-tSJ r5i-. BHSKWtvi Kasv Mf ' IP? .rfJv Kra V. 11", B rafi- - t if ( Ek" isn. Mt . SpR !rw rym$w J V $. tlJwV' "w? WfCSSK. 'n.'!- ,1 I wm 1 EVENING PUBLIC LEDOER-PHHTADELPHIA, FRIDAY, y, v? V JL7M l.TiW If ( I lrercZraf,c'lCSJ.T,?ra :r.twiV3sVVv n vnnr' '.yrrifsflft i ?' ifc t ' ,.. " -v-v e- . ---f iAv-r r m f i ' A407O 7iV 77E MW lly IIICNRY SI. NEKIiY vauie eeupitn variable COND rULB control -8:. op ( e ; IF- V a. . 1 tic.'- bedtime lerle for Iho children) Uncle ,VIkeU'i bedtime ter . I 0 P. M. MlM CUra ltuhn. aoprane. ShuUjeld lreblertan Church, The Century Male Ouaftet from lh 11ttburh Chamber i i,x Commerce cherun rtobsrHen Tlllen. i tenor Hey Strner, tner l)r Itus'f" '... baritone. .Inn--. K. frett ! Karl i llns. ccempnli Nathan Weinberg, vtellnlet Schcnertnd Station IMOVI (Cenenil Kleclrlc rempn) W 30 I" M -Knrl "lock ttiaiket qunU j ""ilV M Produce and stock market qui . loiinte liuutiall reeulta nwi nuunii". Al'ce in I "I0LANTHE," FAIRY OPERA, GIVEN BY SAVOY COMPANY Gilbert and Sullivan Favorite Hat Fine Production at Bread ' Breatl That the current season might ' net be altogether barren te the great I host of Gilbert and Sullivan enthusl- Bt, the Snvey Opera Company last night produced "lelnnthe," certainly one of ilie meet melodious of all the O. f u tit t f sn(h phantCf et t i...iA uiiin ilAirfkr rAdr T -itt ! M nvith tutu. ''.""ViMr.'l.'NS ' nml " collehoratlon. for the fJrt e iirnit'h i'y nr itrrnun M !. N three performance nt the Hrend Street -k '". .''"" ''i,"i.",i: :.., ...vr.,n. ' Thontre. 4 I' M lKalrn tnirii inn? mn rrl prerrm CROUND PHONt.5 VAOIOMlTtB BATTtRV VAniOMITCR Here's the "short wne rexenemllve" lioeU-tip at tmeil with the "unit" method of hullillnjr that e hae hern tlesrrtblitB. Six of the unit lit together and Rive the appearance of a complete cabinet. Ilent of till sjntem h that. If ou ant te try ether hoek-upn, It's cas te tahc apart and put together another way. The dotted line li the wiring of the "body rapacity grounds" This He-cnlled "fairy opera" In by no means the easiest of the series for amateur production. Net only Is the mttfttn tt i vnllie. jllffi.ii.1 nnlim. ,.. . ..!... v ,. ti ...in vi mm, mi limine, uill of War RliK Bureau , .ln.ni ,.,. nKM ,. , ,,- A newlj funned peM of the Anierl- nn, llnctueui chnrncterlstlcs of the cnti Legien In New erk. composed of ,ner,,t , diffieult of proper rendition, disabled men. has been named the Last night's performance wag. In al "Polemd Cholmelej-.Ienro I st, alter meR, j oeuntgf one 0f lnert nn,j the Int.' Colonel H (. C helmeley ( i,cnufVi n,e Havey Company with Its .tones, feimer director of the w nr uisk , UHa prodigality has empleved a large Insurance Uureau. and alreadv tia a cast wtn n whepplng big chorus, just membership of 200 v . the kind neccsMiry te put across that After the parade In ev erk en , .. entrance of the Peers In uecorauen unj n urmi-umc .. '. HONOR CHOLMELEY-JONES t ninn Pest Named for Late Head. of War Rlik Bureau furtneil pet of the Ai ion In New Yerk, compos men. 1ms been namei I Chelmclc --lenei Vest," It the kind that takes a minute or two for the modern audience te absorb, Ig nored. The battle of words (set te music) between the Fairy Queen and the Lord Chancellor had just enough of that "badinage se nlrv" te be In the uplrlt of the distinguished authors. The principals of the cast as n rule succeeded admirably in their cliarac cliarac teriratlens. Miss Marie Zarn was a pretty Thyllls and vocally capable; Mrs. Ocerge P. Mllllngten was ad mirable ns lelanlhe, and Miss Anne flujer n most delightful Fairy Queen. The part of Strephon, half-fairy and half-mortal, who was pushed Inte Par liament by fairy backers, was well played by Nelsen Eddy J Leslie Jey was a sonorous Lord Mount Aregat; Jehn Clark 81ms, Jr., sang the famous Hen try's song with real distinction, and Frank Ward, as the Lord Chancellor, rt part he hav played befpre, gave a whim sical and humorous portrayal of that most delightful character. Trelley Injurea Child Florence Haker, eight years old, of 102 North Farsen street, was struck by a Haverford nvenue trolley car a short distance from her home lat night and severely Injured. She was taken te the lrcfibyterlan Hospital. K Feiir crtrd pout, numbering twrnt), win inuiur i Ilordentewn. N J. and fire volley ever the grnve. Members of the Cholme Chelme lev -Jenes family from New lerk and Uroemall will meet the pest members nt the Ilordentewn Cemetery. r. TO ENTERTAIN SOLDIERS Putting These "I nits" Together It mil hnrn Wn hnllilin- nil nf tllOfC Oom. With ?m b K lx.bSr.8,.!eh units that I have been Z?'T.., Coad.t.en recemtnetidiiiK in thee nrtlcie. ou can ey th Mgitn of wnii street, new put together a "short wave re- j r7,Jd,a,1,s"",,n,r nre"dw,l' Keneratlve net and you will see wnac s t0 10 13 concert j,r the Myr Dl a neat-loeklne bit of radio apparatus i nuvu.8tratf'(i Hetel ercnutr thev mute An.l vim will nUn real ze i ac!e)nt II .MicK.tn. ee e hew convenient thl ?.vstem 1 when J Flrslrth; dotted Un reprint, he "-h "" '"nK wiring for the "body capacity creund." J iWettehme) leu mnv think T have been ever-em- a p m uuMbail nceree ittifle. br i v ..' , ,., ...h ..j n,.tL .i.ij.. ...i ary kfice- l"'"" ". .,, : .V 1 i.i. proper style. The fairies are of suf ficient attractiveness and grace, and the noblemen are just Kngllsh enough and dignified enough te be excellent foils. Ner was the comedy, much of of Phil- lnlln Samuel Ktz, fbllx.Mn welln Joef Pmtt im en olte Andrw l'acenia. basj. Oeore Vr pine phatuine this body capacity but just hook up the et and try te J1,l-h. I i. .NI 1 1 - ....!.. MA..H.l ''..".v lmuinptts. ! rrv n (1a.iI. erirnnlftt nf Cnl l Church. I'ltunuricri l.oek mm im work it without n bedv capacity creund i mn of Rninnni rerne I rniveritv and you'll change tour mind ;,rc,P.pl' for Memerln! Drv m Mr ld 1 .1.... , ,.,..,., .e, ,1,.., tt mx'i h r -Moere Weirern vlee pr-e1dKetAm.rlc.tn A lis li I llirnii fcs r e. imt n" !N done Itut It's n nuisance. If ten haven't car d te go te the trouble of "backing" all your panels with tinfoil, you'll have te u-e what a friend of mine always refers te us a "inngic wand " This is simply a stick of thin, but stiff, weed about eighteen Inches long en the end of whicli you wind n tip of insulating tape or rubber or any thing that he considerable frirtien te It. Tills wand is te turn the various dials and te make the adjustments necpfnn te receive sisnals. Net long age I saw in one of the rndie magazines that the same thing could be done with n long lend pencil, but 1 never wns able te make It work. The pnd In th" pencil sepmed te make ltfelf a part of the condenser which the human body is and I found this "body capacity" effect just as bad with the pencil as without The wand, however, does the trick. But it is a great nuisance and It 1b frequently very difficult te make a fine adjustment with n stick the length necessary te overcome this capacity. And with this lmek up you will often find an adjustment only the width of a pencil line will make the difference i between geed and bad reception As the units are nrranged In the Illustration, you will notice that the vanoceupler and the twr variemeters war are placed as far apart as possible, 11ns Iclon Auxlllnrv Derar'men' f lnni in!. 8 30-- Arnchne nnd "Th Cem of fly- Special Performance It Planned for Camp Dix Beya A minstrel show will be given at Carnn nix tonight by the Juvenile Or- snnlznHen. formed during the war. i ) Mildred Celdan will act ns interlocutor; Kthcl Haker will be the end girls. Mrs. Chnrles Haren will be at the piano There will be twenty -six girls lu the cast Special features will be professional tee dancing singing nnd Instrumental musie. SWITCH POINTS SWITCH LEVERS, ETC. WHOLESALE ONLY PREMIER RADIO MFG. CO. KS N. D T. Phene Mkl. 0111 'ihiiiiimiiiiiiiiininintimT Uncommon Sense : A Waiting World Hy JOHN HIjAKK EWS editors will tell you that there "DUILL1ANT minds RADIO!!! Fni belh time end money by con cen etrurthiK our own eet Write for tree detail DUDLEY-VOUGHT COMPANY I tepi. A. 23 Hoetu Bid Street Philadelphia. U. 8. A. news since the signing of the nrmlstlce. Se vast was the war. se tretnen.leus the tiding that came out of it. that the everyday happensings that Inter ested people before 1014 seem new te have lest all Importance. Since the most exciting of all news Is news of battle, information about battles which compared te these of thp war feem utterly Insignificant are little heeded by the public, and are conse quently worth little space in the news, papers. ANOTHER factor in this news slump is the fnct that the world is wait ing though it hardly knows just what it Is waiting for. IJut the problems arising from the are net et settled l nere tins been little readjustment, little resump' BRILLIANT minds that might otherwise be giving off ideas as I milium gives off rays nre busied with ' heavy and tangled problems of world affairs. Parliaments and Congressmen are absorbed with serious matters and. matters which. Inasmuch as they under- stand them but vaguely themselves, they cannot make the people understand nt all. Capital is timid, for it Is never sura1 of what may happen and ns a cense-I quence there are few new and pic turesque experiments In trade or m.inu- ' fncture. HIE contagion of this waiting spirit I the multitude Every man one meets is watting for some' T Is te kepp them outside nf the influence tieD of trade between the nations. of each ether's "magnetic fields, which Until matters a T Irnvn nlrpnilv explained The vorle meters, built in this unit system, would prebnbly be far enough apart even if the units were next te each ether, but in radio, as In everything eKe, it's better te he safe than sorry. There is no eet way of going about operating this hook-up. Te n very large extent, it is simply a case of hunt around until you find the signal you sje after. Then, en succeeding eve nings, you can usually find it some seme ""wbcre around the same adjustment but net always. Of course, the first thing te de Is te find your desired wnte 'ength roughly I en the arioceupler. This is done by varying the number of turns of wire ' veu use in the coils of the vnrioceupler "and at the some time varying the cou pling The coupling is arled. as nl- , readv explained, by rotating the ball beck' and forth if ou nre using the t-tandnrd tnrioceupler, hv raising or lowering the top coil if you are using our home-made spider-web teupler nnd. If you nre using an olrl-fnshlened loose Coupler, bv pulling the inner coil out of the larger one or put-hlng lr in. .I'er .I'er sennliy. I hae had wry little success with a Ioesp coupler with this hnek-up , The adjustments necessarv are tee fine. I have been nhle te hear the speech and music fnjrlv Inudlv. but have never been I able te "clear it up" se ns te make it i really smisfactenly distinct I much ' prefer the home made spider webs te' anv ether kind of coupler, and by the knob nnd thrpnd which I hnv described, veu can get the very finest kind of ad- i 3ustment of the coupling. Re enreful of the brightness of your filament In using this hook-up. If your phetic are iieir, try less current If that doesn't step the net-e us the snmc amount of current nnd see if nltering i the setting of one or the ether of the varioceuplers won't step it When ou hear the first faint sound of the broadcast, get it as clear as you can with the coupling and condenser (if j en nrp using one! and then try Flewiy ajid carefully altering the setting of the two varioceuplers. Try the rheostat again, tee, eer new nnd then. And If you have mounted nnd tapped the forty -fHe-wlt "H" battery as I have advised, try a little mere or 7W cur rent from thar. That, unfortunately, is all I enn tell jeu about operating this set It is a matter of sticking at it until you mas ter it Cert"'. "'. tV u6lif LtAeir fmpini re settled, or en their way te settlement, it eem? idle for men te de anything hut te wait te thing for a msterieu millennium which will et him' te work In the old way, with the same interest in life that he had before the war Such h time Is bv no mentis boneless It is a time of great opportunity. I Achievement is easy or difficult accord ing te the number of men who are striving for It The man or woman who has a grent work te de has n better wait interminably till conferences and chance of getting it done new than nt parleys shall decide what Is te be done any ether time. Fer naif the world about the rreubles of the nations. h dormant nnd in thnt half of the Such a time gives llttlp incentive te world nre tnnnv whose competition Invention, little te original thought or would be troublesome if they went out investigation. after the same pert of achievement. YOUR CHOICE OF THE WORLD'S BEST RADIO APPARATUS AMARAD SETS WESTINGHOUSE SETS CLAPP-EASTHAM SETS Cempltte Stock et Guaranteed Part "Radie Phene Receiving" HY KRItil HAUHMANN PRICE $1.50 reetpald $1.60 Send for this book. Keep It 3 dv for examination. If you are net pleased with It return It and your mene will be refunded. H. Reyer Smith Ce. Victrelas, Radie Apparatut 10th and Walnut Sts. Stere Open I'ntll R I'. M. Dally Miturday fntll 0 I'. M. BEAUMONT RADIOPHONE CORPORATION 1326 ARCH STREET Radie Receiving Sets We have receiving sets en sale, ranging in price from $15.00 for the Crystal Detector Sets for local concerts up te $125.00 for a set capable of receiv ing Newark, Pittsburgh, Springfield, Schenectady and Detroit under favor able conditions. A set enclosed in a mahogany-finish Console Cabinet is priced at $450.00. Each set will be tested in your presence, if desired, be fore being sold. .imiitumiunj FURNITURE Factory Prices We have en hand in eiir warehouse about $100,000 worth Jl high-grade furniture, which we must sell for the factories for whir. we are rnuaaeipmu itmeciKuu.cn. musi convert this fumi ture into cash, and quickly, tee. Therefore, we offer te the publle our entire stock Which we will sell direct-from-eur-factories-to-vnii .1 rprnll tn fnMnrv nrices. you t Te illustrate te you the unusual values wc mention below . few of our effers: 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite asss)..'72-50 Ideal for bungalows, mimmer homes, apartment houses & hotels. 1225 American Wnlnut Bedroom Suite, Queen $1 1 g Anne Period, lrK HO Vanity Dresser, Bow Bew Knd Bed SUITE Very special at O Cholce of tapestries and veleurs. Loeso Baring cushions. Snrlnr seats nnd backs. Sprlnj 1280 American Walnut Dining Beem Suite. m Queen Anne Period, 10 145 pieces, complete A Fine Helectlen of rrled Furniture up te iSOO Whlle They Inst. (10S In the l.et S13.30 BUieli-nmke ; g" i JfJ VACUUM CLEANKnH ze rure Silk Fleei tsi si . MATTRESSES. . ..if .Ml 1J 0-ll. Cotten Matlr. ' " -v.ev ElffiLIOlCOMMiNY Nett WheletaU DUtributer of Furniture of Ounf;u nme nnd 111 CL. OJ Cl Witr.h.L Showrooms M. IT klUi aU Ol. 201-te.t Innl s.. Mft te rostefllee OrJrn Pally S te B Alan Any Evenlnc br Abmu. II Order held until detired for delivery free of chargelXXSBM III We Carry the Most Complete Line of Radie Equipment in the City Gtrmittt Raiiotren U. V. 200 Tabu (detector eny), $5.00 Genuine Raiiotren U. V. 201 Tebtt (detector and amplifier), $6.50 LIMITED SUPPLY rme Ampllfrlni' Trnntfermer $ 4.2.1 Llxhtnlns; Iwltfhr. 100 Amp. Si. .10 Thorardeen Ampllfylnc Trans. S.00 ".V" llnttcrlrs, 0 ell tl.50 Variable rendenserg. 48 Plate 8.25 HendsrtH 3.00 te 111.00 Variable Condensers. 23 Plate 2.2. (ienulnr llnkellte Blnla 1.00 Fad Crystal Deteetera 2.00 A-l Cnst.il lieteeler H.I rorajren Tdheeetala 1.40 fllam nnr-leee.ll Reach I.tfhtn nr Arrelra. , Aerial Mire. 101) feet 40 neacn i.i a M nd g M i Nckf, rMtA Hmdlnit Teala. (Approved by Fire Underwriter) i . . v A,rtfi ,"'V Marvel Set (complete for receiving), $12.00 Open Friday and Saturday Evening! Mail Orden Filled AUCTION SALE By Order of U. S. District Court Of the Schefield Oil Company, Deremus Avenue, INewarK, it. J., eh uie prciuiscs, rreuiiesuay, JMay 31, at 12 o'clock (neon). 37,000 gallons Ne. 250 Red Oil 6,000 gallons Ne. 00 Perm. K. stock. About 35 barrels Ne. 28 Pale OIL 100 barrels red Standeliai Petrolatum. 85 barrels Midco S. S. R. itetk. 1500 gallons Ne. 28 Pale Oil. 18,100 gallons Ne. 3 Boynton stock. 16,100 gallons Ne. 3 Boynton stock. 204 barrels Ne. 685 stock. 60 barrels Ne. 3 Boynton stock. Several hundred asserted loose barrels of oil. ; Ten oil storage tanks, capacity 22,000 gallons each. Six storage tanks, capacity 100.000 gallons each. j Four compounding tanks (called mixing tanks) capacity 45 (4 , 100 barrels. 1 One Beiler Heuse with 100 H. P. Beiler. One New Beiler Heuse with two 12e H. P. Boilers. , Direct Current generators of ."0 Kilowatt and 35 Kilowatt. " Fully equipped engine room 123 ft. brick stack. Four buildings nnd land covering about 5i acres with two nfl read sidings. About 120 feet deck ni.'d 300 feet river front. The above will be sold te the highest bidder without reserve, Wednesday, May 31, subject te confirmation of the court, at Pett Office BIdg., Newark. N. .1., June 5, at 10:30 A. M. Te reach property lake New Jersey Ontral R n from either Vtm Yerk or Newark and Bet oft at Ni'.WARK TRANSFER. Walk SenS en Deremus Avenue about three blocks. Fer further information regarding property and termt write te SAMUEL I. KESSLER, Receiver, Bildcr & Bildcr. 9 Clinten St., Newark, N. J. Attorneys for Receiver, 790 Bread St., Newark, N. J. S. Van Pernak & Sen, Auctioneers I'hene Market A0R4 Today's Programs 1'Mladrlphla Station (WF1I Ctrnwbrlil 1 Clothier) 16 A M Anneuwemnt of T'oven Herse Shew event 1 If. ' M l.ae n.wp Ume. 2 y M -Deven Hern. Shew announce- '"TsO te 4 SO P M f'enrert Dut Ah Mlml Fftlne from l..i Heheme.' Fran C-lel tennr. and J'aul Knl banten Seprano ele ' Ah Keri e luf ' from Traxlaia Doretn- tut r.an" ec elected Male. Feg Tener nelu He fore th IJawn - Frank Onleeriy Ho He Ho ?rane "n mvIbs Eihn .Scinjr linrethv "ex Hiriten nin Kifn Hravest Hi-art from I'num Pull Ktisl" Huet InK, Frank OKlei.h tenor and Paul Bniile. bar ten" Piane eelj elwted .Mjbl Fub lener eolea fny Net Far-well. The We, Llttl" Hut en th HI 1 Frnnk riififpt,, io'rane e J als 1 Itanla from 'MInen ' IliT'tln Fnx '.irliene sole "Temmy l.ad 1'nul Kn t IS ail ti II 1 M I'asehall ecere an te 7 P M Hirn Shew anneunre rn-nie lladle 'lk hv I.U I Kendall, lr T3H i e s 30 P M I'iniert b Hnrarn Kenn e tiriheetra HeraH Ke.in director and n'ane. Huriran llerlech. bun Je A BchneiH- uxonhere Rivmnnd 1J McMena mln lUti William !.utesn drutna rhlliidrli'hhk station IWIP) (lilmlrer llreihrr.i 1 f.O P M Si-eral eelsetmna hy the Oim bl ('rrheetra V 30 P M Iterltai li B A Sweci iUMn (it iilled tiy Mr PrHiirea Ilubceni 3 P M Iamu in i. c en th lliunanlck phonemaph 7 1 1' ,M -Pinal hiaebull neerea 7 in P M l'inl Wlp a twdilme merlee 7 '.'0 P M I IK.e Wlp will call off cn ilnni names who write te him HUH P M lladte dame tnmlc hy the Neiruirtll .Sgdtv Orchentra liter Herbert Weflele lelln tl. Nerman l)ellln flret F U no M' Praniei labc"ck. eecnnd piano lareld Pfarf eaxophene. fienald Uercmann raxephnne Jehn Dunn trombone Harry Kehre lianjn II A Irlddell drums. Mar sucrlle Kraum plnlt. Newark, N. J., Sl.itlmi (W'JZ) (Wetlniheiiie) eterlea tc). - U. S. Army & Navy Bargains f thousands of Bargains Purchased Frem the Government at a Fraction of Their Value! Specials for Camping! Specials for Everyday Use! Specials for the Heme! Every Item a Bargain Impossible te Duplicate Again! Ge through this list of bargains carefully, check off what you want! Don't delay, but come as early as possible te share in this wonderful distribution of U. S. Army and Navy BARGAINS. If ordering by mail, add 10c extra en each item te cover postage. Nene sent C. 0. D.! aW Oil V Jsw Mr U. S. Army (Jes Mask Material Raincoats $3.65 Thii Is a wetfWfu. hariraln Made rt ' S Aran r.ln naik materia cr .'rini; and ab?e- 'utfl uatcrprnef Army Style Khaki Shirts $1.45 f C " 1 jfi $Ur fe T Id. I I m heavy t 1 1 'te 'ulk khak! aL-1 am mi vith two r BeLlil t 'M Hd and flaps U. S. Army White Cotten Undershirts Vi 65c 4 for $2 Olive Drab Cotten Sex SI. 00 a Dezen Sold 'n dnen iM nr v Slze l", 1(11-, 11 1'H J Men's Khaki $1.60 A TrniisPM llP"' T I'. M "Man-tn-the.Moen' BVn.rli Sunday Call. s- IV. (!M 'vrv ,,K 1 S3.00 KxtrT heavv Pne t wt outwear three palis nf i.rdinar .dun Item for ejimp- .ind werK ii rK he . 1 n m m f 4 I ' I m WW Men's White Trousers 1 P, JS'l (a v fPA .65 2 Prs. $3.00 i. vrt l V r fir fl v u h i.. VAVV fuill wft.l A jled v. it n i iff bottom I u u 'i 7 U. S. Marine Ju mpers 55c 1 for S2.00 Will outwear anv jumper m a d v AM brand new and perfect. A 1 1 eizea Cotten Pull-Over 15c Drawers te Match Very fine, light-weight cotton Pull-eer style, with Bheit sleeves. U. S. Army Jean Drawers 35c .3 Prs. $1.00 Made v.th elastla Reams rlhbed bot tom double stitched and rt-lnfetced I u. s. Army Munson Last Shoes $Q.45 al(rprenf Finn A real fm Munson Inst fhee lxtuH calf russet lratli'T, ertra heavy fceles U. S. Army Blankets $1.95 V S Army ellp drnb wool, n Id.itiKetH. practical for eiildtwjr and home use. Wi IkIu 4 lbs Ili-Kulnllen nt. i'iK8l In Heul alue Ih f C () U. S. Army Tents Guaranteed te He Waterproof i H1 Ol. .Shelter tt'iiia, piiriranlfcd .itorprnef. ' r I mtV empieti Mllh nes biava e11upflhl ( 1 Heles F'er rmntiltiLr .mil Mtilpiulhl tiln' I a lent for the I'hlldien i Telescope Camp Cot Blue Chambray Werk Shirts 85c frill i Nainsoek Union Suits 65c Fine rjuallu naln naln naln aoek In wanud ath letic styles All aIzch In aleck Army Officers' Style QUrt.eC $0.90 U. S. NavyOSp Middv HatOL i W I aV V Tailor mndu of HtltCllllIK rat Iff brim, with 118 rows U. S. Army Aluminum Canteen I -I .45 JL "an be eet up in a miriute Ailjufs Itielf nuieiu.-itlrullv mi iiiiupii L'leunil Size 70x30 Inchfs' slien open, 31x7x5 ( whin i-lesi-d Weight If. lbs. ' Made of dark tan nalfakln, er,x mm fertab'e and drceBy. llubber heel nnd rawhide leather Blip sole waterproof v keticc tiic ceuahiiic HADU Cups 10c Made te fit the canteens 25c All Sizes U. S. Army Meat Pans Heuulatlnn aluminum style. (Jet Our Prices en Tents I and All Cnntp StOVCH Other Camp Needs HI U. S. Army Pack Carrier for I Brand JllHt tllP hlkliiK. t rave 11 n k New thliiB a in pins ote. A Kreat s 00 III! thine for 45 U. S. Army Aluminum Canteen hver Hhlrt ut full and renrnj with two large pockets All nlzeH from mi i; A- Mail Ordcru Filled. Add 10c Extra for Each Special Open Evenings Until 10 P. M. S. GOLDBERG 1227 Market Street Open Evening! Until 10 P. M. Jl I alAi '' 1 1 19 fj IS Made with ecrew j nv tepn Ideal forcef- li 1C fee, nlse for camp Ing purposes 'J U. S. Army Canteen M Cevers Tlayln Card! and ilJ r' u,?' tattn ;&' ' t F y J5. I 1.9 .Tl l t ( Y"i u i. !'! ZSv ,kh. 2fL. ilfl rj&W (a. jV.C .vTf.10 "History of