TOW MWilli ii "';,',..' 'jmwiM wAa u iirMnV,.rWEi' Wmi''V' r.Tf'J': ?4vi'S $K-'' V' V SVEMInG PtiBUO. ; Lfaj&ii Jl& i Hi ' 28 j; WTRiXMEm wf Czechoslovak I - Republic K :: 8 Secured External Staking I Funrf CeM ei of ! R .!" Due April 1, IBM. if. Secured by a tint i1 specific charge en the customs duties re and the net profits . of the tobacco M IK , monopoly of the U m, ' Republic. H b Price te yield about II I 8.10 II 1 TheN.tienalCityCempaay II H v Philadelphia 1417 Cbestaut St. II It I Atlantic City Chalfonte Bleck II it j 122S Boardwalk R , ( , if II il I ' Baltimore. M-. t ' Registered 5 Bend If 1 due 1930 te 1935 P , 1947 te 1952 Iff If Prices te yield If about 4.15 VI ' 11 . K it Circular upon request , I Harris, Ferbes & Ce JET aBKB .. A. . nite St., car. wimam mariaf TnH It Philadelphia Offlcs 1 Wldener Bids. k Telephone Spruce 7040 B ' KM I si' r I I i 1J' 'k h il mi GENERAL RETREAT MADE BY ITS Judge Gary's Optimlttib Address a 8lgnat for General Cevering wen NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS 1 Tax Exempt Bends for Investment During the past 12 months prices e! bends free from all Federal Income Taxes have advanced te such an extent that it has become increasingly difficult te cheese these which provide a satisfactory return. We will be glad en request te submit recommenda tions of bends that are ab solutely exempt from all Federal Income Taxes and yield 4.50 or better. New Yerk. Mav 26. There just enough favorable influences en hand te make the bear crowd dig for cover In today's stock market. The free covering brought a higher rangeef prices In most all parts of the list. The trading was net en the same big scale as In some of the recent sessions, rat wan bread and active despite the re tarding influence of the approaching holiday. Judge Uary s optimistic address Be fore the American Iren and Steel In stitute gave the constructive forces a powerful lever. They also had the as sistance of an easy money market with call money renewing and leaning Inte next week at 3 per centi The $200, 000,000 Treasury borrowing was less than expected. Then it did net take market long te get ever the scare from the railroad freight rate cut. Te the contrary, overnight consideration of this incident left quite a different Inter pretation, and there was a disposition te give mere thought te the possible wage cuts, which, in the opinion of the majority en the street, dovetail with the rate reduction. It waa pointed out in some quarters when tbe big advance in wages was made It was retroactive, which fact, It was believed, the rail- nnu uuiciais may auvnmageeuBiy em ploy in the present situation. The slight railing off in Federal Reserve ratios was net considered Important and was easily counterbalanced by the con tinued easy condition of the money market. In bis address Judge Gary said the country new seemed nearer the pros perity that had been ahead of It for years, although at times obscured and expressed pity for "chronic, blind, deaf and foolish pessimists." As te the steel industry, he said, "volume of business Is large and Increasing. The profits arc net satisfactory, but few, if any, ought te .be doing business at a less, and v.e expect seen, I hope, te fettle down te a readjusted basis of , prices and rates that In fair and reason able and en a comparative parity." He came out 'quarely for a tariff high enough te protect American Industry, but net high enough te permit produc ers te oppress consumers. Ralls, especially the cheaper grades, were taken up mere actively during the mernlnc Lake Erie and Western common and preferred rose l'.s and 24 points. Rending common and first pre ferred made like enlns and Lehlah Val- ley, New Haven. St. Paul and Wheel ing and Lake Erie preferred rose 1 te 1$ points. Mexican Petroleum con tinued te feature the oils, increasing Its rise te 8 points. Crucible was strong est of the fteels. but that steed and related equipment? were less prominent than usual. Specialties were featured by Coca-Cela, which rose 3 points te a new high record, and tobaccos added te yesterday's gains. Hemphill, Noyes C& Ce. Meinears New Yerk Stock Ezchanga Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Yerk Pittsburgh Bosten Seranten Let Angeles Albany . Syracuse Baltimore Wilmington Bridgeport Commodity Markets Federal Farm Lean Bends All Issues Bought Sold Quoted Elkins, Merris & Ce. Land Title Bldg., Phila. Members New Tork Fblla. Stock Exchanges GRAIN MARKET Chicago, May 26. The wheat mar ket opened steady, unchanged at Vic advance, despite deliveries of 801,000 bushels en May contracts and early in the dav was only moderately active. May worked up te $1.20 or c te lc advance, but at this point encountered renewed selling, and quickly sold off lVjc. It was generally conceded th May deal was practically ever, although there were believed te be a geed many odds and ends te be evened up and further feverish fluctuations were anticipated. The trade, however, was giving mere attention te ether factors, and the crop news wa considered the main factor which is likely te dominate the market. Cern started unchanged and later eased off Vac te ytc with a very limited Interect. Oats were steady en expert talk, but price changes were extremely narrow. Previsions were steady with opera tion? entirely In lard. Hogs opened 8c higher. trv close Dlv. ales In t 209 .. 1500 800 3100 100 100 100 200 100 100 200 200 100 200 1600 2100 100 100 900 200 100 200 5500 100 200 100 1500 2600 100 200 100 800 2700 I 100 35U0 100 100 400 300 300 300 1103 2400 100 100 1600 300 4200 1300 300 1600 600 200 4900 200 100 1300 13800 4100 100 400 900 100 200 900 200 400 100 16101 100 1809 103 3100 900 100 100 3503 200 100 4100 600 100 5590 1600 2600 1700 200 230 5033 100 100 14930 400 330 200 700 100 830 200 100 200 100 ;;; 8Ji 76(4 37 H 81 STOCK Hlth .. Adams express .... esj .. AJas Rubber 17ft . . Alaska Junaau O M 1 H 4 Allied Chem Dye 72 7 Allied Ch A Dye pMOSH 4 Atlls.Chalmera .... 4tjj . . Am Agrlc Chem . . . SBH .. Am Besch Magnate. J .. Am Can .ii' 7 Am Can pf 103 7 Am Car ft Fdy pf..!20 .. Am Cotten Oil 27H .. Am Drug Syn ?H . . Am Mile ft Leath pf ,71 ft 7 Ant Ice ......' i ( Am Ice pf 82 .. Am Intarnat Cerlt.. 48 l Asa La Frame Una 13 ( Am Locomotive.... 118H 7 Am Locomotive pf '"J . . Am Linseed 34 V4 . . Am Safety IUser. . . 7 . . Am Ship ft Coin. ... 20 PI . . Am fimelt 8814 Am steel Foundries 38 H 7 Am Steel Fdys pf . . . . Am Sugar Ref ....'. . . Am Sumatra E Am Tel A Cahl. .... Am Tel ft Tel 1" 12 Am Tobaeoo 142 J 12 Am Tobacco B....139 7 Am Woolen 93H .. Am Zlne Ld ft Smlt 1914 .. Anaconda Copper.. 34 J .. Ann Arber pf 45 4 .. Assets Realisatien.. 14 6 Asm Oil 126M Ateh top ft San re. 994 6 Atch Tep ft R r pf . 91 V4 . . Atlan Blr ft Atlantle 4V4 .. Atlantle Fruit .... 4M .. Atl Gulf ft W I 3 B 39 Vi 7 Atlantic Ref pf 11SM .. Atlas Tack Cbrb... 20 .. Austin Nichols .... 30 V4 7 Austin Nichols pf .. 87 7 Baldwin Locemotlveiien .. Baltimore ft Onte.. 48 H 4 Baltl ft Ohie pf .... .. Barnsdall A .. Batopells Mining... E Bethlehem Steel.... 5 Beth Steel B .. Brit BmSUxad pf. .. Beeth Fisheries.. . . nrnnhlvn PMlenn rtS .. T4btim nnnM Transit 274 .. Bklyn R T qtfsefdb 234 .. Bklyn Union Gas....1 10 14 .. Brown Sheef 49 J4 8 Burns Bres A 13BH 7 Bush Term Bldg pf 97 . . RuttA Cenner ft Zlne 7 . .. Butte ft Sup Cep.. ...Butterlck Ce . . Cadde Cen O ft R. California En eking. .. California Petrel .. 7 California Pet pf . . .. Cal Zing ft Lead. 10 Canadian Paclfle 6114 494 114 7614 78 M 29 H 64 24 Lew 65 14 ' 71 109H 4914 38H 4914 4814 108 120 27 V4 BK 71 H 111 89 V4 48 U 1314 IIS 1154 3414 7 20J4 65 H 38 H 9814 75 ft 36)4 61 12314 142 1384 92 19 '4 84 ft 454 14 128 994 91 :;; 99 115H 20 :e4 iisS 48 61 H 48 H tH 76 fc 2914 64 324 2714 1314 79 6114 ,. 964 . 10 ..142 Central Laathar .... 40 n . Central Leather pi 73 J4 8 Central of N J ....'" 48 H 40 H 75 6714 124 20 H 37 H Certain-teed Pred . . Cerre-de-Pasco Chandler Meters . 4 Chesapeake & Ohie . Chicago ft Alten . . Chicago & Alten pf rfcl a. V. Til nnwi. . .... ee -.. -; - - ,-j. . Chicago & or wesi - . Chi ft Gr West pf.. ?H ,. Chi Mil & St P.... 'f ,. Chi Mil ft St P Pf.. l S Chi ft Northwestern 7514 .. Chi R I ft Pacific. 4414 . Chile Copper "H ,. Chlne Copper ..... 31 V4 ,. Clev On Chi 4 S L 69H 4 Ceca Cela $ ,. Cole Fuel ft Iren .. 3414 Celum Oas ft Else.. "7J4 ,. Celum Oraphophene ej Come Tab Recerd.. 6?H , . Consel Cigar .... 7 Consolidated Oas .. Consel Textiles . . . Continental Can . I Cent insurance ten lie 1314 66 7414 Cern Products Ret. 101 11900 IH Ceaden ft Ce 4514 Corn Cern Max July September . . wheat May July .. .... September . . nTfl- Julr 88V l.SS i JiS l.lT's Rye uiy Open si" 1 2S,, t2lg 1.184 SSH July September .11 T2 1 02 06 11.70 0014 COTTON MARKBT New Yerk, May 26. Business at the opening of tm cotton mark was mostly local and without much feature. First nrices showed losses of 4 te 7 points. I influenced by peer cables and generally favorable weather In the belt. Bulls laid I stress, however, en private predictions , for Increasing cloudiness In tbe South Seuth et tomorrow as possibly pointing te mere rain In Texas. It was reported , that the commercial the condition 69.3, j ear. anneal had made ngainst 6S.4 last July October . . ncemDr 20 3 ;n ns 19 05 If There Is a Market We Can Find It We held sales of stocks J,fanruChry..:::::::::. i'Ss and bends every Wednes day, charging Previous cies open !0 2T 10.00 19 as ll.TJ lSft 13 00 Nesn 20 Si 20 10 ie.sS 100 200 200 100 400 103 100 200 200 600 100 500 1000 300 200 200 900 300 500 300 200 300 200 100 103 100 400 200 700 3400 430 100 200 230 100 100 103 330 3403 100 26203 100 200 6100 1200 300 2300 100 7414 IH i S1.5U en trance fee for each item. Our weekly catalogues and postal card service reach every mar ket. We take pleasure in furnishing quotations. Barnes & Lefland Bleck nrnkem and Aurtleneeri 147 S. 4th- St. K FOR SALE 20 Shares of Acceptance & Finance Corporation Sr Preferred At $35 per Share GEORGE N. FLEMING 221 LAFAYETTE BLDG. I'hrrw! I-er-iburcl At 14 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET , New Terlt, May 20. Owing te the small Fiiprdy of ceffep available here. July shorts feel that the outlook Is for small deliveries neit month and they are inclined te cover. On the call, prices nthani'Pd 1." te 2." neints. the bulge ear rlm: July te 10.43c and September te 0.00c. i New Yerk. Mn 2(1 The New Yerk 1 nnftee nd Rtianr exchange will be eloped en all Sattirdnjs during June. Julv nnd August, except the first Snturda.v In July. This decision, the beard of man flgeri announced today, ai made at the renuest of members Prev Cloi ... 10 131JI1T ... a ais 9 17 18 100 100 500 1403 200 2300 100 1400 103 3400 200 28J0 600 100 500 200 100 100 200 npitrlhle Btaal Am flUMP . . 24 '.'.' Cuba Cane Sugar.. 164 .. Cuba Cane sugar, pf 35 .. Davisen Chemical.. 594 i . Debeers C Mm Ldt. . 21 14 1 Deme Mines 28 .. Duluth Be S ft At.. 54 .. Duluth Se Sft Atpf 10 J4 .. DuPont (K I) C0..H6H t Du Pent deb pf 81 54 .. Eastman Ked new. . 7714 .. Elk Hern Ceal .... 22 .. Emeraen-Brant pf. 37 5 I End laott-Jehnson . ?4K .. Erie ., "J .. Erla 1st Pf ....-...- J6J4 .. Erie 2nd pf 94 .. Fairbanks 1J4 I Famous Players L. 63 H 10 Fisher Bedy 119 V .. Flsk Rubber IB .. Freeport TexaJ 20 4 .. Gsnera.1 Asphalt ... 63 6 General Cigar 74 H S Gtnerl flectrlc ...1" .. General Meters .... 14S4 7 Gen Met deb 7.... 95 .. Glldden Ce 14J4 .. Goedrich B(F .... 42 H .. Granby Mining J4J4 .. Gray Davis....... 1714 7 Great Northern pf . . 77 4 Great North Ore etts 40 H . . Greene Cananea Cep 33 .. Guantanamo Sugar. 12J4 ., Gulf State Steel ..844 . . Hablrshaw Elec I .. Housten Oil ' 1 Hupp Motorcar ...20J4 .. Hvdraulle Steel ....10H .. Illinois Cent rights. . U .. Indlahema Ref ' Indian Reftnlnir .10 Inspiration Oen cop 42 J4 " inter Cen'Cbpper.. 2ft .'.' Interbore Cen Ceppt 554 Inter Agrlcui or. .. . Internet ceroaei ... r. . .. nnwrt Stnar . . Z5" 5 int Harvester new.. 103 54 . int Mer Marine ... 24 6 Int Mer Marine nf. . e44 ..International Nickel international Paper E2H ' mxInclbleOUCerp.. 18 54 . iron Products . island Oil . Jewel Tea . Jewel Tea pf . Jenes Bres Tea . . . . Kansas ft Gulf ... . Kan Cltv Southern , Kayser Ce. new .. . Kelly-Spit Tire ... Keleey Wheel ... . Kennecett Copper. . Keystone T ft R... 100 2 H internet Cement 33J4 114 23 H 7314 44 H 5 26 K 44 50J4 104 3814 21 N 11014 484 1384 97 7M 314 2714 1314 79 60 964 9J4 142 394 7314 IBS 484 40 744 6714 12H 2014 37 J4 1054 23 ft 27 54 4354 7554 44 54 2254 3114 694 954 3314 87 K 44 69 28 ft 11654 1354 66 74 54 101 45 74 ft 24 H 16H 35 B9K 2114 28 54 10 54 1154 8114 77 21 H 37 54 83 54 17ft 26 19 15 8354 119 18 20 M 634 74 ft 165 14J4- 95 14H 42 34(4 1714 7654 4054 33 1254 84 H 14 8114 2C54 9k ft 4K 9H 42 H 214 4H 4154 36 ft 25H 103 54 24 84 54 17K 5154 18 54 324 154 20 ft 73 43 ft 4ft 16 H 434 50 ft 104 38J4 21 K ISO Net V.M. Cbte. 914- 14 17 14 7lJ-Vtfc ' 109ft IH 4954 .. 384- H 4BV4- H 48ft 14 10S - 14 12054 27H H B- 14 71 J4 14 111 - 14 91 ft sP,H 4854 14 13.14 , 115 1 1154 .. 34j4- H 7 14 20ft ft 6814 14 38H H 98ft- ft 7e&T , 37J4 114 61 123H H 142ft- 14 139 93H Hi 1054 ft 54ft 14 45 14 14 54 126ft IH 99H- H 91ft- ft 414 14 414- 1 3914 H. 11SH H 20 14 29H- H 87 2ft 118H 1ft 48ft H 6114- 14 49H IH 114 H 7614 54 78H ft 29ft ft 6H ft 2 ; 27H ?W 33H IH 110ft- 1 49ft H 1334- H 97 324 IH 2714- $ 1354 H 79 .14 61 H 2 964 H 9ft- -ft 142 ft 40 54 ft 73H H 185 484 V4 40? H 75 14 6754 H 1254- 14 20 54 37ft- ft 10ft 54 24 14 2914 45 114 75ft .. 4454 22H H 3114 ft' 69H ft 614 24 34ft ft 87-H ft 4ft- ft 69-14 28 H 118 114 13ft ft 66 1 74 ft .. 101 ft 4514 H 74ft- ft 24ft- ft 16H ft 35 59H ft 21ft 28 - ft 5H 1054 ft 115H- H 81 ft ft 77ft ft 22 -t- 1 37ft .. 83ft- ft 17ft ft 26 ft ft 19ft 15 - 1 834 1 11954 ft IB - ft 204 ft 63H .. 74ft- ft ies ft 14ft ft 95 - H 14H - S8t 8 17ft 1ft 77 ft 40ft- ft 33 - H 1214 ft 84 .. IH 81 H H 20ft ft 10H H ft .. 4H ft 9 14 42ft H 2ft ft S ft 41ft .. 36ft H 25H .. 103 54 ft 24 4ft ft 17ft .. 51 H H 18ft .. 33 23ft314 73ft 1ft 4454 H I 5 e MH 434 -Hft , Wft- ft 104 I 38ft -. 21ft .. Dlv. Bales inl 8TOCK' HUrh Law 100 Kresre S S, 140ft 140ft 85 ...Lackawanna Steel.. 77ft 7SH ,f00 ..'Lake Erie A West.. 22ft 2JH 1S0f . . Iake Erin W of. 4V 40 300 s Lea Rubber ft Tire. .34 33 H 1200 iu Lehlgh.Valley 65, 64 wu 11 unett a Hnrt ...iei iev 7 Lima Loeomotlve...115 HB 1 Left Candy 13ft 13 .. Loews Ins 17 16J4 Mack Truck 8H 4Sft 7 Mack Truck 1st pf. 86 SB .76 Melntyre new .... 17ft 17ft .. Malllnsen Ce, 21ft 21ft Manatl Sugar 46 48 1 ManhatUn El 8upt B8 BJ 7 Manhat Blev Guar . 52 ft 82ft .. Mar St Rwy 2nd pf 22ft -. S254 .. wariand Oil "i n Marlln Rockwell .. 19H t Martin Parry 33 ft .. Mathlesen Alkali.... 35 .. Max Moter Class A. 72ft .. Max Moter Class B. 23 H IS Mexican Petroleum. 1 33 H I Miami Cennap SOU. 100 1.20 Mlddl fttafea (Vira. IS 300 .. MMval. tMi 42 W .. MlnAStLeul 13ft 7 M St P ft S St M pf 95 Missouri Pacific ...Me Paclfla nf .. .. Me Kan A Tex (wl) 19ft . Me Kan ft T (wl) pt 41 H Me Kan ft T Id aw 28 t Mentana Power ..72ft .. Montgomery Ward,. 24ft .. Nat En A Stamp .. 47 7 Nat En A SUmp pf 91 National Lead .... 94 . Nat RRef M 1st pf IS . Nat RR of M 2dpt 6ft .. NV Cen Cep IBM 8 New Yerk Central .. SO ft New Tork C48tL. SO 8 N Y Chi A St L 1 pt 90 100 100 1700 300 100 300 100 400 200 100 100 1000 100 tee BOO 100 303 200 200 300 100 900 600 200 300 BOO 200 1200 6100 200 100 500 800 800 200 itt J22 aH. New Tork Deck .... 36ft rrew Tork Deck pf . . 60ft v tee 7300 100 300 8200 J00 TOO 100 3100 100 100. 200 1500 8000 8300 3100 230 1800 2400 100 1000 9300 100 2100 200 100 100 500 e New Tork N U ft H 14 U, New Tork Ont A W 28 7 Norfolk A Western. 108ft 10 North American .. 66 North American pf. 44 ft 5 Northern Paclfle .. 77 H .. Neva Scotia SAC. 32ft . . uxia, rrea a net .. .. Orpheum Circuit... .. Otis Steel t Owens Bet Mach . . . Paclfle Devel Cerp . s racine OH 6 Pan Amer Petrel e Fan-Amer B . . Panhandle . 2 Pennsylvania R R. . .. Penn Seab Steel .. . . Per Marquette . . . . S Philadelphia Ce ... 2 Phillips Pet .. Pierce-Arrew Moter 19 ft .. Pierce Oil 10ft 6 Pitts Ceal 61 ft 6 Pitts real pf 95 54 7 Pitta Steel pf.... 95ft .. Pitts A W Va 3514 100 1 ft Pend Cteek Ceal .. 20 100 6 Pestum Cereal 77 8 Pestum Cereal pf. ,107ft . Producers ft Ref .. 44 8 Pullman Ce 1 21 ft Punta Alegre Sugar. 43 ft 3 20 14ft 36ft 10ft 33 60 7ft 41 H 13 , 33 I 3? ft 34 ft 200 303 400 330 100 200 200 100 400 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 2 Pure Oil 32ft 8 Railway Steel Spg.,104 .. Ray Cen Copper ... 17ft 4 Reading 80ft 2 Reading 1st pf .... 53 2 Reading 2nd pf .... 53 .. Replogle Steel .... 35 .. Repub Iren ft Steel. 75 H .. Rep Iren ft Steel pf 934 .. Republic Meters .. . 10ft 8 Reynolds Tobacco B 46 ft Keyneia spring Ce . . 46 400 8.20 Royal Dutch N T.. 63 ft 200 .. Rutland pf 44ft 100 .. Santa Cecelia Sugar 4ft 100 1 st Jeseph Lead ... . 15ft 100 .. St Louts San Fran.. 294 100 ..St Leuis Southwest 204 300 . . St L Seutllwest pf . . 49 800 . . Seaboard Air Line. . 8 500 .. Seab Air Line pt... 12 500 .. Bears-Roebuck .,.. 79ft 1100 .. Sinclair Oil 36ft 100 ..Se Perte Rice Sugar 49 ft 200 6 Southern Paclfle .. 92 100 .. Southern Rail .... 244 200 .. Splcer Mfg Ce .... 204 300 4 Standard OH of Call 15- 100 S Standard Oil of N J18754 300 7 Stand Oil of N J DfM4 200 . . Sterling Products . . 48 200 S Stewart Warner Spd 43 500 . . Stromberg Carb . . 4 1700 7 Studebaker 121ft 100 7 Studebaker pf ....112 200 .. Sub Beat Cerp .... 54 100 .. Superior OH Cerp.. 7ft 200 . . Sweets Ce of Amer. 3 ft 100 .. Temt Cern ft F "A" 1 54 930 .. Tenn CeP ft Chem . 12ft 1900 8 Texas Ce 49 330 4 Texas Gulf & Sulph 46 ft 100 ,. Texas ft Pacific... 33ft 600 1 Texas ft Pae C ft O 294 200 .. Third Ave 23(4 9500 6 Tobacco Products .. 76 ft 100 7 Tobacco Pred pf ..102ft 1300 .. Transcontinental Oil 18ft 100 3 Twin City R T .... 50 9300 .. Union OH 23ft 200 10 Union Paclfle 1 39 ft 400 .. United Drug 77ft 600 .. United Rwy Invest. 15ft 4800 .. United Retail Stores 68ft 200 5USCIP& Fdy pf 70 100 ..US Express 6ft 400 ..US Feed Products 5 100 .. US Heffman Mach.. 25 6600 . . U S Ind Alcohol ... 60 600 .. u S Itsnlty & Jmp.. 70ft 1600 ..US Rubber 64ft 200 6 U 8 Steel 101 800 7 U 8 Steel pf U9ft 100 7 U S T6bacce Ce pf.109 1200 2 Utah Copper 87 H 100 .. Utah Securities. .. .. 17)4 200 . . vanadium Cerp . . . 100 .. Va-Car Chemical . 100 . . Va Car Chem pf . . , 400 6 Va Iren C ft C pf. 500 .. Wabash 9630 . . Wabash pf A 400 .. Wabash pf B 400 48ft 30 ft 69 ft Mft 3454 24 1 Weber ft Hellbrentr 14 200 3ft Wells Farge Exp 2800 930 600 200 700 100 1200 1930 400 100 300 300 1100 100 Western Maryland. . . w Maryland! pt. . . Western Paclfle . . . 7 West Elec Inc pf . . 4 Westing B ft M 76 . 12ft . 21 . 21ft .1014 62 ft West E ft M 1st pf 72 .. Wheeling & L E.. 13 .. Wheeling ft L E pf. 24 54 2 White Eagle Oil ..26ft 4 White Moter 48ft .. White" Oil Cerp.... 9ft . . Wick Spene St Cerp 18 .. Willys Overland .. 9 Wisconsin Central.. 29ft Kx-dlvldend. 19H 3314 34)4 72ft 23 H 133H 30 ft IS 42 ft 13H 99 24 ,56 ft 19 41 H 28 7214 2454 v44ft 90 ft 94 18 18ft 90 ft 80 90 36 60) 32 28 108 64 H 44 54 77 54 32 ft 3 20 Mft 36ft 9ft 63 H 63 H 59 754 41 H 124 33 39 Sft- 9ft 61ft 9554 95 ft 35H 20 77 1064 44 121 43 H 32ft 104 17ft 80 ft 31 H 53 35 75 ft 93 j 10ft1 46 ft 46 63 ft 44 ft 4ft 15ft 29 H 30 H 4BH B 12 78 ft 39 ft 49ft 914 24 H 20H 114ft 87 ft 114 47 H 43 53 ft 121ft 112 5H 7ft 314 154 1214 48 ft 46 ft 33 H 29 ft 23 74 ft 102ft .'B 50 23 54 139ft 77 ft 15ft 68 70 6ft S 29 9 70 ft 83 101 119ft 109 7ft 1714 48 ft 30ft 69 ft 14ft !3 23 H 13H 76 12 20 H 21ft 109 ft Mft 72 23 ft 26 48ft 9H 'I 29ft "7 ' Newlm mmm m MUCHFUEfUONE U. 0. I. rHaerS Naw High UvtV but Tracftfif iWas , I ExoteaN A- ft ft 18ft ft 8 8 90 1 3614 H 6014 H 33H 'B 28 108ft H 63H 1ft 44ft ft 77ft ft 32ft ft 3 20 14ft ft 36ft 9H- 64ft 67ft ) H 1 ft 14 154 ft ii 'in ft ft 60 7ft 4114 12H 33 3954 - 53H 93ft 334 20 77 107ft 44 121 43H- ft 32ft 54 104 ft 17ft .. 80 ft ft 53 2ft 93 1 35 75H ft 93 - ft 10ft ft 46 ft, ft 46 ' ft 6314 1 ft 44 ft -.1. , 4ft ft 15H .. 29H ft 30ft . 49 8 12 79ft 36ft 49ft 91 H- 24H 20H 115 18714 114 - 48 43 53ft 121 ft 112 5H a ift 12ft 9 ft 46ft ft 33H ft 29 H B54 2354 H 70)4 50 23ft 139 ft f 77H 70 6ft 5 29 59ft- 70 ft- 64 101 119ft 109 - 67H 17ft 48ft- The (one of the gmmlvllttia ths local Market was Mach rtapajpr aad nrteea were) inaer all aIeaatka UaA waus activity waa cennnea w , the tradlaf sJww a bresdenlaf tssi eftaer and a esfdanlac deataad fer'sieat of the rtrtsatatlvs shares. .. . . U. O. I. resaalBed In the llaaeilght, addlag a MbsUntisl fractleaal .gala te yesterday.'B warp advance aaa at same time established a aew high for the. year at 404. Tha tradlaf, hew- ever, was neither as aeaty e as ani mated as witnessed In yesterday's sesr. ket, but the supply was still apparently small. Nothing tangible caatt eat M threw any light en the' meresaeat, ani talk of an Thcrease la dividend rate appeared te be entirely presnatare. The affairs of the company uneraeeaeasBiy are much mere' comfortable thaa thay were a year age, but tha Impratesaent, encouraging as it may be, Maa set reached sulkknt propertleaa te war rant any hop f a change la tha divi dend policy In tha Terr naar future. There is little possibility of anything being done in this connection uatU tha local gat lean preble.hasbeea satis factorily adjusted. , P. B. T. made gcraTy, reaching W, indleating 0sa;Hfartag8 of the two preceding sesslensNjiad baj Quickly digested. .Tha share of tat underlying ceapanleg were alaeuimar, bat the trading was en a Terr small scale. Philadelphia Electric shaded un der 30 again, but apparently hadvaua hadvaua nert en the reaction, while tha tt- ferred sold up te 29. making a petat gap between the two shares, with betl4 paying the same dividend of 8 per cent. Lehigh Valley featured the raOraals advancing IH peintt. PenasylraaU Railroad was steadier and Lahlgh Navi gation moved up point, te 70. Buf falo and Susquehanna preferred en-light aalea earned a point at 00. Electric Storage aBttery rallied abera 44, but this movement with that of General Asphalt was without local im pertance, being largely a reneciionei tha movement en the blr beard. Amer ican Oas and ePnnsylvanla Salt were snn icaiurcs i iue uwun mum $400,000 ,r First Mertgag Geld Betwli M iMiMippi Vidliy Power Company Je Ssrift. MA" Datael May 1, IMS - - t lf47 Continental hni CammircUl Trust mi Satinet Blink, I Chicate, Trvttetn - OiiarmnUsd te Principal, Intrat t and tinldng Fund Payments by endensmtnt en Mch Bend by Fert Smith Light and Traction Company. Ittasacs aad Oaaraaly T: isJ h At Atkasas RsMreel Csidwlu These Bends are an absolute first mertgag en all of the properties te be acquired by tha MlsaiMrippl Valley Power Company. Power will be purchased from the Fert Smith Light & Traction Company under a favor able contract.. Net earnings of the properties te be acquired for the 12 months ended December 31. 1921, war mere thin 134 times tha annual interest charge en this Untie. , fn The MNMewMnf U maar tha aaraaHam at tha Byttrt9 Mnnaartn-amA Xenaaamaa Corporation Nv Prlc. 91 asd htantt, te yield 6.75 ' ' '', H. M. Byllesby, and Ce. j Incorporated f j 111 Bremdway, Naw Yerk ; PraTielasKa New Hsyssj Chicaga Bastes Philadelphia Stock$ H ft ft 1ft ft H 114 "ft ft ft 2 ft ft ft H ft rename trig Net Lew P. M. cbs. 71 71 .. 12 12- N 44 4414 I 8 85 . I 18 18 -11 Vi 11.. l 7ft 75K 85 66 1 K) 83. 88l & 41 41.. 72 72.. 80 80 28 20 .. g 20 29 . 82 82 V4 0V4 OK Vl 86 86 Ul i.. 42 42 . ea 53 ;r 62 62.. 8 8 25 29 m m tefensatlsa aad ataMatfea meat are net anasaataea, bat ana w mix seurees and ws la' ttle .adrertU. ra miainsq xresa lava baan believe them te be aeevreu. Htth 20 Am Oas.. 71 35 Buff & Sus t c pf... 55 lSOfCh ft Alten 12 70 Elec Ster new .... 44 100 Gen Asnh. 65 BOflnvlnc Oil 18 ZOO Lake bud. 11 115 Leh Nav.. 75 50Leh Val.. 66 125tN Y N H ,& H.... 88 608 Penn BR 41 0 Penna Salt 72V? lOPUa Ce cum pf., 89 668Phtla Elec 20 360 de pref . . 29 1380 Phtla B T 82Ti 55 Badle Oer 5 . 20 f Sinclair. . 86 85Tone Bel. 1 45 UnienTrac 42 740 UO I.... 40 160 de pref. . 58 20twestingbse Elec ... 62 60 War I & 8. 8 50 W Jer A 8 85 70 Yerk Rwy 25 tlfet ebanse mad by cemparlsea with last sals en New Tork Stock Bxtbaat. FmXADELrHIA BONDS 2000 Liberty 2d 4s '42 ref. . 99. TO 2000 Liberty 2d 4s '42. .lets 90.00 10000 Liberty 3d 4s '28 reg. . 99.84 12600 Liberty 3d 4s '28 reg. . 99.96 50800 Liberty 4th 4s '38.lets.100.00 100000 Liberty 4th 4s '88 100.02 8000 Liberty 4th 4s '88 reg. 09.80 6000 Victory 4s '23 100.66 2000 Cens Trac N J 5s 82 200 Electric & People's 4s.. 69 2000 Phila EIec5s wl 1500 Phila Elec 1st 5 lets Sixty Bretdwtrf NeVYerlc t We desire te announce that tut- htvevrtflnixti a Canadian Scatritics Department under the rntuidfeirtent of Mr. W. Sturgtt Macomber an authority and specialist in Canadian sccurittis for the past decade. Canada offers a field far safe and profitable fnvsrt merit comparable with that offend by the United . States fifty yean age. f, ,, We invite you te confer with our Canadian De ',; partment for Information, quotations, andcaittisel en1 Canadian QetWetnent, Provincial and CJI'endj, ' 4 and the bends and shares of Canadian Railrtad, J Public Utility, and Industrial Corporations. " J A priixae wire system links our-office-with the. princr pal Canadian Markets. McKlnlcT&.MerrU ' Members Hew Yerk Stock Exchetm 09 98 1 54 -ft ft ft ft H 54 ft PI 14ft 34ft 24 i?H- ft 21 ft 21ft .. 109ft 2ft 72 12ft . 24H 26 t 17-H 9 2ft- ft July September December March . . . Uld. Op-n 10.40ff4S SSSflSS 50 80 DIVIDENDS DECLARIO c..h.a.t Penn IIP Llee. qusrterly ef ft aWsSsfiTKa 0 3 rslf-Aflf MB Ol a.. I.. A 111 ua araj. v-a i etttriBJi fceraitYss company. tre of 1 r.c.? IrTadaltlen te menlbly S Mr esnt. SSth payable "" 25 te stock of record h panrn r n sc ,-iiHirmpni -' -v I.w..w.. ..r- -.-.-...-.,. MfeV 10, .. ., L-an.b -Th. WPklv alatam.nt al I Rtlfldlfd Oil OreWii7J' .-V": T' ... .. . ..... y,. V,. ..-I k, - - a pa -" i Edward B. Smith & Ce 1411 Chestnut Street Ulnibtrs New Verk and I'nlladtlptiis. Sleck Esch&ncea Investment Securities Philadelphia New Yerk fnvla. May the Hank ct Kr men hewi th :ollewln rhinin Jn tranci Geld n hand lncrid I5 000 aller n hand Increaewl 32,000, 1 note in clrculntlan decreased 17.1 005,000 treasury drpealta Increased -S 312,000 gen eral depeelts dtcreawd 131 US One bills dla dla reuntfd Increaeed 8,7S8,DO0, advances de creased r2 3J4.OU0 The atate repaid the bank 150 000 000 francs Bends paper accept, M t-B' w WHkes-Birre Oe A Electric CeS'a 1I9S nai. KSiireai ad Kqulp. f Indiana. S'a All Malurttles if Indiana.. B's 1V ... rety. neMsen m rnieT9n... iviv 4ariaaaM M'Jter Company .... All lasuea S3S: peSrK&rite SmkwM K. Phillips A Ce. ri'ctvxW'' Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rediscount ratjs at tha twelve Fed. eral Reserve Hanks are ae rollout Treas. Lib CenVl Bkrs cirs Deaten 1H New Tork i"t Philadelphia ... 44 Cleveland , . 4i nicumena Atlanta PhtraKO tt. Ul4l JV4 Mlnneaprll J Kansas City .... 5 Dallas ... .... ban Francisce . 4H "V:;;:;;;8 nj 4; S ft 4Vi 4 4 'i 4 4' 4' 4 4 n 4H Cens. QeldSetde Postpones Dividend 14 . May 2fl Consolidated Oeidneld ha oeciesate of dividend en t. suits of year aeym. postpeas anneunclnt payment nrsi prererence June, preference shares until coarse 1(122 I 125 In- par value, nuaru vn -"--- ; -, in.i 11 en nw " " pf7.brt Behaffmr ft Marx, quarterly of IH per cVnt an preferred, paable Jun. 30 te Stock of record June 20. siecK t mnnthl dlv dands Wahl .ramwnf. " "-, nu'artarft " H ......... -:-- ---.- .-l.- nmen ate payabls nd October 1 te Ausust l snlBW. nf flfki etch en per cent en freferji fteSfVK5Fr4aQ:AMas,sffi SSr". 10 a,ockV"rVecerd i.ftmb,r J. Mathlesea Alkali cent en prsierren. ..-v.. .-.. of record June 20. Calumet and ArUen Mlnln Company. euTy of fifty nt, payabi. Jun. Is te "TehlSh ylK Ce"m 38.l... Quarterly of 2. PH able July 1 te stock of rerd aUUnltlid ppewoed Corporation, quarterly of lltWll en common payable July 1 te tock of record June IS. Pennsylvania Water and Power Company, quarterly e lk Per cent, payabls July 1 as "e'dVhftyVrdV 'Cerperatlen. quart.rly of $2. payable June 20 te stock-of record June 1. BAR SILVER Bar silver was unchanged In Londen to te day at eHd. LONDON STOCK MARKET List Displaya Stability Dellar De scrlptlens Featureless v Londen, Itfay 20. Securities en the stock 'exchange displayed stability gen erally today, although conditions cub cub teraary at the end of the week prevailed In the markets. The undertone was helped by tbe overnight debate in tbe Houfe of Commens en the achievement! at the economic conference at Genea. Although leadership was lacking, the oil group was steady. Iteyal Dutch was 42, Shell Transport and Trading 6 and Mexican Eagle 3. Gilt edged investment issues were Irregular, bdt the feeling continued cheerful. French leans were dull in sympathy with Paris. Operations in kaffirs were confined te professionals, but values were hard. Sentiment in the industrial list was optimistic, but dealings were small. Hudsen's Bay was (. Further gains were registered in home rails. Dellar descriptions were featureless, with al: teratlens slight, Argentine rails were quiet around previous levels. ' The rubber group was flabby follow ing tbe crude article. i .. . : . MONEY-LENDING RATKV LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS raenU rail 1TITTIIII1 Till, ft nr sent! lime B per cent; commercial piper, tbrea te six lUI, I vmt u, , .'ayS. . GKTtUQ lUealnts. .! "." lines, ih.dui bt . BO; fat she stock bulls cnlrt. 4000 hsid. Market Sellvs; 'p y-aninss, es.vut ers steady; eanners and Jow-prteed cows weak; mulk fat she stock. tiMmiMt bali. win.. .n. eititcrp, ee.Qvss illvs; basnCsrlrnrm. bulk beef ateera. fSS) ills, calves and stock- 11 UU kUlb k... esnaa bulls around 14.93: bulk, vealsra te iv.ases.TB; outsiders 'upward te packers, 11 Huaa Itecelpls, 28,000 head. Markeat aettve. mostly te te ije filShsr than Thurs day's avcrasi. Tep, slO.el: bulk. Sie.SSS) S!x,PA,t''cten.,0. ,0 hlSber; meU tg VVV lu FOREIGN EXCHANGE ,, New Yerk, May 26. The market for foreign exchange at the opening this merninu reflected a little profit-taking following the geed rallies' early vesterdsy. Sterling was an exception, being close te the top. Francs started In 1 lower, Belgians were down 3, Swiss and Spanish down 1, Swedish down 7, guilders gained 5, getting back te tne nign receru en tne movement, and lire showed a net rain of 1. Marka were down at 84. Around midday tne market wa steady at slightly irregular changes from the opening figures. Sterling held at 4.45 1-10 for cables and 4.44 for demand. Franc cables were 9.124. checks 0.11; Belgian cables 8.48, checks 8.42; lire csbles 5.25, checks 0.24; Swiss cables 1B.08, m.ue: ceseta caeies 10.78; Danish cables 21.00, i!l.r: Norway caniea 18.30; Swedish cables 25.75: rudder cables 38.85 ; Danish and Dutch were strong. Central European exchanges were quoted as follews: Bulgarian, .75; Rumanian, .60; Serbian, 1.44; Gseche- sievakian. i.8z; jugo-eiavtan, .se, bid; Greek. 4.16; Polish, .0250; Fin nish, 2.07; Austrian, .0105; Hun garian, .12, bid. YESTERDAY'S CLOSING QUOTATIONS Sterling Francs Lire Oullders Demand 4.44 B.1SU 6.25,, 88.84 Cables 4.45 0.1SK B.26H 88.8$ TODAT'B OPENINO. QUOTATIONS Bterllnx Franea Ura. Oullders caB.:;:-.:t-eiil tttl lib 11:8 Raw Sugar Market Firm New Yerk, May 20 -rna raw sugar mar- vueas ter Mar soil id nl frelrht. Sales yesterday Included 250,000 18.85, 25.80, S8.U0, checks checks checks checks checks checks ket Is Arm. with heavywelsM. teod and,' eheic. jlOtlOOlO.TOl medium, w.laht. .110.840 .u.d.i. ,i.iii w.iBni. llaht w.lahl. lift ..I.. ..X .... . .'' "T"-' iisnis. siu .'; pacai iu; ' ID DO U.AOl OH SS pound shorn Trial it 4".itf. pawns bows. rjacklnar sew.. rAuha. tlllnt pls. B,810.85. EP lUcelstS. 8000 .head. steady te streugi atx doubles, ch'el Iflfc iS.60t b it Urtt smooth. I.2fj Jamb Market k S2 te beat native sprlnir lambs. Wd. lis.BO; slraiaht medium fsd Texas wethers, 7, rtttsbursh, May as Heas lueeipu. 1500 head. Steady. Hearles, JILIB; hsavy ers. llsbt yerkers and pita, SU.tlO yerk 11.4J 8HELP AND . LAMBS Recajpt-. BOO eneep, top, t.7e( iambs. head. Steady, top 3Ii 00 I 1 CA I, VBB Receipts, 200 head. Tep. 111.50, . , Staady. East BiuYala, Ma: eelpu. HO head. recelpU. 10O hi HOQB 1 S. CATTLE) IU- r te atrerar. . calvas. riy etaia r I hurhar: is neceipt. ayw "-Jfyf 1. n afw,i lORAaW&Sl&tm Hin,K.r.ianii liannn 'nanaiuia. uuu ..SSI quoted at 2 (MB cents, cost ana rrai ler June impmeni ai.nia .p" 000 bags. Cubaa for Juna and Ian r juna sninment at la esnta. 'east frelaht. 10 reflnsrs and operators; bana Cubaa for Juna shipment at S V-al cents, cost ana iraiani. 10 a new Or leans refiner and B00O baas Cubes In pert at 2 8-10 cents, cost and freight, te a local r.finr. Arrivals ex raws yesieraay in. eluded SB 600 bar Cubaa te the Federal te. 100. half bl and SB.0O0 Arrivals 01 raws yestereay nan haa-s Cubaa te the FVH Hurar Reflnlns Company, 18.000 bars te tbe Warner Sugar Refining- Company. 8000 bags Tax Exempt ta Sfsxe ef Nam Jersey Eaesxpt frees FasW unm fsm Legal for Saving. Banks fa Naw Yerk 4b New Jcney $119,000 City of Woodbury, New Jcrtcy V2 Per Cent Sewer and City Hall Bend ; Dated Juna 1, 1922 Mararing SariaUy 1S23.1IM, Coupon Bends eta Prices te Return About 4,30 Lewis & Snyder Stroud & Company 1624 Walnut Straet biesrmrats 1429 Walnut Street the American sugar ma niui ejee bi fn soeo nags te in. m Company ana Refining Company. enal Sugar Refining ceniurnea te an isaa imoerter. The lecnl renned markst la un changed at prices ranging from B.BO te 6,60 cents, less 3 par cant for easb. BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with cor cer cor .pending day last two yearas 1023 1BI1 1910 . 81,000,000 44.84,?85 61,805,788 I6B.000.000 161,784,688 $81,463,980 Y.. t68B,tO,e00 726.18T.7M 784,985,312 head. -. Slew awes. 34.eO; lower. 'lamM.1 Btlls watbers. Jt.M mUed sheep, fS.T6VT.SB. tltlUt jsj T- Qrapplers Find Part of Dresa ' Bristel, Iday 26, Men grappling in tbe river here brought up a small piece of black satin, believed te have been part of the dresa worn by Mrs. Cath arine Butlir, of Harrisburg, who. to gether with Miss Pearl Teung. of Phil adelphia, was drowned in tbe Delaware near Bristel last Sunday when the beat in which they were 'riding sank. The police beat Keyburn, 'of Philadelphia,, came up tbe river yesterday te assist in the search. Special Service in Ohie Securities Members New Yerk Bosten Cleveland Detroit Chicago Stock Exchanges N. Y. Cotten Exchange Chicago Beard of Trade Extensive Private Wire Syetem OTIS & CO. Cleveland Naw Yerk,. Bosten, Detroit, Cincinnati, Columbus, Teledo, Akren, Youngstown, Dearer, Colerado Springs fBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW PSSB SBBBBBBBBJBBBBJSBSSSSjaRjBjgBBj , saj altsiiiLi.MlsBafeBMSBISat4 11U 4 TD A7,riFBS - n Our Faralsa Dparti UsaM i TcaWlars Cbequsslsf usa abroad aad in Aspenee. WlwtaaftnoeayUui4alisViT araraadUy accepted. COMMBRClAJt TRUST COMFakwij Masalwf Pedatal RtMtva tTtssai City " 8uw C S. PATTON A CO. an a crestndt bts. BANKERS h. AnvB WtamMm and &. sabers PhUa. ITfeNgSM isht aai essaV Knu issse. mmimmmmmmmmwmaBS&SOeM SB fiEO.A.nUHNftSOW STOCKS A BONDS r, -beusht and geld for cajhj carried en censeirvativainrr """WJitliJXK sMtHj Lee, HiaiiiiseN ( oe. EataUehea 1141 UH Finance Bldg PhtUdlhla rwn Lasul Title MstaWs MU. aesekj vi ,j r '. $ t Th7 -ef. I m: '... L. i&W ty&iiy&HU J& Kir,