Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 29, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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.-.( nj mmmgpvnm'.
WW'1' p'.
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Kali tonight and probably Tuesday;
Utile change In temperature; gentle
ulniN, mostly Mestcrly.
r,s i n no ii ia n i v I x I 4 i r, i
Till) KM 1 7a I7 IT7 78 ill I I I I
' A&ibes.
VOL. Vin. NO. 220
KMer0d-" SeCnJ-& 7&r.. Altonte. rh.fafc.ph... P..
l'ubllsheil Dally txcert hun.lny. Subscription Price $C a Year by Ifstf.
Oepyrleht, 1")22, by Iublle Ledstr ejempeny
nnTrrp mirr ruMfra .t'151
"" w ui. mil?ll e, JOjU
1 1VU J vv JLJLM.& ,Vf
icuentng pubttc
v ,.avv t " iiiih .iiik m m .rataa
IsbY --Z.ZZ-
114, . fv iKLlWsi:: . .Vsf.' KlWi' v7::!IbbIbbIbbH
If, Machines in Head-On Collision
ai DIOclU ailBOl anu
Belfielcl Avenue
Charles Zirnkilten, Sentf 12th
Street Jeweler, Held en Man
slaughter Charge
Twe Occupants of Other Car
Are Accused of Stealing
One man was killed and four persons,
Includinc a young woman, were injured
In a head-en collision between two au-
!., ,tomeblles at Urend street and Bellield
', avenue shortly befertf ' o'clock this
' Beth nutomebilcs were j!"i"g at high
; iped, the police say, and one of the
( machines had no lights burning. The
' driven became confuted nnd in at
tempting te avoid each ether crashed
together. Beth machines were turned
eTer by the impact and each badly
The Dead
H William McCermlck, twenty-one . ears
old, 0 Uufe street.
Tlie Injured
Themas McCermlck. eighteen ears
e'd, brother of William, frartured skull.
Jeseph 1'ale, eighteen. Gcrmuntewn
trcnue and Cellins, street.
Themas Cummlngs, twenty-wen.
Gcrmantewn avenue and Hrlnghurst
Jllss Eliner Dougherty, twenty. 1000
West Tiega street, cuts and bruises.
All the injured, with the exception of
Miss Dougherty, were tnuen te St.
Luke's Hospital. She was attended at
r?, .'l ei... TrA..ul t- .1ll.f liilninu
SV OlClbUll JlUlllUt IVi nilg.il. tiijit.u?
Jeweler's Sen Arrested
l . Miss Dougherty was in nn automobile
.VMrlrrn hr . Phni-lre 7.lmt:lltnil. 2201
"W'Nerth Tenth street. Zirnkilten. v he is
i-' the son of a jeweler at 214 Seuth
te Twelfth street, was arrested and charged
i fl-ith manslaughter by accident. He
was lickl without ball te await Hie
scion ofthe Corener. Oummlngs. Pale,
,Birtholemcw llrownheltz and Daniel
J. Harrison, both seventeen ycarw old,
of East Wistar street were all held
...i . ... i . ... ....
wiiiieui Dan cuargeu wiin larceny or
Uw second ear in the smash.
The car driven by Zirnkilten was
going east en Belficld avenue, and the
ether ear was turning in from Hread
street. When they crashed William Me-
C'ermlck, who was in the westbound
ear. wna lln-nwn tlirnncli llie u'ltwlslilnl.l
The ear which he occupied turned ever
nil the three ether occupants were
i. ... . .
uirewn te me street.
According te Zirnkilten,
Owtlnutd an Face Tw
Te Review Midshipmen and Witness
Ball Game With West Point
..Annapolis, Md.. May 20. (Fly A.
.1.1 The hundreds attending the grail-
J Party of friends for a cruise down '
Hie Mayflower arrived off Annapolis
snout 0 o'cleek nnd was given a salute i
l.v the battleships Maryland, Delaware
and North Dakota 1 ine off the pert.
Arrangements had been madp for tlie
''CBKirui anu ins pnriy ie liiiiu about .
I e clock. Admirnl II, P. Jenes,
ininuiander of the Atlantic Fleet,
planned te call en the President during
the forenoon.
- beTtbTbyt hugs
Edward McGlade, North Hutchin-
, ir-rtMcSidrAth1!,,.,
SS?,.1' "" ,!irt,LT " .i:::
"ujss, who took !fl0 from his pocket. !
i" was waiiung east en Uirnrd avc-
me near Forty-ninth street when the
inree stepped him nnd asked for n
mttch. He furnished the match and
fen the men asked for money. He
'"Piled that lm had none and started
way, when one of them struck him
i the head. He bnttlcd with the
nanaits for several minutes, but was
"nuiii exercises at tne uniten Htatcs i by tjnarics uuecr. a se ei crcscenMiuc-. , ,i," , i,. ,,. ,7 s. ". .' ,. ifpuckt set a gin ever iinil--:mil this man's
nvai Academy today received a sur- I who also admitted, according te the pe- V': ','"'' r. "."' """ .string of jade Iip gave me last week. The
arise when the jaeht Mayflower, en lice, that he put glass in the stream te :"',.,.,"" lf7i, ,.i.. , "" e nre net going te be married for
"men rresuient Jianung left Wash-' keep out mule girl nntners. . V IT, li. . .1 . , , ,v , laces, ue n sta.v in nie pictures, and were
lneinn Nnlnril.,,. .t.I.I. ATe TTn.ll.... n...l .,.!. ...Ii.... llnhni. .t am ..linenn. "H'h e. C niAI.-IIIUU r-W.M'L 11110. 1 lie I'l ttnf .11, 41.. L,n.n Ln 1. -..
---Bv.. . UIIIIUIIJ ,11,11 .,,,.. 111111111111 .11111 I ! III'LIWII, U. ,,UMI.. ..V.I. ...U....
.. .,,,,.,,. Uj, uiuinn-ii niicnur uerc. .lagisirnie i.iiiueii, we iinu huh in :: - e- -.v.i-. uu- bu.iib 10 inn.- 1 11011111 en i.eng ine Heuse and then allien .Airs 1 ' Ii?-i -
After lunching with Admirnl Wilsen, S000 bail today for a further hearing. ""' i Island and one in Cnllfnrniu. and we'll beth Czeniamcki the wife te cvw "
superintendent of the Academy, the1' pirkhelv. nnd several ether boys were I no one-man ear operators, cempar- just dash back and fei th when wc get The pntrehnnn turned' in uu 'nl'irm
I resident planned te review the mid- I swimming In the creek yesterday after- at iely few in number, have been re- lonesome. and then returned te tight the fiie until
Miipineu nnd witness the annual base- neon. Wuber ordered them out of the eeivmg the old maximum of sivt.c-feur "Veu knew. 1 think iioeplo aie hai- the engines fame Thev 1ml it out in
Mil game; between Annapolis and West I stream which borders his farm and ae- 'cuts an hour. Ilegiiinlng next Thurs- pier If they don't see tee much of each a few minutes. Csspinaii.ek'i refused ,
I Olnt. , ,...e.i Uiimii of lnltini? thn hnrs deun daj they will be mild sixty -seven niul ether m m. i,n i n..i n .:- ... ,
naun num.. i ,i asa.i m i. . i. r a. . i...i.ii -. 1. . iii.i ii i in- i in iuii nir 11 nn in iiiiirini'ii ki riini i-. . ...k . i . t . n . . .. !..,. . i
ucnDILI ntW ILL CSl, nt,hV "th ll iilfl jiliU lUshes ..ashed en .,.; hciiil,' Frank weVe taken; """ "m , l0 wd'r ' i lZ V
A-arm for L.d Whose Pather Wb? tf ftWu7te 'S STtf.BUp LAUNCH SWAN ,g SAF J --
Lest In Lurtt.nl. Disaster &-y ami fempletely bioke Dun- -;'.-;-: ft"1, " " Aimflu.! Neg.e we,., , . M l.i". home
f JCTftS-arS1 S.ff'.V CA? mVrirl BeIrtlK.r 0, 1M T i U -jyVun Sought Refuge Prem Storm .n Pen- V R Z&t ?
KWu iflIIl!?"?i0WJ,r0 T 7;i 'li-euv J:S TltwirWtMewn Jnek'againM "itaTne sk' InTU I "' H 1 ' n,? "Ct'" ,,,,-,rtJU,,UV'
j.ia VrtW J!M" ""'':"' i;.5 'V' "no tl, tf,i GIRL STUDENTS FIGHT FIRE
"e fle-P.t of specialists and muses V' .. investlentien of iln. ruse He- "1),ml ,,f,y , V'vT 'd'eard. missing 1- ' rmC
$ng TOJ- ,v , , . &ZmsLte&: fair tomorrow 1S?SK. ttM'i.'K'aiJ S - " te s,.P H- -
"epment of nn abscess in (he IndV "lwl KOl,Uc,,,H:r. ' 1 P ,a "V ', . , . ." ,, , The icssel mu i.te u gulf storm hue, Blaze te Wellesley Bulldlna
f vf1 J0r " Km '' ' " m 'J ' I 'ilHKs 4t -V jjrfMHIt!3l
?. 7,i ,; . .. v JIK. rff iakk. ria'M - - lIBm
M . ?, '.-.!' :-'.- -darrrrKu . ;.irrrB' "" rrrrrrrrrara
. .. . -..w WVIIMUIII)
Rebber Badly Wounded and
Captured by Neighbors in
Chase at Beverly, N. J.
1'iank 1'. Jenes, Jr., cashier ait the
Beverly. X. ,T.. National Hank,'
grappled with a Negro burglar in his
bedroom early today, and both fell out
the window.
llr. Jenes lived in a pretty bungalow
en Warren street, 'Edgcwater Park,
jus nenm the IJevercly Township line.
At 2:20 o'clock this morning he wii
awakened by n noise. As he opened
his eyes he saw a bulky ileure sil
houetted against the window. Mr. JonP' JenP'
lay quietly debating what te de. He
had n revolver in the bureau drawer
and was figuring out the best way te
reach it when irfs wife awoke.
Mrs. Jenes did net see the burglar
tir.t. but sensed something wrong
and almost instinctively reached for
the cb-ctric switch, flooding the room
with light.
Hits lllm and Grapples
The burglar, n big and powerful man.
! .inze.i i,v tbn mublen Hcht and drpw
'L. . .. ,:.. j.,.,.. ....
i duck. m .lories ipiiriii.v iuuu auvuniuu
of his hesitation nnd flung himself at
the intruder, striking him a heavy blew
. before the two grappled.
I Then followed a short, sharp fight,
I the two men struggling for advantage.
. and Mrs. Jenes screaming for help. The
r.rimlinlniitH fentrril nil ever the i-n.ini.
' knocking down chaiiH and banging i
acainst furniture. They lurched te-
!ward the open window, "by which the
i1 a.s.jaa..
ojLeliimu HK
" . . . . . ... . .
Crescerrtville Man Admits He Put
Glass In Water te Reut Girls
Glass in water te neui '"
Waller lltrkhelt
,lllll- .-mm. nn. if, ... .....j .'--"
alter Hlrkhelt?.. ele en j ears elil. of
escentvilie. was shot In the right side
tcrlzed as "dastardly and brutnl'
m permitting th jwr te wander out.
Wuber had a gun and the be.s get
out of the stieam uud ran with their
..n.tl.ini-under their arms. While ltliv.-
10ii., aH trlng ' leach the banks of
ii, ni-,.,.;. luber. it is sain, tired. A
i0t 0f blnMiet entered the boy's body,
liii'l.lieli.'n i oinpanieiis suiuiueiied an
automobile ami the oey was lahen te
the Jewish Hospital. PhslciniiK there
picked eighteen pieces of shot from his
i' tnlil ihem I was going te sheet.
m(f t(py ,j, j,,', min, me." Huber said
nftpr his an est.
may escape death chair
Ex-Sergeant Duncan te Be Sen
tenced Today at Mount Helly
(Jrever latudls Duncan, formerly n
seigennl stationed nt tamp im, who
cenfeHsed te tne Killing ei euiii .t- -count
Michael flrcger, another tamp
U soldier, will be brought before Su Su
reine Ce-irt Justice Kallsli in Mount
Helly today for sentence. One in Hospital, One In Jail After 'I"' burglars, which strengthened his ho he
it.i.n.nn contends that th" killing of -,,.. . ,... i.. . , lief that the were seeking men e line...'
tlregnr was in self defense, lm Kills
i t r .i ., ..... ii L i..i. .,
""'." a"' 1.'', ' it s'li WSMs. I
Mariljnn Miller. Follies star and
new leading lady in the "Sally"
Company, has let slip the secret of
her engagement te Jack l'ichferd.
only male member of the famous
l'ichferd film galaxy. Plchferd's
first wife, the beautiful OUe
Themas, died of poison, said te
have been accidentally taken In
Paris last summer, about the same
time Frank Carter, Miss .Miller's
first husband, was killed In an au au
ten.cblle accident in .Maryland. In
the picture Miss Miller is shown
in the upper left corner and Miss
Themas In upper right, while Jack
PJckferd is below en the right and
.Mr. Carter In the centrr
Trelleymen Reduced Under
Agreement te Accept "Four-
,,i .
Town" Average
. . "ieu (jpew, in near. I cmiiit nnve wre maue ever te me. F was slmpN
., , nnyricd epy man in New Voik mil- j :luB "," tin ngiiit for Hughes k
SAV NG TO BE $300 000 1 Honelres or billionaires." said Miss 'f11'' ,' a,'ser .f0' u fhis creditor
in iu DC OUU,UUUMlll(Ti llt 1m u ,it liarllcuI.nbeiitW.K)Sn Liberty Hend- which were
'Frank Carter, my first husband, was , tuV."V , evfr' ,1 , , .. .
. i ,i. (!.., t .1. ,i.i i. .1 While in the einnl.iv of 1 1n-line .-
... aerage nay cut of one and one- ,
.mu cema an hour ter trelleymen. cf- !
lecinp Liiursuay. was announced today
by the P. It. T.
'in.- ...i.
i ..i,- ut maximum rare ler
I motormen and conductors, the largest '
class nfteeted. N sixtv-twe and one - ene -
half cents an hour. Tlie old maximum
was sixty-four tents.
The reductions, nsreed upon by the
men under the co-operative wage plan.
worn livninrlif .iliui .ininm...i..nii..
through n wage reduction bv the C'lc've-
land Ilallwav Cemnunv. Thev will w. i
duce the P. Il.'T. payrolls by $300,000
this city is determined by tlie average
. .. .. -., .---........,
tate paid te enrmen in f'hience. De-
treit. Cleveland and Buffalo. ,
Other Empleyes Are Cut
,rl)e rapU, n.ansit cempiu,j. alH, ft.
neunccd u leductlen iu wages of one
,(,"t an hour, effective June 1, for
ll0llr,v ,.flt0 pnip,eyps uf ,,. w; ,,.
niirtiHnnl nm I in ihnii en.l l,..ll.ll.. .11
;.lMe s ' ......,,..
, , , ,.,..
refTel-.nn nnil Alii.fnn ..Imnlu ll . .
leiieisen anu .Master .stieets line and
eutchalf cents nn hour.
The, cjussillcntien of wase rates un-
der thiee divisions is rentiuued under
the new usrwincnt. These division,
nie the hour! amounts jmid new men,
te men einnliuei for mere t inn t hree
months, uud for men omple.u'd n ear
or mere.
New Kales for Workers
The new rates fellow :
f-urf.ire iimtei men ami conductors New
men, tiT-i cents; after three months. Uii'j
1 1 nls after oiie si.cr. il'JLj cents.
III. mi ted miltorinen ce'j c"iit, ri3i
ii nir , it.".1 j cciiIh.
lllMHtcil ciiidmlers 37 cctui fin'j
I "lltS. UJ'j icntp.
IUontel uuiiiclH - D7'j cent" .I'.i'j c-nts
i.O l eeiils
'111" wine ie.luLii.iii4 nffcct .ileui th
iheus.ind oini)leC'. 'llu last t'l luiii . in
i .iit lodULtlen of ene c lit an hour Vwh
MIS III '..' Wl IU1HT J ..l.l . tieil till ,.l'
ui.ltrcrl. ""
Tin', wage, of frolle.uuen in this fit t
leached their peak June J, UtL'O, wh.ii i
ceuducturs and motermep weie paid a
lmuiniiin et 71"'.. cents an heui
ntjn .nveiv.nH s.mna neset
i.a r..ikn. .. 1 i:i 1.1 .... . . . - -
c. i ae ii ii e eu i
Star of "Sally" Says She and;
Jack Have Been Engaged
Six Months
Ilosten. May 211. Marll.Miu Miller,
star of the "Sally" Cempanj. is te
marry .luck Pickford.
'they have been nugeged for si
mouths, she snjs, btit neither is In any
I, '. , ,, .
hurry te be married. 'Ihey are taken
up with -their work for the present nnd
.while they won't s,.. u jjieat deal of
each ether, they will be in .enstant
iuwh h-T "",iI "r llegrapu. Jack vn", they found the liabilities neater than
'In Hosten rciently and was mesent at the ns;ets by about .SM.OOO. They .put
tcvm. performance of "Sally" duilng11"1' '!? hkw ' "S'eed te' turn
, , , - "pi' tbe heuse Hiid lets. 1 was sent!
,,is sty ,"'1'c- te Allentown, where the. house and lets '
- -- " " ". ''"' j. ' "
..j,llt veu knew ,,Pur , nm awful,y
eung. and youth must have love. Jt
was a year age this summer I met
Jack. lie and Frank had been great
Hiends nnd l-renk was very fend of
',J"V0 ',J"V0 ' nemas, .jiicu s peer little ueau
i wife. I had never met OUe, but 1 met
most of her friends, se I felt I hud
known her, tee.
"' M'PI'ese it wa. our common be-
1'OaVCmCht that dlCW .Inch and me te-
-ct,1C1'' Frem tlie veiy beginning wc
hceume wonderful friends. We both
' !lkcd the ""no things, jet, see dan.-
' A ,,tt,e nj,,,u 1,n,el' Juck went out
,' 7, llll"cu uen w
I? V"?' J'VLV1'0,11 Af"'-V ".'V1. D."s l"ul
nieir i. iirue lesni set au u e te tame
f'" te be with them. SU mouths age
we became engaged. This is my en-
K11."11'1". ring and Mnrilynn flashed
" K"'nmi"K "li,f; diamond, n scpuue
Mone as large as her lingernni.
...u u fc.er nn- iMlllutTIIll nilllL'S,
Hiat geld telb( set en the drps.lnit table
was a gift fiem him. I think It's the
... ' -ih - imuuuijiv
w net s-p niiici of each et he. .
"lack wants me te go in the movies
anil I think I will- just eme. Singing
j.nnil dancing arc my fnrte. jeu knew.
but I de want te tr. eur thine once
',,, 'lfld a niillien eftei., but It would
enl.i be for fun. I knew where I be.
long, and that's behind the fentllght.."
Icaac Minsky, 4312 Spruce Street.
Robbed Second Time
While the family of 1-aac Minsk,
a paper maniilactiiier. was visiting
icliiihcs in New Yerk .icsterdaj.
llileM's broke into their home at ilii:.'
'''"- ' ' ' ii ""
get Jewelry allied n,P iJLW
ptuce sticet. lunsnelfetl the house and
get Jewelry Mlllied nrL'OO.
A iieighbnr noticing nn open window
".'tilled the police, who inleinied Mliibk
"'.J1'1' ,',b!!,'rj '. .!1'en.l.lls Wvul he
snid lie believed the robbers were the
.saur who looted the house lust summer
of a quant it of liquor.
Valuable silverware and expensive
laces, no snici, weic ion untouched b
A (laine.ul linger ring, one pal,, of nVc.'
Bookkeeper Says He Refused
Offer of $150 a Week te
Straighten Out Tangle
But Muddle Was Hopeless, C.
H. Hilbershein Tells Referee
at Hearing Here
"Dm )l,.. .iff.'iv, nir -Sl'iH n "!;
piiil my living expenas .lit I In- Ilule!
j Coiiiiiieiliiii' in Vrw Verk if I w.ul I
'lny Willi liltn anil Htralicliteii mil hi
books te mi'i't tln ilciii.'iliils .i'f (In- Xi.v
iciik hlei-k iAchnngp, se he inulil lmv
us tieKcrs r.'lnstiiti'il.
fluMlnii II. Hlldersheiii, 50 III Hun
ter street, who worked ter the Hun of
IIugheM & IJIer inul n. D. I Mir A:
Ce. for mere than three yrnrt, niul wlm
was the star witness In today ' he.-ir-Iiig
before ltel'eree In Hunkruptr Kil-
wnnl I-. Ilellninii. toil the refeiee Hint
he itilt that he lefused tlm eiler l
cause lie (illlsldeleil ll u boneless tii.l
and that it was Impossible for lller .v
Ce. te net the tickers back. The h.-ai -
ing wan at 1KC. Walnut street.
nie rereiver ei tue (leiuuit nun mm
ui-fn iiiiAiiius ie (iiiz iiuiie
una liuonnntien that lie k
inside history lennceted
with Iliighps
.been nblp te
r. i i. ..a -i i- i .
; jLuvr. uin iney iinu net ecen iilhp le i
i-uiivnu jiiiiii-iMiifin. jic npiieuieii
today as a voluntary witness, who told
Ancillary He. elver Clarence Leeb that
he had nothing te hide mid would glndlj
help nil he could.
It developed that at present Wilder-
'd'pln has in his mime lets in Carben
county valued at s'oeo. which piu-
j perty ha.l been mined ever te Dier &
t'e. by one of their creditors te unci
ii deficit. We a Ne told of having allowed
his name te be used in a deed en n in op
erty in Allentown valued at nbeui
,$1000 which was imehvd in th" miiii.
tra.,i"en- , , ,, ,,
I That preputy was tinned back In
lue in the piesenee of Colonel Hushes
anil uec JJier, and it was sold fei
them by their man Stiatten. 'i'hc cimk
w-as turned ever te me by the pur
chaser, mid I. in turn, gave it uver
te our cashier. The lets fire still
i in iny name, but the deeds te tut n ever
are maue out. and I will gladly tuin
them ever te the trustee when proper .
"This urediter was u man who had
ifJr? lV,..J,,'0l!ier.. 1-
"-.Dicr and Dier & Ce.;'Hihle7siiein had
; mrge et lie maigln r.eceunts. ,,,! v;B
i.se iii iuii ci i l'EC or t no t nn s n..
fount with Hell & Ce.. which firm linn. I
(eiillniif.l en 1'mee lour, ('iliinui Sl i
Patrolman Gees te Rescue When
Alleged Still Explodes in Heme
a woman nnd her thiee children wei.
w-us the explosion of a still sPt ,,. ,
me nerne et ion, t eiiinnicki. ;:i !
Kra.Pr' str0't- .
Lzemumni . i.r-nt..i.i in. -. i .1,..
rear of the second fleer, ami 'mm!,.
trantie but unsuccessful eflerts te
extlngulsh It. He was sliKhtN burned
en the aim. face nnd back before he
cave up and jelled for help from
SPCOIK -stOI' W InilllW
Patrolman Atkinson, of the !'. l-.vde
and Clearfield streets s,,itien. hennl il.e
shouts and i.m into the Imnsp
flames wem stupuilinrr fnsi. nmi
Cxemamcki's wife and three children
terror-stricken. The imtmlimu,
.HJlieil tlie enillireil .UUtllCW. line:
i'dmi. ..,, n.i n,.,., .1 .. .
...k....... -,,.,., 111111 ......,, Llll.'U .UU (11
'a box in the binned loom which held
S115. His hints ,n. ni.i .eiinus'
Was Accused of Killing Farmer and
, Sheeting Twe Others
Saannali, lm., la UP. di ,.
r. I llliain I. id, a egie In lug nea
lliriiln...i.l I.. M- .'
i.iciiiwiieii in v m ue I iinu . un. . ,,,.
te death b n mob Inte c.ierdiu ami
bis body was bin in d. it be. nine kimwi.
bete tedin. 15 rd w.i. iiictiseil of killing
11. W. Meedy, a lanmr who live I neai
him, lie also .erieusli weiniilei.
Miewniug Weaver, it was ehnigcil. .ml
sner i arie. .Meed hi the aim.
Til" trouble Is said te h'ue d.M eloiiee
err the arrhal ..' a number et Ve-i ,,..
f,em Macen te w.nk pu the m"oe.U
farm. Among ihe.e Negroes w,is ;UA
wife, who insisted u l rnlniL' no .l...
front of the truck with the driver. Sin i
was denied this pm liege ami indig
nant! reported it te her husband
Hrd wept, te the Inuae of M , , i
whom he was emplnu'd, and in the
quarrel that ensued the elder Moe 1 '
was shot and killed and llie ether rwii
Bottomley, M.P., Convicted;
Gets Seven Years in Jail
British Member of Parliament, Editor and
America's Most Y indent Enemy Con
victed of Fraud in War Bends
fjiiiilini Miiv ''it. fit A IM
llimitie ISiiitiiiiile.. fiii-im-V publisher of
lehii Hull. wi r. i gu.iiy t.i.iny by
i"y ' ''' ;
of iiitMiiiiiiiiprliilldii
r.,i.. i,Ji,.iminK
tl I ill If I HI-J
lillllll Clllll. IJl' win
-.litem eil te seven ?
J (MM lll'lllll .elVI-
liuiiieillntely nlli'i'
m llli'lice was pn 'eil
It' Ment I e j .ei'M'il
II' lice tlll't lie In
tended te II i p e II 1
the i Ji.i . if tee!,
the ,iur. lm re I y
Imlf mi hour te ie
t urn the venlii t.
'I'lil" I. the ;i!i.l
of sevrml clini ce"
of fraud that hnve
lieeii made iiKal))"!
Itottetnlev. Y ears
nj;e he tigiiml In seM'ial notorious fraud
1'iiH'H, none of whieh. however, lesiilted
ill Ills eenvletlfili
P.oiIeiiiIp. who fermeih was editor !
nf .lelin Hull niul Is villi ..illt. f ih..
Sunday I'liMiated. lm. been lm ,ieiirs
one of the most lviil"in null
'nflm-nccs in I ! 1 1: I l'r't.iln
'J he litig.iMuii wh'pn was ended ledny
w.is ,.wn In lebniiu, nt this jear
bend tiind te In- own u"1. The loin-
plninai.t was It ..i!,e., i;jtfnd. uu ob-
.,.i,. iesii,.it ,,; Man. hosier, who
iliaiKCil Hiitt ilnl.',, with tin. war bend
scheme- and who w.i. indicted for libel
at I'liltnuile.i'- .ustig.iilnii. We was
found nel Kiiill, and I'lOttmnle was or er
ihi.d te piij all tin test, of the prouc preuc
eutii.lt. The publi. iire.-e.iit.il leek r.ignUancc
m ,'il
Orever Laudis Duncan, .fei merly a sergeant at Camp Dlx,
was sentenced te seive fiem femteen te thirty years in the State
Prison at Trenten by Judge Kalisch at Mt. Helly today. Duncan
plcade-d guilty te murder in the second TTegree in the killing1 of
Michael Qieger, a Camp Dix soldier. Duncan claimed he killed
Giegei in self-defense.
VICTORIA, B. C, May 20. A conceited move ngainst rigid
enforcement of the Lord's Day Act developed yestciday uhen
feity storekeepers kept open house and hung out "bubiness as
usual'' signs. Following a recent plebiscite en Sunday enforce
ment, when a majority voted in favor of n libeml inteipretntien
of the Sunday laws, two of the three police commissioners an
nounced they would continue te enforce the Lord Day's Act te
the letter.
HAN'T II A hflr iTI IITI"?
Willi I lillllll- IIIIUI
Fnilc tr. C.nrrv Out Tlirent tn
Expose Persen Who
Get Jewels
. i - i . ' j . i
I'l-elmlil -N. .. M.n '.". M .
M.r.ih I. U. bert "ii i i' did net make
gi ml het boa. i I n'd i Piietiiicc fie'i
the wirne-s .tan I 1 1 p.- .en w In, i i'i
ni if well .
She . in i I.. i d 1 h.u in j 'U a mi 1 1 'ip
the inbbei "t inn i'ii - at bin De.
Heach cottage en rpbruiuw l's. At rT .it
time a bandit 'he'd up" a dinner pnru
nnd was declared t" haw e.c.iped w.il
a fortune in jewel.. I .a or s. c'aitned
S."i,",000 tnsiirani e from I. lends of I.ou I.eu I.ou
den. Her arret followed
D.n id S. Mejer wn. n iiinnet guet
non ,lm! TlH ,"u'nV'K' Jifl,!'.'s h;Y
been uillde 1 the dolen.e ilmiug this
trial te pi"e Memm', after the iillegi.'i
rubbery, said: I den l Miew wnnt te
de wirli Mi., I'obertsen's tewelr."
line niliapli looking witness testified te
tlm' efleii. This witnces wa. 1'iank
W Dent, n painter of l.eug l'.ui't"h.
Sen. .il inn Calls I'l.u
hep th'' nioie ei Ip.n beautiful plt-
iniiir wiisplaiO'l upon the stand unlay
I fei liirther . i'o..-eiiuunation I'ro.e-
'i'iti.1 Cliailcs T S'-Men ileiuiinded :
i),i Mill s.i Mr. Mmpi S"l "'H i,v
ln " , ,,
'''"' "- '" 10'' ll'' ,u"1 ''r'"10'1
She was f.u.e'l '" aii.wei New was
'l"1 ""1" h"' ,1"' I""""-''" "Ciis.itien.
ll fell lint.
'Hew de 1 kii"W ': ' she icpl'e.t
'Who bus our lewelri ':"
1 ,ie n't hne who ger it
"Did Mr. Mmci' get ItV"
I don't e 'nim Mi Mcei g., n
'Jill Oll IlCI'lIM' Mi Mp.ipi of
thel ''"
t'eitninl net 1 ha ii" I'lei't et it
1 don't accii-i Mi. Meier el It."
Mr. Sexten thou ciiutleiie d her te tell
the truth
"I am under oath ami won't tell a
story," Mrs. Uobertsen snnpped bark.
Ter some reason laughter was hentil iu
Iho coin troein.
Asked whether it was true, as t'Mi-
.....1 . .IO.II 1.II1IP1 I 111. Sell .I'lllllll. ..l .
', , ,.',.-..
(enllmircl en I'iikp Ii.ur. (el,,,,,,, .,,,
mf llm war bend fuunJ" churne and
'began .Mill. In pu-vfiillng his can- in
court, th- pin.... tlt..i- Mild ..ni ts.).r,w
had been handed ever te the reeelvel
while sub., rlptlens te the various bend
elubs tetiili'd ewr tlOD.HOO, inesl ei
wblrll hud been subs, rlbeil by wetkln;.
The t.'iMill with whieh the pieseil!
ease Is leueeiueil was used, it was
asserted, for the upkeep of llotteinle,
Hie'1 holies nt Ktend during the wnr
It was tins uii whieh deild'-d
tedn, .
ItutliiiiiU s liul. 'imI lei Aiii'ii'.i u.i1-'-trlklugl.t
illutmd wl'en nil Londen
was plln a rded with putters udvelllsll.K
Jlettmnl. ,'s (iiiblii iili"iis. !iiiu runl
i "Aineileu Insull te Our Held.' 'I'll
pretended jiutilUnfien ler this virtue,
nttuirk was ji sppieh deliveiPil In Londen
before what lie desiilb.-il as ".m
AllieriP.lll seeii't.v known lis VetMllllS in
ine mrm ar. nim lie ipieieii uenerni
rersliing .-is sa inn - "Atier the lm
war had been tinned i,. me Aiuci ic.in
unil the allied I'eues had a....n.ed tin
lliltialive. I r hose the Algeline -icet
for the Auicricniis b.iau.e I U.tew n
WIIK difficult, and bumi'e of its im-
pei'tnilie, beiiiL' the lieiuct unite I
the (ieriniiii line, of .emuiiiuli atieii. L
was neie..in le eu. thuiiigh tbr tie -nuiii
aim;. liKlitiug thteiiicli a -tieii-i
fei tided tHir.un, nnil 1 kin w none but
the Aiii.-rh.ins eulil de it. In lill4 t li.
' , .... " ,
. ' 1 1" -. mar. e.i. .ommente,! ;.,t.
teiule.. aie tin' winds, net m a uieen
Ihereil hack en u Wild YVc.t m wspuper,
siiiiekin for his lielilie.id. ImI el tin
i eiiitiiiuid. t -in-iliief . f tlii- Aim rl.'.iu
feti ... who net se lei'j, afro was u -.ehiliC
the generous he.pitllllLj el 1 ll i
leiinm, who-p i eal 'etrr.iii' Heeps h
( iiiitliniril nn iver iVr. nluniti liir
Pm I II IOI I 111011 TW
Rnetr..-, R-i.ila'e C Tll (
-...w.. w....,,w. - ww.i ....; wi
Demand Following Geneva
Mitchell's Revel
Spec a It ,v I h Jirr.ie p ihi , i tdgtr
siuii, .in.! !.. ! ne .um ,.i mimii
"lleh as ".ileuee mono" was deniauded
l' I'leaner
cheii ghl
l.axer and MlUic l.eien,
feimerli or iln. 1 .i
Wall." ceiiipiii. following the Com
monwealth ni e nue pail m Hen Katii
nil l.'s apaitjni nt, wheie the girls are
alleged te bine been assaulted an,
ojicted tnilii the piemi.es, in cel ding
i" a stiueinnir m iiiinm I l"n
gerald. Jr.
i -i i. .. t . .
i H-KCIIIIII, who i. a inmaiii sin
. ., .. a iinriai, .iu-
mil,. M...1 1...,.,.. !.. 1. . ,.,. i
ell's part that was joined In tl ,
piutj of whicl.c the 'l.n., WltV."
.limits gj,s we,e ni-mbeM Voting
' 7"IT I 11 SI VV .'ll . Iii.ll,... i. ...........
esiapade when he tiled Intentions te wed
.,,' im.,...,...,. ,,..,,. ,,.,....
Senater Wellington W.dls it...,. i..,n..
.belated il te be a "iki ' r.i ;,..., i.i
" "
Ppprc.t Attnenau Qnue u. i ;
r-exers Attorney bays Me Is in
Touch With Man Named
by Slayer
Weman Attempts te Bribe
Waiter te Kill "Seme One"
in Millionaire's Heme
Authorities Alse Get Tin Central
ngures in I ragedy Attended
Party at Hetel
New iiih. l.i,v L".i. William J. Pal
ion. lawyer telained b the family of
Clarence l'eleis. t III- IllS!lclllll.PtU
he was iMeucli w lib Chariet Kess who
, ' ... , ' ' , ' T
was alleged by Waul te have been with
Petei, at the time the latter was shot.
At 1'allen's eflii e it was said thtt
I we men had been .out te question
Kuss as t hi. knowledge of Peters and
Waid. II was believed that he wnnl.l
be able te tlnew some light en the mvs-
rerleus hehi wnnh th.'- blackmailing
lian.l w-ns nlleged te have had en the
inirfomilie baker.
After Palleii left his ..rtice en a mya mya
rerieiN mission, n woman claiming te be
IJess' sNtci- teloplieued his office.
Anether new angle was added te the
'.10 Saturday night when Christopher
It an. twenty, a waif pi in n Itroad Itread
wn. lunchroom pear Sevi'itty-secenil
.tieet. huirleil in the West Slxt -eightli
-treet police station and told LicuteH
ant W.i that a eung woman, about
twent -fip, had asked him te meet her
mi a higlily important matter after he
was through with his weik.
lb did se, lie told the pellie, and
.n s o'clock the tiek the West Sid"
subway ami rode te tl. em of the line.
'I hen a ttollej nir v.us bearded.
Offered Him Win
Af that point 'he young woman tin tin
telded u plan wheiebv the w.iltei. wnnl.l
make S,",00 b. slulng -unu liutl-. he said. r?t,
I She went en I., unv ,1., wniA. a .
I W;ifd had been mijusily accused, of "h
'..cing 1 cur., in- .iy gec... fl:ccen- .--ft-
1 ..Mil 'i ;
. "I want .eii te kill somebody in
I Ward's home, and if ou ve get" th'c
nerve I'll give vnu S.'JOO "
Un the plea that if such a job must
be done he would haw te g(. home and
I niigt; his .lethes, the waiter told the
pulice. He cm tis.-d hlni.elC ami made
up appointment ter an heiu later. This
th eung "Mimaii ngired te. ami Ityan
aid he mine .tiaight te the police.
Den. em 1. 1 nicked up the waiter'
leierd te theli sjitisfactien. The West
1 hesfer authorities mmc informed uud
police weje p'a.cd mound the Waril
Kan was then taken ie the up
1 "inted .pet bv dert'etie. from Xe-v
Itoehellc md N'e Yerk. It is said the.
woman tai'ed in appear
The Wesf. he.tei Ceimtv autherllle
ted.'M lilinutllli oil they weie also in
lestigiitiiig .111 anon.Mneiis telephone
me. sage le.'ciieii ii the sherifl last
I1"-'1" f" ,1"' ! - t that Ward, with
ivteib ami a s.iiiei
and a 'ailm fn.ni the battleshie
I "tali, had nrteiid. d a "patty for men
iu a Llosten hotel time rienths age.
Pelrrs Hud SKKiu
It . ro'ieited that it White Plain
authorities e.tenla lenived infer
million that Claienie Peters had twn
s.illO bill, hi his neckcr when he w
li..t and kill.d by Watd en the lonely
Imii. no toad earl en Ma If.
I his inloiniiitien. n was icneitccl.
vas te tin eftet that Pet i-ts was enV
gaed in sumo nral en the iln, priei:
te In. death Tlii. deal supposedly
in ltd him M00U, whph was paid te
Iinu iu two bills.
'. In n the Injilv was teiind inly ?1..12
( imtlniiril en I'uee 1 r, C (iliiinn Three
Tells Lutheran Ministers Drugs Are
Harder te Kill Than Beeze
lthn igh the i m is cleaner morally
i ban ter ais. and the police fercf
lomplet.'U freed irem polities, the
i liiiiiuntjeii of vk p under ptcsent poh peh poh
illtieiiN w almost impes.ible. That if
the gl.f of a disc iisslim of the city's
mm al life b Miner Moeie before a
i meeting et the l.ut Ikm .m Ministers' As As
e iiitien this nuirnmg
He .lisrii.M'il hip fli Hie phases of
liquor eiiten i un in . gambling ami drug
selling In iig.ud te the first he said
In. position i. "a little peculiar."
When he was in Congiess, he Said,
be iii net intend te mte for ptehlbi-
ii.ui. However, tlieie were moral ami
.. ,,,,.e,w t,. I.,. .1,.,,,.. ,.
Win n el e. led M.uer. he exnlnined. It
, seemed that the cnlerci ment of th
f1'1"' ii'l'ier iiiwh weuiu pe iinder Ills
due, lien, and thi.s had been referred te
as one of Iho "gieai powers" he would
The M.uer. however, found (list ln
ii nil of baling ' gloat powers" he had
net enough. He did nel even linv
, Council's support, although he might
nue nail, nan no cuiibcu te fellow car-.
, ,., ,i,i
t, in niluce.
'I he repeal et the Itroeks law and tile.,,
P-'V", "f t,IP , U 0"cr, n1w. llb, i '
iu"1 ' I'1" rlm'.,.'t "lU of hls lm"(, ki
t mi ii I uli innil t
'" ' l-''"'1 .'"' ' ""'idluieiits le the T.t$&
islnluic It is n piiulsllinPllt te whhV
tl (MUM -littt II I
1 m en willing le suhinll. I. mh ?
Kind te have the bunion shlltcd from
.... I l.l r --
f '