5' r'Wi-'yisntt r7? v&" iG?JSQ 'wm " ; w 'WJMWlJt VAi 1 Vr r ? WW 7 v i""' a r H - - U 1 ! , ,i Vu V rffisfflitir. ff AT. . -T.ll v xv s IV r 'All T" r, i ' r M & ' 'J V' jvr' j EVENING PUBlLIe'EDGER-PfflLADELPHIA, FRIDAY, 3IAY .26, 1922 53"m'1 "J trjnri ,j.Wt. ."Fl m W' I u" , f Phillies in Slump, Drep Ninth Successive Game ilEPHK, .y IS IRV WILHELM fFW May Happen In Baseball ;,3!KIERREIURNS Today's Independent Games pluble Reverse, With Five pitchers en Duty, Shows Lack of Geed Hurlers l f'lnh New I erk . I'KJ.hnrrli M. I-nula . I C hlrnrn , . rtm Innatl . I Urn! klvn . linetnn . , Phillies . NVTIONAI. I.KAM'IJ WITH BECOMES NETTLED fi-i... am frtin mn lnnf It .... fr vi" inlullt be tlOPil W. 21 !! 10 in in n K II I,. 12 1? in IB m in 21 p.r. Win .nin .(ii; .nsn .(.ti ,i,efi .. .mi . r. 1 1 ,M0 .f.311 .471 .iHB .nn .in .4WI 1bii t.itn .1H7 .11)1 .1111 .B41 M8J t.til f.cse Xplll ' uin .100 .487 .4RH .1S1 AMKKff'AN I.K.UIITI: .Huh V. !,. p.r. Mln I.ee New Yerk 2ft 14 .011 . . . HI. Leuis z it ,(,(MI nil letrelt 1 17 .nil ,f,2H Athletic in 17 .4Hfi ..100 riereland 17 20 .411) .171 Mashlnftten 17 21 .447 . Bosten It 17 .4X2 ,ln viiiruan , . ; -i ..in.' ,1011 nlnre for (feet " miRiit ni n-r.i i nlpl,rne of rtrl,U Henry's I ,,- MVn te. lnse (no, INTERNATIONAL l.KAOttl W, ,"0O .171 .147 17I TO OPPOSE DQBSON Millwerkers Have Shown Con siderable Improvement Since Johnny White Toek Charge SPHAS PLAY OLD : TIMERS W. I. !. i . nnvnni r c 'rrlnic mldrc Imrk In the dnjn of the iColntleii lth IrvInK Wllhrlm. mnn- "' . .1.- Ill.llll,a In tllP RtlOilUcr 8 jlftr 01 i- I It"" .. ... .1.1.-11 .. nt tlin iMterdn? Wimnr ihiuim-h .-... tvQl u.1 .I.Ib mii.iiln fa w 1 battel "nn niuiuiin " " '& In tlie StotFeii Hospital with n frtrturni "" Ternntn. HutTnle, I.. !.t It .094 NmntM in In 21 14 ,(M7 Rrmllmr. 17 21 21 in ,ft3 Jirr. Cltr in 22 17 18 .4(10 Newark. 12 24 P.r. .417 .447 .401 .3.13 YESTERDAY'S RE8ULT8 NATIONAL 1,i:(llT. nrenklTti, 7i I'hllndflnhl. 0 inrnt (tame), llrenklyn. 01 1'hlUdn.phla. n (wremi Heme) 1'llli.hlirrh. Ti l I ...!. 1 . rhlraRQ. 2 ritirlniiiitl, (mlleil end nf I for , KlVhlll. PAIN nt wn.t.A. AAAH VBM. M.t4 1VI1 . . ... ...p. .... ..if-, nnvim n....' ini... Sllvpr-thntrliPi! Hrln T.erd nnd h!i Clit'fpr tpnm, who were the princlpnls In n llfp-sVed riot en their Inst up up ppnrnnce In thin eitv InRt Tnesdny night whpn thp.v plnjed In Hrldcsbnrg, nrc hnrlc ngnln 'tills cypnlng for nnellirr tvlll(lit rntenntpr. On this oeonolon tlipy will jennipy te Hnst Fnlls nnd take en the J. nnd .T. Ilnben tPntn. Thp tnill-werltrri hnve cenir te the Mme .lehnnv hlte iiKsumpd the nne nt Ivp nitrhers used b. Wllhelm .ipsterdny In nn effert te 'Ma the rii'iii"? I""-,"1 """" :. . CiM the 1'lilh in I8t p uue. n W'.'?..i i.i. I....1- nfier Hull wns tnkiMi K in the field, nnd didn't de se goon, iik. Mirhih sirniEiii. mm iu-i. In the second rentpst Stnnnv Hniiin ';... ..na itIvpii n ehnnce te dlplnv ?." i.pfnre thp home folk", nnd ii of jere he fnllcd t" cvph show tlnshpi Sfnrm. He wns sticippdpd h HiipI nnnpfl rnln). l!nten-Nfv Yerk, net srhednlttl. amkkicav i.iaenr. Athlrtlp-notten. nnttienrit, rnln. nelrell. 7i f ipirliiml, 1, .. New erlt. lit Uashlntien. I. Chlrntce-St. IxjuU. rnln. INTERNATIONAL I.KAflCB Rciii'lnc, 2 Nennrk, O llnltlmnrc. Hi .Iprurr tlty. B. Hirnruse. Bi Terente, 4. Itethditer.IlulTiiln, net schriliUeil. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION f form. He wns snrippepu n muck tnimiiip, hi Celumhu. 2 (0 Innlnen, fuin nlie suffered some, nnd then' rnln). . Mi.ST. .. ..e tjn.li ..I,.., MllttiinW 4t hi. rani. 2. Lcftr weinen. .; " ; ""' '"' MlnneiipelU. Ot Ki.n.n. rily. B. irlrlM Mlriv rii ni n n- ..... .... ... imiinnnpniiK-iei A. iast part of the spceikI chnptrr. tint tee, went ns n les, milking it .i. .(rlt)il rpVPrSP). rnrnn). P8' '. C, l.L C2..1lt... a. ..I Va. ft.luin. T. kn 4n nnA 1 ...J .1 PllltO. JUnK. DIIIIlll. fllliunn nun - ' .f...-.... .. ..........vntit. . M.t-...uu lilfcidevfH remnJn te fnee the "vr "ether Mn pe-ttxinefl. litters in HIP HUUim-nrum-in u run u fcr this nfternoen nnd tomorrow nftcr iL. nine nnd SullUnn worked en rWfduCtlav nnd ennnet be expected te .im.rh h'eferp tomorrow. IMnte is nn- ,trM is a stnrter, and thnt leaes I.ec HMQOn "" i''iin- kj.n..... IN BlK Chang What stalled te be nn auspicious Rien for the I'hlls tins ilpgenerated Inte one of the debacles that hn.e Hern (ommen here for many jenrs. The pitch bi cracked nnd the bntters fnlled te it when hits nre needed. With thp Olmts following the Dodgers, Wllhelm wltl net hae much chance te check his IMIK'CU mini uuu mi luviu .ii i..i. or a cemetMCK. Rpn tiemers were mnee .csicruny, rllch keens the daily record for the tMMn iP te snuff. Knp of the numbir we made bv the isiteis. High, Mrers. De Herrv. Jotinsten and neat ' attacked out the four-ply shots for Ueh- ' ', Mc' men nnd .Tat k Peters and Leslie ': Ad the clubbing for the Phils. Trenten Parkinson led the Phils nt i Vtat with (he hits for the two games. Joiniten, the veteran eutnemer et hip Dodgers, made six during the day, in- , dudingjhls homer. , The Athletics had a dny off jpster- , it because of wet grounds, but will Ii Ht started tins afternoon, vying with I 'the Intercelleglates nt Cnmbridgp. Cen- nit will prebabl use l.ddip uemmel ',tbti afternoon se thnt he can take the , bei atain en Tuesday when tie A's )Wttbe 1'nnks at the Pole Grounds. ( The lanks without Ruth slammed I otUeruns In the seventh and eighth tilt gave mem a victory ever xne acn acn iterl. -Phillips hurled well for the Senators, but Het hurled a little bet ter and kept the Grlffmen nwa from ' the sacks in the Inter pnrt of the ' fame. The Thiers continued their streak of lindinj Trls Speaker's team n reverse with Stann fVele.Mp en the mound. Plllette, one of Cobb's sensational youngsters, wns the winning hurler. In the Nntlenul. Alexander nnd Denehue henkiil up In n twirling duel tbit lasted for eight Innings, eu Ii nl nl leilng two runs when rnln Intervened in that frame. Imllnnnpnllft-Tolnle, rnln. SOUTHERN I.KAOVK tliittanneni, ,1 New Orleans, KSrKRN l.KAOVR Wnterbury. Hi Albnn, S. PltmneM-New Ilium (rnln). UlirlnrHrMiI-llnrtferd (rnln). rltrhlmric-llrlilRrpiirt (rnln). 1 (nmt TODAY'S SCHEDULE national i.i:u;n; llirnklyn nt I'lillmlrlphln (Inn snmr). ChlciiRii nt Clnrlniiitll (tun tunri), Morten at New lerk, I'lltitburRli nt M. I.etiI,. AMERICAN I.EVfiUK Athliilrs nl Hetlnn. (Irtelnml nt Detroit St. LetiU nt ( MrnBO. Miuihlniiteii-e lerk. net lirduted. INTERNATIONAL I.E OUK Nrinirk it t Headlnc. Jersey ( Ity at Unttlmerr. ReclieitiT Ht llotTale. Srncune-Torenio, net erheduled. niinngpiupnt und hnve luindexl three of the lending tpams, including the Cuban I Stars, n sctbnik. The fans up In the "111m figure thnt Dobsen hns come Inte its own nnd with Crnnsbnck nnd n new pitcher from the West showing form, should be nhle te held ItR own with the best clubs. Mnnnger Lord will In all probability usi- Wild Rill Picrsen, the former Mnckmnn en the hill, and he will still hnt n couple of stars in leservp In .Tehnn TJarker and "Hedn" Mngulre. Clinrlpr nnrker will be behind thp bat. Mnnnger White is net decided en the Dobsen battery. Mnrltey at Shannlian Mm key plnjs Shnnnhnn nt I'oitv I'eitv eighth nnil Ilrewn streets In n return game. Peth clubs hail from West Phil ndelphla and luue bein plujing a series. Shnnnhnn hes the better of the games te d.ite nnd .Tehnnv Cnstle expects his nthletes te ndd nnether te the right side of tlu ledgpr when he mei'ts Innngpr ii hi urn h nine, i.erty Mejii will be the Shnnnhnn hurler. Ijt Bretliprs, whlcli opened the sea son ns e home flub, Int night nt Iinrtrnm Park, will plnv en the same grounds this evening, nnd with the same team, The enlv ehnngc will he thnt this Is Knrtrnni Pnrk'n home con test. Ilnrne) Slnughter, of the store nine, will give Chnmplen n chnnce en the hill with Kpphnrt behind the bat. The Donevan-Armstrong Advertisers nn nlse nt home with the Mndisen Stnrs. The colored bejs, gnve n geed account of themsehes Inst vear and hnp just started. Thpy pxpect te Cheater r.t J. J. Dobnen. Thlrty-flf th 'and llroeltiyn' Royal Giant nt llaltlmnre Rlnelt Het. nnltlmere. ,., . Cuhtin Htara at Wttdwend, Dlttmnn and Wakellnc atreet. .. .. , B. II. Stern A Ce. nt .Monotype, forty ferty MtvenUi ami Hprtire xtrert. . . ,,, ., . Fe Moter nt Merrill A. A., Thirtieth nd Columbia aenue. . Puritan at Mtmielinnit, rerry-nlnth nd Walnut street. , . , Philadelphia Termlnil nt Flolsher.Twenly Flelsher.Twenly Ixth and Ked IreflH. Illlldele at ITeru-elalith Ward. Twenty- flflh and Snyder aienue. I Knle hllka at Senlh Phlllle. Rrend and niilrr street. . . Madisen Htara r.t Donmnn-Armstren. fi.rtr-nlnth nnd Unlnnt -lrrl-. fc. llarrv A. Mackev Club at Hhnnnhan. Ferty-elJthth rnd Brown street. Lit Brether nt Iinrtrnm Park, Fifty fourth nnd FJmwce nenne. ..i..h Wllmlnxten nt Ht. teliimln. Twentyfenrth nnd Allegheny avenue. ... u Mennt Carmel at North Phillies, Fourth nnd Wlnft-oheeklnc slreets. .,.h . Old-Tlmern at skiIIi Phllly Hebrews. Thirteenth and Jehnsen street-, .,,., phla Title eml Tnut '"v.HeilItnte Title nnd Trunt. Fluliteenth nnd R""'"nd,flj Notional Hank nd Trust lniniellrard National lltnk . Mn h Ntllennl Hank. shlltn Park. . . .. a ihiiruiinhii Nntv Yard lineup I', s. M.fln,. . ir. H. Relief. HI5 P. M I.enirue Islnnd Navy lord. . Pennsylvania Rnllrend Oeneral nfflce lysnriiiv nllf . Mo(le Pnner. lerty- fourth nnd Pnrkslde nteniie. mill tlm Advprtlscrs te their list of vic tims. Other West Phlllv contests are: L 1. Stern & Ce.. nt Monotype, and Purltup at Stenclnirst. Then Downtown All ill.. Iilo- Ivnmi nre tdnlng down- inun ilrent pxclteinent Is exneitcd in the vicinity of Thirteenth nud Jehnsen streets, where the Old Timers meet the Seuth Phlllv Hebrews, in the opening game of a series te settle the cliani ninnshlii of Thirteenth nnd Jehnsen. Records were made last m-iimm when the i.niiif! dubs clnRhed nnd should happen again. Jnik Hlnes has n new i dub within the past week, it ml expects te lower the colors of his rivals. Mnn ntrnr Ciittllph leeks for nil ensi Welery. The Seuth Phils meet nnethtr linrd r.... I. I.A tnvtn Allies. Mnnnepr Ril- 1..- II. .... J4.p," '" . " H I .1-1-1. I II... .In. n.l mnni hltr Hlnte llllll II i inn.ii;ii ,...... .-. m...... tennis nt Hroed and'Higler streets this1 week nnil nil hnve been ninene the ten- netchpifl. The Se have a number of former big league plners in thdr line up nnil their retold for the Mnen ii nmnng the best of up-State nines. The Flelsher Mirncrs who nrc trn cl ing nt n terrific pnee. take en Dick Smith's Phillv Termlnnl Inns The Ynrners drenncil a close 3-2 contest te Smith's team nt Pottstown the ether Sunday nnd me nnxleim te een the score. With 15111 Gruslmber or Hubcr en the hill agninst Heb Dnvld or lMdie Uarie'-s, the downtown fans should wit ness the best game of the season. All records for attendance nt PlpMiPr wpre broken In their lnbt home gnme en Tuesday night. t Scraps About Scrappers Many Ilniilm. r Wllmlnaten. will hne In opportunity tnnlRht te ndd irreath in all triiljd in a bout wllh Plot Hebln, of Btitlum, but It i a .tnuxh Baslgnmini for Oil Amtrlenn Thev meet In the star bout !t the fambrlH. Other numbers Matly moil, of HnBlnnil ns JImm McOeveni nmy Hsnlnn m Prankie Scarp Frankle Wlf v E.MIc Dempmy and Al Markle fa. Jehnnv Adams IiImt Burns Is as ger as the preverbhl R'l'.H" mn Al Verbpcken was "tricked ZL. i ln Iwhnlcally knocked out hv Vln SiSJ. '"??',? t ft1 Atlantic City last Mendas ,HS.L .'"n'1 Vcrli lien's Icks were all i?l ln ,h" lower repi hhvh Burns i ..Vn l.hr,"B a nnw'Pnper Inte th S. Ln.eft'.L'C0 i,arr Krt'e thought It S..iSwe1, 'tierebj utepplnc the (entest piimide a mistake, but he wouldn't admit , &&' T't!a,n!!c'' V$ E& Wn'wfi'iT "r!11 lr"rin'illht! 1IUI m.M "u Vi"1? re,,n. Mnx "'llllannen SitehSS'Lih. . , ' enarl Yeunic .Moffo Is fik r?iiUUn I,'l nrc. Terry Jen. a face. fci ?l h V.'ii. Ci,-RrlHlr 0reen "iKn' th ww nn hranklt Kramer. rrVti hn.en.,J.ttn'nJ!.. .wn Tendlei and Kr,Cbou7,,",n''"llfernla. llJhtweUht" ha wen .iBnSU1M" ". '" """.. ilt'featlnK Eddie temi MiiPnh. ii '"" 'l'n "ene und -?.X. lur.lh He meets Jee Tlpllti and ill if.Li.'..m ":r." Je InckHeu ink-a nn lUmure, J', ,;;"" l,;t"-KI) ane tackle. rBtnrneenn,'.1i,'ri.nf ""'"mere Is mat. bed I .,,"lee ntt tin meets Ail Hlnn l,. i vh "?,xl .MeiiUa nlKht Kay 1 NOru-lk Vmn ..Al. . i.. SSSnSjre-il,"!.. "-' -K- round," wi I Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos u led in Chesterfield are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any ether cigarette at the price. t Ltggttt & Mjtn Teiattt Ct. JkMBlR Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestictebaccos blended jH Ufi t nii"- i id.Hw jEmmSis. jm Msst Txssamw kmkWmmmMMMimmmmmmmmm LWwMmmmMmii mmwMmm 0Hn 1 -i- HI III - mm M. WM Awzm&w -x.'Zk. ? 11 WZH kWWZOBl. WZ?m 11 5V. 2z2 TvtJk. f,M w Wk IPC !l Wk WA mfclMmmmk Wk ml mm 2w tmWi tw n-n wjm in m wjm mum wm$ mmivmm xzi Wb OtM Jtmm Hur 1m W' RH51 JFmm9 .aiitfWkahi ajaajMHBaaa wmm mmm. pafM siiaa afavaw. i MTiWS iifAm mumi mi IM liiii wA I il fl I'QSNKI HI 7A 111 n . Iffmllt5 ?-JtJlBlIlllBi-llBsi Ilvll mtMl m m iEmiii-rmiJiy I I yyyv , .aaaaaw ...aifliiiiiiiikk .a. m mm& m mmz m, e m h ir tmr vm mm mm. TZZZi fy. 11 kSSfk MffiA &mfei W& IB 11 l-JPl $ 1 for $25, $30, $35 and a a a, a: R,'im.,nPri1l,','lt "Jrtner fr fSf iMIJ.1" """Jp null r at lim.r will P. for lln hine lock Demnsei. i rep for hlni- no cinch with :iller a .ii iuh m.i' ii ' n"" leniln' nlslit I Willi,. ..'"""'! .'" Mllier-Mtene sal- Kfilv.u;,."" "?.. ""ini.tMRl te tha Johnni E!pih- iH'v7.?i,h.,.n,v..l:w,! aSG,""-' and Hebby WeUa.t"H JHr."' A lJ 'r,1.hn.. n.hel nl ., (ln4 -?',' rSTlenaV 'in ''""..'".Ll'V.-rbeu, f Kd la ii,n.. ".".. """""iv nisni l.toenny riavli. V. ii'. V"1 "ex Al cenwm Ij"1" Iren, ,."" , Rkrt !" A(l Muriel liii. and K fi l ill"1 '! ,,fr w'h Kb fWth JpS Urewri '" kUe "n "''I''"'"' .fyAfL A' YAK fn if 11 1 U "iW 31te35S.13thSt. Kid en VArtl r-fin in hni i.. .-.."" . """'""IKIH. H ffjium dni ii.'i." """" "i hi" own mm 'PeunderJ" V." i' own '" ."l"' ny nf th. .Macf v,. "mi 1 1 IHc PI lllie UBhtwelBht. Is the l "neon uin, ' ,"k '" M:'rlS'nB out every wy flu,, ,- """""y .MLiee( IVi 105 nnd f thViSmrrJ?.l' """I""" te let en it anv ... "" '"'"- lie lira h.n ir.. ,A .A AlflO pMt faun' '. ,,e '" heen .n"d "'3..,l "'I,"! Allentown. and I" box nt l.nncastur and Yerk . Jleln Ittie; .' ?f.'n"et Is hulnir lrnhl ...n I ?iX"'lliS,,ten'm',.''Curf",0i:-Jlhtwelht. la : noun ifru n ': '""'. ,or meicnes witn ib0u iihtiin'r,.,hRlliI?.,M www'y "' Mervien Will Run at Latonia j!?C"e1B'ril!'"InJ'V . IMh-nrl Mat. fc11 Cljb nn,r,nBr,r . "' Kentucky l',"g .Sfi " "i"1" "need hei en hla return V..?"Jmln iini,'"t '"' "" lhB """ranee Jf.llucfty iv,rh,v0c., "" ner of Mer Ich, Ibe '" he 1i) eun nn;r', ,,mt Mervlch will JL' Mtc.1 l.i,,ninHi,e.c R1 ,l"c? ""'' 'he tin . "ltmV;VnnJa01)yub'!,' ',"0"", WhUh ' 'iA"0ther Knockout for Martin & TVn'a ,'.,ftVfc? -e.b R-rtln. LXs 'cored hli ninii .;?Y1W0,?nt enain Cs? "hen ift .ir.ln,!.y"V,.h knoekeut laat ?"! third round'S?'. 8l"2r.,J"1 xfen l!h. i?.."1"1 f ached ud ten. round k1b ..,7:JUJW.'. dropped threa times (hind SS2.i2..in tP third before fOBill. punc,t "ptd hU for-th TODAY and TOMORROW Men !5 SPECIAL FOR TWO DAYS ONLY! i8 OXFOEDS $ HIGH-GRALlE CALFSKIN BLACK, BROWN, TAN iVI IV! ! ve dollars hasn't bought such Oxfords since Mr. Man. before the war! These Oxfords are guaranteed Regular 98 Quality through and through! Come and save $3 in hard cash. Take 'em home if you're net satisfied they're real $8 Quality Oxfords come and get your money back. Opportunity knocks! Immediate action necessary TODAY! AND TOMORROW! eyal Beet Shep i i mmiMUmmMmuwreA men mm 31 te 35 Se. 13ST. Yesterday I told you why my phenomenal record-breaking Sale last year brought me hundreds of new and permanent customers. History repeats itself, hence I am again of fering the smartest $25, $30, $35 and $45 Suits at the remarkably little price of $20. Toe many te describe except that I am including all nationally advertised lines including i 'Styleplus" Vogue" Cortley" 'Newport" and my own popular hand-tailored crea tiens. Every wanted size. This is unquestionably the biggest sale of Spring Clethes of the season a real opportunity for you te get the smartest suits you have ever seen at least a full third and maybe a half lower than you will pay elsewhere. Every one of these suits is a won derful bargain at its regular price and at $20 it is the greatest money-saving opportunity of the year. Alterations at cost during this sale Ne C. 0. D's. Xe Mere Than 2 Suits te a Customer OPEN DAY AND NIGHT . -. y '. tX .n-r"Flt BUI I ill III ii HP 11:1 H n Baaaf BaU 6,000 Odd Pairs Pants for work or (liess. Eei conceivable pattern nnd fain w. and from which you can nuitch nn suit. Pants that were 8, $7, 8 and S10 new marked at Sl.fifS. f" fifi, $.T 6t! and $4 66 Chester Stere, 3rd & Market St8. Wilmington Stere. 824 Market OPEN EVENINGS Cf i , Uendar Mid Friday Till Cl.eli I JU Saturday TIU 10 o'Cleeli New store- 1215 Market St. 24 & 26 S. 1 5th St. $40 II I $20 I -" 'ifx&bStr.. iff, aafaaaal mWaSk e Smart p M YM "Styleplus" i ...H VHR. Medels 4 ' rM j9b1 ,?k jm. S,S-STi. ff --Otaaaal jB1IH fl JgjHI II - Ml . iKmt lepiBgipflH I'll 901 &3Iii9BHafigI& l-if Mr- BBBBBB" II si aaalTM 'S,x'SsiJSmmv1tiK'ni.. iuhk-'u HeTV EftlSmwpSf wlffi I I liff ilBS- WP' It 111 f"lit fj I I f I'll M $1.66 M .Jl I and up mm B! '"'BaMkBBMMsf"f."fJi"BMM V V i'liiBll 111 MliflHr5 ' illalilP u 1 m:ss-s7mm .mwyzymw Mmmmmr mm , .rT,&Fjmmmw LmtSSSSyjrsSTnLLLm LLTSSSS'SS.dkL- Lm IVT .alaltttttttttB r ' v, r .Jm S "iiiiii il k mmWr': "mJ V r; ?' :i if fl I l Vest : t3 ' H s mmWmWimmw0 HHiiiH PS ) "ssaiaiiais."" :I7Ti5iuvfTW .tk yn!,I.IIIW ' V. ri "j. Nwu.j'i .M' .. . .. i ifr.,, i i-fA.. rtv vl.'. .5.ttLMaiu '. ffyx u. A...?- AjJSL&L Jfa . iA. - .."il iivf -.V? ' ar.ii a Ct fwii.s,usa . ...... . w.r.v Af'. . ... I i, l - -T .' ..." .. wi.j.jfvr- if , X I ImlL.: ,,, . ... JV . -i . ,.n . .' u. ..itiQvc akiAk g """' "-' .'Trttai4 -1 .- ijjtf.j -fi'Mi',T I