Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 26, 1922, Night Extra, Page 24, Image 24

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DGrER PHILADELPHIA. FTtiDAY. MAY ' ffiy ifl22 '. .."'.. ' ,H
. i
By Sir ial Cake
A Outspoken and Moving Study of a Deep Sex
Manxman," "The Deemster," "The Eternal City,"
Problem by the Noted Auther of
"The Weman Theu Gavcst Me.'
Aftcr'Dinncr Tricks
.. rBR-.V- OF THE STOIIY . , ,
TICTOtt STOWKU-CMtl .tmlee e) the Mle
vi man. 111 n memrnt or nituuni iinn
"J has te prral Inter tirnllf nee eier the
". aw, nan incii moriens uun
MBHHIB COLUSTBHA inilimiie iirmrirtl
Bin. u,he luuncr. lur t liuitliiiiifc rhid
ni(l (. uviteiirrii le i(nli, S(n loin I'lr
ler chum,
ALICK UKt.LAuretnhle hut nemrwhul
Utak, who pctsuntlei Uriilr le brlrath hT
.. Itlf in him.
FXHMjLA N7'1 I K A er,,if-limr'.il mut
htqnHlitl ulr' n Hi riilwniiri IiImh en
uemem's ri0il ii Ini ( 1 1 Ien null Irtnr
end he iiih h i . Mi- lurenifi It. . i,
FROM tlini time tnrwnnl tlie .t ni
went about 1il( n erlinlniil
He sliced mi iiiiim t'.e fellnwiiiK d.ij
te think uiii liN 'iins. All hi -i In-tin'
revolved nticui ('itli Hu-lien Tl
freat, jrrnj. i-t 10m ! fnttn . '
was he te pet the pr'smiii nut f i
HIh firet tde.i wns t" ni tin- i.iiur
who wn a tini!i e . up I li nl i.Mitf.i
tlens te hi faiiiib Hut In .iIuihIuih I
this tllOllnllt liltlllT fimi t Ml (
old innn prru'iMi" miihIh- tl..m fm'i.
qunlniN of i cuiM ienre
It will Tiicilii. iin' Heli' - exi-iii-tlen
Initl bc'n K.m1 fur tin- Men.li Cm
lewltiR lm til- !.! I .i"'i"l wlilii.in
brln-jlni! ni be-ti'i- tli.mi.1it t. him
V the time mnin ,n luM for tin1 -itr-ntlnii
In H'itntieii iiii'ii'ii-ul. einl
en TlmrMlni tilclit nl-e
nbetit. tli nl in?. thiiil.ni-
he rememberpil -wtiietliliiK
key te tV t. m-i'er"-
te the 'it'.ti nnii thou!
y. i
..iSSfr Shlu,
-rvlRta. vvT fi!H . I
lie Knew
e ei ape
hew Itessle ('elllstrr
fpllll C'lstlc Ittlvlll'll
1 10 tOsl"il
At l n-'tli ,
11.. Iitul .i '
iltiti ' n 1 1 an
li the .lei s
aln-n-v li.ilt .. mi I lit' llll(li' II tHMII "I
iBBCOpe en tine I te linn
On Frldiu inertuni: 1' w- '" ' "'
Jniler's room It li.ul born tin- miaul miaul miaul
roem of the mtli' nnii n buiu :i!if
with souvenirs of nrl -t time amps
plans, n uitl is ihnt li i 1 been iipmrv"
In a fidht witli Spanish pir.ne-. a Mini
derbus that had been iise.l b Mati
Fencibles. n l.oibe.ird. a line of hind- j
cuffs and a lepe. in a elas ms... that
had been usen in the lianelns of a Manx i
"Yeu haven t mnn prisinier in the
Castle new Mt Vetidv-'"
"Aw. no! Didn't our Hener dis
charge all but one nl the last cenernl
"And net imiel. iemp.in
"Only Willie Shlinmin the turnKey.
and he's a drunken coininei.il. alwas
wantinR out. and newt mip' of com- i
. Ing back at all "
"What about Miur fom.ile w.mlei
"Mrs MilreaV A ihitu woman. kIr
Net been here since the trial, and it it
wasn't for Mi" Stanlei "
"Dees slie roine eften''"
"Nearl evetj tla new. sir."
At that moment there was the chins
of n bell.
"There he Is. I'll go bail, said the
Sailer, and smite'iins a his h" from the
le.vbeard lie tunu'd te no.
In tlis eollapse of his better n.iture
8 te well whs afraid te meet Ketiella.
knewins well she would see tbieimh
"Don't trouble about me or mention
that .I'm l-ere." he -aid. nd pii-kini; up
his lantern he made a show of geins en
with his researches.
But at wien as the jailer had disap
peared he turned rapldl te the Deem Deem
tttr'e deer and hail opened it and
RteDPed out and closed it behind him be
fore the jiiler and r onella ( whose
voices he could heart had emerged,
from the forteullts Inte the courtyard. I
-""" Itvns done! T.lsht had fallen en h in
at )nt. New ne Knew hew Hessie C..1--Uster
wn te escape from t'nstle Kui-hen
But it was net enough that Hessie '
should escajie from her prison . she
must escape from the island nle; mil
te de be by means of the tegular steam
packet from Douglas te Kngland was
impossible Was this te be another and
till ureater difficulty?
The tide was up in the harbor and
the fishing beits were m.iktng reai'x
te go out for the night As Stew oil
walked down the qu.ii he saw n blue
coated nnd brass. buttoned elduU nan
coming up with unsteiuh steps the
-harbor master A sudden thought tame
te him. Why net b a tihins beat''
He remembered his night with the
herrings en the Governer's jucht. when.
' lying off the Carlinsfnrd sand. he had
Ben the lights of Dublin. Why could
Het a fibbing beat -teal awav in the
darkness nnd put Hessie ashore in Ire
land? It was thp very thing! Onl it must
net be n Castletown beat, lest she
should be missed when the (loot came
back te 'iert in the mmning. Win n"t
a Itamey beat. or. better still, a beat
from Peel?
After dinner that m 'lit he wn ke. en
the traveled terrace m front t the
house. The moon was shining in .1
pale sky nnd the bald ciewn of old Snae
fell lias visible through the m'itienles
trees. He drpw up en the snot en
which he had first parted from Fenella
'and n warm vision of the scene of se
many yenrs age returned te him Then
came the menierj of their Inst puiting
and of the scen lung words with which
be had driven him away from hoi
"But wait! On! wait '" he thought
He was satisfied with himself He
was sure he was dein; rijht He ph-ii
believed Ged was tislns him as an in
strument of His dlvltle Jlistlie, tn cni -.net
the infamy of the world by n si..
nnl action It wn one of these lulls
between the wings nf a fircunj stenn
which come te tin soul of man a well
as te nature
He was almost hnppi
Next morning under preteir nf -he
Deemster's fertinghtli Cour' at Pun:
laa and of linpertniit busnui-. t. de
bafere it, Stowell breaking; b the
light of n lnmp and the enuVn; of a
fit, nnd set out in his .ni fur I'eei
Boen nfter tl he was desiending into
the little white tishing pert that I ' tn
the lap of its blue cmle of sea w th
the red ruins of lt cathedral at its
4mt bthI the i?rern linns of l's iiiils lit .
hlnd it.
The little town Mas si ill h.ilf asleiqi
Middle-nged women were gutting her
rings from bnrrel te hariel, while bleed
ripped from their lueud thumbs ..!.
S een were baiting lnus with sliellli-h
I cadgers' cart were standing enipti mi
the feet of the pier, with their horses
heads in bags of ejis ami chopped h.-i
hundred fishing beats bv the qunv
itita tiAlr sntlu hiineliu' slnel: from their
(&' BBMtS, were Hwa.img te the eblilng nb
OJM an Irish tramp steamer, tne ii.nu
Yl O Cenner, was lazily letiiiig uewn 'no
:&. fleas under her blui U nnd led funnel
""""i s. . Hut nt the nlerliead i lese under the
.blind eyes of the utliedrnl there was a
scene of reul nvtliili It was the lish
-''auction for the night's catch The line
jfleneer, nn Irishman, was stnndins; en
a barrel, with a urele of lish -cadgers
'around him. and an empti s lil,e
a cockpit, in fient, te which the lung
hooted lishermaii, one bj one. with (
ponderous ngillt, were carrying speel
men baskets of herring and dropping
them down en the red Unas with a thud .
"New. aliitleiiien. hole's our last
chance of a hen ins this week We'ie a
rriUieus neeule in the Isle of Man nnd '
W.i' tern a wan mere will e get till lues-
, . j-- it
Vifitwell. who had drawn up his ear,
TmI was stsndlna at the back of the
was startled. Hew hnil he ceajj
net en' mi S.itunhi or s. ,, nx
V!ls this going te defe.it his plan
Tin. lish auction went en
"Vew. mill, what de ou s,i . f, n
in" isi fiein the Mnna .' I'h.in tin
slulllti' ' 'I hunk inn, Mr I'liiin' u
nn re.isi en tlilit tiM-V"
'Tlutii -sl." s.iid a ei.e ft win no
bni k of the crew d.
Stowell linked at the speaker II
was the skipper of ih,. Irish it. imp
sto.itner a grl77l old salt spitting t..
ba. co .mi', ft. nn behind a discebu. d
hand, and Iiiimiij rawil wilttm en
every line of his tin e
Turning awa. Stew oil wnlkcl sewl
te the 'tllither .elid of the tin . and is
slewh back njatli A m w solieine I ad
oieiiiiod ti him- something hotter than
it fishing bout, far better. lie was new a ej.
mere sure than eier that the Aluughtv
was using him for Hj lighteeus eud.
since eien his failures of inenier were
' helping him
H the time lie icturtied the iiiicti.m
i was ever The pier was empt aud no-
bed was in siht eeept the Irish cap
tain who was standing en the dei k of
Ills ship b the side of the cabin lotn letn
1 panien. After loekin: te light and left
1 Stowell saluted him.
' "Where are jeu going te when wm
leave Peel, liiptain;"
"Te t'astletewn. sir."
"And from there "!"
"Te wherever the dust (the mene i
leeks brightest "
I "May I come aboard, inptaln' I
have something te say te ou."
, "Shuro:"
After another leek te right and left.
Stowell stepped en te the steamer nnd
followed the tuptnin te his mblti.
' When he came en deck, half an hour
Inter, his face was flushed
, "Then it's settled, t upturn?"
"Tnke the world ais it's done,
sir "
1 "At what time will it he h.sh water
, en Siitida.i night''"
I "Klivln o'clei k. sir "
"You'll sail lmmedlatel our pas pas pas
potigeis i etiKi abeard''"
' I he iniiill tin Jiut feet en deck,
sir ' ..
"What about the l.iulier-iiiifier.'
"Hilii nnd iiu- ate nine us luethers.
"And the tuitike ''"
"Willie Shiminin'' He's get it petti
coat ut the 'Mum Anns.' "
"Yeu hae no doubt ion inn de It .'
"Hull a doubt in the world, ir
Stowell li.u k in his ,nr was diliins
n Douglas The .Indue had bribed
I blnckgiiaid but he was ull sure that
he w.is lining (ted's) eii ice.
(lull one thing umaiiie.1 te de new.
and ihieugh the long heui d" in mi
iiisn night he had thought et II H
was net eien enough that ltesie lel-
i.-tm. w ion i I'scane i reni ine i-uui1
tf si,., uerr. unt te be tracked
brought hail; it was essential tb.it m'
bedi should go with her. Who should
it lie? There was eiil one answer te
this question- .111. h mil
U.,l,l All, U eil'' ' lie llUs
ti.ite.l nnii ilece,ed a he lllltl been, if
i,.. ,litl net s,.e that he mut feigiM-
woman who li.nl tin id death ter him. i
mil sae her fieiu an unjust piuil-li- j
iiieiit. Stowell would fee! like taking I
hnil b the tlneat and heklug him
Hut would (Jell forgive him alse'' ,
I'lat was a dilTetetit niatter M' met
tlewed bnk. nnd he saw .igaiu the
tioice let luekeii . I ( at lit ' who had nun.
stumbling Inte P.nlluui.uir en the nlghl
.liter the adleuinmeii'. ilimg In the
tinmen! "f his l.etiaial "Damn him.
wlieeier he is '. D.itnii him te the deill .
mil hell"' , ., !
' Ne matt" i ' I must face it out. i
thought Stowell '
He must unite these two mimed I
, ties And peihiips soiue dm when!
he who gene fieiu the islanl, and
safi' in snnit. tetclsn teiiuiii. the M-
iiught.i would n Pi his a' t 'is a kind
nf lepar.itleii ami color up all bN
Mtet.linl wrotigilelng in the liuiciflll
eil which i (Seil's inemi't-i 1'nt me'in
tline he must go about fei a few diis
longer, a few dais after tedav. warih.
sicieth. uiisten and iiiisiiim' tis.1 b
anibedi .
De Yeu Knew Minerva? : -By j. p. mcevey
QO.MK ents age, Ventle or as In this
(iis'e, wild lender, It was the oii eii oii
tem for the village jokester te detain
ou en the street corner nnii iisk jeu
and the hostess nskn ou between the
first lump nnd the second If you ever
heard of Minerva,
"Minerva?" je repent, stalling for
In anxious tones as he fingered your tlnm. "Mlnervn. let me see.' If seems
lapel, "De jeu knew Arthur?" and m,
would sa. "Arthur who?" and he
would reply, "Arihuvmemeler (Our
And thou he would laugh n low
lage jokester laugh nnd pass
.inlll life
out of
until he thought up another.
sJ I
Ne. 172 A Vanishing Dluie
1 A dime Is wrapped in a handkerchief,
'from which it iiiimedlatel.i vanishes.
This trick is done seated with several
persons about you The left .leg Is
thiewn across the right knee, and as
ion. bend forward for every one te see
,,,! i the trick the right hand rests en the left
leg jusi nenve uic ireusiT ciiu wiuci
.inn haie eihiluled the dime threw a
handkerchief with '-our left hand ever
lour tight, which Is holding the coin
it., The lingers of the tight hand Imtnedl-
iiiei.v uiiqi i lie reni. ttiiii-ii inns nn,, uic
il,iireuser cull, .-sianu up mm ncicini 10
me ' j... i ii i.i..
Wlllll IIU coin III in, Hiiiiiinririiii'i.
When the e'eth Is unwrapped every one
Is surprised at the sudden disappear
ance of the dime, and its actual loca
tion Is noier suspected. ,
Cevvnaht. I"J.' I1 I'lihlir l.nlerr ("eni'iani
like (einels, lime definite
orbits. Most of them travel In
eclipses of twent) Jtyirs. And tuny
Arthur has come hack. Arthur who?
ArlJiurmometer. lie has n new nnme.
He is called a "nifty."
And what is the result? Dignified
men step eit en the Street today nnd
ask ion. "De you knew .luplter?"
and if inn sn ".luplter who?" nnd
who woudn't--thev'll chortle, ".lupl
ter knife in our pocket?" and prance
nwn in glee.
TI1K flappers are doing It. The sweet
.wiling thing peers from mil her nm-
I, .ts, in, In nf I ten fint ili.l tlllrl nsks VOlt
l.l .I'll .... F.r...,1. ..,,,, .. .. ,-.... ,
i I I !.. It . - liA.10.,1
III i 1, "-I II I iminiii'i ll ti rti in iiiu
of Hiawatha. "Hiawatha who?" you
inquire innocently, trjltig te icenll n
iiisue mental Impression of some fellow
tuinn il I.engwhiskers or Longfellow or
some! mug.
15ut lour musings are rudely shnt-
leied bv a musical giggle and the rnthcr
1 startling statement. "Illawathn goon
,glil till I met j mi."
I have heard et, Minerva. Just which
.Mlnervn de you menn?" And your
hostess, your stately, dignified, gracious
hostess, answers sweetly: "Why, Mln
civn's wreck."
I Can it Inst? Probably net. Let ns
I hope that seen 1 will be 'nble te meet
lien en the street nnd nsk you if you
knew CSladvs nnd ou will sny Olndys
.who? nnd I'll soy Oladys Zcllltsever.
Exceptional Value
A late model National Sedan, in perfect
mechanical condition, can be bought for $550,
National Moter Car & Vehicle Cerp.
675 N. Bread St.
Theio will he an eihlblttnn of swim-
mins and dnleg leulsht hi Hie members A
of the (Seimantewn Y W. ('. A. at the J ,
peel, .iv.ii i.irmaniewn nw'iiue iwen- wel.st offenders
ty-siv meunis nun iwe snver cups ,, Ye K , mnM ,.,,, r.,.fint
te be nwiilileil
N'D the ladles, ns some one has se
pllv said, bless 'em. They are the
Te he i out lulled tomorrow
'iglit ''.''. ' t' r'lil'm nil l.i;.-'
Executive Staff at Reunion
The feuith annual million nf the
oteeiittw s!aff nf the I tilted States
Vnwil Aircraft ractety which was at
League Island during the war was
held lat night nt the II t7-C.irttnn
Hetel Among these who .,ld iota ieta
liuseeiiccs of the rush dais in the fae
t iri wete Orsen Kilheru. of Vew Yerk,
rth ir I! .1 M.ile md ,l..hn K UfU
fnrd M .1. MiNam.ira presided tit
the dinner
a YeisCan I
UlUliJl' C3
bound !Vloe-f! 5caf ,
TOlliara liaraniLemiJair-v
J)29 Iterkel direct
Only One in Five
Is Safe
Can you afford te risk your teeth and your health
when the odds are four te one against you ?
That is what you are doing unless you take proper
precautions against Pyorrhea.
Dental statistics show that four people out of every
five contract Pyorrhea after they pass the age of
forty. Thousands younger also suffer.
Neglect Pyorrhea and it attacks the teeth below the gums
loosening them in their sockets until they fall out or
must be pulled; forming pus pockets at the roots. In these
pus pockets disease germs breed and multiply, poisoning the
entire system.
Pyorrhea starts with tender gums which bleed easily when
brushed. That is the first stage.
De net neglect this warning. See your dentist at once, and
start using Ferhan's Fer the Gums.
Ferhan's is the formula of R. J. Ferhan, D.D.S. Used
consistently, and used in time, it will prevent Pyerrhta or
check its course.
Use Ferhan's twice a day when you brush
your teeth. It is the only dentifrice you fi
need. It wards off Pyorrhea and keeps
the teeth and mouth clean and healthy.
Remember, four out of five contract Pyor
rhea because they wait tee long. Insure
your teeth. Buy a tube of Ferhan's Fer
the Gums at your druggist's today. 35c
and 60c.
formula tf R J. ferian ll a S
Ferhan Company, New Yerk
Ferhan's, Limited, Montreal
Vfr- "
st in
Don't Gia
Whatever use of Concrete
you are planning, the Port
land Cement Association
can, and will gladly, give
you absolutely dependable
information about it. We
will tell you exactly hew
te use Concrete te get the
best results.
This Association is the
joint research and educa
tional foundation of 85
manufacturers of cement in
the United States, Canada,
Mexico, and Cuba. It has
been carrying en this work
for twenty years.
Te keep its information as
full and serviceable as pos
sible, and te make it readily
available, the Association
maintains these agencies:
A research laboratory, mak
ing many thousands of tests
each year:
Many specialists in the dif
ferent classes of Concrete
work, who divide their time
between studies in the field,
personal counsel te users of
Concrete, and the prepara
tion of booklets of informa
tion en the many uses of
Twenty-four fully equipped
offices in different parts of
the country, te render prompt
service te users of Concrete.
Se no one need ever be in
doubt as te when or hew
te use Concrete.
All of the Association's fa
cilities are at the service of
the public without charge.
Suggestions as te hew they
may be made mere useful
te you are invited.
q4 National Organization
te Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete
Or Meinct
Ktnui City
Le. Ansel
New Yerk
(Portland, Oreg,
Salt Lak City
Stn Prancuce
St. Leuli
Vancouver, B.C.
Tw familiar tin -Ml
package with the ypl
low label la the only
form in which Fleiach
tnann'a Yeaat ia sold
fresh yeast
helps digestion and
cleans a coated tongue
THOUSANDS of men and women have found relief
from various digestive disturbances by eating
Fleischmann's Yeast.
It is human nature te want te find out "why." Se far
os science can tell us this is the reasen:
Fleischmann's Yeast is a feed abundant in certain ele
ments which are necessary te health and life itself. It
promotes the flew of bile and of pancreatic juice. It has
a remarkably beneficial effect en the whole digestive sys
tern. It cleans a coated tongue.
Try Fleischmann's fresh yeast in orange juice or, if
you prefer, in milk. Men like it in mill: shakes and malted
milks. Women like it spread en bread or crackers.
Keep your digestion in the pink of condition and your
tongue clean and healthy by eating 2 or 3 cakes of Fleisch
mann's Yeast fresh every day before or between meals.
Get Fleischmann's Yeast fresh daily from your grocer.
Qfe Most Beautiful Carinbmrlca
LJFarSk HhbbbbF mWOamalamkavSr4f
.V?hi Paige 6-66 Prices
131-lni'li tVliFrlliiiKf
10 Horsepower
Lakewood, 7-pan. Tourin.$2195.
I.archment II, Spert Type. 2245
Daytona, 3-pau. Readiter. 2495
Brougham, 5 pati 3100
Sedan, 7 pati 31SS
Limemine, 7 pan 3350
ieiv Paife H-44 Prices
llO-lrnli Mii-i-lliiiNp
An lliirni'iinwrr
Touring, S pan $1465
Spert Type, 4 pan 1595
Sedan, 5 pan.: 2245
Jewett 6 Prices
ll.-lmli NliK-lliune
At) llirnriiiur
Teurinf, 5 pan $1065
Sedan, 5 pan 1395
Pricei F. 0. B. Factory,
Tax Extra
Cord Tirei Included en All
uiee adds 6fflilesperJaur
te its Own Worlds JRecerd
25 Miles at 96.98 Miles Per Heur
Just one year age en May 18th, 1921 the
Paige Daytona Medel 6-66 astounded all motor metor moter
dom by breaking every world's stock chassis
speedway record from five te 100 miles.
, These are the most highly prized records in the
automobile world, for they are final and con
vincing proof, net only of power and speed, but
the mere heroic qualities, brute strength and
New since no one else has challenged Paige
has bettered its own mark.
Piloted by Earl Cooper, in a dash against time,
the Paige 6-66 Daytona Medel covered 25 miles
in 15 minutes 27.95 seconds en the Cettati,
California Speedway, May 7th a new world's
stock chassis record.
The old mark, held hv the Pn.Vn wna nt nn
average of 90.1 miles an hour. The trial was
officially sanctioned by the A. A. A., was timed
by its officials and the chassis -checked as
strictly stock.
!5iVie.5..ef lhese efTiciaI and recorded facts the
title, Master of the Highway," honestly wen a
year age, remains unshaken.
Call Spruce 1410 for our most convincing
proof a demonstration
LL1 MfflV R f
Paige Distributors
I Mil I -...- . 3
eatge Distributors i
' r ' ' ' ' , , ' ' -' n v
' u- -i
&.'wfet .fls i'..:
4'.C,iwit.. ,ti . ri r t J