PFnjTmT wn y;i' ju wmm Kmx m '76 i' .rn''5sr.'ff3!HBBifT ,va'.T?:Trjt'r ..", "'iFfW" !' mzrvii r'V. ra "wwjav1 wsrvg: va r ' .TrJKfia tAvtiW ft '. rvji.!: v .v WfrW fivA'-i,s-i r M wi ,, :mv a ,iv n'Mf .v,r'v . "" fim v... WMH OW --vi ,'V,TOi ' " I 'i I I .&M&: I v . -- iy-itwu.m immw J wf MmHnDKKHRBHik' iran K4.;.HHHIIiHIHBIniKn - " '"V WiSWWS MAYA 12 ' W W .?umsii ., 4,w ,ff ,'WB Jti?M 1 M fASSHOREBANDITS ' K ifcaptured ey wj """H"' H tkikn Sneeds TWIV whim In Eight Minutes . . ! . 7 ' - - - - - -.. . M .MaMa GIRL COMPANION RELEA8E.P j ..4 ..&! Amm lXttanHc City, Mny. 20.-Cewring the li ,'.".... hatwcen Ei Harber and Bffe,T". " i rteht minutes Inst night, IT. Troener Peggy O'Neill overtook fefiteJSSSSS two of the alleged meter Iffiu wh'e held up M. Qrar, uermania mm about te cress wv ' JL.. rltv. The men were taken back ?5 Egg Hber br O'Neill and a party 5 troopers who had followed him tafa iKnS nnd were held without ball by iMistrt? MteWllh. .' te thB FidX of their alleged ,crlmc brought M l".c "T IrrrTrnichardMn "Iwenty-thrcc, of Ardmore, Pa., and Al iGrt H. Wntklns. twenty-six, who de- v.i...,t iie is a member of the marine fc corps and Is en nn'elghtrday leave from ft It Is believed the men were about It te carry tnreugn nneiuer- roeoery at the city line garage,v In Egg Harber, SSwhlch Is operated by Julius, Garnlch, 'ben they became frightened at the jilght of O'Neill's uniform and took . Their big machine had just drawn up i'imtalile the eareeb. when O'Neill ed- Hiipreachcd the place en his motorcycle en Kfmular patrol duty. Ne sooner did Withe two men bcc the trooper than they Bljempcd into the machine, speeded it up Kind a short distance up the White Bf' Herse pike made a turn in 'the read to te fr wnl the cemetery. Finding that read v.tindy, they turned back te the paved ' MANY ENJOY CONCERT ...I Large Audience, Hears Frankford Symphony Society In High Scheel A large audience last night heard the concert given by the Symphony Reclety of Frankford, in the Frankford High Scheel, under the aunplccs of the faculty., Veronica .Swclgart, the soloist, sang; "O, Mle Fernande," from Don Den icetti's "Fnvdrlta." and n group of three songs Htrapss' ''Dream in the Twilight,'7 Lleuranee's "Waters of Mlnnctenka," hd Rogers' "The Star." In the last naned llrander MacPhersen was the accompanist. The orchestra, under the leadership of Hedda Van Den Beemt, played Ave numbers with Schubert's "Unfinished" Symphony for the serious part of the program. Among the ether selections given wcre "The werry wives et Windser" overture, Massenet's "Scenes Neopelltnine," and selections from Vic Vic eor Herberts "Fortune Teller." MINERS "DlVlt,; UP" Idle Men Remaining at Pests Aid Brether Workers Huteten, Pa., May' 26. (Hy A. P.) Union ensineers, firemen t pump run ners, watchmen nnd electricians, per mltted by the United Mlne Workers' te remain at tbetr pests for maintenance of anthracite coal company property during the suspension, began te "divide up" with their idle brother craftsmen today when they started te receive their nr Beards of the three hard-coal districts, wages for the Under rut- hnlf nf Msv. ruling of the Executive they ' are te be assessed a day's pay every month for the benefit of the local unions, the funds se secured being, ap plied for emergency purposes. The as sessment Is te be as of May. 21. At some of the collieries' members of the union permitted te continue nt work are voluntarily taking en time te give ethers a chance. I (tfsinqtQn'fflerchants MAY FESTIVAL niml. i AtiK unAtittiA fclnvtAd at.n ftjiM- lj A II1U IIU'V''''.0"" """ " tfnlch, in looking for the license tag, Mw holes in the back of the tenncau 'gnd called te O'Neill that he believed they were the men who held up Graf ten weuucmiuy. vj iivm uiew mi wuiHiie iind Btnrtcd after the machine. He F'st-sed them when they made the quick itnrn toward the cemetery, and when ,ti-ther again came en te the pike tee up J the case, overtaking them et Absecon. ?, Ill II1C IlltJUlliJVtlC VIU&lllWU VVUJU1UU1- V cited with the troopers' headquarters with troopers. They reached there a few minutes after O'Neill had cap tured the pnlr and escorted them back te Egg Harber. ' Arraigned before Magistrate Mlsch llfh, Richardson refused te talk after J Be ge ins nuinc nuu nuurcss. vut- kina declared tnac ne Knew netning ei the Graf robbery and claimed that he bad met Richardson only yesterday. Beth men, however, were positively Identified by Graf as members of the ging who had held him up. When Marched they were found te be almost penniless. One of them had a dollar bill 'the ether bad nothing. They were both carrying heavy caliber revolvers. In addition, clippings relating the Graf robbery were found en both men. , A' young woman with the pair when I&, juey were uriesicu guva a. ButiDm;ivr .'.'wleased. She had lust accented an ln- r!tititlen te take a "little ride." The I jtipti were taken te the county -fall nt 'Mays Landing by a detail of State troopers. i. Jewish Hospital ' . (Nen-Sectarian) f ' DONATION DAY TUESDAY, MAY 3p, 1922 Twe-thirds of all patients treated FREE ever a peri6d of twenty years. Q There is no restriction as te race, creed or nationality. , , ' (J Per capita cost among the lowest, an evidence . of careful management. , A It is rated by the -State of Pennsylvania in class "A." Ah earnest appeal is made te these who recognize the usefulness of hospital service, te aid the Jewish Hospital, which, during the past year, incurred a material deficit. ,$ , Donations may be, sent te MR. WILLIAM B. ROSSKAM, Treasurer Jewish Hospital, Yerk and Taber Readi, Philadelphia A cordial invitation is extended te the public te visit the Hospital en Sunday, May 28, and Tuesday, May 30, from' 2 te 5 P. M., when all the buildings and grounds wlllbi open te visitors. On Tuesday the annual Graduation Exercises of the Nurses' Training Scheel will be held en the grounds. I' sss n i epuldijty( entest S 1 Kensington's most popular young lady -will be crowned "Queen of the May Festival" at a great Coronation Ceremony te be held June 1st. She will be awarded a Diamond Ring, Wrist Watch, $200.00 Bank Account and many ether Valuable Prizes. The 25 girls scoring next in popularity will each receive Valuable Prizes and take part "in the Coronation, acting as Ladies-in-waiting, Duchesses, Countesses, Princesses, Baronesses, etc. VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE Each girl eligible for awards must have received at least 10,000 votes by May 29thr. Every 25c Purchase a,t any store issuing Kensington Merchants' May Festival Prize Coupens entitles you te ten votes for the Queen. Ballets may only be cast for girls who live in Kensington. . Every purchase of an Admission Ticket te the Coronation of the Queen and distribution of the Sedan and Thousand Prizes te be held June 1st entitles you te the following votes for the Queen: 50c Ticket, 100 Vetes; $1.00 Ticket, 200 Vetes; $2.00. Ticket, 400 Vetes. Coronation Will Be Held in the .jjkr METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Bread and Poplar Streets .Thursday Evening, June 1st, 8 P. M. Sharp Tickets May be secured from the Kensington Merchants participating- or by mall from the Secretary of the Festival, 3160 Kensington Ave. Family Circle, Unreserved, 50c Reserved Seats, $1.00 Bex Seats, $2.00 i $1.00 and 2.00 Tickets te be Exchanged for Reserved Seats Later , WOMAN MAY WIN PAROLE Judge Net Sure About Once Nc 4 torleua ShOnllfter '. terday in considering nn nppllcntien for notorious ns the "Queen of Shen- I 3 lifters," but new raid teMiave reformed. (uu nullum, luutiici ui dijl uuiuuuiii was breuzlit here te answer for theftb of several veavs age. She was arrested jn a New Yerk department store several ' .KWD jiwa aailitf. InnlilnM aajaa In.M ama. it "je iiku mini; inuniUK uv Autjii iruu" i.tera which she said she intended buy lilnr for her 100 ncre farm in Clinten !jj Corners, New Yerk. i'i , Maurice J. Snelscr, Assistant Dls ..I-.. 4. .. 4AHA.l aa. At.. .a II 1 mil, illaUlllV, JU1I1CU 111 L11U UJillVU" 'tien ter parole, and bald if the charges nere were dropped the woman would net be nresecuted in .ether nlnees where she Is under Indictment.. "The nriHenpFt nnnnn-ntlv hna r mti, formed, but she always seems te break Bfrem asain," said Judge D'lnletter. "1 WHAn'. ltnltAHH laa 1... a. .1 mi.. uvu i, ucumt; m iiilu riTiuriiiuiiuiiis. xiiuy j don't seem te 'take.' However, there ftte nthpr rnnnlflArnflnnsf that Ati.h IS1 heavily in this woman's favor nnd I will held the matter in adviuement." JUNIOR COLLEGE TO CLOSE K.. ynewark Beard Vetes Against Cen- unuance ueepite petition! Newark, May 20. The Junier Cel- l... XT I. . -. , ui imwurit, previaing a mere aa- VanCed rniirit nt ettirlv .lien flint n ,hlgh schools, probably will be dlscen- uimeu witn the close of the present term. The Beard of Education last Wnt, by a 5 te 4 vote, decided net te ask the Beard of Scheel Esti mate for the necessary funds te con tinue the institution after July 1. The COlIetfe ling linnn In flvlul.tin. nM .... (Tears. 5 ." utuuii et me deem was taken NT in nctIt,n 'rem the student Amy, signed by 5000, urging centlnu- 'J21 0iAn? lnstl'ten. A letter from Jehn Griur .Hlbben, president of friX i Unlverslty, also urged the ,tu ue ceniinucd. 'It . I CONDUCTOR FALLS DEAD Camden Man Victim of Heart Die- M i. wn "y nema fa Aa lira ... 1 ... 1 -,; Ti 'c"v,nB ns .tram after Us X n" the Camden terminal of M.. Ph.? n:?ll1ni" ."nilroed, ant 7:55 o'clock &nJ5 Wilis, forty-seven JC"""; '."' ""woeu nvenue, Cam- Pu5l conductor en the Cape May Di- " f ,r.a. fell d?d efWt RS2?mLplBtlerm tewarl the cenduc- Ot Wlllle 1,'n.l 1 . .. .PnfinV.,1 . u '" me emp ey of the KS2,,?fn,ff . PaUi-end twenty-two Wein. i-VJ. "uu"n a conductor slnce P;hrUumn K, I'rKviuusiy served aa a If eral-emaii nd baggage master. W """ea't P"0" Traneferred 'j,..T "ev Jen T. Swindells who 'd &pWn ' ? "'"Ce tVe BA. '"L" Conference ast Murch, has been ,wansferred te Pnith nhV.Vnh' m..5f?.n ,cenu streft and enrese: avenue" lieJ ("rim iit: "e4" . transferred -.. le -ma Hauctuary te0;" PP". l?l W..hlnflten fbtri ft? TiJv,i:, Jv. My. 20. Mcin Pa.i . l"8. Kmuunting class of the class eflcera arat PrM.i.f Ready Today- NsiviTire Values! rWe have new perfected, for all sizesVthe efficierit manufacturing proc- esses which enabled Seiberling, Rubber Company six months age te an nounce a revolutionizing and superior Seiberling Clincher Cord Tire, 30x3, for $12.50. ,., "A price reduction, therefore, of approximately 12 will be made en all straight-side Seiberling Cords, and en Portage Tires, Seiberling-built te be effective June 1st, 1922. These prices establish a rock-bottom basis the lowest possible for fine tires. "Yeu may say te the car owning public, in connection with your an nouncement, that in my opinion, Seiberling-built Tires embody today highest quality and low cost te a degree which has net been equalled in my 23 years of rubber manufacturing NEW PRICES (Including Tax) Seiberling Cords sa. 30x3 Vi Clincher ' Straight Side , ouxe 2 31x4 32x4 33x4 32x4 yz 33x4 Vi 34x4 y2 33x5 35x5 Prle $12.50 $15.00 $25.80 $28.40 $29.40 $34.90 $35.60 $36.50 $45.60 $46.90 &Z Portage Fabrics yUwbua What This Message Means Te Yeu Six. 30x3 30x3 Vi 32x3 2 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 Clincher Straight Side Clincher Straight Side Price $ 9.50 $10.50 $17.25 $18.00 $22.90 $24.10 $24.60 Read again that last paragraph of Mr. Seiberling's message te us. Remember it is made ever his own signature by a man whose name has steed for achievement in the making of highest quality tires for mere than 20 years the builder of mere cord tires than any ether man the inventor of the straight-side tire the man responsi ble for today's type of cord and the man who made possible the Seiberling 30x3H .Clincher Cord Tire te sell at $12.50 the most talked-about accomplishment in the tire industry during the past six months. Ne such tire values have ever been offer ed as you can new get in Seiberling Cord and Portage Tires, Seiberling-built. These tires embody mere advanced features of construction than any ether tires en the market. We want you te prove these statements te yourself quickly se instead of waiting un til June 1, we are making these new tire prices effective te our customers tefiay. Come in, or phone us. Start today te cut your tire costs by riding en Seiberling made Tires. Portage Cords Six. 30x3 Vi 32x3 Vi 32x4 33x4 34x4 32x4 Vi 33x4 z 34x4': 35x4 Yz 33x5 35x5 37x5 Clincher Straight Side Price $12.50 $22.20 $26.90 $27.80 $29.70 $32.10 $33.80 $34.70 $39.30 $43.30 $44.50 $50.10 Yerk Rend Tlrp Ce.., Jenklntetm. Pa. New Jerwr Aute Supply Ce., nden. .N. J. Ilnrrr McCoy. Riverside, N. J. Aleis Bugglin 1630 N. 27th Street D. M. Gawthrop & Ce. 4923 Germantown Ave. PHILADELPHIA DEALERS W. A.' Ennis & Sen 4328 N. Bread Street Powers-Van Billiard Ce. 834 N. Bread Street I'ler.en'n Gtiruce. Mr.Hu, Vn. Jehn R. Knur. Norrlnteivn. I'n. Ronemeni Tlra & Repair Shep, Kosrment, Pa. F. H. Scott 5230 W lnut Street Harry Beddow 1540 Oxford Pike It man Stein, ChrMrr, I'u, Perklemcn HrliUc Moter Ce., College lllr, Pa. Medel Tire rlhep, I'ottsteHn. Pu, Hetel Freed (iiiriize, Royer.ferd. Pa I.tervlMjIy'M Tire Hhap, Atlnntle City. N. J. KiiHt Knd Cyile Ce., Vlneland, N, J, Mriee Illir Trims. Ce.. MlllTille. N. J. Wenenuh tl.irtkgr. YVrnenali, N. J. W. A. DnnlrU, Uerlln, N. J. Rliner Tire & Hules Ce., Allentown, l'.x. IUuerth Cane, KaMen, Pn. II. T.. Vandrrcrirt. Martina Crrck. Pa. WW w ABr&i tiviiMiiVn MTIL ftlV O'CLOCK Ml O.Mm sv??! rmFl MMtiS ,tetyFirst"aerhes WECTH TO YOU mm. . " SfTh J1.NVi "a-.- V1a! sS HIS WAY TA THE fiBEATESTA CLOTHES SHOW ON EARTH e. m- SOLD WHERE THEY ARE MADE i NO SALES HERE AT MAKE BELIEVE REDUCED PRICES We never mark safety-first clothes se high that we have te cut the price in half en the ticket te make you believe you are getting something for nothing. Ne Middleman te Pay Here ' Mehairs, Tweeds All-Weel Serges Flannels, Worsteds in every color and style wanted. IN CONSERVATIVE AND SPORT MODELS Come en out, men, te this Philadelphia's Greatest Clethes Factory, for your New Suit or Summer Mohair. JK gillf 0i!iilfWs iWI J pockets and cellar &7tOU6ncflCfXCLU bS, piped with silk. I I ka 3 Trousers cut en the e H Y latest f " Made te Your tf'HHfr H ::?."'' &4 JiMiiL Style for the fUJI MnL Hffr;.r.f Mm Unheardef fffl uL I P4z Mjijl Pi ice of M.ef f. irt A 4 K S. RIE3K. . ri AM. oTieoitMGvemWfficemi JIKi wpzipssMmM a pJ-THtrJill t -TivoiiADGveireswmces In that steal Bh R,,;U;nn SsmgW m-A mm meZ-ZZ MMK ummn &ts: aasHBHiSTORE ORDERS ACCEPTEDh Retail Representatives for SEIBERLING CORPS 4& and PORTAGE TIKES 'Seiberling-Built Cas Dees It Better V-y.'aa-aa-aia' criU Cl3 111 I K. J g Term Payments New Kitchen Ideas for Yeu Yeu will find many of them in the Gas Ranges and Gas Water Heaters new being displayed at all U. G. I. store. Enamel finish is the thing today. Improvement in operation and results will also be noted in the new models. Call, or ask us te send a representative. THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO, Read the Classified Ad Z"" ,m Wft ' ?I "i .&.. m mi . vj - V M WM '1 ' Mfci m 3 i i a B I mLsSSSSSSSSSSSSSm . . .''-".- en images 32, 33 anp Vx &&Jr' II Wix M&temmWL tf i." Hi i;rl 5 a: .t hX.iJi: yfe.; f ja; 'taiAft, J A. f (.SlU .liHW., tiC.' 1 ...A. oshte.! '?rjf, m