TJTIfnPP ',-'' -'.-wjiB; a -wmw iSK i j Stare; 'i ; "JIJ!T.-r- ' LiJ.t j tt' 'i'l-t. rw trf-e- !'ft If', 58 flL .XM'Ah mwn:i ' W. .-; ,i, ,"". mjx wzsBsmsmmmmn4 ' it...UilP.,i Kff.W.!VTf '-' f0..1iibAJ IT " ' " " . -iv' ' L ' '"" ' ' '" t&tfi- , K f 6RB LIST STEADY $ IN QUIET MARKET factional Oaina Scored In Oil W,p--8rnali' prlc C"" in wioier riiMr fork, M7 M.-Tradleg en th ifh In we enru - tptrttifeir '. --a-""V"3S: -. inf. Dianuaru wii t.jut.H wa whin In demand and .red up "1P fraction. 8tandd Ml of Kenlucky, en the ttwiue, tii slightly c,,sier' """ "" w" . 'lfen' Jr2!J2 -V.,"7 W . ? 2 V"A.rSSea Inanlry for SSKin SraVarf, forcing the priee UP febaVeUct Expert, and Philip afrirrlS .llOVfea iractiena iui--roveuie.iv. flA Aldcn Ceal was fairly active and P.l.B. ..... !( pham-ee were re- Sled' In the moler group. , mrinlne nares were . -i Hrith another new high Ming estaeiisuea I indepenaeuCT n. iNDUSTftlAIA Hlh .. . nil 1U 100 Acme COM ? A1" i 12? ."A'.;' i isk mi Am j-'v , ia ltt MBvaar sj m cnicu Jt Cemml i Lnnii Kuaten Mewti "lOOOewlycar '"JliJ '!Huan Ce Wat ia Uh Valley c TI i. Lew 1 P.t. U V Hsu i,K loeDaniiu 100 Hi bn Cem 8jM. U 1 tK; v. ns m :: 1 ill 192 10 JA Valley ION J ?'," J.,,' 'friwi'"" " IMP Murrin Off f Ifefe Eh J00?" M AnA WTO! ffl 0i & ... 20 8,'. dt' ... me pre .i,,.j. ib Strvie P""I''SVti a Moteri tJ! iu c a i Tu 10c K;) a8e:tf':Su s?r r'wpcei aya0';" &.- ' : ft ::::::: ?TA pt ... t ob Pred Exp yn Ceal . 8TASDABD 01Tu j tt mi can ?. .11 L x .. .- s e of Ky w I LNDKPENDENT OILS 6c Itt. 50 20 204 80S 10' t S4W' 24 ine Tee 8 10c, 2Vi 'SHI ita iiQU new USH 111. ea !C&iWlii: Brlt cintrai m rel ..... . lYinttnreekOU .1 T"I .. All J 'iSaoeitokri Petrel 2190O svallanu IHudien Oil lint Vi'i.jAi Vlrhv Pit jU.Jjjeuvlwttten r V'fi W weni iiwiMkrlind Oil 1WIMl.ffcet.lbe Oil .. 040 23-3 SO f'MVZSS!?. J oeo Mxlce sberd . 4) M ium nrniual nit i n Tnniw Entland Fuel 4j 5 1000 Red Ban. ,-ffi ;i .100 Crk Pred.. 1H t Creek COtl .. i en t mm mi im hs 00 8eulpa. Ref nesimma m 100 Skslly en 1?H, kfrltOOflttntea OU i; 0 Seuth Pet A net . 'je atmnten Oil 880 ion ...1 ? Turmin . . Venetulan '"f IMA Whelm Oil j'-'SlloeT 011 .:... V.TlH . MlSTNO lj ion a'i SRs 15H 22 1 i loe Mm & w Bit Xdf .... Bait Ment . canUda Copper Ben Alaika . . . Cem Arliena . Cem Cep Mln ., 8O0 10U vm Ivl A0 Creaton Geld -HDt anunn . . Independent Lad i star a ceppar .. iftsrtSSnf: etner uaa uu. lienai Tin ev lia n Htreeiei Conr 11 I Mr Dale 29 i mil Nev ji lllrar Lead ... 31 1 teward Mln 9 ucctn Mln -? "uelbn na ...'..... 80 Tnited vrd ; . . . . se Al(..triA Mln ROi Weit End Cen ... 1 BONDS Am Light 6 107 Am TetAi '22 100 Am Tel Of '24 .r... 101 Antle.A Oil TV4..108 eaii e ft w 1 Be... ns ican Pa 01 101 I Cent Steel 8s "-jS! ' JJW? i tHII!l 1915111 n, YlMiJK m ' MM I kY& ?iiUB T 23. 24. 101 .104 .'101H .lean I Ced Kid 8a rCoe KID 81 irreepert Tex 7' 1.1 1 Kmcira u a k aa..iui lOuli Oil 7. 104U Oft Interb ne w 1 78 1 intetb 7a '3 w 1 . . wi I Inttrbore 8a nK OWUclede O 7 .lOOVs 100 1000 Ph Pet 7Vii W W.104 neDi uair ti . , jOOORtew Wnr 83 .. BWlll en TI S3 ITn OH PmaA fiB . MO Vae Oil 7 IOtO Araentlne 7i ... H Max 4a 8 Elrai 7H . ! 1 j rv " y 8 .100 .10HK ,.1014 .IMV .1081 , .100 ..102 . 474 H 107, 107U H 100$ 1 100H h ion 1 101U H JOi 1 103 ft at 1 eau ft 101ft 101 vi 104 104 leiu 101s 102ft 102ft 121 12J 101, 101 104 ieiu 78 78 PI s A2 ns H 100H I 3 1 s 104 104 100 1O01 108 108H 101-4 101& ieRH 12 H 100 luuva 102 in a 47T4 47tt 9TH 07 Phlla. Federal Reterve Bank r The itatftman nP rMtiltlnn nf f h Phlln. Hlpla Federal Reaarva Bank at the cteaa M eullnl May 24 follewi: RESOURCES 0 anil ivm rf flfUlAk A1J AAA B Id attUtment ww. reaerai k erye Beard ft May IT (8,227.800 BT.S20.619 48.181.etS M TJal v a-old held i W bank 160,570.709 ISl.408.O58 a', with Federal ynnrra ntent ... 104,30,S03 107,488,003 reaemptlen S,18S,811 7,507.711 I tneterv IS Total r." Tal a-old .nrvas (218.5tT.07S (215.500,134 tender notes, P. MP .. 9 414 liK "ft'tlM I ....- "" IT.1.1 MR iPW rewnes. .,$223,770,121 $223,b, i757 dltceunUd. hmi"t obligations. $88,972,580 (30,567.700 Ifiln fnnrUAt II, 1 ,pai ' . ei 18.78S.4S0 19,838.847 JTSaJ "" n Wied ttates bendi M notes ..,,, ... """tea cer Jtjl or I n- ivuncai- iff,ir,S-f": te ..." iuier ;...::::: etal earning asT (68.860,778 23,882,600 7,000,000 1 788,001) 168,515,057 38,652,800 8,000,000 783,000 sets Rj"f. Ptemliea (In aSttfln, aultl . . iTiZ.JI'J cent "-HH .(100,106,878 (100,851,557 ra f u n A Federal !!UMtcd''lternV' 1 etk -1 jaearcea ....':" ataiBiihn JMilnit "ft.1! e r v 0 (600,118 700,000 43.718,813 051,408 (000,118 700.000 50,098,508 647,882 jTeUl resources .(371,683.928 877.860,S9 .-l... . W KiTffli '.V -I ".04M4tl '!, ter o'evV Bpeit'a': ' imtxr "n.i. 1 taarA 4rM. v"7 il - nirwuni, . LIABILITIES B.V1,UL 17.04&.U 2S0.000 17.'94S;i46 277,000 105,881,268 107,088,294 766,706 1,189,170 , heservel .....,." VIUHI .Hitiinn ' derai nVi."l Bank ,.. .".""V8 n;;,,'n.a: PUT Item VI"la r iiabiii. 80,809,310 (183.121,645 16,693,000 2,995,556 1,030,980 7,538,000 48,852,470 049,351 Yft.W M i.laaa. :.:.- SE, IS 0RAfj Mil )t,' nim. nt iu km ... m.m1- ""iijr 1 lift i,.XS?,,BU u -, ..,WUa wl .683.028 (877.360.81b a te dapealt and Fed i'tla combined, week cent! pravleua wtek. i,' bllll Durehaata for u'TjteiV.. GOSSIP OF THE STREET Speelftltlef are cewlni in for a' large tnare of attention, and In the last few days the wider mevementa have beea confined very largely 'te these selected itsuea. Curiously, meat of them are miking new high prlcee for the current movement, aa well as for the year. In f6rmer days, when these obscure Issues began te show eigne of an awakening speculative Intereet. It was generally looked upon aa a reliable signal of an early, culmination of the bull move ment. In these daya they were desig nated in the category of "cats and de-is." . This application could net hardly be made te many of the laaucs which came Inte the limelight the last few daya. Many of them represent solid prop ertied, and lit some Instances the move ment la the reflection of Important de velopments. There are. of ceurae, some tiei'Ulatlve pups Included in the bunch, but the majority thus far represented a wholly rcepedtable class. tiinclalr'a DlvMeBd Policy According te Street reperta certain members of the Beard of Directors of tha Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corpora Cerpora Corpera tWh appear te be In favet of estab lishing a $4 annual rate, but a number of the most Influential eemfcere believe greater satisfaction can bf given the ntockheldera by paying a regular rote, nrtd at the end of each year making a liberal eatra dividend If earnlnga war rant such action. , . .. . These directors, It la said, argue that a quarterly dUbureement of fifty centa a ahare aheuld be autherised at once, and that In December, or aa toen as .the tUll year'a business is approximately known, a $2 or $3 extra dividend could probably be paid without making very deep Inreada en aurpluj. They feel the peHcy of extra pay' merits should be definitely established, btjt that each ear'i extra should I vary in amount in accord with net profits of the j ear's business, se that stockholders could fed they would receive P'eP" proportion ' of , earnings Wgardlesa Of what these might be. instead of waiting indefinitely for a dlatrlbutlen of sur plu. i . i Healthy Growth in Basinet rxtiMi.iI a all iatlMs banks In this city report an Inireaslng " lT funda from betbburfiness and cdmmer cial garters. This is accepted ai i N- iieeie proei 01 vu " i ;j"y improvement In liualnesa condition Heretofore", the quIcMhlng of trade was very spotty and ofaiperadlc! character. Within the last three or four weeks, there has been uniform ga n in most all lines, and these appear te be of a nreareslvc trbe. WfeLtnest casss dupll- fatlena renresent a doubling or tne erlelnal order. MAa m . . The Dreaaer apanu ier iunu mw come eomrmhet earlier than expected, as it he been generally believed that no real extension of demand for money from business or commercial circles would appear much before the crop sea son. ( Underlying Conditions Improved "A study et national conditions to te dav." says the Franklin National Bank in' its monthly Digest of Trade Condi tions, "ahewa a gradual but persistent ihmmm in tha tlamane for labor Snrl a steady betterment In underlying con ditions. Such basic factors as iron nnd steel and. In fact, all the metal nre ahewlng steadv improvement and building' operations continue te set new records. The greatest unemploy ment recorded Ik due te the coal strike nrtd the strikes arttl lockouts in the Eastern textile mine." Kingdom of Netherlands e TCln(nm of Netherlands fiftwear 6 per cent slnkint fund bendi. of which .-1 l.ij -J 4tt At -7K.AAA AAA t-uildera was offered by bankers here last February, have revived little at tentien, although the offering was un usually attractive, xnese nenat ma ture In 1072 and are non -callable for tn ranra. Currentlv setline around 00, thev yield about fl.4R per cent te the callable date, March 1, 1038, and about 0.21 per cent te maturity. Kethtrlnnda' 6s nre Issued in the monetary unit of Helland, the guilder, which. has a value , at par of 40.2e. Principal and interest are payable in Amsterdam in guilders and In New Yerk through the office or union, Head ft Ce., in dollar-rat the rate of exchange prevailing at the time of payment. A Kinking fund provides that beginning March 1, 1033. 1-40 of the entire issue will be called by let annually at par and interest. The coupon bends are in denomination of 2500 guilders or $1003 at par of exchange. Brought Many Smile When American Ship nnd Commerce touched 20 In yesterday 'a market nleasint- smiles appeared en many faces in the various beard rooms. There were geed reasons for It, for quite a number of Phlladelphiana who had bought the i any-reark, inter ruptien te 4Ji . The low for the cur rent year wrvs 5. The company is in position te bene fit largely from the proposed Subsidy Bill, but, it is understood, It is alue in position te greatly enlarge the Income account by reason of several very fav fav erhble contracts closed several years age which will give the ships a large percentage of the German trade. Yes terday'B demonstration, however, was attributed te the election of Wllliaiu H. Weedin te the beard. Baldwin Official Family Changes in personnel of the Baldwin Locomotive Works which Involved cre ation of several additional vice presi dencies was done te round out and strengthen the organization. Jehn P. Sykefl, who has held position of vice president In charge of manufacture, was promoted te senior vice president and given two assistants, both with titles of vice president, one in charge of manufacture and the ether In charge of plant and equipment. The vacancy caubcd some months nge in vice presi dent in charge of engineering by death of Kenneth Rushton, who lmu long been Identified with plant, was filled by pro motion of Mr. Qleencer, who had been assistant te Mr. Rushton. William A. Russell, who had been geneial pur chasing agent, was given title of vice president In fharge of purchases. These officers will cover all Baldwin plants, including Standard Steel Wetks ns well as Baldwin Locomotive Works. TUB TRADER. NEW PLANT FOR BETHLEHEM Carey Printing Company ee.lnt Erection of One-Story Building Bethlehem, Pa., MJ 26. TheCaiey Printing Company, of New Yerk, ha3 decided te locate in Bethlehem and yes terday n contract for the erection of a one-story building about 800 feet long In East Bethlehem was n warded te F. B. aiassmlrt for nearly $230,000. Werk will start today. The plant will employ upward of 1000 men and women. The weekly pairell will be between S30.000 and f40,000. T5' 'I! t'41 or rnuaueipnians wue nna oeugnt stock-shortly after ita organization a where from 25 te 471A. the high nil had seen it drop with little or no lnl ild i nln turnovers a ear. aaa Bpiuanaa column rafl Hnll in tha Yvatie. Lscesa even day. a moiwrrvaev. It will Day you te -. ..... . . . uusuMssr ' UKO It 'Man and i STEEL TRADE IMPROVES ,m ii Aetlv Damantt for tiruethral Ma terial tonte Mills, en Dvl Time Sale of rtettftaple hare' iet -ala-talned the level of the pterl-nw week, but general condition ahew, an Im provement, say Dun' JUvl-w ia a summary of bueinees la the Phlledel ulila district. The iron aad atel a ket ahewa an improvement, aad Indus trial plants are operating at greater ca pacity. Demand I mere active for "true tural material and me mill are work leg en double time. The review mekes the, following com cem ments , ' v - "Pig Iren melt l lnereaslaf aatle aatle facterlty. Foundries throaghent the country nre getting Inte better pro duction, many of them being exceed ingly busy. Seme report they are se curing better price for their caatiaf. Ne single industry It reeetlble for the improvement, bat apparently the entire -iettatry I moving e te a mere active, nerfnal basis. Even the machine toelmaafr feel the revival and it la pected thltt Improvement will seen be reflected In the local foundries, which, up te the prenent, hare Had little te de "Paint manufacturers, deller In paints and painters' supplies rfert a slight Increase. Purchase angeir te be in large- quantities, but the), -elunw of burliness is. lees then anticipated, and no decline I looked for In the near fu ture. There I little change In prices and collection are report 10W. "Wallpaper manufacturers, Jobbers and dealers report, While there Is a moderate Increaee In tnistnese, .pur chase are in email quantities aad lea than generally expected during tbl p. ried of the year. It 1 believed there is a moderate increase a compared with the same period of 1031. "The hardware llneehdw teadt, but slight, increase. There teem te be a steady demand for. almost all line of builders1 arid shelf hardware, s well a- heuft furnishing goods and atitotne bile aceeeerie; which la sold very largely in connection with the hardware business. This Is probably due te the fact that meat retail merchant hate net replaced their stocks of merchan dise In a big way, and new, that the demand is made by the cerisuralng pub lic, the retail dealer Is obliged te go' out and replenish many items which, In turn, bring Incteased order te the wholesaler. Owing te the reduction in prices, as compared with 1021, It I believed the profits would net ehpw much increase ever the same period the year previous. "The condition of the cement market remain unchanged, owing te building activities. There is a geed demand, and prices are fluctuating. "The chemical, market show some improvement. There 1 a fair demand for some lines. Price continue a little low. "The naeer market continues te show -Deme improvement.. There is a. fair in crease in eaiea, aitneugu euying princi pally is in small lets for immediate necde. Price are fluctuating, but in clined te advance. ' Yin the oil market present indica tions point te better business. Mer and larger Inquiries are received, ana the Increase in price of crude oil It an Indication toward better business. "The electrical trade reperta an in creasing volume of business. Jobber and retailer are busy en demand fef household specialties and ltber-sivlnt devices. Bullding'operatieaSr.abOw a Increase which is CAuilHg mere ActM demand for wiring; and'Insteilatiett work, manufacturers are,-, active ana the general situation is" reported ,te show an Improvement. r - , "The leather market I' quleV and prices art steady. Belting butts are in bettet demand and aubitantl) tale of medium-grade sole Maihir I noted. Shee manufacturers report a fair in crease in demand for kid shoes. Black glazed kid la in Only moderate fle? mand, while colored leather la selling Well. Prices remain firm and raw. ma terials are high." Federal Meaerve Ratie Waahlnaian, Ma: arvea je . net llablll oral Raaarva aa of May 24. 1SJJ, compared, with tha pre pre vleui week and k year ate follew: Bosten New Tork . . Philadelphia yieveiami . Richmond . Atlanta ... Uhlcaae ... St. Leull . Mlnr.earells Kanaka city Sanaa ....... en Francisce Total 77.5 May 24 . fne : m era n 89.4 a e May 17 78.B ;;;;;; t 73.0 41.0 M.7 m . 4 75.2 m 8?: 71.8 77.0 ItSI May 28 71.4 58.1 ! m St. U, 8. Certificate and Traaaury Net I.C. Menth Tear Bid. . Akd Yltl ,.w ioe a is BV tn5 8V TMV Ti4j Aur. Sept., Sept.. Oct.. Dec. Mar.. June. Sept.. Mar.. All mm. ma Tear lnii. 1022... 100 J4 p.-.-.-p M ?': iii.,.,.i ri, ill a i., iei la-is iea i.i 4, 1926 Viil 7 juar.. A fcxerapt from Federal normal TAceapraeia ier paymtni el due en data of maturi .yen Ity. Inemt neeftii eta ti " irr ' rtMAnCtALBIUEfS -Jehn.W. Metrl ha beresu asecl ated with the bend department of Par tly Brdt. ft Ce. ' The average price of th twenty ac tive indttstrtalt declined 0.84 ,ar c-m yttterday te MM, while th twenty railroad declined 0.28 per cent te 85.W. . ' ---The repirt of the Arkanaa Natural ClatCeii-Mny show grot ear-ahas of 2,aMJl In 1021, atflatt $7,UM60 in 1930. Asatt for 1921, totaledllO, tetaledllO, 070,482. ceaipared with $18,787,480, the preceding year. The Southern California Kdlen Cata piny is efefing 110,000 ra of com mon stock te holder at 8101 a ihtre, payable In mMt. or, at $lftt,payaU $5 per month i per share until the full pur chase prtc It paid. ' The lUygl Typewriter Company ha called a ayieial meetlna of stockholder for JtMf 0 t tote en a onmeaal te chang tkf preaent stock of flOtf a r Kr sMclr of no par rata. ddirfeti tha tohhel4rti,,wm fee aeked ta iiuthertxe 02,338 " of common stock witneut par vatM te be used in m!datlng the back dividend due en the preferred stock. Timeni Piajrs-Lasky, Cerpera tlerl renertt COftWiditted net operating mreflu for three mehtlH ended April 1.J including drily mMtilntlf owned 001 per cent or mere, of iJla,25. This U after de-Jacflng all char-fee, and" -( nerve for federal ut. At'tr allow lag for dividend en 8 per cent pre f erred balance remaining wai equivalent te aaaeal jrate M 110.82 it share en 308.884 state of cammen -Heek. The, Leetard Oil I)mi-fttat-in. Cem pany a,nnvune inns me miic arrmgat in imt J. w. TjmuM. Mea-arel aV Ce. Man1 Luciane Kestrepe, Jehn H. Dennas and syflnet irennaicna wep aetutn and die4tiiu-M. NetJCe of the settlement df the litlgatldit 14 given In vft of tumor that tBl gait aftecteJ the prop prep brtiet of the Leenard Exploration Com pany nid the IXSnard Oil Development Company. y The Secretary hi the TrittUry, dndef the authority. Of the act appretf 1Hi tember 24, 1917, , a amended, offers for aubcrptl6rt, dt -Mr and -tccfued In terest, tfifedgh the' Federal Reeert-e bank, treasury CertlflcatR of In debtednen. HetlM.TD 2 1022, d.ted and beitflfif lnfrt from June 1, 1022, payable uecemeer ip, -iwh, with in terest at is Annum.. A at thh fnAt tm will be for $309,000,000 or thereabouts. wcemeer je, irca, with la the. Hit. ei 8Vi. per cent per AMliCJttef. wilt be rejelvid derai harye Sank, fte in- LOCAL MlNtNOI STOCKS TO.'CnAM fOCfc4 Caih Bey. irA sutler ............... laeNlmara piMent l'34h .tUUnsUri ' '. '. '. '. ' '. ', I . fenun j..:. 'amk. flfaa . . . . al"f"" "Jrhl"' neleue E'lla. nepl KMM:eH 1 Wait Tonep'ari ".!!!'.'.!'.!!! ! .02 uivlDB i-fccua, r mtADMi wft ilijWW? .ti; .Wi4 lalcnir KatMlleni . . . . Ol WftlSaiV.::::::::: :?f Mytda Ceft ...i. 02 ilvldend. ,,..,,:.... 0e edit pivldfl ir. ,?..... 004 iirm'ii ....;..... in 0. K j(, v....v iivmt'dS.'.'.'.Vi'.V." Ifcajweueti 3 1 Knox . lifrtr atlr tuthwland onepan i 'Anaaalt 1 eons ?... OOLOfltLD tOCK Mth J)? lemb .rriHIen 01 ii.memidMluVfluYi;: iqranea , . . eldflild Cen ' a-Rev., flald Man rat BarU Jumbo RxtenileA Hewanee Lene Star ned HjiiV ' KllUr Pick Spearhead MISCBLIiANKOlJ Ampara . Oj Arlaqnla United 8 :aie pen a m jandelarla ?' Men O' Immi ihr 01 Jureka, Crne-us 2 lurekZ, Helly ei leeia Sit aran i?j etner 1Q . I' fliicctsa vd. Hills. . vada wnr . . Tecdpa Mlnln .... VAlcanci Wftite caps Wllbert Llyrpel Cotten m aril- wwa nftiTi lu.fvai na erainftry, v.Hva. tBaaiaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiBaaaaaaaaaaaa Copper-Brass -Lead-Zinc STEEL SCRAP Yeu can flffUre the recovery value almost te the penny en this let of aurplti SHELLS & SHELL - FORGINGS War Department Sale Sealed Bid Philaitlphia, fa., June 14, 1922 This sufficient urn I nre i the Government can iriv. vi ormatlen te enable you te tell, almost ZZlfJU Z "" ' eibj ana inn peundatl "'feP-per, braaa and lead you are blddtag upon. Here la a sample descriptien: m lOT NO. ektloiMer-jaieneral Ordnance Dupet, Seuth Arrtbey, N. J. Appez. 148,986 pra. 4.7" H, K C. 8. biivii cinpiy; wun copper reiatinar Sf.1 etEa,ia5 . wlhl'vy .AXSZSK apprexirnatfiy jbt. Appre . Bte te ai weight. 3,888 trea JeHB. The shells are loose In warehouse Sjmllir descriptions ceverina- , ,! a reheuse. the 16 lets r-il" V5.K.r.TVf ..', ". "" nn dbcii fort i.JFJ.kil l"!.""'"" U0 Peces or snrapnel offered, will be sent en. request. Descriptions irem i no nasi mrormatien aval hi. available. also nlA but are net Th GetrMn( r-' icrpei (At rigfti rcl anf or all M. guarariteed. Fer Ceaaaltf Mmi,n mi FrajMJi, mtUtt- PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT ORDNANCE SALVAGE BOARD ' ' FruifribrtJ AratnaJ PHILADELPHIA, PA. - jVe-rap h$ue ki'la-v.. - . 1 r ! ' 'if i $5,000,000 The United Steamship Company, Ltd. ) of Copenhagen Owner and Operator of The Scandinavian-American Line and Other Important Steamship Lines Fifteen -Year 6 Sinking Fund Bends Dated Kay let 1823 Due May lit 1937 Interest payable Mar 1st and November lit Cottpett band $500 and $1,000 each; may be registered at te principal ':. A Tial-al and LriteteK payable at the effka of Brown Brether ft Ce., New Yerk, fiscal agents of the lean, In United States Dollars, exempt from all Danish taxes. Annual -rianrnf fimd tMSimmff May 1st 1925 equal te ene-twelith of the par amount of- bendi issued te be applied fe itrchas of bend, if obtainable, at net exceeding par and Interest; any unexpended balance cf tttch ftrtd en December 31st of ach year shall revert te the company, Redeemable at any time, as a whole only, at 105 and accrued interest, COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, NEW YORK, TRUSTEE . -$ THs feflewtaf Lqfermstiea bu been furalihed us in a letter signed by Kay Reinhard, Esq., President of the United Steamftlp Ce., Ltd'Cepenliaien: Business The United Steamship Ce., Ltd., organized in 1866, is by far the largest of the Danish 1 """' steamship lines and cme of the leading shipping companies in Continental Europe. It owns and etttrates tha dtandmavian-Arrierican Line which has regular passenger and freight services from New Vfk and ether American ports te Copenhagen. It also maintains important routes from Copen hagen te most of the leading ports of Europe, Argentina and North Africa. The company has a fleet of IIS vessels including two large Diesel meter ships in addition te 100 barges and lighters. This fleet aggregates 208,000 gross tens (British measurement) and the total funded debt, if calcu. lated igainst tha fleet alone without reference te decks, real estate and ether assets, would figure at only $25 per gross teri. The conspicuous strength of the United Steamship Ce. at the present time is duel in considerable degree te the excellent adaptation of its fleet te the local services between ports in and adjacent te the Baltic and between the Baltic and the Mediterranean; services requir ing small bbits of special types and largely non-competitive with the excess tonnage launched dur ing the wr period. t)Sbt These bends together with a small issue of debentures maturing in 1926 and certain real estate mettgages constitute the sole funded debt of the company. All the vessels owned by the com pany are entirely free from mortgage lien, and the company agrees that no mortgage shall be created as long as any df the present issue of bends are outstanding. Earning The United Steamship Ce., Ltd., Copenhagen, has had a long and unusually consistent ' ' "' earnings record. In no year, since its organization ih 1866 has it failed te shqw a profit. During tni five-year period ended December 31st 1913, average net earnings were equivalent te five and ene-qtiarter times the interest charges en the present issue of bends. In the thirteen years from DecemberJtist 1908 te December 31st 1921 net earnings were equivalent te nearly twenty times such interest charges and in 192l, a year which was generally unfavorable in the shipping industry, net earnings were equivalent t6 mere than eleven times these interest charges. These earnings ia derail are aaioiiews: ." I llll itit ms -AMI.!! .. 1 Net Earnlnga U2T,ffi l4ej,vjej 244f,4 1114 llll 1118 117 1818 .-. - .--, ... -i .. . ..1 Nat Earning . $2,311,004 1,241,10$ l$,724,e)0 4,34,aaa 18,834,800 llll 1120 1121 mivjL -at-. svtAMMrau ?"- Nat Earnlnga $18,118,800 $,88f,8O0 ' 3,32S,8W . WYer Atttaie $1,571,000 5-Year Average-17,548,880 3-Year Areraft J,830,000 Nete: Xrerier are cenverted into dollar at par of exchgnge 80.MI, the present rate being about $0.21. jejiiefe Aer giving, effect of the present financing te the balance sheet as of December 31st 1921 the T etmtiny hag net assets of mere than $20,000,000 at the par of exchange, which is equivalent te ever fetir time the amdunt of this issue of bends. PwfjMia sfliius The proceed! of the present issue of bends are te be used te provide for the require T . ' ' menta of the company's program of ship construction in the current year and in in wis .connection it sneuia ee netea that the company's building program, requiring only $3,000,000 'te complete, Is in no wise burdensome. ' 1923. about "4k. Jhe Abtive letter and information having been received by cable are subject te correction, Application will be made te list the bends en the New Yerk Stock Exchange. Ws offer the abdve bendi when, as and if issued and rectived by us and subject te the approval of out ceunitl in Denmark and our counsel in New Yerk, Messrs. Cravcth, Hendersen, Lcjhni. will aria de GfriderJ. Interim certificates of the undersigned will be delivered exchangeable for definitive bends token engraved and prepared. Price 95 and interest te yield 650 Brown. Brethers &. Ce. Lee, Higginson & Ce. s. 'Rw Wjn,l!!ty h -' Wormstlen !i tsken from sources which we believe te be reliable All cerivmidhi of krener in the body of this advertisement have been at par of eaVbtnge Itsi, ipts ' Empire Gas & Fuel Company 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock Writ for tpecial Lettter B HENRY L DOHERTY ft CO. 804 Merrle Bdg Philadelphia BOUGHT-SOLD-QUOTEb I Geaeral Oat ft Electrie ti, 112$ Lekiffk Power SNarides , 182T Teantiite Fewer Ss, 1882 , Esspire QatftPaeJ 8s, 1124 ft 1128 C4mmweaHkPew.,Rjf.ft Lt.Cem. BAUfcft, STARR CO. New Yerk MM7sf 'Recter fltrrai Direct Private TIrpiette btt. Officio In Continueui Busineit 'BOiftaM MOYBR r Ct. ''a si iMflii near tietuait fUNtcims & DROHEftS 11 Chestnut Street "a-aifca-Mn 1 1 1 1 ,KfcJtJ HIEflMMOCREYtfO, CeetiflasJ ftjbUt Awij4nle Dfjii limldiai. nidlaa j ti '.tfaamie-rL ... , DIRECTORS Ore.BunhHAu.Ja. U'iiuam Weed CMAailiWHtlitk Chai.E.Iuoisseii A. A. jAcanjN SAMfnM.CuswcN ClAMKceM.BaeuN SrivtMl HtCKtCHla AvsarD.AiepMwi ). Basten TewnitHO C. Fun's C. Stew Binjamw Ruia Wiuiam Feit CituiNT B. Krwseis Chaum E. MATHta Hash F. Baku H Mr Francis A. Lewis, President of the Real Estate Title Insurance & Trust Ce., said te us: Credit is as sensitive as the most delicate watchspring. It has been compared te "A broken piece of beautiful porcelain; you may put it together again and it may seem as geed as of old, but the cracks are there 0 and we cannot forget that it was broken." Central National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth Cafrfml $1,000,00 Surplus and Undivided Pretj- Eemed $4,eoe,oco rfc?U Bres. & Ce. publl MrUtty rrurtttr gHnth gxrttanaa tluUbtn-j. 9MU. Diamond Ice 6c Ceal 6s, 1939 Lehigh Power Security 6s, 1927 Phenes t I eruat 0tt0-lt-S-t Private 1'tienas in New Tork A Beatem tlMt'. has tt 'aier v4r lest 4e. sJi r tr,M,l,l,J L ieraa en any 8Hl Miht f 8. W. Strtea C.f Writ tr ear teekW S-Q aad leant tha weeee way. S. W. RRAU8 ft CO. if BUILdERS OF Special Machinery General Machine Werk J. &G. RICH COMPANY 122 N. Sixth Street Telephone! Market SStl Penn Seaboard Steel 78, 1923 GARRISON A CO. wictma auiiDihe, ritiuvetirHU UIH.II, rlll4lpkla Imt tlr,., hi. V.rt Iwk rfiKi tfLir.9,1, r.lllll,Mi tlrtttMIO Mxr .-w-4 j IIIH ' I ,., mii ii. ! j aaaaaaansHawSBBaBBBBBaaaaaaa NEWIUROEI. ANDERSON LOEI Mnbm New Yerk sn4 Philadelphia Stock rscAattgM Hi 1 itii'-rl fj-aWt r 1..1 ? w mi wm Ji-tetjl ,WMS n .MS If (, m 7Z . .! I 4 1 VI : li J& i ,, i; 4 && ,A$,y" AHAt'lStt&iS. , iiiA' WfKMVi !Z,:jL iTt i-aJttUaaalaaO-tr-i ,