i ,8pertifl inavinff Jeb en Ridge, Avhu I1 at Bread Street Ctrrlid en . in itirairneursj 1 USS WORDS, PERSPIRATION FT 1 4A perpetual trmfflc jam extending ' k Aah Vfa1ra 1aM tlaAail re tnan m iwe .i .. n nMn avenue creeta the 'OterlR TWO weuia irnverse jrauaaei- '.. i I..U1 ftiM-AMa-titana a .. lift S lll;ij -..,- evanjr n between 8 o'clock in the morning 'jid midnight. , ,, t h-ftt'hpd olenr Rldce arenna. ilmivrt Completely across Bread street," half a !.. MfAlrmM fall 'from A aVIaaV if elf-past e in we aicqrnoen. 'Tiey bare tern up the atone bloeka ;ween laajuvuvj into, learing only narrow etrlp of' read en the weat Ma nt Bread atreet. nhrr all la Jread street and eastbound Ridge are m tfftmn muKE ruiivi. Ik Ami It niMflB. with c1flmm-'VltiAMi r "- ' : . . ...... - '--fi louts el motorists, anriu Dinsta of the traffic whistle, banging of mudguards, !tad the merry' tinkle of broken glass !tte" above the tumult of a hundred ! summing meters. , '""Seme traffic," 'remarked Patrolman William Addison, as he surveyed the fine of northbound automobiles that KKtcnea us mr ua ipe eye ceuia see ward city aii. Aaaisen Handles i semaphore from 8 o'clock until half - re 4, when he turns ever the algnal Patrolman James Duffy. '?, Pandemonium Start -'(.'It's this way from the time I come LVUm Vi rnApnln until Ti.f. .. 'eatbe job, and he gets the lnte.ofter- wf" , - "" cuming DBCK !, Viell nat-lr." I i' Addison shot the semaphore and'im- k."j - ...iv VTC4C If! , en striving te gain the narrow a arrnM RlfiffA mraniiA a ...'.... ick ran up en the left aide and tried !e cress in front of the moving auto Mblles. ,' nflnt ttnxlr thant. atiuitaj .JI... ftit'innfhar traffic man came rtlnnln. .. k.ih-m Dlilffp avanila. nnA rlfAAm .l. " ."".- : - -" iue truck deck ana ever Melen street. K IUVI M" v vat vuit aJtaVCUla 'Kjtjhich runs into Bread at Bidge. , 'Ax "We hftve te send the westbound kludge avenue automeoiiea down Melen Vitreet." explained Addison. "The en.t. kteund traffic en Bidge avenue gees down V,' Bread. This morning a t Mte cress down the Bidge. The meter hattllerl whpn T atnnnaft Mm ami i.u riht across Bread street. Talk about .jjHobsen bottling up Santiage harbor. a naa neinina en tnat truck ." i, . iir -ir il. -i. i i auuisuii euuv iuc ecuia;iuure uses and 1 Stepped the Bread street traffic while ''ittrerel, trolleys rolled, acrees Bidge vCtTnue, the motormen shouting at the ji workmen as they scrambled from the 51ircka. " Perpetual Aute Shew It t'Takp a Innk tawn ''thara . aaM - t -. -.. ., em.u ; j Jny, who came up te relieve Addison ij, :Ht pointed down Bread street. ITallr ' ;beiit your automobile abews. We've I; T uuiuuur cauiuuieu rigat nere j -Wit beats anything they ever pulled in Jfk armory. Stand down there en Bread (t and leek 'em ever. One' of the j.iwji iciib me a salesman just sela me ,ftt he was in -while he waa waiting vnu UJ tTUIIUlO DlCCl. riVBeme job," said William J. Mee -Ma.'.tlie foreman in charge of the work, , 'ifi-ne meppea ma orew with a khaki kina'kprrhtpf "A fan mnra Klra fkl. Jilttdjwe'll go wild. A motorman came -,n Ridge avenue last night, when ;vw were working overtime until 10 o'clock, and wanted Duffy te pinch roe. U.n parked bis big Brill right in the nieaie ei our work and argued until iuuy teiajnim te move along." yAkDA hna tha AnvittaAf f ma1 ,y ""." mm wui..m w iuv num. i i,Tedjy be is directing work fifteen feet F r .riiifi iin .iniv.k a..k..i... t.'m.m Ma one-way passage up Bread street for rLaortbbeund traffic only. All south - IJ'lennd traffic gees up Falrmeunt ave- )w te Fifteenth street, and down Flf- .wHiin as iar as tney like. The HIdge M avenue traffic Is also helns' nt dnwn rijlfteenth. That relieves the cenges- 'nun, at uread atreet end Bidge ave f. hut necesslutea traffic men at four l additional TlelntN. nnA i.anaaa e Ana i l(y precession down Fifteenth street. Te Finish Jeb Tueeday '"Why Isn't the job done at night?" ,MMhan was asked. .wl ca'ttunnJ8er that" he" replied. we took tbq job as a regular, contract, jjttd are handling It accordingly. We've jffuj t"Sf xerme, nnu win have ,t done by Tuesday night. We'll have KW read Cleared en nnn no e an ".nTLmf.a.?.wh."8 th0. h.erns toot, the i ..Ul(,i tue moteri8ta awear and Tiae outdoor automeblle'show gees en. DunUp Tells of HandHcaps ' Chief Dunlap, of the Bureau of High- 'l'E?8Y.wh. aees t0 CltJ Ha each day i$m hl? home ,n k n by automo autemo autome Wilu aiJd pnsses tl,e construction work, ( Pfd up as much as possible. f I doubt that werkln. a twentv. ifcur '2!'nc,1 ln the completion of- the con- met. he Rfltrl ''Th e. -.i... ,eltments In the job that de net appear !m m' ,-,ence, such as tearing up the r.eia blocks en Rids, avenue and thPn ,C s.,fervth.6 p- B- T- its ties -. . - w.w.m m vuitucLO i:uu ui T.u11'.0 ?,ace- Then you can't "fry the hardening of the concrete." PATROLMAN BEATEN ctwe Men Whack Him With Spades Is. In Field ..Police are searching for two men urn HTfieiA-. a.. .'" vliuii. TPHrerinv man nM ? tried tO Btnn thpm fAm bAnllM. ..J PrntltnHil PaL-...-!!.. -V-l a ' vi.u i Be?rcnnK wr two men Mhi.M,th.Bi,-ve,A-beat UP Patrolman iia.'1'..0' the Fifteenth district pe- ion, yesterday rae v Bt0ip tnem frera ..- " iiiiiiurii i.:niniTiii ;i"hh'e8 noticed igang of men, about m I h ? ,,,u.'.1bcr' I008"'" the newly ffiSn'--' wlt.h ?PadcB- He approached 'deln. n V em wnat they were liSJ:-?f? -f..the "?en replied that 1 them b .1 J'.ls Business and two of -1lii"a,ttackel him with sendes. Thev J'fcankie'r.i ii u wa "moved te the pitioiUanetMriou.: ' "" MEMORIAL FOR .WAR DEAD i-merican and British x- ft A "- " 8e.rv!" Tuaaday we Wnrl.i w tr. J ." veterans ei n mem?iiUr 1V.,U Je,n nnt Tu'wlur ra n em?itI,'-.TJie- Amerlran veterans . an u. -rnnicrncM I'au ivt . . .. a-vrt te Of lai WAii5nM ?rl veterans is,- ut-iiiDera of F; itaiil"r.".nIgleii. Illld ll.v in 1 Uaq ef2yaS,,,,,!S Command of the K' ;i.l.,eat 'nr Veterans of Amer- The iv"' eaerclMcii. ffi.,lrM?'il Pest haarraned te .avr,b!.is -,--- ", w - pw s& r MlliMlifei Tomorrow! TMt wiee for thm en dam nii Weineii's 1.25 Chameisette 48c vRtfn wrlit ft.cA.f.t.i.ffAti "!-- """"'. -"O-" "w lenrthj in hlt, my, masUc, mode, beaver and sand. Embroidered backs. ,. Ut Brethers FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH Eastman 2-A brownie Cameras - ReguUrig $tJ ) $2- 8la 9Mz4M Inches. Veryeaa te operate book of Instnietlena inoiuaee. IIIU1UUVU. lit Brethers First Fleer, Seuth i I 1 MallOrdenFIUed HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Phene OrderFllled gjT-r-M?yf tivji jsy ffgyigi:a wsy vvji:!K7iv:yrt-tt-Ti 1 Market Eighth ONE YELLOW TRAILING STAMP WITH tiVtiKX 1UC rUKUilASV ALL UAX Filbert Seventh Chic Sports Millinery M t a 4.98 & 5.98 Fer Memerial Day Sounding every gay fashion note in color, style and materials following the vogue set by hats three and four times as costly I three and lour times as costly i Plenty of popular leghorns combined with taffeta or soft sports silks manyembreidered in bright wool yarns or silks of gay hues, etherg with cleverly arranged sashes. ut mothers THIRD FLOOR v Matchleuly Geed Values in , Wemien's ;Smart Apparel Fer Memerial. nni muf Um wmU.Kmj tf-iLi Coel, charming styles without number-Tand liberal economies are' plentiful I m m aasU aCGasW W BjssmJM E2iaz Kl I 1 A mvk I .ITT fHR975 ifFtVe -HraKft -t X airfTirTlaO Ml M ymBaCTawr t latal I WTiNk!J J 1 Iv LMZ3 r.tflirfflPTM lsaVi lit 'nu laHLasm 1 MTymmMll 1 i- SIR dw-'d k K12 15- Dresses, $12w Of ratine or linen in canary, orchid, gray, flesh, white, et& Medel pictured is a long-line style, Housed, slightly, yoked and with handkerchief linen cellars and cuffs. Summer Dreuea vat $19.75 beauties in dotted ma, linen, sports fabrics, Canten crepes, crepes de chine, crepe -back satin and Reshanara! Have becom ing round neck; short sleeves, loose panels and many ether delightful niceties k of fashion. Pongee Suits, $15 Chic one-button c e a t with loose backs. Smart ly cut skirts ii Capes of Silk, $19.75 In black Canten crepe,, Ireavy and rich; full sweep models lined with gray and trimmed .with black caracul cellars. Ut Brether Second Fleer 3ft. AU -Weel Extra Trousers Suits for Men yj 'agW mVW' rl 1 1.HHV IBlllrkflV BaaaaHnl laHlDaWliBaH iiwn Ifl 'jjrjal' mS MBWMr iBaSaaaaafe All Sizes, Alterations FREE ' $ t 21 In. sports ,tweeds and home heme spuns, in handsome cassimeres, , chev- 1WUJ uiiu veiuira I , everv fahrir strintlv nll-wnnl and enlv in the newest patterns and colors. Compare carefully net only prices but quality, tee. These suits stand as the greatest men's clothing value in town you save practically a third! Unrestricted choice from hundreds of sports and conservative models. Every one hand-tailored and superbly finished. Men's $41 $0.50 Trousers . Our price simply cannot be duplicated. Dependable suit materials; neatly, tai lored. Choice striped patterns. V Luxury is here for men at real economy prices Men's 7&$8 Silk Shirts Absolutely perfect down te the very last detail! Superb quality of the finest silks genuine Eagle crepes and satin stripe La Jerz, in 'excellent variety of smart colored stripes. Alse plain white jersey. Silk-worked buttonheles: ocean pearl buttons. Beys' $13.50 A11WoeI Blue Serge Suits, 1U With two pairs of knickers Smart Norfelks; very stur dily tailored; coats mohair lined; seams taped'; sizes 7 te 18. Beys' Famous Wash auits, all styles, $1.49 te $4.98 Getham and Regatta brands. French and Balkan Oliver Twists, Middy styles and Junier Norfelks. Galatea Palmer linen, madras, pique, poplin, crash, drill ,and ether wanted materials. Sizes 2Vfe te 10. Official Headquarters for Bey Scout Outfits Lit Brether SECOND FLOOR, SEVENTH STREET Misses' Gay, Youthful Holiday Togs Save an average third! Enjoy style distinction! a nr;M..i Dav shewintr of delicrhtfullv - Pa T-s-am pretty styles, at unbeliev ably low prices! Tub Frecks S'5 Making alone would cost you morel Have distinctive e r g a ndie vestees, cellars and quaint little ruffles, plenty of becoming sashed styles in checked gingham and printed voiles in every summer nuc. Ginarham Dresses, $7.98 In dainty pink, blue, green or brown checks; with loose hanging panels, sashes and cool or gandie cellars and cuffs. Linen Dresses, $10 Splendid quality in all the dainty summer 'colorings. Smart long - line styles with string belts and small nearl buttons. Tweed Suits, $12.75 Rese, brown, and Copenhagen; all sports models. Peau de .cvene ,1 lined. Frecks. $15 In linen, dotted Swiss, ratine, print ed crepe, canton crepe, crepe back satin, georgette and foulard. Coats, $12.75 In tangerine, rose, Copenhagen, and French blue sports coating. i:!"i!f i iuw . iti'iiriti i.;i m hi mi 7 arm'i .'nin'K ' 5 LV vw 1 illl Tomorrow l 1.98 $3 Madras Shirts .... Best woven madras with lustrous silk stripes in termingled with smart colored stripes. Seft cuffs. , 4 $2 Union Suits, $1.25 Mercerized finish white pongee. Product of a noted maker. Sleeveless and knee length. 49- 75c Silk Four-in-Hands Richi heavy all-silk rep in smart striped effects; beautiful satins in bril liant college stripes and popular polka dots. All have slide-easy bands. $1 "Clocked' H.lf M eT ,thread l,kJiJ Pular heather mixtures; contrasting silk clocks, seamless, first fleer. 7th st PARTICULARLY FINESURPRISINGLY T.nxv.Pmrv.nt Newest Designs in Women's Pumps $ QQ BaCF Strappumpi, with clevarly cut-out tide worth it Mevmral dollar ever our price. Made of specially selected gun metal, bench made in custom fashion. Turned soles, Spanish or Baby LKJUis neeis. Tomorrow! Women's $6 & $7 Smartest White Pumps I t 1 Qf Fameui ZimgUr Brether' Bench.Madm Lew Sheet 9:30 A.M. Sale ) K vO stunning straps ana tongue pumps ail white, or white with black or .tan trimmings. Every pair brand new, up te the minute. Sizes 2Vi te 8 widths AA te C, but net every size in every style. Ne mail or phone orders filled. Yeung Women's $4.50 Pumps and Oxfords, $3.49 One-strnp pumps In patent colt celt ekln and white Nubuck ; per forated vamps and tips lace ox fords In ten Russia. Sizes 2V, te 7. Men's Oxfords, $5.98 Average $2 te $3 Savins ! Tan Russia and patent colt. Smart brojfue nml dress lasts. tit Brethers First Fleer. North Misses' & Children's $2 te $2.25 Pumps, $1.29 One strap; tan lotus leather uoeuyear stitched soles ; grain liiauien Choice couldn't be summer blouses I better in cool, pretty, moderately priced Waists, 1.98 Pal.1t,ly h"d-lrawn and em JwWerefl pretty Petsr Pan Voile Waists, $2.98 Featuring the nw jabots se fashionable elaborately with Valenciennes lace. Short sleeves. Lit Drethers- Sheer Georgette Wauti at $5.98 In wrv ntrrnrHt-a .tii. . SECOND FLOOR SiS.1110" trim'- .White and $5 Ready-te-Wear Hats A marvelous new let just received airy, lovely mid-summer styles a close-out let at less than production cost from one of the most famous makers in New Yerk City. Georgette combined with hair or baronet satin trimmed with flowers, fancies and ostrich some with gay clusters of fruit, many with sort Georgette draperies or ribbon trimmings. Black, white and every fashionable summer shade. Hats Trimmed Free of Charge by expert milliners, for all who -iSPS Je - STJBjr "- .75 & 5i Sr& M m . i- f-t,- f " A I T I II IBaaaW.aW . J-T T. J 'II a-ataaaaaaaWr-VA.I-l J f nrfrsiiiuw m&JiummLMk i5p r I (aVxJi ! t-fc ' lin MbM i ' mra ! vlr Afei i X vL Fi'ti i"j. 'tfttJt JkiSTt "" - --swihy"""T . rl' lV ' N yaaflaaHK- W a J sift yll.l 1J. ,TJ a yflf HIKH aSaFi I l' 1Sa. Saa-falrl rjL?afit laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH mi-JS4wMiTr " ft mmmmmmmmmmmmm'i''i'eemeemBimtemeemmmBemmemmm. $A.9S 1 Girls' $10 te $15 Levely White Dresses sample Whe" $?& The second shipment of our marvelous sample i'u"-"f'- nt causea sucn a sensation placed en sale last wenk. Wonderful Choice for Mav Pracessinn nrmaiinn nnA r.V.f rMmm..n.(M- n-....... I rimmed witn laces and embroideries; and finished with ribbon sashes. Sizns fi tn l.l. Tomorrow I $2 te $4 Tub Frecks, $1.49 te $1.98 Ginghams, and chambrays w i t h pretty novelty cellars, peckcla and hand-stitching. Sizes 6 te 14. Alse some sampie size bloomer dresses. purchase here. fthnneH nnd FIRST FLOOR, trimmings NORTH $6&$7Silk Costume Slips $4.98 & $5.98 Anether value-sensation of our wonderful May White Sale. In white, Heeh, orchid, navy and black radium tilk and crepe de chine. Lace-trimmed or tailored j some Saneled te hip. ne p i c t urea. Sizes 30 te 44. -t jgfiiji Important 20 te 30 Savings en Memerial Day Hosiery and Underwear! Women's $2.50 Silk Stockings, $1.98 Full fashioned? pure thread silk; popular shoe shades and plenty of black and white. -A....I.M. I I IIi-mA tak. - w a. w -v "t Wem.n'i $2.50 Union Suits, $1.29 Heavy Rleve - silk top ; pink and white. CluliWi $1 Spert Secki, 49c Boyi' $1 "Tepkii" Union Suits, 75c i Nainsoek ; ribbed waistline. Rolled tep: black. Cordovan. n h n m. Tairne. Ut mother. FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH SIOCO U LIl . I - - 1 $P-98 -Tp mwakmm Tomorrow! fiSBlB SaVatVaTaTaafafafaVal CIS ft -i KH3"iJ 1 " m - -t a-sr $b e ,. SSftVibgfefe 1"- I - $5 Orjjsndie Frecks, $2.93 Rese Copen ! hatren. flesh. maize and white mf fled, ombreidereJ, lace and ribbon i trimmed. Others vith large butter l fly sashes. Sizes l G te 14. Secenil 1'loer A in. Sports Skirts Fer Holiday fl ajsn Wear- I. fZ Special at i WW In excellent striped and plaid prunella cloth, tweeds, serges, tnrenet satin, ratine, epenge, in plaited, taileicd and fringed sports models. Fine showing of popular colors and color combina cembina combina teons: wonderful variety of goed-iooking new styles' llretlirm SICCO.N'D KLUOU Fur Chokers Bet Stylet $ffe QQ xJS5SSN wM Just in time for M e merial Day choos chees ing. On Sale Main Arcade Various popular Mjles. nil fu I 1. Huffy Hklnit Ilreiliii-s- -Second Kleer and Main Arc.ide iSgrjj i. it Women's $2 te $2.25 Silk Sieckinfs, $1.49 P e p u lar shades, black and white ; also dainty checks. $4 Silk Chemises, $2.98 B e a utiful styles in ra- d i u m and e r a n e d e chine: flesh. orchid, light blue and h e n eydew: loco trimmed iw fnllni"AH Lit Brethers SECOND FLOOR Neckwear Mostly half price Imported mostly samples. $1.50 te $2 Vestees, 98c Lace with cuffs te mutch. 50c te $1.50 Neckwear, 25c, 50c, 98c Popular Peter Pan col cel lurn and cuffs. $1 Sets,' 59c Fer Bwesters and frocks. $l,50LaceSets, , 68c i Peter1 Pan cellars and cults. , First Fleer. North LIT UBOTHBRSveasssaMBSM Memerial Day Spert Specials 1 $40 "Princeton" Bicycle $90.98 A fnmnus bicycle, sturdily built en trim racing lines. Ceaster brake, mud guard, rubber ped- Als Rn.lnn aarlrllA .nllnH .t..l -.a. -.-, Mf.... euu,v-, u4r tuuui, exten sion bars and guaranteed non-skid tires. Tomorrow! Carleton Old Town Canoes, $55 jwaue ei maine white cedar: copper riveted throughout. v r D'FL0C It InIii Candles for Memerial Day and the. Week-end! Valley Ferge Chocolates llA pound box 59c I Jelly Gum Dreps I 50c " Red. white and blue I box. I A full Una of Ubla fav. for Memerial Day, Be te Ise, First Fleer, North na HUDwuy Fiihina' Reetitffild tlQJe Ut Brethen SECOND" FLOOR' ... :. rt .c tx. a nvisit em, Bl JMttt-:fj..t it i-mi .. i .j ' '" m -wm ratn-Hertntb Flaer ! ,i1V at 1 yi Ml i il ill ffl Men's $20 Suits, $14.98 All-wool blue serge. $3.75 Blue Serse Trousers, $2.79 Men's Suits, $14.98, $16.98, $18.98 Ill-wool tweed. Beys' 85: Knickers, 50c firav crash; 0 te 17 years. Beys' $1 & S1.25 Suits. 65c and percale In Junier Net folk 2& te 8 tT.tiAfvihsvi JOllver Twin. ami xniuuy styles. vinr. Beys1 $7.50 Suits, $4.89 Extra knickers, Chovlets nnd fanlmArAM A in. 1 1 . u ' ---.., ....... w , JB 9 s5 Satin Hats, 52.98 Tiie Oaa .. u.i.h n:.."-v'".'v."""y einari nats. i.-ir hi r XZrj':- .. JJfcben and fancies I new "high" " color "8 ,ncludeU- ulnk Une quality linren t mtin Hats with black rmim- black-und-whitu and $3 Sports Hats, $1.39 Popular shapes ; various straws; black and colors. $2.50 Middies. SI he!i,t0 ic,n, :, white, red or Copon Cepon Copen harm blue brald-trlmmcd cellars ;1 rufts Sires 8 tn 20. u"ra Women's $1 Stockings, 59c S'lki all colera. Iinerrect. Women's $1 Gloves, 69c HnnnKiein Cham18 8Ue,e! VeUe Wists, $1.49 pree?Uly.ChCd and Ince tr''nmed Girls' $2 Frecks, 75c ?.h J11" J""1 chtunbray : ruftled SU 6 "twtlnBly rimmed! Hats Trimmed Free of Charge mI!,' fih?pc" "nIl trlmmlnifs are pur. Sta'eurh.r?vlceI:XPert mlI""erB B,H- IVeer m r.. $3.98 kid-ikln. Men's $6 Oxford Tan prunmetdl calf and All Eze.1 ill Int Women's and Misses' $3 te $5 Footwear, $1.95 ,,,!VP" "T ' laln puttiim. strap uWl,'nl oxfef'l. Pntent colt skin, kldekln and tan; soma with rubber heels 3 0 te 15 values. 2Jvr" ;,ul. (ii"' I'uinii) ,U ,nx,,OT.'lH ''"tent celtHkln 3.B0"Vaiuesr'"" " le " ,0 nnu no ?la or Phene Orders rilled en Hubwuy roetweur IVemen'j & Misses' White Skirta S.'l Mirf Nit till hklrl., 1.UH P3 Whit., (iuliur- (llin nml I.Imkiih hl.lrtH, tl.lU Summer Dresses, $2.95 & $3.95 I'lnln, dotted and llk-ured vellfH llnene, ere rht-clc and K'nuhitni Suits, $6.50 Tweeds, li e m o e ttpun nnd Jersey: nil HhndeH Coats and Capes, $5 & $10 In tweed, BcrKe, Hert leutlnir, 1 vntwrlirh v. lour and Canten crepe. The capes , n I r I II i O I trimmed, the nnuiu (have nmnnlnh . cellars, patch or slash peckf 120 Fe SnrfkilMk Ji AMk Mfflffl& plfe Bundle. rt'IlnT plaid Stli m in Btiiffl sm III ft2 IviEfJ II t i w y a Ti ' 'St ','vlMlnr tth Mrk.t Utt,: s--rr: i.it nHtrrnKnn vK. tX.M ft. &iwJ.l&&j&mtiU . . u, AM Ai -J ' ' . ' " rn M, " '.i'i7 ixSL?&i "-S 4 'tern.;- fe 'Tilt "