Hii fAfyyt wfHW W ' 7 ?h. mmffsmi &. y$'W"it&y 'in r'i ' . j - I n-Zr M,:t- DREAMLAND ADVENTVRES Turtle Slew or vaddt CHAPTER V The Flying MeMttiiert TANBT tind seen pigeons flying about J outside Beautiful Girl's house. That ti why she had run te the deer. Once she had heard that pigeons were ,ift messege carriers. Perhaps these Tens could bear letters between fful Bey and Beautiful Olrl and thus hasten their wooing. i ..pigeons 1 Pigeons 1" she cried. HTe you swift flyers , among jeu?" nnl v two pigeons answered the calls. They alighted en the steps and looked '"'i" am Hemer Pigeon." coped one of rt,a "And this Is Carrie Pigeon. We J" the swiftest flyers among the pig- ''"And will you carry messages be Nee Bashful Bey and Beautiful Girl iTthey can hurry up their wooing and t married?" asked Janet. 1 ''That we will de right gladly," cooed rrrie Pigeon. "We have borne many messages, some In peace, some In war, but of all messages we like love men- "f'swed.' sweet pigeon!" cried Beau tiful Girl. "Bring my wedding day is quickly as you can." Away darted Hemer Pigeon. He sped across the sky at the speed of an air- .'...!.. 1 ftlrl waa nprrnifn aa aha wilted for Hemer Pigeon te- deliver his letter and return, one uum-cu mruugu the house en busy errands. She fed Btlck-ln-the-Mud Turtle bits of liver te reward him for his faithful service, nd she gnve Hoppity-Hep Rabbit a sice, plump cabbage te console him for ...' Li.. Mia with' ha tilrtla An hour paescd by, and then two leurs. "De you think anything could have tsppened te Hemer Pigeon?;' Beauti ful Girl asked anxiously. "Perhaps he fell asleep," chuckled Btlck-ln-the-Mud Turtle, wagging his tttd at Hopplty-Hep Hnbblt. But Hemer Pigeon had net fallen asleep. At the end of the third hour a speck appeared In the distant sky. It grew larger and larger, and then with a flutter of wings Hemer Pigeon dropped te the doorstep. Anether letter wis fastened te his leg. "Letter Number 02." whispered Beautiful Girl, as she kissed it. Her eyes ran quickly down the letter. "Bashful Bey was delighted te get such a swift answer." she said. "He is (tier te finish his wooing letters. He hs thirty-eight mere te send. If it takes three hours te carry one letter, it will take 114 hours te carry thirty tight. That Is almost five days." "And pigeons don't fly at night." said Jack, "se it will really take twice ire days." "Ten days." groaned BeautlftlTQIrl. "Ten days is tee long te wntt after waiting twenty years. Oh, that the netsage could fly as fast as 'ray thoughts." That gave Jack still another Idea. "Tour message shall fly as fast as thoughts," he cried, "leu can have jiur wedding this very day." j (Can you guess hew Jaelt plana te nake the thirty-eight messages fly as fait as thoughts? The next chapter WORLD NEWS IN ROTOGRAVURE .DO YOU KNOW that.theSurTdaV Penl.ic tiMis li the enlv Philadelphia Sunday Jumper publishing a beautiful Roto Reto Rote iravurs Section, picturing the Important .Vii1SS8ff.J3E- every aaMhr- ?ABM AND OABDgy Complete Your Garden W a t r a r Seeds pate ben Ions and farerablr known btth or professional and amateur gardener. When yoe bur Water er' Seed, ion buy the prestige and reputation red selections. tar al.arlmeil of petiti pltnlt. Come In te ear new Merr. where we are PeUAP Mnlniu4 1L wr te render service. Hosea Waterer 628 Chestnut St. H4H4 ? a'Ail"!? ! I saggsfJBBSaB ; " . j' Wm UMITi'' WBrffi lipUKl WS&f Mere Complete "Camp" Information $ If T T t ;?" f f I HE Public Ledger Educational Bureau is equipped te advise you as te any vacation camp in which you may be interested for boys or girls, ages 3 te 20 years; or we will impartially recommend a camp, or camps, particularly suited te the special needs of your boy or girl according te age, disposi tion, health, education, etc. Rates, $150 Up for About 8 Weeks LET your boy or girl enjoy vacation time near te Nature' heart, under loving, efficient supervision that will develop a healthier bdy and clearer brain, promote n happy spirit and inspire respect for order and discipline while tactfully restraining wayward impulse without reusing resentment. Use the coupon. EDUCATIONAL BUREAU, PUBLIC LEDGER Philadelphia, Pa.t Gentlemen) Please send information about Camp at or recommend a camp for Bey Scheel grade Location preferred denominational t ' My name i !a Addrei. inuNe hesebts ATLANTIC) C1TV. S, f. DECORATION DAY SPECIAL J1O.00 Saturday, Sunday, $1000 12' Am Meiday, Tuesday Including Heal KV.NTttrtcv avr.Nttie NEin mini Garner heuui eptn tprraundlnin ecntre of all attras nnai and f Itre. Running; wtr In room.: prtrsts baths. rroranetei. Electric Hew Ownership Meaag sest-BALPH MBCaXCT DECORATION DAY SPECIAL $10.00 btehj, Sttbj. $19.00 XU Hendiy, Tuesdiy u With Meal. COMFORT WITHOUT RXTRAVA6ANCB SHOTEL. VI ILVERTOJN Kentackr At , near beast) and Boardwalk; nnm. lent te Catholic and Pretestaat Churches: tberraghir G aerated aad modern In ererr detail! open eurroaad eurreaad 8i prlrate bathe; Ret and eeM RIIIIIIM WATER IN EVERY ROOM eleitrle jfatbt; eleraterj eun parlor; epedene perehee; (roe bathing' from netd; wondtrfel aieale (home cook lag). AnMrfeafl plan (with mrala) B.M and ea dallr. ri nn ana up aatir iwropean piani n K;entuckv LOAfRtCANPlANMIB . . KENTUCKY AVE Mkr BEACH "Cenxfbrt itv EVary Cemtr",j levater te atreet. Electricity and telephone! In all roemi. Roem dual and n suite, with running water and private baths. Stimulating eulalne. whit aervtce. Orchestra. Danclnr. Oolf prlvllesea. Uneltlet. Ownerihlp man er'Mtnt Ph. HOIft-W. King A- Karhart. OLMHURSTHOTE reneerlnnla Ate., elese te Beaeh aad Steal rler. Anrare open. Capacity let. Frlfate baths, ranalsa water la all - - stat.1 n bes last been thoreegbly mdrated and re- """" Albert H. Darstll R IO GRANDE NIV VOI7K AV AT BCACH rifhawda Vla,iil h jTl-.ttA uri'ivwi, Oiviitiure UttsraaEt, 100 Roem With Running Water (European Plan) new Ownership Managrment inarlboreuQfrlBlcnTielm jjm elaih Wr.Ua ens Cen,N. MILLER COTTAGE v le " N- a' for It table. 13 up dally: IIS up weekly, tilth aenenn. Emersen Crouthamel, Mgr. PITNEY New YerK AX9, nr- Bssch. Re furnished nnd redecerated. Ex cellent accommodations with home roeking. 18 dally. Special weekly. J. DICKAK. Hntl RnarnriM Kentueky Ar. nr. tMa nOI BOICODei Excellent table. Wkly. rates, I1B up. Ph. 11T. A. K. MAHION CHESTER INN New Yerl Av- ner tnUlbn. "'l,bear. American plan. All conveniences. MRS. D. KNAUER. Warminater Kentucky Ave. nr. Beach. wetanmsier EIova,er. lirlVat baths. running water. Open all ear. A. V. KOl'P. WATKIN S. Carolina Ave. near Reach, nninind K(n water ln aI1 rmg Prlv. ath Personal direction Linten B. Arneld. Rt?l VFfiPRF 8. Carolina Ae. nr. Beach. DbiiVcucivb Kun wat,r , rmil- PrWg baths Elavater. Amer. plan, tllnnrttl Bre. IMPFDIAI Maryland Ave. near Beach. linrCIMHU Runnlng water. Private baths. American plan. Special ratea. B. HEVEB8Y. lU-u, rHarinn Keetucxy Ave. Just eC nW ViariOnB0trav,allc. a. K. Benlfaaa EDUCATIONAL BethSexe SERVICE WIUCRU SERVICE COtlNTB We Hrcnrs the Kind of Teacher Wanted and the Kind of Position Desired The Bryant Teachers' Bureau, Inc. fllO.A12-6lt Wltbersnoen Midi.. Fhlla. 010 Keennn Bids-.. Pittsburgh TriA Tavler Scheel Da' and 'N'u tne layiur renvei ,002 Market 8t Qrtgg Sheithand. Teuchtyplngr, Roekkeeplng, Accounting, aecretariai courses. Knrell new. STRAYER'S Tne " nuine school 0 1 IW I E.I O Mi cnKHTNUT ST. Position Kunran'd. Enter new. Day or night. Yeung Women and Glrla Pine Tree Camp for litrl. SS, Philadelphia. Miss Blanche D. Frlre. 404 Wwit Scheel Lane. Philadelphia. Pa. Tqng Msa and Dera The Mercersburg Academy 1MB BOYS Mererrsbnrg. Pa. Send for catalngua tn Wm. Mnnn Irvine. Ph. D.. IX. D Headmaster. Rex ViO :mm t T T T t T T T t T T T T T T T T f t T T t -t t T T (Girl) Age , . X Health a Max. rata, t T t I 1 V "A Better Medarate Rata Hetel " WELtSBORO EVENING' PUBLIC IiEDGERi-HIIlADEIiPmA, FRIDAir, gPRfNO RBH0RT8 ATtANTIO tITY. tt. t. DECORATION DAY $12 SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY $1 2 " AND TUESDAY, WITH MEALS tOBERON k Plritrnnf Anna. Tannaa avenue near . A Fireproof Annex. Tennessee avenue near Uench. Capacity 400. Central. Open sur roundings. Opposite Catholic ami Protestant Churches. I rivals hatha. Excellent table. Fresh vrrt Sables, Window screened. wnite eervice. Uoeklet. RUNNING WATER Beth Heteli Under Management of R. B, LUDY, Owner Sleep Where Life 1b Safest Brick, eteel and stone construction. PRINCESS Decoration Day Special Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (2 persona te room) 50 Reems at $12 each 50 Reems at $14 each 50 Reems at $16 each INCLUDING ALL. MEALS Ocean end Seuth Carolina ave., near all leading attractions. Largest moderate rate heuse of modern large city construc tion. Capacity BOO, Het and cold RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Private baths. Elevator from street level. Within three squares nf six leading Prot estant and Catholle Churches and main Posteftlce. French chef. Excellent table. Orchestra. Dancing. lUlhtieuaes with Boardwalk entrance fnr free us of guests. 14 and up dally, American plan. 12 and up dally, European plan. Special weekly rates Far booklet and nute read map. address PAUL C. ROSECRANS. Owner & Prep. Pheney 4MI-1210 flPBH DECORATION DAY SPECIAL MONTICELLO Excels In Comfert, Service and Culslns Kentucky Ave. Near Beach Dancing, Orchestra Write for Special May and June Rates Atlantic City's Finest, Largest and Meat Popular Moderate Hate Hetel. Choice, well-furnished rooms, private baths, metal beds, elevators te street, unusually attraetlva lobby, parlors and reception rooms; capacity BOO: erchestra: dancing. Newly papered and renovated throughout. Publle showers. Rate 18.80 up dally: special weekly. American Plan. RUNNING WATER IN ROOMS Ownership manng't. Write for booklet D. Phene 1018. FKTTlCR ft HOLLINOER. .WJkt ...J....WtMrf.i...J...SJS IEC0RATI0H MY SPECIAL $1i) SiHriij.Suwlij, tjA Iiihsal lull S8.0I Ihdii withnt Muls $. IEDISOI HIcMf an An , Atlantis (Sir's near saaah aad Boardwalk, mm fcwiUfnl natal renTialent te all eharcnee:. sssdera u ereir deutl, epes sarreundlngs. all cheerful esteWe- iTialent te all eharcbee:. sssdera.ln i view newij lurwnea anq cetvi thraeet, garage andCald eqaneaa ler mim ibw. RUNRINS Wi ERIN ALL ROOMS Private balks tlagle aad enselte. electric lights, levater serf iee. lainrleue eon parier, sgackna. atuacnv null ana aanee rena. OUR TAILE U asseclal feature; wenderfal home roeking, frcih vegeubles. Best the market affords, white servtw. American slae.U N sp dallyi Eerapean p'an, II M up dallr. Special weekly. rMMMMJ SSSm Decoration Day Special $1 O Saturday Dinner te $1 O YLk Tuesday after Supper rn.Lt NETHERLANDS New Tork av., DO sard from Boardwalk, overlooking lawn and ocean. Best located, popular priced hetsl. Capacity 400. Ele vator. Private baths, het and cold running water In rooms; electrle light. Table abundantly supplied with the beat market affords. Misle and dance fleer. Battling privileges from hotel, 18. E0 up dally. flT.S up weekly, American plan. Booklet. U. C. BWEKNEY Decoration Day Special $1 A.SO Saturday Dinner $J A.50 1 U te Tuesday Supper J, U WALDORF NEW YORK AVENJJB Near Beach K. H. Brady, formerly of Alter Hall Decoration Day Special tin Saturday- Dinner $10 X aw te Tuesday After Lunch HEALY'S R ntucky avene and Beach. PLANADE Whole Bleck en Ocean Frent OtnlnK for Heaeen 1022 European Plan, May 2T American Plan, June 10 Ownership Management Booklet. Cap. BOO XV. F. HHAW DECORATION DAY SPECIAL A0 HATURUAY, SUNDAY, -tr hlZ MONDAY & TUESDAY 9 1 HOTEL LEWIS racine ft Illinois ae. near Beach, rtunnlng water ln rm. Oarage. Q3CAB VAOO. Ownsr an front at Mentpeller ave.. new open, suites witn eatn, running water ail rooms; olsvater: Spring ratss 4 dav up. jm up weeklv. Amer. plan, H. M. RKF.VKW. Decoration Day Special C12 HATUIAY. SUNDAY. ffi-S e "x' M'lNUAY AND TUKKDAY "' HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open; always leadv, forms moderate. Wrlt nr phone. T WI.H llllsi'AS Ew-HellSuB Ocean end New 'ef Cuisine, (heme eoeklpgl OwnerenlD muagWl. MARTINIQUE "rnir.n Xxt 1) an tin datlv. Cafe and restaurant attached. TAROR INN Oceati end Connecticut Av. lADUnillMl,, location; large, airy roeme; excellent table: 20th season; ewnsr tngmt. Hprlng rate. J. V. ft A. M. Dunn. Shercham Yfwinw. Ave. near lleach. Cup. 2.10. Amsr. nlan. l:i.r,n up dally. Balhlng privileges. Aleis Oruber. Catlfsnt HasMea Rail AtlanU OHft e th Baarwwalh flsja'' sflHHxeBDTsfljLsl9eiK eeBHUlnfrrrrJSBpBJHjHMAwBCfZ $ 1 2M0"- &UTues. 12 jPNsM1msS arSjr irRINO RlWOnifl ATMNTIO CITV, N. i. IROdUOIS .... ar ... . - ... Heulh Carolina av. rleht off lleardwalkl convenient te all attractions. Capacity COO. atrletly modern. Elevator. Large, beauti fully appointed solarium. Refined tiatrnn. age. Private baths. Cuisine and service IN EVERY ROOM DecoratienDaySpecial $19 Saturday, Sunday $1) M.U Monday & Tuesday M.U THE CENTER OF EVERYTniNO ALBEMARLE Virginia Avenue near Bench Modern In every detail. 183,000 epent this year en Improvements. Ideal home for motor metor moter ists: garage accommodations; center of amusements; one block from fameu" Steel Pier. Three minutes' walk te sevrn churches. Open nurreundlngs. ALL. OUTSIDE BOOMS. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Private baths. Electricity throughout. Ele vator. Music room. Dancing. Luxurious un room nnd nun deck. Windows snrenneil. Bathing from hotel. EXCELLENT TABLE. White service Hpeclnl spring ratci, $3, SO. 14, $4,R0 per day, room and meals. Bueins only. II. SO, 2 or 12, BO. Sped, wkly. Pat ronage solicited. OABLE ft DRVITT. Ownership Management. TRACY lla be' Tennesiee Ave. near Beach. Modrate rtes. Mrs. LEWI3 formerly of rELTlOSE HALL OCEAN CITY. N. MKMIIRIAT. HAY Sneclul from Wldav erenlnr until Wed nesday breakfast. Write for folder. American plan. Superior service una cuisine. Elevator. Running wwteri phenn ll rtrm. OCE AM.QI J YLN.U. Ndrmandl ermaizaie PENS JUNE 30.1922 oralmafOccwIirecBoarJvrilk Capacr.y60Q RRII.HTON ?tn and ocean Avenue. Opens DAIUniim Jun 24 A1, rml electrleally lighted. Roem with or without bath. Het and cold running water. Elevator service. II. R. BOOY SF.ASinp flth Street near Boardwalk tJBfiaiVb OPEN JUNK 29TH Everything new and modern. Running water ln all roemj. Private baths. Anrrlcan plan. DAI FIHH Open May S3. Het and lw-l:1,a1 cold running water In all rooms. Juna rates Mr. Martha Stewart. THE OCEANIC Opens May 20. i nc vvc4riii Specla, low rate)1 for May and June. A. E. BAKEB. MELROSE 14tn ani Asbury. mCUIWJJZ. nM, JOHN L New open. VAN TINE. ROSLYN n13 Central. Fur. rooms. Near wan a n ltaBpl) Jr 0 ntlELL. TTe ImDerial Ner Beach- Special June i ne impenai nUi A M MaeanEfJ0n R1!PAYNP Run'g water In 8-ery room. PIJWIC.Boek,t E BLUNDIN. ATfiLFN 8th Central. Running water In """""' all rms. Amer Plan. O.H.Henry Hit FWII Ti 710 Mberlyn T"rrace. Eurp. IU1.6THUU nftn j,ne K. Morrison. HOTEL HENRY A"ta,a: 1Ilh Kurnoein Flan. St JTRAMO 8th ft Wi!v. Runnlna water. JimitlMRB JOHNS02S RONET. OTEAN CITY. N. .1. "America' Oreatest Family nert" HK IBLE CITV. N. J. OCEAN VIEW SATURDAY TO Tl'ESDW. I0 MBH, PICKFrHNO. II T'VION ST HOTEL STEVENS Dlrectlv en Boardwalk. Amer. &. Europ. plan. B. T. Stevens. Prep. HEA 18LE CITY. N. .T. Fer Information writ City Clerk. Citr ntl WTLDWOOD, V. J. MEMORIAL DAY WEEK-END cn b best enjoyed In thla eharmlng and popular aea alda resort. Special eaer eaer elsea en the beach frent: radas, rtar and) folk I anOOS. ItuneMnv t.t flnval "i oemmemoratlng Oe parted harees American Lfln. O. A. R Spanish and Foreign War veterans participating. Piers and boardwalk amusements new epan. Arrange hotel accom modations NOW for the week-end or for veur sum mer vacation Rent your cettaga, apartment or bunga !?w, .rJr' Fer booklet and full Information write W. COUBTWRIOHT HMITn Maaaglng-Dlrertar WHaVoed IVsard of Traela, W1I.DWOOD. N. J. a1- s. BU.XX H E L D O N Wlldwoed's Finest Amer, plan 14. SO per Hetel per day up D. J. Weeds 12S per week up. D. J 3RM.NGXO.IM Cine location near Beaeh, Capacity 200. Run ning water. Prlv. bath. Med. rates. Bklt. BREAKERS n Boardwalk. Het and cold runnlna water Prlv i cams uar, nan, ma, n. Hinnomen. owner WASHINGTONtN;wn management I'm. Three xierche. Knii ocean lew Ooed table. E. J, Hlnnamen. Mnr TEMPLE HALL ; r new iniit, ;4 K nve, Uemmunlti nln lift wek up. Aute meets trains EDGETON HOTEL "" H..nnr Rat4s Opening May 27, V. B. HUDOIN.S, Mcr Chelten "' E wiidVo'ed a-. rum," rfns incucu Prlv nf hkp(, Mr n L Jacksen FREMONT. US E. Schelllncer. IsTeTTdn, Am. plan. Exlnt. table, Mrs, E. McKeown vT'LDWOOD CREST. N. J. I Justice apts. b i(em ""i bath. .. , . Near b.Hcih and I amusements. Moderate terms. Bathing from Heuse. Large br.-esy perches. XV. A. Justice I ivI-V IfCDKinnJ I-etus ltd. nr, Beach. ' tlklt i 1U1. TSJlVilV'll Kcellcnt table jauiiBianiuv,nr Exclusive section I OCEAN CREST ItunnliiK waler Med, rales. Ownership Man' it' t O. T KINO STONF. HAItmilt, N. J. SHELTER HAVEN HOTEL Amerlian and European plan: crlll. music, shore dinners: nutomebllo parlies catered te, DECORATION DAY Special Rates SATURDAY TO nn TUESDAY 1U.UII LAKRY O. SEMON. Prep. sgggL m aTv siBBBahI'X ILDW00D lHl Aj'aV. jNEWJETOty vmk i Br twmv i YiLliiiiix rgdLltM'' J I KM r V4 aniVw' V HPR1NO RBWORTB CArE MAY. N, i. HCOLCIMBIA Newly ronevaled. Beems with bath and an suite. rullne and service, unextelled. Lara S!!rPhas. Elevator. J. W. MKCRAY ft BBO. HOTEL WINDSOR Hm'Dv Directly en the beach., 1B0 rooms. 00 bath. American plan, fipeclal rate during earlr tin. R.IIALPIW. -rti niUIAl Directly en Beacn. Amer-CWL.V'nirAI-i e,n p,ant nunntng water. PrlM baths. Elevator. Electricity. 20th s.s.nn, W. II. CHURCH. Owner ft Prep. QTaR.VII I A Ocean ft Beach Di nil VI Libra nun-iiM watt-r. Cap. ISO. baths, ele P. Church. ateri ownership management. C TIIK MARCY. Cane May. N. . furnished rooms. Hlngle, 10 un. Deuble, 110 te 118, ASHBURV PARK. N. J. The West End Asbury Park, N. J. racing Ocean, Modern Throughout. 10 a day up American Plsn. I2.M a day up European Plan. nedurnd Weeklv Rate en Application. L. TenBreeck Duane HOTEL WELLINGTON fiTH AVE.. ASBCRY" PARK. N. J. Right at ecenn, running water In every room, electric lights, capacity 22ft; music, dancing, booklet. .Special early rates. C. W. HART. OwnCTanlp-Management OCEAN HOTEL Running water; elevater: whlta serv. Rstes J3.1 up. EWELL ft CRAWFORD, Tel. Asburv Park 2889. Owners ft Managcra CORNISH ARMS etn v- Kitusiey at. lunman aritie 0vl00Ring ocean (tunning water tn rooms. Exceptional table. Srwltl rates for Mav and June. flEO. H. CORNISH. Owner and Manager Commedore Jhft Ave . North Asbury rk, N. J., at Or.an Running water. Baths, JOBEPH D. POTTER VICTORIA .1r! Ave. B0 yards fr, Beach. Het ft Celd running water. H. A. ft M. W. BUTTON. CMse. 100 Third Avenue. Speclsl Decoration Day rates. Kun. water. Herace L. Franc tfnfel Tharlfnrrl Overlooking Ocean. Run. neiei inearera WRtfr ln atl rnem. Prlv. bths. Bklt. Harry Duffleld. Own, ft Prep. ASBCRY PARK INFORMATION BUREAU Address City Information Bureau. 200 Heard- NORTH ASIIURV PARK. N. J. OCEAN OROVK. N. J. GRAND ATLANTIC Reach and Main Ave., Ocenn Oreve, X. J, Het und cold run, water In rms. Europ, plan wltti cafeteria seating 20O attached; uualltv, service. Tel. 1470. M. J. WOODRINO. STOKES HALL Ocean Grave, N. J. Ocean Pathway. All I meaera oenv. a. ju tn. atraseDurgsr. pre. WRITE) for booklet en England, Londen and Northwestern Rwy.. SOP Bth Av.. New Tork. Ocean Greve Hetel it Main Ave. Overlooking ccn. Amer. & European Plan. Phene Anbury 2037. A. M. and I.. M. tlrlgg Ardmere-Sununerfield fl-N Ocean Pathway. Special rats fnr Dee oration Day. Tel. 27B4. B. L. HHAW. HOTEL WHITFIELD rireproef. Overlooking ocean; central te all amua. Med. Imprev. Cha. M. Herman. THE QUEEN,,00"" aw, n- j- i ri- vdwrn--i'. Oeean pathWay. Directly en ocean front. L J. RUSSELL. OCEAN HOUSE "2 Mln v..Oeean Ores Ut-cnn nuuac it.claa family hotel. Tel. 305 W. Cap. ISO. K. Duncan Zelly. New Centennial A,mer J"1'" c!ip-11- Near Beach and Audi Audi terlum. Teleph. Wrlle for Inf. I. M. Wylll. Ocean Frent Heuie Wm' SPRING LAKE BEACH. N. J. WAiffeiSN WILL OPEN JUNE 24U MANAaeHtprr ANeniw j muhpmv. ewNiasrii" William a. stubs) e.v,MuasMV,AiiT. mbk. aectHLar Aoesiat until juni Iw V, LAUREL HOIJH t AKEWOOD, N. J. tsagaaaBaasaaacaaag ' ' i i i I MAONinceNr HcrrrL OPENS JUNK 11-3 LUKCCUNNON MB niw yerh emcc 111 nrrw AVK boom iia tti VANeanniLT iaae BEACU HAVKN N. J. Decoration Day Special $10 Saturday, Sunday $10 Ifa Monday, Tuesday lu (With Meals) Ocean Heuse BEACH HAVEN, N. J. Bathing, fishing and beating. Excllnt ineals. Steam heat Prompt eervtce. Write or phone for reiervatlens, A. W. STRANGE Proprietor end Manager fl MILKS AT SEA HOTEL BALDWIN ,,.,. Opn Decoration Pa Special rates for fmnlllsH New Yerk Office. 1180 Broadway. THE ENGLESIDEATiS Private bath with ssa ana rrash wateri five tennis courts; booklet. R. F. ENOUs. Mgr. Alse tha Covington. West Philadelphia. RRFAsfPR Fer a rest and outing. v uJtrhTrTtrT Memerial Day. Special N. lleach Haven. ,3iBe Aety MONMOUTH BEACH. N. J. MONMOUTH BEACH INN. Mbnmeuth Beach, N, J, New Jewish ownership management. On North Jersey coast. Ther. med. Elevators, bathing peel tennis, golf, music, dancing. Mrs. Je. Hosenberg, SEASIDE PARh. N J. The Manhasset Ilrtellr en thm ermmn frnnt. I'liuftltv HIM. HoeMef. H. ROSS TURNER. Owncr-Prtp. The Gladwyn Twit Bay and Ocean. Opens May 27 Med, rates SF.A (ilHT. N. 4. nr rincitirwinfl fnr eprndifl for tta second neafen of Stepn 7iSeaGirftN.J. On the Ocean front In thi nlne nnd hill eectleu, en mil" south of Spring 1 nke, a chnrm Ing hnlel nrcninmeOa'iiii; I0i). lih lt own boardwalk Ih cmn prlvaie bench and bathhouses eight acres of grounds; casino and lea heure, danc Ing, achtimr, tennis, golf hlKh class accommodations me-Wntelv priced SMK OWNKBHIP THE WARRKN, SPKI.MI LAKE. W. II. StilMis POINT PLESANT. N. .1. PINE BLUFF INN Point PleaB9nt,N.J. raoei Hie pinen en the ticautlful Msnasqutn liner shore Hery sit-neilen et esshers, rlrrndreantrv sltouirteortporis. Orahw trs .New open Rootlet H.S.UFBItBOWBR. jmips nilAROESTON NORTH JB1SErSn!E-l NORTH ASBURY PARK.N. J.A MAY 26, 1922 BPB1NO RE8QBTB BROWNS MILTiH. N. J. LAKESIDE HOUSE HrewB'B MJIIb In Pines REST QUIET DIONI TT SPECIAL RATES OVER MEMORIAL DAY Telephone Femherteft 103 Ml. ORETNA. PA. Hetel Conewago Lake Conewago, Mt. Gretna. Pa. Open 'un 24. 1022. Fer rate address Li. WEIMBR. Prow. VALLEY FORGE. PA. WArJHINOTON INN Chicken aud Waffle Dinner DANIEL J VOORIIEEH. Prep. MOUNT POCONO. PA. T14F FI VIN MT. poceno. pa. ub- teaaen. Running water. Private bain Htiewer en eucn fleer. Booklet A. J. SLUTTER. HAWTHORNE INN mt.poce.no. Non-Iteusekplng cetlag te rent tn oon eon oen nectlnn with Inn. Booklet I.. M. UKNOLKR Tlt& niuu.t Open all rear. Medara. us wiainwwu y;i,sant location Se lal spring prlngr rate Bklt, E. L. ft E V. Artmai tfAIRVTKtV INN. Mt TnnT Pecene. Pa. Aute tablet nleaaant ur- tourist naurs.i geed reundings; radio. Bklt. O. L. Mrgargrl, The PENNHURST rrWn,0a7,'urM tablei quiet and homelike.. Mls Mary Price. Glen Ganiff l , ace. as, garage. bklt.G J.Armstreng DEVONSHIRE PINES T,1 Special spring Rates. Fishing. Bathing and i Hesting. uoeKiet. li, P. Humphrey. ' EABT TROCD8BURO. PA. TURN VILLA n Pushkin Plk. Bunga IUIV11 V1L.UT1 ,0Wi. uithlng baach. Rea Rea Rea ocable rates, Ooed cooking. Homelike. Boek let. Under management N. D. Tnm Estate. MOUNTAIN LAKE Heuse, rndrn , Homelike. own farm, beating, bathing, geed cooking. imng, gee cooking, E, Htreudebitrg, Pa. jay ciunman. t.r.u.j. Oatr Rrewa Heusa Tanie Mitiplled from own VMM. UTOTC fRrm Kenin,., A muM. ments. moo, rstes. iikh. .Mrs, re. i.. wyckeff. The Maplehurst Inn, K. Stroudsburg. Pa. Ace. 200. Hpscleus vernds, ebrly lawn: farm. garage MR. and MUM, W. f BUBNKTT. Snnrilfj Cflttftffe nd LndEe: home com cem aiinriic timi,c tettp, Miil Ir)Catlen f,O0(1 feed. BoekleL MRS. J, L. BIHniNO. HARNnALL FALLS HOUbE Table supplied from our own farm. Beautiful cenrv en Hushltlll Pike Nerman llnffman HIGHLAND INN "ud-I1i,B-S.: ern; running water and privet baths. Outdoor sports, geed reads. Qaras-e: own garden and dalrv Mod Med crate rates. Write for bklt Wm. P. Morten. DELAWARE WATER OAP. PA. The Mountain Paradise K1TTATINNY DELAWARE WATER CAP. PA. Season May lit te December Exfin Ive Interior and oxterler linpreemrnts. make the Kltlatlnny the flneat appointed accessible Mountain Resort Hetel Capa city 00O. Twe hours from New Yerk; Lackawanna, R. R,, 73 miles bv auto mobile. Three hours from Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, ft. R., 64 miles by auto mobile. Pullman Service and Geed Reads. Hetel situated In private park Wild flower and rhododendron tn profusion. Magnificent scenery, Clelf. Tennis, Saddl Horses. Beating, Trout and Bass Flying, Trap Bhoettng, Mountain Cllmblmt Orchestra of Soloist. Nightly dances frequent social feature. American plan alie a la carte Ortll for Tourists Klttatlnny pgiabie and fruit tartlets nnd Dalri supply abundant fresh product. Special early season rites also te families and tourist. Booklet, terms nnd auto maps mailed. JOHN 1'tTBDV COPE. KARAMAC KAMP Wh.re .v.ry en, hai n geed time Bathing, free beats, tennl. hlkee, dancing, entertain ments. Ooed things te fat. Rates 1 18 tn 120. Write for booklet L. FHINDT, Director. DELAWARE HOUSE J" " location, modern home cooking, farm products, Indoor and outdoor perta. Booklet. Frank L. Yarrlck Hirer View Heuse r'", Centrallv located. Beatlnr. hathlnff. n.hin All mdn. lmermts. Mrs.J.lsils T.l.a Harre Kstl The GleUWOed D'a Water Oap.Pa. atf'Munw.,0W epn Capsclty 400 Osrsge, ballrm . orchestra. Oolf, tennis, all amuse'ts. Fer bklt. address Hilt Bres . Mgr HnuLCREST new. modern, centrally lecated: bathing; running water. Moderate rates. Booklet. F C. HOWARD. fn. LAUREL 11IIM1K. Del. U'ur :n I.,. Heme table and produce. Mr.W.SIiellenberrer Ferrest HeUSe Cn,R"y "ecated; private Run water. Danclnu. tseiievue Npvf mHnmg m t. Kelly & Burk. NOBTn WATER OAP, TA. rUfurmct Heixe Nertn Watr Oap. Pa. tatargiCl "":! cooking medarn. all Indoor and outdoor apnrts. garage, rates masenawe. tioeKiet a a winagard A Hen PSTTerrace lII"goer-p5 ewn farm prod N. Water Oap. N T Trans-e DUHHKILL. PA. nmencinc T.nmi A wm. nm.a -.. KIVEJIOIIC , fBrm. , li dlitarr On the Delawere Table Oar. Kutay Bres. The LaureltOn F1,"n- tennis, aperts, a lie aaiauni pe0, rnmfer f,nm,,kn Arc no.mn.rd.te Dushklll Falls.bk.M.F MCall TOBYHANyA. PA. rLl.l...l.. Heese. 2090 ft. elevation. Tebr. ' V h?M J Mr. Chichester. BkIL MOUNTALMIOMi; .PA. Nw Mount AlfV '""I? .remodeled a I Ll ..... nnn reDuut. Keri med Imprnvwnent nklt. Harry E. Hellei Wayside inn ?. fertable. Raasenahls. nemelike: geed cool and mm. h. r. BMiTn. CANADF.NSIB, PA. LAUREL GROVE INN cftnl' Moeerni geed tabls; garags; 418 wwlc; bklt. The Mountainside ln ''ocnes, modem IUC iHiiuuiiiii. renven.. comfortable i Rsts resenHnii nnekiei. wm lng. Mgr nUneairn Villa i'0""" comforts, geed nh- l UiencP vuia ng nkl Mn. M. 11. Mulr CBEfeCO. PA. MAPLE LAWN e0'". reel and pleas Booklet. Reasonable rstea C. SKtlRLKRN. The Old Inn A r?nn11 fimlly hotel; con- IDC rfii ss enlently lecnted well.sup. n 1 1 d table; rates en anpllcntlen. M. L Stapff BWIFTWATER, PA. The Swiftwater Hwlfrwster, Pa. New oeen fnr th Blat seaaen. JOHN H WOODLINO. WERNERSV1U.E. PA. Thn Highland DeUnhtfully Situated en ine nignmna Houth Meuntnln Overlooking the famous Lebanon Valley. The Ideal place te epend Memerial Day vacation Ratea moderate. Open June 1st Writ for booklet. Highland Hotes Company, J HOWARD lTtlKS, Preeldent SUNSET HALL. aJove sea level, ovuriei tVereererllle, Pa. One (hnui.h.i f... level, orieoklng beautiful and ebanen Valtsr. MnOnm (mnm. Historical Lebanon Vails? mem. duv.1 iui iui. OEO, K PAUL. Mrr. Hillside f"l vlws. Modern garage ...... Terms moderate Kath Oerhart r.AI.F.N HAI.I. Wsmersvlll. Pa. New Open I Z-1- . jriiKSKMi,i,i:, p.x PlUtKIOMlUS INN Med. Imp Ij.a! ! Beat., hath,, fleh., tennis dancing, Spaclal Sunday rh'cken dinner Ker toeklet wrlta CIIAJLT2LflEkJl'-,''P.v SliwnJiSTljlrpa. nitATERTOB Da! Graterford ' paAlTrtteKrSTrS: Gar. Airy rms. Ph tlnllegevllla 10 R-S. ft LOCKER Leatherstecking Corporation oaneMncts ttutt en OTSEGO LAKT3. COOPERSTOWN. NEW YORK Will open for the ttaten en SATURDAY, JULY 1st Vnder the Personal Management of MR, DAVID B.PLUMER DOWDOINPLUMER. Aiiectdi ManagcT "THE SPUR," 4S FirTH AVENUE .cispnens vandrrbllt 274 rOOPERSTOWN. N. T. REHORTM LONDON, ENOLAND Jvr'' wrnnVf. HOTEL CECIL THE "CECIL" 1 the hub of Londen for busineM or pleasure. T, Viiilers have the advanUge of the risht addreti vfilh a reasonable liiriff. Q. The tervice is quiet and unobtrusive, vet alway fully efficient, nothing is lacking in comfort or convenience, and the cuiiine is perfect. Writ r OiU u Mtnngtr Jr ike tariff. CM I " CeecMc, Lendea." d - JeHkH WmM iilEJ UDSSETTmtjtfttt&lfftwMKUatfjitKK' M'TaWl(jMffffirta BrMlilwBBlLgsCiJLj-iSiMSi ' rP ' -i nV ?aT3DVdjB9An6SWJB52SSC3iS9VI5!E i t. JMMLWMJitLMLwBpBBia3ME" --i UPPER SARANAO IJiKB. N, T. SARANAC INN IN THE HEART OF THE ADIRONDACK. CERTIFIED MILK A SUMMER RESORT of the highest char acter, superb LUlslue, an environment so cially dfslrnble. Ce timers for Rent. Located en the shore of the WONDERFUL UPPER SARANAC I.ARF. excellent Utata rends. aoed iielf. All ' Bperll and Amurements at their heat HAKRINOTON MILKS. Manager I JOHN M. KIBBY. A't Manaarr Address Hetel Grafton. Washington. D. BI.rFF POINT en LAKE CHAMPLAIN.N.V. I HOTEL, HAN PLAIN i VA tiur OIHT-ON-Uat CMAMPLAIH.M.Y. f epens:junc2t h Grma lt. Nvntr.. eff4- ) tltA BniARCI.IFF MANOR. N. Y. jTaA Soeabiiitt of Ciui Lirr TUUUULv CeaviNHNCt or a Mem r fr PiMoaaiCenroaTJorAMon- BRIARCLIFF MANOR. NY NtW YORK OMICC ja I1AOISON AVt LAKE PLACID. N. Y. WHITEFACE INN ; IAKE PLACID. N. V. Opens In Jeb. J Modern in all It appointments. i. J. HWEENEY. Manager ' New Yerk Offles. Hetel CalHnaww 4ft West aath Street ' Winter, Hlghlsnd Park Hetel. Aiken. 8. C. MOUNT KISCO. N. T. iRVCIM WKC HEV1LTH F4DM4 1 Heur from Grand Central, club atmes phere. Ideal rer rest and recupersuen. outdoor sleeping If deilred. outdoor sports, preduce from own farm; medical attentien: season rates Y Office. 1B1 E BOth Plasa 4073 AMA04.N8ETT, LONu ISLAND. N. T. . INDIAN WELLS INN AMAOANSETT. 1JOXQ ISLAND. N. T. 1 Beautlfull) situated en Leng Island. All out- , I deer sports. Dancing Ownership msnsg'm'l, ' I ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS. N. T. Ker new ADIRONDACK booklet nnd lnfer- matten address (lee. W. Rran. hee'r. F'latin burg. N. Y. Fer MONTREAL-QUEBEC TOUR bklt. address Tenrlsu' Ilnrpaa of Montreal, K New lllrks llldg.. MentreaJ. Canada. TINE HILU N. Y. JHE CORNISH HOUSE A5. '!' vatlen 2000 ft Modern Improvements. Jewish diet. Bathing, tlshlng. rowing, muile and dancing. Booklets r Uerket zzz: HerKewiit. fine Hill. I Ister Ce N Y. OREENWiril. CONN. Ely Court Heteh Greenwich, Connecticut On a high ridge overlooking Leng Island bound Bath with every deubla room. 1 Ik from our own Aldarney herd vege tables from our garden Tennis courts. I' aygreunds for rtilldren. Motorcars meet nil trains NEW LONDON. CONN. HIE ORIKUOLD. New Londen, Conn. Eastern Point. 0ens June 17th. -. IP NAnRAOANPETT PrER. R. I. The Imperial NarTagansett Pier, R. I. OPENS JUNE 24. An exclusive hotel for discriminat ing people at one of America's. Finest Seealire Itrenrts. POI.O, Oolf, Tsnnls, Bathing. Dane Ing. Well kept State Highways for metering Fer reservations sddrw JAMES E. OAI.BREV. MANAOBR. Narragansett Iter. Rhede Island. MANTHESTER. VERMONT EQUINOX HOUSE OPEN JUNE 10 Manrheater-ln-the-Meuntalns. Vermont N. V. Beeking Office. 2 East 4fllh Ht. I . .iKrrERjJev. v. ii. KIGIITIKN HULK f.OLF TOl HbK NEW WAUMBEK Hetel and Cottages JEFFERSON, N. H. '" ,he h"rt of ,he White Mountain. , TENNIS FISHINO. DANUNO, OARAGE FRANK F. SUITE, General Man tgrr. H West nn nirret, ,ew Aerk WHITE MOUNTAINS. N II. BRETTON WOODS WHITE MOUNTAINS. N.H. rt-,. . 7Ht MOUNT PLEASANT. THE MOUNT WASHINGTON - Oecss . itnj-" Cleus oeteOcr - CJ Beet mge "i vekk oe no eintu . its -a- vi Maplewood Club U'lIITK MTS.. N II l.l!!..,.' r',p.'l"r Tral Hervice. atrewbrldge A Ueihler btere, ur N. T office, H W, 40IH st w,Ki.,'ri'.Blr ""'' t-'e'luge. I'rancenla Notch. Whlta Mountains N. H AjccoininedtesBOO. . .MAIN ; tXtt aV IKIn Tl I - aT"Ie a ii a ...v. a TT".T llVaLrAilCa ""WII. (M,.llllf.- 11.111 rer iioeKiels en Fishing, Camp Is list Ifi-wils 1st g. Raaerts IPI JIC-. writ STATE Or MAJNK PUBLICITT BURKAU. . 'IPBIN0 WEWORTW i.i'f': ' ok LONDON, EMII.ANn ' j-'x' sv &m I yj SO UTII IMBI'SWKLL. M E. MERRICONEAG HOUSE Seuth llnrpswell, Mulnr Hetel of 40 room, Cnerloekin Chsce Hay ami Islands Uoeklet. RL.KKHi:W SON. Preps. MOOsF.Ilr.AD ,AKE. Ml',. SQUAW MT. INN MOOSEilJUl LAKK. ME. Modern Bestful. Quiet, rishing. Tennl. I Bathing 'necl PrUat" rampi, Booklet. Bet A 07. (irrrnvlllf- Jet. .Me. TIRRIMA nnACII. VA. VIROINI IIKACH. V, Fer lnfer. wrtli I Hetel Committee. Chamber of Commere. TOURS . A GRAND CRUISE., .DELUXE Strictly Untfcexl te 400 Qmtm en. McKte Mar 3 tit. t9lS Seftleu; Eastward from New Tart) bfSptviaUyt Chartered IferCUNARDLiner "SAMARIA" .MiOCOttraa TUf msirelficenc QtMaifiiA, CTlWule3aiIIMOItti50rfa't .TM llnoMTKernaa Cook thai rounder of out organbatlea.cop'r l.mxxmi jiajszicipuiy UOUUUttaM '.wepa. 0 JirW.PDrri5Ll.Calreand t 'taldn Bembinr. Aar,lTh Mahal) Cerleni Calctuca) Rarv goeoj Sunutrai Betaviai Sieg eetai Sateeni miI i MeirsitrjriaLn - r - -,- . - --.-.--;-- mrj vatwen. Macao, siungiMi; Mi AJlLltoTefcoftsjrai;rl Vaad'Watklkli Sn Frm ''ai. .. i- w T - m Baioeo, s?anatnaCsaVt' MltSSSV AS stMNMWV! ii iiiiiiypi nwii iJCOmUtUttis' THOSCO 2S Seuth Bread St. (below Walrre St,). Philadelphia Tel Sprure HK20-KJt Ideal SUMMER VACATIONS lMTmlwirmi1kWysaM 8 Days $83.00 Jffi". nrul upHard. beginning Juue Coel in Summer- Ne Passport All Sports Modern Hetel FREQUENT SAILINGS Via Limirlnu Twln-Scrpw "tenmera Bmd for Sptcinl Summt-r Ttntr Booklet FURNESS-BERMUDA LINE 34 Wh'tehml hi.. N Y. Kurns Withy A I e I id . lien-is Bldg. Phlla or nny Teurlet Aijent. 12 Omwd'tam wew Yerk-li alifax- QuebeCS s lacniing rrnisen via i-uiutlal twin-screw S. S."Fert Hamilton,, Sallins; from New Yerk July 8-22, Aug. 5-19 Stepping One Day fsach wayi at Halifax nnd Twe lays fit ijuuiw MagnlOcmit acenery "month wsier, cool weather Orcheetr for Dnnclng Round trip 1Z dsji, $150 and op One Wit te Quebec, 5 days, $80 and ap Fer Wlujtrfilril llfemture address FURNESS-BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall f" N V rnrness Wllhy A Ce. Llrl , Bourse llldg, ''h" or any Tourist Acent r FRANK'S MEDITERRANEAN Cruiie de Luxe, Feb, G. 1923 by fprla,,y WinrtPrd Nw CUNARD S. S. "SCYTHIA" Turbine OH Ilurnar '11 HOO ten, t months. sflOe and ur Include share eicurslnns anil nil etpense Esrrpt. Hely Land, renstnntlnepla. flrrrrr, Italr. Hiinln. Ktc. Olher Tours, Kurnpe, Par. r'nnsl, eta, FRANK TOURIST CO. 219 S. 15 tli St., Phila. (F'tab I87M B'll 1'hs f)pru-a Bgl44 r-vh ERICSSON LINK " roll ItALTIMOIIK It One H, J lleiinu trip PH. H SO. llhl.AVKK AVK. aUr ut f V. M. Hnlnrila at I 1. M. N Sundajr bUaeur zjgr Memerial Day ExcursiM .l ,lll MM I ., .. I .....,, I ft....,- .A HUnUi .. -.-. , ,,,r, naii imi.i'I Vfll.TW Ul. w a.Tl tne i n-naiJKe & Delaware uanal. Htesmsr , Wl nrkssen w eav pier s, e, Deiawaralv. f ira Ave at 8 e tlerk A 11 , May DO (DayllflM' Having Time) returning same avtnlng. FWl'"xl round trip, 11.2.1. JJaltlmer. k Phlladslphla Steamboat Ce, s-isr a, no. usiawara AT. ir!VlM M . ij t u' lh TV 1M ?, &Y.1 10 Longfellow -"riiann, v. A.li . ;'rndv?f.Hl'Jfa& jS . 1&ifrti!.'.jsmb , Vvv ifjymWOI-HJ ; X J 1 !. U.l' HsriL,ij,