ctH tht Ut nen r i l -,. fh.it tr rmn. tt iiff the 1 "ir .i t Ii Mi.i' F,'. cf ' I of ,",1'' ' fif failtl Jl j hrttJ.H HoethT euliiit; M i lul ha -j rf npHtr t 1 nth r i ii'UMpti m, nit brinca t,trtfful rtlnf .it " H " HTti I i.iiU'l N itnirt h ui,m It r ,.h e ""n i ' .i ' mi u 1 ' i d & ru e ,U j Hri P "1 lllfM" in? a 41 Nnxtnn fin ijr drUK- n i m it tK( K'jarinf- vr n I r s f p lh 1 1 1 ciita t t st of turn j t a x n a t l.rnii J (n II 1- i v i r .t. aw . inunbtrati n Ne lever of the outdoors should be without Resinol Seap and Ointment. first ,- ' ijl Resinol Seap V-jA then a teucrt J of ointment lv for the chafed flvT or sunburned ' spots. Tlie frcnlmcnt tliat keeps the skin tit. Try it ! RESINOL 5oelhiiu rl Hcfvlinq Al oil drugt'ts .... I m r - 'l-mmm i nlWRATTlRY I JiTOMCll 5"fiW in at. i n J.-. TRUSSES $Ya refreshing AVibath with Galvanized Beat Pumps lattttfiirf irfl I if t. I Ilrrcr Ce.. fiO V. 21 t. rnm mj MnrKtx assi REPINISHING 24HOUU SERVICE A finish lht will net vf or eracli. nurablp, nrld nroef ind of hlnh luitiir. BuH la fmfce. implied In ll color. The Chas. W. Schaffer Ce. 8314 rilESTISUT ST. like ether women you ad mi ie. Control y e u r weight, health and com fort. Why net 3tnrt new? Trial treatment gratis. Cellins Institute for Women BELLEVUE COURT BUILDINU 1418 Walnut Sprue S4S4 OUR STORE ORDERS Increase Your Personal Value Appearance (mint tlife dn. Our plan enable nti te dre well with rlnthlnc from the le.iillnir rr tnll utere of I'hllu, imi imj ti In inederale nmnuntn thst Mill net (ax your rnrnlnc, a tlietisnmt have been delne for the past 50 .Tar. wniTi: ion details teihy is:: ie,? Marriett Bres. 1118 CHESTNUT STREET !! Clethes that make the man are clothes that are becoming , without UGlller C.enRnintinilR. Wn jaye jeen maki ... ... . OQ tlllS KltUt 101 SO , c 1 .-. ,,w ing clothes of years Our moderate prices will appeal te you. W.S. Jenes, Inc! Custom Tailoring 1116 Walnut Street Trnnsrr A Siirclallj She could eat anything without indigestion or sleeplessness Fer a time she had been Ueubled with gas after her eyeningmeal.The distress was most painful after eat ing potatoes or ether starchy feeds, of which she was vor y fend. Then she started taking two cakes of Fleischmann's Yeast every night between her evening meal and bed time. She poured about a half cup of boiling het water ever the yeast cakes, stirred them thoroughly, added a little cold water and drank. She found she could eat anything and sleep splendidly afterward. Thensands of men and women are finding that Fleischmann'a Yeast corrects stomach and intestinal troubles. It promotes the flew of bile and pancreatic juice. Appetite is always kept normal and you are protected against indigestion. Add 2 te 3 cakes of Fleischmann's Yeast te your daily die' Yeu will find that your whole digestive sys tem is greatly benefited. Be Mire it's Fleischmann's Yeast the familiar tin-foil package with the yellow label. Place a standing order with JourgrecerforFleischmann'sYeasL Disappearing Propeller Moter Beat Fer Shallow or Deep Water, Submerged Rocks or Legs Are Harmless, BEAtTIFl'La-.d Sturdy Sid and Si'ent. (or Pleasure 01 Werk, Reufli Water or Quift reed, this ipeeyv fcconeiiiMj rower Beil ctlisut a.) ustrj Thr roeme-.t protecting tej toucumsueme'K'drocK.iot mix or aand tur propeller automatically move up into well ar.tl engine thiel. tltl dew& I L.!tin prcpll"' an'e. natlu e tl re.tiei n(in: i On? le.ei guet any Ipetu U10 9V milclKI 1 Inaetn 01 J te II a p n evri rear f'twdtut dnven t'esell" Ont pull 0' 'evai iiearierarei. en t. tk 1 Piepei.' a m 1 d n 1 p 1 " 0 sibratien tablllte centerboard IQ a loeai 1 e none Mauni 5 i-ruei ier trem an part . C an rt meir prerel' it r hilt 01 lS4 4 tieji aj ivt en even 'iittmi in beat la Prriie,iei llwakl tlierc 11 1 .0 n-n-d II Pe e Droit c beat tunds ti,l U C.nb.r ,1 edoiienthert or deck I .. e'd nai roubeat Ii Tl'id'a teji ler trellina and f h i'l H Le t n',r; r, iteration child cat run a trtin liandtomalyllluitel'd Catalog en ncquc.i .,..-.!. fi..rfif 1 fnin Si Sift jern .Hud UI00a.iv. t .. f .4. V-1, H:JL med t f'-i"l'1 "'1 " " l,,"''B 4 amrt,hun1rHei inul i .eJ I. DISAPPEARING PROPELLER BOAT CORPORATION It. in -..in ithn MATHI3 VAlf i mjilUINR COMPANY (AUDI N. MltV JhKHI'.V On DlapUr ut Thtlr Vrt i I ' vf I I I 1 I u in J 1 I II 1.1 I .'"IU if 1 lis h-w, I, 1 1 I I I I . Prtu. Ill 1"' ATn., 1 1 I I I 1 1 II l i I ll e L HJ. ft'irw y ' . .. . I'ViitB sivV JSl Only a Quaker City Taxi is geed enough for her 65,697 mere calls se far this year than in any quarter of Quaker Vity history QuakerCityCabCe. low Spend Memerial Day at the Seashore Special Excursion via "The Reading" Tuesday, May 30th $-1 CA M..OV ROUND TRIP ATLANTIC CITY OCEAN CITY STONE HARBOR WILDWOOD CAPE MAY riimt'iiMi'vs s p e- CIAI. Leave CheMnut and Seuth St. Terrlm r, 30 A. M. (Standard lime), llt) A. M (Da light Time), for t-'cheinncer's landing (Care May). SI'UINU lIKMIKTs. hUMi hi:.uii. .1. -A faL B5Bflp r ) Mm- i -"' A 1 r f Ii.. 1- mMk '. 6ft JsfmkL -z - 1 BHrei'" MTi cJ7hw. " , 1 arH I' V--, iS " 77 B9 1MrJvJ MGZ'L - , J,ai M .3"' tA&w I I jpT" ,UICK transit, certain safety, Pullman comfort and a sense of personal pride all come te you when you order a Quaker City Taxi. Call Spruce 1700 Urates Fill your hiiu&ry lungs with clean fresh air from the ocean. A clay's eutttiK at the sliore will de the whele family a world of ceed. Pick the resort you like best and and travel via "The Heading." I.eavp Chestnut and Seuth St. Kerrle Standard Tlmn Daylltfit Time, Atlantic City O.oea. M. 10-30 A.M. I or Ocin Cltv. Stene. Harber, Wlldvvoed and Care May 3:50 A. ST. lieturnlnj; leave All I'elrt 5:00 P. M. Additional train from Atlantic City 8:15 P.M. 7:ou A. M. 7:30 A. M. 6.30 A. M. 0:00 P. M. 9:15 P. M. Similar Excursions Every Sunday. Dullv, Cemmrnclne June 10 Philadelphia & Reading System Atlantic City Railroad PKIXrS KIcNOKT ISLAM) IIKACII. N. J. SLAND iRObl-CeT A WONDERFUL KECREATI0N PARK via the DOLPHIN STEAMERS Reached after a pleasant ride un the Historic Delaware. A Wonderland for ups. Coel, shady who want rest. water sports levers. $350,000 has already been expended te Island Beach YOUR PLEASURE GROUNDS. TheN old Burlington fairyland. It will SPECIAL FEATURE! Fer 2 Weeks DARE DEVIL OLIVER, Thrilling High Diver Will Give Daily Exhibition's of His Irfarvcleus Sktll. FREE. DON'T MISS HIM. Sailing Schedule Frem Arch e ,rVCMlaj8: ,8,3 A daja: ""8.30 A. I. Qiltl I Saturdays, Sundays M 1 P. M.. .1 P. .M., wnc uy .TKi'.KDAil 50c Island Beach KOI Ml 1 it i r SPEND Auction Bridgei If you want te learn hew te play a geed game read Common Sense Bidding By A. R. Metcalfe A complete guide te auc tion bidding; easiest te learn; most effective. At All Bookstores A. C. McCLURG ft CO., rtUiilen FOR ITS OWN SAKE OR FOR THE SERVICE IT GIVES T. -a. wii joys ui niuiuring arc wnai science calls objective and subjective. They are objective when the mind dwells upon the "perfect functioning of the car, its sweet and silent and powerful engine jits graceful, trim and low hung body when, in short, one en joys the car as a car. They are sub jective when one forgets the car, and yields te the satisfaction and pleasure the car se surely delivers, the. unob trusive but abundant nature of its dependable, daily, enduring service. . Fess-Hughes Company, list and Market Streets, Philadelphia. Wilmington Reading Bethlehem Lancaster Pierce-Arrew M'HIXn UliSllKTS ISLAM) ltKACII. N. J. , iTrt - Sv Lihip LINE vV(oe4 Amusements of all kinds the kiddies and the crown - groves for picnics and these Beating, Bathing, Fishing Dancing. Island Park has been turned into a be the mecca of all fun Street M.. 10.30 A. SI., M,t 10,3 A 31" ' ' M- 3 P' M- '-30 nnd Decoration Day: 8 A. M.. 9 A M -4.30 P. M.. (i.00 P.M., 7.30 P. M.V'-8lH BOATS MARKED " GO THROUGH TO TRENTON mre juc. aunqa)s and Helldaa 40c hi MIAV8 AMI IIOMOAl 60c net Ml TRIP w DECORATION DAY .- ,.-.- , 1 triUXO KKMIHTS IM.AM) IIKACII. X. .1. NEW BURLINGTON ISLAND PARK, Uettci 'AM 1 0m u 1. !'', Z?'Z w ':w ty r -re OLD Mflal for make levers. Wharf P- U 7.30 P. .M in in A M le-in P M. Island Beach WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS AT ISLAND BEACH mi 3njiv fli m mm- g hi WW u Vi it! HI E&t. lWjAra. iflva. I '. v t frhMMim V 1 ,r l,r !! Mz& "1" ft ' ,' ,n,