F.r ' v ," -W n. "rt 'J vs J IT? d - f ? X I If. I w V I 1 . ' !. !! ..I -. I.. 1. 1 i I - ! - I lRlAA.CLUBrtAT: FrM.r Evrnln. Mny sn,.13 J rET Fnir Other Etitr limit jTEAM-ELECTRIC-HOT AIR BATHS . A OulCK piunBW in ui peel of clear runnlnn water ft brlnla mnssaRO )y a competent masseur IB minutes' rest and nu f"l a new man. CENTRAL Y. M. C. A. 1431 AKCII ST. DEVON HORSE SHOW andCUUINlKT rm TODAY -'tADMissiON'SOc i flfe tss 71 7ViAre m Suit te Order $35 te $50 EN who have had suits made t e measure here knew that our mtccess in putting A. C. RAND CO. before the public is chiefly due te the fact that we put the public before the A. C. RAND CO. ACRANDCOi Tailors te MEN Who Carve 1$4 Seuth nth St. One Doer Alievp Walnut LIZ", POWELL PICKED AS. STENTON MANAGER He Then Pitches Against Mount Canncl and Leses Decision in Clese Game by Score of 7 te 6 FLEISHER IS BEATEN 'V 5,000 More Mere StraW Hats $3 te $5 Values 1 "i&k Tint-root rtrnliM. fniirv Brown Rlraus. Nillt Ynrht. Herringbone Straw. enrpftlHl ntlUli Sennrta. neuili HcnnrtH mill ether. By WILLIAM S. DALLAS VA" POWMLTi. unit . bnnni, DltrllPP nnrl linalrntlinlt nln. 1.- ii ' ,l,.c,1 '"nnnger of tlte Stentnn Held Club. Powell mmle his (Hint In this rapncltv hi-t nlslit ulirn he en. P. , . . lM" """t CnrniDl tenm, but Liz mim ferced te boy te dcfent. The score wis 7 te (I. Powell It one of the IpndlnR pltehers In the Hcmlpre ranks. -He has been with Stenton for Knrn and twirled the MetiRt Aliy club te several pennnnt In the Suburban League. He Is iilt-e noted ns n engc player of no mean ability nttil lins (.ecu service with nearly every team In the Knxtcrn League. He illi! his best work with (ermanlewn when Dave llr-mita' tciini wen the LVlem Lengue pennant. He s also iiiemlnently Identified with ath leties i the 1'ennsvlvunin Ilallmail ami pltchiN for the Auditor of Uevinue iind is a member of the cbumpienslilp basketball live. Four inns secured by Mount Carnul in the opening fiamc icsultcd in Ston Sten Ston ten h downfall. Loese Helding with several tlmelv bits aeeeunted for the mmrtu of tallies. Stenton fought baik bind and took the lead (1 te fi in the -eventh. but the visitors wen the ball game with two inMhe eighth. Stenton euthit their opponents 7 te (1. Runs Stored for Week ( in Three Big Leagues NATIONAL LEAGUE lirenklyn ... Pittsburgh.. Husten Cincinnati.. St. Leuis... Phillies .... New Yerk . . Chicago . . . BM TW T FIS Tl AMERICAN LEAGUE SMTWTF8TI Detroit .... 5 0 71 71 23 Washington. 8 it 3 5 4 2:t New Verit.. 6 4 3 3 6 22 St. Leuis... 5 311 10 Cleveland . . 7 B 2 3 17 Athletics... 5 5 0 10 Ilosten .... 1 .1 0 10 Chicago.... 1 4 2 7 NATIONAL LEAGUE' PARK DOUBLE-HEADER PHILLIES va. BROOKLYN FIRST OAMK AT 11.10 I. M. Reals en Hale nt fllmKrfu' nnd Bpnlnlnir. INTEUNATIONAIi LEAGUE Syracuse . . , Baltimore ., Heading . . , Terente . . . Rochester . Jersey Clly Newark ... Buffalo . . . FTS NORTH PHILLIES WILL OPPOSE MOUNT CARMEL See what you can gel elsewhere bthte coming te our factory. There u no better way of learning hew much you can really save here unless you see what ether stores we getting for the same clothes. It's no secret hew wi de it, because you buy Salce Clethes direct from Factory Fleer. A single suit at uhelcszlc price. All-Wee! Suits 20 Fine tailored all-wool suits in Mrges, worsteds, hemespuns, tweeds, in sport form-fitting and censcrvatie models. Retail stores get $30 for these suits. $12.50 Beautiful shades, handsome new Patterns and every one beautifully finished. Retail stores charge 20 for the same suits. Ts- lnnrt 'EQ YeOif 7WM "iv urKMl.rl'i Fine silky mehairs in blue. Wack and gray, and also with "ripes. Silky soft fabrics. Beau "fully tailored. Retail stores arB0 $ie mere for these same litis. S.E.Cor.9th&Sansem Sprnnrl flnn 'Mthntr Agent Orderi Aeeptd "pen UnlU 3.50 V, St. Some Records Spoiled. A close fctutly of the box score shows that Mime tecerds were established. The I'ex Motorists traveled ever te "1" und Tiega streets and at the end of seven innings bad defeated Netuseme 10 te .'. The game marked the first rcverc of the season for the stocking makers. The. motorists hit the Tmll bind and Munzer pitched brilliantly. Ve was credited wltlMilneteen hit's. Anether club te taste its first de feat was Hill Shalleress Wlldwoed iiggieg.itlen. The ' Frnnkferd delega tion made n tilp cioss-ceuntry te Ed Lusk's St. Barnabas' aggregation, and the Saints loomed off with n 5-te-3 ! victor.. Pitcher Ilainer euthurlcd Peikins thiougheut. The feature for the winners was the plu.vlug of lee Begait. Tlie West Phllly llish lad sceied two i litis, rapped out n single and made two sensational runnlns catches In left field. The Seuth Phllly Hebrews suffeied their Initial leverse en the home gieunds at Thirteenth and Jehnsen stieest, against Tammiua. Kube Cham bers was en the hill for the Sphas, and was opposed by Dicksen. Bur nett, the visitors' second sneker, prac tically wen the game, lie accepted tluee great chimcc'i In the field, had two bits and two inns nnd knocked in four ethers. The Sphas hud homers by Hurmah und Eddie 1'iirrell. It was the fourth successive day tint t Farrell has made his Kuthliiu i up. I'leisher Upset The Tleisher Turners are going great. Hut they all get slopped oc casionally, and Inst night was one of these times. The North Phils with Sex Selbeld en the hill against Ocnc Iiurtett, conquered the downtown juni ors, f te 4. The Phils wen In the I eighth, when they tallied twice and la walk and balk were leallj respen sible for Bauett s undoing. Mc Neill and Iturrett, of Pleisber, each had four hits und the lesets had eleven safeties te seven for the winners. The Hatch Moteilsts and Niectewn plajrd n gient contest lit Tenth nnd Butier. and t lie shades of night saw the game a tie at ." all. Dick Flana gan had tbiee singles, and it iniiiked the feiuteenth siucessive nffalr that he I has bit safely for the moteilsts. Philadelphia Terminal hit the efTeilngsi of Weider, of Mnishall E. Einith. te all lemers of the Tenth and Butler stieet let and the stete bejs weie, beaten, tl te 4. The fans were tre.ited 'te n hnid-feught game, nevertheless., . which was featured by sensational work I in the field, neither team making an en or. Fine Hatting Practice. . Jehn Castle's Shnnnhan athletes en- iejed some line batting practice with the Harry A. Mackey politicians, and I when the gnme. or l.ilher siv innings, was concluded the figures read Shnna- hail U.'S mid Mackey 1. The sole tally I of the losers was a home run rap by j Sluutstep Sliejer in the final frame. Heist's hitting featured for Shauahau. lie bud a double, then triple and flu - ' isl.ed with a homer. Catcher Hurrig.m also had a four-base wallop. Bill Whitman gave Stanley Popo Pepo Pope i tnskl a j-huiife te show his wiues befme I Hiblesburg fans for the first time and , lie sceied u "i-te-0 victory ever the iJonevau-Aimstrong ndveitlsers. The I Wes Philudelphians bad their best line-up of the season, whldi Ineliideil I sucli plujers as Maui Ice Hath and Rube Ciismnn. The Seuth Phils put a step in the winning shmU of the Hairishurg Mo tive Power team, ! in II. The down town sluggers 8et 'e Uarneil In the first four sessions for e!ght I mis, which In cluded a homer hv Ilpwurd Lehr. The outstanding featuie was the work of Piunez, the new addition te the Seuth Phils' llue-up. He accepted seven chances without nn en or, two of which weie labeled for lilts, Spalding and Lehr featured In the batting. Dave Ileiinls' fleiniantevvn club suf fered its second defeat when the Cuban Stais wen, 10 te (I. The German (owners hit the bull ns hard us the Cubans, but tluee erieis by Third baseman Itatemuii put Pitcher Black in the hole nt the stint. Lit Itiethcis met Haiti am Park In the tiist home came of the store bejs 'and Bainey Slaughter's team was bealen -l te -. "Stew Huikiiess was en the bill nnd deseived a better fate, ns he pitched a game that would nrdi uaril.v win, bur his teammates failed te sujfpert him In the plmhes, MEDIA A. A. REORGANIZES Overbroek Team Will Werk Under Community Plan The Media A. A., with home-grounds ..1 IMti. ..I. .41. n...l rf. l.. .1 Lli.iitu l.nl.l j 1L I' II I "Illlllll nun WMi'lll rilli'lOi ii;ii i fi mmitlit!' Inst tilirtit neil i pnririinlpil. Hnrrv Weber has taken ever the busi ness management und the pluving cud of the club will be looked after bv Einie Latlb, an Overbroek bev . The business men of the settleii uic back ing the team. reur of last j ear's players hnve been lesigned mid with beveial new stats will form the nucleuu of u fast team te be conducted en the community plan. The opening. gaine under the new nr iiiiigement will be plujed loinunew aft ernoon at rifty-ulnth and Oxford streets, with Kluudcr-Welduu, of Jen Jen klutevvn. Hoever's Pres Have Open Dates J. JIumir'H Northwest 1'ren m In tlie (leht imiiln struni; uh fer unit ilnj lnr u iinlilliK .mn, Maniu'rT lluevu wrltm Hint tin liu Muy 27. - nail .10 (A. M ) open, He nlte wnnt e tia'jU twllliitit uunn'ii. Tlie Nertlitvcit 1'ies are v trttv.llnu teaui. An rircei J. Hoever, i'033 North American trcet, Telnhen Columbia 0000. Uptown Team Schedules Extra Game for Heme Grounds Tonight This is usually an off night for the North Phillies, but Manager Perry Heifsnydcr has scheduled an extra game for the uptown fans nt Fourth mid Wlngohecking streets tonight. The contest wns taken en nt a mo me meat's notice with Mount Canncl. The upstnters are in the city en n trip nnd decided te stay ever another day. While heie they lest te tlie Seuth Phils 4 te - nnd heat Stenton Field Club 7 te (I. Jim Clnncy will pitch for the North Phils. -ATall 3 BLOCKS Te and from your office. It'i Jait enough te utrctcli the klnk Meanwhile our enr'a taken ear of and rendv te drive right out and off when ren come for It. 25c a day GARAGE 1825-31 MARKET ST f.Vrfh M, btun JBth md IBtH SM ) WH Geed tailoring "reduces" one's age "Jenes knows hew te tailor smartness into a suit without overdoing it" is the admission of many of our customers. Just the right number of youthful touches give a suit an individuality that is mere than appreciated. W.S.Jenes, Cuttem Tailoring 1116 Walnut Street -.-. .-;? mra.' YOUR ROOF Hew is it? Need repairs? Want te knew what can be done te it and hew it can be done? s Then write te us for our interesting booklet entitled a Your Reef" e Mm frftjut n?i - "twBB(BJBHBB'" . sv-!WTi(ttttttttV.. Jr '7k rr-jrmmiZf' ' ..-. 1 1 ""iwir wT .r ! iii'' " 1 1 The Sunset It tells you about AMINCO built-up Asphalt Reefs. It will help you solve your reefing problems The Booklet is Free absolutely no obligation. Write today, or Telephone, Tiega 8700 Jhmican -irjrrHVvannjgBMKHKMBMtiMitMHHBatMKlBHBUIiBHBP Rebert! Ave. and StakUy St. Trousers n Specialty BIG GAMES FOR P. R. R. Mitchell's Travelers te Play Lincoln University and Morten The P. U. H. Travelers bnvc started te book the best teams of the city for twilight games. Next Thuisdny they nluv the Columba C. C. at Frent and Perter streets. The Travelers-will meet the Lincoln University at Lincoln I'mverslty, Pa., tomorrow and travel te Morten. Pa., en Memerial Day oftcineon and play the Morten-Rutledge team of the Inter Inter Inter boieugh League. They have Sunday and Memerial Day morning open. The pitching Is taken cute of by Angle Wasnecki, who had a fine record with Fltler and Scats Roebuck, The receiving end is handled by Heck. Twilight enmes with Jack Hincs Old Timers, Delce, Legan A. A.. Mcr- III A. A., Prnnkferd Yellow Jackets, Media A. A St. Columba C. C. and Stnnehurst, are solicited Address W. IJ. Mitchell. 2517 North Tvvcntv-scvcnth street, or phone Dia mond 8104, In the evening. d'l ill1! I ' aH I III TENNIS ACCESSORIES In a very complete Una jLaLXx Geed Gelf Requires Geed Clubs Here's a Set for $13 Complete with fult-lze CAnvfta nnd leather bag and Ave clubs. Trice up te 1103. Geed celters Alse wear the correct clothes Oolf nnd Spert Suits 121'. 30 te $33 00. Gelf yPECIALTY Shep 40 Seuth 'ijrn. in 13 v. 13 tft St. A FEW DOORS ABOVE MARKET Vfc Price Sale FOR THREE DAYS ONLY Saturday, Monday, Tuesday Visit our new store and take advantage of prices here tofore unknown te Philadelphia. A style and size te suit everybody. Spert Medels, Conservative, Jazz in single and double breasted models. Tweeds, Blue Serge, Worsteds, Flannels, Herringbone in all the leading colors. Seme of suits have 2 pair of trousers. 22.00 New 1 1 00 25.00 New 12.50 30.00 New 1500 35.00 New 1750 40.00 New 2o!eO .45.00 New 22.50 50.00 New 25.00 Open Evenings Until 9 P. M. i The Sunset $2 tla !., 'WvT I t" ik l-rt" United Hat Steres.inc 1217 Market Street OUR trade mark stands fer: smart and conservative styles; up'te-date materials; low est prices; highest values Loek for this trade mark in the crown, of your new hat Like a certified check it assures you against less , .$185 $245 $275 $345" These prices are possible only because we sell direct from factory te customer Leghorns $3.95 Panamas - $4.95 The latest caps $1.45, $1.95, $2.45 The Comfert A featherweight field $3.45 GOOD WEAR OR A NEW HAT! Hiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii 'Jfie Bfiffipl Hiib'ililillij) i w. H 57: Ae( '5S 'Qc? 9& .0.5 p off- PURE PENNSYLVANIA MOTOR OILS and GASOLINE ft9& CREWLEVJciT h "iMsWBBBPBBBMMHMl UheHalfYearfy Clearance Mens 1 & 2 Pr. Pants SUITS At Drastic Reductions Our entire stocks are embraced in a sweeping clearance that has made the HUB famous for it9 bona fide- sales events. This year this sale is creating even greater sales records than ever before for such wonder ful savings are absolute ly unusual right in time for the DECORATION DAY HOLIDAY. . TSmSSBmEsSW? pKf This Entire Four-Story Buildin Blue Serges Spert Medels Worsteds Mixtures Tweeds Hemespuns M Frem " $18 $&$ H eh m Frem $22.50 fQSO famR Redsced m Frem $30 ntse WMSt Redacei Fret $50, $45 d $40 is devoted exclusiveli MEN'S CLOT HING AND RNISH INGS. Just a few stepsV. c Market St. makes a big 8avirtv; in our rents and this big saving is re flected in our always low prices. Come in new and get te knew THE HUB you will find it pays te walk a few steps off the high rent district. I .Ti 1 I'li'M: ml I I K kiwi 'I r- Hi Hub The Stere of Standard Merchandise and Standard Valu 25-27 North 13th St. Obcix Every Evening Slarm CimJm.. A-4 ? . dl J -Xrffl m iVTi ki I f'y r sie vA i s. 'm IIIIIIIHipillllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllWH ' v 1k U t V,.'t 1 i', iizm-ns .;!... rf-,.wrl,U.' A... . T, 'M&tA .efM;, "MtimAi t4ti.!ia'vr.njtsa,'-j Lit fryaJUW.vfiafrir- t.. T taiv. j twtf mmmmmmmm r . ..' .if